MI5DF0UD MATL TIIWUNE, MICDFORD, OIMMOX, THURSDAY, DKCMOMIiKR 28, 1011. PAGTO TTTRNE THREE TWINS I PLEASING SHOW Miss Hiitchcson MakM :i Dccliloil lilt As Kuto Armllnno Frank Wade Finds Matty Old Friends In This cityt ..... . A liiiftn limine liirutnl out to fc Hi "Tliii'i.0 Twin" Iiim uiitlil, lii'ciui t Ihcy IdirtW till' iirn iniuio -mill 'a a p.nod one "TIiioc Twlim" hit- lnui lime boloic, wild pii'llv inMiriM' jimlly lil, kikiiI iii'Iihk iiuti mi 11 ' toi'OSlilltf plot. Last night's I'A! hum -iiiniulnl ill(Tcrniit I'liiiii Hm himi IiiM mm'ii llOIH llllll, ill HllltlH I0NM'C, IllUlIt III I lor. Tlit' iMtil uf KhIu Armilnici- v..i played hv lletllllihi lliili'lii-siiii, Jt is niiit'li stmilKor in I In- mill ilia lin 1 linlv iiii'inlhif imi in tin' li.iiinr ttusl. ,Min llliii'llisou j iiiiinii;; (lie liil lidit opera MURcm mi lin' Ant ri nun stauc Iwtay. In tlm purl of lin "Marry Willow" in I ho optra of tlul iiiiini' she was I'oiiniili'U'il hv talini critic In iitutiy t'l'xpri'lt. tlm In-4 sinner mill nolle t hit t liml in ili'r liikoii llio imil. "Three Twn- " doesn't i(' SHnm Itiiti'lii'Hon mi up pot tntiit v. Tlu ptuv wa nru-imilh intended fur eomedlniis mill tlii purl oj' ICnlii AniiitHKo wiim inih n ip iMiiliiiL- character. Mi lliitrlu'ton however, make Hit1 imrl slnnd out. Klin Iimh mi I'Miclloiil voice ami mok wlth the skill of an artist. Emily lluiko carried off llio hon or n a eniin'iliruno. Ilcr inceunl wi'i'piiiK was indeed ery runny. Tito Viiiini Yaina uiil was" a hit ami wan encored set oral limn. Sir, Krnnk Wstlc, (In mmuiKfr of lint ioitlH4iiy, Im ninny friend in .Mtslfortl. I In nml din wife wore en lorlniuoil Ml the homo of Sir. Prank HarKtHM; ' Sir. W'mlw in always con nected wit It a jtoml oomimnv nml hi iniimi a mniwitor is a ul"fieient Ktiaruiltoi'. Died. Mr. Herman (I. Meyer of Hrowmi horn, iiki'iI -17, ilii'il Tatmilay night ''f dropy. Tin funeral will In held from lilt' Meyer Imino at 10 o'clock I'riilay moriiinir. Mm. Meyer hail been ill for some limit. Sir. ami Mi. .Meyer cnunt to (hi coiiulrv in 1871 from (lorumuv ami art' pioneer in tlit wtvil, Reside her husband, who is living, Sir. Meyer leave two sous, ir?nmtit niitl-lMilte need 1&-I ami 'ill icspeoUvely. Weeks & MeHnw.iu will have charge of tlm Miniw. .NOTK'i: TO .MINK OWNKIIH. All ptirnoiiH who aro ilixtlrotm of Mut'iirliiK itntci In tlm Mcilftinl .MIiiIiik Jntillt'O Hook on tlm mlimrnt ronotirc m of HOiitliorn OntKoii ami nortliorn California, to lio lmtu.nl Kuliy. 1. 10 IS, ittiotilil Immoillntdly rati upon or ml tlrona C. V. I'litti-rmin or (luy T. Tlirnnlmr, Nauli liotol, Mwlfonl, Oro. Not many oinplnyitra will talk hum ntwrt with work Imutcrri who oanunt Im rttaohi'il through want atlvmliiiti in thin rilv thin wi'itk. HankliiH for lifullli. JUS MUW CJMMriOX A LOXG TIME, 'ATT ELL A P PEAKS AS FAST AS EVER, 1 "1 ' in - "ABE." A.TTELL IN THE RING Champions etimo mid champions go, but there is one who seems ties lined to go tu forever, lie is mine other, than "Abo" Altell, the crafty featherweight champion, who has held Ihu title so long that , llio oldest citizens does not I'oiiioinhor when ho was pot champion, "Ape" iipponrs In Im ,iihI lis fubt now tie uvor and finds lilllo difficulty lii,dUpoSiinjj of all tho aspirants who buck his title. A Hint From Paris lwrw ml WMwthM I'm h c l;r II' rtv rnttn iruwti with bluw ' .'wi.'tk Ma b n Un'nArd COIWillEES OF CLUB NAMED Board of Directors of the Mcdford Commrrclal Club Meets and Names Committees to Serve Utirlnn. the Enstilnii Year. At n DK-i'tiint of tlir I nH til of ili-rtii-tor if tin Coiamfn-ral Hull, hold WViIuimilav nfti'riKMtu, tlm following fomiriitti't wnt nppeiuttttl: Kiunttrc: 1'. .1. O'dnra, .1, A. IVrry ami ('. li. Whiiller. I'xi'iMittsu: II, C. Onruutt, A. S. KiiMjiilinmii, A. Ki Waro; J. -A. Ww turluml ami C. SI. Ctminitnitfl. Ailvortlrtiuu' mid piiMicily: H. A. Xyf, V. SI. llohni'N ami II. C. (lar- imtt. MvnilMrIiii: V. V. MwlyimW, II. Khun ami .1. ). Olwi'll. t'hhn.! SI. A. Kmlor, II II. I'ortr ami J. II. Calkin. VHICKA. Oil. "Tlm Kraml Jury nH-omiiiHinU that tlm county oM rlU h& irinll(l4 lo work , on I lie I'tiuuty rtmdt," nlnti'lii Oil pnpor. An luillRUNitt liovyl fromiho cotirt limma wan qtmlliMl whan It wng fouml Hint t lit prlntor liml liiatlvortontly onilt Knl 4lio wont prlHonor" from llio rvcunl. MuhKImh for health. - - Our Correspondents JACKSONVILLE SI'- llfilhn 1'iini, who in cuiploycil In Ilia ofllrti of a hie luinlmr coin innv at I'oi Ihiiitl, vinlled in JiicImu tlk' a I'tMv ilayH iluriiiK Hi" !"l wock. Irwin Kfki'lMoii of I'diIIiiimI, who W hi Ilia tiiiploy of a railroatl company in i'ill fuijhit'i'i', Iimh ht'i'ii Mpcmlinn a ft'w ilayH in JnckKonvilk', hia for iiit'r home. John llni'in'1'H, who emm! fimii No i Hi Dakota with hiH I'.tiuily Koitm moulliH iiko, honnht Iht' foii'u phim' of 'J('j ai'inx, locatitil in tlm t)iinti)in pari of JackHOiivilh), pnyiuu 11,01)0 Iht'iffor. lin will traiiMform il into a moihl farm, niiiiiK alfalfa prin t ipnlly. Friil Kii'ka, Hie woll known immi traclor ami huihlur, HiirpriKcil Iuk IiuihIm hy lakiui; a hriila Slinn Ni lic WillianiH of SI'(lfonl--on ChriHt itiiiM. Tlm young nmplo aro iilrumly hiciilctl in their pruity oIIkc on Third htii't't. Thy art) (Im nmipicia of iiumcroiiH cniiKratululiouH ami ht'nt winhcM. Mihki'h Anna and Kiiuint Wamlt wirt' Slfilftird viiloi"H Tnojtdny aftvr- 11(1011. T. K. OHgood, I'liiiinci'r in charge of the cniihl ruction of Ilia ncksonvillc water workx, ih hero much of the time. T. I.. DeVorti heing visited hy hin Hon, Alfred DoVorc. of Oaklaml, Cal. It, It. Meekmmi, the I'ortlaml law yer, in HK!mliiig (he ludidaya with IiIk parenlM, Sir. ami Mr. C (' Heokman. The term of I'oMlmitHtrr Sliller will expire in the xpring and (he petition of (wo applicautH ar already licing t'irculalcil. Frank Hohinon waa among Sled ford frieudrt (hu fore art of (he week. . I. vile ami hia family have re moved (o N'olton, Cal., on the Klam nlh river, where Sir. Lytic has cm ployttu'iit in n sawmill. IM I'. Ilulieri, who linn hcuii at Dorrin, (al., for Koine tiniu paHt, i paying .laekrioitvillu and (Iriinls 1'uhk a vihil. .James T. Huckley nml his family ttf Applegatu were guests if relatives living in Jacksonville for Christmas. Ilev. J. SI. .Scliult. and wife are visitint; in Jacksonville, which was (heir home lfi years ago. They are now located at Hauuihal, Mo., ami the (rip lo the Pacific coast is made for the hcuurit of Mr. Kchtdtr.' health. He hold (.erviccs at the SL H. church Sunday. Sir. Coverl, a pioneer miner of the I'ncifio coast, is stopping in Jack souvillc. The Jaeksouvillo schools will rc Miiiio studies January 2, after u week's vacation. Sir. am Sirs. Lewis Ulrieli visiled Slcdfonl f icmls on Christmas. Dr. Golden has returned from Coos county, where ho was a witness in n murder trial. The defendant in the case had killed his companion ami weighted down his hotly in a slouch. He was convicted of tnurdur in the first tlegree, but (ho supremo court gave him another chance. The sec ond (rial resulted in- (hu same main uer as (hu first. There have boon two chnrivan parties in Jacksonville recently nml another is promised soon. Sliss Harriet Dolsou has gone to Hem), in Central Oregon, to spend the holidays with friends in her former home. She will assumo charge' of the primary department of our public school on her return. Jo-eph Goldshy and E. Kormnn of Applegate were in Jaeksouvillo Wed nesday. Sheriff and Mrs. W. A. Jones upcnt Christmas with Sir. Jones' mother of North SI I'd fold. Sir. and Mrs. Chauneoy Floroy were among relatives and friends it Fagle Point (hu first of the week. IM Day, who is employed at Phil HaimU's place near Slcdfonl, is spending the week at homo. The Christinas tree entertainments at (he PrcNhyteriuu and Slcthndit Fpiscopnl churches wero a success in every way. Excellent programs wore rendered ami those in attendance were made happy hy gifts and en Joyed IhcniM'lvcs thoroui:lilv. WOMEN'S HAIR Easy to Make It Soft, laiuirhuit and iladlaut. Many women have hair bo dull and failed (hal It Is actually repulsive ThoHu women have probably never heard of PARISIAN SAGE, tho In vlgoratlng hair dressing that Is being used by thousands of refined women throughout America, If your hair Is falling or thin or faded or lifoless; if you havo dan druff or Itching aealp; It your hair is not as fascinating as you would llko to havo It, go to Chas. Strang this very day aslc for a fifty cent bottle, of PARISIAN SAGE and start at onco to innko your hair perfect nml oven glorious, PAUISIAN SAGE Is gnnrantood to give satisfaction, or money back, Girl with Auburn Hair on every enrton. For kuIu by .CIiiih. Strang and drug gists everywhere. KANES CREEK ITEMS. . Happy New Year lo all, John Slartlou and family pcni ChiistinaH in Gold Iff II with Mi. and (Sirs. Stiiicbiirg, ami ademhd (he masrpiu hall. Diicscnherry Mros, of Knnlmc Creek hav'o jlHt finished their wood sawing contract for Mr. I'.yilcy. John Drown anil wife ate Christ mas dinner with their daughter ami family, Sir. and Sirs. Pearl Dean. Tint .Misses Foley, who are aHeiul iug (.'cut nil Point Ii'ikIi school, arc spending (ho holidays with home folks here. Tlm Christina tree t Mr. Lewi' Sunday niglil, for Hie children, WIIH a pleasant a fair. Those prexent he sies the family were Khner Higiu holham and family, and a good time was had. '.Much crcdil is due Sirs. Lewis as an entertainer. The Dardauellog school has one week's vacation, niiich needed rcl for (ho pupils mid (eacln-r, who i spending (he week with his family at Kaglo Point. The recent rains were quite bene ficial (o the placer mines. SI. Dinners was a Central Point business visitor on Wednesday. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Mr. Belwood, who ban been secre tary of the Y. M. C. A. for the past month, left Tuesday morning for HrltlMi Columbia. Mr. Relwood matin many friends among the hoys and young men of Central Point during his brief stay In our city. He Is micccoded by .Mr. Duncan, The baKket ball team of the Cen tral Point high school motored to Ashland Christmas day to play the Ashland high school team. The boys returned homo Tuesday morning. Itobert Ashworth left for Anhland Tuesday afternoon to visit relatives. Mr. Duncan, general secretary or tho Y. M. C. A., returned from Mcd ford Tuesday morning, where ho has been 111 for tho past few days. Tho Klcctrlc theater hero has closed and Is now a thing of tho past. Tho proprietor. Win. Scott, will leave In n few days for Dutto Falls to reside. Mrs. Stee of Applegate Is visiting her daughters, Miss Mary A. Mcc and Mrs. Kninia Dobb. Mlsn Nora Ueebe,. of Corvallls, is spending the holidays hero with her parents, D. C. Dunlaj) Is la Grants Pass this week taking over tho Hotel Stewart. OltWJO.V UKSTAUItAXT Chinese restaurant. Also Ameri can kitchen. Everything first class. Chop Suoy, noodles and everything on American bill of fare. George Leo, droprlotor. 28 South Front. 259 LOS ANIKLIS EXCURSION. aii excursion for Los Angeles will leavo Mcdford December 20th. round trip faro S35, stopovers In cither direction at pleasure- ot passcngor. Good going and returning via cither routo from San Francisco. Join this oxcurston, enjoy tho great treat ot being In San Francisco Now Years ovo, sco tho points ot Intorcst In and about San Francisco. Golden Gate Park, Cliff IIouso, United States Mint. Angol Island Pnn-Atncrlcan Exposition slto; visit Dorkoloy, Ala meda and Oakland, then Journey squthwnrd, visiting Stanford Univer sity, Palo Alto, San Joso, Lick Ob sorvatory, Del Monte, Santa Crut. Paso Roblcs, Santa Ilarbnra and Los Angeles. From tho lnttor placo vlstl Pasadena, Ilcdlands, Vonlco nnd Sai. Diego, bco tho beautiful orange grovos, tho ostrich farms, tho floral festivals. Oconn bathing In mid winter. Visit Cntnllna Island, boo the strnngo nnd bountiful submarine gardens from tho glass bottom boats, tho flying fish, tho leaping tunas, enjoy tho fishing. Returning north ward visit tho oil fields nrouud Pa korsftold, sco tho Immonso stock ranches, tho fruit bolt ot tho San Joaquin valley. Full particulars by writing, calling nt or phoning trio S. P. passoueor otftco, Medford, Oro. HaskliiH for health. Clark & Wright X.AWTXKS WAKKXHOTOff, B. O. Puhllo Land Matters; Final Proof. Desert Lands. Contests and Jtlnlne Cases. Scrip, - Associate Work for Attorneys. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no oqual on earth in vnrloty of mlnornl watora and curlug dlsoases that modlclncs will not roach. It you aro In nood of health, como now. Wo nro open nil tho year and can glvo tho boat of care nnd attention now as woll uh In summor, Stngo dally from Rod Dltift to tho aprliiKS. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPRINGS, OAl. YOU WA NT DISTINCT COM PORTA I ILK VISION I Supply It Dr. RicRert )er Kciitiicr'ft PLUMBING HTKAM AND HOT WATttJt HKATINO Ail Work Guaranteed Prices llenoonabln ftft llownrd lllork, V.nlnmcm on mb Street. Coffeen & Price I'nrlfic 8031 Uout 49 L. N. JUDD Orchards, Homes and Farms In a Thriving Center In ono of tho Garden Spots of Roguo River Valley. TALENT, OREGON Valley Second Hand Store Uuys and Sells Second Hand Goods, Copper, Drass, Rubbor, etc. M. J. riLCIIER, Prop. 15 North Mr Home 351 Bell 3072 New Year s Cards Calendars Diaries All the week Medford Book Store Groceries, Candies, Fruits Cigars, Tobaccos, Snjder's Fresh Milk, School Sup plies, etc., at De Voe's Little Combination Store Next J)oop JJolol Mcdford Pnc. Phone 5611 TREES that grow TREES (hat bear Northern Grown Stock Columbia & Okanogan Nursery Company Of tho Wonntcheo Valloy O. M. ljtndon, Medford Salesman Phone Nl.lt, 217 S. Riverside Let us show you that The Art Store is the place for Wall Paper. Two hundred kinds to select from U. E. COLLINS Do You Need Drain Tile? WW M,1.VUIACTUHE IT ; J ,J.M Tho Rest Thnt Can Ho Mndo. Reforo Ordering Sco Us. Rogue River Pottery Co. Plant nt Tolo. 200 JWS...; Trwts nDcrscwE-A'Ti Pnrax&ge frfefay I .jjiiiin rjKy.'. :;;i 4f44444(4Mr44M4?&-tt4M-4W4(44e Medford Theatre, January 2nd "There's a Season GEO. SIDNEY (HIMSELF) LN THE AlXSICAL PANIC BUSY IZZY A JOLLY JAMBOREE With the Greatest of all Comediennes CARRIE WEBBER AND A HALF HUNDRED OTHERS See the Gowns, Hear the Songs, and Last but Not Least, See the Bunch of Pretty Girls Seats at Haskins': $1.50, $1.00, 50c. "We have for sale some ten-acre tracts across tho road from the State Experiment Station recently lo cated between Phoenix and Talent. The soil is suit able for fruit, alfalfa or garden. "Well -water in quan tity sufficient for irrigation can be had at 20 to 25 feet (we have a well on an adjoining tract which sup plies 200 gallons per minute). The price is $300 to $350 per acre, and we can make very easy terms. W. T. YORK & CO. Mail Tribune Block v ITS t t National Bank or MEDFORD, OREGON i CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 D. itud States and Postal Savings Depository Wo solicu your business, which will receive our care ful attention. F. K, Deuol, President M. L. Alford, Cashiar Orris Crawford. Assistant Cashier L We Have Moved Tho J. T, Droadloy flower store Is now In the M. F, & II. store, across tho street from former location, Cholco lota ot cut flowon, bulbs, forns, palms, etc., al- ' ways on baud, J. T. BROADLEY 27 North Grape Gnrnctt-Corey HltJg., Mcdford A Full Line of Peerless Lamps All guaranteed. Now is the time to get your house wired. Good light adds to the comfort of winter months. Southern Oregon Electric Go North Grape Street. IF YOU OWN A LOT We will build you a heme on monthly payments, MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M, F. and H. Ce. lullting i