PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1011. . ' i H i ! LOCAL and I PERSONAL! i i i i P. a. Andrews left yesterday for Bun Francisco, Mr. Andrews la In lereetod let the Pnlmor Crook Gold Mining company, ond wlillo In tlio c)ty lio will purchnso mining ma chinery with which to put tho coni pftny'sjironorty In, operation., 13..M. McKcnny, mnnagcr vof Jho Producers' Fruit company of fod ford, loft last night for Portland. Ho "will bo away about n woek nnd vllj visit San Krajielsco during that lmc. Miss Nqrmllo, experienced drcBS nutkor, by tho day or ploco. Tcle phtfm25i Jacksonville. 24T Mrs. Dora Harmon of,- Now York City, -who hoa boon Jn Medford for soyoral days visiting her eon, Bert Harmon, county engineer, left last night for a ylslt to othor relatives In Oakland and Los Angeles. Whipping cream. Poguo River Creamery. O. L. Smith is hero from Portland paying a visit to his father, W. M. Smith. Mr. Smith has a position on tho pollco force In Portland. Mrs. J. V. Rogers, wlio has been visiting Jacksonville friends, re turned yesterday to her home In Ash land. S. A. Nowcll, ladies' tailor, 4th floor M. P. & H. Co. bldg. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clark loft yes terday for a two weeka visit to rel atives in Sacramento. Rev. J. t. Howard of Glendale, Ore, spent, a few days this week with his mother, Mrs. Mary Howard, at 81 G South Oakdale avenue. Dally deliveries milk, cream, but ter, buttermilk. Roguo River Cream cry. Mrs. Golilro Hamilton returned yesterday to her homo in Kelso, "VVaBh., after a visit with friends In tho Applegate country. Miss Rose Thulo returned last night to her homo In Portland after a visit hero to her friend. Miss Delia Clement. Carkln & Taylor -(John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Miss Myra Brown returned yester day to Roscburg after a visit to friends at Prospect. V. R. Adams left last night Tor Tacoma, where ho bas accepted a position as salesman in a largo de partment store. Mr. Adams waa formerly a part owner of the fa mous Coker Butto orchards. ' Fresh milk" at DeVoe's. 257 M. S. Blden Is in Gold Hill today on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pllklngton, of Jacksonville, left last night for Rose burg. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Han, over Jackson County bank. Mrs. J. F. Brown and Miss Mor ris of Eagle Point were registered at tho new Medford hotel yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Redding of Gold Hill were In Medford yesterday on business. Make an appointment for a sham poo at tho Beauty shop Friday eve ning. 240 H. C. Mitchell was In yesterday from tho government fish hatchery, on Elk creek. Clarence Tcmploton left last night for Portland to bo absent several weeks on business. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. 240 J. M. Logan, a prominent miner of Josephine county, spent Tuesday In Medford. Grant Matthewc of Foots creek transacted business in Medford the foro part of tho week. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. 240 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Norris were guests of reJdUves Hying Jn Jacksop vlllo, their former homo. H. Withfngton has returned from a short trip to Portland and Salem. Mr. Cook, a lawyer of San Fran cisco, has been stopping at the Med ford for soveral days. Make an appointment for a sham poo at tho Beauty shop Friday eve ning. 240 Weeks & HcGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono 2271 Fight Phones, F. W. Weeks 2071. A. 13. Orr, 3002. LA1)Y ASSISTANT rrr-4 ij. John A. Perl j ; ijnucrutucr nncj j.inwuincr ; ' Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furnlturo Co i; prflce 2 South JJnrlJctt Street ; ' Telephenes: Day, Bell 471; night jlrealdonco, BolJ 473, Honio X79-L. ;; Calls npsneivjj ilglt or ihiy. ;; AMIJULANGI-3 SERVICE ,srfffjrffff A. W, Sturgla Is over from his farm on Applegnte, where he Is build ing n fine residence, J, E. .KnyatL Is ,dovufrom his Upgup river J;auch. " A, D. Nnvor,iWho Is conducting a saw mill tiul& Applognlo fop F. M. AVnuo and 'his associates, Is at homo for the holidays. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. 240 Prof. J. N. Mlllor of Big Butte was In Medford Wednesday, on his day homo from Grants Pass, where ho nt- ic-nupd me, puqicacnors examination. M. F. Hnnloy of Upper Butto creek is In Medford for a few days. .1. F. Brown and V. V Von dor Hrllcn of Eagle Point made a busi ness trip to Mrdford Tuesday. Alex Matthows has returned to Eaglo Point Tuesday, after an ab sonco of eight years near Wllllaton, N. D., whqre his father. Kl Mathews, resides. Wm, H. Simmons, formerly of Medford, who Is developing mining property in Sterling district, will soon have a mill In operation. There Ik a considerable quantity of free uillllng ore of good quality In sight, which Improves steadily. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. 240 Thos. Carr, a southern Oregon pio neer, who has been at Anderson, Cal., for some time, has returned to Foots creek, where hq has mining In terests he wishes to dispose of. V.H. Simmons of Sterling was In Medford and Jacksonville Wednes day. Circuit court will reconvene In Jacksonville , Monday. Januaiy 29. Judge Galkln's will hold a term or court at Grants Pass in tho mean time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pointer, who mndo a short trip to their old homo in Illinois, are at homo again. They also visited different places In Ar-, kansas and Missouri and noted con siderable progress there. John W. Dyar, who was a resident of Jackson county for many years, Is conducting a lucrative hotel bustness at Dorris, Cal. Mrs. F. Grob, a pio neer of Jacksonville, who Is with her daughter, Mrs. Dyar, Is recovering from a serious attack of sickness. M. L. Pellett, who Is located In southern California with his family, Is looking after his Interests In this valley. Eddie Wilkinson, a Medford boy, who has been playing In the outfield with tho New York Americans, has been released to the Oakland club, as also has Pitcher Abies. Both, will play In the Pacific Coast club next year, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Smith of WImer arc visiting relatives living in Medford and at Sterling. Emmett O'Brien Is spending the holidays with his family in Wntklns precinct. Oris Crawford, assistant cashier of tho First National bank, was a re cent visitor in Jacksonville. Thomas Paulsen, who lived In Jackson county many years ago, died at Portland recently, aged 79 years. Ho served In the Oregon legislature for three terms as member of tho lower house from Washington county and was prominent n. farming and dairying matters. While a resident of Jacksonyllle ho edited and man aged the Oregon Sentinel, owned by the Jato B. F. Dowoll, who was bis brother-in-law. E. L. Jones has returned from the Siskiyou coppqr bolt, whero ho has extensive interests. Col. George P. Minus of Seven Oaks is spending tho holidays in Medford. t The members of Medford Encamp ment No. 30, I. O. O. F aro plan ning to entertain the members of all the Odd Fellow and Rebekah lodges qf the county on tho evening of Jan uary 9th. This is regular meeting night for the encampment, but all business will be side-stepped on this date and tho entire evening given up to furnishing a good time for their guests. Tho Woman's Exchange at 326 N. Oakdale will isauo soon a booklet entitled "Favorite Quotations of Medford People." These quotations may be cither in proso or poetry. Thoy would bo glad to have some original pieces some descriptlyo of Medford or of the valley. They wW bo glad to havo aj) tho residents of Medford and also visitors enter a selection, If you want employment register at tho Woman's Exchungo, 320 N. Oakdale. Phono Bo)l 7211. 239 If you want help of. any kind reg ister at tho Woman's Exchango, 320 N. Oakdale, Bell phone 7211. 239 Tho Woman's Exchango Is getting out a book of "Favorite quotations of Medford people,' Call and get yours In. 23P At the regular business meeting of the Christian Endcavpr society of the Christian church last evening at tho homo of tho president, Miss Lillian Pierce, on East Main street, officers were elected as follews: president, J, B. Grlfflng; vice president, Mrs. Leonard Robinson; secretary, Ed Roblji8ou; aiKj recording secretary, Miss pqrUia I'lorco, Thqro wllj bo a 'meeting thjs pVo nlng of tho business comnilttoo of King street, ftt which all propprtyl Attractions at the Medford Theatre SCENE FROM THE BREEZY MUSICAL FUN SHOW, "DUSY I2ZY," 0 PEI7A HOUSE, TUESDAY, JAN. 2. maaaamhMmfmmkkWSi maaaaaaamMeW- m r V vJlf iffilrjlSr' - WyScSHHP'j ffj'fljmiiwy miiiJ&s WjB Imam wwl MOlrinMlriil IT': Ifflwr. JiMiiP "JTllPHTiWI nw, V w 'SY Tf Ukjw j wWmm MB "J ikrW fitfrk nM hL- VBR I 1 II f "' 'A fe1 Jk fc. H jaw & jH IHiSllUr'il ( ' 9L Mil rPfch mJM &MLSm H M i-1 awmkwauWBBaaamwiawaaamitm MBBBBBBBBaaaaBBBaBaBBTBaaaalwMiBEia 1 TELEGHAPH1C TAULOljpS ' HAN KUAriSt'O. (uj. llun.lnno Officer Ilojiiit'toO' tUotinhyiiit wiih go lug mi a vlld H()tiV HiiihO wli(jit w IV(1B mn It lUllllllt'l t (o tivtJMtlknti q'ft'i'r 'llint M' Of diicUn vnro stuclt'lit tlL" mud. Ho found It no hniix. i ' PiiHty oil riiuglit tint IiIiiIm, SAN KltiVNplHPOi Cnl. Pomo "hug" on mro jHwulry rnlibml Juwolu Clorfnyl, tttoaniMliIji ugoi)l, of nil cut Hupphln and diamond filn lilvnii him by a HiiHtilnii hdtnlrul, 'I'ho Ihltif hrt (tono tmtouehod. 1.03 ANOIOMCH, ?1. "(too. tlmio Hdcm a crlinliiitl with $5000 up hlrt liKud," sold n follow cmiiitryinnii of Mlduiol Diilcli, tv now unlvul frnm iiNtilu. 'I'lioy eolliiUMl tho hiipphiI fuglllvo, who paid eaeh flUOO In worthluM IiIIIh for fi't'iMhiiu. Thou Dutch deposited $180 In run) inoitiy us ovldoiu'i) of good fultli. Ilc'rt liriiUi) but wiser, today, looming lioiiiio nflor f'li)0 of A. HlruthV tnuiiuy liad vniilnliml. Di Un'llvi'rt lilt tlio Hull, HiiuktiH wunt to Jail. 'I'ho money In found, ' HAN JUIANOHCO, (Jul. IiOiI'm doulilo, tlio liuiniui ciilitiiiu dlHcovmoil ut I ho dotoutloii hONpltttl yoHtiMdiiy, pnivos to ho no grimier inyHlory llutli a Jiipiiiiewo who wan m dlrly Hint lil own pnoplu Itluliuil lit m nut, llo liiiilio nIIuiico til hIhIiI of n Imtli, IIOOUUHU, C'dK WllllBfti Hinltli, SyiiieiiHO, N, Y., relumed lioro itflur m two wwoIim' liiiutliig lilp nnd Hiiyu hit I;IIIihI n 2nO-pi)Uiiil huar with It In flvlK unil n pair or, Iiimhm IiiiiiiiIcIuh. Hinltli doumt't muuiiu. owners aro Invited. Tho session will be held at S o'clock in room 217 aarnott-Corey building. J. K. Bodge of Klamath Falls, who Is spending the holidays here with his family, leaves Monday to resume his duties at Klamath Falls. Mrs. V. 11. Rartlon loft this morn ing for Sacramento, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. E. Slater left on No. IT, tht3 morning for Pomona, Cnl. Miss Shuck of Glendnlo visited friends tn Medford today. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hunter left this morning for a visit to friends in Los Angeles. Mrs, F. McCabe. who has been in Medford visiting her son. II. J. Mc Cabe, returned this morning to her homo In San Francisco. Mrs. L. E. Lupor nnd children of Jacksonville left this morning for Grants Pass. Rev. W. Austin Crane and family, of Central Point, were In Medford to day on business. Mr. Crane Is pastor of tho Christian church In Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. R. Duncan returned to Central Point this morning. Mr. Duncan is secretary of the Y. M, C. A. of Central Point and will soon movo there with his family Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Foxworthy and daughter left this morning for Reno, Xev whero Mr. Foxworthy will en gage In business. C. W.' Potter left this morning for a short business stay in Woodvlllo. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reovo, of Beach, N. D., arrived In Medford this morning for a visit to D. II. Palmer, an old-time La Crosse, Wis., friend of theirs. Miss Brenton, supervisor of tho art dopartmont of tho Monmouth normal school, is in Medford for a visit to her Ulster, 'Mrs. J. E. Fuselman, and family. The married folk dancing club will hereafter hold their parties on Tuesday evenings Instead of Monday evenings. S. W. Boyd, formerly tt resident of tho Griffin Creek country, now of Cottage Grove, returned to his homo this morning after a visit in Medford with his son-in-law, Everett Ends, and family. Tho Producers' Fruit company of this city havo been advised of tho salo of 150 boxes of Winter Nells pears In the London market. Nlnoty flvc boxes of these pears were five tier pack and C5 of them were six tier. The 150 boxes grossed $505 In London. They wero from English & Trelchner'B Mldvalo orchard, west of Medford. Guy Cohlelgh and Miss Bertha' Dltsworth wore married In Medford Wednesday," December 27, at tho home of tho brldo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dltsworth. Tho ceremony was performed by R,ev. E. O. El drldgo, pastor of tho M. E. church. Tho young couplo left on No. 13 for Ashland, whore thoy will remain a few days after which they will tako up their resldcnco In Phoenix. Frank McKco Sr cashier of tho First National bank of Albuquerque, N. M is visiting his family near Cen tral Point. Born In Medford, Oregon, De cember 27, ltfll, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Wallers, a daughter. Born In Medford, Oregon, Decom 1or 27, 1011. to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Malone, a 12-pound boy baby, ''Just Say" HQRUCK'S It Means Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Fsed'drink (or All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared is a minute. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. Others are imitations, "SPIRIT POWER" AT MEDFORD THEATER SUNDAY NIGHT At the Mcilbml theater Sunday night, December 31, Dr. Kihly, who bus recently returned Fuun five years' tour of Au-lrulin, India, China and Jnpiui, will gie a mmiioo for the purpose of lieniiiuilraliiur spirit pow er in tlio light. The following nro among the many iiiunUVttutinti giv en : Kddy's umiii li'lil setture, us pre sented by him lie fore the leading scientific soeioties of Emjlnnd, Ger many nnd Franco. Dr. Kddy wim by them subjected to tlio most eruoinl tost conditions. Then w not one member nmoiig tlioni lint acknowledge that in the prosrueo of Dr. Kddy there is n wonderful power mill in -Iclligoncu outfddo the body tint t oun ustiiime n human farm nnd annihilate distance, but wlmt that power is thoro is a diversity of opinion. A tnhlu rises nnd flonls in mid-air. Slnto writing, spirit lx'tures, flowers nro brought to the niiilionoo by invisible hands; miiteruiluatioiiH of forms and faces, etc. Torpedo Boat Endansercd. WASHINGTON, I). C. Dee. 23. Wireless dispntulutt to the navy de partment liure tell of imminent dan ger to the torpedo bout Warrington, which is in distie-m 15 iniloH north west of Cape llnttems. The revenue cutter Oiiotidng mid the fioout cruiser Salem aru hurrying to the rescue. NOTICE OF BUSINESS MEETING. Tho business commlttoo of King street desire all property owners to moot with them at room 217 aarnott Corey building this evening, Decem ber 28, at 8 o'clock. COMMITTEE. Not many houses will be routed in this city this week except Hi rough want advertising. Ilasklns for honlth. --- -- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f 4 -f -f -f-f Woman Pleads Her "Rn!it." LOS ANGELES, Cal., Doc. 28. ArroHted for "soap-box oratory" on a street corner, Mrs. Clara Edmund sou pleaded: "A woman hnH a per fect right to talk at any tlmo." Po llco Jndgo Frcdorlekson'n wife, who was In tho room, uoddoil In nwoiit. Thu case wan dismissed. 1 (asking fur health. BAN FltANOlSCO, Oil. It. T. Scott, president ofJtho Pnolflo Tide pluiitn & Telephone company, oit n couplo of boxes of olgurs to )iIh frhmd "11111" Ulght, ut tho St. FrntiuU lintel. ltolllmpH took Ilium to tho wronrr Ulght, whoso friends smoked them. HAN FltANOlSCO, Cal. W. Y. Mourn Is suing It. L. Lewis for $r,00 claimed as fees fdr effecting ft rocoii ulllntloii between Lewis and his oh trii>m wife. Both hiiHlmud nnd wife gnvo him the laugh. r.., .... .s..i.r.. r-.i ......... hik ! ii..v.ini,w, uni. iiouiiii guggoil, groaning, Anthony BiioIiiih whs found on his front noroh of his! I HAN JOHN, Cnl.--Prlenltf of St. Jonoph'ii chinch iiio 'liintud dot tto tlvo. Thoy fuu mm robing fur .1. i. Julifi. of nat, 0r&. Tlirt) fy rt.llroud ticket homo awiiltlliK him at tho Houthoiu Paclflo .office. Patrolman Exoucralcil. POKTIiAND, Ore., Iloo. a. -Pu-Irolmiiii I'lnuloH IIowmIoii todny NtiiiidH o,oiiontod of any orlinlmu roMponsihility for Iho doulli of !'. l. Kelly, a .MIhnoiiIu, .MoiiI., mini, whom hu nIiiiI nnd killed hi n pi .tot iluol. Tlio oiiituiorV jury iloclnrod Unit llm nflluor wiih iioliiig "ill tho dlMohiirtfO or his ituty." The duel wiih fought Iicoiiiino ouch holiovi'd the ollmr to ho u h!ghwiiy mini. HuwMtoit was Kurimmly woiiinl ed, but is leoovoiing. , Not, ninny hoiirdora will find iiad h vortlKod lionriliiig ili(!( In thiit oily ' thin uimiL. FOU RENT S robin houso, Cth and Bartlctt fit. 227 East Gth st. II. U. Lunisden. FOR SALE 30 h. ;. roadstor like new, a bargain. Call 110 South Burtlett st. 215 WANTED Girl for general h'ouso work. Call at 8 South Laurel, opp, Washington school. Phono Home 171-L, Pacific 1971. ROOM AN irTfOAt D f or work I iig girl, ?l a week. Cnll 223-IC Home. 241 FOlt SALE Clump, Wlillo Streak, Sco Jack Noff, Orator Lake Gar- ago. 241 WANTED Second hand wood saw, right hand proforred. 400 South Fir. Modern Fuel Co. 244 FOR SmJe French biil'fpupplcs. Juck Noff, Crator Lake Garage. 244 "The Hotel That Is Different" r r a CORNER, SIXTHND : m m ' ,V ADJOINING MAIL TRIBUNE BLDG. Open for inspection January first, New Years Day, frofn four until eight p. m. v C A real Home. Luxurious and comfortable. 4., 4. -..,.,.,. - 4.4 FOU KENT Oil SALE Ffrt class garden and fruit tract with Iioiiho, barn and chlckcp park, M. A, Itader, Medford, Oro, EAGLE POINT LIVERY STABLE , Tho undorHlgned having Just completed a lnrga now Hvory Htnblo in Eaglo I'olnt, wo Invito tho travel ing public to call nnd examlno our rigs, toamH, etc., all poing In flrsl cIiikh condition. Our motto ia to Live and Lot Llvo. Phono at Htablo and residence. Call central, 8. If. JIAUNIHIl & BON, J'iooh. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, AUtilnnlolforl'verlj.liin;i. 'minilHlli, , ) ",'' ".VV.fl! ki... !.i. IauuIi!,. fl',rllilllif W1 1 Vv.....TJ: ftlrmL Mil Colli. Tr.doiUik. rnailiiHirl. Atll 'iltU uny.uUHitulo. A, S, OMCTCU, t-C I oy, H.Y, IRRIGATION WATER gives VALUE to LAND WATER is 11 Community Builder You havo the LAND You NEED tho WATER Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CTJMMINGrS, Manager Office Third Floor Medford National Bank Bldg. Irrigated Orchard Tracts . - V A 10-AOrilO TRACT ' , . ' ' ' ' 1 AORK FOR YOUR nOUSIS AND BUILDINGS 1 ACRE IN ALFALFA FOR YOUR STOCK 1 ACRE J STRAWBERRIES 1 ACRE IN RERRIJSS AND QARDEN fJ.1RU0K G ACRIUS IN ORCHARD AND YOU AUK mDEPQNDF;NT ROGUELANDS, Inc. FRED N. OUM M1NQS, Manager 1 tUISSH