M13DF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR ISO ON, WEDNESDAY, DrcCllMNfoU 27, 1011. SHORT COURSES d THREE IWIinT RECEIVING DATA EAGLE POINT LIVERY STABLE The ututerRlHiied having Just completed n large now livery ntnlilo lit KitRln Point, we Invito tlio travel ing public to call mul examine our rigs, toaniB, etc., all being In drat class condition, Our motto In to Mvo ami Lot Live. Phono nt stnblu nitil resilience. Call central. S. II. HAHXISU . HON, Props, Mount TamaSpais Military Academy MAN UAKAKI-, WKST KNI), CALIF. An necrodltod With School, Orninumr ClaHriCH. Junior School Hoimrato. Only WoBtorn School having Cavalry anil Mounted Artillery, Opon-nlr Gytmin rIuiii. Open-air Swimming Peel. United Stnten Army Otflcor tlotallml (ir Stinorlntomlont. Next term bo Kino January 8th, 1013. AUTHim GllOSUY, A. M., l),l). Head Master. Let us show you that The Art Store is the place for Wall Paper. Two hundred kinds to select from TO BE Leonard Carpenter Savs Efficiency of Short Course at Oregon Agri Local Playhouse Will Entertain Its Patrons Tonight With Good Pro ductionMuch Laughter Lurks In Lyrics of Musical Comedy. Committee of City Council Having in Charge Matter of'Establlshlng Ptm lic Market Now Seeking Suitable Site for One. O. E, COLLINS 27 North Ornpo cultural College Will Dc Greatly Increased This Year. "TV ... 1 PAGE SIX VALUABLE MEDFORDTONIGHT ON PUBLIC MARKET Leonard Carpenter, one of tlic jm- ' prictore of the Veritas orchard, nenr this city, who 1ms in cIim-rc portion of tlio extension work of the Oregon Agricultural college, ns well as hoinc on its staff ns mi instructor, is tak ing nilvnntngc of his holidays, which ho is spending in the valley, to work up interest in the winter hhort coiirs.es and has interested a number of local leoplo in the work. "The courses will rim four weeks this year," states Jfr. Carpenter, "opening January 4, and will bo far more valuable than on preceding years. Courses nro to bo given in apple and in pear culture, which will bo especially valuable to Medford people." Among those who will attend the courses arc Mrs. and Miss Holloum, T. Slater John&oii, A. S.V. Carpenter and Harvcv Houston. OVER HALE INCH OF UB FALLS Storm Will Continue Today and To morrow, According to Local Weath er BureauSnow and Rain Sched uled for Tonight. Fifty-five one hundredths of an inch of rain fell Tuesday night in the valley and, according to the local United States weather burenu, the storm will continue tonight and to morrow. This is the greatest amount of raifnll to date this season, to fall in a like period of time. OND HAND DEALER FREED Lack of Evidence Causes Release of Henry Lerch, Charged With Re ceiving Goods Ko Knew to Be Stolen. Good w ine needs no bush" is an old adage and a Reed shov needs not the deft pen of an nleit proses agent to boom it. That N the reason whv "Three Twins," which is announced for the Christmas attraction on Wed neday, December 'J7, needs no allur ing announcement to pack every thea ter whore it plays. Kver since its first production it has caught the fancy of the public and the story is so amusing, the uiumc so fascinating and the general production on such .1 scale of magnificence that it always is a welcome wsitor to evorv city, no matter how iiwi tunes it is played there. This year the story of the plav is the same, the musical numbers are The committee of the city council which has in charge the matter of establishing a free public market in Mcdtord is receiving a large amount of data from cities in which the mar ket has been a success, according to J. R. Watt, who is acting as seeretarx of the committee. However, a num ber of cities are vet to be heard from, and it will be .omo time before the matter is ready for final action. ''V are now in search of a suit able location," states Mr. Watt, "and would like to have property owners who are interested communicate with the committee." HjAmumIVH - BV U " jr 11. .IK1 J&W If nitr filrtnu Jl. XiFJf'i .r 11 ivia-i"-.! i ibMi .,.,'Vtu ir y-i i.i:n""itini SWF BBBBjKBW WSBH BMr' m Ms Becnubc the state failed to produce sufficient evidenco to justify holding Jinn for the grand jury. Henry Lerch, a 'second-hand dealer, charged with receiving goods he knew to have been stolen, was released by Justice of the Peace Taylor. Lerch was arrested in connection ith the arrest of several boys who were charged with stealing, and sent to the reform school. FRANKLIN IS HELD TO ANSWER Defense Rests Its Case in Bain Bri bery Matter and Franklin Is Held for the Action of the Superior Court. Rose Delamnter. exactly the same as when first pre sented and the general production i along the same "lines as when the chnrming musical comedy fiM stunned New York with its novelty and humor. There is a reason for this. There was no use to change a line or note of the tnuMc, for it was perfect and just what the public had demanded for years. Other musical comedies lugged in new melodies and put in new .-pecialtics because there were spots in the book that needed strengthening, but not so with "Three Twins." Its dainty and pretty story, kits unexpected flashes of wit, its numerous ludicrous situations and, above nil, its melodies which delight ed everyone could not be improved upon, and so the whole story and the music are the same. Dtit it is dif ferent with the Scenic and costuming part of the show. That is all now this season and on n scale of mag nificence never before attempted by the manager of a musical comedy. It will delight the eye as the story and the music of the play will delight the car. The company is composed of people who have made individual hits in the past years, with George Elmer, a droll comedian, assuming the lend ing role, supported by Miss Gertrude Hutcheson. a well known primn don nn and Estello Colbert, a dainty bit of femininity, playing the pnrt of ''The Varna Yamn Girl" in such a de lightful, refreshing mnnncr that crit ics in all the cities where she has been playing hae raved over her. LOCAL MAN TAKES OVER HOTEL AT PASS DANCE PROVES GREAJJUCCESS Ladies of Greater Medford Club Glvo Pleasant Social Hop at Natatorium Many Couples Attend and Enjoy Themselves. The dance given by the ladies of the Greater Medford club nt the Nat atorium Tuesday evening proved to be a success in every way. Many couples were in attendance and great ly enjoyed themselves. - lacsroBO xabxxts. KUU Friots. Vegetable. Potatoes 11.75 per cwt.; 2c lb. Cabbage 3 c. Parsnips 2 c. Lettuco 5c bead. Carrots 2c. Beets 2c. Onions 2c. Celery 50c 1 doz. Cauliflower 10 0 16c .head. Turnips 2c. Radishes 5c bunch. Onions Green, Eo bunch. Prnlt. Cocoanuta 10c each. Prunes Dried, JOo lb. Lemons 25c dozen. Bananas 10c to 30c per dozen. Oranges 15c to 40c. Cranberries 15c quart. roll, Butter Eggs and Poultry Butter Fresh ranch, per 65c; creamery, 85c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 35c; storage, 26c. Poultry Hens, dressed, 15c; live, 12c; springs, dressed, 15c. Turkeys 20c to 25c, dressed. LOS ANGKLKS, Cal., Doc. 27. Bert II, Franklin, former chief inves tigator for the McNaiimra defense, charged with bribing Permanent Juror Hubert F. Iiain, was held today for tbo action of the superior court. In this case the defendant as held on his own recognizance by Justice Young, Franklin being out on $10,000 bail on a charge of attempting to bribe I'ros puctivo Juror Lockwood. When (he continuance of Franklin's preliminary hearing come up today the defcuso rusted iU caso without submitting any evidence. OAKLAND, Cal. Woldon B, Cooke, the Alameda county aviator and University of California gradu ate who recently sprang into the limelight by flying over the top of Mount Tamalpals, has added fresh laurels to. his aeronautic careor today nB a result of his return trip' to Oak laud, nfter one of the fiercest battles with the elements ever fought above the qlouds, UnskliiR for health. As the result of u deal just closed by the Ilcst-Fiiller Henlly company of Grants I'ass, Medford nnd Ash land men purchased the new Steward hotel at Grants Pass from O. II. Stew ard, the price being .'rHO.OOO, and will re-christen it the Oxford. In the transaction Mr. Steward takes a much valued at $20,000. The new purchasers of the hand some Steward hotel are Streets, Saiui dors and Uagley, Messrs. Streets and Sauiider being residents of Medford and Mr. Uagley living in Ashland. The new owners turned in to Mr. Steward their ranch located on Kvans cioek, four miles north of Woodville, a section which is considered one of the most fertile in the southern part of the state. Men Is, Wholesale Beef Cows, 4 l-2c; steers, Ee. Pork 5c and Cc. Veal Dressed, 7W-10c. Mutton 33 l-2c, llvo; lambs, 5c to 7c FTft and Feed. Hay Timothy, U; alfalfa, 12; grass, 112; ,grain nay, ?ii. Grain Wheat, 95c bushel; oats, 135 ton; barley, $35 ton. MRS. Ilasklns for health. G. W. C0LVIG UNDER KNIFE AT SAN FRANCISCO GRANTS PASS, Dec. 27. Judge G. W. Colvig has returned from San Francisco, where he nnd Mrs. Colvig have been visiting for some weeks with their dnughter and her husband, Dr. Uert Stone. Mrs. Colvig some' mouths ago met with an accident by which one of her knee caps was broken and separated. This has given her much trouble, and while they were on their visit to San Francisco they took udvantngo of the occasion to have a surgical operation. This was done on December 18, the operation being success! ally per formed bv Dr. Inman, one of the most skillful surgeons in San Francisco, assisted bv Dr. Stone. The knee cap was brought together and wired, and it is believed the knee will bo re stored to its usefulness. The opera tion was performed at St. Luke's hos pitul, where Mrs. Colvig still remains. 1 There is Onty Onm "Bromo Quinlnm" That is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO OUftE A COLD IN QUE DAY. Always remember tbo full name, Look for this signaturo on every box, 25o, PQf yrvi4 Ordor at Mill T. B. BROWN, Prop. New Year's Cards Calendars Diaries. All the week Medford Book Store Wo have for Halo hoiiio Ion-aura trads aurosu tlio road from (ho Stnto Mxpcrimuiit Station ruuonlly lo cated between Phoenix and Talent. The Boil is suit able for fruit, alfalfa or garden. AVoll water in quan tity jMffU'iont for irrigation can be had at 20 to 20 feet (wo have a well on an adjoining tract which sup plies 200 gallons per niinulo). Thoprico is $1100 to $350 per acre, and wo can make very easy terms. W. T. YORK & CO. Mail Tribimo Block Clean Sweep Sale -AT THREE BIG DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dec. 28th, 29th and 30th MANN'S CENTRAL AVENUE NEAR POSTOPFIOE End tho Old Yoar Right by attonding this, tho last salo of 1911. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE OUt STOCK MUST BE SWEPT CLEAN Of all Winter Merchandise to make room for new Spring Goods i CLEAN SWEEP IN CLOAK DEPARTMENT Suits and Coats at and Below Cost $35.00 Suits $10.98 Two beautiful navy blue broadcloth Suits, regular price $35, Clean Sweep price $10.98 $15.00 Suits $9.98 Six Serge and Broadcloth Suits, good styles, well worth $15, Clean Sweep price $9.98 $25.00 Coats $12.48 Three "Winter Coats with the new shawl collars, reg. price $25, Clean Sweep price $12.48 DRESS'GOODS AND SILKS At Wondorf ul Low Prices $12.50 Coats $6.98 Four heavy -Winter Coats for women, good $12.50 values. Clean Sweep price $6.98 ALL CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS AT LESS THAN THE COST OP MAKING PRINTS Best quality. CIciui-Swcep Sale price, a yard 5 TOWELS All value Towels, big sixe, 18c quality, each 10 BED SPREADS Large size Honey Comb Bed spreads. Clean Sweep sale, each 98 CREPE Best Serpentine Crepe, Clean Sweep Sale price, a yard 18 SHEETS 72x90 Bleached Sheets. Clean Sweep sale, ea. 48 500 yards All Silk Mcs-1 saline in all colors, 18 inches wide, a splendid 75c grade. Clean Sweep sale, a yard 48q 1000 yards new Plaids and all wool serges in the now shades. Clean Sweep price, yard 49 NECKWEAR Jabots, Collars Bows, in all styles up to $1 values, each 25 UNION SUITS For Women, good heavy 75c grade. Clea'n Sweep price, a suit 59 OIL CLOTH Best quality in colors only. Clean Sweep prico, yd, 19c BAGS Women's leather Hand Bags, $1 values, each G9 CORSETS Women's Lace "Front Cor sets, $1 quality. Sale price 59 PETTICOATS Made of good satine, worth $1.50. Salo price 98 GINGHAM Good quality for aprons. Clean Sweep price, yd..6 PILLOW SLIPS 42 and 45 inch Bleached Pillow Slips. Clean Sweep price 12V&9 HAIR NETS Good grade with and with out rubber. Clean Sweep salo, each 4$ HANDKERCHIEFS Womon's plain and fancy Handkerchiefs, 5c quality, salo price, each 3i GLOVES Women's and Children's Golf Gloves. Sale prico, a pair 25 500 yards 23 inch Silk Mcssalino in all shades, a good $1 grade. Clean Sweep price, yard 69 58 inch heavy Cloakings in the newest patterns, sold all season at $2.50. Clean Sweep, yard..$1.98 PETTICOATS .Made of all silk Mossaline, $5 values $2.98 OUTING Flannel, good 10c grade. Clean Sweep price, yd, 8 KIMONA .Flannel iii all new pat terns. Clean Sweep prico, a yard 17 SHEETING 30 inch Unbleached Sheet ing, good 8c grade. Clean Swoop sale, a yard G UNDERWEAR Women's and Children's Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants, special, each ...29 SWEATERS Big reductions on all grades. Very special val ues at, each $1.98