, (J.'4.f .- H4W4ftl4 - -v .. . t t PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, MEDFORD,, OR 1W ON, W ISDN IIS DAY, .PKCEMPtiP 27, 1 1 1 . F s M I 1 m ft I K i! ?! .V f k f tit I s fLQCAL and! J personal! IK MrB. MnrUin Welsh, of annul Junc tion, CJolo,, is In MotKord for a. visit to 'former friends nnd ncqunlhtnticc. Mr. hnd Mrs. L,cm Alton nnd son left : Inst nlfeht for their hotno In Talon, Nov., nftcr n visit with C. L. Allen, l 13d South tt.it Uctt street. Miss Nornt,llo, oincrlencod dress nmlcer, by tho day or piece. Tele phone 25H JncksonvIUo. 24f. John' Holland of Pnnorn, Iowa, who hna been In Medford for a visit to lilrf datiRhtor, Mrs, W. G. Grtilna- wny, left thta morning for his home. Whipping cream. Itoguo River Cream ory, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Horrlng of the Valley View orchards wore In Med ford last night In attendance at the Greater Medford club party. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, 4th floor M. P. & II. Co. bldg. Robt. Wilson and mother of Cen tral Point were visiting Medford friends Inst night. Dally deliveries milk, cream, but ter, buttermilk. Rogue River Cream cry. Mrs. Robt. Holliman returned to her homo at Grants Pass this morn ing after a visit to Mrs. Jos Hess of this city, Carkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attomeys-at-law, oyer Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Mrs. Geo. Huff of Gold Hill is in Medford today for medical treatment from Dr. Plckol. Fresh milk at DeVoe's. 257 'Mrs. Trlmball and nephew, Robert Cople, arrived In Medford last night from northern Kansas. Mrs. Trim ball is-here for a visit to her niece, Mrs. P. A. Bonney. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. ' J. D. Bell, one of the proprietors of tho Hotel Xnsh, Is In Everett, Wash., for a Week's visit to his aged mother. Make an appointment for a sham poo at tho Beauty shop Friday eve ning. 240 Miss Lucllo McKlttrlck, who has been In Medford visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Whlteman, returned last night to her home in Portland. Fred Strang Is home from Corval lls enjoying a weeks vacation in Med ford with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Strang. Mr. Strang has been attending tho university at Eugene, but has now taken up horticulture at tho Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis, having decided that to ' make a' success in business a per son must specialize, and at Corvallis he Is given this opportunity and his specialty will be horticulture. Jcsso Butler left last night for Redmond, Ore., for a few days busi ness trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turner returned yestorday to Ashland after a couple of days visit 'in Medford with' Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Young. ... A. H. Crook, a San Francisco at torney, returned home last night a'fjer-n weeks business s'tay In Med ford. Beauty shop open Friday ovenlngs. 2i0 A. Matthews of Wllllston, N D., left last night for his home after a bhort visit here. Mr. Matthews for merly resided near Medford,. II. M. Mullln came over from Horubrook, Cul., to spend Christmas with his family In Modrord. lr. and Mrs. W. S. Van Dyko and daughter MlfiS Ilelou of Abhland spent phri.stmas In Medford with Mr, and MrH. J. G. Van Dyko, Misses Minnie and Eva Polcy of Ashland were Christinas visitors in Medford, guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woltor of Ash laud wero in Medford Sunday and Monday, guests ot Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dommer. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. 240 W. H. BIgham left this morning for Phoenix, Ariz. Ho was accompanied by his ulator, Mrs. E. A. Kllppel, and her daughter, Miss Allto Kllppel. H. 1). Klippcli n son of Mrs. Kllppel, Is nt Phuonlx tailing treatment tor luiig trouble. ' ' J. W. libshor of Ashland Is (u Med ford today on business. G. W. Dales, of Kagle Point, came in this morning for a few hours busi ness stay. F. H. Morolnnd and family and U. E. McCoy and fnnilly left yesterday for Monntalnalr, tf. M. A. L. Foster ami family of I.eth brldgr. Alberta, arrived In Medford this morning and will remain a few days looking over the city nnd valley. Mr. Foster stated he had hoard so much of Medford that he and his family "Just naturally had to sec wluh It was like." DoaUty shop open Friday ovonlngs. 240 Homer Dunbar and family of Three Forks, Mont., arrived In Medford last night. They nrc visiting today with Wni. Dunn and family at Talent. Miss Lucllo Under returned to Medford last night from Klamath county, whore she has but recently closed a term of school as teacher. Beauty shop open Friday evenings. in V. V. Thomas nnd fally of Carey, Ohio, stopped off In Medford "last night for a few hours visit with friends. They left this morning for Los Angeles. Mr. Thomas and his family have been on tho const for a couple of months, and also In the North Yakima and Payette fruit sec tions. Mr. Thomas has gotten the delusive Idea into his head that west ern apples do not have a flavor equal to the eastern grown product, but at the time he expressed this idea he" bad not eaten any Rogue river val ley apples. Make an appointment for a sham poo at tho Beauty shop Friday eve ning. 240 The board of directors of the com mercial club will meet this afternoon nt the exhibit building for tho pur pose of electing executive and finan cial committees to sorve for tho en suing year. J. M. James of Wilmington, Ohio, arrived in Medford yesterday. He Is here looking the country over. Prof. J. Percy Wells, superintend ent of schools for Jackson county, ft this morning for Portland and Medford nnd Jacksonville a few days since eh' route to tho Siskiyou cop per belt. M, O'Brien', who la Interested In a promising mining 'proposition In Sterling district with other residents or Medford, has been looking after his lutVreMs In that section. They have hnd considerable- development work done lately. George Little wan among the many outsiders lit our city on ChrlRtnms. Joseph UudrI of Sterling precinct was In Medford and JncksonvIUo tho fore part of tho week. ',. Cameron motored to Jackson ville Monday afternoon. Wobb Brothers, who are engaged In farming near Tolo, wore recent business visitors In Medford. tumlitlng down from n wonlruwjnlng here, hlid wltff It K. P. Brown and IV. 11. Colo, ully" firemen, hlttfj took a "llrodle." The awning and whis key, the police say. bolting to n local liquor concern. Brown and Colo are In Jail, I TELEGRAPHIC TAULOIDS. Two Steamers Lost. GLASGOW, Dec 27. -Two steam ers nnd 16 men are known to have been lost In tly May of Biscay De cember 21. Tho Hrltlsh htunuior Guillemot, frQm Loudon to (Itinoa. foundered and as sevon of her crew wore rescued by the Llncalrn, an un known Spanish steamer wns seen ti sink with nil hands. How manv men wore lost on her In not known. Tho captain of tho Guillemot went down with his sl)lp. Weeks & McGowan Co. . undertakers Day Phono 2271 Night Phones, P. W. Weeks 2071. A. E. Orr, 30D2. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Pari Undertaker and Kiubulmer ! Successor to tho undertaking de-; : pnr'tiiiont of Medford Furniture Co I Office 28 South HnrtleU Street Telephenes: .Day, noil 471; night 1; residence, Bell 473, Home 179-L). 1 I f lu lkZlt4H4l lf fll flM aid V ' ' AMBULANCE SRUVIOR lo Salem. He will be away three weeks, a good part of 'which time he will spend at Salem with the state board of examiners, of which board ho Is a member. F. J. Johnson, a mining man of Grants Pass, was In Medford yes terday on business. Wm. Gerlg, general manager of tho Pacific & Eastern railroad, returned last night from a visit to Spokane and Portland. R. C. Dunham of Roseburg re turned last night to his homo after a 'Christmas visit to his bfother, Prof. Dunham, of tho Lincoln school, this tity. His sister, Miss Kathcrlne, ?1po of Roseburg1, Is 'spending the holiday week hero. S. A. Moore and family left this morning for Seattle, where they ex pect to spend the winter. Mr. Moore is a forest ranger under Supervisor Erickson and he goes to Seattle to outer a school for forest rangers which tho government has established In that city. The school is for the purpose of teaching the more effec tive methods of caring for the tim ber in tho government forest reserves. J. T. Summerville left this morn ing for a business trip of a few days o Salem and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clngcado left nn No. 20 this mqrnlng for a visit to Portland nnd Salem. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shields, who have been visiting friends In Jack sonville, left this morning for Shedds, Ore. From there they will go to Lob Angeles, then to tholr homo In Hannibal, Mo. Al Bell Is among us again aftor a trip as far south as Imperial valley, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hanley were Lolldny visitors In Medford. T J. Hamlin, a pioneer farmer of tho valley, transacted business In Medford yesterday. Arthur Davis baa gone to Apple gate to look after his mining inter ests. C. M. Allen, a former resident of tho valley. Is hero on a visit, accom panied by his sons Roy and Ira. They are located near Edmonton, Canada, end doing well. Herman King and Arthur Poo and their families spent Christmas with Air. and Mrs. John Margreitor "of Poormans creok. Paul Hansen spent a short tlmo In Jacksonville Tuesday morning. Mr. Fry of Yroka, Cal., a promoter of mining enterprises, passed through SANTA CLARA, Oil., Dee. 27, Father Men, the fitt .Ic-nit prfe-t ordained in California, professor of mnnv seicucAVt nud the man who first introduced the uleetrie are lamp m San Knuieisco, eelclmitcd the golden, jubilee ot hw ordination. REDWOOD CITY, Oil.. Dce 27. Willinm Lmiirley, rind in little more limn u smile, ulittscd through the nmin streets hero with two doetors iu hot pursuit. "I'm nutty!" ho nid. "Who wouldn't lie with this Chrislnms give and take proposition 7" 1912 CATALOG A- MVM WIUK. Ill J. Phlutor or Palmer Piano iMitoq, occupying imi't ot Cuthbort'it funiltiiio at oio, pritvea to tio' u live wire In tho plnuu business. Slnco Blurting in huMlut'HH hero May 16, HU1, ho has sold three carloadn of planoa'and' InrorntH us ho baa an other carload en route for Medford at the present time. HIh flint rurload he sold In Medford, tho second In Klamnth Kails, tlm third In Mar'ali field, Coos Day, and the fourth ho will now sell Iu Medford, OUKCOX KRSTAHHANT Chinese restaurant. Also Ameri can kitchen. Everything first class. Chop Suey, noodles and everything on American bill of fare. George Leo, proprietor. 20 South Front. 2G0 llnsklna for henlth, NOTllJK. u" Notice Ih heiehy' given" that tho uiidondgifad will apply 'o tho' city counull of tho city of MoiKoi'd, Ore gon, at Itu uuxt regular mooting on January 2, HU1, tor a llcoutiu to noil spirit uouHt vlimim and malt Hqtiora In quautllleH leuti than u gallon at IIh plncu of hiiHlmiHH on lots D, 0, 7, 8, blouk 20, In said city, for a period ot ulx uujutlin, 1IOTKL NASH CO. Dated Dee. 14, 101 1, .i. fin i X.MAN AND XRW YKAllH HOLIDAY llATKif. Sain datea Deuoinbor 23, 21, 26, :to and a hit. itui, Jail. 1st, 1012. Heturn (limit Jan. 2d, 1012. Rntn faro nud third. Rata applies between alf poliita In Oregon and California where regulnr faro Is lest 'than -916, Draperies Vn curry vpry enntnlotn Him of rtrivtmrUis, Inch oiirulim, fixture, rto. uniUkV nil eliiHiMiH of uniiiiUiorliuf. A upon 1 11 1 nmn to look nflnr thin work tixulimividy nnd will Htvo nn kikiiI mrvlo nn In l'onnlliln In net lu ovmi Urn Inruext etllra, Weeks & McGowan Co t-" -f - r Clark & Wright XiAWYBXR WABKIHaXOW, Z, U. I'ubllu Lnuit Mnttom! Klim! Proof. Donort I.nitdrf. ConloBtii nml Mliiltm Ciimok. Herlp. AssacUto Work for Atlonier. MAILED FREE f.OS ANGELES. Cal. "Keep the trousers but bring back my 000 plunks." This advertisement ap peared in a local newspaper. J. Levy, a horse dealer, had his trousers stolen from his body while ho slept. Iu one of the pockets were nine J100 bills. LOS ANGELES, Cal. Two of mellow old ryo whiskey cases came -AND WILD IT FOR LESS MONEY Buy ike millwwk diitrt from our by factory for coe-ilurd to half of hit you would rr your lxl dealti. We otrate our own mill and can cuatanlte cwry ptett we male to be wdl-nade and of chotccit kiln-dnVd lumtwi. 9. B. WILLIAM!' SASH anil DOORS 5-pjkneI doofi, 15 ilzfi, $U0. Ctaltmin bcagJow doora. $1.60. Dunjalow front doot, 55 and 5o. Iniide trim, 1 0 pci, to a ttt, 60c SW kI! anrt-nlr tls)u trj. W(i)otcauiai 43 Kin. Cbas. Strang Guarantees Hyomei If you really mean that von want to drlvo every bit of catarrh from your nose and throat why not try a sensible remedy that Is guaranteed to banish catarrh, or money back. If you already own a little hard rubber HYOMEI Inhaler you can buy a bottle of HYOMEI (pronounce It HIgh-o-me) tor only 50 cents, if you do not own an inhaler ask for complete HYOMEI outfit which con tains an inhaler, this will cost you 31.00. Then breathe HYOMEI and get rid of catarrh, relief comes in five min utes, a day's treatment will make you' 'happy, a week's treatment and snuffles, mucus and hawking go, an other week and goodbye to catarrh. Try it today on monoy back plan. Sold by Chas: Strafrfg and" drtiKglstd everywhere. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no equal on earth in variety of mineral waters and curing diseases that medicines will not reach. It you aro In need of health, como now. We are open all the year and can give tho best of care and attention now as well as In stimmor. Stage dally from lied Bluff to the sprlugs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN SPKINGS, CAL. Attention Dairymen and Stockmen Just received a- car of registered and grado Hol$teln caUIo, They wero the mortgage lifters of tho Ohio Western Heservo and can do It here. All from the noted D0K0I strain, imported from Holland. Uest hord west of tho Cascades, l'rlces aro right. Phono 732, party R-l or visit our ranch on Ross Iine. . TICKNOtt. DQOLITTLH gW If 1 fjfcjs iiSRahf 1 n wr ' n il J BRif I IflP'ir Lr 111 I JSSBrrilsLJIl ill yKKiujClHr' U lilt -ri- t t-r-f4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY HH -I FOR SALE A Jersey cow, fresh In June; 10 Poland China pigs three months old. W. J. Hartzell. Sub urban 4Q8. 240 FOR RK.NT--Furnlshed rooms, hot and cold water, bath and electric lights, close In, 221 North Holly St., FOR SALE- Cheap, one 24 h. p. 2 ryllndor auto. , CH Yalloy Auto. 240 utririur iitt C si m mix f HAPPY is the woman who is never uoprepared who can always lay a nico appotis lng meal or light luncheon before any guest -unexpected or not. Her frlenda pralso her for hor housqwltoly qual ities and alio feels that dellchtful satisfaction which can only como from hospitality perfectly done. rJie secret lies in having a well chosen selection of canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look over our stock the best of the kind in the town and make a selection today. Then put your fear in tho cupboard for you will be prepared for any. company come when it may. jf!: ' '1 ALLEN GROCERY CO. 8 0-40 H , OBNTUAl A V H . On Friday, December 29th, Kentner's Will Hold a Box Sale Articles Ranging in Price from 25c to $18 Will Be Sold at the Uniform Price of 25c .Hero is (he plan: We have gathoivd several hundred useful ni'lielc.s from our immense stock and will put them up in boxes. In these boxes will be ar ticles ranging in price from 25e to !8 You simply pay -'w. for a box and take your choice. You may got an $18 article 'or you may get a 25c one there are no blanks. None of these goods will ho exchanged, taken back, nor will money be refunded. Jjelow we give you' a list of the goods that will bu in the sale: Children's Ituhhcrixcd liaiu Coats Ladies' Oaraeul .Jackets Ladjes' Tailored Suit Ladies' Hat Pins Ladies' Hand IJags . . Ladies' Silk Scarfs Hand Painted .Japanese China Ladies' Pelts Ladies' Lisle Hosiery .Large lluck Towels j- .Men's Handkerchiefs .Men's Fine Sox .Men's Wool Suits Men's Overcoats Alon's Suspender Sets Men's Hose Supporters ' Ladies' Sweater Coats Children's Sweater Coata Knitted Mufflers Ladies' Kaney Hose Supporluis Jwulies' Pelt Pins Ladies' Muslin Underwear Ladies' Shoes Ladies' Yarn Cloves Tovs Ladies' Knit Underwear .Men's Silk Neckwear Men's Shirts tj Jioya' Suits .Men's Sweaters ' k' Glen's Leather Purses 'J it See the Articles in Our Show Windows A Pre-New-Year's Sale of Women's Fine Tailored Dress Skirts, $6.50 and $7.50 Values, for $5 We find that we have too many dress skirts on hand and are going to sell some at once. We therefore offer you your unrestricted choice of any of our fine $0.50 or $7.50 skirts for $5; iu the lot are all of those popular fancy Scotch mixture cloths as well as plenty of the serviceable blue or black skirls. IRRIGATION WATER gives VALUE to LAND . i WATER is a Community Builder t ' You have tho LAND , " You NEED tho WATER Rogue River Valley Canal Co. PBED N. CUMMINatS, Manauor Office Third Floor Medford National Bank Bldg. Irrigated Orchard Tracts A 10-AORE TRACT 1 ACRE FOR YOUR HOUSE AND BUILDINGS 1 ACRE IN ALFALFA FOR YOUR STOCK 1 ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES "" 1 ACRE IN BERRIES AND GARDEN TRUCK ,': 0 ACRES IN OROIIA RD AND YOU ARE INDEPENDENT ' " ROGUELANDS, Ihc: FRED N, OUMMlNOuS, Manager 4 . $ , ' . .W - - tU(" ,. a t fc .r Jt Jtii, &