T s ll . . tf. Jeff Seems : -. : . ; Sfi, crcsrr, t ausi coy s Joli To PUVt fiWHV(S CLiWJ -" t:ir n cVt6fUQ --' TXi tat -. . -... --- JoNl4Hry CITY NOTICES. ORniHAMOU MO. 034, Ah uiiiiiirtiR'i. uhndhnIiiu tlm property niljiiwnl lii ii ml brrii-riliHt by th nI Inoii In iff Ht'Wt r count ruetvtl iilmiK Now Inwn tttiHiil from Klglith ntriwl In Tenth ftiil. the iiii of oountructliiK the nMtrut iiihI iirnvlillim Itm niiiiiur r ritrrylr.K MM III Ht'lllllllt IlllO full ifrui. YIih City uf .Mmironl ilotli (inlaln iih felliiwn: Hwllim WliprnnN. tlm Vy Council llil lnrnlif(iri tiruvliln dy onllimiifit .fur Urn narvlnti of Dm nwncrH of irinriy iiillMunut lu nmt li'nfllil ny ttiu con (ilinolliiii of tlti luliriil tvr liiirclimflrr iliK!rllil to MH-ttr Imforo uttlil Council inn) Klmtv i'iiiiiiij, if mi)', uliy n lil proi irly ulimilil mil Im iniitiniil tur Dm ron Nlriicilnti of iilil v.vr, ami illil fix n t lino fur tiiHirlnu itity micli iroinlK. wliluli iiutlon Wiiii Rlvi'ii'lii iiccoriliUici wild mtlil onlliiuni'o morn limn inn ilnyi ln'forii Dm iKiKtmiliiK of lh uoimlriicllun of until hhWkc. Iili I mi priilmlM ncnliiMt imlil I'ouMtriiiiiion or Hnn-nxiin'iit of th i'onI llmri'Mf yiiH iiiiiilu by iinyoim nmt nulil huWit mih, Iiy Billil Uoiltirll, orOuri'il HHMilrilclnl AihI wIhtvhh. Iliy ooiit of Urn cniintriir tlnii uf tilil MfUni' him I "Mi 1 1 inuil" iiml hi'M'liy Ih (IoIhI-IiiIiiimI lu tin lliu ml III uf IIC6 tfu. Nun', ltinrfurl ii ii lil city iloth ontaln iiml ifliiiii (liul ixti'li part'i'l of iruiirl' ilwncrltxHl ln-loir Ih luljaccnl to nnJ bnr riltNt by lliitt rrrlnln luli-rnl m-wtr kIx lnitiM In nli'. coiiHiruciiHi on Nuivtown ulri'til from Klulitli Nlrwt lo Truth mrrol. nml Unit Ih" iroiiirtlon of tlio uont of dmIiI oMrtr which imrli of haIi! pnrcnln of IhiiiI kIiohIiI hi'iir, IkiikhI on Ihn lninafltN ilrrlvtHl ri'niwvtlvi'ly Iiy mlil prvrral IraatM uf Intnl. In Ilia miiouut mo( ii(iiio hIIb I ln iloncilplluu Of ouoli iHitrnl lie tow, anil tluit wictl of ealil imrcolH In unliiullv tiniK'fltml In thn iiiiiount nut ii jiiHiIln (in ii'nrrlitun Imlow by lliu con ntriiollun of wiliI Ktiwnr, ami' tlmt nalit vtriit muotiulM rriirvnvnt Urn iirupor fioui milil owimr Ami racli or nIiI tr- win In harrby no...il tlm nuiuiint f-i opikmiIIo Hn iKmcrlptlou IkiIow for tho iiuuiti iiKiioniM or wuii unvnrni imroin riiUKtruclliiu of Nalil tinwcr Tho naiuo itplM'ttrtlii Hboyn rutcli ilrBcrlptlnn IhiIhk lli iiHtnn or lli uwiitT. or rrpuicm own it,, of isuili Niirh lot or piirfi-l. AHmHHHMI.NT I'OH A HIX'INCII t.AT I1IIAI. HKU'KII UN NHWTUWN rtritnirr ciioM KtuiiTii HTitinrr TO TUNT1C HTHHKT. AjmtiNNiiiftnt No, I. W. N. Cnmpboll, l.otllblu.'k 0, lMtk nilillllon. City of Ml fiinl. Offuoii. Crontnuo 60 frot on tho wi'Nt ulilit of Newtown irm-t, n !- M'rlbcil lu Vol 00. pititu 033 of tlm county r.'Oordur'K ri-cortU of JitckNou county, Urfiteit: SO fci'tL rnln kt foot, CO cuiiIh; muouut, IJ0 0U AnNooNumnl No 5 W N Camplirll. lit . block fl.l'nrkHililltlon. City of Mnl wiNt nblf of Nwwtown Ntri'ct. n rorti, wrHisuu. itiiiiihkv u iirt on innj Villa lllPBtlll. iiiamw ' -.-' .- v. rHtiirutTH rm'onm uc jiickhqii coiuny. Urion. 0 fcrt, ntto pur foot, 60 ci. lilllollUl, lio uu llllllllllll, luu I AwHiwumtii No -frriHon wllo ' I.nl 3, block 6. Park nil.llllou, city of Mtxlfonl. uriiitun Krontua SO fuot on tlm wHt nll of Ncwtowi) utrnit, ar, il Horllnil lu Vol "7, mts S& of tho county rioorilr'M rwconlN of JuckiiOn county, Qrwiiou, SO fneti rnto per foot, 40 COIllN, ainuuul. 130. uo AnKHiimnnU No. 4. llnrrlnon WIIhoii. Lot 4, block C I'urk inlilltlon. City of Mi'ilforil, Orititim. I'rouluR" 60 fvl on tho wont nIiIh of Nwlon Hlrciit, n iIp mirlboil In Vol. 77, Iih 4GS of tho County lUminlnr'M rvconlH of Jncknou county, Oroiiou; to fini; rnta por foot, 40 vvutN, muotint. 130.00 AioniKtuui'lit No. B NurclHxti McCain. I.ol &, block 0, Park nilillllon. City of .Mi'ilfonl, (ircKon. Krontaua So fi'ot on tlm wNt Nbla of Newton Ntrrcl, nn il Hiirlbcii In Vol; 72. tmK" 28 of tho County fti'Oorili'r'H n'conlN of Jiiokmiu county, UrrKou; to font; ntto pur foot, 00 cviiIn; amount 130 oo. AHNt'CHnimit No 0 NnralNNit McCain. Lot 4, block G, Park nilillllon. City of Mfilfnril. Ureuon. Kronlnsn 60 foot on tlm went Nble of Nnwlon Ntrcot, nn up norlb...l In Vol. 7. iiiiKe 2KB of llio county I rr vi & a . . . a fc " . - . v r,i i -m m.-j x r u n rvi &rt m u hi if - . ---J-. rceoni'H reconiN or jiiukmoii cnuiny, wre "'"""";""" KOii: to frpt: rata por font, 00 coiiIn; QUS SAMU13L3. muouut $30.00. ...., . ANHUNNiimm No. 7. II, A. lrcilonburK ! ,. ., -,.,--.. ..... Tho wHt Inilf of lot 7. block 0. I'ltrkiFOU COUN'CIfiSIAN PltOM niblltlnu, City of Mmlfonl, Orfgon. tiiii rniiiin u'Aini ProNlnKii feet on tlm went Nlilo of 1 IHIHII AH1) Npwiou Htrei't. u iioHcrlboa in Vol. 71, i horoby onnounco mysolf as a iiukuh MO uml JI4I of tlm countyre, uoiiIui'h reuoriiM of JncKHon county, Oio'cnndldnto for councilman from tho amount lA ''" f,")l' " con,,,; Third ward nt tho comluc city oIoq- AHMPHHin'iiit No. S.H. A. KrcilentuirK. I tlou, Tlm emit Imlf of lot, 8, block 0. l'arlc mimii.miTi. nilillllon, City of .Mmlforil, (iroKon. J. T, BUMMRHVILLB. l-'routUKO feet on lb" w'Nt hIiJo of Newton Htreot. iin ilPNcrlbcil In Yol. 7lOANI)HATH IOIl COUNOir uoriler'H rcconlN of Jneknun count y. Ore tinuiiN i iu ami it i oi urn uuiuitj- i izen: 44 rent: rale per rooi, uu couImi iiiiioniit 12(1.40 AHHCMHUIUUl (NO, P. J. C. Collins. Tbu wiinI half of lut l, block 7, 1'iitk aililltlon.l tjliy of Me'lforil. iiri.Kon! i-'rontiiKo 44 1 i,;,;ie0sori..i in Ve'riii: i.;'nMi Sr ua enmity recorilor'H reconiN of Jnckmin mreel, OroKon; 4t feoli rnto 'r foot, 00 cantHi iimouni $30.40, t, , ANHHONHUIellt No. 10, J, O. ColllllH, Tlm went Imlf of lot 10, block 7, I'm l( nilillllon, city of Moilronl. Oreuoit. KronlUKti 41 feet on tlio eilHt nlilo of Newton Nlrent, (in ileHcrlbeil lu Vol. 81, iiauo 600 of llio county recoriler's reconlH of JnckHon county, OraKen: 44 footi ntto pin- fool. 00 ciintMi nmuunt $28.40, AHHeHHinent No. 11. -If. M. Mnrlln. I,ot 11. block 7, l'nrk aiUlltlon, City of Mcilforil, Oregon, KrontiiKU 60 fool on the eiiNl nlile of Newton atrcot, an ilc HOilbeil lu Vol. 66, piiHO 68 or tlm county reconlor'H reconlH of Uuckiion. eoiiuly, Oregon i 60 rents ralo por foot, 00 cuntm muouut $30.00. AciiHcHHinent No. 12. Ann O. Anilrow. T.ot 12, block 7. I'ni'k nilillllon. City of Mtiiiraril, Oregon, 1'rontaK" 60 root on in ..nut Hliln or Newton Ntroot. nH tlo HCI'llieil III vol. no, initio ii. ui inn uiiuiiiy moorilar'n inconlH or .InckNon county, Oregon; 60 fcoti rato por foot, 80 aunts; iimoitut $30.00. .... . , AHHuHHinnnt No. 13.-Ann O. Andrew. Kroiilugn 60 root on tlio eilHt Nlilo or Newlou Htreet, mi iloHorlboil In Vol, 60, liUKo 112 or tho county reoonloi'r. reconlH or Jiiokmin county, Oregon; 60 foot ; rato nor foot. 00 couIh; muouut $.10.00. AHMoHHinent No. 14, Ann O. Aiulrow. Lot H. bloolt 7, Park inlilltlon, City or Meiiroril, OroKiiu, Kinntuun 60 Toot on tho WtMt nlilo or Newton Htreet, iih lie Mcrlliotl lu Vol. B0, piigti 112 or tlm county rcuonler'H reconlH or .incsou county, Ore Koui 60 feet I rutu per foot, 00 uuntHi ninount $30.00, AHHoHNiuent No. G. Volna Wobslor. Lot 10, block 7. Park nilillllon, City of Mmlforil, Oregon. Pronlugo 60 foot on tho eiiHt Hliln or Newlou Htrcot, uh do mirllieil lu Vol. 20. pugu 620 of the county riiooi'iltir'H leconlH or JueiiHou ooupty, Oregon; BO feet; rutu pur foot, 00 oonluj Biuouilt 130,00, .-.--. ,w ' to Have Quite a x'tt bj (y.c in vjcrh 1 C VA'.Twruiu'hM.tr';: a x,rl' "... I -. I v'" vkuvs, OOVlcp-VtIGia PCWGCTOS " . v- li'i' 1 I , JtJ - -.- !- .... .,..-.. i t m ll jTrir.ym. 'j CITY NOTICES. Ahunimiiu-nt No IB.- Vol nit Wtilmtvr, Lot 16, 1.1. k 7, I'nrU nilillllon. City of Mt'itfonl, Uri'uou, I'riintiiK" tu font on llio MIDI ahlti of Niiwlon Nlrni't, UN ill itorllimt lit, Vol. St. pnita 6Z9 of tile coilnty r-corilrr'H rcorun of Jnckiioii county, Ori'Ki'U. 60 ff.it, rut ii per foot, CO cutitK; nmmint 130. uo, Hvuilon 3, Ami It In lurrliy (irilcrml nml onlnltiril Unit nalil mtvnrul iimmi-iki. mould nml the- lli'fm thereof lm rnii-ri'il lu lliu llnti ilookut or kmIiI city, nml that thrrmipou notlco lm kivcii to Un oWncr. or ri'iiuti'il owncrn. of mi hi proturtv, nml tluit lliii urttnn lm I'lifori-oil n m I colctril lu tint timnnir provloVit ly III ft clmrlnr of mi Id city for Urn colliclloii of nnHi-mi. inniilK fur tlio liiiprovcnifiitN of iHrvftn tlii'tnln. HOotlon S. It In furthnr onUri'il Unit tlm riollcfl aIiova iirovhlfil fur liu milt. iinru iiircn iiinrn in inn uni y Iv Mnll.l m.,. ....".. ..::. ": .: . -i- .-."...., "; rir . "; -i iriuinir, n nrwniniHr puiiimiirii mm on ennml clrcuUllon In Mihi cliv, lu ihi miinnrr provloVd by oiillnancn No. :iu of nit lu city. Tlm fiircKOlne onllnnncn won pnnmiril by IIik city cmiiuHl of Hip City or Mi-.l-foril, Ori'Knn, on lh SUt ilay or Nnvrni boi, lll. by thi folllotvliiK vols Mnrrlck, alinmt; Wuit, oyn; Wortmnn, nvo; Kmcrlck, ityoj iilfirt, uyn, uml Mil Inr, nyr. Approvml NovrmbiT I J, 1011 ... , W. II. CANON. Atlrtt Miiyor. IKHIT. W. TIM.I'I.II. City llrcCnlpr. NOTICI5. Til Inn owner, or rrtintnil ntvnnr. of rnch pnrcrl of propurty ilnncrlbml lu tlm fortKoliiK orilliinncc, nn nnmrj thvrrln ml In thn llctn iloclurnt by hrIiI anil tinncfi, an rccontcil In tlm ilockut of city IIimin: You nrn )irrtby not If led tlyit tlio b- Ni'fiftmnut llcctnrfil liv tlm rnroirnlnv nnll. nnncn linn brnn maili nml thn Urn thi.Tr- tr,or. "Uf1 ln ,u"1, cltV !i docket, ull 1'" , ",' l cluo nnrt you nr ln'rf, ., , '' rntulroil to .y tlm nanm to the cltyTXM rccurrtnr within tnn ilityn rrom tlm crv lc of IhlN mitlc. which Ncrvlce In mniln by publlcntlon of thU nollco it ml tlm fmreolni; oritlunncn thrcn tlmc In tlm Mnlffinl Mnll Trillium, purnuniit to an orilor of I lm cltv council of nalil city, iioi.T. v. TKi.rr.it. City lti-conUr. UICSOLUTIOX. Uo It rpiiolvod by tho city council of tho City of Medferd: Section I. There la hereby or dered to ho held In tho City of Med lorn nn nnniini oloctlou tor tho clec Hon of city offkorn. niirsunnt to tho u-;ciiartor or nlil city. . -....' i ,, ,,,, . . . Vnni 2 u,0,.an' rtny or Jnijimry, ""'"l m,i"n " IIUHIO IIUUVI1 III tho charter, Tor tho holiliiK of nnnunl 1,riftnrt u "JEr" ''"',. , . . . , 11)12. between tho hours provided in Tho followlnjr oficorn shnll ho elected at snld olectlou: One rotiuclluinn from each ward, one city recorder and ono city treas urer. Tho following nro tho nlnces in finld city denlKiintod ns tho jilncea nt whlrh said election will bo held: First Wnrd230 Knst Main street. Socand Wnrd -Hotel Noah unniple (Paid Advortlsotnonts.) I'-OIl CITY TUUAHUKHlt. Inasmuch n8 Leo L, Jacobs baa declined to again run for city treas urer I hereby offor tnysolt as a an dldato for that offlco at tho city niOP,inn , ,. ,lMll ,n Tnn,in-V MAN FItOM 8KCOND WARD I horoby announco mysolf hb h cnndldato for councilman from Soc- , .... , . .. . ond ward at tho comlag election to A Jny , lia, .in tue city or Moarora, P. B. WYNKOOP. OANDIDATM VOU COUNCIMIAN FROM THW 8RCOND WARD I horoby unnounco mysolf as a cnndldato for councilman from tho Flnit wnrd nt tho coming election to bo hold January 9th, 1912, In tho city or Aiourom, urof;on. L. Q. PORTER. FOR COUNCILMAN FROM THE FIRST WARD I hereby nnnouuco mysolf ns n candidate for councilman from tlio First ward nt tho. coming city oloa- tlon. J. W. MITCHELL, CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILMAN FROM FIRST WARD Whorons Councilman Wortmnu of tho Second wnrd has docldod to ro tiro 1 horoby announco mysolf as a cnndldato to succeed Mr. Wortmnn in tho city council of. the city ot Medford. Ore, nt tho- coming oloo tlon to ho hold In Bald city on Jan uary Oth, 1012, EDWARD 0. IRELAND. MICDFOttD MAIL rftTOUm, Wide Acquaintance in CigaretteCircles CITY NOTICES. rooniH In MIIch Muck. Thlnl Wnnl -City hull. The; following uru hurohy donlrcnat cA ns JutlKcn or ha Id uloctlen: Klmt Wnrd U, t Damon, JuiJko; I), T. ltwlon, who Bhall oIho net iih derk: 10. 0. CIiiiMIb, who Nlmll aloo nut oh clorlc, Soconil Wnrd B. J. I.unynrd, JiiiIku; ClinH, Tit I cut, who nliull also net uh clurk; Con. II, Cndy, who shall ahm net ns clerk. Third Vnrd-J. A. I'urry, JtulBn; Kcott V. Pitvli, who Hhull q)ho act nn clurk: Jolm Ii, Duiiiiuur, who nlmll nlvo act iii clurk. Tlio forcKOlni; rcHoltitlon was tlwu..i i... tiln i.., !'.?"""' ." ,,u'. c'l City of Meufuril, Ore council of tli Oregon, on tlio 19th dny or noci'inuor, mil, by th rol IowIiik vote: Mvrrlrk, nye: Wntt, nyu; Wortiuan, nyo; Bmorlck, nye; lIlfiTt, uyu, nml Millar, ay it. Approved Dt'comhur 20th, 1911. P. K. MBHHIC1C. AtteHt: ActltiR Mayor. Iloht. W. TBI.FHlt, City Itrcordur. Notlco U herchy glvon thnt tho annual city election ordered by tho forKoltiK roHOltitlon for tho election of the offlcem, will ho held In said city at tho tlmo and at tho place denlRnntitd In mild roHOltitlon. ItOIlT. W. TKI.KBIt. City Itecorder. Duted Decembor 23d, 1911. H AM) NKW YKA118 HOLIDAY HATKH. 8alo dates December 23. 24, 25, 30 'nml 3lHt, 1911, Jnn. 1st, 1912. Return limit Jnn. 2d, 1912. Rato fnro nnd third. Rnto applies between nil points In Orcj-on nnd California whom regular fnro U less than $1&. MILK ROUTE KXTK.VDKD. Tho Medford Dairy, J. W. Snider, proprietor, bus decided to extend Its milk routo to cover nil of that por (Ion of tho city of Medford lying east at Dear creek brldgo, nnd horcaftor Mr. Snldor will servo customers In any part of that torrltory, as well ns other parts of Medford. Mr. Snider gWnnteea tho milk from his dairy to bo puro, sauttnry and fresh. Tlio milk furnished Is highly recommend ed ns an excellent baby food. Phono Pacific 201 P J 3; or Home 2SG-M. Haslclns for health. FOR RENT OFFICES FOR RENT Ovor tho postoftlco, with boat and light Sco A. A. Davis. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Fully equipped placer nnd quartz mine. Gold Ray Real ty Co. FOR RENT Largo nnd small ranch 08. Gold Rny Realty Co. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RfiNT A sulto or two or four nlcoly furnished housekeeping rooms; plumbing, lighted, lower floor. 729 W. 11th st. Mnln GG03. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, light, gns nnd bath. Also Jtwo room house, furnished, cIoho in. Inqulro 337 West 10th ntroot.' 259 FOR RENT Two furnished light housekeeping rooniH nnd nlso sleeping rooms. 220 South Grnpo at. 238 FOR RENT Now and up to dato nnurtmeut modern In ovory -partic ular, gas cooking, stoam beat etc. Hmllh'H npartinont house, 317 so Rlvorsldo. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMS 50c nnd up. .Hotel Moore. Special rates by week or month. ROOM8 GOo nnd up. Hotol Mooro. Special rates by week or month. ROOMS GOo nnd up. Hotol Mooro. Sppctnl rates by wook or month. FOR RENT .HOUSES FOR RlSNTV-7-Two modorn houses cloao lu. Apply 514 South Holly at ... 210. FOR RENT Six room lioiiso on Ilontty atroot, $10, W. T, York & Co. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE Modorn eight room lioiiHO, gnrngo mid largo lot. 418 S, Onkdnlo, Inqulro nt 420 S. OukUulo. 240 ATDFOUD, ORIfflOX, FOIl 8ALK LOTS FOR BALE Would yon llko to own tho very bent resldenco lot In town. I ucqiilred this lot lu oxclmngo. I can't uno it. IleHt offer takes. U, K. Ilcnson, Palms rooms. 239 FOR 8ALETwo eat fronting lots with now two room house, $25 down ami $15 por month. M. I). OloVcr, Palms rooming house, 241 FOR HALE- HOUSES FOR HALBOR RENT 5 room houso nnd 2 lots on paved street, Med ford, a bargain; terms. D. H. Sturtovant. Central Point, Ore. 2G5 FOR SALT:: G room strictly modern bungalow, best residence district, south facing, on Dakota just off Oakdale, $3000, terniH $1000 down balance as you Bay. U. F. llenson, Palms rooms. 239 FOR SALE Five room house $1800. Will tako runabout as part pay ment. Phono 7432 Uell. 239 hOR SALE I offer you ono of the most up to dato bungalows In the city at a prlco that I know to be below cost to build. 5 rooms strictly modern, beamed ceilings, water, sewer, electric lights, gas, nnd sidewalks, finished lawn. Prlco J2GG0 only $500 down, bal. $18 per month. GEO. C. CORNITIUS. M. C031. 219 W. Main st. 238 FOR MAIiKACREAGE FOR SALE Garden chicken ranch proposition; nearly an aero inside city; $900. Nothing down. $15 monthly. Sewor, water. B. F. Benson, Palms rooms. 239 FOR SALE $2000. 120 acres of land located ln Fall River valley. For further information apply to Mrs. F. A. Houston, Glenburn, Cat. 240 FOR SALE 1M acres with now 4 room house; an ideal chicken ranch; $550 if taken within ten days. Address H. E. B., caro Mall Tribune, or call Home ph. 285-L. FOR SALE Twenty acres partly Im No. 1 fruit land; no stones; prlco $1750. Address II, caro Mall Trib une. FOR SALE Six acres; small house; nearly ail in fruit; ail cleared; prlco $1,G00; terms. Address Owner, caro Mali Tribune. FOR SALE Your opportunity to buy nn Idcnl ten or tlttcon aero orchard home Kit a. less than ono half mllo city limits Medford. Ad dress ownor, P. O. box 110, Med ford. 240 FOR SALELAND FOR SALE 20 acres of hillsldo fruit land, dcop blark soil, nono hotter ln tho valloy, $200 cash, balanco on long ensy tonus to suit Also 10 acres bottom land under ditch good for all klnda ot truck or alfalfa, $150 cash, balance long ensy terms to suit Ollvor B. Brown, 1427 E. Main st. FOR SALE Nice Httlo homo in Moonvlllo, Sams valloy, Ore., con sisting ot good G room house, largo barn nnd chicken house, good well ot wntcr nnd about 7 acres of land, half In nlfairn. Fine for n chlckon ranch. Prlco $1700 If aold between now nnd Jan, 15, 1913. Address Mrs. M. E. Gardner, Snma Valloy P. O., Orogou. 248 FOR SALE Ono ot tho host stock ranches In Jackson county. 480 acres for $12,000 it taken by Jnn. l. 1912, c. C. Piorco. BUltO 427 M. F. & II. Co. bldg.. cornor Con trnl nvo. and Gth Bt. Home phono 198; Bqll 1051. 237 FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE Aero nnd flvo ncro trnnla mllnlnlnir Moilfonl 'on lonir titno, easy payments,, or might ox- ennugo, uoiu Kay ueauy uo., iui Eloctrlo bldg. FOR SALE 120 ncros sdo hill fruit lajd, deop soli, houso, bnru, chlck- on uoiiBO, ?y-uu. uu nnuuioa. B. P. Bonson, Palms Rooms. 242 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE POR SALE OR TRADE Orchard nnd Improved land for Medford city proporty. Box J. C. A., caro Mall I'.'httitin . W M M V. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 aero truck farms Vi mllo from Modtord. W. H. Evorhard, 909 W. Oth, Phono 6671. FOR S"ALE OR TRADE 160 acre farm hnlf mllo from Russell, Kan sas, prlco $6500, Would accopt Medford proporty up to $1500, Wrlto, Goo, J. Melor,- RubsoU, Kan sas, or Jacob Q. Melor, Butto Falls, Oro. x 'IT IOTA V. DlWrcMMTCR, 20, FOIl BALK MI8CBLI.ANEOU8 FOR SALE Two fine milch cows. Home phono 11-L. 240 FOR SALE Ono first class carriage horso, prlco reasonable. Address P. O. box C93. FOR SALE Potato culls. E. W. Carlton, Upper Table Rock. Tele phono "114 Farmers" Central Point FOR SALE Cordwood, oak and hardwood, $5 per cord In ''carload Jots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main. Phone 1873. FOR SALE Hotel business, good op portunity. Meat of reasons for sell ing. Inquire Hotel Dunlap, Cen tral Point, Oro. FOR SALE Good driving horse. Wantod Light slnglo carriage and harness. Address P. O. box 312, Medford. 237 FOR SALE 3 Black Minorca cock erels; 3 Dlack Minorca pullets. F. M. Corlies, R. F. D. 2, box 41, Central Point, Ore. 238 FOR SALE Household furniture, sewing machine, kitchen range for salo cheap. Inqulro 43G N'. Bart lett st. ' 238 FOR SALE A four vcar old mulb. well broke and gentle, cheap for ' tho next few days. Inquire 414 S.i Riverside. 242 FOR EXCHAKGE FOR EXCHANGE Will exchange splendid Oakdnlo avenue residence property for cheaper property. B. P, Benson, Palms Rooms. 242 EXCHANGE 1G0 acres plno timber side hill near Pclton; alfalfa ranch about 25 acres suitable for fruit when cleared.' Will trado for lots. Offer. B. P. Benson, owner. Palms rooms. 239 l FOR EXCHANGE City proporty lots, aero tracts and ranches to exchango for othor property. Gold Ray Realty Co. 101 Electric bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 1G0 acres plno timber sldo hill near Pelton's al falfa ranch in Sams valley: about 25 acres sultablo for fruit when cleared. Will trado for city prop erty. Offer. B. F. Benson, owner. Palms rooms. LOST LOST Valuablo old fashioned ame thyst brooch. Roward. Finder leavo at Mall Trlbuno office. 238 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesmen to aid us sup ply the brisk domand for our goods; somo vacant territory yet in every stato west of the Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 2G1 WANTED Salesmen for exclustvo territory; big opportunities; no ex perlonco necessary; complete line Yakima Valley grown fruit, shade nnd ornamontal stock; cash week ly; outfit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A buyer for a fine stock ranch. 480 acres. A special bar gain at $25 per aero. Prlco good only to Jan. 1, 1912. C. C. Plorco, Sulto 427 M. P. & H. Co. bldg., corner of Central nvenuo and Gth st. lloma phono 19S; Bell 1051. 237 WANTED To buy a good young Jorsoy cow. F. M. Corliss, R. P. D. No. 2. box Al, Central Point, Oro. 239 WANTED You enn't help but mako monoy selling our guaranteod-to-givO'Satistactlon stock; free outfit; cash weekly; oxcluslvo torrltory. Yakima Valley JNureery Co., Top pontsh, Washington. WANTED Loan ot $1,750 at 10 por cent for ono year on security of $4,000 value. A,ddress B. C.,' caro Man Tribune. WANTED Tc tniy socond hand gns onglno. W. H. Evorhard, 909 W. 9th st UU8INESS DIRECTORY Assityer and Analyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, load, copper and othor miner als. Mines nnd mining prospects surveyed, -assayed and mining mnps nnd roports nindo thoroon by com petent mining nssayors and ongl noors nt ronsonablo forms. Capital secured for developing mines nnd mining prospects. All mlno own ers nro enrnestly roquosted to Bend samples of tholr. ores for- exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription ot tholr mining proporty. Southorn Orogon Milling Bureau, Gth and l'lr Bts. 1011. I.U8LVKS8 DIRECTORY Accountants 8PECIAL attention given to audit ing. Preparing balance sheets, cost sheets, profit and loss state ments. Also statements prepared for recolvcrship and the courts. William L. Noell, Room 101 Elec tric bidg. Phono 1873 Main. . R. WOOD General accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasooablo figure; your business solicited. Offlco Medford Mail Trib une bldg; phono GG11: residence phono G302. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and Builders. Offico 7-8, 325 Main; phono Main 3471; residence phone 744. Abstract ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 35G. Jackson ville phones. Pacific, Main 11, Home 2006. I. Attorneys C. L. REAMES. LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALF.Y Attorneys-at-Law. No. 1 and 2 Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Garaett Corey bldg. MULKEY & CHERRY (R. P. MUL KEY, GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooma 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bide B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Tltlo Examiner. 254 3'20 Garnett-Coroy Bldg. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and SoffDrinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nice, cool place to spend the hot afternoons. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg. Medford, Oregon. Cigars and Tobacco IRELAND &. ANTLE Smokehouse. Dealers ln tobacco, cigars and smokers' supplies. Exclusive agent ot Lowls Slnglo Binder. El Merito and El Palencla. 212 W. Main st Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Englneolr and Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering drattiLg, sewer design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklns blk.. Modtord. Oregon. Chiropractors PR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist E. 9 th and So. Rlvorsldo. Vapor baths and scien tific massage given; ndvlco ln die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 1CS-K. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will euro rbouuiatlsia, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung trouble, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and all kinds ot chronic nnd nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st, Medford, Ore., to 4, 6:30 to 7:30. Residence phono Main 43. Furniture H. E. WILSON & CO. Doalors ln now and second-hand furniture and hardware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 38 S. Fir s,t. Phono Main siui, uome auo-ij. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Cornor Sth and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORDOHO & WOLPP Cookstovos and Ranges. New and second-hand furniture. Bads' old stand, 18 Fir at. S. Phono 91, Home 283-K,, Modtord. Gnmlto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Prlddy, O, D. Nagle, Goo. T. O'Brlun Cantractors and manufac turers of brick; dealers ln pressed brick and llmo. Offlco at tholr brick yard, West Jnckson street. Phono No, 34G1. paotd vrm By "Bud" Fisher, "1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rrntlsts J. M. KEENE, D. D. 3.; A, J. HIW KER, D. D, S, Dontlsts. 228 Is. Main. Phone Main 3191. Home 124-IC Garbage MEDFORD OARBAOE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo orders at 29 8. Bartlett, or phono Rodney Taylor, Pacific 3432, Heme 10S-X. Medical. RHEUMATISM CURB Call for BIuo Steel Liniment at al! drug mores. Guaranteed to cure. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under pure food and drugs act Price $2,00 a bot tle. Manufactured by Mr. Oinrl'i Tumor, Blue Steel Liniment pro prietor and iuventor. Gen. Del. (Liniment factory 107 North Front st, Medford, Ore.) 2G8 Printers asd TrntHlAifrn MEDFORD PRINTING CO. ha tho best equipped Job office in southern Oregon; book binding, looao leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc. Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st Notary Pnbllc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to me at the sign ot Tho Mai Tribune. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery, bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are buddod, not grafted. Our fttocfc is not irrigated. We guarantee everything put out We aro not In tho trust H. B. Patterson. Office removed to offico Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grade nursery stock. Offlco 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Physicians and Sargeoas DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 403-4 Medford Furniture and Hardware bldg. Res idence 1303 W. Main st Office hours, ID a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 101. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY PhVsI clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phone 501, residence phone 612. Office hours, 9 ft. m. to 8 p. m. DR. P. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic pbysiciuns. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Phone Main 6351. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE Dentist Offlco in Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction ot teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence 113 Laurel st, phono 2092. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practice limited to diseasos of wom en. Offlcos over Haslclns drug store. Phones. Paciflo 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dontlsts Garnett-Coroy bldg., sulto 318, Med ford, Orogon. Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to oye, ear, noso and throat. Eyos scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Offlco 216 E. Main st, ovor Med ford Hardwaro cqmpany. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tice limited to oye, ear, nose and throat Offlco, sulto 318 Garneit Coroy bldg. Both phones. Stenographers' ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stonographlo work done quickly and well. MISS L. J. HINGSTON Publlo Ste ogrupher, Medford, Ore, Phones; Offlco. Paciflo 6571; residence, Pa ciflo 5083. Room 218 Qarnett Corey bldg. TrHHiifor BADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Offlco Davis warehouse. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350-IC. Prices right Service guaranteed. MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY- Parcols 10c, 15c, 25c; trunks 2Ce anywhere iu tho city. Office Val loy Second Hand Storo,15 N. Fir st. Phones: Main 3072; Home 364. Messougor service. Prod Crocker, Prop, J I -.