taint mM J22a city H" .y Medford Mail Tribune ; h 1,'r' SECOND EDITION WEATHER .Snow or rnlii. Mat. -17, mitt. 2:i; rut. hum. 70 pur cent. ) - VI Dully Hlxtti Yrnr. Kordr-KlrNt Ynr. ii MEDFORD, OKKOON, TUKKIMY, DEC MOM 13 IS R 20, 3911. No, 237. COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED TOR CONGRESS Grnenil Commltleo Namcil to Take Clmrnc u( Mining Meet In This City Names Suli-Coninilttccs tu Take Cnro of Preparations. DATE IS CHANGED FROM JAN. 17 TO FEB. 3 AND -1 Cxhlblt Will Be Placed In the Root Bullillnn at the Foot of Main Street. Till" I'llllllllillH' ICCClltlv lippoillteil llV III CllUlMH'IflHl t'lllll 1" HUll.0 III- rniiK'intnlM rir tin li'dd'uig f "' next niHfllntf of tltt! Southern Oregon timl Northern California Mining enn gum ihi'I nt Hi"' office of Attorney I'. .1. Newman Smulny morning nnil per fected their plan liy the npMiliitmcul o' tlm rollwwiiiti coiiuniltt'i': I'liiMiei eoiiieillti: K. I.. ToilV'll Dr. Itny. .1. II. Cnrkin, K. C. Irlnl hmiI .1. I. Hell. KnilriMiil exetirliiiii: RimcnbMiiin. (ii-iiif nml lluriimii. Ailverliiuu: Mcwtr. l'nttmm mnl Rulil of Mwlfi.nl, Woiilfe ntiil Onwr of AMiliunl. Ilolloii id' Yrckn, HhIv t.r .iHekwiiuilli., I'nltenMin or (Vntril Point. UinimiMii of Gold Hill mnl Ynliiii it ml (IiimwoIiI of (Irani Vn, nil lieinif uewpHcr men, mnl nl Mr. I'MlUnmii mnl Tlirnnlier of Meilfonl. I. net in eiiiiiii'elioH-wltli uch newspaper iimmi, il being the in tention I. innk thi the bent inher ited meet t lit iiniiintiou lim vet Jitlil, fiml Iti preparo momuIIiIiik In tin Itiiwf mTli.liorTfn lionklet sluiwiiiK c?ut of tlm different properties hi tlm ilixttiet nml eoiiliilniiii; n Miierluct Hldlement of Ihe mininjc condition prcvitiliug throughout Ihe district o Hint the outdido world inny lie nivoii mi idea of the piihilitii o.iating in thin dUtrrl from n levtinmle tniii itiit MtmnlK)iiit. Till booklet will lie nomelliiiiK thai the mining men tliroiiithoiit (he country will Kteetly prize, n It will contain nothing Imt wlint iimwlrgittioii will prove to lie Kiilixtniitiiil mnl noeurnta titeiiieiit of trim condition u . i I i n vr here, mnl will not lie intruded to in miy manner proniote stock nollinir or other itdver lining Kchtimo. Any piuly or hhho ciinliou wiwtiintf In Imvo their proporly roproftcnloil In (hit booklet mIumiIiI at once i'iiII upon or write IhU'eommil lim nt Mmlforil, Ore., who will give iletniluil inforiniition reapocling thii plmi of advertising tlm mining re source of the ilistnel. The hooklet will lie limited in sue, ho that it will behoove nil winhing rupiewnlatioii therein to nut promptly. Momhorship oemmitlee: Moksi-h. V. ,T. Newman mnl It. L. Itny of Meil fonl, 0. L. Young mnl ( H. WiiIhoii of Aslilnnd, AinlrewK anil South of (irituU I'iihh, ItiehaiiU of Merlin, Luce of Ktnn Mill. Mining exhibit: Messrs. Cnllahnn, Curnihnu and Jo lion of 1 tlno Lodge, AnilrowH, 1Iirsini;er mnl JiiIiiihoii of (IrnnlH 1'ahK, lliienn oT Kerhy, Lamli, MeWillimiiH and Yohiik of AhIiIiiiiiI, ItiehanlH of Miirlin, Jerry of Willow SpriiiKH, I. .1. Luce of Kina Milln, a iiimnhiir from Yrelca, a muniher from Ilornhrook, Opp ami Noilinir of Jnek tHinvillu, Heekmmi of (lold Hill, Dr. Kolmiy of Wiioilvillo; Heildy, Itav. Fnihiw, I.oiiiner mnl l.illytrmn of Meilfonl, .lank Ilnrvey of flnlire, a member from Lolnml nnd Hooho of Tolo. I'nijjniin oninmilleo: MeHfrt. V. .1. Newman, Dr. lteddy, Mr. Ililln, 10. K. Kelly and TliriiHliur. It in u.vpoulud that tlio ohalrman of tlm roHpcolivn (lommitteim will nt on'u lake btepH looking lo the carry ing out of the work of IiIh committee, nnd thai uothitiK will ho left undone to complete, tlm necessary detailed work, iik tlio time !h nljort and action iniiMt io bad at once by each of the above commit teoH in order to uhmiu'o hiiucchb. Kach (loiiuuiltecman Hhould Hlurt at niieo to curry out tho work iiHfclnneil (o him. A Hpleudld buildinn Iiiih been Honored, through tho kind iichh or J, f. Hoot of Mudford, in which to display tlm HiunpleH of ore received, and Hiiitablo-prizim will bo offered for tho himt exhibits of the "uiurcni jiiniiH or ore, to bo dolor inlnoil by t'ompeteiit juiIkhh, OwJiik to tlm fact thai tho Blalo Morolumls' aBaoolution will bo hold- UIINLSI. VILLUOY SLAIN. ttmv ait in ,P YIIHHnflHEIi V' mini i ' ' ilu 'Itan. , Foaid. Tumi roiiK, n noted Clilnvni cenrnil. Iiiih liccu iihuiiniIihiIii,! liy III own "l iIIith, ntcnnlliiK lo luroriiialloii Jut ill liiiml. '1'u fin I'iiiiu' win uue of tli nioul prominent mull In Cliltiu. CITY SUITABLY IS Churches, Splendidly Decorated, Hold Appropriate Services Needy Fam ilies Arc Remembered Throunhout the City Ppstofflcc Does Well. .Mi'dfiird. rather tiie.l mnl worn m the rewiilt of a iwo-ilay ClirintuuiK ct'li'lii'iitiini, Hwiike tliii inoriiiitK ami iiKiiin (urited to it work, nltluniuli with it hriKhleiiuil I'nee. For the hloekiut; hntt all been einplii'il, the lunler'i Kiipply ol" "xnodiiw" Iiiim lncti ilimiiiinheil until now only a joyful re muiiibniiKHL of the .lay linurM. The IiiinIIc mnl Hlir in ihe nity'rt innrlH lii droppvil off from the ruh or the pnt week mnl tired flcikx are npim be (.'iiiifiinc to feul a !!Mlu bolter. It wnn a Rreat CliriHtiinifl. Ol eoinc no one got an much a llie. KHve, hut wlint' the dil'fi' Ail hail n Kreat time and Ihe hricht, cheery rhrixtmiiA KieeliiiKH hurled hack and I'orlli duriiiK the pant two days mean u lot, anyhow. At tlio riiiirvlii'M. Willi muxic, itoiuf ami ileeorRtioiiN Hint IrHtisfonned tho interiors into howerM of Kreenery, Hplclied bii)ih(y with eliihters of red berries am) flow em, the churches of Medford Sunilay Miualed thef'advent of ClirintumH mid ncclaiiiHMl the birth of the Savior. neauliful as the sen iocs of hoiik nnd muHin always me at this muihoii, K rent or effort than ever were made by diriHiion of choir and oriranintM tliroiiKlioiit Ihe i-ity. Tho atteudanee whs heavy in all of the ehuicliex. Ihi-kc eoiiKreKiilioiiH KiitliviiiiK in ci.jIi houno of worahip. Willi tho rict-kN. Althottph tho postal and express business was lyealor (his Christmas in Medford than ever before, the Med ford officoB kept well up with their work and only delay in the arrival of mail and express oauwed presents to be late. Thousands of package have been received in tho city and nt times it Reenied to thoso hnuillino; them that limy would never jet ovon with tlio job. Still there was an end to all things, iivcn tho slacks of packages. Kvurylhiiij? moved on Kchedule time. All ltciuemlicrcd. Tho 11, P. O. KlkH and the City Ito lief BooIotV saw to it that nil of the needy families in tlm city woro ro meiuberoil Christians day. Suhstnn linl fond as well as candy, nuts and Ins woro left, nnd in this way a Christmas was provided where none would othorwiso Imvo been provided. Ownoy Pulton for tho Klks and Kov. A. A. Holmes for tho City Koliof so ciety put in loiij hours of inv(tlj;n. tiou and it Is heliovod that no ouo in need was overlooked. SAN JOsi-1, Hal., Dee. L'fl. May Wuh, red-headed, kinj? of Chinatown, reputed leader of tho Hip Sine; Tonp, reineinbeied his white frionds with liberal Christmas presents. His red huirjsji wig; iiiK a tnoothiK in Medford nt tho (lino originally sot for tho holding of this congress and that nil tho hotels nnd rooming bouses have already boon so onrcd in which to cnro for tho mor chauts, tho committee has deemed it advisable to postpnno Iho mooting un til Friday nnd Saturday, tho 3rd nnd Mb of Fcbrtmry, 1012, nt which time they assure Iho puhlio u meeting Hint will bo n credit to tlio district, OBSERVES G TMASTIDE TO STOP ROAD OM AN GRANT LANDS Conuressman Laffcrty Will Ask tho Department of Justice to Enjoin Southern Pacific From Lcnslrifj Land In 3,000,000 Grant. CHARGE THAT COMPANY THIS WAY BETTERS TITLE This Prevents Settlers From Home- stcadlnn the Land Now and Bolsters Company's Position. POItTLAKI), Ore.. Dec. 'SO.-Ac-rortllui: to WnRlihiKton illnimtclicH to day ('oiiKrcHMiiiiiu Ijiffi-rty of Uri'Kon will uh!( tin department of JiiHtlco to enjoin the Hoiithera I'uclflc nillrond nml II. A. MrAlllHtor of Ban Fnui cIhco from lomdiiK any morn land In (luili'd In Urn .'1,000,000 acre Routh ern Oregon Inml Krnnt to thu Oreuou Callforulu rnllrond, title of which lis lieliiK conteKted by the federal kov ermuent. Tho Oregon nnd California wuh aliHorhed liy tho Boutliorn Pa cific. I.nfforly cliarces Hint tho com pauy, throiiKh McAllister. Is IcibIiik Iho laud In uncut Ion nt HT, pnr 1G0 ncreH aniuiiilly, for tho aliened pur pom) of KaluliiK Bottlorii' iicknowledK meat to the company's alleged right to tlio InudH. TIiIh, he nttHcrts, would prevent the netllurs from homcBtond Iiik tho Iniids now nnd would aid In hohterliiK up tho couipiiuy'H claim of title. The denl Ik being huudled In Port laud liy tho llometitcnd Hualty com pnny. SUN Ul SEN MAY BE PRESIDENT Shanghai Dispatches State That Un less Demands Arc Granted by Wed nesday War Will Be Resumed by Rebels at Once. TOICIO, Dec. 2G. Dispatches ro relved hero today from Shanghai de clare that unless Yuan Shi Kat grants tho don anils of the Chlnoso rebels for tho c8tnhlli.hmonl of a republic, tho revolutionary chiefs who nro hero In conference will elect Dr. Sun Ynt Son president of a new republic on Wedneadtiy and will establish tho capital at Nanking, Dr. Wu Ting Fnng and tho other revolutionary lenders at Shanghai nro angorod at tho fnlluro of tho dic tator to reply to tho proposals of pence mado him and doclnro thoy will wait no longer than tomorrow uefora cutting off U Intercourso with tho representative of tho Manchua. City Wins Damage Suit Brought Against It by" H. Jenkins for an Injury to His Horso In an Open Ditch. Tho city of MqdTonl has won out again in iia suit with 11. Jenkins. Action whs brought poiuo mouths ago in tho justice court hy Jenkins ti,recover $21!) dainiiKO, alleged to ho duo for (Inninges sustnincil hy in juries to a horse. The horso is al leged to Imvo fallen into nil open sower ilitch, sustaining injuries to tho ahovo amount. Tho city won in tho justice court nml tho case was up pealed to tho circuit court whero, on Saturday, tho city again won, tlio cir cuit jmlgo ilirootiug tho jury to bring in n vonlict in favor of tho city. Not mniiv investors will buy un ntlvortisod ivoyorty in this oily this week. DAMAGES 0 JENKINS View of Crater Lake From Proposed Highway Cjhu.m, !,! iiiiiiiwyggBaawiini urn urn iiriirwTirTtfoggcwifiW'aT ?rsj7,-raTrnec2BtZ 'J' Ills in but otu ut the tunny Uvtiitlful izIuwh of Outer Iaxkv uhfcfi Iho pioKhCil lilgliWii)' uImhiI tin rim of tlu lnkct ulilcli .Miijor Morrow urg 1013 when the i'rtwun.i fair ut Him Kntticfsro in oHicd. ininr 1 DEMANDED OD F Citing Judge Humphrey's "Immunity Bath" Decision, Attorneys for Ten Chicago Packers Object to Evi dence About Case Prior to 1905. CHICAGO, III., JKc. 20.-Citing Judge. llitmplireysjXinuiiuiiity bath" decwions, ultonieySTfor the 10 Clil- cngo millionaire packers on trial in United States Jmrgo Carpenter's court hero for criminal conspiracy under tho tonus of tho Shcnnun law, today gave notice that the' objected to nil evidence tho government may offer concerning tho operations of tho packers prior to 1003. . The packers demanded specific im munity for Tildcn, Francis, Fowler and lleymnn. The defonso alleges that these defendants had furnishvl information to the commissioner of corporations, and, under the Hum phreys decision, were not amenable to prosecution upon this information. Judge Carpenter excluded tho jury and then decided that counsel on both sides should confer regarding tho evi dence the government proposed to in troduce, the (lefoiK-o indicating spe cifically to what portions of it tiny would object. llo said tho couW would rule when the government had completed the submission of the evi dence. Attorney John S. Miller, for tho packers, notified tho court that hu would innke tho saiao objection nt the beginning of the testimony of every witness for tho government. The first witness was Arthur Vcedor, at whoso office tho meetings of tno old packer!,' pool were hold. Vcedor traced tho transformation of tho Swift partucr1up into tho 'Swift corporation, and described in detail tho organization of tho National I'ncking company tho beef trust of which ho wns once general counsel nnd treasurer. HEAVY FROST HITS ORANGES I. t Thousands of Dollars Lost in South ern California's Groves Duo to Groat Drop In Mercury Fires Are Started. . LOS ANGEI.KS, Cftl., Dee. 20. Reports today from qrnngo orchards in Sun Hernnrdiuo, llivorsido nnd Los Angeles countios sayvtlut thousnnds of dollars'' damage was dono to tho crop by last night's heavy frost. At San Berunrdino tho mercury dropped from -M degrees nt 0 o'clock to 25 nt lniilniuht. Growers wVo nuick to realize tho danger to tho crop, at least 80 per cent of which is still on tho troes. Smudging firoi woro started and hundreds of niun worked nil night PACKERS POLICE SEARCH FOB HOSE CHECKS E BD E. R. Mitchell Buys Jewelry and Checks Come Back With "Insuf ficient Funds" Noted on ' Their Back. The authorities today arc seekinj tiifiinnntioti nh to the nrusent where nboutsof'E. It. -MfW-liell, a grading and excavating contractor, who has .made his residence at the Hotel Nash for some time past. Mitchell is said to have victimized local eoplc Satur day hy issutug checks, with no fund- to make (hem trood. On Saturday Mitchell purchased jewelry from T. B. Van de Car giving his check for .fia."); from J. F. Law rence giving his check for $S1, and from I). L. Keller, giving his check for S0. Ho also gave the hotel Nash a check for- $40. It is said thnt ho has o cents in a local biyik. Constable Singlor stated today that ho believed he knew where the mau is at present. Saturday was an ideal clay for bad check artists, as the banks were closed two days, giving that length of limo for a "get away." HAMS MAY WED FORMER WIFE Both Deny Report, However, Yet Brother States He Believes Couple Will Remarry Harris to Seek Re instatement in the Army. NKW YORK, . Dee. 20. By long distance telephone from her homo in Milton, Mass., Mrs. Cloudia Hnius, for whoso nlloged favors to William K. Aunis, the lattor wns shot nnd killed at Baysido, L. I., by Captain Peter C. Hains, United Stntes army, today denied a report that sho and lining would remarry. General P. C. Hains, the father, also denied tho story in Wasliiugton. Thornton Hnius, tho brother who hold back spectators whilo Captain Hains shot Aunis to pieces with un nutomntio gun, declares ho boliovos tho couplo will bo remnrriod next Sun day. Thornton Hnius is bitter, de claring he impoverished himself seok ing his brother's pardon from tho penitentiary nnd that ho was never even thanked. Charles Soeger, a real ostnto mnn, started tho story of tho Hnius' re mnrriagoby reporting that Hnius had routed nu npnrtmont from him, say ing ho cxpeoted to remarry his wifo. Seegor milled that Hnius declared he expects to ho reinstated in tho nithy, OAKLAND, Oil., Dec. 20. Patrick Duffy nttosts tho truth of tho adage, "You can lend a horso to water, but you ennnot nmko him drink." Dob bin omphnsr.cd his horso souso hv kicking 111 six of Duffy's ribs. am lx snltietl from tlio tturvey of conri to have completed by BIB OUTRAGES IN BULGARIA MAY LEADTIH CLASH Moslem Population Attacks Burgar ians and 180 Persons Were Killed or Wounded State of Sietje Pro claimed In Many Smaller Towns. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Dec 2G:-De spite th blockade by Turkish troops nr-ramb-TrtnV the" censdrjdflfT whicTi Turkey has placed upon news from the troubled flistricts, it is possible today to construct a connected nar rative from the statements of refu gees arrixinjr here concerning the re cont bomb outrages there. December 4 a bomb exploded in the market plnco iiear the Shadnvan mosque, killin; two Turkish function aries, wounding a Bulgarian shop keeper and partially wrocking the mosque. Tho Moslem population then attacked the Bulgttriaus,. and ISO persons were killed nnd wounded. Hundreds of liou-.es were looted. A patrol of Turkish soldiors joined with the Moslem mob, using their bayonets on the Bulgarians. The battle lasted five hours. Attacks havo also been made upon the Bulgarians in the villages of mixed population in the uoighborhood. A state of siego has been proclaimed at Ishtib. The refugees scout the idea that the outrages wero inspired hy the Italian government, though the Valie of Salonika assures the cor respondents of foreign newspaper thai the Italinu government suborned four porsons to commit those crimes b an outlay of $."0,000. ublio opinion in the Balkans, turn ing a deaf ear to tho argumonts of Turkoy that Italy is the trouble mak er, is inclined to lay the blame for the disturbances nt tho door of Austria, whoso grab of Bosnia and Herzego vina win 1 or many years servo as a warning to the other Balkan statos to bownro of the territorial ambitions of Emperor Franz Josef. FOWlirUAiS llWIStU Rumor That Bird Man Was Lost in Marshes Is Dispelled by Report That Aviator Had Landed at Para dise, 22 Miles From New Orleans. NKW ORLEANS, Ln., Dee. 20. Various rumors that Aviator Robort G. Fowler was lost in tho Louisiana mnrshos woro dispelled hero today with tho news that tho California birdmnu had landed nt Parndiso, La., 22 miles awny from Now Orleans, Fowler loft Los Angoles October 19 nnd consumed throo wcoks in flying fj-om Houston, Tex., to Parndiso, Ho mndo tho distance from Now Iboria to Paradise, 101 milos, in 2 hours jpiul 5 minules. From hero ho plans to fly viu Mobile and Athmtu to Now York. ARMY ENGINEER GES HASTE IN UILDING ROAD Completion of Roads in Crater Lake National Park Before Qpcnlnrj of I9f5 Fair at San Francisco Pressed In Order to Attract Tourists. "MOST BEAUTIFUL VIEW," DECLARES MAJOR MORROW Oregon's Benefit Shown by Arm Engineer's Report, Submitted to Congress. , . WASHINGTON', D. C. Dec. 2C "It Is doubtful It any vlow existing In tho world today la as Impreaslvo and at tho samo time an beautiful as tho view or Crater Lake from tho rim," said Major Jay J. Morrow, ot the nrmy engineering corpn, In tratis mlttlng a report to tho war depart ment, recommending tho expenditure of ?C42,000 for tho construction ot roads and trails In tho Crater Lake National park. Coupled with hia appreciation of tho scenic beauty of Crater Lake park. Major Morrow urgently recom mends that the main roads, for which Illl B he has made surveys and estimates, be rushed co completion rh order that thousands who visit the Ban Fran cisco exposition in 1015 may, on routo to or from Portland, stop off a day and see the park. It theso roads can be completed in timo, Major Morrow thinks the Crater Lake tour will prove to bo one of the favorite Bldo,My trips of travelers. m. "' Figures Declared Reasonable. Abont 62-nnUe. ciLannri rodfeBtk - 100 miles' of trails In" iho opinion or Major Morrow, wllljsnablo the tour ist to reach the mdst Important spots in the park with fa'cllity, 'and, .while the estimated cost is.hlgh,ho'ljo ileves the expenditure Is fully. Justi fied, particularly as It is proposed to. build tho roads for automobile travel. Compared with tho cost of building roads ln tho Yellowstone and Rainier National parks, whero tho topog raphy is similar to that In the Crater Lake park, Major Morrow says tho figures cited in his estimates are not excessive, but about on a par with the actual cost ot building roads over like territory in the two older parks. It probably will bo somewhat dif ficult to secure, an appropriation of $100,000 this session for beginning work on tho Crater Lake roads, for the hoube is inclined to hold down appropriations, and national park Im provements aro never rogarded as ot vital Importance. Howover, it Is probable that somo members of tho California delegation will Join hands with the Oregon delegation in urg ing a liberal allowanco, and, Jointly, those two delegations may be able to get what the army englneors aro ask ing for. Crater Lake park Is ubout as ac cessible to San Francisco as it is to Portland, and California will bono tit as much as, Oregon from tourist travel. RoacL, Extension Needed. "It is of paramount Importance" says Major Morrow, in Ills roport to tho war department, "to build a road encircling' tho crater as near its rim as possible, In order that tho lako may bo vlowed from all possible points. It also is necessary to build, roads from the rlnv road to tho two entrance1? utilizing tho existing roads as much ns posslblo, and to provldo for a road to tho castora boundary, ns this will shortly bo tho principal entranco to tho park, when tho Na tron cutoff Is completed. "Tho railroad then will bo only 10 miles from tho park. It is also ad vlsablo to build a road leading to Tho Pinnacles, which can later bo extended to a fourth entranco, It do sirod. About 100 miles of trails aro necessary to make accessible othor spots which can hardly bo reached by roadB." Tho detailed estimates submlttod to congress by Major Morrow nro aa follews: Rim road, around tho rim ot tho crator, 33 anlloa. . ,S 129,000 Road to tho Pinnacles, G miles 30,000 Road down Hoar crook, 5 miles -. 30,000 Road to Fort Klamath on- trnncd, 10& mllea;.,. ., 73,000 I CouTlnuod on"PagoTwo.) "'" I r IV 1 ! rfl