Medford Mail Tribune SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION Unity Hlxth Yi'nr. I'orty.Hmt Yrnr. WHITE IAS MAY BE SEEN ROGUE VALLEY Snow Steadily, Falls Today, Out Wcnllicr Bureau Snys Barometer Is on tho Rlso anil Clear Weather Should Succeed Soon. STORM IN NORTH IS DOING MUCH DAMAGE Gale on the Pacific Rcnjstcrs 70 Miles an Hour Heavy Rain at Portland. ' II lookrt very miteli iih if .Medford would enjoy n "white ClirihlniHH" IIiIh your, although the weather Imrcuii thin nflornoofi hlaltw that Uu bunmi cliir i riing mill that Sunday tdimdd Iih ithmr. Hut union a ehiingo in (ho wtmlhor coiiiiih hood alt uuturo will hu blanketed on Monday, for miow full Htondilv during the early bourn of .the ilny niul nl noon wnow wan nlill coining. Ono year ago ChritdinnH day win bright and clear, nwinbliug June ilium than December. Tho woollier him been excellent thin year for rhrirtliiuiB Hhopping and now "Let 'or miow. Storm In North. . I'OltTLANI). Ore., Dee. 23. Wlro coinuiiinicnlion between ninny eilieM in tho N'orlhwoHl, particularly nlong tho I'oiiMt, Buffered, mid nomo property damage wan doao by tho-storm which in Hwimping over tho north Pacific kIiiUw today. ""in Portland ono of Iho heavieHt rainrt over experienced fell during the nielli, Know foil in tho ninuutninn. At Soanido high lido and luijin comber badly diiiunged tlio board walk and roadrt. At Anturin tho nolo registered 70 mile on hour. Several nUuiinnnt aro held at As toria owing to tho niiighuo. of tlio Columbia river bur. FRISCO 10 OPEN THROTTLE WIDE " ' nil "Brliin on the Glow Worm, Lizzie" Is tho Way tho Police Commission Stands on Celebration And New Year's They Will Do It Analn. SAX KHANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 3. On with the dance I Let tho revel proceed. Wo live todny, but tomor row . Hring on tlio glow wojm, l.iz zin! Harking oorkx, ragtime, turkuy trot oil, yon gladBomo kid I Howdy. CliriutiniiHl Tliat'ri Iho wny Iho ptdieo oonunis Hiou Hlamlrt on tho ChriHtmiiH eve cole braliou. "Open her wido and let 'em go to it. Tlioy ory today, and they have the Hay." Tho lid will l)ii plnokod right off hilarious old Kan KrnuciHoi' Sunday night. And a oouplo of hundred thou Btmd joy-mad beings will crowd lliem hcIvoh into the district of a million lights, iiiuhIo and clinking gliiH,so--mid let 'or rip.. Tlio Biinio goes for New Yenr'fl. U'h tin awful kiok in tho Hints for (bo tombHtono-fuend gentlmneu of the board of HiiporvisorH, who ordered a "dead" night, but it's tlio ono great big onthusiiiNliually appreciated Christmas gift of tho polico commis bIoii to tho great, big majority of San Francisco pooplo. "Krismi's open all night now go to it I Wc'ro with you," is tlio last word. 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4 t NO ISSUE MONDAY. 4- Monday, being Christians ; day, thorn will bo no issuo of Tlio Mail Tribune, 4- 4-4-t 44-4- 4-4-4- 4-4-4 t 4- TWELVE PAQE8 f t 4- 4- f f4444444444444 X 4-4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 THE MESSAGE OF THE STAR. H.V Ilerburl Kaufman. do to tho window tonight and look out upon tho oily, yonder whei'o tho burmekn of Want biiddlu i utho hIiihIiiwh, and teiii'iueulH hIiiiuI bleak ngnlimt tho Hky; whuro pili nlile, cowed children of priva tion. wJHtful and vein-hungry an heart-hungry, lio in Iho eold mid dream ChrlHtmiiH dreaiim that oau never come true dreauiH mucIi an you dreamed back in the loin; ago, golden dreaiim Hpnuglcd wit li Hope, dreams that will lone hteir way and full, broken winded to cnriti. Once, upon Iho pinioiiH of Km i icy, you sped into tho mys tio dawiiH; once, you and Kaith in mnglo urgoweH wet bravo nails for cloudland'x purple zone. And now, Youth i dead and inemory in Htulncd wilh tears. And your hhips havo como home and they rido at anchor. Wine Man, what cargo did you bring in their IioIiIh? How did you barter with Life Did you trndo wellT Aro you content? Whero in your myrrh and whero your frauinceiiHuf Where i liapiinoHu mid whero peace and whero in tho glory of mercy and tho joy of giv im; and tho Htrength that comert with the lifting of bur dcuH? Look up, behold tho Star of Helbluhem. Heed tho men Rago. A thoiiHand gray - (touted women nit tonight with tho ghoKtK of VeHterday. Women, bagged by toll, gaunt and brained; women with empty pockets and empty pnntricH nnd empty hJovch; women faeo to faco with dreariest tragedy in all moth erhood, tho explanation of the empty Chrifitmari Mocking. And tho Slur of Bethlehem koopn calling to yeu: "Wims MunJ ,Vino Alan I flntbor your giftn and go forth in tho mimo of the Lord to tho man ger whcreHoevef tho Child awnits your coming." f 4-4-4-4-4- 4 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4- 4- 4 4-4-4 4 4 4-4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4 4 4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4 4- 4-4-4- 4- 4-4-4- BEFORE CHRISTMAS klxisi night when wo wero at tea tho little fellow Ritld: "Paw, what aro nil thoso pneknnes hid beiieath your bml?" I almoMt choked upon my food, nnd mother dimply mulled, Ah though to nay wo'ro bringing up n very knowing child. Ho'ti waiting for mo nt tlio door when I get homo nt night. I try to mioiik Into tho Iioiibo nnd not turn on tho light And got upHtalrH hoforo I doff my overcoat nnd lint, llul ho In Johnny on too npot, with "I'aw, oh, what l 111111?" Ilo'u eyeing mo misplclotiHly, I renlly think bo tries With nil his youthful artfulness to tnko mo by aurprlHo; Ho hnsn't Intlmntod yet thnt ho tins found iir nut. Hut eyes nd oars nro open wldo whonovor wo'ro about. I npelled n pliraso to mother oaco, mid then bo promptly mild: "I kiiomh II'h tlmo now, Mnw, for mo to go upHtiilrB to hod, An' I Huppoito thnt you an' Paw will talk out when I'm gonol" I'd mnko nu affidavit thut tho llttlo rascal's on. CHRISTMAS TREE AT UNIVERSITY CLUB A CliriHtmus tree bus been arranged for this evening at tho rooms of tho University club nnd a jolly time is expected. E. 0. Hurgoss, Jr., is her ald extraordinary and A. S. V, Car penter will bo Santa Clans. POPE GRANTS AUDIENCE TO AMERICAN CARDINAL ROMK, lleo. 23. Cardinal Farley was granted an audionoo by tho popo today and chatted an hour with His Ilolinoss, who nuthorixcil tho Amori aau cardinal to cable a greeting to nil American Catholics, Later in tho day !I0 other cardinuls visited tho pontiff, who was in fine spirits, 4-.4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 t MEDFORD, if LITTLE GIT" TELLS HOW HE IS OFFERED BRIBE Dramatic Details of Tense Situation When Sawyer Tried to Bribe La Follcttc to Corrupt Judje Slchcckcr Arc Told In Magazine. NICW YOIIK, Dee. 1KI. Dmmatic details of the Iciiho situation when tho late United States Senator I'hile- tus Sawyer of Wisconsin tried to bribe Senator La Kolletto to corrupt Judge Siebccker lire given today in La Kollette's autobiography in the January Ihhiic of the American tniigu r.iue. It was during tho case of the state of Wisconsin against severnl former statu treasurers nnd their bondsmen to collect interest on state funds ap propriated by tho defendants. Saw yer, republican boss, stood to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars ns bondsmun for several of tho former trensurcrs. He neked La Kolletto to meet him at the IMatiingtou hotel in .Milwaukee nnd then shot his proxsi lion straight from the shoulder. Ln Kolletto says Sawyer said to him: "No one nows I am to meet you. I don't wnnt to biro you ns tin attor ney. And I don't wnnt you to go into court. Hut hero is $'0 nnd I will givo you -ffiOO more or $1000 ( or $500 more nnd $10001 wns never nldo to recall exactly the sums named) when Siebcekcr decides the cases right." 4"I said to him,' Ln Kolletto de clares, 'Senator Sawyer, you cannot now wbnt you nro snying. If yon struc mo in tho fnco you could jiot insult mo as you insult mo now.' "Ho said: 'Wait, bold on.' I wns then standing up. I said, 'No, you don't wnnt to employ mo ns nn at torney, ion wnnt to hire mo to tnlk to the judge nbout our ease off the bench.' Ho said: "I did not think you would tnko n retainer in iho case. I did not thin you would wnnt to go into tho cuso ns nn attorney. How much will you tnko as n retainer!' "I answered, 'you hnven't got enough money to employ mo ns an nttorney in your enso nfter wbnt you linvo Bind to me.' " 'Well, perhaps I don't iindorstnud court rules. Any wny, let mo pay you for coming down here.' "I snid. 'Not n dollar, sir,' nnd Jin-' medintflly left tho room. "This shocked mo into complete realisation of tho extremes to which this power thnt Sawyer represented would go to scoura tho results it wns nfter." 18 FAST RECOVERING Will Be Ready to Face Trial for Mur der of Avis LInncll on January 18 No Explanation of Act Is Given by RIclieson. Boston, Mass., Dee. 23. lleeover iug from his self mutilation in his cell hero, tho former lov. Clarence V. T. Itiolioson was stronger today and, it is announced, will bo ready to faco trial January 18 for tho murder of pretty Avis Liuucll, whom ho is charged with having poisoned in tho four of discovery of their illicit ro lations. No explanation has yot como from Itiolioson ns to his motive for mutilnt iughimsolf, but it is bolioved ho was laying tho ground work for n ploa of insanity. M0RDECAI BROWN HAS QUIT ORGANIZED BALL CHICAGO, 111., Dee. 23.That Mordooai Drown has pitched his last gamo for Chicago is tho statement mudo horo today by Orville Ovornll, formor Cub, who has just arrived from California. Ovornll snid Drown would go into tlio suloon business in Chiongo, a statemont which is cnr. roborntod by Aldonnnn Tonrnoy of this otty, who 1ms oftorcd Drown tho opportunity, Overall declares that ho has nlso quit tho Cubs for good nnd will never uon n unitonn ns a loaguo plnyoi ugniii, HESON OREGON, SA'ITUDAY, .-BBBUftMCI v- BKptV jtfa kjBVPI 5Bp JIPP MoRPiC HffBr' wt 4wE&m9.WI$$3& !3p B it i LEAVES SUNDAY TO S. S TO CITY Officer Awaits Extradition Papers for Woman Accused of Kidnaping Mrs. Sncll IsPI&sd.Under Bonds as Witness. Mrs. It. J. II. Adams, who is ac cused of kidnaping her little daugh ter, Eulnlio Hansen, from the child's homo in Medford a few dnys ngo, is held nt Santa Itosn, Cal., awaiting tho nrrivnl of nn officer with requisition papers to bring her ami the child buck to Medford. Tho requisition pnpers nro now being prepnrod horo nnd it is expected an officer will lonvo horo tomorrow with them and, when signod y tho governor of California, ho will go to Satim Itosn after Mrs. Adams nnd her daughter. Mrs. Sarah Suell, who runs a rooming house in Knst Medford, was placed under $'Jo0 bonds to insure her appearance as n witness when the enso comes up for trial. Mrs. Suell is snid to havo assisted Mi's. Adams in that she showed her -whero Mi. Hansen lived nnd wns instrumental in putting Mrs. Adams into posses sion of tho child. Mrs. Suell states that sho knew nothing of tho iuton tiou of the Adams woman nnd only assisted her to the extent of pointing out to her tho Hnuscn home. PRISONERS AT STATE PEN MINOS GIFTS SALEM, Ore., Dee. 23. One of tho kindly features of the Yfiufotidn colo brntion at tho state insane nsylum must go by tho board this Christmas on account of the high cost of liv injf. It has been customary to jriyc each patient n Christmas present, but the sudden ndvnnoo in Ilia prion of incuts nnd provisions bus robbed tho pa tients of tho money which is UMinlly dovotcd to this purpose Superintendent Steiner will givo nn entertainment Monday nftornooi), hoping that it will eanso the patients to forgot Santa Clans' slight. . Will Bravo Mount McKinley. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 23.On his third attempt to scalo Mount Me Klnloy, I'rorossor Herschol Parker of Columbia unlvorslty Is Agoing to at tompt tbo northern bIiIo of tho moun tain. Ho Is now making preparations for tho trip and oxnocts to nrrlvo In Alaska Into In January., Profossor Pnrkor imulo nn nttomnjt to climb tho mountain In lOOfi wllhhr. Frederick A, Cook. RETURN M 1 DIOHOMBICR, 23, 1911. i rnniri 1 I LITTLE CHRISTMAS I STORIES TAKEN FROM I THE WIRES TODAY t . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 23. Congressman Staydcn of Texas called at tho whlto houso today and ex changed ChrlstmnB greetings with President Taft. Ho said to tho chief executive: "Mr. President, I wish for you tho first place ln tho convention and tho second plnco In tho election." Taft Gives Presents. " -WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 23. Presldont Taft distributed Christmas presents today to the attaches of tho white house. Each of tho pollcomen guarding tho exccutlvo mansion got a turkey, nnd tho prosldent person ally prcsonted each secrot sorvice! operatlvo connected with tho white j houso with a Jowolod stickpin. Em ployos of the oxccutlve office and the ; oxecutlvo mansion each received $5 1 in gold. Cardinal Sends Gn.t?tlngs. ROME. Dec. 23. Through tho Unitod Pross, Cardinal Farley "sont Christinas greotlngs to tho people of Amorlca as follews: "With profound affections I send Christmas greetings to tho great American pooplo. I cannot forget tho many happy Christmas days which I spent In Amorlca. Tho peo plo thoro havo always been exceed ingly kind. I shall pray to God to shower them with his choicest bless ings, especially in tho continuance of i tho real liberty found there, which shines llko a beacon to tho rest of' tho world. A merry Christmas and I Happy Now Year to nil Amorlcans, I whothor thoy bo Catholics or non Ciitholloa." "Vags" Oct Dinner. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. Ow ing to tho approach of Christmas 21 out of 26 petty offenders who ap peared In tho polico court wero al lowed to go. Judgo Mnlnrkoy pre sontod onch ono of tho "vngs" with Instructions to buy a Christmas din ner. Toddy Is Husy. OYSTER HAY, Dec. 23. Formor Prosldent Theodoro Roosovolt la evi dently not a bollover In "Do your Christmas shopping onrly," Ho is In Now York today stocking up with gifts. Quadruplets as a Present. AKRON, Ohio. Dec. 23. Henry Wilson of this city la wondorlng to day whothor his Christmas prosont Is ono calculated to Instill Joy In hU breast or not. Mrs. Wttson today presented him with quadruplets. Mothor and children nro said to bo doing nicely. Wroto to Santa Clans In Jail. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec, 23. Not knowing that Santa Glaus has boon released from Jail horo, tiny Adda Roattlo, 8 years of ago, of nouudary Falls, n. 0 wroto him a lotter In euro of tho city prison, ex pressing hor sympathy and hoping ho would noon bo out. TWO MYSTERIES CONFRONT POLICE OF STUD BOSTON Women Are Found Murdered One Thought to Have Died As Result of; Operations-Other Stabbed In Park No Clew Is Found. BQSTOX, Mnss., Dec. 23. Two mysterious murders of women today confront the Boston police. One is thnt of Miss Mnrv Bolduc of Man chester, N. IT., bolieved to have died through n criminal operation, nnd the other is the finding of tho body of Miss Bridgot Pritcbnrd, 18, stubbed through the bronst. In tho Ilydo Park morgue todny is the Bolduc girl's body, partly dismem bered. It was found in an npartment bouse in Forest Hills, n suburb. In the same suit, the polico say, were two other women, one a mero girv, who bore babies n week ago. Mrs. Jennie Shnttuk, tbo, owner of the suite; Mrs. Ilattie Hoxlctt, her maid; Dr. John Ferguson of Manchester, nnd Miss Mary O'Neill havo been nr- rcsted in connection with tho Bolduc girl's death, and the nrrest of tho man responsible for her condition is hour ly expected. Even more sousntionnl than the Bolduc case is that of tho Pritchard girl. No clow has been obtained as to how she met hor fate. Stabbed in Hydo Park whilo sho was on her wny to hor tnuut's home, blood marks showed that tho girl had dragged hor self 100 feet to hor aunt's doorstep, whore bhe was found breathing hor Inst. WORD "ANY" COST SEATTLE MAN $8000 SEATTLE, Wash., Dee. 23. Ono jury placed tho vnlno of Eli Melo vich'a nnn, which ho lost whilo oiling unguarded cog wheels, at $12,000. But Judgo C. 11. Ilanford discovered that ho had used tho word "any" With projudieinl offeet in his instructions to tho jury, so ho ordered a now trial. Today the second jury vnlued Melo vioh's nnn at only !?-1202. Tho defend ant was tho Stono & Webstor Engi neering corporation. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Tho rod oral Jury which Is investigating tho dynamiting conspiracies in which tho MeNamnra brothers aro alleged to havo boon Involved, adjourned today over tho Christmas and Now Yoara holidays. Sessions will bo resumed Jn unary 3, No. 230. ARROW TELLS WHYCASECAME TO SUDDEN END It Was Not, He Declares, Because He Was Afraid of His Own Position, As Charrjcd in Magazine Article by C. P. Connolly. NO HOPE OF WINNING WAS THE REAL REASON Pleas. He Says, Were Not Timed So As to Disastrously Affect. Election Result; ' , .. LOS ANGELES, Cab, Dee. 23. Declaring that C. P. Connolly, author of an nrticlo entitled "The Saving of Clarence Darrow," nppcariog in tho current issue of a weekly publica tion, "had been after him for somo time," Clarence S. Darrow todny em phatically dented tho charge that ho had sold out the McNnmara brothers to save himself from prosecution on a bribery chnrge. In a statement prepared exclusively for tho United Press ho said: (By Clarence S. Darrow.) Tho charge thnt I used Lincoln Stcffens, tho magazine writer, ns n, tool in bringing tho McNnmara enso to an end to "save my own neck" is a malicious lie. Whatever part Stef fens may have had in the enso was entirely upon his own initiative nnd solely upon his own authority. Any statement that I directed bis notions is absolutely false and wholly with out foundation. Tho reason for tho termination of the case at the time and under tho conditions tnatttrcvnflettwasjVftaI Tmvo stated before, simplv Lecnuso we had given up hope of winning. Wo realized there was absolutely no chanco of securing an acquittal or even a hung jury. Equally false nnd malicious is tho statement that settlement was brought about because of tho arrest of Bert Franklin on the chnrge of bribing Prospotcivo Jury Lockwood. Nego tiations which resulted in the plens of guilty boing entered wero begun long boforo tho nrrest of Franklin nnd the matter was practically agreed upon before any intimation of tho bribery wns made. Ten dnys before thnt time we had determined that if we could effect a compromiso of any ind so thnt our clients' lives might bo saved, we would do it. And this would havo been dono if Franklin hud not been nrrcsted. The Franklin matter never entered into any discushinu that led to tho determination of n plea of guilty. Wo dM not discuss it with the nrosecu. tion, nor wns the subject" ever men tioned Ihi the discussion with tho prisouers when they ngrced to enter their pleas. It is nlso untrue that tho plea1; wero timed so as to have disastrous effect on tho socialist ticket in tlit municipal election. Wo wero not forced to enter the plons of guilty nt tho tirao wo did, nor at any lime. Wi had expected thnt thoy would coint, sooner at loast ten days earlior Wo gnvo no thought to tho election I wns not conducting n municipal enmpaign, but endeavoring to savo tho lives of my clionts, who won. guilty of tho murders with which thoy woro charged. And when I had thu opportunity to save tho men fron, hanging I jumped nt tho ohniioo. Anj lawyor who had tho welfaro of hi.i client nt heart would havo dono th'j same. Job ITarriman, tho sooinlist nom inoo for mayor, wns not consulted simply bconnso Jio had given up all active connection with tho defeuso beonuso of his political activities. Ifo had not been near our offipo for sev eral weoks prior to tho entering ot tho pleas. As far as tho disposition pf, tho Mc Nnmara defenso fund is concerned, I will nocount for ovory dollar of that when tho proper tirao comes. Not a ponny went to finance tho socialist onmpaign, and any story to the oon trary is absolutely fnlso und without foundation, This man Connolly hnH boon after mo for several years nnd his article is false from beginning to end! Tho love that giprvlves six months of married jifo may be' (lio gciijifno nvtlolo. i: