PAGE SIX IT" MDPORD MATL TRIBUNE, MflDTTORT), Q-RKOONt FRmAY. DrccrcMTWR 22, 1Qt1. CITY NOTICES. a omsxKAxoa xo. 017. An ordlnnnco assessing .tho properly ndjnccnt lo nnd benefited by tho eight Incli lntornl sovvcr constructed nlong Nqrth Control nvcntio frum Jnchnon nircot to north city limits, tho cost or constructing tho sntnc nnd providing the mnnncr of currying until nssessmont Into full effect. Tho City of Mcdford doth onlaln ns follow as . ...... Hrctlon 1. Whereas, the City Council did heretofore provide- hy onllnnncc for llin nervine of tlin owners of Propcrl) ndjaccnt to nnJ benefited tiy tho con struction of the intcral sewer herein after described to appear beror said Council nnd show cause. If any. Ah) snld property should not be assessed for tho construction of wild newer, nnd did tit. a timo for bearing nny such pro tests, which notice won given Hi nc cofthihce with snld ontlnnno- more than len.dnys before tho beginning of (lie construction of Mid newer, lut no pro tests; lignlnst wild construction or as sessment of tho cost thereof wns wade by"- nnvone nnd paid newer was, by snld council, omermi constructm j And, whereas, the cost of tho construc tion of snld newer has bren mado and hereby Is determined to bo the sum or Now therefore, snld City, doth ordain And declare tltnt each parcel of propert) described below Is adjacent to and bene fited by that certnln lateral newer. S Inches in e. constructed on North i Central nvenub from Jackson street toi north cltv Uinlln. nnd that tho propor tion of tho cost of sold sower which cacti of said parcels of land should brnr. based on the benefits derived respcctlve ly by said several tracts of land. Is the nnlount Bet opposlto tho description of I nch parcel below, nnd that each of said ,.lvjj. la nxliinllv ltenpfltod In III ninOunt net opposlto Its description be low by tho construction of nald newer, ,i tt,n bum nmnnntii ronresent the proportional benefits of sold several par-1 ccIh from nald sewer And each of said pnrcols Is hereby assessed the amount i net oppoillo Ita doscrlptlon IjoIovv for, the construction of sold newer The tiame appearing aliove each description lielug the name of the owner, or reputed, owner, of each such Jot or parcel. , 1 ASSKSSMKHT FOH AN 8-INCH & KltAL SKWUll ON NOltTII CBN-I THAI. AVKNUK FROM JACKSON RTIuYkT TO THU NORTH CITY A....n,n Xd l Minnie Thelss. lot' 2. block R. Ueatty'a addition. City of I rdfonl. Oregon, frontace 99 feet on tliei cast able of isortn v eninu nvctwij. " . described in Vol 37, pago 802 of the county reconler's records of JacKson rounty, Oregen: si wi, rate im.t w., 91 cents: amount. J90.09 i Assessment No 2 George E. Chntn-i l.orlaln. A parcel of land marked (U . on the map of tho City of Medfonl. Ore- j Kon. as recorded In VOL 58. pace 4.6, of the county recorder's records of JacK aon county. Oregon, frontngo 100 feet) on the east side of North Central ave nue: 100 feet: rate per foot, 91 cents, amount. t91 00 I Assessment No 3 Ilebcccn. n. Moore j Tit . block 17. lieanys nuamon. uy of Medford. OreRon. frontnRo S feet on the cast side of North Central avenue. jib described In Vol 52. paRO 357 of the county reconler's records of Jackson county. OreRon. 6J feet: rate per foot, 91 cents: amount. $57.33 Assesimcnt No 4 Aulo Pcnwcll. A parcel of lnnd marked (T) on the map of the City of Medford, Orcpon. frontnpe 100 feet on the east of North Contral avenue, an described In Vol 60. page 233 of the county reconler's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 100 feet, rate per foot. 91 cents, amount, 191 00. Assessment No. 5 Josephine Poe A parcel of land marked U) on tho map of the City of Medford, OreRon, and re corded In vol. iO. pace 83 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon : frontage 141 feet on the east sldo of N Central avenue. 141 feet, rate per foot. 91 cents, amount, J15S 31 Assessment No 6 Mahlon Punlln A parcel of land marked (X) on the map of tho City of Medford. Oregon, as re corded In Vol. 71. page 10 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; frontngo 144 feet on the ensti aldo. of N. Central aenuc. 144 feet, rate pe: foot, 91 cents, amount. $13104. Assessment No. 7 Mnhlon Purdln. A I parcel of land mnrked (X) on the map of tho Cltv of Medford. Oregon, as re corded in Vol 71. page 10 of tho courf recorder's records or Jackson county. Oregon; frontage 120 feet on tho coat sldo of N Central aenue. 120 feet; rate jor foot, 91 cents- amount. 1109.20. Assessment No S G W Dow. The Bouth portion of a parcel of land mnrked CY) on tho map of tho City of Modfprd. Oregon, as recorded In Vol. S6, page 3S1 of tho county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon, frontago 60 5 feet on ine east sine or jm. ucnirai avenue r.O.r. feet; rate por foot. 91 cents; amount, I4R.96. Assessment No 9. rolk Hull The middle nnrtlon of a narcel of land marked Y) on tho map of the City of Aieuioni, Oregon, ns recoroeu in vol pago 2G9 of tho county recorder's reo onln of Jackson county. Oregon- frontage 71 feet on tho east side of N Central avenue; 71 foot; rate por foot, 91 oents, amount. $61 81. Assessment No 10 W. T York. Th north portion of u parcel of land marked YJ on tho map of the City of Medford. Olegon. as recorded in Vol. 87, page 1 of tho county reconler's records of Jack Bon county, Oregon; frontage 4 4 feet on tho east sldo of N. Central avenue; 41 feet rate per foot, 91 cents, amount. $40.04. Assessment No. 11. J Khwegen. Lot R. Mock 4, Cottage addition. City of MqdXord. Oregon; frontago 66 feet on the went side of N Central avonue. as described in Vol. 58, page 2S3 of the county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon, CC feet, rato per foot. 91 cents; amount. $60 06 Assessment No 12. J. Ehwegen I.ot 7. block 4. Cottugo addition. City of Med ford, Oregon; frontngo 40 fevt on th west side of N Central avenue, hs de scribed In VoJ. 58, page 253 of the county reconlers' records of Jackson oounty. Oregon. 40 fftot, rato per foot, 91 cents; amount, $36 40. Assessment No 13 John Khwegon 1-ot . block 4. Cottage addition. City of Medford, Oregon; frontage 40 feet on tlie west side of N Central avenue, as de scribed in Vol 48. page EGJ of the county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oragon; 40 f.t, rato per foot, 91 cents, amount; $3C 40. Assessment No. 14 J Ehwegen. A partel of lund murkitl (N) un the map of ho City qr Medford, Orojrni; front ago 106 7 fattt on tho west side of N Central avenue, as described In Vol 58. Jiukq 252 of tin oounly recordr"s iec o'dtf of Jackbon rounty, Oregon, 106.67 Jl'S1-rat0 l,er tooi 31 cents, amount, $97 o. Asbossniont No. 15 Ella Medlnskl. A parcel of luud marked (M) on the map of ,tho City of Mudford. Oregon, aa un corded In Vol. CO, page Ctt of tho courtv recjjrdfit-'s records of Jackson countv, Oragen: frontage C3 23 ft on the west Klilu of N Central avenue, 5$ S3 fet, rato pur foot, 91 cen.N, amount, $48.53. Assessment No 16 Olllo Urentano I.o .1, hloclc 4, Cottage addition, City of MOdfnrd. Oregon, frontuge 40 foet on tho wast side of N. Central avenue, as described In Vol. 19, page 4S0 of the county recorder's records of Jackson count, Oregon; 40 feet rato per foot, 91 cants; amount. $36 40. Assessment No 17 C C. Uarkdell. A parcel of land marked (L) on the nvip of tho Cltv of Medford, Oregon, as re corded In Vol. 7B, page CIS of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Otegon; frontago CO feet on the west sldo of N. Central avenue, 60 feet; rate por foot, 91 cents; amount $M 60 AHNfAsmont No. IS Snrih n Perdue A parcel of land marked (Ki on the mup of tho City of Medford, Oregon, as re cooled In Vol 15. page 575 of tho county ledorder's records of Jnokson county. Oregon; ft milage 107 fei-t on the west side of N Central avenue, 107 feot; rate per foot, 91 Cents, amount, $97 3T Assessment No 19 W M Hmlth A parcel of land marked (ID on tho map of tlin Cltv of Medford. Orecon. iib re corded in Vol. 73 page 221 of the county recorder's records of Jncksou county, Oregon; frontage 130 fet on the west sldo of N Central avenue, 130 fe-t, rate per foot, 01 cents, amount, $118 30 Assessment No 20 Isaac T (lulllger A pfircol of land marked ((1) on the mup of the City of Medford, Oiegon, as re corded In Vol. 69 page 309 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: frontago 80 feot on the west side of N. Central nvenue: 80 feet; rato por foot, 91 cents; amount, $72 80. oSseKBinent jsn .1 Airreu u. woskh nnd I'Mllli A. Oir A natrel of laud nuriKMi if) on tho man Of the City of Modfofd, Oregon, os rocordod In Vol. 69. pugo 310 pf tho county recorder's rec CITY NOTICES. onls of Jncson county. Oregen: fnuitnRe 157 feet on the west side of N Central uvenue. 157 feet; rato per foot, 91 cents, amount. $142 87 Asuesmenl No. 22 Ann Homicy. A parcel or land marked (K) on tho map nf iiirt -!! r xtmtftird. ttrociin. ns re corded In Vol SB. pngf t'jft or tno couiuy recorder's reconls of Jackson count), ttmi-iin. fnntain. &i feet on the west side of N. Central nvenue. 50 feet, rnte tier foot. 91 rents, nnuiuui. 4t no. Ansessinent No S3 Mnrloa R How nnl. A pnrcol of land mnrked (D) on the map of tho City or Medford, Oregon, ns recorded. In Vol 72, p-tgo 367 of the county rcconler'i rcconl of Jnckson county, Oregon, frontage 75 feet on the west side or N Central iwonue, 75 feet rnte per foot, 91 cents amount $6H 25. Assessment No 24 J H Howard A INircel of laud markiM (C) on the map of the Cltv of Medfonl. Oregon, ns re corded lit Vol 71. pagp 39 of the countv reeonler'n rconls of Jackson countx. Oregon, frontnge 6fi feet on the west side of N Central nvenue: 68 feet; rate per foot. 91 cents; amount. $60 06 Assessment No. 35 N S. Itennelt A parcel of land marked (H) on the map or tlie i-ty or .Meironi. uregon, ns n conleil In Vol 71. tce 41 of tho countx reconler's reconls of Jackson count. Oregon; frontage 66 feet on the west side of N Central avenue 66 fet rate per font. 91 cents; amount. $60 06 Assessment No. 16. A. Ij. Wollom The south 6 feet of lot 6. block 3. Cot tage addition. City of Medfonl. Oregon frontage 56 feet on the west side of N Central avenue, ns dencrltved In Vol. 73 page 36 of the county reconler's records of Jackson count). Oregon. 56 feot. rato ier foot, 91 cents, amount, $50 96 Assessment No. 27 P.tntcl Hllk ' Tho north 201 feet of lot 6. block 3. Cot tiige nddltlon, City or Medford, Oregon frontage 301 feet on the west side or N Central avenue, an described In Vol 91. page 9S of the county recorder's rcc onls of Jackson county, Oregon; 101 feet, rate per foot, 91 cents nmount, $12 91 Assessment No. 2s Isaac B. Will lams. Lot 4. block 3. Coltngo addition City of Medford. Oregon, fnntnge 60 fret on the west side of N Central nve nue. ns descrltted In Vol 90, page S3"! of the county reconler's reoonls of Jnck son county. Oregon. 60 feet: rato p-jr foot. 91 cents: nmourtt. $54 60. Assessment No. 29 Wllmer K. Ooode I)t 3. block !. Cottngo addition. City f Sleilfonl. Oregon; frontage 60 feet on the west side of N Central aenue, as de scribed In Vol 46, page I6i of tho count) recorder's reconis of Jackson county. Oregon, 60 feet; rato per foot, 31 cents nmount. $54 60 Assessment No 30 Wllmer K. Ooode Lot 2. block 3. Cottage addition, Clt) of Medford, Oregon, frontage 60 feet on the west side of N Central nvenue. ns described In Vol 46. page 165 of the countv reconler'i' records of Jackson county. Oregen: 60 feet, rate per foot. 91 cents; amount. $54 60 Assessment Na 31 Wllmer E, Ooode Lot 1. block 3. Cottage nddltlon. City of Medfonl. Oregon, frontage 67 feet on the west side of N Central avenue, na de scribed In Vol 46. page 165 of the count reconler's reconis of Jackson county. Oregon, 67 feet, rate per foot, 91 cents amount, $60.97 Assessment No. 32 Henry Humphrey nnd Ik G Porter. 1-ot 9, block 2, Central subdivision. City of Medford, Oregon, fmntnge 61 feet on tho west side of N Central nvenue. as described In Vol. 59. page 460 of the county reconler's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 64 feet, rate per foot. SI cents: nmount. $58 24. Assessment No. 33. Henry Humphre) nnd U O Porter Lot S, block 2. Centra' subdivision. City of Medfonl. Oregon frontage 50 feet on the west sld of N Central avenue, as described In Vol 59 page 460 of the county reconler's records of Jackson county, Oregon; 30 feet, rati per foot. 91 cents, amount. $15 50. Assessment Na 34 Henry Humphrov and L C Porter. Lot 7. block 2, Central subdivision. City of Medford. Oregon frontago 60 feet on tho west side of N Central avenue, as described In Vol 59 page 460 of tho county recorders' records or jacKson county, uregon; tiu loci; raic per foot, 91 cents; nmount. $48 50 Assessment No 35 Henry Humphre) and U G Porter Lot 6. block 2, Centra) subdivision, city or aieiironi, uregon frontago 50 feet on the west side of N Central avenue, ns descrllied In Vol. 59 pago 460 of the county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. GO feet, rate per foot, 91 cents, amount, $45 &u Assessment No 36 Ilcnrv Humphrey Lot S. block 2. Central subdivision. Clt) of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on tho west side of N Central nvenue, as described in Vol 86, pago 199 or the county recorder's records of Jackson county, uregen: so reei: raio per loot, 91 cents: amount. $45 SO. Assessment Na 37. L. O Porter. Lot 4. block 2. Central subdivision. City of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on tho west sine or central avenue, as e- jscrlbed In Vol 86, page 198 of the count) recorder's reconis of Jackson county Oregon; 60 fet; rate per foot, 91 cents amount. $45 50 Assessment No 38 Henry Humphre) and L. O Porter Lot 3. block 2, Central subdivision. City of Medford. Oregon frontage 50 feet on the west side of N Central avenue, as described In Vol 59. page 460 of the county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet, rate per root, ui conts. amount, ii.jO. AsHe-unent No. 39 Henry Humphre) and !. G Porter Lot 2. block 2, Central subdivision. City of Medford. Orogon. frontage 50 feet on the west side of Central avenue, us described In Vol 59 IMge 460 of the county recorder's reconis of Jackson county, Oregon, 60 feet, rule per foot. 91 cents, amount, $15.60 Assessment No. 40 Henry Humphrey and L G. Porter Lot 1. block 2, Central subdivision. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on the wtst sldo of N Central avenue, as described In Vol. 59 page 460 of tho county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregen: 50 fet; rate per foot, 91 cents, amount, $45 50 ' Assessment No. 41. George V Claus ing Lot 7, block 1, Central subdivision nty of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 50 feot. on Die west side of N. Central nv -nue, as described in Vol 88, p:ig 231 of the aounty recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon, 60 feot. rato per foot, 91 cents; amount, $45 60. Assessment No 42 George R Claus ing. Lot 6, block 1, Central subdivision, City of Medford, Oregon; frontago 60 feet on the west side of N C'intral av -nue, as described In Vol 88, page 231 of the rounty recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon, 60 feet, ruto per root, hi cms, aiiiouui, Assessment No 43 George K Claus ing. Lot 5. block 1, Central subdivision City of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on the wst side of N. Central ave nue, as described In Vol. 88, page 231 of the county recorder's rcorda of Jack son county, Oregon, 50 feet: rate per looi. vi cenis. amount. ii i,u. Assessment No 4 4. George F. Claus ing Lot 4, block 1. Central subdivision. City of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 60 feet on tho wast side of N Contrul ave nue, as described In Vol. 88, page 23) of tho county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per loot, 91 cents, amount, J I 30. Assessment No 46 George I' Claus ing Lot 3. block 1. Central subdivision. City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 60 nue, us desoribed In Vol. 88, pago 231 of tho county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon. 60 feet, rato per jooi, i cents, amount, fibou Assessment No 4G George V. Clous' Ing. Lot 2. block 1. Central subdivision City of Medford, Oregen: frontuge 60 feet on the wust sldo of N. Central ave nue:, as described In Vol 88, pugo Z3i of tho county recorder's records of Jack son countv, Oregon, 50 feet, ruto per root, vi corns, u mount. ui &u Assessmsnt No 47 George r Claus. Ing Lot 1. block 1 Central subdivision City of Medford, Oregon, frontage 54 5 reel on tic wist Blue or N central avo nue, as described In Vol 88, page 231 or tho countv recorder's records or Jack son county, Oregon, 54 5 fed, rato por foot. 91 cents amount. $19 60 Assessment No 48 M O Thlehs Lot 2, block 2, Cottage addition, City of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 660 feet on the oust slue or N Central avenue, um lc sorlbAd in Vol C7. pago 430 of tho county ruooruers reoortis or jacKson county Oregon, 550 feet; rate per foot, 91 cents amount. $500 60 Assessment No 49 EIIsm J. Lewis A parcel of land marked (AD on the map of tho City of Medford, Oregon, as re corded In It , page 528 of tho county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon; rrnntnge 90 feot on tho east jddo of N Central avonue; 90 foot; rnte per tooi, hi cents, nmount, hi uu ASHOSsmant No CO. Ulim-las Carnev A parcel of land marked (A II) on the limp of the City of Medfonl, Oregon, us rfl6ril6d In Vol, DO, pago 420 of the couiuy recorder's records of Jarkson county, Oregon; frontngo 76 feot on tliu CITY NOTICES. rnst sldo of N Control nvenue; 75 foot, rate per foot, 91 cents, nmount. $i.S.aB Aai,aMii N'.v (tt Gertrude A. Munn A panvl of land marked (A (I) on the jimp of tho City of MedfoM. Oregon, ns rceonlcrt in vol P", pnge is i uic cmiuu MrnnlAl-'i MfMitsIn of .llU'kSOtl CIHIIUy, Oregon, frontage 75 reel im tin; st ul.i., ,.r v cvtitnit Hveiiue 73 reel, rate per foot. 5l cents; ninouiu, mj Aaaainlil N'o S2 - V 1 redorlOkSOIl The south 100 feet of i im reel of lnnd tunrked (A O) on tho map 01 inn i-u . M..I..,lI ..v... nu r.trtl,ISI,,iI III 1.1 90. page 60. nnd Vol l. Pke 9 the county reconler's record of .lncksos county, Oregon; frontage 100 feet on the east sldo or N central nvenue. tun irei rnte per foot. 91 cents, lunonut. $9t 00 Assesinent No R3 -A W Wright A pircel of lnnd mnrked (A 1") on tho map or tlie City oi MWirurn. vm'gon. ns n -corded. In Vol. 83. uge 95 or the countv reconler's records of Jnckson countv, Oregon, frontngo 60 feet on tho east sliln of N. Central nvenue: 50 feet, ruto per foot, 91 cents: nmount, $15 50. Assessment fo Xt t f? nnd I M Pottonger Lot S. Missel's addition. Clt) of Metlford. Oregon, rnintage SO feet op the nst side of N Central avenue, na de scribed In Vol. 86. pngo 469 of the count) reconler's reconis of Jnckson county, Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot, 91 cents, nmount. $45 KO Assessment No 55 A. It Campbell I.OI 7. nissol's nddltlon, City of Medford. Oregon fnmtnge. 60 reel on tho east side of N Central nvenue. as described In Vol $7. page 444 of the countv reconl er's reconis of Jnckson countv, Oregon 50 feet, rnte per foot, 91 cents, nmount $15 50. Assessment Na 66 A It Campbell Lot fi. Missel's nddltlon. City of Medfonl. Oregon; fnintnge 40 feel on the east sUK of N Central nvenue, ns described In Vol 87. page 4 14 of the countv recorder t reconis of Jnckson county, Oregon; 40 feet; rate per foot, 91 cents, nmount. $36 40 Assessment No 57 A R Catitnlell Lot 5. Missel's addition. City of Medfonl Oregon frontage 60 5 feet on the east side of N Central nvenue. ns described In Vol s,. iingo 414 of the countv re corder's nconls or Jnckson county. Ore con. no a Tect: rate ptr root, t cents, nmount. $65 06. Assessment Na 6t The City or Med ford A trlnncular tmreel nf land situ ated south of Missel nddltUn, between r central nvenue ami court street, ns described In Vol SO. pago 0S of lb county recorder's reconis of Jackson county. Oregon, frontage 100 feet on the cast side or N Central nvenue 100 fret rato per foot, 91 cents, nmount $91 on Section 2 And It Is horehv entered nnd onlntnrd that said several assess ments anil tlie liens thereof be entered In' tho lien docket of snld city, and that thereupon notice bo given to the owners. or reputed owners, of said prepertv, and that the same bo enforced and collected In tho manner provided by tho charter of snld city for the collection of as sessments for tho Improvements of streets therein Section 3. It Is further ordorcd that the notice above provided for be pub lished three times In the Dally Malt Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation in nam city, in tue manner provided by ordinance. No. 25u of said city The foregoing ontlnanco was passed by the city council of the City of Med- roni, uregon, on me :isi hiy ot sovn her. PHI, by tho following vote- Mer rick, absent: Watt. a)0. WOrtman. aye. KmencK, nyo; lsnert, aye, ana .Miliar. nye. Approved .ovemoer szii. cut. Attest- W H. CANON. ItonT w. TELFKH. Mayor. City ltecorder. NOTICE. To tho owner, or renuted owner, of each parcel of property doscrlbcd In tlie rorogolng ordinance, as nimoti mere in and In tho Hen declared by said or dinance, as recorded in the docket of city liens: you aro ncrcoy noiiricu mat me assessment declared by the foregoing ordinance has been mado and the Urn theruror entered In the city Hen docket, nnd that the same Is duo and you aro hereby required to pay tho tamo to the city recorder within ten days from the servleo of this notice, which service Is mado by the publication of this notice nnd the foregoing ordlnnnco three times Jn the Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order of the city council of said ty" ROBT. W TELFER. City ltecorder. OKDmAHCE HO. C33. An ordlnnnco nssesslnc tho property adjacent to and benefited by tho elghtn I...... lni.,.1,.. Ann.lmntml alnnir IllUJi ,,... .0J ,.w,of..-.. .w..a alley between Ileddy nvemi" und Queen Anne avenue from Itoosevolt nvenue to Phlpps street, tho cost of constructing the same and providing tho manner of carrying said assessment Into full effect The City of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1 Whereas, tho city council did heretofore provide by ordinance for tlie serving or mo owners oi property adjacent to and benefited by tha con struction or tho lateral sewer heroin afrcr described to nppear before said council unil show cause. If any, why said property should not bo assessed for the construction of said sewer, nnd did fix a tlmo for hearing any such protests, which notice was glvon In ac cordance with said ordinance moro than ten days before tho beginning of the construction of said sower, but no pro tests ncnlnst snld construction or as sessment of tho cost thereof wns made by any one and said newer was, oy saiu council, ordered constructed And whereas, tho cost of tho construc tion of eald sewer hns beon made and hereby is determined to bo tho sum of $6628.66. Vmv llierefnrn. said cltv doth ordain and declare that each parcel of property described below is adjacent to and ben efitted by that certain lntral sower eight Inches in size, consirucieu on iiney uc tween Keddy nvenuo nnd Queen Anm uvenue from Itoosevolt nvi nue to Phlpps street and that tho proportion of tin cost of said sewer which euch of sub' parcels of land should boar, based on tho benefits derived respective ly by said several tracts of land. Is I tin nmnllllt no! nrillOHltO tho dcSCrlllt lOII nf imnli unreel Im-Iow. and that oticll of said parcels is actually ueiieuieu in win amount ei opposiie lia urcriwniii Inw liv tlin construction of said scwor. nnd that snld several amounts repre sent tho proportional iiunenis oi sun; several parcels from said sewer. And each of said parcels Is hereby assessed llin nmount Set onOOBltO ItS dCSCrlPtiOII below for tho construction of said sew er Tho nnmo nppearlnK above each description bolng the name of tjio owner, or reputed ownor, of each such lot( or AHMKNSMKNT KO.ll AN 8-INCH LAT- EltAL HEWEIt ALONG T1IK AI.UJV UBTWBUN HHUDY AVENUE ANJ.J QIJKEN ANNI3 AYliftMi1 I Jiu.ii liOOHBVELT AVUNL'M TO PJMPPS 8THEET. Assessment No. . Queen Anno Addi tion rne IjiI 1. I.loek 2. Queen Anne addition, City of Medford, Oregon. I'ront- UgO III ICOl On lllu norm niuu ui num alley, us described in Vol. 76. pugo 129 of tho county rccoi dor's records of Jack sou county, Oregon; 60 feot, rato per foot. $1.01; amount. $80 60 Assessment No. 2. Queon Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 2, block 2, Queen Anne addition, City of Medfonl, Oregon. Kront ago 60 fdet on tho north sldo of suld ulloy, ns described In Vol. 76, page 429 of tho county recorder's records or Jack son county, Oregon; 60 fret; ruto per foot, $1 61; amount. $80 GO. Assessment No 3 Qutnn Anno Addi tion, Ino Lot 3, block 2, Queen Anne addition, City of Medford, Oregon, I'ront ugo 60 feet on tho north sldu or said Hlloy, as described In Vol 76. pugo 429 of tho county recorder's records of Jauk aon county, Oregon, 80 fvot, ruto per foot. $1 01, amount, $ 80.60 Assessment No. 4 Quewi Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 4, block 2, Queen Anne addition, City of Medford, Oregon. I'ront ago 50 feet on the north sldo of said alley, as described In Vol. 76. pugu 429 of the county recorders records nf Jack son county, Oregon, 50 fret, rato per foot, $1 lit. amount. $80 50 Assessment No 6 Quuou Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 6. block 2, Qiiemi Anne nddltlon, City of Medford, Oregon. Hi out ago 50 feet on tho north side of suld nlloy, us described in Vol. 76, page 429 of tliu county iccorder's reconis of Jack son county, Oregon; 60 feet, rato per foot, $1 01: amount. $80 60. Assessment No. fi Queen Anno Addi tion, Iuc Lot C, hhmk 2, Queen Anne uddltWiL City Of Alcdford, Oregon. ugo 60. feot on tho nor III sldo of snld Klloy, us described in Vol. W, pago VJ CITY NOTICES. of the county iccoidei's records of Jiielt non, county, Oregon; so feet, ruto per fool, $1.61, nuuuiut, $to JO ..... Assessment No. t.-irtlih, 'liJ'j,, Lot 9. block 2, Queen Anne addition. V Itv of Medrord. Oregon 1 renlnge 50 feel on the south sldo of srtld lillny. ns di. scribed In Vol M. pngv "f tli count) reootMer's ti cords of J.ukson countv, Oregon; 60 feel; rate per foot. $tr.t. nmount, so 50 .,.. Assessment No 8,sirih A Wmlley Lot 10. block 8. Queen Anne addlt Ion, Clt) of Medfonl, Oregon rrnnlnge 50 feet on tho south sldo of s.iM alley, ns de scribed In Vol N, page of th count) reconler's nccords of ,lacksin county. Oregon; 50 feel; rnte pr foot, $1 l. nmount. $S0 50 . . , .. Assessment No 9 H.irnh A Llildley Lot II, Mock 5. Queen niie addition. Cltv of Meilfunl Urxirnn 1 rontaite 50 feet on tho south elite of siiid nlley, as dt- serlbeil ivennli l In Vol 89. hfi of the count) recorder's reonl of .In know counl' H foot, Oregon; 50 reel, rate ner wot. i amount. o an Assessment No 10- (1 I t.tndley. Lot IS, block 2, Queen Aim addition, Cltv or Medrord. Oregon. I"i milage 50 fevt on the south side of sld alley, ns do. scribed In Vol 73, page I to of theiwunty reconler's records of Jackson county. Oregon, 80 feet, rnte per fool. II l: uuuiuiit, $s0 SO Asstsstnent Na II, J A I.) on Lot 13, block 2. Queen Anne addition. City of Medford. Oregon Kmnlngo 50 feet on the south side of said nlley. lis de scribed In Vol "it, page !! of the countv n-corder's nn-onls or lackmni countv, Oregon; 50 reel, rate P r root, $1 til, nmount. $so SO Assessment No 12 -S U Mennetl Lot 14. bloek 3. Queen Anne addition. Cltv of MiHUnril. Oregon Kntntuge 5 fret on tho south side or wild nllev. us described In Vol 90. Igc 331 f the countv icconler's repoitls of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 fet rate per foot. $1 61 nmount. $80.50 Assessment No, 13.- Queen Anne Addi tion. Inc. Lot 1, bloek t Queen .Mine addition. City of Medford Oregon I'ronl age 50 feet on tho north side of sibl nlley, ns di scrlbetl In Vol 75. pn' of the county neorder's records of Jack son county, Oregen: )0 feet: rate Hr foot. $161. nmount. $ssso Assessment No. II Queen Anne Addi tion. Inc Lot 3. block 4, Queen Anno nddltlon. City of Medford. Oregon I'ront ntro 60 feet on the north side of sob' nlley ns described In Vol 75. pnge 4J9 of the county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregen: '" feot, rato per foot. $ 8t. nmount. $so "o Assessment Na 15. Queen Anne Addi tion Inc Lot 3, block 4 Queen Anne addition, City of Medfonl Oregon Kront nce 60 feel on the north sM. of said nlley. n- descrllied In Vol 78. ge 129 or the county recorder's records or Jack son county, Oregen: ,"0 fret, rato per foot $161; nmount. $S0 SO Assessment No 16 Queen Anne Addi tion. Inc. Lot 4. block 4, Queen Ann addition. City of Metlford. Oregon Front age 50 feel on the north side of snld ulloy. ns described In Vol 75. page 4S9 of the county reconler's records of Jnck son county, Oregon, '.0 feet, rato ,-r root. $161; nmount. $So 50 Assessment No. 17 Queen Anno Addl Hon Inc I.ot 5, block 4. Queen Anne nddltlon. Cltv of Medfonl Oregon front age 60 feet on tho north sldo of ssld nlley. ns described In Vol 76, page 119 of tlie county recorder's records nf Jack son county, Oregon, 50 fret, rate txr foot. $1 61; nmount. $W6s Assessment No IS. Queen Anne Addi tion. Inc Lot C, block 4. Queen Ant,. nddltlon, City or Medrord. Oregon I'ronl age 50 fret on the north side of snhl nlley, us described In Vol 75. )Mire 42l of the county recorder's records of Jack son county, Ongon 10 fret, rate in?t foot. $161. amount. $o 0 Assessment No 18 Quern Anne Addi tion. Inc Lot 7. block 4. Queen Anne nddltlon. City of Medfonl. Oreeon Front nue 60 feet on the north side of said nlley. ns described In Vol 75. pave 129 or the county recorder's reconis or Jack son county, Oregen: 10 reel, rate ot foot. $1 61, amount. J SO 50 Assessment No 20 Quetn Anne Addi tion. Inc Lot s, block I. Queen Mine addition. City of Medford, Oregon Prutit age 50 feet on the north side nf anhl alley, ns described lp Vol. 75. page 129 of the county r,coriWs records or Jack son countv. Oregon, r.o reet, rate per loni i bi nmnuni jshju Assessment No 21 Quern Anno Addi tion, Inc Lot 9. block 4 Queen Anne nddltlon. City of Medford, Oregon Hriinl- nge CO reft on the north slile or sttld alley, ns tlescrlbtd In Vol. 75. tutee 119 or the county recorder's records of Jack son county, Oregon sn reel, rale per font. $161: amount. ISO 60. Assessment No 23 Quern Anne Addi tion, inc Lot 10. mock I, Queen Anne addition. City of Medford. Oregon Front ago 60 feet on the south side of said alley, us described th Vol 75 raee 4 2ft or the county recorder's records nr Jack son county, Qregniey.0 fret, rale )! foot. $161 amount ISO 60 Assessment No 21 Quern Anns Addi tion. Inc. Lot II Mock I. Queen Anne addition. City or Me.inrd. Oreuou Front ago 60 feet on Hh south side of snld alley, ns tlesrrllxd In Vol. 6. twige " or the county recorder's reconis or Jnck son county, Ongon SO fimt, rate per loot, i oi; amount. ?s no. Assessment N 21 Queen Anne Addi tion, Hnc Lot 1.', block 4. Queen Aline addition. City of 31. dforil, Oregon Front ugo 50 fttt on lb. south side of suld alley, as !ecrlled In Vol. 76. psg or the rounty recorder's records of Jnck son county, Oregon, 60 feet, rato p. r foot. $i fit, amount $8060 Assessment No 25 Queen Anne Addi tion, Inc Lot 13, block 4, Queen Anm addition, City of Medfurd, Oregon Front ago 60 fret on the south sldo of snld alley, as described III Vol. 76 psgr of the county recorder's records or Jnck son county, Oregon; (0 'fret, ruto i foot. $1 CI amount $80 60. Assessiii. nt No 26 Queen Ann" Addi tion. Inc Lot II, block I, Queen Ami addition f'lly of Jbdfortl. Oregmi Front ago 60 f,.t on (In south side or said alley, as described In Vol 76. pitgi 12b or tin roiinly r corder'H r nirrtw ut luck son county. Oregon BO feci, r.ito per foot, $1 6, amount, $80 50. Assessment No 27 Queen Anno Addi tion. Ino Lot 16, block 4, Queen Amu addition. City of Mtdford, Oregon Front nge 50 feet on the south sldo of snld alley, ns th scribed In Vol. 75. page I2' of the county recorder's recoids of JhcK son county, Oregon; 60 feot; ruto ht fool $1 fi, nmount, $80.60, Assessment No. 28 E. II PItki I Lot Ifi, block 4. Qumin Anno iidill tlon, Cltv of Mtdford, Oregon Front ugo 60 fret on 111" south side of snld alley, us described In Vol 84. itage 609 or the county reconler's records of .Iitrk fum county, Oregon; 60 foot; rule per foot, $1 CI, amount $80 60 Assessment No. 29 Queen Anno Addi tion, Inc Lot 17, block 4, Queen Anne addition, City of Mtdford, Oregon Front ngo 60 fret on the south sldo of said nlley, us tit scribed In Vol. 76, pago 42U or tho county rcconlor'H records of Jnck son county, Oregon, 60 ftot; rato per foot. $i r, nmount $80.60. Assessint ut No 30 L. T Jones Lot 18, block I, Queen Anno addition, City of Metlford, Oregon. Frontngo 60 fert on tho south side of snld alley, as tie, scribed In Vol 75, pago 23 of llio county recorders records or Jltckson countv, Oregon; 60 fret, rato per foot, $l.fil iiinount. $80 50. Assessment No 11 Quean Anna Addi tion, Inc Lot 1, block 6, Queen Anno addition, City of M dforil, Oregon Front age 60 feet on tli north side of snld alley, as dNcrllied In Vpl. 76, pago 429 of tho county rucorder'H records of Jack son county, Oregon, 60 feot; rato per root, iti, nmount $gu oo. Assessment No. n Queen Anno Addl tlon, Inc Lot 2 block 6, Queen Anne (Kiuiiioii, city nr M urorti. Oregon ) roni nuu 60 feot on Urn north sldu of snld ulloy, an described In Vol. 76. pago 429 of tiio county recorder's records of Juck- noii uuuiny, ureg II, UV leui, juiu j'ei fool, $l01,nmouiu $80.60. . Assessment No 3 ! Quemi Anno Addi tion, Ino Lot 1, block 0, Queen Anne nddltlon, City of M'd ford, Oregon Fiont uge 60 fret on tip north sldo of suld alley, as desarlhi d In Vol 76. pugo 429 of the county n t ordor's reconis of ,)nl son county, Ongon, 60 feot; ruto per foot, $101, nmount $80.60. Assissinent No 31 Queen Anno Addi tion, inc Lot I. block C, Queen Anne addition, city of Mi dford, Oregon I'ronl -ugu 60 feet on tlie north sldo of said ulley, us described In Vol. 76, pugo 429 of tho county recorder's rrVnrds of Jack son county, Oregon; 60 feot, rato por foqt. $1 l; nmouit $80.60, Assessment No 35 Quuiill Anno Addi tion, ino Lot 6, block 6, Queen Anne nddltlon, City of .P dford, Oiounn I'rnul (ige 60 feet on tin- north slihi nf wild nlloy, its ditsurlbtil in .Vol 76, pugo 42! of llin county letordnr's records of Juak eoil county, Qreyon; (0 root! rato per CITY NOTICES. fool, $ I t: nmount, $80 60 Assessment No 311 - Queen Anno Addl linn. Inc I.ot rt, block it. Quern Amu nddltlon, City or Metlford, Oiegtm Finnt nun 60 foot on the smith sldo of snld alley, us described In Vol 75, Pit go 4211 of tho county recorder 8 reoonls of .luck son county, Oregons 60 frol! Vittu w' fool, $ Rl nmount $10 60 Assessment No 37 Queen Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 7. block II, QUeou Anne nddltlon. Ctv of Metirtird. Diction 1 unit ugo no fret on tho smith -.. .- .. ..-?. .. .. sitin nr snui it nay. ns uescrineii in vol 76, 1iiki 4 St of the county recordot s reconis or .lank son county, Oregon, 60 fret, rate vc or .inns- r foot, $1 hi; uniouut, $80 50. Assessment No 38 - Queen Anno Addi tion, luc Lot 8. block 6 Queen Anne mldlllou, Clly tif Medfonl, Oregon Fnuit nge 60 fret on tho south side of suld nllev, ns lionet Hied In Vol 76, ptigo Fill of tlie county recoidor's records of Jnck son county, Oiegon 50 foot, into por TooK 161; nmount, JMi Ml, Assessment No S' Queon Anno Addi tion, llio Lot 9, block 6. Queon Anno ttddlllnn. Cltv of Medrord. Oremjn Front nge 50 foot on tho smith side nf snld nlloy. its described In Vol 75. pugo UV nf Hie county recorder's records " Jnck sou county. OroKtm 80 fret, tnlo per foot. $1 61. ttHunint, $8 50 Asseseiueiit Nn 10 - Queen Anno Addi tion, llio Lot 10. block 6. Queon Anne nddllliin. Clt) of .Modrnnt. Oregon ! mill; ago 50 fret on the soulh side of ssJd uVlov. ns described In Vol 75, pngi 4t of the county reconler n reoonls of Jnrk sou county. Oregon 80 feel, rato nr foot. $6 amount, Jo 60 , Assessment Nn II - -Helnml , dlslrltt No 19 Lot I. tdock 8. Qtlirii Alllie ltd tlltlon. City of Medfonl. Oregon lrunl ngo 47 fret nn the north side r snld alloy, ns described In Vol 76, mge St i of the ctmnty rewntei records of Jnck sun county, Oregon 17 fret: rate per foot. $lnl. atuimnl. $75 67 Assessment No II Helmut district No 49 Lot 2. block 8. Quseii Anne ad alley as tloscrlbnl In Vol 7 ie 317 of llie foiinly rrcortlrrs reconis of Jack sun county, Oregon, 17 feet, rale n foot, $11 nmount. $75 67 Assessment No 4.1 School district No 49. Lot 3. block n. Queen Anno ml tlltlon. City of MvMlfiird. Oregon 1 rent ago 47 fret on the north side nf said ulW. ns described In Vol "6. page. Sit of the county recordei's records or Jnck son countv. Oregon. 47 feel, into per find, $1 l nmount. $75 7 Assessment No 1 1 School district Nil 49. Ltd I. block 8, Queen Aline nil tlltlon. Clt) of .Mtslfoid. Oregon Fnmt ago 17 fert on tho north side of sntd alley, ns described In Vol 75. page .!! of tlie county reconler's rretmla of Jack son cminly. Oregon, 47 feel, rate pel foot. $1 6, amount. $75 67 Assessmont No 45 School district No 49 Lot '. block . Qlltrii Anno ad dition. Cltv or Medrord. Oregon Fnmt nge 47 fret on the north sldo f said or the county recorder's n curds or Juck son county, Oregon 47 fret, rale per foot. $1 61. amount, $76 67 Assessment No, IC -School district No 19 Lot 6 block s" Queen Anno ad dition. City of Medftird. tlregoti Front age I. frrt on the north side or snld nlley, hh ilencrllird In Vol "6. imge 317 of the county recorder's reoonls of Jack son county, Oregon, 47 frol. rato ler root, $1 C nmount, $73 67 Assessment No 47 Schtwil tllstrlol No 49 Irfit 7. block 8, Queen Anne nd dltlon. City of Medfonl. Oregon Front age 47 frrt on th south side of said allrv, ns drscrllMid In Vol 75, page 317 of the county recorder's records of Jnck son county, Oregon. 47 fest; rate Kr root. $1 CI. smiiiiut, $75 67 Assessment No I School district No 19 Lot 8, block 8. Quern A n n ad dition. Clly or Medftird. Oregon Front ngtt 47 fret on tho south shir of wild nllry, ns described In Vol 75. hko 317 of the county recorder's reconis of Jack son county, Oregon, 47 fret, rats per fool, $1 61. nmount, $75 67 Assessment No 19 School district No 19 Lot 9. block 8. Queen Anne nil .llil, , en.- ,,f Moiirnnl. Ilroifim. Front- nee 47 fert on the south sldo of snhf nlley, us descrllied In Vol 75. p.igt 317 of tho county reconler's reconis nf Jnck son county, Oregon 17 ftet; rate per foot, $161 nmount. 176 67 Assessment Nn 60. School district No 19, I.ot 10, block 5, Qutwu Aline au dition. City of Medfonl. Oregon Front nge 47 feet on the south side nf ssld ttllov, ns described In Vol 75, mge 317 or the count) recorder's record or Jack son county, Oregon 47 frol, rnt" per f.sit, $1 61 nmount, 175.67 Assessuunt No 51 School district No 49. Lot II, block S. Queen Anne ad dition City or Medfonl. Oregon Front ngo 47 fret on the south sldo nf sttld alley, ns descrllrd In Vol 75. sko 317 of the rounty recordHrs records of Jark son county. Oregon, 17 fpt, rate per root. $1 61: amount. $76 67 Assessment No 52 School district No 49 Lot I J, htoek 8, Queen Aline nib tlltlon. City nr Metlfonl, ongon Front agr 17 fret on the south side of snld nlley. ns described lit Vol 71, wge 317 or tiie county reconler's records nr Jnck son county, Oregon, it reel, ni pei foot. $161 amount. $75 67 AstMssmt-nt No 63 Qui en Ann Addl Hon. Inc I.ot 1. bloek 10. Queen Anne nddltlon, City of Medford. Oregon Front Hgr 50 fet t on the north sldo of sold nil. v, ns dtMMirlbod In Vol 76. rttgo 419 of the county recorder's records of Jirek son I'liiufty, Oregon, 60 fmt, ruto cr root, $1.61. nmount, $80 so Assessment No 64 Qui en Anno Addi Addi teon: Inc. IOt 2, block 10. Qiiu Anne Hildltlon, City nf Medford, Oregon. Front agr 62 feet on the north side nr s.ild nlloy, ns described In Vol 75, page 42 or tho county rtcordnr's rcrortls of Jack son county. Oregon, 62 fret; ruto per fisit, $1.61, amount, $83 72 Assessment No 56 Qm en Anno Addi tion, Inc Lot 3. block lo Queen Anm addition. City of Medfonl, Oiegon, Front ngo 62 fret on the north side of snld nlloy, ns described In Vol 75. page l"i of tlin count)- reconler's rt cords of Jack son county, Oregon. '- ftit. rati- pel foot, $161, liuiouul, $83 72 AsMineiit No 66 Qliet u Aline Addl Hun. Inn Lot, I, block 10. Queuii Aum inldltloii, City of Medrord, Or' gnu. Fronl nge 53 feet oil the north shin nf wild alley, en described In Vol 76, pugo 429 of tho county rtcorder's it cords of Jack son county, Oregon; 52 fmt, ruto per foot, $1 01; umoiiiil, $83 72 Assessment No 57 -Quern Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 6, block 10, Queen Aunt inldltloii, City of Medford Oregon, Front ngi 62 fret on the north sldo or suld nlloy, us described In Vol 75, pngi 429 or tlin county n corder's records or Jnck son county, Oregon, 62 fret; ruto per foot, $1 61; amount, $8,172 Assessment No 68 Queon Anno Addi tion, Inc Lot fi, block 10, Queon Anno nddltlon, City of Medford, Oregon. Front ugo 62 font on the north sldn nf snld alloy, ns described In Vol 75, pago 420 of llin fnunty recorder's records of Jack son county, Ongon; 62 foot, ruto per foot, $1 61, nmount, $83 72 AssesHiuunt No. 69 Qm on Anno Addi tion, Inc Lot 7, block 10, Queon Anuu inldltloii, city of Medford. Oregon. Front ugu 62 fret on the north sldu of said alloy, as described In Vol 76. pugo 129 of .llio county n corder's lecorim of Jack- soil county, Oregon, 62 fret, ruto per JOOI, lljl, UlllOllnl, f13 72 Assessment No 60 Oiieen Anno Addl tlon, Inc Lot 8, block 10, Queen Annu nrniuion, cuy or .vieuroni, ureiion. I'Toiu- ii go '- root uu tiio uoriii stun or sum alloy, as described In Vol 75, pugo 4 ley, the of tho county rt (.order's records nf Jack son county, Oregon, 62 foot, ruto per foot, $1 61; nmount, $8!l 72. Assessment No CI, Queen Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 9, hloik 10, Queon Anne addition. City of Medford, Oregon Front -(igt) 62 feet on the north sldo of snld alley, as described In Vol. 76. jingt 129 of tiio county n corder's ri corns or Jack son county, Oregon, 62 frot, rato pi t foot, $101, amount, 83 72 Assessment No 62 Queen Anno Addi tion, Inc. Lot 10. block 10, Quoin Anno addition, Clly of Medford, Oregon. Front ago 62 foot on the south iildu of snld alley, us described In Vol. 76, pago 129 of tho county riconlor's records, of Jack son comity, Oregon, 62 fret; ruto per root, $lfi; nmount, $8,172. Assessment No, 83 Queen Anno Addi tion. Inc Lot II, block 10, Queen Anno addition, City of Mcdfuid, Oregon Front ago 62 foot oil thn south sldo uf suld ulloy, us described In Vol 76, p-igo 120 of the county ncordei's records of Jack son couiuy, Oregon. 62 foot, into per iuiii, 1 1 mi, minium, injit. Assessment No, 04 C If. Ausslknr Lot 12 hloclc 10, Quuou Annn addition, fll tf t. ..I,,, m.t I-.,...... ..... ... r It i ',.,,, win, wiithuu j' roiiiutoi Urf rent 011 tint south sldu of snld nlley, 11M (Ksoillipil In Vol. 01, pugo 168 of tho couiuy rccoruui'H records or Jiicksun county, Oregon. 62 frot; into por foot, l. CI, iiiuniiul, $83,72. v Assessrncnt Ndl 05 --C. If, AOsslfmr. I.ot 13, block 10, Queon Anno addition. City at MeafQrd, oroBoit, Vwmw M CITY NOTICES. fret on Hi" N"'" "'e -,r snld nlloy, us desoilhod 111 Vol 91. ptiHO 168 ill" llio cminly reooidol's i rem dp nf .IncKsiin cminly, Oregon. 62 foot) into per foot, fi hi; ummiuii ('J Assossmriit No All unit II C, Hluddiird Uileon Anno mlill tlon. -C II Ausslltor Lot II. block 10, ...... ..,.l UJ Ol ,ieii., ,ii feel uu llio soulh Oiegnn I'ltuiiiiKo J sldo of suld ulloy, us in ,, mn nr tin. doscribiMi in vui county locurdoi s locords of Jnokson county, Oregon; feot. rule per root, $1 ill. iiniiilllit. H 78 Assossinont Nu. UT II C Hloddiird Lnl 16, block 10, Qiioon Anno mldltlon, CUV nf Mrtlfortl, oreipui FinnliiKO 53 frol on the siuilli sldo of snld nlloy, ns tloscrtbod In Vol l, pugo 132 nf llio cuunty tcourtlei's reconis or Jiicltsoti oouiity, Oiegon 53 feet; lulu per foul, $1 ill. ninminl, $h,17J Asnensllient No 68 QlietMi Anno udd. thin. Ino Lul l. block 10. Quooii Anno nddltlon, Clt) or .Metlfonl, Oregon Front iikii 63 frol uu llio smith fills of sld tiiley, ns described In Vui 78. pago ItU ,or tlie count) recorder's looinda nf Jitcli Sou cuunty, Oiegon, ii frot( ruto per root, $i,ftli nmount, tas 73 Assessment No ttu Que. u Annn Addl (Ion, ma l.l IT. block io Queen Anne nildlllnn, City nf .Mrtlfurd, Oiogon, Front; nge 63 fret on His smith side of sold nlloy. ns descrlbod In Vol 7. piine 129 of llio county trctinlei's reotinls or Jnck. mm tmnnty, oreHun, 52 foot, rnlti per fool. $1 nt. nmount, S3 73 AlTsesstlient Nn 70 Queon Anm Addi tion, luc Lot l. block 0, Queon Mine ndilltltiii, Clt) nf Medford. Oregon Fiotll no to frrt uu tho south side nf said nllry, ns described In Vol T. iwgo 139 of llin county reconler's records of Jack son county, Oregon 50 fret, rata per tool, $lt. numtint, 180 50 Section 2 Ami II Is hereby ordered and onluliiod Hint sold several uasoss jiionts anil the lions Hiri-enf Its ontoitsl In the Urn doc It el nf snld city, nisi Hull thereupon notice bo given In the own ers, or reputed owners, uf sold irourtv. ami that tho sumo Ik t'iifoutl und col lected In the inauiirr prut hint by tin churter of snld city for tho colleoHou of aNsessiiiouls for tin ImtiruvetiioiitH uf streets therein. Section 3 II Is further ordered Hint (he under above provided fur he nub. Ilshetl thrtM times In the Ihxlly Mnll Trlhune. n new simper puhllshttl und of genernl rlrculiitlou In snld oily. In tho mniitier provided hy Ordlminec No, 240 of sold oily Tho foregoing nrtllimnce wns passed by I lit Clly Ctiuntlll nf the City nf Mod ford. Oregon, nu tiio Slut ttuy uf Novem ber. Ill, by tho following vnlrt Merrick, absent. Wnlt. u)t Wnrttunii nvo Itiuerlck, uye. Ill fert. nye. nnd Mil lar, nyo W 11 CANON. Attest' .Mayor. iioitr w TKt.rim. Clly ltcnrdr NOTICE To the owner, or reputed nwiirr, of such imrcrl uf proirtv described In lbs foregiilng onllnnner, as named therein, uml In the Hen drelnretl by mild ordi nance, un recorded In His docket of ally ilenn: Ytill nr hrehy nollfed Unit Ihe itssikssuivnt declitrril b' Ihe foregoing ordinance has been instle nnd the Urn therefor entered In tho city linn docket. and Hint the stuns Is diir nnd you nre hereby required In tmy th ssinr to Ihe Clly Hrcordrr within ten days from the srrvtee of this notice, whieh nervier is tnads by publication or the foregoing onllnnner und Ibis notice three, limes In the Metlford Mnll Tribune, pursuant to nn order of the cltv council nf said city. ItOIlT, W TMLFUIl. Clly ltecorder. OUDINAHOE MO. 020. An onllnnner nsseaslng tho proirty ndjsernt tu und briiefllrtl by lint eight Inch luleritl sewer conslructiMl along North (lraM street frum center linn nf Knight sttrrt coiitlnutil tn Hrcond street, tint cost of constructing the tot inn nnd providing Hit innnnrr nf currying said unsessmnnt Into full effect Tim City of Medford dulli ordain as follows Stotlnn I Whrims. llm city council did heretofore provide by nnllnnne fur the serving nf Iho owner of property udinrriit In und beneflled by thn con struction of the Intrral sower herein after described to appear brforn siild council nnd show cause, ir nny, why shIiI properly should not bo assessed for Iho construction of snld aewor and did fix a tluin fur hearing any such protests, which notice wns given In no eordnnce, with snld urdlnnnce miirn Ihnn ten dnys brfort the beginning of tho ooiistructlun uf snld sewer, but nn pro tests ngnlnst said construction or as sessment of tho cost thereof was miule by anyone nnd snld sewer was, by, suld ooiiucll, ordered constructed. t.i i.i,.huiM tin. emit or tho con struction of said sewer lias been mado nnd hereby Is tlulurminti'l 10 na ma sunt Now, therefore, snld clly dulli nrdftln .....1 .t.fliu.d nu.,ii tutrrei or nron rrty tleserlbed below Is iidjsreiit lo nnd nrnriltrtl liy lliai crrtniu iso-ihi Wv. irtght inches In sue. consirucieu n,ii (lmi street from center line of Knight street to Hrcond slreel. and Unit Ihr pro porllmi uf the cost f sold sower which iNich of snld iwrticls of laud should In-nr. IhisisI on lint beiirflls derived respec tively by snld sovernl truots nf hind, la tho amount set niipnilts tho description nf each parcel below .und Unit en-en or suld psrcils IS iictuniiy nrnonirii 111 tue limolllll SOI Oliposun lis ttencriiMi.Mi .-- low by the const met 1011 nr snui s"or, and Hint said several nmmiiits cpro sent the prnpfirtlnnftl benefits nf sntd sovernl iwrorls from snld newer. And ench nf snld parcels Is hereby assessed the nmount not oppnslln Its descrlptloii below for thr coustriiollou (if said sewrr The 11111110 npicarlng nbovo each tbstirlptloii being llm nniii" of His owner, or reputed owner, of each such lot gr AWIWHMItNT FOIt ,AN f-INCII J.AT F.ltAL HFAVKIt ON OIIAl'lf 1 "'". FltOM TIII4 C'KNTKIl MNII OI KNIOIIT HTIIHKT CONTINUKO TO HKCONO KTIIKBT ,. ., . Assessmont No 1 -(" (' '' Lot 8, block 3H. nrlgliial tuwnslto, Clly of Meilfunl, Oregon Frontngo 60 ft el On the oast shin of flrupii strnsL ns de scribed in Vol II. iwg" U 'f the county reourder's records or Jiiokwm mjinly Oregon, 60 fret, rato per foul, 1 1 05 '"SfflN.,:-?!' Ileekmu,, Lot 0, block 3. origlnnl t.iwnslls, CH of Mi dford, Oregon Fronlngo 60 feet ,. 11, .. mi .Mil., of (iritiio street, us de scribed In Vol II. pngo 41 of llm enmity reoortler-H records of Jnckson oniiii y. Orniftin. 60 root, mto pur fool, II 05, n,nA,;,l28,f,-fNo 3-C. f nackuuin. Lot 10, block 3H. nrlglnul tiiwnsltr, Clly of Medford, Oregon I'ronlugn 60 feel on Uu rust sldo of flriifu slrent, us do. scribed In Vol II. pngo 41 nf llio county recorder's records or Jnrltson eutnilv, Oregon; 60 fret; rato per font, 1105, nmount, 162 60 .,.,..,, Assessment No 4 C (' llooltiniitt Lot 11, block . original Inwnslfo, Clly of Medford, Orcgoii Fronlngo 60 frut nn thn uast side of flrnpo street, us 1I1 scrlliod In Vol. II. P'iko 41 of the county rccorilur'u reconis of Jnckson county, Oregon; 60 frot, ruto per foul, 1 1,011, LMiinitii tr,'t r,n Assessmunt No 6 a O He k man Lot 12. block 3, nrlgliuil tiiwnslie. City of Medford, Oregon Frontngo 80 frot uu tho mist sldo nf (Irupo strejit, us do scribed In Vol. II, pngo 41 nf thn county recorder's records of Jnckson cniiuly, Oiegon ; 50 foot! ruto per foot, 1 06, amount. 162.60. ,..,,, T . Assossmout No C It A, Holmes. Lot 1. block 01, original tnwnsllo, city of Mrilford, Oregon Fronlngo 60 frot nn tho west sldo of Ornpo slrenl, (is ih scrllicd In Vol . pugo --, nf tho county recorder's nconls of Jackson county, Oregon; 60 frut; into per fnnt, l 06, amount, 162 60 ,..,,, Assessment No 7 It. A Holmes Lot 2, block 01, original lowusllo. City nf Medford, Oiegon, Frontngo 60 feot on tlin west sldo of Oiaiui street, as de scribed In Vol , pugo of tho county recorder's reconis or jiicksoii county Oregon; 60 frot; ruto per foot, $1.06, ninoonl. 162 60 Assessmont No 8 Mnry V Wllllmns Lot 2, block 00, origlnnl Inwnslio. City nf Medford, Oregon, Fmiitnga 50 fool on tho west sldo nf Ornpo street, ns do sorlhcd In Vol. 14, pugn 320 nf Iho county recorder's rci'orus of Jucltiion county, Oregon; 60 foot) rulo per foot, fl.nrr amount, 152.50 . Assessment No. 0 C, O. Ilcnkmiin Lot 3, block 60, origlnnl towunllo City nf Medford, Ori'KOii, Friinliign 60 font nil Iho west sldn nf Onilin silent, MM do- scrincn in vol ii, pugu ft nr 1110 enmity rucoracr'o coord" v Juvlmon 9Miity( CITY NOTICES. Oiciinnt 6 fr'tll into l"t font, t.05 niiunint, $62 60 . . , . .. . Assessment No 10 C, C lloettmiin. Lul I, bloolt 60, original luwunllo. t;ity uf MtMlforil, Ologntl Fiuliliigo BO foot nu the west sldo uf (Itnim strool, ns tin scribed lit Vol 11, pugo II uf Iho oimiiiI)' loctinlei's teiturils or .InckNon coitnly, Orogutii 60 feolt ruin per fool, fl Out mttmitit, $63 60 , AssosNiuont No, It- (', C. Iletlimnii, Lul 6, block 60, nrlgliinl (dwindle, t'llv t Modfurd, Orcguii Fruuttigii Rrt fret On tho West Sldo uf (It ill in si I eel, us do scribed In Vol II, pmrn 4t of tho oounly remirdri'8 records nr Jnokson county, .Oregon, 50 foot rato pur foot, $1,06; nmount, $63 60 AsuesKtuoiit No 13 - C C lleokmtiii, Lot 6, Limit (IO, tiiliilliul luwunllo, Ulty (if Medfonl, (lit gnu ritilllnitn At) foot uu lln west shir nf (Irnpj street, us dtt seilbed In Vol It, pngn 41 nf Hut cuiiul)' recorder's i counts nr .ncksnu coitniy, orrgoii, 50 foot, rittn.pvr foot, $1,06; nmount, $63 so, Assos'UUHiil Nil t3.-ll V Davis, Lul 7. block 39. original Inwnslio, Clly nr Medfiird, Oiogun Fruulngo 50 frol un the oust Sldo uf (tritpt sllort, IIS do scribed In Vol - . miko of Hie tMiuntl' recurdnr's records nf .liiotisou 0011111.', Olrgmi, 50 feot, inle pr fool, $1,01) nmoiml, $51 50 Asarssiueul Nil II -H. V I) l) Is. Lot , block 3d orlgluiil tiiwusllo. City uf Med. fold, Oregon FiumIuk" 6n fro nn Hit HISl shin of tllilpn Street, us ilci'UrlhrtI In Vol , pugtt nf tin coinily i coiilci's rrctinis of Jnckitnu iHiuuly, trc gnu, SO frol, ruin tier font, $1 OR; iitunuiil, I53SO Assessment Nu IK -Chimin M. Iliiist. Lot 9, hlm'k 39, orlglmtl tuwnslte, nil u( MtHlford, Oregon Friinliign 60 frrt un Iho isiat side uf llnie stnet, us ib sorlbed In Vol T. auo 17 nt the oounly reconlers rrcoida of Jitcksoti coilllly, Oiegon, 60 fert, rale per foot, $1 0"i HlUtuitit, $S3 60 Assessment No Ifi -Mnrgnrel llursl. Lot 10, block 311. 01 intiusllis IMiv jif Medfonl. Oregon I'ioiiIiiho ni fwt on the l-ltat Side of (Ilfllle Sllls'l, us tie- scriiril in Vol JK, ntH i uf iho county reconlers records of Jnckson count). Oreguti, SO feel, ruin per font. $1.0 -: uniouiii, iaz an Asttessinent No IT --lleriiiiiu lnv tcuti Lot ll.bbH'k 39. original tnvntj, t'lty or Metlford, Oregnp Froulitgij 6u feel 1111 tho east side of tlrupo, street, us described In Vol 61, pugo a 10 uf (hn county recordrr's i.toids of Jnckson coutiiy, Otogoti, sn frot, rale, per foul, II 06, umHUIil, ISJ60 Hiotlmi J And It Is hereby ordered nod ttrdalnt-tl Hint Mild sevrrul iiskmsm Incut nfid Iho lit lis lliettHif I mi entered In ttm Urn docket of ikiIiI city, and Unit HiereillHiii niitlco b" given to Hm owners, or reimteil owners, of sold properly, nnd that tin stiinn hi wnforoitd ami cufleoli-il In the muiiiirr provided iY tho charier of said city for lint collecllon nf asses, mollis fur His Improvements of streets I herein Section 3 II Is further ordered Hint lbs notice nhois provided for hn pub. llMlird Hirer times In His Daily Mull Tribune, n iirwsNtir published und uf Keiirrs I clicnlatlon lit sold oily, In thn innnnrr provldmt by ortllimnco Nu 360 of snld clly The foregoing ordlnniict wns jstssnl bv the clly council of Hm Clly of Mea funl. Oregon, tin Ihr 31st tlsy t Nuitiiii. lH-e. 1911. ny ih rtiiioning vine: ,Mr rick. lsriit. Wilt. ny. Worluutii. , ny liar, limerick, nye. ICIfrrl, nyo, nnd Mil syr Apprtivvd Nnvemlwr I3d Altwil- W. II HOIIT V Tltl.FKIt. 111 I, CANON; Mayor. Clly iirooriisr NOT I fit To the owner, or repulrtl owner, of each iwrcel of proiwrly ilescrlbwl In llio rorrgolng ordinance, us iinuimt thrreiu, nnil In Iho Hen declared by snld tirdi muter, as recorded In Iho docket of clly nre hereby notified Hint thn ns. srssmrnt ili'CbiriMl hy tho foregoing ordi nance hits tit'rn mails nud the lien there, for oittrrrd in tho clly Hon ducket, nnd Hint thn name Is dun und )utl arc hereby rrtiilrtHl In iny the same in thn city re enrtlrr within ton tbi)s from thn stirvlco br this notice, which srrricn Is madn by puhllnntlan nr His foregoing unllnuiion mid tills notion three llmrs III thn Modi fortl Mn.ll Tribune, imrstinut to nu or-' drr of Iho city council of snld cltv. HOIIT W TKLFKII, Clly I (reorder. llnskltiH fur licnltli. Valley Second Hand Store llnys nml RoIIh Heroin! Ilitinl Ooutis-, Copper, nrn, Uiililior, etc. M. J. I'll.GUKIt, rron. 10 Nnrtli Fir Ilunio a.'I llcll U07U NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. TrnliiB will rim dully, flxcont Bun day, on U10 following Hdiotliile: hy. Porllantl.. , . , . . 7:20 a. in. , I.v. IIIllHlioro 8:00.1,1)1, Ar. Uoaoh Pnlntfl. . . .1:20 p, 111. Ar, liny City 2; 01 p. in. Ar. "TllUumook 2:25 p, m, IiV. Tlltiitnook 7,:uT n, an. I.v. liny City 8:15 a., in. Lv. Iionoh l'nlntH, ., .0:00 ii. m, Ar. lllllaliorn 1:25 p.m. Ar. I'ortlniitl, .. ... . 4:10 p.m. Through tlukutH on ualo nt city tlulcnt offico, Third nnd WiiHlilnuton HtrcotH, on KourUi nnd Ymnlilll, to all polntH on tiio 1', It. & N, Further lmrtlaiilm-H from tiio rity tlckat nt;mt or ngonl Koiii'th nnd Ynriihlil ittrootH, John M. Scott, (Ituicnil I'ltHMi'iiKci- AKtnit, t 1'vrlifiiiU, Vvjvi lift fa fjL I V SUNSET (0GDEN a SHASTA) V ROUTES " 1 1 -