4 f l&H i.A MIUPKOR!) MAIL TIUIHJNK MKDFORP. OHMON', KIUDAV, DKflttmKft 22, I f II l . PAGIS FIVR . MM''M"M'-M''H I- LOCAL and! PERSONAL! Mm, (' li NuIUiik mill iluuKhtor, Minn Knlhoilno. or (ll'lllllH I'iimh, vIh- Itt'll III MdlircKl yi'HltMllllJ' UlO llllllHlM or Mr. Mini Miit A. W. Mtnno. Mih, M, ii.ililnc returned liinl nlKlit ( Inn- Ikiiiio In I'nyotto. Idaho, nrinr it vlult In Mcilfonl Id Imr mm, C. T. Mabliio, mill fnuilly. Clotlum clonnotl and proteind, Yn Nifty 28fl Mm, Mauilo TC it I 1 1 anil ohlhlron of .liiokmiiivllln k'fl IkhI iilxlit lit micmil Urn liolliluyH with rolntlvon In 1'oit Imnl. t MIhh Nonnllo, nxporluiiroil droBH nitiliiir, by Hid day or ploco. Tele phone ana .InoltHonvlllo. 245 Mr. ami Mm. A. W. Moon mnl Mm. I'. I., Mimiii, of (-'on I nil I'oliit, woro In Medford yoHtoriluy on htitilnint. Onti lot of now iiihii'h troiiMHm on niiln tomorrow at US coiitu, 1 00 N. Frontal. 23r. Mr. mill Mm, P. !, HUiomh. (if Ho attlo, ttloppod off In Moiirnrd yon torday for n brk'f look ovnr llio city. Whlpplm; cream. Hiikuo Itlvor Creamery. Minn Amiit llnnxnu, who Iiiih been KhioIiIiik bi'hool In Kluuiiitli county, returned to Imr homo In Moiirnrd Inhi it I K lit mul will itpuntln tho holiday with lior piiroutH, Mr. mul Mm. CIiiim. Ilmimiti. All mill mul ivorooutii no itt half print nil lltltt wrote. 100 N. Front Ht. 235 l.lttlo MIhh Mnuiiinl Mnholy loft )olorday fur (Sold I Mil, where nho will upend (JlirlntiiuiH with liar cnnnl pniontM. H. A. NowdII, Inilltm' tailor, 4th floor M. F. A II. Co. bldi;. W. (!. (3rWH loft on No. HI Innt nkht for ('(Hinr d'Alono, Iilnlio, where lie will vlnll for n mouth or nix wookn. Hotter Jump Into one of thorn kinkI wiiiiii ovurt-OHtH )ou en ii not for 'J mul .1 ilollam ul I Oil N. rrout nlroot. 2ar. Mm. K, I). Wonloii loft iHHt tilKht for Ban Frnurlitoo, whom who will upend thu liotlilnyM, lluy ClirlHtmiiH kooiIn nt McDow- ttll'H. Mm. John Martin of Phoenix wiih In Mmlfonl yoHlenluy on ImihIimm. Dally dollvnrloti inlllt, cream, hut tor, buttermilk. Kokuo Ulvor Cream ery. Mr. nml Mm. W. C. CnrtwrlKht will Ivtivo Moilfonl .Sunday iiiornlUK for n C'hrlRtfiinn vlull to relative In Hntom, 't'lioy will iilno tUtl Kukoiio frlomlM. Ono lot of now rnntu nml vimtn, warranted nil wool, on nlo nl 12. 25. 1 00 North Front utreet. 2.15 Mm. M. V. Wanner loft hint nlnht for Coily, Wyo.. Iinvlnx Iwoii called tlioro by n toloKrum niiiiniincliiK tho mirloiiH llliiomt of hor HlHtcr. Wo liitvo n bunch of 10c caiivn Klovon on Hitlti tomorrow mnrultiK, two palm to u ruMtomor, two iiitlm for nlckol. I Ort N. Front mU T. C. (MiIIiIm nml family arrlvod In Moilfonl litKt ti Ik Itt from Itocky Fonl. Colo. TIiomo p(oilo uro horo oxporl Iiik to lorato. Alien Hmllli loft M ctl ford thin moruliiK for a vlult with rolatlvo In Albany nml Detroit, Oro. Want to buy a IiounuT Wo liavo ouo Hx-0 box with tout covor for lin. Will II. WIImoii & Co., 100 N. l'Vout. .1. II. Ilolmcfl took train No. SO tblri moruhiK for Portland, whoro ho oxpootti to vlult frlomU for tt few wookn. Cnrkln & Taylor (John H. Cntkln, (lleiin O. Taylor), ntt(jrnoy8-iit-lnw, over JnckNOii County Hank building, Medford. Mr. and Mm. W. II. Norton ar rlvod In Medford laul nlulit for it holi day vIhII to Mr. and Mm. II. N. lhlllor, paiontH of Mm. Norton, All klndri of toy nt MoDowoU'h. Attoruoy F. J. Nowiunn wiih In (.'(Mitral Point today on IiuhIiichh. Famiy Into poam for XtnnH Hhlp tuontN, D'AuJoun, Uoho and Coinlro, In wholo or half Iioxoh. Fancy pack, ProducoiH' Fruit Co. Mm. A. M, ThomiiH of KiikIo Point In vIhHIiik AhIiIuiuI frlondit. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono U'J71 Wltlit Phones, F, W. Weeks y71. A, K. Oif, ildll'J. LADV ASHIHTANT John A. Perl Undertaker nml l;iilmImoc ; RticiiOBSor to tho uudortnlcliiK do-;; '. partiiiont of Medford Furulturu Co : I Office 2H Houtli llaitlott Htreot ; sTolupheuos: Day, Iloll 171; nlKht;; : rofllilonco, noil 173, Home 170-L. Calls nimweicil nlulit or day, ! ': ;: AMIU'liANChJ HKMVICK Tlin M. 10. rliu;cli Hiimliiy kcIiooI I will kIvo a (llirlHlmnn Iron ami ni- tortalnmonl nt tho cluircli tmilKlit, Friday. A Hiloudld mid uppropilutu pioKiiim ban boon nrrmiK"d All chllilt'on of tho Hominy nchool uro oxpt'clod lo bo In altondauro. (I. A. Pook, ono of tho woll to do Htockmitii of I ,u lio crook, wiim In tho oily yoHtorilny on bjinl hoick, Utoitin mid oloctrlo ohi;Iih;ii at Mo Dowoll'ii, Mr, and Mm, Win. Ditvln loft HiIh moriiliiK for Kniitu Crur., Cal., for a fov wookn' vIhII. Mr. and Mm, Itox l,ampiumi of (lold lllll worn In Medford yunlonltiy vUltliift frlonilN. Fumh ranch okrm at tho Flnli Mar Icnt. 2M' J. W. I.Iiik Ih In Cold lllll today on biiMlnoHN. Mr. and Mm. J. 0. Illhhard loft IIiIh mornliiK for n vlult to Mr. 1 1 II- bard'H rolatlvoH In Colfax, Cat. Frrith milk at DoVoo'h. 257 .lolin Cook, who onino to Med ford a fow wookn iiko from Wallowa, Ore, to bo oporatod upon by Or, Hooly, Iiiih fully rocovoiod bin boalb mid linn returned to bin homo. Ilu Ih doIlKhtoit with unutliorii OroKon and may roturu and tuako uoino In soNtiuoutH horo. Tho liti'Koat lino of toys' In Medford nt Mi'Downll's. Mr. and Mm. A. W. Iloobo of Cen tral Point woro In tho city today doliiK ChrlMtmnn I rail I lit;. J. I). Iloniiott or MarrlHbiirK, Oro, lit In Medford vIhKIuk bin old-lltno frloud, J. W. I.Iiik'. and family. Hoc It. A. Holmes, Tho luiurnner lnn, ovor JncJinon County bank. A. I). McKee and hoiih, or Miiiicoin. IIiIh county, woro In Medford yo- torday on IiuhIiiohh. Mm. .1. I). llobMl of Kcattlo, who Iiiih boon In Medford vImIIIiik her iiothow. O. It. Trolchlor, and famriy. loft thin mornliiK for Alanioda, Cal II. II. Pnttomon, tho numorymnn. roturuod thin iiiornlUK rroiu u bunl nonn vlult to Kalom. Tho Hokiio Itlvor Kloctrlo rompmiy ban moii nt work romovliin tho elec tric IIrIiI wlron nml polos from Knnt Mnln ntroot, thin removal work Imv Iiik bcoii mndo ponnlblo by tho Inntul tatlou of thu now oluntor Htreot IIkIiI Iiii; nyntoin. A few Wontom Union lolourapb polos will still roinitln ntandliiK In tho iitreots nftor the IlKhl iiolitH hiivo boon taken down, but th (wo nhould bo removed almi. nml probably will bo. There In no Kood ronnon why a hIiikIo polo should bo loft stnndliiK on this principal buvluoss street nfter sufficient time has been ftlvon ror tholr removal. Hovornl of tho now clutor HKbts biuo alrondy, burned out. They oiusht not to hnvo done thin so quickly after : liiMtnllntlon. Ill all Instances the burned out globe aro thono HlnmlliiK uprlKht. Ouo dead Klnbo will kill tho beautiful ofrect produced by a doren live ones. CAUTKIl'S VIIMJIXIA WAKUI.KItS. Carter's VlrRlnln Warblers Is ono of thto oldest companies before the public today. They woro orKnnlzod In 1SD.1 under tho uinniiKomont of Walter It. Curler. This company consists of four male mid two fe male voices psrofully selected unit whoso ability has been put to tho MvoroHt tent. All aro thorough and Hccompltshcd inuslclans who know how to sIuk tho old plantation inelw- ill o mid canii meutiiiK iauriua , oars iiko. Nolan T. WnsliltiKtoii Is at tho bond or this ruinous troupo or Jubilee Warblers. As n whlstlor and bird Imitator bo Is uuoxrollud by uuy ouo In oltbor tboittrlcal or vnudevlllo e' roles. This company or oxcollont colored sliiKors will appear at tho MeiUord opera Iioiiho on Tuesday ovonliiK, 1) rmber 20. Tho admission price Is :() cents. . : - OUICOON ltKSTAUKANT Chlnoso restaurant. Also Aniorl run kitchen. KvorythliiK rirst class. Chop Huey, noodles nml ovorydiliiR o Ainerlcnn bill or rare. (Sooiko l.oo, pioiuletor. 'JO Houtli Front. UB'J HasMus ror health. - - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt UIONT Oil SAM-3 - Modern olKltt room house, i;urnKo and lai'Ko lot UK H. Oakdale. Imiulro at I'JO H, Cukdalo. 10 FOR HAI.K Your opportunity to buy an Ideal ten or fifteen aero orchard home site, loss than ono hair mllo oily limits Medford. Ad dress owner, P. O. box 110, Mod rord. a 10 FOR SAM1: fill) rorrlKorntor $10, whlto onaiuoled brass bod, mat tress and springs. Also conunodo, $2(i. S'J7 10. 'llth st. or phone Home i!7-o. 2ar FOIt HUNT Furnished houHukeop- , Iuk rooms, llisht, riih and bath. Also two room bouse, rurnlshod, oloso In. inquire 1137 West 10th st. ar.o FOH HAhlC Two oast rrontliiK lots with now two room liouso f25 down gud ?ir per mouth, M. H. (llovor, I'nliiiB i-oomliiK bouse, 211 vMlflMWMWMWMWWMMMW. lhe We Close Our Doors Tomorrow Night Goods sold tomorrow at your own price SPECIAL $40.00 High Closets, Polished Tops, Broiler Attachments Full Nickel Trimmings-GUARANTEED JMonarch Ranges Excepted We Musi 50 Hardwood Clothes Racks Left to Sell at 75c CT T U Ifrflftffcftffrfrfrfrftfrfrftfr RANGE $45.00 $50.00 Every Range in the house to be sold Friday and Saturday for j3.JJ Se People who come in tonight or tomorrow will get the great est bargains ever offered in the Furniture, Rug or Carpet busi ness in Medf ord Don't Fail to Come Ranges, Chairs, Beds, Portieres, Costumers, Dressers, Rugs Desks, Music Cabinets, Shades, Chiffoniers, Curtains, Tables, Commodes, Bungalow Lamps Prices Simply rT TT TJ T7 T 1 II D H J Everything in MM $70.00 $72.50 tLJKjt Everything Cut to Pieces first-class order hance 1 V- vw SPECIAL - ?&S3Kn r;;. Zm$8k? Goods Sold Any Time Tomorrow Will Be Delivered Before Monday HP C! J 3 : - : : ; : ; ; ; : -: ; : ; : -: : : -: : '. i : :- Jl : -: ; ; : -; ; I I 'rtMUMli h W ..... 'if