Y j I wtff sr Ta-'V " Evidently f MAVDN'T VOU 1O0S 4Mltt-MMMMdM4 ' Xk f hmo n't Vou loos 1 He.V'1 1 - your honor, tow rtK. , LOftm tOUia li SM YHi-irR06wLriC $&. ATTofciH ! 3g&fc OGPewfie. ! I lj J J nDM ADJOUKNtu.j r-. COUR.T. VoO'UL HMP W , HiTHQH. W . J n -,. f nfi mk.fi JtM' " S J;,liHZ fe'V-J felrFT lfe 5D r Sir G) & , 1- i '. , , izzzn '. : --jj v COUR.T,YWUL HMP ,JW ) To Hrsvjts rMN t CITY NOTICES. OXUIHAMOn HO, 030. An iirdliintim mummilng Hie propnrty mljiM'xMl In mill benefited li Hid pIkIiI llicjl it t f it I mi Wit I'otull lifted Ilium! North tlmpn Nlrt'iil fiinii center linn of ICnltdit Mlrt continued in h.hhpihI Nirimi. thn mint of riiimlruclliiH Hip mini itnil lClVll un mi i rMii mvi nr mr f"iMi nun vliilou li iiiiuiiiot f eartylnu unlil i-xNiniiiit into lull effect. it nm Tim City of Mtilfonl ilolh ordain n fnllewM: Hi cllnii 1 Whnrnnn, thn clly rntinall illil hcrlnfiiro provide liy ordliiiiin'e fur tlin Hi'rvliitf nf tint owner of property ndjacnnt to itnil benefited by Hut con Ntrtictlnn u f llin litliTiil W"T titr'ln nfler ili'Norllinl ti nppenr before, wild enliimll itinl show tniio. If uny, vty muIiI prop'Tty phnulil lint lio nnrHit for tlin ootiiilriiotloii of rtnlil nnwcr mill ilia fix ti limn for lu'iirnut nny miaii i.r.ii.i tvlilnii urtlloA wnx lv,m' Iii tin. I riirilnticn with nii lit ortllimnco nioro tlmn ! """I" l HV Hini llnTi-ur bo inlrl tut ilnyn iM-roro tlin Im-kIiiiiIiik of tlinlln ho lli'li ilopknl of unlil rlly. iinil Hint iMiiiittriiutliin of mi hi nwiir, hot no pro-1 ihi-rciipon notice tin slvmi to tlin owjinro, IkvIh HUHliml wilil ouiiNtrurtloiv or nn-!"f rnitnl iiwihth, of nnlil iroiirly. Mini MHaHiiiKiu of Din rout ihi'rwif vn niiuli' , Jhnt tlin wuun Ik rnrorrcil ami cotlrctis! hy uiiyoim iiml khM miwrr wnM, hy nalil l th" inuminr irovlilil liy llio olmrlfr lOiiiiiill, nnleri'il fnMNlruplml f "I" flH' tor thn rollfctlon of hiikmih. AiKt, Hnri-mi. Ilin oimt of tlin run-1 nii'iiln for thn linproviiiiiit of I renin nlruolloii of imlil vr Iihn limn mnila uinl lit-rrliy I llrriiillicil to lia llio turn .if itsi.SO Niih, llinrrforn, wilil city itolli orilnln nml ilnalartt Hint ixich iHirrnl of Prop- rrty ilrixirlliril lxlow In nillnroiil to ninl' lii'imiiiiHi ny uini rfriiuii nurrai miirtir tlllllil InrlKK In nl 1'iiiinlrucli'il on Norlli (lriip nlr"l from ivniir linn of KiiIhIiI Hirrnt to KwHinil Hinwi, nml Hint thn if IHlrllon of Him rout of wtlil nrwnr wfiloli isitih of milil iHtroi-lM of lumt hlinulil hour, tmiii'il on thn li-iinfllH ilnrlvcil ixupvc tlvnty by mtlil Mcvrrnl Irnrln of lniul, tit Hit) niilillllil nt opptHiltn thn ili-orlplon of nnuh Htrol Ih'Iow ,iiiii1 Hint mich of unlil piirorin h ni'timlly bonrflll In Din niliiiiinl Kit opponlln lln ilrnrrlilloii lie tun' hy Hin (viimtriicttnn of until rrr, nml Hint unlil Hrvrrul iiiinniiit reprn m-iil, thn prolHirtlonnl lnrflln of nahl hfVprnl iiarrnlN frmn nU driver. Ami iwich of nil M wrr'In In linrrhy MUfniiril th iiinmnit m-l oppnnlln lln ilennrlptlon lirluw for thn coimlruelliiii of nahl nnwir Thn imitin npp-sirlnc nltnvn each iMorlpllon hrltii; thn iminn of Ilia owner, or, rniuitiHl owner, of vnoti nuoli lot jjr jiiYrl, aSmKHHMIINT l'Olt AN INRIf I.AT. i!HAI. HKWKIl tlN nitAI'K KTItriltT l-'IIOM Till: C'KNTKU LINK l KNItlllT MTItllirr OONTINUr.U TO HKCONI) HTHKICT AniiiiiiiFht No, I. C. C. H.'ekmnii ntllillllll . l&t &0 Annvmniintit No !. C, C, lltkmmi. I.ot 9. block J. nrlKlnnl towimlln. City nf Mistford. (Irniton. KrOlltUUn SO fwl tin thn il nliln of Oropn Hlrwt. nn iln- iwirlbiHI in vol u. jiottn n or win roiiiur riciorder'H retnirdH or JiicUkoii cihiiii. OrvKiui. io feel; rnto pur fool, il.ot. niliuuiil. ISSSO -..., AfefMinntit No S C. C llnrkmnii, At 10, lilurk 3K, orlKliml tiiwimlle, Clly of Mmlforil, OrnRoii Front ni(i SO fiwl onllin mm nldn of Ornpn nlliVt, nn de narlbi'il In Vol II, pnwn 1 of thn roiinly ri'cnnlern reoonln of Jneliunn county. Op'KOti; SO fnot; mm prr fool, 91.0ft, niiiiiunl, IS: SO. AnnnHHiiiPiil No. 4. C C llrckitinn Iit II. blork 3. orlKlnnl towniilln, Clly of Mi'dford. Owisnn FroiltiiKn 60 frnt oilTthn ell "I Midi of (Irnpn ulrent. nil lb-. Hiirlbeil In Vol. II. mn tl of tho count v rePorder'H rePonlH of Jnckmin coiintv. Ort'HOIH CO fwd. ml per fool, fl.OS, ninoiinl. tSS 60. Anftennmi'iit No, f. C. C llrpknmn I.ot II, block 3d. orlKlnnl lowimlln, city of Medford. Oicjjoii FronlHKn 60 rt on-tlin eiint iililn of drupe ntrnflt, mm ilu ncrlbnil In Vol. II. inrn 41 of tho county rccqrilrr rcnonln of .Incknon county, Orpitoii; GO feet; rnto per foot, $1 OS; nuiount, 152.80. Aexnment No (1 11. A. lloluinn I.ot 1. block l, orlKliml towimltn, City of Mcilforil, OmKon. h'roiilnKi' 80 feci on thn went nldn of drupe utrert, nit do ncrlhril In Vol . wko , of tlin coimtv rt'Cordnr'n records of Jiiokmui coiintv. (iroKon; CO feel; rnln per foot, tl OS, amount. SSS SO AniPHitmcnt No 7 It. A Holmnit I.ot 2. block fll, orlKliml townsltn. Olty of Miidfnrd, OmKon, 1'rontnuo 60 font on thn went nldn of drupe ntrent. lis ile scribed In Vol. , pnirn of llio county reeorder'M repnrilH of Jnckmin count v. Orntion; CO foots rnln" per foot, $106; ninouni, in: no. AMMPuntnnnt No R Mnry F Wllllnmn, f ..I t l.l,tlf Art l..l..,.t In Ilri M,.l ,,,f mt I'luim iiv. if, ,,,11111, uiniiniiv, i ,, of Medford, Oregon KrnntnKo 50 font on. Hip west nldn or llrnnn ntront, nn ue Ni'rlbeil In Vol. It. Diii'n .120 of thn pnuntv rncorder'n records of JiicWhoii coiintv, urcKon; on reot; rnto pur root, fi.iiii nmnuut, fS2.R0. AsNONNtiipnt No 9 C, C Tlroklnnn. T.nt .1. Mock CO. orluliml tnwiiMlln. City nf Medford. OreKOii. FrouliiKP 80 feet on. thn went nldn of drupe ntrent, ns de scribed in vol. n. pniro 41 or t no rouiity rccordnr'n records of JuokHon coiintv. OmKon; CO funt; riitn per foot, II. OS; amount, 163. R0. AHHftiHineiit No. 10. C, O Iloekmun Lot-4, 'lilneli (10, orlKliml tnwiiHltn, Cltv of Meilford. Ori'Bon, Vrnnlnite SO feet oil. Hie went Nldn of drnpn Ntrnnt, nn de Hnrlbcd In Vol, It, pnuo 41 of thn county recorder's records of JncliHOti rniinlv, diVKon; CO feet; rnto per foot, 91.05; nuiount, $62 CO , AsMeNHiuiiiit No, 11. C, C Ilcekmnn. l.of fi, block (10. orlKliml towiislls. Cltv of Mpdford, Oi-pkoii, Frnntairo '60 feet oiiitho went nldn of drium Nlrcnf, lis de iierlliod In Vol, II, pnuo 41 of tho county recorder's records of Juckson county, OroKonj CO fnoti rolo per fool, $.ofi; amount, isa.no. AHHPMttmmit No. 12 C C llenkinnn. T,nt (I, block (10, orluliml IowiinIIp, Cltv. or einiirorii, (irciroii. erontnirn no reet on the west sliln of Ornpn street, ns de sorlbeil in Vol. 11, pni'o 41 of llio count v ronoriler's reeordH of JnckHon coiintv, OreKoni CO feet; rnto per foot, II OR: nuiount, t53.R0, Assessment No, 13, H, V. Davis, I.ot 7. block 39, orlKlnnl townslte, Cltv of Me,lfonl, OmKon. V'rontnKe SO feet on tho enst shin of drnpn street, as dn scribed In Vol, , pniro of tho eiuinly reoifrilor'M records of Jiio1hiii qoiiutv. OreKoni en foot; rnto per foot, Sl.od; nmnuut, 153. RQ. ASMessmeiil No, K.K V. Duvls T.ot R, block 3D. orlKlnnl townslle, Cllv of Med. fori!, Oregon. Frontngo SO feet on the nnsl shin of Ornpn strAct, ns ileserllied In Vol, , pnuo of tlio county re corder's reeonls of Jnckson cmtiitv, Ore I'ntiLRO foot; ruto per foot, f 1 .05 1 amount, tSJJiO, AsHiissnient NO. ICiClnildn M Hurst T t n l.i..nl, tin H..I..,.1 ln,.ll. nit. 4,(11 Vt llivin 'ii', IIIIH1'11!! e'lTliniir, ijll of Moaford, Oregon, Frontago so foot oiu n"rlbi,:i,.r,V:i,,li:rimrnnVt .W untv "" ' ".SSHt'w Ti'm l-'lVn ri'corilrr'n rnconln of Jncknon county. Jiuiu. T,V,'Jl '", . OrKeu: 10 feot, ruin .i-r fmit, I0?.. . ( Hy Hnconler. His Honor Is Tired of Hearing Mutts Attorney, Joe Bush He.V CITY NOTICES. Hill I'HMt dill 11 of (llUllll Klri'l'l. UK ill' wfIImmI Iii Vol 76, pint" 47 of llio witmiy ri-ciiriinr riouruM iu uiichmiui roniuy OrnKotii SO f "'"1 1; rati) iter fool, ll.tiH; HiiiiMini. is: eu AKBi-KmiiPiit No. 1C. Muruiiri't lliiml Lot 10. block i'J, orlK'lti'il IowiikII". Clly or Mrafonl, Ori-Koii. I'miitne Bo fri-t ii tli iot ulili" of (Irniin utrciil, im t-- MiiriiM'ii in voi ;n. (iiikh r" or wi coiiuiy ti'Hiriliir rri'onln of JuukMoii cmiiily, Ori'Kini; Co r.uti; ruin t foot, tl oi; niliiiiinl, ur CO, AmK'KNlni'iit No 17 -IIituisii l,nw ti'MU Lot II, block 3 'J, orlKliml towimllf, I'lty of .Vi'ilfont. r-Koii I'roiiluKii CO foi'l on tlin nut mIiIii of (Irupn Ntri'!, tin il'Nrrllnil In Vol SI, piiki' CIO of tin rouiity ri'conli'r'x rrouriln of Jiickioiii ijoiiiity, ori'itn; CO foutj rnto nr fwit, tl.OS; mnouiil, IC.CO. mcoiioi) 3 Aim it in lirn-iiy orii,ri,'i ahll (llilllllllll Hint Mitlil Mrvpnil mini winnnn. Hiellon S. It 1m fnrllmr orilnrrd Hint thn notlrn nliiivn pruvliled for lm pub llnlifil ttirnti tlinnn m thn Holly itnil Trlbun n nrwnpnp,.r piibHulied unit of tri'Mi'rnl clrruhttlon In nlil oily. In llm iniiniier provlile.l by onllimnca No. SCO of U city. Tim forfHolne onltnnnco tvnft pnniiwl by Hin pity council of llin City. or lno. font, OrrKun, on thn Slut iliiy of Nomiii brr, 1911. by thn following vole: Mer rick, nliHonl; Wiitt. ny, Worliuiin. nyn; Kitwrlck. uyn; Klferl. uyi, nml .Mlllur, nyn, Anprovcil N'ovi'intmr ::!, mil. At lent- : ii. CANON. ItOllT. W TKM'Klt. Mayor. Clly ltncorOiir. NOTIOU To thn owner, or ruputcil owner, of nnch imtcnl of proiierty ilturrllMV In the fort'KoIni; onllimnir, nn iiiiiihmI tlicrcln, iiml In thn linn ilrclurnl hy milil orll nniicn. mt recorilctl In tho docket of city llnnn: Yon nro Imri'by noil f led Hint tho nn tioiiiiiiitiiit drclnred by thn fnrnirolnj? orill nnncn hn benn inmln nnd tlio Hen thrrn for rtitnrvd In thn city linn ilocknl. nml Hint thn Minim In duo nml you nrn ht-rrby rt(ulril In pay Mm nnmn to thn city re corder wtlhln tfii ilnyn from thn nervicn or nim nnncn. which nrvico lit innun liy FOR CITY TREASURER, Inasmuch ns Leo Ii. Jacobs has declined to again run for city trcas urorl hereby offor myself ns a can didate for that office at tho city election to bo hold in January. QUS 8AMUEL3. FOR COUNCILMAN FROM THE THIRD WARD I huroby nnnounco mysolf na a candidate for councilman from tho Third ord at tho coining city elec tion. J.-T. SUMMERVILLE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL MAN FltOM SECOND WARD I hereby anuoiinco mysolf as a candldato for coiuicllinan from Sec ond ward at tho coming gloctlon to bo. Hold January 9th, 1913, In tho city of Medford. P. H, WYNICOOP. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCILMAN (Paid AdvcrtlsoraenU.) FROM THE SECOND WAHDliJooMS 50c and up. Hotel Mooro, Wheroau Councilman Wortmnn of j tho Second ward has decided to ro tiro , huroby nnnounco myBolt as a candldato to pucceod Mr. Wortmnn In tho city council ot tho city ot Medford, Oro., at tho coming oloc-lHOOMg COo nml ,,.,. 1Iotol Mooro. tlon to ho hold in said olty on Janj Spoolnl rates hy weok or month. nary 9th, 1012. ' n ,M, , a.,i, T.i .. tfDWARD O. IRELAND. CANDIDATE FOU COUNCILMAN FROM FIRST WARD I horoby nnnounco mysolf nu a nandldnto for councilman from tlio First ward nt tho coming olootlon to bo hold January 9th, 1013, in tho city ot Medford, Oregon. L. O. PORTER. FOR COUNCILMAN FROM THE FIRST WARD I horoby nnnounco mysolf an a cam. I da' to for councilman from tho First ward at tho coming city oloo tlon, J. W. MITCHELL. FOR HENT OFFICES FPU RENT Ovor tho postotfloo, with boat ntod light. Boo A. A. Duvls. FOR HUNT MISCELLANEOUS FOR LEASE Fully oqulppod placer nml qunrtz niliio. Gold Ray Real ty Co, ' FOR RENT Largo and small ranch- 08. Gold Uny Uonlty Co, MMDtfOIlD MAJfi '-TRIBUNE, 'VTT0p.tUiNf ! HiTHQH. J MIMC ItOL'Ti: KXTKNDHI). Tlio Mtidfortl Dairy, J. W. Hnldor, Iiroprtolor, Iiiih dooldvi to extend Its jnllk roiito to covor nil of that por tion oftlio rlty or Medford lylnj: cant o" Hear tirook brldgo, and hereafter Mr. Bnldur will Borvo ciiHtoinorn In ntiy part of Hint territory, on well iim utlior partn of Mrdford. Mr. Snider Bimrnntoi'H tho milk from hin dairy to bu puro, nunltitry and frosh. Tho milk furnliihcd In lilKhly rccomtnciid oil an an excellent liithy food. Phono Pacific 201 I' J 3; or Home 285-M. XOTICK. Notlcw Is hi'roby Riven that tho iiihIi'wIkim'iI will apply to tlio city council of tho city of Med ford, Ore gon, at Itn next ri;ular meeting on January 2, 1U11, for a llceiuo to Bell HplrltuotiH, vlnoiiR and malt liquors In nti'intltlcH Iukh thnn a gallon at Its place of biiHlniMiB on lots S, C, 7, 8, block 20, In unlil city, for a period of six nionUm. HOTKLi NASH CO. Dated Doc. H, 1911. IOST HOST Vnlnnblo old rnxhloncd nmo tliynt brooch, Howard. Kinder leave at Mall Tribune office 238 FOK RKKT IIOUKKKKHPIXO ItOO.MH FOR RENT Small furnished flat at 24 Mistletoe st. FOR RENT A suite of 2 or 4 nicely ftirulshod housekeeping rooms; plumbed, lighted; lower floor. 72'J West 11th. Phono CC03. FOR RENT At n reasonnblo prlco, 7 rooms all furnished, new range, electric lights; give possession at once. Address 413 South Central. 234 FOR, RENT -Three room furnished house. Inquire at 420 West Main at. . 236 FOR RENTe Two furnished light housekeeping rooms mid also sleeping rooms, 220 South Grape st. 23S FOR RENT Now and up to dato apartmoni modern in ovory partlc ulnr, gas cooking, stonm hent, etc. Smiths apartment houso, 217 So. Riverside. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing. 23 Roosevelt. Phono 3741 237 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Clean furnished rooms 145 N. Ivy. Very cheap. 235 ROOMS 50c and up, Hotol Mooro. Special rates hy weok or month. FOR RENT At tho Cottage, com fortnblo, heated rooms, with hot and cold running water and tolo phono in each room. Baths free. Also board if destred, G04 W. 10 tit etroct, two blocks south ot Mod ford hotol. 2S6 Special rates by week or month. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and housekeeping rooms; gas, electric lights mid bath. 711 North Con tra). Phono Home 212-W. 234 F. E. Roth. Hot nlr heat In oach room; with or without board, Hath accommodations, 229 FOR KENT 1IOUBES FOR RENT Modem 10 room houso 3 hlockB from Jackson County bank. Seo Alton Grocory Co. 231 FOR RENT Six room houso on lleatty Btroot, $10. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE LAND FOR HALE 20 ncrca of hlllsldo fruit laud, deop black soil, nono hotter In tho vniloy, $200 caBh, balance on .long easy tortus to suit. Also 10 acres bottom land undor ditch good for nil kinds ot truck or alfalfa, . $150 cash, balance long easy tonus to aut. Oltvor 11. Brown, 1427 E. Main nt. FOR SALE Nlco llttlo homo in Moniivlllo, S.nmB vniloy, Oro., con sisting nt goad (i" room house, largo burn mid chicken honso, good wolt of wntor und about 7 acres of land, half In alfalfa. Flno for u chickon ranch, Prlco $1700 If Bold between "now mid Jun, 15, 1912. AddrosB Mrs. M. E. Gnrdnor.l Bums viuioy r. ia, yrogon, .nts MflfrirORD. OIHWON. TIMWDAV, nrcoraMKjflR 21, .1011, I'OIC HAMvLANI) KOIt RAMI Aero and ftvu aero trncta ndjolnlnu Medford on long time, easy payments, or mlsht ex change. Hold Itay Itealty Co., 101 Klectrlc bldff. FOlt SAI.K Ono of tho boat stock rnnchcri In Jackson county. 4 HO ncrcs for $12,000 If taken by Jan. 1. 1812. C. C. Pierce, suite 427 M, F. & II. Co. bldK... corner Cen tral ave. and flth at. Home phone l'JK; Hell 10C1. 237 fok sauv uousra FOR 84I.K OR IlKNT 5 room Iioubo and 2 lots on pared street, Med ford, a bargnln; terms. D. II. Sturtovaut, Central Point, Oro. 205 FOR SALK House and lot. Hero Is a real bargain. Owner must sac rifice Flvo rooms, paved street, water and sowor, electric lights. Sell for a song. Address AV. It. P., caro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE A bargain for some seme some eody: Four-room framo houso In flno neighborhood; shed; chicken heuse: garden; lot 50x112 fenced; only J3G0. Will sell furnished If desired. 737 West 14th st.. be tween Nowtown and King, 7 blks. south ot Washington school, 236 FOR HALE ACHEAQB FOR SALE $2000. 120 acres of land locnted In Fall River valley. For further information apply to Mrs. F. A. Houston, Glenburn, Cal. 240 FOR SALE 14 ; acres with new 4 room house; an Ideal chicken ranch; $550 If taken within ten days. Address II. E. D.. caro Mall Tribune, or call Home ph. 285-L. FOR SALE Twenty acres partly im No. 1 fruit land; no stoncsL prlco $1750. Address H, caro Mall Trib uno. , FOR SALE Six acres; small house; nearly all In fruit; nil cleared; prlco $1,600; terms. Address Owner, caro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Second hand buggy with pole. Inqulro Oakdnlo Cash Grocery, Onkdalo und 11th sts. 2G5 FOR SALE Ono first class carriage horse, prlco reasonablo. Address P. O. box 693. FOR SALE Potato culls. E. W. Carlton, Upper Tablo Rock. Tele phono "114 Farmer's" Central Point. FOR SALE Water wheol 36 Inch. Medford Cream & Butter Co., at Natatorlum. 23C FOR SALE Ono 3 h. p. Ideal gaso lluo ongluo nnd pump, good as now; will sell cheap for cash at 820 S. Central avo. FOR SAIJE I havo some vory dry oak and fir wood, by tho cord oi tier, for kitchen two or in big chunks for tiro place. F. Osmbruggo, 401, Rlvorsldo nvo South. Pac. phouo 1941. 236 FOR SALE Flno furnlturo of flvo rooms nnd bath comploto, will soli cheap for cash. Can glvo Imme- tllato possession. Houso for rent. Closo In. 227 Enst 6th st. 236 FOR SALE Cordwood, oak aud hardwood, $5 por cord In carload lots. Gold Ray Realty Co., 218 West Main. Phono 1873. FOR SALE Hotel business, good op portunity. Most or reasons for sell lug. Inqulro Hotol Dunlap, Con trat Point, Oro. FOR SALE lYating work horso good for tight work nnd driving such ns doublo, very ronsonnblo. Call and noo, nt U. V, Bonll's' ranch, 1 mile Bouth of Central Point. 236 FOR SALE--Good driving horse. Wanted Light slnglo cnrrlngo and hnrneas. Addross P, O. box 312, Medford. 237 - FOR SALE 3 Black Minorca cock erels; 3 Black Minorca pullots; 1 of tho. best Jor8oy.cov8 In Jack son Co. F. M, Corllos, R. F. D. 2, box 41, Central Point, Oro. 23S FOR SALE Standard niako flvo pnssongor nutoinpbllo, In perfect condition, 1909 mod;ol. $500. Ad dross W. J caro Ma.ll Tribuno. 234 FOR SALE Nearly now L. O, Smith & Bros, typowrltor .fMo. also mis sion stylo desk mid chairs, 322 S. Central avo, 234 FOR SALE Finn mahogany graph- ophono nearly now with 92 roc ordB, ohonp for cash. Call 237 13. GtU st. Phouo 270 Home, 230 f FOR HALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Cord wood. Wo offer 200 cords wood, mostly oak, near .Merlin, for 12.75 per cord on ground. Dry wood. Excellent roads at all times. 'Write or phono ns after 5 p. m. Address at Mer lin, but phone 7001 Grants Pass. Country Club Orchards. 230 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LET US HU1LD you a homo on beau tiful Geneva ave. or Minnesota street to suit your plans and pay ments. Humphrey, 315 East Main st. 234 MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN A few thousand on good country and incomo property. Sco Fisher and Whltmlre, room 212 F. and F. Hank bldg. . 236 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Orchard and improved land for Medford city property. Box J. C. A., caro Mall Tribuno. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 acre truck farms Vi mllo from Medford. W. IT. Everhard, 909 W. 9th. Phono 6C71. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acre farm half mllo from Russell, Kan- , cas, prlco $6500. Would accept Medford propertyup to $1500. Write. Geo. J. Melor, Russell, Kan sas, or Jacob G. Meier, Butto Falls, Oro. FOB EXCHANGE FOR- EXCHANGE City property lots, aero tracts nnd ranches to exebango for other property. Gold Ray Realty Co. 101 Electric bldg. FOR TRADE New brick business houso 120 ft. long, plato glass front, flno location In a gas and oil town, population 7000, renting for $50 per month, or a homo here. W. V. Toner, 623 N. Central. 235 HELP WANTE1 FEMALE WANTED Girl for housowork. 123 Portland rive. 234 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Salesmen to aid us sup ply tho brisk demand for our goods; sorao vacant territory yet In every state west of tho Missis sippi. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. 261 WANTED Salesmen for exclusive territory; big opportunities; no ex perience necessary; completo line Yakima Vniloy grown fruit, shade and ornamental stock; cash week ly; outfit free. Toppenlsh Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent horse and buggy for two or threo months' work canvassing county. State terms. Address box 23, Mall Tribuno. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A buyer for a flno stock ranch 480 acres. A special bar gain nt $25 per aero. Prlco good only to Jan. 1, 1912, C. C. Pierce, Suito 427 M. F. & II. Co. bldg.. comer of Central avenue and Cth Bt. Home phouo 19S; Bell 1051. 237 WANTED Threo unfurnished rooms sultablo tor light housekeeping. Must havo bnth attached. Closo in proferred. Address "W. R. P." Mail Tribune. WANTED Customors for strictly fresh ranch eggs. Will dollvor Sat urdays. A. W. Stone, Pac. 7302, WANTED You can't help but make monoy selling our gunranteod-to-givosntlstactlon steck: troo outfit; cash wookly; oxcluslvo torrltory. Ynklma Valley .Nursory Co., Top ponlBh, Washington. WANTED Loan ot $1,750 at 10 per cont for ono yoar on security ot $4,000 valuo. Address B. C, caro Mail Tribuno. WANTED To buy second hand gaB onglno. W. II. Everhard, 909 W. 9th 8t. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountants SPECIAL attontlou glvon to audit ing. Preparing bnlanco shoots, cost shoots, profit and loss stato imont8. Also statements prepared tor recolvorshlp and tho courts. William L. Nooll, Room 101 Elec trlo bldg. Phono 1873 Main. D. R. WOOD General accountant. Your books audited and kopt tor a reasonablo figure; your business solicited. Offico Medford Mall Trib uno bldg; phouo CGH; rosldouco phono G302, ISUKINKHS DIRECTORY Assaycr nnd Analyst SOUTHERN OREQON MINING BU REAU Assays made for gold, sil ver, lead, copper and other miner als. Mines and mining prospects Hunreyed, assayed and mining maps and reports mado thereon by com petent mining assayers and engi neers at reasonablo terms. Capital secured for developing mines nnd mining prospects. All mine own ers are earnestly requested to send samples of their ores for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, 6th and Fir sts. Architects. juiina ik i uitrit Arciiiiccis anu i Builders. Oftico 7-8, 325 Main; phono Main 3471; residence phonal 744. t vs.r - M.t..-.. . ... . t Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford office, phones Main 2511, Home 356. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11, Home 2006. S Attorneys C. L. REAMES, LAWYER Office Medford National Bank building, second floor. PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attdrneys-at-Law. Nob. 1 and 2 Postotflco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Corey bldg. Garsett- MULKEY & CHERRY (R. F. MUL KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank hide. B. F. PIATT LAWYER Land Titlo Examiner. 254 320 Garnett-Corey Bldg. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs. Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to spend tho hot afternoons. 2M Posters VERNB T. CANON Bill poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist. E. 9th and So. Rlvorsldo. Vapor baths and scien tific massago given; advlco In die tetics, medical gymnastics, hydro therapy. Lady attendant. Phono Home 168-K. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Wator tilings and irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city .engineering drattlLg, sewer design, concroto work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 AdklnB blk., Medford. Oregon. Cigars nnd Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE Smokehouse. Dealers in tobacco, cigars and smokors' supplies. Exclusive agent ot Lewis Slnglo Binder, El Merito and El Palencla. 212 W. Main at. Chinese Medicines CHOW YOUNG'S Chinese medicines will cure rhoumatisnfj catarrh, colds, golture, throat and lung trouble, doafness, paralysis, private dlsoases and all kinds of chronic and uorvousv ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladder troubles. See mo at 241 S. Front st, Medford, Ore, to 4, 6:30 to 7:30, Residence phono Main 42. Furnlturo II. E. WILSON & CO. Dealers in now nnd second-hand furnlturo and hardwaro. Agents for Household stovoa and ranges. 38 S. Fir st. Phono Main 3161, Home 3G5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford, Mission furnlturo made to order. Cabinet work ot all kinds. A trial order solicited. . MORDOb' & WOLFF Cookstove and Rauges. Now aud second-hand furniture. Eads' old stand, 18 Fir Bt. S. Phouo 91, Home 283-K,, Medford. Granite Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Oeo. W. Prlddy, O. D. Nnglo, Geo, T. O'Brluu Cantractora and manufac turers of brick; dealora n pressed brick and llmo. Offico at their brick yard, West Jackson streat. Phono No. 3461. PAGE SEVT3JST By "Bud" Fisher BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gnrbngo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Learo ordors at 29 S. Bartlett. or phono Rodney Taylor, Padflc 3432, Hewe 10OX. Medical. RHEUMATISM CURE Call for Uluo Steel Liniment at ntl drug stores. Guaranteed to cure. Guaranteed pure. Guaranteed under pitro food and drugs act. Prlco $2.00 n, "i-"t-tlc. Manufactured by Mr. Charles Turner, BIuo Stcct Liniment pro prietor and inventor. Gen. Dul. (Liniment factory 107 North Front st., Medford. Ore.) 258 Title Examiners. B. F. PIATT, LAWYER Land tltlo examiner. 320 Garnett-Coroy bldg. 254 Printers nnd Publisher .YEDFORD PRINTING CO. naS tho best equipped Job oftico in southorn Oregon; book binding, looso leaf systems, cut paper, etc., etc Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st; Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub 11c Bring your work to mo at the sign of Tho Mall Tribuno. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery, bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phone 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee everything put out We are not la tho trust II. B. Patterson. Offico removed to offico Hotel Nash, in side entrance next to barber shop. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of hlgh-grado nursery stock. Office 104 S. Fir. Both phones. Physicians and Surgeons DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 403-4 Medford Furnlturo and Hardwaro bldg. Res idence 1303 W. Main st. Offico hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tol. 101. DRS, CONROY & CLANCT-Physi-clans and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Office phone 501, residence phono 612. Oftico hours, 9 o. e, to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians. Movod to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-- nott-Corey bldg. Phono Main 0351, DR. ARTEMUS WrBEANEDintlsC Office in Rlalto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of teeth. Telephone Main 681. Night phono 4432. DR. STEARNSpliyslclan and Bur geon. Office Garnett-Corey bldg., rooms 211-212, phono 5501; resi dence us Laurel st., pnone 2U'J2. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practice limited to dtseases ot wom en. Offices ovor Haskins drtiR store. Phouos, Pacltlo 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnett-Corey bldg., suito 318, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS Ph-slclan and Surgeon. Practice limited to oyo, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scion tiflcally tosted and glasses supplied. Office 210 B. Main St., over Med ford Hardwaro company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Both phones. DRB. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tice limited to' eye, ear, noso and throat. Offico, suito 318 GarnetU Corey bldg. Both phones. Dentists J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A, J". HINI KER, D, D. S, Dentists, 228 Ju. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stonogrnphlo work done quickly aud well. MISS L. J. HINaSTON Public Stou ogrnphor, Medford, Oro. Phones; Otftce, Pacific 6571; residence, Pa cific 5083. Room 218 Oarnott Corey bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray and Transfer. Oftico Davis wurchouso. Phone Bell 3152; Home 350K. Price rlcht, Servlco guarantoAd, MEDFORD PARCEL DELIVERY- Parcels 10c, 15o, 25c; trunks 25a unywhoro Jn tho city. Offico Val ley Second Hand Store, 10 7; Fir st. Phones: Main 3072; Home 3p4, Messenger service, Fred Crocker, I i: i ! I I! ti V SI U i J t ! n ! 2