Oregon Hlsluelc.il Soolifey nifv llnll ! Medford Mail (, SECOND EDITION WEATHER Haiti, Mux. -10, mill, ill, roj, Iiiiiii. 1)1, prrclp. ,17 Inch. iiiihii n I)fiyHlxlir YorTT. " Korty-Klmt Ytmr. i r-. MEDFORD, ORIMON, THURSDAY, DKCWAlBEll 21, 3911. No. 2.'M. - -" L. EULALIE HANSEN, AGED 11, DISAPPEARS; IS BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED Tribune t LEAVES HOME ' FOR OFFICE; IS NOT SEEN AGAIN Police Havo Clue That She Ooanlril Train, Accompanied by Strange Woman Thought to Be on Way to San Dlco, Cal. COURTS AWARDED CHILD TO MR. HANSEN'S CUSTODY Was Divorced Some Time Aflo Fa ther Says Child Always Ap peared . Contented. KiiIhIU MmiNCii, "1 11. daughter of Paul 0. llntmeu, noiinir Hirtiur of (Iiii .Medford ShmIi A. Door cninpiin dUwpptmrt'd frnn Iht homo In thw city WviliiKiolny mortiiiiK nml Iihh not been awn nine. It in bcMetiul tll.lt him wit kiilnnpeil by her mother wlio riiilit In CHliforniii nml who wiih divorced from Mr. Haimon ko oral inrit uro. Tim police are lodav omloKvoriiit; to interrupt the girl who, it it idllillll'd, WIIH hOIMI to Iwtlird II tniiu for tlio auuth Hiiooiiipoiitcd liv u woman who U now believed to 1)1' llm nirl' imitlior. Mr. llitnunn wiih rooimtlv nwnriji'd tlio oimlody uf hi ilmiglitor by th court, after hi hd ruSidud for gonw lliuV Willi hurst-ande mother. Tito girl' deportum" from her fn tlicrV homo nl .'Mil South drape had iiviiluutlv been carefully phiiuiod, for iilio ovcitcil no miMpicioim in leaving. She Informed her Htopmothcr that she iiitonib'd t ko downtown to Iht fn-thi'i-'it office. I.ttlor whi'ii Mr. Itnii- Him ri'lunioil Itniiiii lie lliinmlit ho wn with ifirl rriniiiN, lint later Iicchiiii' iiliiitiiinl Htnl notified the police. Ilontiliil Train. It wm leurneil Indnv that n girl niiNwcriiiK tho iliwriptinn of tlm intMiiiir otto boarded truiti N'n. 15 for the south vi'Mtenhiv morning, uci'iini paiiieil hy a woman, This in believed In he Mix. II. .1. II.' Ailamx of Sniifii ItiiHii, Cal., Ihe girl' iiiulher, hoth hii niul Mr, llaiiHiin remarrying after their ilivoreu. .Stop havo licciti taken hy" the po lino to head off the couple and have the nirl returned to her father' lioine a aneoidinir to n court decree the mother cannot lawfully withhold the oimtody of the child from Iho father , Mr. HniiMMi slnh'il tmlnv that the child htnl alwayH appeared happy and contented mince she had come from her griiiubnoMior'H ' ''v0 w'"' him. Ho is nf the opinion Hint tho girl's mother eamo hero anil got into oom mimieation with her dniiKhler and in duced her to leave in tho manner In which she did, Tho woman who wiih neon to hoard the train Tlinrday with tho girl stat ed heforo leaving that hIio wiih going to San Diego, f'al. Efforts to locate tho couple will ho continued until the (irl In found and returned, according In Mr. IlniiMPn today. Tho California nnthnrHicH havo heen linked lo intor eept the train and if possible Identify and hold tho girl until hor fiilltor oan pooui'o her. EMPEROR JOSEF SINKING FAST wimi - in -4 I , Suffers Relapse Dtirlnn tho Nlht and Has Been Gradually Sinking Since His Death Is Momentarily Ex pected. LONDON, Doc. 'Jl.-Tliniioroii Frah! Joseph of AiiHlriu-l IiiiiKtiry iH roport- ed ilyhitf, Iho oiul ioIiik i;'t''U'il mo-J jiuuilarily toiln.V. I In Hiillored a re 1ii)ho iluWiilr tho niulit and Iiiih Iiouii gradually Hiuklu, It Id Buhl. ASKS MAYOR'S IMPEACHMENT. ii j i ij ; jmj fjfX'iffy mmf ii jai-i-q ,, Tin,! mmnKmmwmmrnm-t IVg mtElm 9t7U I Hmll Bcldel In the fainnin niKlallxt Mnyor of MllwnuUee, Wit. Ho I chnrKCil lijr n inrmliur of tho Itoiinl of Aldermen with umlfcnviiicii In ottlei mat IiIh linpenctitiieiit U lutiiil fur In tho Common Coniiell. A luuitlu;: ull bo held in tlio ciuu. IS' VICTOR IN FIRST Jutl'ic Galloway Makes Temporary Injunction Enjolnlnn. Fillnn of Ref erendum Petitions a Permanent Order. 1UI.K.M, Oro.. Dee. 2t. Tho Unl vomlty of Orouon won ItH flKht for tlio appropriation today, when JiiiIro (intlowny iiimlovtlio tompornry Injunc tion unjoining tho secretary of utatu from fllhiK tho reftireniluni potlttonu, liormiinont. Tho JihIk" held that ho many name im tlio potltlonn woro fraiiiliilont that tlioro waa not a suf ficient nuiuhor loft to comply with the law. lie iiIho saya tho whole matter Ik d talntod with frnud that no eipilty court could attempt to nlft tho tine fioiu the falHO. Ho ratl Knteil I'arklMon who circulated tlio pelltlniiH for "7 cents n namii" and others Kiillty of. forKliiK or adding flctltloim mi inert to tho petition. Attorney (leneral t'rawfprd kuvo notlto of appeal. PACKERS TRIAL 10 CONTINUE Jutlijo Carpenter Denies Motion That Two of tlio Seven Cqunts of the In dictments Be Dismissed Defense Takes Exception to Rulliij. CHICAGO, III., Dec. 21. United HtutoH JiuIko Carpenter In tho iIIh ti let-court horo iniido It curtain that tho Ulul of ten hoof packorarindlctod for criminal eoiinplracy uiidor tho Sherman law, will coutlnuo whon ho ilouled.u motion liy tho pnclcora' at toruoyH that two of tlio hovoii counts of tho IndletmontH ho dlamlBsod. Tho defense loOlc un exception to tlio rulliiK, Tho court iiIho denied a motion by tho dofoiiHO to Inatruct tho Jury to dlHioKiird 'certain Htatoments mntlo In thu openliiK iiddross of Spoclal Qov ornmont I'roBocutop Wllkoruon. PRESIDENT SIGNS TREATY RESOLUTION WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 21. l'rohitlont Tall veturned to tho oapl lul h-oiii' Now York nl 7:lfi o'olook 4 inlay and inimedialely after raieli Iiii his office nifinod Iho joint vdsolu lion aliroKotliiK tho KuHsian treaty, mloiileil hy holh housoa of oonjjrcHs. UNIVERSITY ROUND COIN GANG OF YOUNG OFFENDERS ARE UNDER ARRESI Police Take Five Boys Into Custody and Will Arrest as Many More Charycd With Carrylnu on Petit Larceny. GANG IS SAID TO DE REGULARLY ORGANIZED For Some' Time They Have Been Makinn Trouble Stencils Stolen From Dox Factory. Wlth flvo boyii under arrent and wtirriiutH linked for av many more tho police of tho city nro tukliiK steps to break up a kdiik of yottthfql tlitcvt (. who nrc al.l to bnvo boon oporiitlut; Rteadlly In Medford for home inonthsi pnnt. Tho work 'irliiKliiK tho youthful offendern ta ilc If helnK cacrlod on Jointly Cont.Ml.lo S'liKler and Chief of of to by I'o- llco UlttHon. Klvo bo were arrested WcdneH iUy uvvtiliiK oliarKUd with tho spoclflo rami of ntenllnR lirnns HtcncllB from Iho box factory of tho Crater Iako Lumber company and Helling them to Junk dealero. Tlio boys under arrest are llerl Collins, Lloyd Wolgamot, 'jTrfonl Heame, Homor and Gerald Heynolda. Tho police state that notno of tho lioyu havo confessod to tholr pllfor ltiK and bnvo Implicated Hovoral other youiiKstom. Warrants will bo secured this afternoon and sorvod. Tho boya aro said to bo vory "totiKh" and havo on other occa hIoiih been tit trouble. Tholr cases will probably como boforo tlio Juve nile court and hoiiio of them will probably bo committed to tlio reform school. RICUESON IS . RESTJUASILY Medical Examiner States That Min ister Will Not Bo Able to Go to trial on January 15, the Date Sot for Hcarlnq Hls'Case. HOSTON, Mass., Dee. aC-rlti'V. C. V. T. Hiohosou, tho ltaptiat uttitUter wiio mutilated himself yoatordny in Ida prison coll, whoro ho Is nwnitini,' trial on tho charge of haviiiK mur dered Miss Avis Linnoll, his 10-year-olil sweetheart, is rohtin easily to day after n tjuiot night in tho jail hospital. Medical Kxaminer I.eary, who as Bisteil in performiiiK n dolieato opora lion on Hiehesoii after tho minihtor had out himself near tho Rroin with a jagged iicoo of tin, dcolarcd today thai Hiehesoii will ho unnhlo to go to trinl January 15, although Distriot Atlornoy Pellotior slateij yesterday that tho aoousod olergymait would ho culled to trial on that ditto as sched uled. DETECTIVE BROWNE IS COMPLIMENTED BY WOOD LOS ANOKLKS, Cal., Dee. 21. Doteotivo Samuel Hrqwuo today re ceived u letter from Major Leonnt'd Wood, ohiof of stiff of tho United plates army, eongrnttilntiug him on" tho work ho has done in tho MoNu iimra enso, The loiter says; "1 want lo oNtond to you my sin cere congratulations on your good work in I.os Angeles. It is only t oontinunuoo in n liuioli broader and ntoro imporlnnt field of tho work you did in tho Philippine islands. Yours suooess in Los Angeles ia very grati fying to mo, as it confirms tho opin ion I hud of your ability," New Year's Edition to Picture Medford's Many Phases of Growth During 1911 mSaV t ItBKH'Ma. i ' mBKBIB?iSimZZs&&,'ilBL 'mm 1 1 M i. W. fBaflKvFPxii3KKifl 'W B ' & ffcST lm iJvSBBM BBkV '' LbLbBLV ' ' BBBHBBBBBBBDi ' BBBBBBbS BBBBBBBH I lW fB 2flV &V ttt!" Y tei' flvHBnHBBBV f 3 JtjcJtsxI - t 1?WVKEK?3 "bf. . -. i ' ' ? ' ' --T "r f ' "JtFJ MBK BBB mJE I f ' nS j BB H S BBBBHBBBB i Be f Br Br BBhBV BBBBVABk jBBb B BBiHflBBTBfiUHBBBVrMfBBBHBBkf 3iL"L 'd HiQi IrVfcl wfw HPt'" JBb V BBV BBB BbHbHbHbW BmT BBBIbBbI bV BBBHHBHBBBBlBBHi flHIi fKKmtKKBKfSKJff'LKS(mS'" -JaMByM jltlWI TIiIh In one Medford during htrtirtun, ulilrli tlio Itogiiv river .Take It mid let 0. 1 IP SIDEHT. SAYS nu sum Wu Refuses to Concede Presidency, AlthouQh He States That He Be lieves Premier Would Be Named If Election, as Is Wanted, Is Held. SHANGHAI, Dec. 21. Premier Yuan Shal Knl has offered to con cede tho establishment of tho Chi nese republic If he Is promised tho presidency. Dr. Wtt Tin Fang, tho revolution ary milliliter of foreign nffnlrs, who Ih conducting tlio pence negotiations hero with Tang Shao Yl, tlio Impe rial envoy, refused to accept recog nition of tho republic on these terms, liutt ho says that if tho premier con codes tho ropubllc ho will bo nomi nated for tho presidency and Wu Tin Fang bellovoa Yuan Shol Kal'a elec tion would bo certain. Dr. Sun Ynt Sen, tho American Chinese who Is credited with having Instigated tho rebellion but whoso clnlm to tills distinction has beon de nied by Dr. Wu, hns left Hong Kong In company with liemor I.ca, tho military export. They aro bound for Sliiutghal. Dr. Sun bad been slnted for tho presidency of the CMneso republic, a'ccordlng to roports reaching hero, and from ono source It was doclarod that ho bad boon okued at Nanking. Hut theso reports failed of nubstan tlntlon and It was even donled 'by Wu Tin Fang that Sim Yat Son was connocted with tho revolution. Iloth Dr. Sua and Homor Loa re fused to mako any statemont boforo leaving Hong Kong, according to dispatches front there. REHEARING OF CASE DENIED 8Y COURT PE Tho Bupremo oourt hus denied a ro honring in tho ease of Kdgar llnfer vs. tho Medford & Crator Lake Kml voad company. This is n oaso grow ing out of Iho claims of A. A. Davis, which tho receiver refused to allow, Onn wny to "got een with people ia to pay what you owe, of the many Illustration which m ill 1h unctl in (lie New Vrnr'M edition of The Mail Tribune to depict the growth nuulo by 1011. Till rut (tliowN Hie homo of Tlio Mail Tribune on North Fir street, n well ns the new Holland hotel, n 51-guestroom Im to Im formally oitctied IKtcjiiIht 'H. The New Year's edition will Ihj iviiletc with lllitstrntioiw and stories of Medford and development during tltn jear. It will prme an ndtiiirable iiKM-t la attracting new citizens to It circulate throughout the nation. Order your extra copies now. RUSSIAN GIRL SAYS PARENTS WOULD SELL IB Declares There Are BOO Girls for Sale In Russian Colony at Los Angeles for an Average Price of $500 Each. LOS AKOELES, Cal., Dec. 21. In Judge Wilbur's court hero little Elsie Nnvikeff, a pretty Russian girl bare ly out of tho pinafore stage, is on record today with the declaration that in the local ltussinn colony with a population of 30,000, thero nro GOO girls for snle at an average price of $300 each. Shaking with the intensity of her feelings, Elsie over nml over again flung tho denials of her own parents and those of other Russian patriarchs back into their teeth. Then, pointing at her aged father, she cried: "You have sold mo for $500 to n iiinn I have never seen! I love nn American and ho loves mo and wo will bo married just ns soon ns wo can get away from our people." When her American sweetheart. Itn-yner Ilolbock, a young naval offi cer, stood beside hor, Elsie declared sho would not relinquish him for tho stranger to whom sho sworo her par ents wore tr.iug to sell her. "Six weeks ago," onid tho girl, "poor liltlo Sarah Kntawn, only 15 years old, was sold to a man sho had never seen. Her parents put long dresses on hor, and with n whito veil on her head, sho was sent to the al tar. She looks like nn old woman now. "Then there was. Stella Mnrehn, only l(i, Sho was sold to nn old man with n dirty beard for $700. Sho is simply miserable ntufis sobbing her life away." , Miss Jfnvikoff was arrested for de linqueney after she had fled from her own homo and taken refuge In that of her sweetheart's mother. Iu yiow of tho girl's sensational testimony, Judge Wilbur continued tho ease until Jan uary 2, so that a full investigation eau ho made. SYDNEY, N. S. Y Dec. 3l.- Convicts of tho Pent Bridge penal settlement who do not onro to asso ciate with tho "undosirablo clement" in tho prison havo formed nu exclu sive union, boyooting certain prison ers and securing thoir transfer to ohtev piuU of tho building. COMMITTEE IS NAMED TO F Commercial Club Adopts New Set of By-Laws Committee Named to Look After Establishment of Can nery In the Valley. The regular monthly meeting of tho Commercial club met Inst evening, nt the office of W. T. York & Co. There were two applications for mem bership, namely, I. C. Bnteman and S. A. Krosehel. They were duty elect ed as members of the club. A complete set of by-laws was pre sented by President Colvig. They were rend as a whole and then, after some nececsnry amendments, wero rend nnd adopted by sections. It being reported that tho Southern Oregon Mining congress is to hold its next session in tho city on tho 17th day of January, 1012, therefore, on motion, a committee of 15 members wero appointed to make tho neces sary arrangements for ,the meeting of this congre-i. Tho committoo is ns follews: George Putnam, chairman, J. P. Rcd dy, P. J. Newman, II. C. Qnrnelt, A. E. Renmos, W. I. VnwtcrJ. A. West erlund, R. W. Ruhl, P. W. Camahan. C. R. Ray, J. II. Carkitt, E. C. Ireland. W. II. Canon, John S. Orth and W. E. Crows. t O. A. Hover, a frujt growor, ad dressed tho meetiiisr on tho subject of fruit canning and tho importanco of having a first class ennnory istab lished nt "Medford. On motion, a committee was appointed by tho pres ident to tnko chnrgo of tho subject, and to seo if capital cannot bo en listed to cpnsidor the matter, and es tablish such n cannery in tho city Tho following woro named ns the oeminittoo: O. A. Hover, chnirman, Kirliy S. Miller and J. A. Perry. Tho president announced that a great many peoplo Svdro living and doing business iu tho city of Med ford, who wero giving no support whatovor to this commercial body, and that tho membership committoo would undertake- a campaign in tho near future to secure membership therein, ns it is probable- that a mn- pority of theso peoplo havo never been invited to join tho club. Some people's idea of n helping hand is ono (hat is lined with silver. H OMNNGMEET tho city and settlers to tlio valley. REV. HOLMES IS SANTA EllSi) SAYSJJNCLE SAM AH of the Mail Received From tho Kiddies by Postmaster Woodford Addressed to Venerable Saint Is Turned Over to Relief Society. , Rev. A. A. Holmes is Santa Clans; now, what d'yo think o' that? At least he gets Santa Clans' mail from Uncle Sam each day, and Undo Sam is very, very particular who ho gives mail to. Rut each day Rev. Holmes calls at the postoffico nnd innuiros for muil for Santa Clatts, and hardly over is ho disappointed, for much of Santa's mail is addressed to Medford. In accord with n new ruling of Frank II. Hitchcock, postmaster gen eral, each pobtmnster is permitted to turn over to tho chnritnblo institutions of tho city all lolors addressed to Santa Clans, excepting those with re turn cards on them, when they nro returned to tho sender. So Postmas tor Woodford each day turns over Santa Clmis' mail to Rev. Mr. Holmes, ns secretary of tho City Relief so ciety. A largo number of tho letters hnvo been received, somo of them from out lying towns, whoro tho kiddies evi dently believe that tho vcucrablo saint lives in Medford wo don't know, but probably on Mistlotoo or Holly streot. Each letter will ho considered nnd if from somo little tot whom Stinta might ovorlook the relief society will tako necessary steps to bring n ray, of gladness Chribtmas day, whoro otherwise would havo been sadness ' and disappointment. TOU VELLE HAD BETTER LOOK TO HIS LAURELS SANTA ROSA, Cal., Dee. 21. Lu ther Rurhnuk, tho plant wizard, has , added another dlsoovory to his long:' list today in his announcement, that his famous spinoloss anotus is not only nutritious mid valuable ns n fruit, but mukos tho finest quality of whitewash and paint. Tho state mont was mnda and oxplafned nt longth nt tho convention of iho Cali fornia Growers' association here. - wJ 1