-rr KVQE NINE . 1912PR0MISES WELL FOR MINING IN THIS SECTION For Several Mnnllis Men Havo Been tit Work In This Section Quietly Tnkltifi Hold of Local Propositions nnd Will Open Them Up. hack of Imiii in hut llm fnrct miner of hiiiiiiIhch thnl nm in nIoio for IliU iHiiinlil'iilly J'nwiiml porlioii of (lie hlalo of Orc(Hi. The tnkhiK tiver of the coal IiiikIm hy (ho new opiiraloiiii meaiiM much to Mrdl'onl, H mcaiiH llm cxpcudiluic of Iiii'ko niiiiih of mmmy for ciiuip tucul, It mcaiiH it (hiiiitiK mihiiihnn iown with Hovornl huudrud wiiku cam i'I'h with llmir i'amilioH, II memm it peiiiiaiieul pay Kill, tlm money fiom which will iiutuially find it h way (o the till of (ho uicrchantM nml Iimkjiicxh men of Mcdl'nid and nciuliv towim. Tlm rcccul rejuvenation and tho in cieiHi'd power rcMcrvi'M of the elcelrio IIkIiI ami power company in iiuollicr ycry impoilaiit faolor to llm mini) operator who heretofore Iiiih huuii haudlciijipcd hy tlm hick of power for oporaliiitt i!h plant, ami 11 h reiiKou nhlij to huliuvo Hint in llm near future many pioportioH will ho operated liy electi icily. It will not hu Huipiuiiitf if the iroioMitimi to tunnel Uold Hill will hu completed hy tlm opening of the I'nmima-l'iicirin expoHilion at Kan KraticiMco in llllfl. TIiIh i'h an under, tnkinj,' of Krcnt iiiiiKiiitiiile and will not only open up mi cxueplionnlly hiiKo area of placer ground, Imt it will utodHt in developing Hovcral (tiatlr. milium tin well. With tlm completion of tlm project ed electric, ruilwnyi wlioo tail will gridiroii llm vnlloy nnd district, bel ter IrniiHportntimi facililicn will he offered, not nlonc the irnil grower and fanner, hul the minor and iniuiu faclurer iih well. Anticipating the nlmvu MlHlumont, tlm Itoguu Hivur Pottery company tt Tolo !k eipiipiiug the nlnnt for Iho manufacture, upon a large Kcnle, of drain tile, etc, a well h vitrified brick which i greatly in demand n far north an Portland, the fart m a. ready recognized that nowhere cine in tho Norttiwetit can Hi" iuality of the clay and the general conditions nccon Hitry to iU KiicuuMftd maiiufaotiire ho duplicated, Tho elcalric railroad will also benefit many of the producer of cop por and iron ore nnd then fnrnouH Itluc Ledge mine, where at the preHciil time fully one million dollarH' worth of ore in already blocked out nnd will bo in belter Hhnpe to handle their product, and tlniH bring into existence another juy roll of at lenHt .f-10,000 monthly. The county abounds in opportuni ties) for the iuvoHtmciit of capital oth er limn the growing of better fruit in there it more inviting field for tho iiacHtor or munufactitiur than in the country travcrHed by tho beautiful but swift wntern of Iho Hogtio. C. V. PATTBUSON. true and tisufttl infornmllon tn'.d pub llsldng tho good Hint mon do, rulher than thtr ovil." i VANCOUVER, Wntlt., Uoo. 20. -Owing to tho nlnrudng aOrond of Hoarlnt fovor in Vnnouiivor alld Olnrk county, tho city nnd oouifty henltti Iionnl today olocd tho pulillo soltonln horo. Sovenly-fire o(Wrf of ttivct tuivo boon reported and ft w lollovod llioro nro onnon which hfv$ not boon Itirucd in to tho ntithoritifl. The city nutiiorili rtro oonsidorinR cloiing picture shoSvn and thontora nlHo until tho epidemic; Is uvar. ' " Curtiss Will Filed. DELMNOHAM, Wash., Dec. 20. In the will of William E. Curlin, filed for probnto here, tho Into famotin iicwpnper correspondent Htnlcs that ho hopog that hi grnmUon, William Klroy CurtiR If, "may show tho abil ity nnd ambition to follow in my foot ntepH, to adopt my profession and to continue the service which I have cen trying to do by giving tho world and nowhere else in the United State . A !: arrcn'FORD matt; ttitbtjne, mtd-rotid, oirrcnoN, Wednesday, December 20, aotf. r. THIS DISTRICT CERTAIN TO BE GREAT MINE FIELD New, Quick Blootl Alone Needed to Lend Impetus to (impor tant Movrmcnt. I'loni prnmuil inilioulioiiH Iho year 1 Q It iinimim-x well for tint mining in limlry of finulhoiu Oregon. Tin) writer putdiul Unit thi inuim illfiit) m'etluu will before ninny mouth liu in lliu limelight "'"I nltnu't tho ultoulinu til' mining ' fr""' ", "u'r tho globe. For Hcvornl inontliH men who nn ednmdy identified with HDiiiit or Hi' Inrjpwl initio nporntor utt lint count have been in (111 neighborhood q'J'i't Iv onuiltiolinic norm f iiiU'Mlign tioim of novonil ptoiniing pnmpeet n well in proven propertioM, with 10 niiHn that ntii, tn put it mildly, 'iW Kriitifying. A few minor tU-tiiiln are n yol uncompleted, Imt there ix ii" question in the mind of tlioMti who nro in a position to know lint what Ihwm will he upoodily mid mtUlm' torily adjusted in tho near futun' 'rin.11. I111I not before, will tlm pub- lie ht in ihhwumIoii of nil of Clio fuel, lint when the now due lironk, South cm Oregon will become tin- field of wimo gigantic iiiiiiiK operation. Strnngo it hib.v npponr to mitnv of (Iih newcomer here who have boon .Imniiiiv limit- 1'iicrvv nnd eunital to hoitioulturnl nnil ugrionllurHl pur Mtil. it i uovortholoii trim Unit tin- iiin-fc o' the wood i destined to bo coimi tli cone of tlm Hint groat " iliK excitement. In IHfil gold wmh firM di"oovored within 11 fw tntlfM of Medford nnd nppnhimtcly oim hnmlrml million dollars' worth of tlm prei-iou inol.il Im tiutin tuken from tlm Mtrfnoe "f tho imniliy creek bed. Ker ninrr thou placer mining him been cnrrird on in n omowhnt di'Mtltorv Mrt n iimiumr, imrllv owing to tlm fuel th.il thi onrlv M'tller woto nnnlili' to prnpoily oeptip their propMttes nml partly from tin) fni't that imliin' nm tarinily nfMiutml them in nuking n very iMy living hy supplying llicm wilii wmi of tlm iiiohI prolific wul for producing llm uoeewiry prot cu ller for tlii'ir fiiiiillliw. It wn onlv during tlm wititwr nmntliH tlmt the placer minor would get luiny m'd tln'n mnny only worked mil hut suflViiMil M11M" for thuir iminodinto witnl nml with tho iHiMiitinn of tlm wot hwmih iniiiinK opornlioiiH woro HUHpondod nnd llm minor hoontno iiuin n fiirmor. lint with tho oominu of tho now, iuiil hlood to thin, portion of tlu Htnto now nnd np-lo-dnlo mothods holli in mining nnd in iiKiii'iilturnl piiixiiUn, (duuiKod tho old oomlilioiiM nnd fruit Krnwim; hoonino tho por iminont indimtry. Willi tho oomiiiK of tho now. nrouriHMilvn ohunont othorK woro ntlrncUid nml koiiio nntiirnllv turiiod thgir nllontion to llm minornl roKountoH. wliio h in n moiiHuro nro prnotionlly nntoiiohod. l'"or yonrrt no mm ovon droninod thnl tho imiiimornhlo striiiK'Hx of ipiml found in tho oiiiiliict of tho hIiiIo, porphyry nnd doonli would ovonliml ly devolop iulo profiluhlo miuox, Iml ut IiihI Unit fuot irt hoKiuuiiiK to dawn uihmi tlm mine owuiTH, nml tho old idi'ii thnl lliiw wiih moroly n "pok"t oountry" is fust niviiiK nwny to tho Kinwiui; ounvinlioi; thnl Ihin is today 0110 of Iho moHt promiiiiK iuiir( miiiiuu fitildH in tho WohI. TIuihii (puirlz lodtfOH, fonnoilv iiobt looti'd, nro now roooivintf tho ntlonlimi of mon with hrniu mid t'upitul, nnd it in hncomiiiK nmro ovidout onoli dny Hint horo, in nnturo'H stronnlmld, nro iiiitoldvrioht'8 which 'only nwnit llio louoli of tho mnKio wnnd of onpitnl .to uulook nnd wrost from the hills th'm viihI milium wealth. I miilco tho Htntt'iuont, without foar of HiuicoHMfiil coulriitliclioui tlmt williiu a hIioiI dihtiiuco of tho oily of Mt'ilftmli in 11 luouutniii which htinini'd nnd thrOiidcd with a network of uumormiH volim ami fmmucH, is mm of tlm I nicest mining propositions in tho WcHt, not IiiutIiik (lohlfioltl or othur Ntivada oiuup'i. TIiIh Ih prnvun Ki'ouud nnd iuiiHinuoh as there is an iilmnilnumi of lunihor iih well iih water wlion all the plaim and uoKotiatious now puudiiij,' nro completed nnd the Hainan of Uioho interoHtcd nro niatlo piihlio llm influx of men with capital will ho far Rroalor Mum any in tho piiHt history of tlm Hokuo Hiyor vol- Joy. Tho recent eoiiHuniuinlinn ot the Bale of tho viiHt coal inouaui'OB just r T ? ? t T T T f r y y y y y y y y y 5! t t y y t y y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y v y y y ! I y y y y y y y t y y t y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A - 3& M3S nliiiMrTi"' Tfl "Tfl" iflTfflif fflM ii i ' 'i''f' :mlM'mHUvKMt A, A tM jutmt i JUST 3 MORE SHOPPING DAYS This store is brimful of Helpful Suggestions that make the Gift Problem easy ilfiffl 1'lv I Hi I lilt BEAUTIFUL FURS SPECIALLY PRICED We have a very attractive lot of fum, consisting of Mimll ueek pieces, throwH, muff, etc., in pretty black and brown furs Hint wo havo grouped in ono largo as Hortinent which wo now offer nt a Hpecial price. In tho lots arc values up to $8.50 each which wo now offer at tho unequalled price of ench $1.95 Japnueso Mink Set, collar and muff $45 French Coney Sol, collar and muff, shirred will; lining $17.50 Fine Pillow Muffa, Hug Muffs Unwell Muff -$3 to $15 Separate Fur Collars, largo or Binall shapes $3 to $20 DAINTY NECKWEAR FOR XMAS Neckwear is always appreciated for Xmns. Our showing consist of some very dainty varieties, all well made. Side Frills 25c to $1 Embroidered Collars. .25c to $4 Lace Collars, d 25c to $4 Jabots 25c to $2 Chiffon Veils $155 to $2 Crepe and Silk Scarfs. 50c to $7 Windsor Ties 25c to 50c Stock Collurs 25c to.$l Men's Neckwear Ladies in search of practical gifts for men (should seo our ditplay of Men's Neckwear. It is very large and prices to suit everyone, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. BARRETTS, BRADD PINS, BACK COMBS, JABOT PINS AND BELT PINS If in search of ono of these pretty novelties you should not fail to hoe our line. Wo nro showing some exceptionally pretty burettes made of polished aluminum tlmt nro set with French ltliiuehtoncs that aro especially suited for evening wear; also many pretty ideas entirely new in Braid Pins, Back Combs and Belt Pins. Wo particularly wish to einphnsizo tho reasonable prices that these nro marked nt, as they range from. . 15c to $6.50 UMBRELLAS gjR For Men, Women and Jl Children F J I fo If in search of umbrellas wo of- -sjRw K s3. fer somo especially good values in A3flfjgiX (BTOh. our lino of women's goods.. Wo Jpfi' fflra I J uSiiSvJ are specializing on numbers to sell Mf I D f I mISS at $1 and $1.50. These aro not Jfalfi) Jj J j w?K the ordinary goods offered t twA I IS 11 I ftfV! these prices, but are made with 8 JrN$ 1 i tl I aim ribs, which insures strength. They kmL I II 1 I JfiVa have good rain resisting covers aRtcsS. 1' 1 1 J dxsyo aud the handles nro made in a qSjs' jJ JL 'E?nir wide variety of mission styles Sji Wzfflfir neatly trimmed with silver, etc. ' I If W Ladies' Umbrellas $1 to $8 j I I Jlen's Umbrellas $2 to $5 16 Children's Umbrellas. .50c to $2 - -1 THERE IS NO NICER CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAN A LEATHER OR BEADED HAND BAG p -- Tho Hand Bug lino thm season hns never boon equalled from point of variety of stylos. Among tho new ones nro tho popfllar Mandarin bags, ninth) of beautiful tapestries ami velvets which aro trimmed with gold braids and which have gold isord handles. Then there tiro entirely now designs in tlm bended hags nnd mW new leathers such as Canadian oozo culf in tho leather hags. Then, too, theio is an inuueiiho assortment of velvet hags, somo of which nro braided nnd sumo trimmed with silk fringes. SPECIAL THIS WEEK, 200 BAGS, VALUES UP TO $2.00 FOR $1.25. Wo hnvo gnlhoroil together 200 bngs which wo havo on n special table consisting of Velvet Bags, Seal Leather Bags, Suedo Bags, Satin Bags in blaoks, blues, greens, greys, browns and tans; some nro leather lined, others lined with moire, all in iho ono price. , 1" JMFGLOVES ARE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE WE HAVE THE RELIABLE KIND AT POPULAR PRICES.. The Gloves that wo sell nro n particular pride to Us, in the instance, of tho womon's Real French Kid Gloves that wo specialize in at $1.50 wo feel sn'fo in assorting that there is absolutely no equal to it iu Medford. Tho stock is soft and very strong 'and it is guaranteed. Wo have all tho wanted colors as well as black and white aud any purchased for Xmas will bo exchanged if sizes aro found incorrect. Women's 10-lmtton Kid Gloves, black and white and tan, nt $3.50 Women's lined Kid Mittens, fur trimmed. . 50c Children's and Infants' Wool Gloves and Mittens 25c and 50c I Women's Capo Gloves, tan only Women's Golf Glovos, nil colors Women's Lined Cnshmoro Gloves 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c $1.50 . . .25c anil 50c .STOCKINGS MIANCANDTOW r u& -& Silk Stockings for Men or Women Who over had too many bilk Stockings, few indeed, nnd what makes bettor presents. Wo hnvo utookod onr shelves liberally with tho celebrated "Wayno" brand nnd recommend them in preference to all other makes. Women's Silk Stockings, lislo top and solo, '20 colors and black, at. .. .$1 Women's nil Silk Stockings, wide Barter hem; also out size, black nnd till colors $1.50 Women's Boot Silk Stockings, lislo top. black aud tan,. .50c Men's Silk Sooks, black, tan nnd colors 50c Moh'h Silk Sooks, blaok only, extra heavy,.$l and $1.50 ONE NEVER HAS TOO MANY HANDKERCHIEFS We sell hand-embroidered goods at popular prices If in doubt you can safely buy Handkerchiefs as they nro used sooner or later. Our lines aro truly immense and thoro is prnotionlly nothing that you could ask for in the hundkerchiof lino that we cannot supply. Of particular interest is our showing of real hand embroidered goods douo in n larga assortment of designs in ono-cornor work. Wo also have n lnrgo assortment of hnud-cinhroidercd initial handkerchiefs dono on dainty sheer linen all reasonably priced 25c, 35c, 50c up to $2 LINENS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME BECAUSE USEFUL Wo nro featuring somo specially beautiful liuon sets consisting of Tablo Cloths and Napkins which oomo to us from Bolgium. Thoy nro much finer than tho Irish or Gorman lines and tho designs aro exclusive Thoy aro made in sizes for nil tables and tho border" designs nro on nil four bides of tho cloth; nlso special designs for round tables. Prices from $12 to $20 a Sot Linen Towels and Scarfs, 25c to $1.50 Hemstitched or Scalloped Guest Towels Linen Centerpieces, Dresser Scarfs, Etc. 35c Cents 50c to $9.00 KENTNER'S Dainty White Aprons and Everything in Infants' Wear at Reasonable Price You should not fail to seo our showing of Aprons; it is very complete and somo entirely now idons nro shown. They nro made of sheer India linous, oross bar batisto, dotted Swisses nnd prettily trimmed with laces and embroidery as well ns somo hand embroidery. 25c TO $1.50 EACH Infants' Bath Robes.? I to $2.50 Infants' Knitted Sncques 35c to $1.25 Hand Edged Sucquos..$l to $6 Infants' Bootees 25c to $1 Infants' Hand Painted Celluloid Novelties, ,50c to $3 Infants' Knit Seta Caps, Leggius, Mittens. $ 1 175 Infants' Sweater Sots $2.00-$2.50 Infanta' Sweaters. . , ,59c-$3.00 HE T T T f f X T f f T f t T T T Y f T T f f f t T T T f f f f f T T f T T T t T T T T t f T T T T T T f f f f T T f T T T f f T T T T f f T T T T f T T f t T T t .