i - , ittw I 4 . r, A. PERSONAL -r t -f '! -K- -r--t-:!: -i ; : : ! 1 Mr, ami mih. '.Ihh. nmvnhi mni IT ""VT AT a xir-v? diiURlitor of Omaha, Noli., him iurIm- 'LtJiLsJu AND? i iwoii i u nhhii. cuiuh .Minor or hiiium viilloy wiih In .Modrord yimtiuduy iIuIiir Clitlxt limit nhoppliiR. "Mm. WIrrh f tho OubbuRu Pinch" In for tin' bonoM or ttio needy of out ill), Heatu at IIiihIiIiIh.' 2111 .MrH. J. Vjf Duncan loft thin morn liiK ' 'I holiday vlnll to frlnnilH In Kim KiiuirlHco, T. K, CunhhIiiiiiii loft thin morn- Ini; for AmIiIiiiiiI, whuro ho will huvo oniplnynuint In tho Hotel Ori'KOii, (lot your tomtrvod HiiatH nt IIiim IiIiih for "Mm. WIkkh of llm Cub. Iiiiro I'uti'li,' rIvoii Thuniduy ami Friday ifvonltiRH. 83 1 Suu It. A. Holmes, Ttio lnmirnne' Man, over Jiu'ihod County tmnk. MIhh I. Hurko loft thin moriiliiK for a vlhll In Pnimdenn, Oil., with her nlHlnr, Mih. Albert Keep. Vim nun tlurrott ami Itudtdph Ki'liiill., who aro alli'iiilliiK (lit Cohiinlila uiilvoiiilty nt I'ortlaml, nr rlvml In .Medford IIiIm iiioriilur. ami will Mpi'iiil tliu holiday wild tholi parentH. Pulmnle "Mih. WIrrm of tin Call. Imun I'nloh," on Thumduy or Filduy wronliiR at thu'opMni Iioiini. Hcolt on juilu at HumIiIiih.' 113 t I). (1. I)rai:r of Knli'iu ni lived In Mi'ilfoni yiwlorduy. I'lincy Into potim for Xiiiiih hIiIc ;ii ? i t h. D'AnjiMiN, llouc ami Combe In whole or half boxes. Fancy puck I'roiliiMjrH Fruit Co, .1. C. Pendleton of Talil" Itork wnr In Modrord yenterdny on IhihIimh, Mitten: Wo of for without nwtorve the inoMt Honwitloniil bnrRnlim In dothlilK Modrord hnrRiilu imoker Imvtt ovnr known, lm; N. Front Ht Johmo FrcdonhurR, of llntto Ftiltn who him been at Jnul(Hoiivlll ns h Juror, loturiiod to IiIh homo IiihI iil;lit.t Curkln & Taylor (John II. Catkin (llcnn O, Taylor), altornoy-at-lav 'ivor JnokKon County Iinnk hiilldluR Motironl. Tho Methodliil lCplncoiinI church Kiiuday nchool will hold It Chrlttmai txwrcliivii nt tho church Friday ove nliiR. A tqilendld tiroKrnui Iiqh bei prepared ami an IntoroHtlUR and en joyable ovoiiIiir 'K pmniliied. AhIiIi from tho presents to liu distributed from tho trim each clam Ih, ojportei' to make a routrihutloii of rimli rlothliiK or food for any noudy jor hoiih, If thoro ho any. All klmlH of toyH nt MoDowoII'h. St on in and electric tinglum at Mr Downll'H. Kroiih ranch orrh nt tho Kluli Mnr kot. 24-I I-'ronh milk at DoVou'b. 257 Tho Halo Herniation of a llfotlmo uuo IiIr harKndi ovuut you can't af ford to pitHit up. 100 N, Front t 235 Ttio larRt'itt lino of toys In Medford at MoDowull'fl. Ult'Ktint leather routers, alt hUoh at Tho llatidluraft Shop, IT N. dm (ml. 233 MmVOTIT) MATl, TRmUNTC, MEDFOKD. ORKflOX, WEnyinY. OTOISMBISn 20, 1911. PAOTD 'FTVM Dr. It. K (liafflM, or llm (lalk'e iiilmi In .limepliluo comity, wiih In lh ulty yuMlonlny on holiday IiiimIiiohh, (', O. KIiik, tiiivelliiK HiiliiHinaii for llm Miitlfoid (Itociiry compaiiy, loft IIiIh tut ti it l it it fur (llmitlalo, Mih. .1. It. Keller or Hullo 1'alln Ih vUltlnn In (iiautit I'iihm for a fow dayii, , Tldiiutn on Halo now at HhhI'Iihi' fr "Mrii. WIhjih of tho Ciihha) Pateli" ThtiiHilay and Friday, Do. riimlier 111 mid 22, nt tho (ipnrtt limine. Ileuofll for rlty relief Hoelety, Mr. and .din. (J. 10 -'lot I won) vlitlllni; I''oo(h cieek rolallViMi yoH lm day. (li'ti, li. Went, ono of tho itoroni' iiieiit'H liHitt fonwl raiiKoiH, Ih tukluit a twi uioutliH' fiirlotiijli, (ho flint In limit ly two yeaiH, and Ih vIhIIIiic. to. atlvett at Woodvlllo. Itev. ami Mih. ,1. ,M. Hliultz ar rived In Medfiinl lait uli'.lit from llauiillml. Mo., ami will vlnll filendit hero a few dayn. Itev. Hhultx wiim pitHlor or tho M. K. elnneli In Jack Honvlllii mtverul yearn alio. ClotlntH cleaned ami prenHtid. Ye Nifty. 23fi .1. D. lleutiett of llarrlithiiri;, Oro., arrived In h city yeitturdny. It. 0. linker or Yrokn, (Jul., roi Ititorvd at the new .Medfonj hotel yi'nliirday, MIhh Nonnlle, cxiierlenced drenn- liiiikitr, hy the day or pleco, TMo- phono 2fi3 .laiildtiinvllle. -4T IC. T. Ahhott of Thrall. Col., wan In Medford yenterdHy. One lot of new iihmi'h troiiKerH on italo tomorrow nt '.IS emit h. 101! N. I'ront nt. 23S MrH. !'. W. CariiNhau cauio In from lite Mine l.odiH) mine yeHterdny to Kcl mixed up with Medford'H crowd of ChrlHtmnH nlmipeiH. WlilppliiK t-.ream. Itnuo Illvor Creumery. W. 8. Uarunin left Tuenday nlKht lor a .few dnyn' hiulnoHK trip to I'nrtlaiid. ' All nultH and overeoatn ko nt half print nl) thin week. 100 N. Front nt 23G Mih. Ida Keiiwotthy returned liut nlKht from a three month' vlnlt to frlomlH In Vallejo, Cal, IJIenant leather centum, nil hUoh, nt Tho llnndlornft Shop, IC N. Cen tral. 23 I, It. Hitd (leiiri;t Randolph left lam nlKht for a llt to frleiuU In Huffalo. Wyo. H. A. Nowitlt, ludleit' tailor, -111" floor M. V. & II. Co, IiIiIr. .Mm. Arthur Itmo and her tilnter. MIhh Allen llnekoriniiltli, of I'hoenlx, were In Medford )ent onlay. Hotter jump Into one of Uhm Reed warm ovorcoatn you enn . Ret for 2 ami 3 dollam at 100 N. Front ntreet. 235 MrH. IC. F. Kolio left Innt uli;ht for a two moutliH vlnll to Imr for mer homo In llrookfleld, Mo. liny ChrlHtmnn rooiU nt McDow iiII'ij. ' .Mm. Hetty Hantllo left Tuesday Mr a few dayn' vlnlt with frlemlH In rortland. Mr. and Mm. fl. ItoHonburR of ileattle arrived In Medford thin morn Iiir. Mr, KoHimliiirK Ih tho owner of tlio Hear creek orchnrdH. Iteiiieinhi'r "Mm. WIrrh of tin CnhhnRo Pateh" at tho opera hoime Thumduy and Friday iiIrIiIh. 231' IIMp (ho poor and needy hy nt toudhiR "Mm. WIrrh or tho CahluiRe I'atOli." Kittitx on nale at llaHklnu.' 231 Mm. Farrnr or Hold Kay Ih In Medford today iIoIiir ChrUtuuiH HllOpplllR. Dally deliveries milk, cream, hut tor, liiittormllk. Horiio Illvor Cream ory. A. .1. Kuher of St. .Inliim, Ore., ar rlvod In tho city yeHtorday. K. Wheeler of Ilultu Fnllti l In tlio city on IiiihIuohh. Ono lot of now coiiIb and vohIh, wiuranted all wool, on hiiIo at $2.2fi. 100 North Front Htreot. 235 (loo. It. lilndloy, vice proHldont of (ho JaukHou Cdifnty hank, loft tliln moriiliiR for a brier IiuhIiiohh visit to Klamath FiiIIh. COMMUNICATIONS. Smith's Water Suit. W. ,M. (Ti'iiih'hncp) Smith oiln inltlreHHcil Hie I'ollowiiitf coiiimiitiica lion In the .Mail Tribune oulliiiiiitr hi piiHiliiiu in llie iiijiiiicloiijMUt lie loiM liroiiRlit HirniiiMt the oily, in order to I'oree (lie oily lo iciluei; il moiif lily wnler tonliil lor IiIm upni Iniont lioilne op South Hlvomiilo. To the Killlnfi "Tho fool in rcnr.l lo (lie wnl or one nie tlieoe: Tlioro are iml '.'ID familieM lunioeil in the ImililiiiK' now, imr ever wero at rni.v lime. The buililiiiK Iiiih nvitragcil ultoiil hair full. "Thin holup wnl or Khuk first an cwxi'fl me $i:iri n (,iiai inr, or $M per inonlli, or $.110 ,M-r yenr. 1 ,W'Umi then (hey fume atcHin hiu) nMoei me 110 n otlitiler. Inieked. "Tliu nun Heeineil a little liil uon fi)iiMMcI nt my biickiiijc. but H.ten rl lied, khI t(nellier mill enme nniii, llllil UHHCMxeil me $15 u (iiniter. I hiielied, Saw, hu'm the rich! water niiiii unto me, 'We have boon lryiiir lo I'nvor you from (he wiry xlatt mi. I hme put you lower Hum anybody in lown ami lower Hutu nny apartment litiime mi thin cuiihI, himI muee .Mm eiiiiuot nppreeintif n f,iwr I will ju- put nii baek where ymi-belonK l'l a (inarler, uiul if (,t (,M,'( ,my y,. water will be Mint nf' before niRlil.' "I iiniiictbately Rid bimy with ,u leleplione to my lawyer. He immedl nlelv ot bony with Home paper to I he Hheriff. The sheriff iuiiuediatel.v vol liimy with mi auto ami we heal Mr. Water Alan In the tank. Kemilt I hne plenty of water yel. "Now, it KecuiH ei(lent from the ortieeeilinf'H Hum far Unit lliey were HxiiiK my hiiHinoH. not elliiiK me wiler, ami wore willing In Hk any 'Id piiee that they eoulil mnl.e tiel mil get mwh ywith. Now, 1 hereby IihIIoiirc that water eowmitlee 'o mt u meter on my waler nu, uH 0,, n n nt' of water I uui lining - 'hen put the name meter on muii6 illicr liuibliiiKk that I iiihv mi v aver ige me up with them, ami thi trouble vill be emlcd in hort order. "W. M. SJIITH." A TRC,ACieOl)S TRtlUBDE .Meilfonl I'eojilo I'oliil Hie Way Out. Kidney illrfunicH nr.. very dHtiRcr- otiH. They coiilo on nlktiih, gain Rround rnpldly, "d (hiom UiowkhihIi, of doatliH that could have bucn pr- vontod by projior treatment In the IiokIiuiIiir. Nature glv uatly wam liiKH or kldnuy dliK-ane Imckacho, twiriKOB of pain when utoohliig or llflliiK', huadaehCH and urinary dlor dom.' ir thofio HXinptorriH re un heeded thoro Ih Rrave dmixer of drop ny or ratal IlrlRht'M dlHaitM. Domii'k Kidney JMIIh havo famed a repoln tlon ror tholr orreciivenwiH in kid ney troubla and are known ami rer oinmendotl tho .world over. Medford tiwllinoiiy provoa the nmrltH of Doan'a Kidney IIm toour reailm (I. M. Jonoa, 1 40 1 N. Central Avp . Medford, Oro., Hnjli: "I found Dnan'a Kidney 1'11'h (tftpiK Lilly adapted lo my rane. My Imdl: waa ver) stiff and painful and I had other annoyliiR MytnptoiiiH of kidney trouble. Donu'H Kidney I'IUm, procured at llnaMiia', driiR Htore, broiiRht me promiit re-' lief and hIiico takliiR Hiem my health liaa hm li muoh hotter TIiIh excellent remedy haa earned my endomem&nt." For wile by all dealem. I'rlen r0 ceulH. FotonMllUuru Co., Huffalo, New Vol Is, nolo atsoiitH for tho United State. Hemembor tho name Donn'n and tako no other. notici:. Notice Is herclt) fi'von that the underHlKiied will apply to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Ha next roRiilar nx'etliiR on laiiuury 2, 11)11, for a HreiiDO to soil iilrlttii)UH, vlnoiiB and malt lltitiors n giiiiiilltlcH lens than n gallon at It a dace of iiuslncHB on lota f, IT, 7, 8, '.dock 20, In Buldclty, for a period of hIx months. HOTKl. NASH CO. Unted Doc. 14. 1011. ' CHRISTMAS SALE AT When a man liowlh for jn-tice he wants to bo a judge of it. WccRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day 1'liono 21!7t Nlglit lMioueH, F. W. WocUh U071. A. K. Ore, IHIIW. IjADV AKSIHTANT John A. Perl Umlei-diker ami Kinlmlnier Siicc-OBHor to tlio uiiiUfrtnldnR do I pnrliiioiit of Medford Furnltiiro Co;! Offlco 2H Houth llartlctt Street : i. TolmdionoB! Day, Doll 171; nlht ; roaldonco, Doll 473, Home 170-L. OallN iiiiHwereil iiIrIu or day, AMIU'liANOlO HIJHVIOH Wftrr-n frf Flcm Over Tamalplas. OAKLAND, Cnl., Dec. 20 Wei- dun H. Cooko, tho Oakland aviator today oujoya tho dlHtluctlou of IioIiir tho rimt hlrdmiin ever to fly over Mount TumulpnlH In mi aeroplane Ho Hoared over tho peak 1000 feel ahovo ItH Hiimmlt. Tho fllRht Ik ono which hna at tracted nvlatom ever alnco aviation wiih ItiaiiRuratud In California. A 1 1 000 prize wiih offered n year nRi for tho feat, but wiih withdrawn a It waH reared tho rlHk wiih too Rtoat to tempt tho blrdmeii. Attacks Another Treaty. WAHHINOTON, . c, Dee. 20. A Joint ruKolutlon for tho toruilun Hon of tho extradition treaty of 1855 between tho United Ktutea ami HiihuIii wiih Introduced la tho lioueo of rop retieutatlveH today by CoiiRreBHiuan Victor HorRor, hocIiiIIhI of Milwaukee. II. H. WALTERS, Practical Horseshocr Particular attention paid to Interfering horse and. contracted feet. All InmoneHR In tho foot cured, Btich na corns, thrush mevlcular trouble, qunrler-crnck and contraction or tho feet. Anything In the lino of hmid-mndo work. Havo shod hucIi homoB hh: Dnn Pntcl Mnrk 1:C5 Minor Ayer "At" 1:58 ' CresoitH .' $1. 2:02 Vi AndroRrona J '. irt. 2:00 Ceo. H. Kay Halt mllo :CS'4 And n no m Iter or othem, too numerous to mention. Your ' patrouago will ho appreelatod, no matter how InrRo or small. :tU .South (,'rnpe St., Next to West Sltln Ham SHOP IN THE MORNINGIT WILL PAY YOU MANN 'S STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL XMAS THREE BIG BARGAIN DAYS SUITABLE, USEFUL GIFTS FOR ALL Good Gloves Pleases Women's Cijm (Moves, in Ian only, a pair 98 b W. L. Kid CJlovcs in all colors, special, pair $1.25 ICayscr's Double Silk Gloves, just tho thing for winter wear, in black and navy, a pair $1.25 IG-biitioii Fine Kid in white and col ors, all sizes. Dainty Handkerchiefs Children's Handkerchief's, 3 in a fancy box, a box ..." 15 Women's Initial Handkerchief's, G in a box, a box 39 Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, very special, each 10 and 25 Beautiful Lace Edge Handkerchiefs at, each....l0c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 35c and 50c New Hand Bags Beautiful Leather Hand Bags, spe cial 69 New Plush Bags for children, spe ci'il fi)4 The latest fads in Velvet Bags at $1, 91.50, ?1.9S, 92.98 and 93.98 Leather Collar Bags and Sets for men and women 98c, $1.48, $2.98, $4.98 N Apron Sale "Women's Fine Lace Trimmed Aprons, Chafing Dish Aprons at 65, 98 and 914S each Silk Scarfs Women's Fancy Silk Scarfs, extra long, special ..'. 59 Windsoi Tics for boys, each 25 Special sale of Fui-s Good Umbrellas New Waists w 5 "' 5$ Away Goes Catarrh llientlio SootlihiR, HealliiR llyoiuel Itellef In Five. Mlnute.s Whero thoro'H eutnrrli tlioro'n thou- Hiintla or catarrh Rormu, You enn't Ret rid r catarrh uhIchs you kill theno RorniH, - You can't kill theno RorniH w'lth Htonmeh niodlclno or Hprnya or doueh eH becuuao you cim't got wlutro thoy uro. You can 1 111 thcBo RorniH with HY OM10I a peiiotratliiR antlaoptlu air that you.lirontho fowr,tlino8 a day directly ovor tlto rnw, boio, Riirm hi leHted inomlnntio. Kor catiurh, iiHthmn, croup, courIib, coldH mid cntnnhul dcnfnoHH Hyomol Ih sold on tiionoy hack plan hy Chan. StraiiR, Completo outfit M.00. Kx tra hottlcH of HYOM101 If nftorwards needed only fit) conts. Itomomhor, HYOMIOI doou not contain morplilno, eoralno or any dniR that could ioh Hlhly do harm. t,ft M TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Hold rim oyo ulnsBOU, last week, lleturit to 4 ill! North Con tral two, Stiltablo reward. U33 1 - r r T r t y y y y y y y y y y r t y y T y y y f y y y T y y T y y y y y y- y z y y y i A. A. M. :: -w - -v Buy a Man's Gift where he would buy it The Toggery QV COUItSK Time to Think of Xmas HERE'S THE STORE WITH A "THOUSAND AND ONE THINGS" HE WILL LIKE. BY FAR THE BEST, LARGEST, MOST VARlED STOCKS. "IF YOU CAN'T FIND IT HERE IT'S NOT IN TOWN." You Want That Gift to Please We sell goods that appeal to men no useless trinkets or nick-nacks, but such a gift as he's seen in our store or window and wished to own. If it has The Toggery name on it ho knows it is good and approves tho selection A FEW SUGGESTIONS Hath and LouiirIiir llohcs T $5 to $1.-1 e'nmotiu Pendleton Hath Holies, each. . . . ,. v $iio lliiii'o Clint's find SmokliiR Jackets v , . .$3..10 to $10 l!nitdl;erc)il(if Cnaos '. , . .$1 to $:J Collar HagB , , , ,', , f . . . , ,u to $:t I t'i KtllKh .....,..,, . .Vt,.. !jil to i3 MMHK Merchandise Bonds A. W. r 1 "VJ T r Solve the-gift, problem with a Merchandise or Glove Bend and let the 'a'ccipiimf; lnaVoHhcjik own so- lection. Issued in anv amount. L'hty are sure to plehsC .lowol rut.es N ckwear Hojjrors .Murriorti .... KuiidB and II i t 1 I b- . .'J.-Sc to $2.5ft . ..ssi.ti."! (o :j 50c to $:t 1'. 1)1088 tdlOVOB $1.50 to .V-.."t) ( tt-" ' ,'iJ?, ' " ' H. H. Fur Lined (Uoves. . : 1 Ponnanta .... 5ttc to 91 Hosiery, silk and cotton , , ,JI5c to 75o HmulkorchlcfB, silk and Ilium I . ,jf .M . , . "5o o $t Pajamas . . . v '!vt . , . .$1.50 to yn Nlghtrobea .'. , ,..,.,...'.. 73u to V.R Sweater Coats, with nv collar. . . . . .,' ..... .'.'. .;.....,. .Up to t?8.50 Umurollas .....,....,.,,,', ,,.,..,. ...... ,91 totj"' Guff Links , .,"... ; ' 50c to 91,50 IlandbnRs and Suttcasos.s 9- to 91.50 Silk Siispendura ',', , 75c to 9" Fancy Vests .' ,...; 91.50 to 9 Trunks , .97.50 to 9:M OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS THE TOGGERY OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS OF (XH'ItSH LARGEST AND FINEST MEN'S CLOTHING STORE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO 4 rra ! jC f T T X f T T y y f y y y y f y y T y y t y y y y T i y &$h; 4