Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 20, 1911, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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UHDIHAnUil MO. Oil).
All tllttlllltlICO llclllltlltlU Hltt IIMHUHHIUOIII
mi tlio tniiM'ily liitM-riii'l fur Hid (iimI
or laying ii foil i Inch it tt inula on
nllny between gin n Anim iivi'Iiiih hiiiI
lleihly u miiiU' ri nut llniMevi II itM'iiiin in
Uioutm loimoo mill illioctttig llii' iMiiril
it In outer ii slute men! ilinrinf In llii'
Wilier llllllll 1 ! II lllicltl i
Hiiotliin I Whoiens, llm ('My Cmiiiclt
illil horolnfoic, li H'Hiillllliiii, iImi'Iiiih IIn
ImIiiiiIIiiii In tn y it four-Inch wultu lliulli
Oil llllo) llUlWei'll Oueell Anim UVntllltt
mill llodily uW'iiiin riiini Itniihovilf idu
lllln In lUuumi tenner, Mini In iinm-MH II m
cost ilnii'iif on lliw iniiiiiy f run I In w nn
mill iniilliin i T wilil slteel In pioiinithm
(n din fnmtnitc nf wild propel ty, Mini fU
It tllllH llllll plMCU f(r lll'HlllIK lllllll'NlM
iiltulliMl dm lining or wilil until iiiiiIii
mi nn hi put I or sold Mtieel mill Din iih-
MttNNUlelll Of dm I'OHl thereof ItH llTlUe.
rm III.
Ami vlirciiH, wild n hiiliillnn wiih duly
PUIiIIhIioiI mill piiHIeil mm riulrrd by hoc
linn ltd nf tln Clmrli'i nf mild city
Anil ttlioiciiN. ii lini'lliiK nf Hi" i'imiii
ull whh tif lil kI I lie Unit) mill place flxfd
liy h.i lit irmiliillnii, fin Ilia iiiiumm nf
iHinnlilfHiiK hiiv mnli jinil. (. hut tin
Hllllll pHlteHlS f Ml MMlll llllll' llllllll' In
in iiri'Ui'il liy llii' council In I Ii laying
of hmIiI snlir main nr Hi" nMei.iim'iit nf
Ihn i'iinI lliniotif nit nriiii'MHlil. mnl hhIiI
riiiitirll iiHlnu ooiiNhloicil llii' tnitlliir,
unit deeming Hint hhIiI wnl it iiihIii uhk
mnl Is or iniiti'ilitl benefit In subl oily,
unit lliul Mil iroir(y In lm hkhi.hhimI
lllilfnr would lm benefited thereby In
III" nxli'iil of Dm pinhuhle itmiiilMt ill" IIn
nunliiMi mtiil property tl I1 nrili'r mild
llii III IIIHlll llllll
Ami whoiena, (lm i'dhI nf mild witler
iiihIii Iimii been mnl In ri'liy In iliitormluod
In lm III" Hlllil nf 11, St I 10
Nmv. then fore. II In ht'U'liy rurlher do
toriiiluH I Iml llni inniiiirlliinitln hIihiu of
hit t'iml nf IhiIiik Willi will it iiihIii nf
it'll puti'i'l nf properly fronting nn until
portion or iMtlit Nltiv( In Him mnniiiit Mil
niiiiklit llm donciliiHou nr twtuli mtoi I
nr Imiil below, and Hiitl emih plt'iia nr
litiul benrfllH liy Him InyliiK nf said wilt
rr nmln to I In mil iiKlwit of tho uiiuimil
mi Hut oppiHto Hi" ib-NorlPllou nr Hit
Willi", mnl that Hi" HHiK-ith" aiiiinintM
l" III" pioporlliimtl lirtiottla nr
ihIi ttitinr iiihIii In milil ii'itpeellvo pur
tiolii nr In ml, itml itlmi Hio pinporllmnil
milling (lurtiir un nald NtreoiN. Hie
vtiimi'll ttitoM Imrtiliy ili'flitif )! f In'
IHitf.iN or iimiwfly iImtIIiwI Ik'Iihv ( (
iitwnixt.1 unit "null of llm imniit linrtliy It
imiiftiaiiil I lltt Itinoillll ( niiiHllii I'Ml'li
iltmerllKliill fnr lliv V0K nf iHylnK l'l
ttniiir innlii
AMnrmttilHiK Nn I - JiH'"U Anint AiMI
Him. Kit" IU I, liKivk I. giln Alint'
nilillllnii, CKy nr Mfiironl. Or;mi. frnnl
iik" to rt on Hi linrlh jlilo nf "lil
ittl..y. im ilrcrlll In Vol T ft. !;
nf id iMiunly irconlKr'K HH-riii nf jmck-
..... .u.imli (Ir.' tl) fi"l. rnt pr
fuol. Bl MiiiU. Miimtinl, (T SO
.Mmi.inont No I --Uiiwn .
Huh. Hid 1)1 31. ItJiMK J, U
uiit, ...kiiulv I Irtiif
flHIl, twnix. miihuiiii. , ...
Aiwriwiiivul N.. -Qilll Anne AtJill
(Inn. Inn (.( 3. Iilnrfc J, (it"H Amir
Milillllnii. (Miy nf Mrilfnnl (Ir;ijii. fnh(
huh SO rr'( on llit lliulli slil" f twin
niW. m tiwiriiMi in vni t. ih; i
nr 111" ftninly rtfiinlKr'n rt-ctinlii f Jki'K
mm ctmtily. OrKii " ' "" lH"r
nwl. 9 rrittn. ttiiMHinl 1(70. , ,,,
ARMniililvnl Nn -Utn-iMl Anmt AiMI
Hull. J m- l."l I. Iil' . UtlMIII Allllf
itililllliiit. City of Mwlfonl. OrfKon. frttnt
uw to ft( on Hip imrlli ijIiIp nf m
nllny. B il"wrlln'il In Vol t. mh (X
nr (ln t'ounly ironnlrr'H rMiinln f Jttrlt
mm cm lit)1. Or.Hnn. & f"f. rt wr
fiMil. Vt ci-nlK, Rinnttiit. Id o. , .,,
Amn-tiumtint No - Uiiwm Ann AiMI
tlnit. Die lit i. IiIim'U I Uuwil Alini
...i.mi.... iMi. ..r,ir,l tin unit, frnnl
mil in "fi'.'l on llii' imrtlt milit nf Willi
lly. UN iti'inii limit lit Vnl 7. IMK",
..r (, (i.innlv fi'i'iintiT ' noiirilit of JifU-
him wimnty. OritKiiit. W ffi, rttt tT
fiMit, at renin. Hiiioiiiii. 1(7 "
AnHuimiiiiiiil No fl Oiirit Ami" Ailill-
tluii. Inn Lot .' Iilmk J, Qiiiwh Aiwr
itilillHnit. CI ly or .MtMirnM. iirnKiiii. troni
nim to ri't on Hit' imrlli jlilt or hi1
itrifV. nit iIphpiIIuhI III Vol "6. J" 9
nf lli rminiy rironlrr' rronril or JMrK
mm rminiy, On mm. to ri(. r( twr
rim!. 9 ivntit, itmoiinl, l(T to
Acwmnni'iil No 7 Krtritli A l.lmlli).
nl 9, lilnt'k t. Uinim Amif uilitltlon. Cl(
..f M.uifnril. ilr.Ktin. frolilMKo to f"l im
IIih mnitli Hlit" of tMtlil ttllry. mm tlmrrllifit
In Vol . tl B1 or ill" cotiniy ift-irii-nr
neonlM of Jttttkioin fininly. OrrKn
to fwl. into rr foiil. mmiM, hiiioiiiii.
AiH-HMiiiimt No S Httntli A l.lHillr).
lot 10, I. look 3, Qui!! Ailli" iiilillllnn. (ll)
or Mirnl, (irvMiin. frontMKe to rrrl on
tli wmili nl'lf of iwlil Mllny. iih ilfuvrilHMl
In Vol k'J. hk or (hit t'ouiil) n-tHirO
it'll nttirilM of JMtkiMin rminiy. OnKmi.
to ri'"l. nttu pur fool. 9ft tM-iiU. Mtnmint
AMMt'MMiuntit No 9 Htrli A l.lmllry
lot II, liUH'k X, gtnvii Ann" itilitlllnn. t'ltt
.. II I..M.I Irn...... fr...llllU 1.11 f4l llll
Ull' IMIIIIIl mW Of IWllI nil")'. HM )lwrllHMl
III Vol !. pttU" no or tin' iiiimi)' rwiini
firH ri'i'nriln or Jiiokwin tininly, OrnKon
Mi fi'.-i, rnlu ir foot. 9f. cimlM, ittnoimi,
. AMNi'MMiimnl No 10 O J l.linllo).
lot II. hlocli I. QuiHtn Anil" mlillHmi. (Ml)
or Mi'ilfnrtl, OiHKiiii. frtiiliiK " f"11'' mi
III" MlltlHl Mill" Of N'llll HUhV. MM lli'81'rltnll
In Vol 7.1. K" ion of Hio roiinly n
iionli'r'M ritXirilM or Jiitikmm roiinty. Oto
Ron; ( frt'l ruto Hir ffl. US fonlw
mnmint, 1(7 to ...
AMKi'hHini'iil No II -J A I.yini. In(
13. Iiloolt 1. gili'fii Anno inlillllim. (Mly
nr .Mmlforil. OrrKoll rroillitur tO rri'l mi
Hin miiiiHi ftltl or mtlil itllcy. im ilcin'rllitil
In Vnl 7B. IMiKf 0" nr llio futility n
imuiIi'i'm ucorilH of JitnkMnti minl), On
Kim; R fi( riitu per foot, 95 cciiIm.
mnmint. $17 M
AMMfUNini'itt No 12 H 1. Ilmiimtt. lo
ll, lilix'U I, Qiioxn Anno it'Mltlnn. City
of MAilfonl. Ornumt' frnntiiH" tO fi'i'l mi
Hut nmilli Hill" of wtlil hIIi), mm ilrNurllinl
In Vol on. him" Hi or lint fininiy rt'oorn
ir'H ti'iioiilM or .iHtikmm riinnty. Oivkoii
til fl'"!, tnltt por root, D& t'nnlN, hiiioiiiii
Ahmi'hhiiii'IiI No 13 -Otiniin Anno AiMI
(Ion. Inn l.ol I. Mock I. Quhvii Anno
iiilillllnn. Cllv of Mlillfonl Oiounll. flOllt
iitto to fwt mi Hio imrlli Mliin or itulil
nilov. un tli'Htirllii'il In Vol 7ft, loK" it
nt llio fimnly rt'Oonli'r'M rt'fiinlM of Jnck
Him tumnl)', Oifiimii ' nmli il I'tr
fool, 9ft t'OlllM, Hiinmnl, 1(7 BO
AMHiiHMitiunt No 14 Chlot'll Allllo AiMI
(Inn, Inn Lot 2. lilntU 1, qni-i'll Anno
mlillllmi, (Mly nf .Mfilfonl. Ori'mm, finni
nun TiO fi'i'l on llio noilli mIiIo of nmIi)
llllll)', MH llOHIirllll'll 111 Vol 7ft. plIKO (SO
nr llio cminly n'Oonli'i'H nroniH or iiituic
mm foil nty, On-Kon. 80 ft."l, rn( pi'i
f.Ull. lift llillllM llllllllllll si?r.o
AMNi'HHinont No IS --qumm Anno Ailill
(Inn. inn. I. lit :i, lilock I, Qiiikii Antic
mlillllon, (Ml)' of Mtiiironl. Ornunn, fiont
nun r.O f.'i'l nn llio norlli Hlil" of hhIiI
nilov. mm ilnHorllioil In Vol 7B, ntio 110
of Hin iiomilv n'conli'i'H iTi'nrilM nr .Ini'i
hiiii roil nty, On'KOiii ftO foot ; imlo per
fool, Oii rimlM, muoiinl, fl7ftt)
AMHOHNIIIOIlt Nil 11 Qlll'tMl Anno AiMI-
linn. Inn I. nt 4. Iilnolc I, Qiii'on Anno
nililltlon, (Mly of Mnilfmil. Oiokiiii. frnnl
nun fid fell on llio iinrlli hIiIo of wild
iilloy, mm ilonri llicil In Vol 7ft. piiuo 4K1I
of llio fount v tiM'onlcr'M iicoii1m of .InuK-
nun foimty, Ori'Kon, fto fool into por
fool, on ocntM Minoniil, $17 ftO
AnhohhiiK'IiI Nn 17 -gili'on Anno Ailill
lion, Inn l.ol ft, block 1. Quoon Anno
iiilillllnn, City of Moilfnril, On mm finnt-iik-o
SO foot on Hi" iimlli Mdlit nf unlit
nilov, iih ilcMoillioil In Vol 7ft. pa no U'U
of lint cntinty irooriloi'M lominlH nf .lnolc
hon foil nty, Oit'Koni 60 fool, into poy
font, Oft ooiiIh; mnotml, $I7R0.
AhhohhiiioiK No IS Quoon Anno Ailill
t Inn. Ino, Lot 0. Ulook I, Quoon Anno
iiilillllnn, CKy of Moilfoiil, OroKiiiii fionl
nun GO fool on tlio imrlli Hlilo of Hiilil
nlloy, im iloNorllioil In Vol 7ft. pittto ISO
nf Hut roiinty ntoiiloi'H looniilit of Jnck
Hon ooiinly, OroKmii CO foot, into jior
fool, UR ooIiIm, niiiotiiit $17 no
AMHOHHiuont No, 10 Quoon Anno AiWI
tlnii, Ino Lot 7, lilnok I, Quoon Anno
mlillllmi, City of .Moilfoiil, OroKon; fionl.
nun ftO foot I on llio imrlli Httlo of wilil
alloy, mh ilorioillioil In Vol 7ft. pnuo ISO
of (no county roconloi'H iooouIm of .Inolt
hoii county. OroKons fto foot! uito por
foot, OS contn; nmotltlt $17 SO
AHMOHMiuont No 20 Quoon Anno AiMI
linn, ino. Iml H. Monk I, Quoon Anno
iiilillllnn, Clly of Moilfoiil, Oipkhii! fiont
iiko HO foot on Hio not Hi Mhlo of until
nlloy, iih iloHcillioil In Vol 7R. pimo U'fl
of Hio county iminnlnr'N iocoiOh of ,lnck
Hnit oniinly, OrcKDli' ftO foul, lulu ptf
foot, 115 conliJi uiuouilt, flT.Otf.
iiilillllnn, rny 01 .lutiinru. wn-"". "":
ituti JO f( on (ln iioflU ;lil' f "ltl
itllfv. mi tUn?rllMMl In Vol ". l""
nf (in piiiiiily rrwnli i irfonti nf JHPk-
mi. to rtri. mm it
AhNi'HMinonl No, 21 Quoon A iinn Ailill
llini. Inn I, nt i. lilnok I, ()m on Anno
nilillllnii, (Mly nf Moiirnnl, OioMmi; fiimt
n Mo fto fiwl mi Hin noilli Hlilo of mhIiI
nlloy, iih ill hc i IIm.I In 'Vnl 7ft, mi! l?i
nf llio I'ouiily ncmitii'M iocuiiIm of Jack
Mini enmity, Oichoii, A0 fonl, nil" pi
fool, uft I'i'iitH iiinmmi, $17 r.o
AMMi'HMiut'Ut No it CJiiofii Anno Aililt
ilmi, Ino l,oi in, iiinck I, gin on Ami"
iiilillllnn, Clly of Mitlfnril, Oiounll, fionl
mkii to foot on Hio himiIIi hIiiii nf muIiI
nlloy, iih ilrHcrllinl In Vol 73. piill" 420
or tti ciiiinly loi'miliii'M nomiU nf Jnuk
hoii county, Oioumi, no foot, lulu hi
root, on coiiin. iiinniini, $i7 so.
AnmkhhiiiouI No US Quoon Aiiihi Arlill
Hon, Ino l.ol II, lilock 4, gnpi.11 Anim
11 till 1 1 1 on, CMly or .Mciironl, uiokoii, fionl
ill!" to font 1111 tint miiiiHi Mlilo of mil i
lilll'V, MN lIl'MCI llll'il III Vol 7ft, pllUtl (20
or lb" county n-oni 1I1 i-'t - cimiIm uf .luck
Miiu county, Oieiiim, Si fecti ruto pel
root, OS (ttlitH, hiiioiiiii, 917 AC.
Aiihiiimiiiiiii! Nn 21 (JiH'im Arnt Ail II
linn, Inn. hut Ii, lilnok 4, giiM-u Anno
itilillllmi. Clly or Aloiiriinl. Oioiimi, fionl
nun SO foot (ill Him hoiiIIi Mlilo or iwlil
lliloy, MM lIl'HCllllfll III Vlll 7. pHKO 4
of tint (utility 1 fom ilitrN rii'unlM of Jhcm
(iiiii ommly, Onunn, to fj-Hl, mt por
fiHit, nt 1'1'itlN. Mimmitl. $17 30
Ahmimmuu'IiI Nn 8 -uiii-mi Anno Ailrtl
1 Inn, I no l.n( It. Iilook 4, Qmim Ami"
hiIiIIHiiii. Cll) of Mitlfunl. OMK frnnl-
HK" ft" fool oil tin- miiiiHi lilt nr Htlil
iiiliy, mm iloHorllii'il In Vnl 76. mut I Iti
nf liin cminly ricoriloi'M n-ciiruu of Jhpk
miiu ommly. Oiokiui, o root, rHln per
rool, 91 ifiiU, Minmiul, $17 SO
AHHHMHinonl No II Jiu'ii Anno AiMI
linn, Inc l.ol II, lilnok I, Qtii'iit Aum
iiililltlmi, (Mly or Mfiironl. OrcKon. front
no 60 foot on llio hiiiiIIi mIiIo or Hiilil
nlliiy, mm iloHorllii'il In Vol 7t. wko IIH
or tit county ri'Coriloi'M ticoriU of Jiiuk
Hon comity, Ori'Kon, no f'tj 1KI0 per
fimt. Oft ("iitH iimount, $17 SO
AMH'NtUI'lll INO II VJIH'OIl Al'llf ilill
Hun, Inc H, lilock (, Quon A iiih'ii.
Nilillllnii. fMly or .Moiirnnl. Orriton fronl
hiio 10 root on Hi" ihiiiIIi mIiIo nf mnIiI
Mlioy, hm id Morllioil In Vol 7S. hik lf
of llio county rwortlrr'it loonrim or Jnck
miii county, Orriton SO fiH-(. rtilo iwr
foot, 0& cimlM, mnmint, $47 10
AMWNHtnont No tH --IC II IMtkol; lot
II, block 4, Qtii'on Anim nililltlim. (Mly
or Moiirnnl. Oromin. frmiliiK " root mi
Hih Himtli nlilo or wtlil nlloy. mm iloHcrllx it
In Vol m, piiKi- 809 or Hm caimly rooonl
ortt' ri'OonlM or Jnnkhon cminly, OroKon.
60 riot, ruto por rool, 96 ruiilM, nmounl,
$" M. ... ..
Amn-HMinonl No J9 Quoon Anim A1I1II
tlnn. Ino Lot 17. Iilook I, guoon Aiiiki
Hitilltlmi. (Ml) of Mmlforil, On-Kon. fronl
HK SO f""t un Hio hotilll ililo of Hutu
Hlioy, mm iloHeillHtl In Vol 76. mk
of llio ommly loomtlrr" tworilM of JHok
hoii I'ouiil). Oit-kim. SO fmt. mtij por
riMil. 9S omlM. nmmmt. $17 to
Ah. Hiii"tit No JO- I. T. JmioN lot
M. Iilmk I. gmwit Anint nilitlllmi, (ID
nf Moiirnnl. Orriton. rmnlHH" So fort nn
tlir MHitti Mhlr nf Ntilil nlloy. m ilrticrlli-l
In Vol 71. ihimo l nf (I10 county roconl
or rocoriW of JHokHon cminly. Oioumi
r.o fort, rtt lrr fmii, OS cmt. nmount.
AHKainnt No II Quoon Anim AiMI
linn, lnt l.ol I. lilock fl. guron Allllr
Hilillllmi. City of Mnlfonl. Ort-mm, rront
HN" to foot 011 llio north 0I1I0 of
nllry, hm ilrwrllwil III Vol 76. iif 4JJ
nr ln i'ouiily iconloi'N rwonU of Jnck
imiii cminly. onumi. So frjl. rntii iwr
fmii Oft oi-nin. uuimiiit. II. 60
AiwoNmiionl No It -Qin-oii Anno AiMI
lion. I no. Lot X. Iiloeli guwn Anno
Hilillllmi. Cll of Moilfnril Ort-Kon. frnnl;
Hiii' to fort on tit imrlli Mlilo nf nmIiI
Nllry. hm ilt.rrllM'il In Vnl TS. mno l9
of ttr oouut) rrronlor"" rroorilM or Jnck
mm cminly. Orrumi. SO rjt. n( iwr
fool, PS crnlM, Himmul. $17 60
Amirtiimmut No SI -Quoon Anno AiMI
Him. Ino Lot J. block fl. Qtiorn Anno
Hitilltlmi. (Mly of Mo.lfonl. On-Kim. front
NK to fiwl on Hi" north Hliln of wtlil
Nlloy. hn ilMmrllMMl III Vol 7S. wko 410
of tlir count) rwontor'H iwiitiln tif Jnck
min cmiul). On mm. SO rr(. -ntlo ht
rtMtl, 9S crnlM. Minmint, $17 to
Annonniiii'IiI No J( - QuiHlt Anno A1I1II
tlon llio 1.4)1 I. lilnok fl Qllrrn Allllf
Nitillllmi. (Mly of Mrtlfnnl. OroKon frnnl
hmo 60 firt on the imrlli Hlilr of wtlil
mHo)'. hm ili'Morllmt In Vol "ft. mito !)
of llio ommly rocorJor'n roconlit of JHok
wni iinint). orrismt f-n fwi in-r
(Mil. ft rou I h iimnunl. $17 SO
Aph.'MuiimiI Nii 3S Quwii Anno AiMI
lion. Ino. Lot fi, block fl, Quon Aiiiip
niIiIIIIou. (Mly or MotHnM Ormin. front
hu tO foot on llio mirth mIiI.i or milil
nlloy. mi iloimrllinl In Vol 7. wmn IIP
of tin) county rrtHirilor'M rt'onnlH or Jntik
ho u coiiniy. OroKon. 9 fori. rl por
fiMit. OS ci'iilH. Ninmint, $17 SO
AHurHHinont Nn I" Qui on Anno A1I1II
II. hi. Ino l.ol fl. blnrk , Quoii Anno
ml, lit Ion, City or Moiirnnl. Oromm. front
MUr S0 fift on tint willtll Mlilo of wtlil
Hllry, hm tloM'rllirtl III Vnl 76, mn 119
or tito county rocnnli'i'M roriirilM nr Jnck
mm enmity. OroKmi. SO root, rule per
fiHtl, 51 crnlM. Himmiit $17 SO.
AmHHiiii'iil No 37 Quoii Anno Atlill
t Ion. Ino 7. blotik 6. Quottn Anno
Hilillllmi. (Ml) of On mm: rnmi.
ai SO fro l un (ho hoiiiIi nIiIo of Mtlil
MllrV, tlrNOrllirtl In Vol 71. iwoto 110
or Hio county troonlor'n rottinlM or Jnck
win rminiy. OriHiin. 60 rrrl rute irr
root, OS coiiIm, Niimunt $17(0
AnHONHinoiit No IK Qlli'tm Anno Aibll
Hon. Ino l.ol K. block Quern Anno
ml. Illlon. Clly nf Moilfnril. Oiokiui. frnnl
HUo to frot on llio mint It Mlilo nf milil
Nlloy, nn tloHcrlbotl In Vol 7t. mk 4
of llio emmty roconlor'M rroonlw of .Inok
mm cou n lv. Oriuon, to fool, into per
rool, 9S coulN. iiiiiimul, $17 SO
AMni'HMimmt No 39 Quoon Anno Aibll
Hon. Inc. l.ol 0. block . Quorii Ann
Hilillllmi. (Mly of MoiUonl. OroKmi, from
niffi 60 fiot on llio miiiiHi Mlilo or Hlllil
nlloy. bn iloMcrlbril In Vol 76, hiko 4J9
of lint county roconlor'M roconlH of Jiiok
oon county. OrcKim, 60 fort, ruto por
root. 06 coiiIm. iimnunl. $17 60
AMHOHMiutTit No 10 --Quoon Anno Aibll
linn. Ino Lot in. block rt. Quoon Anno
mlillllon. Clly of Moilfnril. OfoKim. frmtl
hkii 60 foot on Hio miiiiHi ohlo nf until
nlloy. ah iloHcrlbril In Vol 7S. tK 110
of Ino ommly roconlor'M roronU of Jnck
miiu county, OroKiin. SO foot, into por
fool. OS CoiiIm. itiuounl, $1760
AMMOHMiuont No 41 Hclionl illMtrlct
No 19 Lot I, block S, Quoon Antic
nilillllnii. (Mly of Moilfnril. Oromin. front
HKtt 47 foot on Hio north Hlilo of Mbl
nilov. MM llHHUtlhcil III Vol 7R. PHKO 31 I
of tlu county rocortloi'H rcoonlit of JncU
Ntm county OroKon. 47 foot, ruto por
fool, 9ft crnlM, miiioiiiiI, $14 Cft
AHMi-HHintml No 4 Wo-lionl tlbttrlct
No 49 Lot S, block M, Quoon Alum nil
illtlon, Clly or Moiirnnl. OroKmi, rronliiKo
47 foot on tlio imrlli Mlilo of wilil nil"),
iih tloHOilboit In Vol 76. piih'o 317 of tlio
county roeonlcr'H roconlH or JnckHim
iiniiily. OreKmi: 47 foet: ruto pur fool,
Oft conlH. iiiiimiut, $11 OS
AMHOHHiuont No 43 yoliool tlmtrlot
No to Lot 3, block 8, Quern Anno ml
illllon, iMty of Moilfoiil, Onuimi, from
iiko 47 foot on llio imrlli oitlo nf Hiilil
nilov. hh ih'MOilboil In Vol 7ft, piiuo 317
uf llio county iccoitlor'n rocmtlH of Jnck
mm county, OroKon, 47 fool, into por
foul, 96 coiiIh. miuoiiiiI, $41 US
AHNoMNmout No 41 HcIiihiI iHntrlot
No 49 Lot I, block S, Quoon Anno iiil
illllnn. (Mly of Moilfnril, Orcuon; front
iiko 17 fool on llio north Hblii nf hhIiI
nlloy, iih iloiwrlboil In Vol 76, iuhjo 317
llill'jr, lin lucviiin u ,,, .,, . , .. ..
nf llio cminly rocorilor'n room oh of Jnck
mm county, uiokoii; 17 root, ruto por
fllOt 9ft CHIllM, MIIIOUIll, lll.tiTu
AhmommiiicuI No 16 Hclionl illNtrlot
Nn 49 Lot A. block K, Queen Anmt ml
illllon, (Mly of Moilfnril, Omuim; front
ii uo 17 feet on tlio nmlli Hlilo of Kiibl
nlloy, uh ilcMorlboil In Vol 7ft. pno 317
of llio county roconloi'H iccuiiIh of Jack
Hon cmi nly. Oiokoiii 47 fool, ruto per
fuill, 95 coiiIh; mitouiit, $1106
AnmvhhiuouI No. 10 School illnltlot
No 49 Lot 0, block h, Quoon Anno uil
union, i'iiy nr .mciiioiu, viokiuii iioni
n K" 47 fool on tlio noilli Hlilo or Hitlit
iiiloy, iih tloHcrlliotl In Vol, 70, pauo 317
or tlm county iouuiiIci'h iccurim or Jnuk
Mon county, Oichoii. 17 foot, into por
foul, 96 cciiIh; iuiiouiiI, $1166
AHhCMHiuont No 47 School tllHtilct
No 19. Lot 7, lilnok 8, Quoon Annn ml
tllHon, City of Mnilfmil, OiokuUi flout
u Kc 17 foot on (ho nouIIi hIiIc of hmIiI
nlloy, un iloHorlboil In Vol 7ft, piiuo 317
or tlio county iccniilm'H ipcohIh or Jnck
Him counly, Oioumi, 17 fool, into por
foot, 05 coiiIh; iiiiimuil, $11 OR
AhhohhiiicuI No 18 School dltttrlot
No, 49, Lot 8, block 8, Quoon Anno ml
illllon, Clly of Moilfoiil, OroKon; front
n mo 17 foot on the Houlh Hlilo of Hiilil
nlloy, iih iIohui llioil In Vol 76. pitK 317
of (lio county rocurilor'n louni'ilu of Jack
Hon counly, Oickuii. 17 foot! into por
root. 06 ccntH, uiiiount, $1106
AHHOHHiuont No 19 .School lllHtl'IOt
No 19. Lot 0, lilock 8, Queen Anno ml
illllon. City or Moilfoiil, Oickoiii fiont
nun 47 font I on tlio HOtllli Hlilo of Hiilil
nlloy, uh ilcMcilbcil In Vol. 7ft, piimt 31"
of tlm counly icconlcr'H loconlH of Jnuk
Hon county, OicKen: 17 foot! into por
foot, Oft coiiIh; uiiiount, $11 Oft
AHHOHHiuont No 60 School lltHtllcl
No, Vi IM 10, lilopU ii, Quoon Anno uu-
illllmi, Clly of Moilfnril, OroKon, fimii
UK" 17 flllt (III llll HOIllll Mill" Of HHl'l
nlloy, hn ib'Hci llioil lii Vnl 7, nimo 17
uf llio (oiinly iioorilol'M iiouiiIn nf Jnck
Him cminly, Oii'Kou, 17 fwl, mln pi r
foot, 95 ci'iilM, miiioiiiiI, $11. US
AmmomniiiouI No 61, HcIukiI illMliloi
No 4V. Lot II, Monk ft. Quoon Anno ml
illllon, Clly uf Aloilfnri), Oroumi, fimil
UK" 47 fori mi Hi" mm lb ll nr hmIiI
HiN y, km iti'Hcrlbril III Vol 76, piilt" 317
uf (In- county rocnnli'i'M rccorilM of Jnck
Him cminly, OroKmii 17 fml, ruto r
foot, 96 coiiIni miiiouiiI, $(( 03
AHNi'MHtni'iit No 62 ncnool illnlrlnl
Nn 49 Lot 12, block K. Qilcon Ami" Hil
illllmi, CKy of .Moilfnril, Oiricnii. fiont
I.KO 17 fi'"( on Hio Mouth Hlilo of mi hi
nlloy, hn iloMCrlbrtl In Vol 76, iiiikd 317
nf llio ommly locorilit'M rwnnli of .iHck
miiu county, OriHou, 47 font, into por
fuol, 96 tnntN, nmount, $44 C6
AmmonniuoiiI No 63 - Quoon Annn AOill
tlou, Inc Lot 1, lilnok I", Qm-mi Anno
Hilillllmi. (Mly of Miilfonl, OroKmi, frunl
llitu 6) foot on Hut linllll Mhltl nr nnIiI
nilt-y, iih ilrncrllioil In Vol "S, imuo 4 39
or llio county iri'oiilrr'M rwonlM of Jnok
imn counly, Oroon. 60 root, rHto ior
fool, 96 cmilH Hiumliit, 117 60
AMMrHHiuoiil No 61 Qilorn Anim Aibll
Hon, Inc Lot I, block lo, gin-mi Amio
Hilillllmi, city of Moilfnril, (JrrKim. fronl
hmo 61 fort on Hio north Nblu of Hull)
ulliy, HM iltiNorlbixl In Vol 75. Phum 429
of tii counly rronnli r'n rccnnlx of Jnvk
miii county, OrrKmi, 62 fro(, rnlu pur
foot, OS t'rnlM, MltlllUllt, $19 10
ANMrHHiuont No 66 Quoon Anno AiMI
Hon. Inc Lot 1, block 10, Qun'ti Aihid
mlilli Ion. CKy of Mi'ilfonl, OroKon. rtoni
iiui' 62 rrrl on llio nmth utile or Ntilil
Hlliy. HM lloMCrlhoil III Vol 76, iHK 4 39
of tlm county rocorilor'n roooruM of Jnck
miiu county, Ohkoii, 6Z fort, ruto per
foot, 96 crnlM. Hiumint, $10 (0.
AHHi'HUIIH'iit No, 60 Qunrll AtlllO Aibll
lion, Inc Lot I, block 10. Quoon Anno
nilillllnii, Clly of MiMlfonl. OrMKim, front
Hue 62 foot on Ihc ninth ohm of mmIi
nilo, hm iWcrllii'il In Vol 76, hko 317
of lb" i mini y ircortlrr'M rocorilM of Jnck
mm count). Oroumi. 52 frrt. rt pel
fool, 96 OrnlN, Hlllnllllt. $19 10,
AHHi'HHiiirnt No 67 Quorn Anno Aibll
Hon, Ino lt 6, block 10. Quwii Anno
Hilillllmi, (Mly of Moilfnril, OroKmi front
no S3 fert un tlio imrlli Mhlo or maIO
iiiloy, nn iliHrllH'il In Vol 76, wco 129
or llio counly rocorili'rH rioorilM of Jnck
miiu ommly, OroKmi, 62 fori; rnlo per
fool, 06 crnl h. huiiiuiiI, $19 (0
AHHunHiiii'iit No SS Quoon Annn Aibll
linn, Inc Lot fl, block 10. Qui-tin Anno, City of Mnlforil, Oroumi, fronl
n uo 62 foot on tbo north Hlilo or HHbl
niuy, nm ilrMcrlbwl In Vol 71, Ipnko 4 29
or lln county roconlor'M tworiln of Jack
mii ommly, Oroiiiiu, 52 fwi. nito ir
foot. 96 contH, H moil II I $49 40.
AMMrHHiiU'iit No 69 --Quoon Anno Aibll
(Imi, Inc MO 7. block 10. Quern Anno
mlillllmi. CKy of Moilfnnl Onion front
line AZ fot on tbo north Mhlo or hhIiI
Hllry. NN iliHorlbrtl 111 Vol 7t, 'MUO 429
or tin county roconlor'M roconlH or Jnck
nun counly. On unit. 62 root rnlu por
foot. 96 crnlM. Mmount. $1940
AHMtuiiimoiit No CO Quoon Anno AiMI
t liin, Inc Lot s, block 10, Quoon Anno
Nililltlim, CKy or Mrilfnnl. Oroitnn. front
Br 62 foot mi the north hMo or MhIiI
hIIov. nm iloMcrlbril In Vol 75. imrjo 42
or Hio county nconlor'N rioonln or .iNck
wm iviii nly, OroKim. 52 frot; rnlo por
root, 9S rontN. mnminl. $49 40.
AHHi'HHment No il -Qui on Anno Aibll
llnn. Inc l)t 0 blnrk 10, Quoon Annr
Hibllllon, City or Moilfnril. On aim fnmt
HK" 62 root mi tbo norlb ohlo or nhIO
HlloV.' hm iloivcrllMiI In Vol .5. Iwo 129
of tlm cminly rrconlor'n rrconl of Jack
h.iii cminly. OrrKon 62 fert: rnlo ior
foot, 96 contH- Hiiioiint. $19 to
AMHrHHIIIOIil No (IX Qtlrrn Anno Aibll
tlon. Inc Lot 10. block 10. Quoon Ann"
niblltlon, City nf Mrilfnnl. Oreumi: front
ni' 62 foot on tbo nmilli Mhlo of '!
nlloy, iih iIomciIImhI III Vol 76. MHr 429
or tlio county roonrilor'N roonnlM of Jock
mm county, Oroumi. 62 foet: rato pr
fmii. 96 contM, nimmnl, $19 40
AMHOHruiout No ti 4uon Anno ibll
llim, Inc Lot 11 block 12. Quoon Anno
Hit.ininn, city r Mironl. Onnn. frm
iiue 62 frot on the Noutli nlilo of nm'O
nlloy, hm OohciIImhI In Vol 7S. pnijo 4T9
of Hio cminly rocimrrH rooont or .luck
ro't pmmty, Orenn 52 foot, rnlo p r
foot. 96 rontN. ninoiiiit. $10 10.
ANHrHHiuont No CI K II. AUNMlkor.
lot 12. block 10 Quorn Anno Nililltlfo..
'(Mtv of Moiirnnl, oreunn: fnitHun '-1
ro't on Ihn itoulh ohlo of nrilil Hllov, nn
ilrnorl bo.1 In Vol 91. wuo 1SS of the
county roiHinlor'M n'conlH of Jitckoon
county, Oroumi. 62 fort, rnta ier foot,
96 contN. nmmmt. 119 10
AoHoMHinonl No
r.5 C II Aiimi kor
lot 13. block 10.
City of Mcilfonl.
Qurrn Anno Hibllllon.
liroKon, rronliiKo az
ohlo of wtlil nilov, nm
fort on lh Houlh
ilooorlbril In Vol
91, imuo 16 or Hi"
rrcnnlH of jHckHiiu
cmmly roeonlcr'H
mini)', oroumi. 52 Trot, rata por foot.
95 crnlM. nmount, $40.40
AMMrnHinoM No fit C II AtlMHlkcr
Mini II C Klmblnnl. lot II. lilock 10.
Quoon Ainu- Hilillllmi. Clly of Mdlfnnl.
(irrumi: frnulneo 62 root on the mnitli
olilo of hhIO nlloy. nm OoHorllioil In Vol
91, imuo 16S itml 122 of th" county ro
iHinlor'M roconln of Jitckomi county. Oro
umi. tt fret, ruto jwr foot, 96 contH
nmount. $19 10
ANMriwmiont No (17 If C HtinltlnrO.
lot 6. block 10, Quorn Anno uiMKIon
Cllv of Mottfonl. (hiumi, fnmlitco 62
frot on Hio noiiIIi Hblo or nnlil nilov, iih
iloHcrlltrtl In Vol 01, imuti 162 or tbo
counly n-oonlor'M rrconln of Jitcknmt
cmintv. Orouen: 52 frot, ruto por foot,
95 crutH nmounl. $19(0
AhhomhiiiouI No (Is Quoon Anno Aibll
Uoii, inc Lot tfi, block 10, Qumm Anno
mlillllon, Clly of Moilfnril. Orouon; fronl
n no 62 foot on the miulli Hlilo of hmIiI
nlloy, iih iloHorlboil In Vol 76. wik (29
of the county roeorilor'n rcconU of Jnck
Him county, Orouon. f. f., rnlo por
foot. 9ft contH, nniiluut, $10 40
ANHi-HHiilctit No f.9 Quoon Anno Atlill
thm. Inc Lot 17. block 10. Quoon Anno
Nililltlim. Clly of Moilfnril. Oroumi. fronl
huo 62 foot on Hut Himlli nblu of hhIiI
nlloy, hh iloHorlboil In Vol. 75. piiuo 4."
of tbo counly roconlorV roconlH or Jnck
onn counly. Orouon. 62 fort rata per
foot. 96 coiiIh, mnmint, $49 40
NHeHMinont No 70 Quoon Anno AiMI
Hon. Inc. Lot IS. lilock 10. Quoon Anno
nililltlon. Clly of Moilfnril. Orouon; front
nun 60 foot on tbo Himtli nblit or hhIiI
nlloy, nn iloncrlboil In Vol 75. ohuo (20
or ihn county rcconlor'n roconlH or Jnck
Mon counly, Oroumi; 60 frot. rule nor
foot. 96 contH. niiHinnt, $47 60
Hoollnn 2. Anil It in hon-by onlonnl
nml onlnlnoil that tbo moml hmhihh
iiioiiIh nml tbo lleuH thoror bo onloroil In
tbo Mittor nmln lion ilockot of huI.1 cll.
lliul Hint thereupon notice bo ilcn tit
the iiwncrH or roptiteil owiioih or hiIO
propor v. nml Hint tbo hjiiho bo onfoieeO
niiil collpolcil In llio nmiinor protbloO i
the cbnrtor of tlm cllv ror the oollecttlo
nf nMROHMinontH for thu Iniprmomcnt of
Htrcol! therein
Section 3 it Ih fin liter onloroil Hint
tlio notice nlitiMt iimvlilutl bo publlMhoil
three HinoR In the Diillv Mull Tribune
ii iioUHimpor publlHhoil unit nf uonurul
clrcubttlon In milil city, in tbo niniuior
provliloil by ordlimnca No, 260 of nnltl
cllv '
Tlio fortiKolnir orillunnco wuh ihihhciI
by tbo clt) council of the City nr Moil
ruril. OroRiiit, on tbo 2 1 hi On) or No em
ber. 1911. by tlm followluK vole
Merrick, iibKoiit. Willi. wo; Woilinitu.
.V; .'.inorlcl., uyo; Klfurt, uye, nml
Mlllnr, nyo
Apptovctl NoNoinbor 22iul, 1911.
... . W. II. CANON.
AltiiHt! Minor.
Clly Itooortlcr
To tlio nwnor, or roputoil owner, of
ohcIi piu col of property ileum IIhhI In the
- liuiil
inroumuu ortiimiuee, iih iiiimeii inuieiu
lu llio Hon ileclnroO bv hii hi onll
nniico, iih rcconloil In thu ilockot of city
You uro lieiehy tintlflctl Hint tlio b.
HoHHiuout tloclnrcil by tlio forcuolnn nr
illimnco Iiiih boon imiilo nml tlio Hon
theiofor onloroil In tbo city Hon tlookot,
nml Hint tlio Hiimo Ih tine nml you ore
noroby lequlicil to imy tlio muno to Hut
oily rcoonlor within ton tluyti from tlio
hoi vice of (IiIh notice, which worvlco Ih
imiilo by the iiubllcntlou of thtn notlco
nml Hie foroi-oliu orOlnnnvo tlitco times
In tbo Mcilfonl Mull Titbunc, inirHunm
to nn orilor of tlio city council of llio
Hiilil clly.
noilT. W TnLl'M.ll.
City Ucconlor.
All ot'iUnuoo ilucbiiluu Hio iihsohniiumiI
on tlio proporty Imnofllotl for the cost of
liiylnu n four-lnoh wulcr niitln on ullvy
tiolwecn Quoon Auueo iienuo nml Juuk
hou lloubminl fnmt KooHovolt uveuuo to
Oifluon Torrnco unit illicutluu tbo rcconl
or tu enter it Hlutoiimnt Ihoicof In tbo
wut or nmln Hon ducket
Tbo City of Mciironl iliitlt nrdnln nn
Section 1 WhoionH. the cllv council Old
lieictofoio, by rosolutloii. Ucolaro Ita tu
loiillun to ly ii four-lnjli iiir m.iin nt,
Hlioy bolworii Quoon Ani' iivinn. nn, I
.InckNoii Jlmilovnitl from I'o.m. iiv.
mio to Orrunn Torrmic aim '. r tie
(iimI lliciriif on tlm ioi'ori fmnii"K ..
Nnhl iMirilou of rnlil Hlf.' tu pn.p.,1 in,.,
In tbo rrmilMKc of NIll ""l lit itml In
flX H Hmo Hllll plH'.'N fr 'I' '! 'K I'lol.MlH
HKNlmit tbo IhvImu uf HHi' ;. r nmln
mi Hiilil pint of milil Htri"i mnl ibo hm-
HI'MHHIont Of HlH (MINI llll'"f IIN nfuro-
And ttlmroHM. unlil rtlimliiilon duly
duly imbllHhi'd HmliHl'i im rioulroii
by Modioli UO of Tlm CliiMor of hui
And wlicroHN, k irieolliii "f tlio mini.
(-11 WHH bold Nt Ih tllflo I plno. flxrd
by nnIiI rrNolutlmi, for l puriinm or
conHldoiliiK nny mioli pr" lm no
Nlltll pllllOMtH IVt-rB llt.M'tlil Mm. IliHilr III
or rooolvod by the (tminpll Mo Iiiiiik
nf mhIiI tBter innlii or tlio iiHN.NNinint of
llio cohI then-of hm nfpniil nml nnIiI
(imni'll liitvlnr cmiHbJorci Hn maiii-r,
Hllll lIlH'lllllIK Hint Willi '"' """!'
Hlid Im of iriNtorlNl benofH '. nhI.1 clly.
llllll HlHt Hll irlrty ' ' HNNrNWll
llionfor Hould bo lioiioflli'i u,. ril.y lo
Hio oxlont of Hih proli"bl nihouiii ..f lb.
rrMprflllVO HMMlHHIIIimtN ' b b t Inl
NKNliiMt NNld irnirty di'' ordir Nnld
mid nmln In hi
And wIiokmn, llio comI of h..pi wnlrr
iiihIii Iinn Immui hiiiI UhthUv tu deli rmlnnl
to lm Hm Hum of $3,140.40
Now, tboroforo, It In Iioj; by fiir-r.-r do
termlnoil tlml tin iiroporlioiM'r Nharo of
bo iioMt of InyliiK wild viui.r rmilii of
rai'h rVNrcol of proporty frontline on mnIiI
imrtloti of iwld Htrrot In tl mnminl rt
opihihIIo lb iloNcrliitJpn of oiitb piinrl
of iHtid bolotv, and llin( ori, p rcr or
IhihI lM.nrrilod by Hio Inylnit of hnIi! wnt
or i win lo Hm fU" ""V"" ':' '" ""'"V"1
mo hoi oppoMllo thu iloitcriiillon of tho
NHnio. anil Hint tlie roMP'otitr mmiinii;
roproNonl the itropoorllmml t"nrfiiH or
hhIiI vtNlor mnfn to im.d rMotir par
rrlN of lHii.1. nnd nloo lb- pr-iporllmiNl
rnmlNico tbrroof on. Mid Ntr(N. Jho
council dooN boroby ilMUr- inrli or th.
IHircolN or propor!)' drMOrtlw.l br ciw lo Im
hnnonnoiI iiiiil oaoli of IlloOTine In rob y In
nNMrNNod tho nmount " "." '', 'J"r j
diHcrlptlon for tbo coHt of l)lnu nabl
wntor main ......
mwN ANNI5 avi:nci: and jack
ANHomimonl No I Quorn Anne Addl
Hon Inc Iot I. block 1. Qu.rn Annr
h. . IllUm. City of Medford. Orjion fronl -huo
60 frrt on Hm rmrtti llo of Ml
Nlloy, hn .loHcrll.! in Vol 75 Pe 429 of
or lb" county rocordor'N rrronJii of Jnck
m,n cmnty, Oroumii M.M rnto l-r
fiMit, 90 coiiIh. nmount. $4.o
AAwNHmont No 2 Quo. n Anno Addl
it.... lm. Lot 2. b ock 1 Qui-rtt Anno
Non county. Orouon; lw
fool. 90 cotN. amount. $1"
AHooMoinont No. J. Quoon Anno Abll
ii,... u,n i.ot 3. block I Qun Anno
. couutv. Orouen: io n-t ri p.r
femt. on contN. amount, nmount. $"",
ANHroimiont No 4 Oilo. n Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot 1. tdook 1. Qurrn Annr
mlillllon. Clly of Medford. rront
huo 60 fo.1 on tho north Hide of oaltl
alloy, un iloHcrHiod In Vol. 7J. pauo 4:9.
of tlm county nconlor'N roconln of JncK
m.n county. Orouen: SO fo.t. ntli' jwr
rtMit. 90 coiiIh. Ninouut. amount $16 00
ANNONNinotit No 5 Qurrn Anno Addl
llon. Inc Lot 6. block 1. Qurrn Anno
Hibllllon. City of Modfonl. Orouon. front
huh SO foot on tho north Hlilo of wild
alloy, hh doMcrllKtl In Vol 75 nam 429.
of lilt county rccordor'a rocordN or Jack
...n nmniv rir.L-on! 60 fort, rato nrr
fool, 90 coiiIh nmmmt. amount $16 00
AiHioaaniont No fi A. W SturulM. tho
Houlh half of lot 0 lilosK I. ijuroit Annr
n.l.llllim. City of Medford, On-uon. front
K 60 frrt on tho north ohlo or iwbl
Nllrv. nm ileocrlbrd In Vnl R5 pni-'o 331
of tho county ri'Corder'H rocorda of Jack-
oon cminly. Orouen: 60 foot, ruto per
fimt. 90 coitta. amnmit, $16 00
AoMroMinriit No. 7. A.ttM. Hlblcbrnnd.
tbo north half of lot 9. block 1. Queon
Anno addition. Clt) of Medford. Orouon.
fnuitaue 60 foot on tho nouIIi nblc of
oNlil alley, nn iloacrlboil fn Vol 7S. imuo
101 or tlio county roeonlcr'H recorda or
Jacknon county Orouen: S" frot; rote
.,r r.wil nn renin moonlit. $46 00
ANNOHHincnt No S Mary (VNoll. lot 10
Hint tho wont hair or lot it. block i. or
tlir Quoon Anno mlillllon. City of Mrd
ford, Oroumi. frtmtHur 75 fool on tho
ooutli Hblo or wild allry. nn doocrltrl
In Vol Ti. imuo 49 of tbo county ro-
conlrr'a rocortlM of .lnckoon counly. Oro
uen: 76 fort nit iior root, ao cinia
uinmiiil. SG? 50
AMaoBMitionl No 9 W K. Itluulmt. tbo
iNHl hair or lot 11 and lot 12. block 1.
Quoon Anno addition. City nr Medford.
Orouen: frnntatto 76 f.t t on llio houIIi
Hide or naltl alloy, bn doHcrlboO In ol
. iwtuo of tbo ooiinlt rocordor'N roc.
ordg of Jackaon count). Orouon. 78 foet:
rnlo per foot, 90 contH amount, C7 50
ANHrHMiuout No 10-Uuoon Anno Addl'
linn. Ino. I.ot 13. block 1. Quoon Anno
nddltlou. City of Medford. Orruon, front-
nm so iwl on mo rn'iiin hiuo in miiu
alloy, an dot-crlboii In ol 75. iwtue 429
of tho county recorder a roconlH of Jnck
nm county, Orouon. in fert; rnlo per
foot. 90 coutH, nmount $15 00
, AHHOHHiuont No It Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot 14. block 1, Quoon Anno
niblltlon, Clly of Medford. Oneen: front
HUO Ml tOOt, Oil llio HOIIIII HIUO III Hlllil
nlloy, iih iloscrlboit lit Vol 75. pauo 429
of llio counly rooortltr'N n'conlH or Jnck-
hoii cminly, Oroumi 10 foot; ruto por
foot, 90 cento iinmunl. $46.00
AHM-KNUicnt No 12 --Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 1. blfKk 3. Quoon Anno
nililltlim. Clly or Motif tint. Orouon. rront
HKit 50 feet on tbo north Hide of rtiibl
alloy, hh tloacrllHsl In Vol. 75. imuo 421
of the county tocorilora roconlH or .lack
fiiii county, OroRon. so root, rato por
root, 00 contH. nmount H,iuu .
AKHONRiuent No 13 Quoon Anno Addl
Hon. Inc. Lot 2. block 3, Quoon Anno
itddltlmi. City of Medford Orouen: frmit
nuo 60 foot on tbo north Hide of said
nilov, uh doHorlbed In Vol. 76. piiuo 430
of tbo county recorder a locoros or .iuck
hou county, Orouon foot, rato por
root. 90 coiuh nmount intuu
AvscHHiiient No It -Outon Anno Atldl
Hon, Inc. Lot 3, block 3, Quen Anno
nililltlon, City of Medford. Orouon. trout
uuo 50 foot on tho north Hide of twit
nlloy, im doHorlbed lu Vol. 75. imuit 429
or the count) reconior h nconiH or jhck.
aim oount. Orouon, 50 f. et; mto par foot
90 coiiIh! nimmiit. $15 on
AHHOHHiuont No 15 --Quoon Anno Addi
tion, ino. i.ot 4. biiH'K a, quooii Anno
Hddlthtii. Cllv of .Medford. Orouen: front
uuo 60 foot on tlio north Hlilo of Hiilil
nlloy. na described In Vol 76. pinto 420
of tbo counly rocordi r'a iccords of Jnck
hou counly. Orouon so foot; r.ito por
root, 90 contH, nmount tiovu.
AMNCMNniont No 16 Utiotin Anno Addl
Hou, Inc. Lot 5, block 3, Queon Anno
nililltlon. City of Medford. Orouon, fiont
mu 50 feet on tho north ldo of Kitld
nlloy, tin doHcrlbod In Vol. 78. pnue 429
of llio counly rncoiilei'H n'oorda of Jnck
mm counly, Orouon 50 foot, mto por
root, uo CCIIIH. itmniim Illt.UU .
AHHOHHiiiBiit No 17 Ouetin Anno Addl
Hon, Ino. l.ol il, block 3. Queon Ann,
niblltlon. City of Mulford. Orouon; front
uuo 50 foot on tbo north nhlo of mi Id
nilov, us described In Vol. 75. imuo 429
nf tlio eoniilv recorder H leoordH of Jack
huh county, Orouon, JO foot; ruto per
foot. 90 conlH, nmounl. na.uu.
ANxoHHiuent No is - Queen Anno Addi
tion, Inc Lot 7, block 3, Queen Anne
nililltliiii. Cllv of Meilfmd. Orouen: front-
uuo 50 root on the uoilh Hide of Hiilil
nilov, iih iloHCilbed lu m . pnuo 4 JO
of llio county recordoi's roconlH of Jnok-
Him county, Oiokoii iwi ruto per
rool, oo conlH. niuouiii. iio.uu.
AHHOHstuent No 10 -Queon Anno Addi
tion, inc l.ol s. iiioci. a, viuuou Aimo
uildltloii, City uf Merlford, Oreumi: front-
HUO OV ICOl OI1 llio norm nilltl ill Hlllil
nlloy. h doHCilbod Hi Vol. 75, pnuo 429
nf the ooiinlv reom-ilei'H ICCOnlH of JniiK.
Hon county, Oiokoii 60 foot; mto por
tool, no coiuh; iiuiomti. iiu.uu,
AHHeMHinniit No L'O OlICOIl Anno Addl
Hon, Ino I.ot 9. block 3, Queen Anne
nildltlnn, City nf Modfonl, Orouen: fuml
nuo 60 fv'ot on the noilli ahlo of mild
nlloy. uh dcHcrlbed In Vol. 75. p.iuo 429
nr tlio county tocortioi a loqntttH or .inou
hou county. Oiokoii Sn font; ruto per
foot, 90 contN, nmount, $16,00 .
AHHOHMinont No Sl Quoon Anno Addl.
Hon. Inc. Lot 10. block 3, Quoon Anno
nililltlon. City of Modfonl. Qroupu; front-
nun av root on tno ainmi hiuo or Hum
nlloy, iih deHOilbed In ol. 76, pnuo 420
of tlio county iccoidei roctuda nf JucU
hoii county, Orouon, 60 fttuti mto nei
foot, 90 contH! nmount $4,5,00.
AhsohhiuoiiI No 22 Queon Anno Addi
tion, inc. Lot 11, biuk 3, Queen Anno
Hiitiitiou. iny oi jioiuoi ... ...r-ijv..
hko 50 frot on thn norlh nI.I.- of nhIiI
nlloy. uh iloocrllioil In Vol 75 tuo 129 of
ii, ,..,i.iv rocorilor'd roc.irdd of jNCk-
Nililltlon, uny oi jiraiuiii. "'" ,"'.:.,
nu SO fort on tlio norlh ito of nnIiI
nlloy, hh ib-ocrlbo.1 In 'ol 7i pitjo 429.
,.f i(u. rniintv rrcordorH n ronlN of Jnck-
.uldltlon, (Mly of Mwlford, OmMrni, front
hih 10 fori on Hm Nmilli Jblo or nahl
Hrioy, na drnwrllioil In Vol 76. ymn IJ
of tho iiounly rocordor'N rooordN of .lm h
Hon ommly. Orouon; fool, rato mr
foot, 90 con to, ainminl, $4600
AHoMmiont No 23 Qilrrn Anno Addi
tion, Inc Loi 12. blocH I, uoon Anno
Hdillllori, CKy of Mfilforil. Orouon, fninl
min 60 frot on tlm Houlh gblo of Nald
Nrioy, hh draorlbod In Vol 78, tmui 420
of tbo county recorilorn rooordN of Jnck
win (otinly, Orruon, 60 frot, rate n-r
fool, 40 centa; ammtnt, $100
ANiuwiNmont No 21 Quoon Anno Addi
tion, Ino Lot 13. block 3, Qiiomi Anno
adilKlmi, (Mty of Moilfnril, Oroirmi; front
hko 60 foot im tho ami Hi jldo of nald
Hllor, hm (Ilfoorllwd In Vol 76, tntijo 4
of tho county rocordor'N rooonlN of jNck
Mon county, Oru'n, 68 fort, rato por
fool, 90 conta. Ninmint, $16
AHHONmiiont No 26 Qurrn Anno Addi
tion, Inc. I.ot 14. block 3, Qtloon Ann
addltlofi. CUr of Mwirord. Orraon; front-
HUH $0 frot oil till) oouth Nhlo of Hold
alloy, hn doacrilHil In Vol 7. lMlo 4
of tho county rocordor'N rconlM of Jack
non counly. Orouon. 60 twi. r(o (tor
fmii. i) cimtH. ammint. $1600,
AHarMHinriit No 26 Qinon Anno Addl
Hon, Inc Iol 16 hlo-k 3 Quoon Anno
aililltlmi; City of Medford OroBoo. front
nuo 60 foot on tho wmih lo of aald
alloy, hh doacrlliod In Vol 76, Imiko 419
of tlio ootinty roconlrrH rocorda of Jack
aim county, Orouon. 50 rrot, rate iMr
Toot, 90 cnitN; amount, $15 0
AmtoNMmnl No. 27 -tjuiiAnti Aildl
Hon. Inc Lot IS. block 3, Qurm Anno
addition. (Mty of MHfonl.Orwn.froi)'
auo 60 foot on lh omtli Nbl" of aaio
ahoy, HN doerlbH In Vol 76. ! 429
of tho county rocordrrM rroordH of -taok-Mon
county. Oroumi. 50 foot, rate Pr
foot, 90 (H-nta: amount, $ I 00
AMnnoimont N 2X Quoon Annt Addi
tion. Inc It 17. block 3, Quoon Annr
H.l.ll thin. City of Mo.iror.1. Ororjon. fronu
hko SO foot on tho noiith ;ldr of wild
alloy, an doacrlbH In .Vol 75. nao 129
or the county recorder a rororda or JatK
huh county, Orouon. 60 frot, rate per
root. 90 centa. nmoiirit. $16 00
ANHOHNment No 29 Quren Anne Ailttl-
tlon. Inc Lot 18. mock . V-orcn -
hou county. Orouon. r"1 Pr
foot, 90 contn; amount, $15 8
AHNONMinonl No JO Quoon Anno Addl
llou. Inc. Lot L block 6. Quoon Annr
addition. City of '-f"-V.0r'l!ol,i,ori,.i
auo 50 feot on the north Hide of aall
Sfloy. an doacrlbH In Vol 76. pan
of tho county rocordor'N roconlH or JNCk
aon county, Orouon. 60 tort, rate ior
foot, 99 centN: amount ilJOO
AHHramnont No 31 Queen i Anne Addi
tion, Inc Lot 2. block J, Quoon Anne
addition. City of Medford. Orouon. front
auo 60 fort on tlir north Milo or fwio
alloy, a dracrlll In Vol. 75. pauo 129
,.r il. o eounlv rreordrrN reoorda or JacK-
Mon cuoniy. Orouen: M fwl; mtc per
root. 90 cenia amount. w- ...
ANNONNinent No 32 Quoon Anne Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 3. block 5, Queen Anno
addition. City of MHford. Orouon; front
hbo 60 foot on tho north ;lde of Ham
alloy, aa docrlbed In Vol 76. aso 429
of tbo county roconlon' roeonln of Jack
mm county. Orruen: 60 root, rate per
foot. 90 contH amount. $15 00
AMM'Nornent No 33 Qureii Anno Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 4. block 5. Quorn Annr
addition. CKy of Modfonl. Orouon. front
aee 50 foot on the north nlilo of Hold
alloy, an dcncrlbed In Vol .6. pauo 429
of tho county roconler'a rocorda of Jack
non county. Oregen: 60 fert: rate por
fool. 90 conta. nmount, $1508
AaorNHmont No 31 Quren Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot B. block 6. Quoon Annr
addition. City of MHford. Orouon. front
ace 50 foot o ntho north oldo of aabl
alloy, hn iloNcrlbH In Vol. 76. pa;o 129
of tho county rocordor'N roconln or Jack
aon county, Orcuon; 50 rrot; rate por
foot. 90 conta. amount. $15 00
Aaoomtmont No 35 Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot C block S. Quoon Annr
addition. City of MHford. Orouon; front
auo 50 foot on tho north aide of nald
alloy, aa tleitcrlbod In Vol 75. pauo 429
..r t). nnuntv roconler'N roconln of Jack-
ynn rumiitv. Orpuen: 50 frrt; rate Iter
foot, 90 conta. amount, $15 00
AHHOHNiivont No JR Quoon Anno Addi
tion, Ilia IOt .. litocK , wiieen inn.
addition. City of .MHford. Onacen: front
no 50 foot on tho noiith aide of nam
nlloy. na ileaorllicd In vol. .ft. lauo
nr ihr roiintv recorder! rrconls of Jack-
ami county. Orouon. 50 fret; rato per
foot. 90 conta. nmount. nuu
AHNONHment No. 37 Quorn Anne Addi
tion. Inc Lot . block 6. Quoon Anns
niblltlon. City or MHfnnl Orouon. front
auo 60 foot, on the aoutli ohlo of nald
allrv. aa doacrllml In Vol 75 paije 421
c.r ihr ootintv ri-conlor'H roconlH of Jnck-
mm county. Orrcon; 60 foet: rate por
f.Htt, 90 conlH. itmouiu. stii
AoooHHinent No 38 Quorn Anno Addi
tion. Im Lot . block 5. Quoon Anno
iiilillllnn. City or MHford. Orouon. front
hb 50 foot on tho aouth aide of said
alloy, an doacrlliotl In Vol TV pn?o 429
of tlio county rocordor'N rocorda of Jack
hhi county. On-uon. SO fort, rate per
font, 90 contH amount. $45 00 '
Aa. j-mnent No. 39 Quoon Anne Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 10 block 5, Quoon Annr
nddlttnn. City of MHfnnl. Orouen: front
nee 60 foot on tbo aouth aide of nald
alloy, na doHCrlbH In Vol. 75. ie IIP
of llio County roconlor'a roconlH of Jack
aon county, Orcuon; 60 foet: rate per
fool. 90 coma- amount, iirou
AHseasmenl No 40 Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 1. block 7. Quoon Anne
mldltlon, Clly or Modfonl orouon; rront
nuo 47 foot on the north side of wild
nilov. ns doacrlliod In Vol 75 pauo 129
of llio eounlv rocordor'N rocorda of Jack
aon counly. Orouen: 47 feet; rate per
font. 90c, amount. $12 30
AHHOHsmont No 41 Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot 2. lilock 7, Quoon Anno
addition. City or Medford. Orouon. front
nee 47 foot on tho noith able of Raid
nlloy, na tleacrltiH In Vol 75. ixtco 429
of tbo county roeonlcr'H roconln of Juck-
ton county. Orouon. 47 foot, rato pop
root, uu coiiin. amount it: an
AHHOHMinenl No 43 Quoon Anno Addl
Hon, Inc Lot 3, block 7. Quoon Anno
itiiiiiiion, i. ny or Aioutoro. ureuon. rront
itue 47 foot un the north aide of wild
nlloy, na doHcrlbod lu Vol 75. 429
of the county roeonlcr'H rocorda of Jnck-
otn county, Orcuon, 47 foet: ntto por
iooi. im ceiiir: amount, it: so
Assessment No 43 Quoon Anne Addl
Hon, Ino Lot 4. block 7. Quoon Anno
addition, City of MHford, Orouon. front
iiuo 47 foot on tho north able of said
tiHov, na described In Vol 75. rwi;o 439
of llio county recorder's rocorda of Jnck
hou oounty, Orouen: 1 foet: rute per
iooi. ii it cenia. amount. it--3u.
AHKOHHinoiit No 14 Quoon Anno Addl
Hon. Inc. Lot 5. block 7. Quoon Anno
niblltlon, City of MHford. Orouen: front
uuo 47 foot on Hio north nhlo of aald
nilov. hh tlOHcrlhcd In Vol 76. pnuo 429
or tno county recomera roconlH or jhck
hoii county. Orouen: 47 foet: nito por
foot, 90 contH- nmount. $42 30
AHHOHHiuont No 45 Quoon Anno Addi
tion Ino Lot 0. block 7. Quoon Anno
addition. City of Medford. Oreimn: front-
aee ii root on tno norm stiio or who
nilov, na tleiorlbod lu Vol 75. pauo 120
of tbo county recorder's leeordH of Jack-
Fan count. Orouen: 47 foot; rnlo per
iooi. uu coiuh; iimnum uju.
ARNOHHinont No 46 Queen Anno Addl
Hon, Inc. Lot 7. block 7. Quoon Anno
niiuiiimi, city or .Mouroni ureuen: rront
neo 47 foot o ntho noutli hIiIo of anld
nlloy, iih doHcrlbod In Vol 75. pnuo 429
of tlio count)' rocorder'a rocorda of Jack-
aon county. Orouen: 47 foot; ruto per
loot, ;u cohih; iimnum t; ju,
AssoKHmont No. 17 Quoon Anno Addl
Hon, Inc. Lot S. block 7. Quoon Anne
nuuiiion, i-ny or .tiourotti, ureuon; rrnnt
neo 47 foot on tho south able nf wild
niiov, ns tioHcrmeii in vol 76. pauo 429
of the county lecordor'a records of Jnck-
hoii county, Orouen: 47 frot, rnto por
lout, vu rouiH; nmounl l- JU.
AHHOHKiuout No IS Quoon Anno Addl
thin. Inc Lot 9. block 7, Queen Anno
mldltlon, I'll) or Metiroid. Orouon; front
nue 47 foot on the south Hide of said
nlloy, nu described lu Vol 75, pauo 429
or tlio county recoulei'a l coords of Jnck-
hou county, Orouon, 47 foot, ruto per
iooi. cu ceiuh: numuui, iwau
AHsesHinent No 49 Queen Anno Addi
tion. Ino. Lot 10. block 7, Quoon Anne
niblltlon, Clly of Medford. Orouon; fronl.
Uuo 47 foot on tbo south Hide of until
nlloy, na described In Vol 75, pauo 4.3
uf the county roeoidei'H iccordH of J'ick
son county, Oiokoii; 47 foot, rato por
root. ;iu contH. uiununi. lU'JU
Assessmout No 50 Quoon Anno Addi
tion, Inc. Lot It, block 7. Queen Amir
mldltlon, City of Medford Orouon, front
uuo 47 foot on tbo south Hide nf said
alloy, uh described In Vol, 75. pnuo 429
of tlio oounty locorder's tecoida of Jnck
hoii county, Orcuon; 47 foot; rato per
foot, 90 contH; amount, $42 30.
AHHUHHiucnt No 6M Quoon Anno Addi
tion, Ino, Lot 12. Iilook 7, Quoon Anno
iiddlltnn. City of Moilford. Oiokoii' front
uuo 47 foot on tho south Hblo of Hnld
alley) as Ueacitbcd In Vol. 75, pugo 429
hi illllon. city or "nori.n-r,i'... ....:
auo 60 foot on the aouth jrtile of Hold
uny. bn doNcrlbo.1 In Vol 75 !: -t
", .I.'.. .....,( rK-onlsr-M rrrordN of Jnck-
of Un oounty rwintHr' rowirda of .lank-
arm ooHiuy, iirouim; il nwu rate irr
fool, 90 ronlM. nmount, I It 39
ANNONNmont rfo 61 -Qooon Anno Addi
tion, Inc f-til I, blook 9, (Jnoon Ann,
addition, Clly of MHford. ororjon; front
age 59 foot on Hie north Hide of aald
Nlloy, hn deacrltHWl In Vol 75, phk
of lh county rocordor'N rooorda nf Jack
eon county, Orouen: 60 fo(, rata por
root, 90 centa: amount, $16 00
, ANNONNinent No 63 Queen Anne Addi
tion, Ino Lot 2, block 9. Qurrn Anne
addition, City of MHforil, orouon. fronl
aua 62 foot on the norlh able of aald
nlloy, hn (Irlbad In Vol. 76. pac 129
of the county reeonler'n rooordN of Jaok-
Mon county, Oroon, 62 foot, rata per
root, 90 conta; amount icsso.
AHHormucnt No 64 Quorn Anno Addi
tion, Ino. Lot 3, blook 9. Quorn Anne
Non eoiinty, OrKen: 62 fret; rate por
foot, '90 oenlx, an.oiint $ld 40.
AiiHMHiinrnt No 6K. Queen Anno Addi
tion, Inc. Lot 4, blook 9. Quoon Anne
addition. City of MHfnnl. Oruon. front
ace 62 foot on the north Hide of aabl
alley, an doacrlbod In Vol 76. pHue 429
of the county rroordrN record of Jaok
noii county. Orruon; 62 foot; rato por
root. 90 cents, amount imai.
ANNONNtnont No SO Quoon Anno Addi
tion, Ino. I.ot 6, blook . Queen Anne
mlillllon, Clly of MHford, Orouon, front
nae 62 feot on tho north nhlo of Nald
alley, an descrlliH In Vol. 7S, pnuo 429
of tho county recorder'a reconla of Jack-
Hon county, Oregon, 62 foot, rato per
root. centa, amount, ni m.
AMHMMinent Jfo 7 Queen Anne Addi
tion, Inc. Lot , block 9. Queon Anno
addition. City of Metlfnnl, Orouon. front
age 52 feot on tho north aide of a.ild
alley, an described In Vol 75, pnu 429
of tnr county rocordrr'N rocorda of Jack
oon county. On con. 82 fret, rote por
foot, jo conta. amount, $1180
Aaaraainrnt No 6 kjuron Anno Addi
tion. 'Inc. Lot 7, blook 9. Queen Anna
Hilillllmi. CKy of Medrord. Oregon, front
aua 52 fort on tho north aldo of anld
alley, an doacrtbH In Vol 75, page 429
nf tlio county rocordor'N records of Jack-
m county, Orouon. 52 fool; rate per
foot, 90 centa, nmount, HO so.
AMOMtment No 69 Queen Anno Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 8, block 9, Quren Anno
addition. City of Medford. Oregen: front
nee S2 foet on the north able of aald
alloy, as .described In Vol 7S. pauo 429
of tno county rocordor'N record of Jack
eon county, Oregen: 52 foet, rate per
foot. 90 cents, amount. $16 80.
Anseaainrnt No 00 Amelia M. Carry,
lot 9. block 9. Queen Anno addition. City
of MHford. Orouon frontage 62 foot on
the north side of anld alloy, as described
In Vol 85. itaue 625 of the County re
corder's records of Jackson county, Oro
Kon; 52 frrt, rate iter foot, 90 cent,
amount. $16 80
ANitoMNmont No 61 Knilllla M Turn
er, lot 10. block 9, Queen Annr addition.
City of MHford. Orouon. frontage 62
foet on the south Bide of said alley, as
doscrlbH In Vol 77, page 31 of tho
county recorder'a rocorda of Jackson
county, Oregen: 62 root, rate per loot,
90 contN. amount. $!!
AasosNinont No 62 Kmlllla M Turn
er, lot 11. block 9, Queen Anno addition,
CKy of MHforil. Oregon- frontage 52
foet on tho south side of said allejr, an
aosoriDoti in vol 7., page 31 or tno
county rocorder'a records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 5! fret; rate por foot.,
DO nmniini fjl '
AHNoasmont No 63 Kmlllla M Turn
er lot 12. block 9, Queen Anno addition.
Clly of Medford. Oregon; frontage 62
foot on tho ooutli side of said alloy, as
described In Vol. 77. page 31 of tho
county rocordor'N roconlH of Jackson
county, Oregen: 62 fert: rate por foot,
90 cents: amount, $46 80
Assessment No. 64. Kmlllla M Turn
er, lot 13. block 9, Queen Anne addition.
City of MHford, Oregen: frontage 52
frrt on tho south side of said allot,', na
described In Vol. SO. page 35S of tht-
couniy rocoruora rocoms or Jackson
county. Oregen: 52 foot; rato por foot.
90 conta. nmount, $16 80
Assessment No 65 Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc Lot 14. block 9. Quoon Annr
addition. City of Medford. Orruen: front
age 62 fort on the south side of mid
alley, ax described In Vol 75. page 429
of Hie county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Orouen: 52 foot, rate per
iinn. vv contH; amntini. ti no
Assessment No 66 Queen Anne Addl
Hon. Ina Lot 15, block 9, Quoon Anno
aiiiiiuiin. t,-iiy oi .Monioru. ureuen: rront
nuo 62 foot on the south side of said
alloy, as drscrilied In Vol 75. page 429
oi me county rocoroors recorus or jack
son county, Orruon- 62 fort, rate por
foot, 90 cents: amount, $16 SO
AHHossmont No 67 Quoon Anno Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 111. block 0. Onren Annr
nililltlon. City of MHford. Oregon front
age a; toot on tno Noutli Hl.le or said
allry, an described In Vol 75. page 429
nf tho county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregen: 52 foet, rate per
root. 90 cents: amount, $16.80
AsaoHsment No 6H Queeh Anne Addi
tion. Inc. Lot 17, block 9. Quoon Anne
addition. Clt) of MHforO. Oregen: front
aue 52 foot on the south side of said
alloy, as described in Vol. 75. run.-. I1
of the ootinty recorder's records of Jack
son county, ureuon; 52 roet: rote per
foot, go cents amount. UK so
AsBTHNrnent No 69 Queen Anno Addl-
miii. inc. i-oi is. mop 9, Queen Ann.
niblltlon. City of Medford. Owntn. frnnl.
ago 60 feet on the south Hide of said
alley, as described In Vol. 75. page 430
of tho county recorder's records of Jack
son county. Orouen: SO foot; nite iter
foot, 90 contH. amount. $15.00.
Section 2. And it Is horobv ordered
and ordained that tho several asMess
mentH nnd tho Hon thorof In enterH In
tho )ator main lien docket of said clt v.
and that thoreupon notlco bo given io
the ouners or reputed ntwicrs nf said
proporty. nnd that the snme be enforced
und collected In tho manner provliloil by
tho charter.of tho city for the collecttlon
of nssoHHrnenlH for the Improvement of
Htreeta therein.
Section 3. It la further ordered that
the notlco nboe pro) bled bo published
three times lu the Dally Mull Tribune,
n newstkipor published and of general
circulation In said city. In the manner
provided by ordinanoo No. 260 of twld
The foregolm; ordinance was tmuwl
by the city ooutioll of tlio City of Mod
fonl. Oregon, on the 2tst day of Novem
ber, 1911. by tho following ete:
Merrick, abnont; Watt, uyo. Wormian,
uyo; Hmorlck, aye; Ktfert, aye, and
Millar, nyo.
Appro) od November 22nd, 1811.
... . W. IL CANON.
Attest: Muyor.
City ltecordor.
To tho otvnor. or reputH owner, of
each pared of proporty desarlbed In the
foregoing ordinance, so iianiH therein
and lu tho Hon declared by twld ordi
nance, as recorded In tho docket of ally
You are lioroby notified that tho as
sessment declared, by tho foregoing onll
nunco has been made and tho lien there
for entered in tho ult lieu docket, anil
that tho Name In due uud you are hereby
required to pay tho name to the city re
conior within ton days from tho service
of thin notlco, which service Is made by
pulliciillon of tho foregoing ordlnunuo
nnd this notlco three times In tho Mod
ford Mull Tribune pursuant to an order
of tlm city counoll of said city.
City ltecordor.
All ordlnunco declaring the assessment
on tlio property benefited for Hie cost
of laying n, four-inch fitter main on
Shcruuin street fiom Geneva roihio to
Stark street nnd directing the recorder
t oontor a Htatomeut thereof In tho
water lion docket
. Tlio City of Medford doth ordain as
Section 1. Whereas, the city oounoll
did luHotororo, by resolution, declare its
Intention to lay n four-Inch water main
on .Sherman street from Geneva avenue
to Stark street and to assess tho cost
thoorof on tho property fronting on bald
portion of said street In proportion to
tlio fi outage of mild proporty. und fU
a timo and Place for hearing protests
against the laying of said water main
on Mild part of mild street and the ns
soHsmont of the cost thereof ns ufoio
And u borons, said resolution was
dllly publtsliod nnd posted ns required
by section 113 of tho Charter of sab.
And whereas, a meeting of tho ooun
oll was hold at tho time and place fixed
by said resolution, for the nurposo of
considering any suoh protests, but no
siiuli prott'HtH worn nt said time nutilo to
or received by the council to the laying
of said water main or tho assessment of
addition, city or aiotiroru, wrocon, iron.-
62 fort on the norlh able of nald
afioy, hm doHciilieit In Vol 76 pau 429
uf ihr ootintv recorder'a roconln of Jnok-
tlm oust thereof nn nforntMht. nml tub!
counoll having cnnMlilerH the f.itutlcr,
nml deeming mat so HI water trutltl huh
nnti in tu iiHiii rim neiiriii in oftiii m1-)
it ml Hint nil properly to In) rjsMbiHci,
inoroior wmiiu on uonoiiioti
fun timftfiy jo
to ninmint of Iffet
I'm. Ittt'Nll
did order mint
tlio extent of the proiwhio
respective nsnoNHmonin
against Nam property
NAi'i main mm
And whoroBN, Hie coit of nald Walter
main has tiern and lioroby In iliilertlilnod
to be tbo Miiru of $606 on
Now, therefor, It In hereby furtltdf dp
tertnlnml that the proportionate sharo of
Hie cost of laying Hold witter main of
oaeh pared of proporty fronting oil liahl
portion of aald atrnet Is the iimount sot
opposite tho ileHoripiiun of ouoli parent
or land Iiolotv ami that each placil or
land benefited by tho laying of mild wat
er main lo the full extent of llio ninoiiiit
no sot opposite the description of (ho
aamr, and that the respective nttimuitrt
raproNriit the proportional bonoflta of
NNld water main to anld rtHtpoittva par
cels of Innd. and a I no tlm proportional
mintage turn or on nam vtrfoiu,
counoll dors hereby doolnro ench 0
pareelM of proporty doscrlbrd boltiW to
aflsonsH ami anoh of lite snmo Iterabv Is
aflsomiH ami anoh of lite snmo hereby
tMwirit tho amount art onooelt en(
anNarii tnr amount art opposite andii
doNcrlptlim for the coil of laying mild
water main.
Asflessmon No 1. N. IT, Humphrnyv
tot 2, block 4, rrultdalo nddlllan. City of
MHford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on lliu
south side of Hhorman Mtreat. as do
seribH In Vol 76, page 191 of tho coun
ty rocorder'a records of Jackson cmintv,
Oregon; r.o fort; rnto per foot, $1.10;
nmount, $SC.OO.
Assessment No 2 W. II. Humphrey,
lot 3, block 4. I'rultdnle Addition, City of
MHforil. Oregen: frontngit 60 foot on
thn south Hide of Hhorman ntrent, nn
doscrlbH In Vol. 75, pnuo 101 of tho
county recorder's records of JiiaKium
County, Oregon 60 feet, rnto pr foot,
$1 10, amount. $55 00.
AHNcHsmrnt No 3, V'. IT Humphrey,
lot 4, block 4, Frultdnlo addition. Cllv
of Medford, Orcuen: frontage 60 feot on
south Nldo of Hhormnn street, nn de
scribed In Vol 76. page 191 of the count v
rocordor'N records of Jnckson Count v.
Oregon; 60 feet, rato per foot, $1.10;
amount, $55.00.
'Assessment No. 4. W. II. Humphre
lot 6. block 4, Krultdnlo ndditlon. City
of Medford, Oregon; frontage 60 font on
tho south sldo of Hhofman streot, ns de
scribed In Vol. 75, page 101 of tho
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 60 feet; rnto por foot,
$1.10, amount, $55.00.
AasesHsment No. 5. Hnttlo Warner
Core, lot E, block 4, l-'rultdalo addition
City of MHford, Oregen: frontage 60
fert on tho south Hblo of Knormnn street,
an described In Vol. 91. pagu 436 of tlm
county rocordor'N records of Jackson
county, Oregen: 60 feot; rnto per foot,
$1.10, amount. $55.00.
Assessment No. 6. W. S. Weston, lot
19. block 2. Krultdnlo nddltlo... City of
MHford. Oregon; frontngo SO feet on tho
north sldo of Hhermar. street, as dc
NcrlbH in Vol. 73. pago 102 of tho coun
ty recorder's rocorda of Jackson coun
ty, Oregon; 60 feot; rate por foot, $1.10;
amount. $66,00
Assesoml-nt No. 7. C W. Austin, lot
20. htocc 2. Krultdale ndditlon. City uf
Medford, Oregon; frontage 60 feat on '
north side of Hherman stroot. as do
scrlbH In Vol. 80. pugo 3S1 nf tho coun
ty recorder's records of Jackson county,
Oregon; 50 foet; rate pur foot, $1.10;
amount, $65.00
Assrs-iment No. 8. C. W. Austin, lot
21. block 2. Frultdale addition, City of
Medford. Oregen: frontngo 50 feot on tho
north side of Sherman street, an do
scrlbH In Vol. 80, page 351 of tho
county recorder's rocorda of Jnckson
county, Oregen: 30 feot; rato por foot,
$110: amount. $56 00.
Assessment No. 9. John TJroivnJco, lot
22. block 2. I'ruftdnlo ndditlon. City of
MHforil. Oregon, frontngo 50 foet on tho
north side of Hherman street. n ile
scrlbH In Vol 77. page 236 of tlio coun
ty rocordor'N records of Jnckson county,
Oregon; 60 feet; rate per foot, $i
amount. $65.00.
Assessment No. 10 Charles Liming,
lot 23, block 2, I'ruitdalo addition. Clly
of MHford. Oregon; frontngo 50 foot
on the north sldo of Sherman streot, nn
described In Vol. 86, page 690 of tho
county rocorder'a records of Jackosn
county. Oregen: E0 feet; rute per fool,
$1 10. amount, $55.00
Assessment No II Charles Liming,
lot 21. block 2, Krultdnlo addition. City
of MHford. Oregen: frontage 50 foot on
the north side of Hhorman Btret, ns de
scribed In Vol 86, pngo 590 of tho
county rocorder'a rrconls of Jnckson
counly. Oregon. 50 feet; nito por foot,
$1 10. amount, $68 00.
Section 2. And It Is hereby ordored
and ordalnH that the several ansess
ntents nnd the llonn therof bo entered In
the water main Hen dookct of said ally,
and that thoreupon notlco bo given to
the owneru or reputed owners of said
property, nnd that the same be enforoH
and collected in tho manner provided by
the charter of Hie city for the collection
of assessments for the Improvement of
streets therein.
Section 3. It Is further ordered that
tho notlco above provide'' bo published
three times lu thu Dally Mall Tribune.
A newspaper published nnd of, general
circulation in H-ild city. In the manner
provided by ordinance No. 260 of said
Tho foregoing ordlnanco wns passed
by tho city counoll of tho City ofi Mcil
fonl, Oregon, on tbo 2.1st day of Novem
ber, 1911. by tho following vete:
Merrick, absent: Watt, nye: Wortmnn.
nye: Kmerlck, nyo; Ulfert, uyo, uud
Millar, uyo.
Approved November 22nd, 1911.
W. 11. CANON.
Attest: Muyor.
City Hcoordor.
To tho owner, or reputed owner, of
oaoh parcel uf property described In tho
foregoing ordinance, so named therein
und in tho Hen declared by said ordi
nance, as recorded In tho docket of city
You aro hereby notified that the as
sessment dcolurcd by tho foregoing ordi
nance ban been mado and tho lion thoro
for entered In the city lien docket and
that the same is due and you aro hereby
n quired to pay the same to tho city re
corder within ten days from tho sorvlco
of this notice, whloli servloo Is mado by
publication of th foregoing ordinance
uud this nolle throe times in tho Med
font Mull Tribune, pursuant to un order
of tho city council of said city.
City Recorder.
An ordlnunco making tho annual tax
Iy of tlio City of Medford. Oroumi. und
tho MHford Itoad Dlstrlat for thu your
The City of MHford doth orduln us
follow h:
Section 1. Thoro shall bo levlod for
the year 1911, the following tax us upon
the aMed valuation nf all tno taxable
piuperty lu the City of MHford, Orafenn,
us shown by tho assessment roll fnr
Jackson oounty, Oregon, for tha year
1911, for tho following purposos. tow(t:
Kor general city purpose, two nnd
clKhMonths (2 8-10) iiiIiIh on tho dol
lar. For debt fund, for payment nf Interest
on city debt, two (2) inlltu on tho dol
lar Kor streot and road purposes, ono nml
five-tenths mills (1 6-10) on tho dollar.
Tho levy for streot nml road purpoHOH
shull be levied upon all at tho laxublu
property In tbo City of Medford, and In
the MHford road district.
Kor general sewer purposos one mill
(It un the dollar.
Tor park purposos. twotenths ("-10)
mill on tho dollar.
Tor library purposos, flvo-tgiiths
(5-10) mills on tho dollar.
Kor tho purpost of oonNtruqllng
bridge, ono (1) mill on the dullur.
Kor tbo purpose of piovldlnu a hJijH
Inc fund for the bonded city dobt, five
tenths (6-10) mill on tho dollar.
Section 2. It Is hereby luiulu (ho duly
pf tho city recordor to certify to lm
oounty clerk of Jnckson County, Oregon,
tho levy made by tills oidlnnnoe.
Tho foregoing ordinance wum iiuih1
he tha nltv ooutioll of tho HIIV or Muil.
ford, Oregon, this 11 tit day of Oecom
her. 1911. by the following vote: Mtr-
rioK. nyo. wan. uyu, vurunnn. uyo,
l-lmerlok, uyo; I.lfurt, absent, und Millar,
Approved December V NOV
Attest: Muyor,
lioivr w. rahvnn.
City Heoordar.
Jlaeklm tar TlnaltU.