PACTE FOUR. MumrottD matt, tribune, MEnirour), om-Aiox, ttksday, DErEMBKi. in, inn, .in rii .! i..u. ,W4ia, AlEDFORD MAIL TlMUUNE csMkuuhtE AN INDKrnNDIiNT NKWSPAl'KH M'HMBtll.U I.VEUV AITK11NOON I8XCBPT miNMAV. IV Till: AlKDI'OUn I'lUNTlNO CO. Tho nentoorftllo Tlnitts, Tliu M ml ford Mull, Tim Mulforit Tribune, The South ru' Orogonlnn. Tlia Anhlnnit Tribune. UffleuMatl Trllitin Untitling, SS-.7-.9 rnaj hi rir BirMi; niuwia, Aiain avii, llunio 7fl UtfOltOK PUTNAM, lftlltor nml Manner v ifntHreil B seooiul-clMa mnltor at M(lfonl, Oregon, under the aat ot MRftli J, ISM Official l'.iw ot the City of Mlfartl. official l'niwr of Jnctown County. ..iv.w.nnf vtjtn.T'a ono yir, y t.mii .....i oo IVr month, iMIvcteil by oarrlor In MwirptM, jBohmnvllla ami Con- .. til 1'olnt .,. .J8 fetutitoy onlv. by mall, rr yrar. . 5 60 Wcuklv mr year l.M TALENT TRAC George Gardiner Shows Officials of Oregon Agricultural College Over Tract Offered for Experiment Sta tion, Near Talent. Regents Wilson and Woatltwby, ac companied by Prof. Lewis of Iho Ore gon Agricultural oollope spent Mon day nt Talent looking over the pro posed site for the branch experiment station. Tlioy wore shown over tho tract by George Gardiner of Talent, who has been active in tho realtor. No decision was reached by Jhc of- fioials as to their action. Tho county today through Com missioners Owens anil Davis offered the school a portion ot tho county poor farm as a site. Mr. Owons also offerod thorn a 40- iicro tract near Kaglo Point for which J Fred X. Cummlngs has offered themf free water. HONORMENWORK WELLJAYS BOSS John Grieves, Who Directs the Work on the Crater Lake Road, Is Vcli Pleased at Manner In Which Honor Hen Do Their Work. John Grieves, who dire is the work of the honor men on tho Crater Lake highway, is enthusiastic in his praise of tho manner in which tho men un? working on the road. They accom plish much, according to Mr. Grievo, and in an excellent manner. Mr. Grievos was in Medford Monday, hav ing come down to visit relatives at Central Point. "Tho men aro doing splendid work, I nm glad to state," gaid Mr. Grievo!, "and are wall in camp. There has been no trouhlo of anv kind." (Paid Advertisements.) FOU CITY TREASURER. Inasmuch as Leo L. Jacobs has declined to again run for city treas urer I hereby offer myself as a can didate for that offlco at tho city election to bo held In January. GU3 SAMUELS. 1'OR COUNCILMAN FROM TUB THIRD WARD I hereby announce myself as a -andIdate for councilman from the Third ward at tho coming city elec tion, J. T. SUMMERVILLE. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL MAN FROM SECOND WARD 1 hereby announco myself as a candidate for councilman from Soc ond ward at tho coming election to he held January 0th, 1912, In the city of Medford. P. E. WYNKOOP CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL.1L1N FROM THE SECOND WARD Whr Councilman Wortman of the Second ward has decided to ru tin 1 lioraby announce mysIf as a jtudldHte to succeed Mr. Wortniun in the city council of tho city of Medford, Ore., at the coming eloc ilon to ba Imld in buld city on Jan uary tHb, 1912. EDWARD 0. IRELAND. CAjNRIliATU FOR COUNOIL5IAN ' FRO.M FIRST WARD I hereby announco myBOlf as a candidate for councilman from tho Firat wnrd at tho coming election to bo lipid January 9th, 1912, in tho city of Medford, Oregon. L. O. PORTER. FpR COUNCILMAN FROM THE FIRST WARD REGENTS VIEW J horaby announco myself as a candidate for councilman from the Fjrst ward at tho coming city elec tion. J. W. MITCHELL. WE LIVE THE Hoguo River Valley is certainly a most wonderful place. Wo who have lived hero for years and thought we were familiar with its every highway and by way, who played a part in its development, do not much about it, after all. At least this is the conclusion forced from reading the Ashland Tidings, through whose columns sounds the knocker's anvil chorus. We loam from perusing the Tidings that the Orator Lake highway is an impracticable route, and that the "most accessible route from tho Rogue River valley to Oarer i.ako is by the Dead Indian road. ' All ol which is news to the world. "Wc are told also that Ashland ami vicinitv will be called upon to pav about one esr on ino . i .ouu.nut; issue 01 roau nouns, jsuen an arrange ment would delight tho balance of tho count v but how is it to be consummated? Ashland is assessed for about one thirteenth of the property of the county, less than half of Mod Ford's assessment to be exact, Ashland pavs taxes on $3J&VMG valuation. Bedford upon $tif471.8m on a total county valuation of $39,000,000. How is Ashland to ay half the bond cost? Perhaps the Tidings intends to pav it for her. i i. .4. "r in. I. The Tidings is most pugilistic for such a peaceful lit tle city. The editor announces that he has met none of the county court members, has "heard they are splendid gentlemen to meet, ' but it they propose to sacrifice Ash land, he is "ready to put on the gloves or go it bare handed." As boxing contests are tabooed in Ashland, here is a chance for Frankie Edwards to got a match that will draw better than coons. Just what the Tidings particular grievances are, ex cept that it wants a fight with some one, Medford pre ferred, and is spoiling for a spanking, is hard to guess. Its editor hasn't been here long pnough to know whereof he speaks, but is permitting his paper to be made a sewer of to dump on tho world the concentrated bile of the com munity soreheads and knockers. But Medford doesn't want to spank or fight, particu larly this glad Christinas time. It has only goodwill and good fellowship for all, including our charming little sis ter city to the south Ashland. THE NAGGING OLD HAG. THE poor old Oregonian on which she cannot his prison policy. This nagging old liag of journalism is perpetually scolding, berating, fretting and stewing. Nothing under the sun pleases her, that is, governor. Trivial incidents arc distorted and magnified, halt' truths smm into whole lies, tion in fact one is created in fancy. ' aiWh voi.'."." Tr th ...: I The governor is grilled for leaving the state, roasted S"'"""' PJe"rek?itwVK.v-! fpr booming Oregon, denounced, for drawing his sahir r'-xXsmiiiiit.iuie-u o.-i'orur. i - X- i? i i. Xs- hloek 1, rrultilaJ Hildltlon. City of I excoriated lor sins oi. omission aud-ol commission too : MPironi, OrwKon'.miaK. so ti ,i . ,-, ', . n ,, .. , i tho vrt IOo of no,tvpH avenue, m numerous to catalogue and most of them inaiiuiactuiacdiiMcriiMi in wi. wi pik.., of n! ,-, . county rcconlfi'H tcorlM of Jnckim lOr tllC OCCaSlOn. county. Orcuen: 50,fel; ntc jmr foot -,-, i iti . i ' II 30: amount. J65 DO. Kvevv pniivwr ii nrnntnil an Iiniini- rn.-m nvori' iini'nlrfl i AHwanmcnt Nn ? i, o I'ortr i- , , , , ,. , .' ,'.,- prisoner labeled an escape, everv tresh crime described as . . , i? ai i i i j j t ' an instance oi ine iaiiurc 01 treating prisonei's as iiunuuii,rov,o '" . .. -.. . ..... oi.... -. . county rrcoMor uiiiio. jcuyoijom jo lAlomu, il ililKliilltli. iiuiioiii aiumui reputations bemuddied all 'to belittle and begrime one who happens to wear a different political label. With herbver wagging tongue hung in the middle and flapping at both ends, this eternally scolding fool female of her species is certainly noisier than the male if not at all deadly. lir.n.rrc? KinhOKmni ic Avrn ELKCTRIO qilRISTMAS GUTS, j which only have to bo seen to be While buying Christmas prosontajaPProciatod. many peopje overlook tho essential I Thl3 -'nipany also has electric feature-that of buying something. Christmas decorations of many de worth while. No person Is there .-PMm which aro sold at pr ecu who would not appreciate some ar-'very reasonable. a VootIoss ttclo whteh thi,v could n..t to nr.-.c-lJIazda Tungsten lamp, guaranteed to tfca'l use, cither by thomsolves or about tho home. "" i-uu"''" "-, "'"""" When looking for something prac-1 "y d,oes ,nl1 tho big building Heal, something useful, and at the I w,r n ,nndA f,xt,,irf, '-- -n same time beautiful, do not overlook I f'ford. A specialty made ot wlr tho electric cooking appliances being lnK 0,d 'ullu,nBa. offored by tho Southorn Oregon EIoc- j trie company, at thoir salesrooms on ' The crop of fool T-iii't governed hy North Crapo street. Hero yon will ' the law of supply and domnnd. find combination electric cookors, I -, - electric percolatc-rs and a variety of Talk is cheap. Givo us the silonl other electric cooking appllanci-s lndy on tho hilvor dollar every time. Sacrifice Jewelry vSale 25 to 50 per cent off on Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks WATCHES .Regular $1 "Watches, sacrifice Sale 65 Workmen's Watches, regular price $0, sale....Jj3.95 17 Jewel Elgin, Waltham or Koekford, regular price $15, sacrifice sale ....$9.35 Ladies' 0 size Elgin, Waltharn or Swiss Watches in 20 yoar filled cases, regular price $18, sac-- CLOCKS Alarm Clock, regular price $1, sacrifice sale 65 .Mantle Clocks, regular price $8.50, sacrifice $-1.95 TOILET SETS line Silver Plated Toilet Sets, three piece, brush, comb and mirror, regular price $9, sac rifice sale $5.35 KELLER, The Jeweler, TO LEARN. half the principal and inter- 1 , 1 -. . evidently counts that day 1( lie about Governor "West a lost nil nothing that is done by the and when there is no founda-' nl iii,iii,ut-.iin.iiiio,i Dim in ' burn stoadlly for 700 hours. fPli . (? 1 nM AaAHin T.lrtrt ! K CITY NPTICES OUDINAHOH WO. WC. All riUl)tlcv t0ltlf I 'i. Hi. ilNMMMMPtlt till tilt lnolH-ilv lilnru I ll'l lll I'KKl II f lnylllK It 'HKH' WM ' 'li.llll till ItOOM" Volt ft wit h niln( uiu i i north of Main wtroot to tli fitiryi -Mi nf JncltMtui lUrvt'i nml iliitHUliiur tin- ii'ttirtloi ic u. lor h aiittt'iiitMii thi'i ! in ibo wntvr main Him thwHi-tJ ., Tim Oily tit .MMftii.t ttti nrtlnlit t iouciwm; PlMIIIWl I. VKli-HX Hi,, city iNiiin 'lutl.m. tlt'tM tr. oltil yai,'r flout a point yii mix itvn'iuiurt', uy i I IIh llilf lit lim tti lav i IIIHIII Oil UtHMtfWlt M i a ii uwrtn r at mirth tit tr jnchmm mi nml to h tint ttwt thmtriir th' tirly rrtintlnK on mltl. imrtm f hl Ktrwl In iirtiporllim ttr tin fi.mtuKf tif nultl riMty, nml rtx u tinu itml ilm fur lirarlliR imUmtH lipidi'.i tht UytnK flf HIINi 1 1,1 wit ' jhiIiI wutvr iitnln on cKl utrt hf m it Btrif l Willi llirt AMitvni. Ill tif lli IHWl tlu-rmif hx wfmoNjfrt nrin Anil vflnH, jiuUl M'n 'lull. nt a IM. Mlllll bv illltl.,1, AHM IIUlV iilillMhtil umi iiOKtthl i ritittiml Hty M-VtllMI lift llf tll t'llHtl.l tl -:ii KllV Ami wlivitnH, A inwiinit vt thu i-biim I'll WM heltl Rt llm tlin. mill ilm' riNwl ty nI,1 rvNOInllim, rnr tuir(HWK nf ctnHiiiirinK ny nJiuii iii.i, liut im Biioh irotwtti wpjv tit i-' .1 tlitu' iiii tu or tvtsilM'tl hy tin. tMi .. m tin, Inylmr nr wM WHtrr nmlii r in .Km-upmrnt of Urn wmt thKrmf im ,,t.n.sul, nml mmIiI council IihvIiik' coji!.i. .1 iw timtUr, nml tlremliii; that nn ul uitlcr nut I it n ul 1m of mntrrlul Ihm. rit to twhl nltv, Hiitl that nil roiri to Im- KHNtMHt t hprofiir wouhl t,o Inn. ful Uiph-Iiv tfl th ixt,'iit or Hit. itruiuM iiiiimmt n tin tmjoll nuNeismiit'li' hi ! Irvlrtl uimiit KHiti iirtnri UI irlr nultl rthl timln In !,1. w Ami wlmrwin. tlm c"t nf until watvr tiinln h hKt ami In r. tv im iteicrinOu'tl to uo thm mim of Jj;: in Now, tliTriiro, II Im t,.r hy further tlr termlneil tlmt thv iriiuniiiti Nlntrr nf Im cost of InyliiK guild unlrr inttln of tiuh imrrvl of pi0ImI fmntliiK on onli! lmrtlon of Mtlil Mir! I" tin- nninunt iipiHWIt th ilonorllili"" nf tch imrerl of html Ih'Iow, ttinl tlmt inch ilfo or iHirvwt tu iHtitl lx IKTItml liv 1h uylnv: nf W1i,i Hir uuiln to Iho full nxtout of Ui.' mitount HO it 0lHMllt tllH ,1. .'lllllll "f th.' wmiif, mill Hint tin. i, -i.. cilr itiiinuiil rttrtwnl Hut iroMni" liem-flu of wtlil wntr iiintn tn m l rmiotlvu ltr H'I of Imul, nml hN.) Hi.- iroitirlluiinl frontucn thrHir on it.l strwt. th,' council ilun lirrkv ,1. clur.. inrli nf tin IHtrcelit of tiroiwrty ,i. f.-riiHil imlnw to, Htxciut'il nml enoh of tin x.iiuo h, i.-hv H nnmM?en tin ninuinit ti-t miiKmlti tiii'h inscription for lh ol, of lajlnic biI.' wnter inn I it. ASSIS88MKNT VOIl A titlNTII WATKII MAIN. UOOSUVI3I.T AVIATU I'ltOM . A lOtNT 980 I'KKT NOHTII til MAIN STltHliT TU TIIK NtlllTH SUM! Ol' JACKSON XTItr.KT AittHstiiiit No. I. V HtorlM, th. otith hnir ol lot 7. Mm k I IJuwn Ann,' atlillttnn. City of Mnlfnrtl, OrcRou SS lS f,t on Umi -t mUIp of llw. vi'lt niuu, h ili'Boriti. .1 tn Vol ' tK 3St ot the couMn n rvrtlfr'M r coriln of Jackwin court v. Or.-icon N ' feet; mtr r foot. It 1 .immint. ITS ' AfMNinvnt No. I- tjiitfn Anntt AiLli Hon ln4,. tht north h.ilf of lot -block I. Qun Anin, ray of Mvtlfortl. OrKOiR froninit.' is . fct ,m th t Hltl of IuhhwyiH nvnii. hm il. crlbttl In Vol TS. iwk l.'ii nf the conn ty rtxsoruVr'M roonlii of Jrkon rotinc OroKtm; s. rtwl; rt. . r fmit, J I to amount. J'.08. , An.'ntlilMiit No 3. I f Witril. lot ; lilnck 3. Kriiltibtl HthhlUm cit of Mid fortl. OnRen: fronUif" 10 f.H't on lh wept sl,l of l(ooavrlt av.niir, um ilc Kcrllnxl In Vol. 70. mu 31. of th county rwHJnler'B jvcnnW f Jnoknon county. Orwirun: JO. frt rt iwr foot It 30. amount. iCl.OQ AMMKHinnt No. 4 rjooritc II llerrlck. lot 3. Mock 3, l-'rilltilnli' Hihlltlon. i' of Mislfonl. Orpnii: fromim, 30 f.-vl on .V&ffl ?,"V V?1 TTii." county reconlfr'M rwnriN of JMckno' county. Oregon:-(0 f.t. rnte rr foot 11 30; amount. IG5.08 Aiwiwniriit No S I. O 1'orlT. In' 4. hlock 3. FrulttlaU aihlltlnn, Cll of .Atcurorn. urrenn; rmntaKc so rt on tm- 'lee' 3 Krultttale niMltlon. Cltv nf Medfom. oron- orntanc. so f.t on "" weal Hide of RoomivoH nvcnti. na I ... IMIX- . of III. a r-cnrt of .lurkHitn county, Ort'Kn; SO fat. rate pr out. t GOOD HOUSKREPING NEWS VOL. I. DKCKMni'.!. Rcgitrtllng the New I'rlcllou Top I'ail for Columbia Tjiril. We roallzod somo tlmo ago that , . , . , , , . , the palls In which Columbia Lard waH contained wero nullhur attrac tivo nor practical, and wo have been endeavoring for some time to securo ...i. ....... ,i, ,., ...., " '" " "V " '"""' "7 " tuuiu ui tu ,iu uuuvu oiuiiiiiuun Wo havo Just adopted tho latogt and host pail on tho market, known as the Dantz Friction Top Pall. It Is absolutely air tight and It Is put together without tho use of a par- tlalo of solder. It does not have to bo pponetl with a can opener, tho lid being immediately removed by pry- Ing It off. It doos away with all' trouble heretofore uxporlenced with cans that had to bo cut opon. and N SILVERWARE Silver PJalcd'Salt iuid Popper Shalccj'rf, regular price 75c, sacrifice sale .' .'. 30 Cold IMeitt Fork, regular.rice $1.:5, aacrifie , sale ......' I .- 05 Berry Spoon, regular price $,50, HaerificO sale 85 20 Pieces of Silverware in a nice Cabinet consist ing of 0 k'nives, ( forks, (i large and 0. small spooiiH, sifgarlielljnrd bufto'r' knife, jtfgulnv '- . )Hfto $15,Vacrifico said $9.75 Thoi'o aro number of out at a great sacrifice y . iV: CITY NOTICES. (I .1n, Himninl. i)it ui) ' itrtUhm tt Ami tl In liPithv urili'it'tl ami uithiliivit t lint tin hi ttrtl hmx.'nh tllKlllM Hlllt till lll'IM llli I'llf h, t'lltt'l't'll III lh witti't- iiintn lltu tliK'Kt'l nr xulil iMIv nml Unit t(irtiiMiii nuth'o l Kl'ii to III," UU'IIOI'M nr lointf(l nwiirIM nr Mlllll Hn"i'tv nml tlml I In' niiim lx, mifimm nml t'tillt'Ctt'tl hi tin- nuiiitim- imivhlnl h tlit I'lmiltii' nf Ihti oily fm tin. onllncttli' if HMtimitnpiiiH lr Oif liiuirnvfiiiftit ul MllWlN tlll'l't'lll Ht'otlim x It m rurtlii'i' tinier'!! lliiitl Hit mitii'f hImivo ihhMiU'iI l' imliiUlii'ilf ihi- iiiiun in tin' minv ivinii Ti'imnii' h iittiivuii'i' iiililuiit il mill of itiii. ml I'lit'Nliillim tu mill fit)' in ti. muiint.r imiMilml , nnlliiHllCK Nil, ISO nr Midi 'Hi". ' Tll fiJI'PKullIK OllllllHlll' WKM tlHHNfit liy tlin tills t'tniiiDll nf tlif (Ml im tun I'tiiiiiim nr Hit' I'llv nr Mm ntrti, wiKini, tin tun ll lir. 1DII. by tlin fiillow rmtl, (iKini, mi tlm tlDt iluy of Ncmiii r, iuii, ny mo iiiiiiumih vitu' Mmi'tiili, MtHtiiti Wntt, ayt Wnrlniitii ): ICini'iK'K, ni Hrfvrl. ii'. mid Km'ri, , Mlimr, nytv Aiirntil NutHlMr Sliul, tttl V. II CANON. Attt'Nl: w MMor ItOMT V TICI.ri.ll. City ItncouWr. nothVn. Yo tht owimr, or 1,'tmlei) nvnr, nf nch Hircl of iiroporly ilfiirltKl.lii lln nilVKtlllllt OIHllllMIIC M IIBHU'll thl'lt'lll ml In Ui llii uVrlnrctt hy Mhl ortll iiHiuHi, hn 1,'cnriltnl lii th ilivcUnt of city IWiim: You nn hvrchv mitlfl,tl Hint llim an Jt'Miinent ilrrlhrwl hy lh fmvtfoliiK orill iihiicm Iihm lii'ii iiimiIw nml Dim lien tliino for ontcroil In lhi oily Hm tliH'Kft, mul tlmt tint HMine Im tlu mul nii m licrolij Hiiiilnol to wty the Mtmn tn Hit, olty lf cottlrr wlllilu ton th)M finin ttm ntrvhn of ll'U notliw. which iktvIoo In uwilo hy piiliHiitllnn nf tln ftiicKOhiK ortlliuoux' ml ihlH nolle tlinnj IIiiiom In thn Mvil foi. I Mall TrlliiniM, inimimnt to Hit uiMeir of tnt oily oount'll of tutiil city ItollT. W. TICI.l'ICU, Clly itroiilr. IiiiKh todtiv; vonr nont nr Imitinr limy ho nut nl' I'liiiiinisinu InimiriuM'. Noyes& Black llOfSi: AM) SI(J IMINTlNtJ lrl to!)nt Auto mul I'liirlttKo I'nliitlUK, (lol,! I.t-uf HIkmk mul Intvrliir Dccorntlntc Sicclitlty. S. Cniio nml Kllli SI. Offlctt lMuitic 7771. It 72 15.. All Work l'ofltlxrly Uuitriititt'ctl fact Unit tlii- hiiiiulr i. and IiNgicnic throtik'hout Unit Unit you cn scud your family wash here wilh tho grtmtoiit uoiUlilcnuc Our work is entirely n ( in fa c Uny in every way. 0n Ii-imI in uiioukIi to cotniiico you. The StarSteam Laundry MKOKOItl) I'jitiflr laoi. II, iiiic (KJ. 19, 1011. No. which loft sharp, rounh ixIkch. With thla can there are no ihIk, TllC, atltliiv r.Au ,t,nv tin i.Muil hi ,, , ,, , , . ,, 'ho lionnevs'lfii an cnntnlnorM for all kluds of food productM, such nit ct roals, apices, dried fruits, ton, coffee, off. Tho lnrL'iir mIvim, mnv lu, nunit - ,.,.. . . , ,, for cakes, crnckera, or as water palls. in fact they are practical for any kind of liquids. Tho now rod, whlto and blue label '" """ lniiti, in wi.u lv is pitrna- ,n t0 lho oy" nn1 fl8lly nm'1' w" Uuvu -P-"l "r ulif.lil design with ,lu hhlel'1 "-"'It'-marjc In tho centor "f lhl ,Hho1 al"1 " w0"-" ,"l"l'"" ltm,Hl ,,,"" ,",,, lrinlnnU '''bo host lard -Columbia iiow In tho best pall. I'NION MKAT CO. a'rLicles closing J IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will liulltl you a linmo nn miintlily payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. nml H. Co. niillillii( IfiliJJ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1'OR SALE! Ilotmca in all inula of (ho clly, from $701) lip. UiO mi fa ft milt' nut, IG0 ior uoiv. in tiMva at (Villi ul Point, nliiiit od. $3500. , 110 (terra Miiod buy, 3 1 iioroH ( mllm out. Want llti(iiiK of ttuioniio and lllMllK'M. MiaClflLLANKOUa lloimoa to rout lu il If for mil par In of thuo tilty. TUADI3 112 nrrctt nt ItonulHiiK. JtSO acrtm mntr Albnny. l Ihhihoh In 'iHttto to tnulo for itcrt'itKO. KUl liiiirtivoil In Colorailo. A fitio Iiiuiho In Oraiiil Junction Colo., for luitiao liuro. FOR KENT 3 furiilahml Iioiihuh. WANTED To lilro a Umin (nr 2 wooks or iimro, I..MIM.OVMENTI Mlnr. WiuiH'ii to cook on ranch. (Jlrln for hiiuaowork. E. P. A. BITTNER ROOM 7, PALM BLOCK Opposito Nanh Hotel I'liiii.o II tit Home. 1 1. PLUMBING MTKAM AM) HOT WATKR Hi: ATI NO All Work (:tiarntna4 .'rice HonnonnbU W tlnwnnl lllock, Kii(rauc on mh Hlrccl. Coffecn & Price I'uclflc Home MID EAGLE POINT LIVERY iSTABLlL Tho tiiidi-rnlKuod having Just complotad a lariso nw livery stable In ICmkI" l'olitt, v.o Invito the travul lug public to call and examine our rigs, tenuis, etc., all being In first clasri condition. Our motto Is to Live nud Let Live Phono at stable mul rwddoiici'. Call central. H. II. ll.MtMSK .i HUN. 1'ropt. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE South Rlvcraldo New and ( Modern In cuiry pnrtlciilur, gns cook- lot, hIiiiiii liciit, etc. W'.micn mid glrl.s iniiht bring refer- eiict'H. W. M. SMITH Home l'liouo H1K. We Have Moved Tho J. T. nrnadlqy flower store lu now lu tho M. F. & Tti stnro, nnposu tho street from former location. Choice lots of cut flowers, bulbs,' ferns, palms, etc., al ways on hand. J. T. BROADLEY f v " W ORDER YOUR SWEET CREAM "Coffco or AVIilpiiutl i BUTTER MILK BUTTERMILK Medford Cream and Butter Co. Two 1'rco Dulivcrics Dally NATATORIUM nUII.DINO IMioiichi 161-L Main 881 WHIiRK TO "GO TONIGHT 6 AVOY THEATRE 11 ml er Neiv MAimKinnl llritt Itml, Mct'tiK! I Mutliin I'loluiim. Cloiin Hlmw, ( uiirli'inin Trouliiiniii, 1'iuiiK It Hull, Prep. nc mi: ( it: vrs n I8IS T II IS A THE THREE BIG ACTS cu'itirm: ami iiyiii. ivipiiniiiixiM liili'iiitiii'liiK Home of tho lutiil fNt foiilH liiiown lu Um lutud bill Miii'tiiK biiHluomt, woinlornO u KtiviiMth nud itKlllty, prououiit'iid nn umrMdit of llio luu'obulli' worlil. NKCONO Tho Tltoo Sliroili'N hi iiuolhor of thoir ili-ronrlni: fitrro t'oiiitMlltm- a Hinoiiin (nun Htail to (IiiIhIi oiio llf the limt out luiiKh pi'ovohorH Unit tivnr vln ttod Mndford. Unity Vloltit III ww MOUKN mul diiiii'HH, ubliili Iiiih won fur lift tlm iittuio of tho Kroattwl llttln ilillil iictteM In Aiiiki Ion to ilny. Tlllltl) I'. A. .Miitliiiiiii Chlof Klortrltliiii V. II Atliiutlr lliittlfMhlp I'li'i'l, In lilrt fourth mid hut Icil ii to. tiildtiK you lliroiiKh nml ilwtrrlliliiit ,liiniii. conlliielni: UiioukIi CIiIiiii. ('i')Ioii. Sutits Ca nal. ICitviit ami wiuit' of Um Intor- OhtlllK t'ltltW III tllO Ml'llltl'llllll'llll Hon TliU Ih IiIh luHt mul iiiohI liiloroitlliiK norli'M nf lho Krottt At-IhiiIIi- liitltlttdilii I'lfft 4irmiiitl tint wot lil. Mm by nil nii'UiiH don't IttlMM )H'llllll)t llllll cSTAR THEATRE iiiDii ii:irr oi' i'ii-m -khhi Tin: I'ltllti: !' A.MIUIION 'I'lii IIIIiir ltuiiijiiiro nf n HimulMh Clrl. Tin: sroitY oi' Tin: i.nhm.s I.I.IM.'I. A Inliino Iilon I'Uyttil In lltmutl fill I.OtJtllolKI. Tilt. lltll'Si: Hint ,l.(Mi IIIMI.T 1'owrrful llritiuu. wiio'H who (H In on thin, II'h o normiin Ali SA'IIIHK III IMjiulur Siui;. Till. WOOIAVOItTIIS In Mimic niiil l.ffocltt. AiIIIiUhIoh 10 t't'lltM Miillnif V.wry liny Valley Second Hand Store llujH nml HHIh Horoiid Hand UooiIh, Coppur, llrnuM, Itubbiir, titc M. J. I'lLCMKIt, I'rop. in North 1'lr Home am Iloll lM'2 L. N. JUDD OrrliititU, Hoiiii'N anil KnriiM In it ThrlvliiK Cuntor In out) of thq (Inrdun SpotH of Hokuo Hlvor Vnlloy. .TAM.NT, ()Hi:0()N Tun Electric Rooms 1!IH Wt'Ht Mnlii Undor Nciy 'MiuiiiKPinont Nmvly fiirniHlii'tl, nil modern, Hti'iiin.hcut, IiiiIIih, ota. Koto 10. Itoikwoll, I'rop, . Rock Spring Coal OK KAXD AZ.S VHM VMOI. Offlrtt uud Cou! VurtI, Twtdfth ! Front HlrwiU. ritono 7101. ' j Burbidge VXX OO-UC UAUr f I ' . 103 W. Main St. -" -- t '