t V, f" m MEDFORD NATS, TRTDUNF, MF,nFORDi'OIWflOX. SATURDAY, DECEMBER Ifi, 1011. PAClfi FIVE vrT?,i"'M,V'l'l'MrN. Mnrtlu Mcpunoiigli Iiiih rc- . C ' I ..,.,.. l.,.l,.,ll III.. ..I. ...i (ill nun ll "in tiiiMiiiiin, tt iinii, wiiiiiii hIio iittotiilud tlio funeral or Imr hIh (or, Mm. 10, II, Tliotiiimon, formerly of llnkor City, Oru, On Tiichdiiy, Docoinbor IDHi, n hiiIo Of fnncy ni Helen mid imlnllugH will ltd opMiicd In Dim building adjoining tlio Model Clotlilug Co, for tlio bono fit of Ht. Mnry'n Acudtiiny, KrlnmlH of tlio liiMtltiitlon liiivn tlio linxnur In cliurgo, ami will lio nronont to wol roinn oury oim lntuKmlml In tlm dlf. furuiil llnt'H of iKimllnwork mid nrt. Tli it hiiIii will roiillinii) duilug tliri'n diiyii, cIiikIiii; Hit, 2 IhL with tint ruffling" of tlm liiiudiioino juilntlng of Oiattir l,uj(o, now on nxlilliltloii In tlm Medford Kuriilttiro Mtoro, anil tint bountiful doll In MoDow'ijII'h window. iiLOCAL AND? liPERSONAL 4'l"HtH MIhh HiiiIIo IloVoio, it tmuiluM' 'In tlio Wuiililnittoii hcIiooI, loft tlllH winning to Hpoiiil tla liollitiiyn with frloiulii In Oaklnnil, Ore, mid In I'orllniiil. Mm. Kind" tun! iliiiiithtor, .Inmilo ItiiHo, loft tlilu niornliiK for "(Iranlti I'iimm. v A Mutual l.lfn policy initld'n tlm lii'Ht ClirlMtiiinn iiroHitut, Kuo Hilton. 331 .l K. OIhou Ih In Ccintriil I'olnt to day on IiiihIiii'hh, y, Alux (I. Iluilgn, it iituilimt In tlio Hliiiifnrd iiulviimlly, nrrlvod In tlm (illy vi-Htitiday mnl will hiuiiiiI tint lioilduyH with IiIm iiiiioiiIii, Mr Mim, Win. Iludgo. Clirlnt iiiiih rm dii ami nilniidnm at I'OHt. Iliindlrriift KliOl. -'HO' Mr. ami Mr. W. I'. I Mil of flrruilH I'iimh wyrn n'glntorod ill tlio now Mmlfortl linli'l lit m t night. (luy Itlnck of lliiiii'burg wiih In M I'd ford yi'Hloiday. (lot it policy In tlm blggcitt lift) In Hiiruiu'o roiiiinny In tlio world for ynumtilf, your wlfu or your rlilldron. N. Y.'j.lfo limuriinru Co., A. 1C. Warn ngi'llt, Itootu ail Juclitinn Co, Dank IiuIIiIIiikh. 2:10 Mr, mid Mm. Jiuw'h Hmltli, of Hiiiitn Cruz, Cnl., roturncd to tbt'lr homo yitnli'rday nftur u vIhIi with frli-uilH In Itulto I'alln mid sllli Mr. nnd Mr. J. K. Watt, of thin cilty, who wm i) Hiidr frlciuU of childhood day. ClothcH cloaiicil and prwuuM. Vo N'lfty. 230 Mm. II. II. Iioynr. of I'IiohiiIx. wan In Medford yiwtorday. ClirUtiuitH ralnndarM at cont, linn dlcruft Khup, 330 II, V Clark returned yHtordny from Han I'ViuioInco and will vUlt In Mcdfoid for a fow wooUh with IiIm fmnlly, who returned boro a couple of iiioiiIIih ngo. Mr. Clark and IiIh family loft Mod ford about a year ngo for California polntn, hill Iboy arvi all In .Medford ugnln and In all probability !ll riiinaln lior. Kinlly T. BtnmJcford, examiner ICugluud CoiiKorvatory llotUon, iilauo, hnrmony, niiiHlcnl hlitory. 428 Wont Fourth Iri'nU Toli'phono 7211. 231 Mrn Olln CoIIIiihoii loft yoiitorday for a vUlt with friend In Oakland, Cnl. floo II. A. Hulinra, Tho lnaurana Mao, oror Jnr.Kon County hank. John l'arkor, niproKontatlvo of a Portland lioml hoimo, loft Friday for a Hhort vUlt at l.on AiikoIoh. Ho will ititurn after tlio holldayri, .Fancy lata noam for Xmau ahli' iimntM. D'AnJotm, llorc nndComlcn. Ill wholit or half Iioxoh. Fanry inok. Producora' Fruit Co. I M,ru. W. II. Nolnon of AHlilatid wa In Medford yontorday vIhIIIiik Mr .and Mm. II. F WlUon. Cnrkln & Taylor (John II. Cnikln, Olmin 0. Taylor), nltornoyn-al-lnw, ovor JnrkHon County Hnnk hulldlne, Medford. " Mm. M. WIIhoii lofl InHl nluht for a vlHlt with (JrautH Paim frlondH. Mm. Ilanko or MlmmnpnllH, Minn., who IniH hi'on In tho valloy vIhIIIiik Imr frlond, Mm. KoIIIiih, loft lat nlKjil fr I.iir AiikoIoh. All kluilH of toy at MnDowoll'H. Hloniu and tdertrlo oiiKlncn nt Mc l')nwlt;, ' Mnx'F. Kuhlo and Frank Alicrn, of flol&n, H. I)., who havo boon In Hoillhitnl OniKun for u rouplo "f wuf(ii, roturnod to Medford IiihI iiIkIU from initio FiiIIh. Tlumo Kontlomon nro frlondH of J. ('. Hchnildt, of thin olty. Tlmy may dooldo to ronialn In Medford. ' FroHh ranch o;i;h at tho Fluh Mar- hot. ' Jolin II. Ilvnniilt and Frank Tun Kiito or JaokHonvlllo nro In Conlral Point today on IiuhIiiuhh. ."rOHh milk at DoVoo'h. 257 MIhs Normllo, oxporloncod dnrnfl makor, by tho day or ploco. Tolo phono 253 JnokHonvIllo, 245 Dally dollvorlo8 milk, croiiin, hut tor, biittorinllk. Uoguo Htvor Cronm At the Churches At tlio Cliilntlan Cfiurrli. Hiiiiday hcIiooI at 10 a, 111., com niiinlun mid xormon at 11 a. in,, (MirlHllan Kndoavor at 0:30 p. in. 5 Ki'imon khvIco. 7:30 p. in.; touch uii. nioutliiK Monday, 7:30 p. in.; player iiumtliiK Tliiimdny, 7:30 p, in. MoiiiIiik mihjiiiit, "Tlio KIiik'h Iliifil Iiiwh." KvoiiIiik Hiihject, "Tlm CIiiiiikoIimiJ ChrlHt," Como, ami wol eonie li I), Hoyln, mlnUtor. oroiiui. l(oi;uo Klvnr ror t)m Nvw of Vim In In II Mr, and Mm. U. 10, Kltclmy of I'lillmiui, Waiih., arrived In tlm city yoHtorday mid mo toKMoroil at tlm iiinllNnnl'. Whlpplm; Ori'iunnry, Mlhii Jennie Hliodk'Oi' and MIhh Harriett Cox, teachom In tlm Med ford hcIiooIh, lt)ft lnnt nlKlit for 1.oh AiikoU'H, wlnyii thoy will iipuiiil tholr holiday viieallon, KIokiiiiI leather cenlerii, all hUuh, at Tlm Handicraft Hliop, 15 N. Con tntl. 233 li. F. MorrlHou, an employo In tho Koiilheru Pacific ticket office, In IiiivIiik plauii iiiiidn for tlm erection or a IiuiikiiIow on IiIh 20 aero otohard ranch, himiIIi and went or Medfonl. Mr. MorrlHon oxporln to movo to tlm oiihard thin HprliiK. Daiiclux hcIiooI at tho Nat. Tneit day and Thtimday ovoiiIiikii at H o'clock, I'M HiiuIioh. or AHhluud, In In Med fonl today on IiiihIiiohh. MorchnutR iiinrh 12 to 3 o'clock 35 cuntH, at Hotel Medford, Mr. and Mm. W. A. Painter nro In Central Point today on bintlnenH. Tho boHt bnttiti in tlio city. 25 eta. it llotol Mndford harbor shop. MUku (lay nnd Jennie Webb, of Tolo, wore In Mvilfonl todny doltiR CbrstinaH Hhopplnt;. 8, A. Now ell. ladles' tailor, A Hi rioor M. F. & II. Co. IiIiIk. MWa lluth Morrlrk mid MIhh Clara WIiioh, HtudciiU nt tho Ciilvemlty or Orejcon, nrrlvod In Mint ford thU morning nnd will upend tho liolldnya hero with tholr pnronta. Iluy Clirltinas r.oodu at Mellow oII'h. MIhh AIIco Cowi;II1 arrived Jn Mod ford thin niornliiK from KiiKono nnd Mill upend tho holidays with her parentH, who nro but rec,ont nrrlvaU In Medford. MIhh CowkIU U n ittiido:itnt tho Uulvoralty or Oroon. llnths ?6(. nt tho Hotel Medford barber shop nvory day. Mm .JoHophluo HobHt. of Toledo, Ohio, nrrlvod In Moil ford this morn Inn nnd will vlnlt with Mr. and Mm. O. Ii. Trolchlor. Tho InrROKt lino of toys In Medford at McDowell'. HloKnnl leather ronterH, all Ixob. at Tho Handicraft Hliop, 15 N Con- WccKs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono lil!7l NlKlit PIiouoh, I W. WookNiiOTl. A. K. Orr, !Mlta. IiAV AHHWTANT , ,, , m 1 s I! John A. Perl j! ' Undertaker and Kmbaliuof ; lifluccoHHor to tlio undortnltlnB 'o-; i; partmoiil of Medford Fiirnlturo Co ;j !' (' ; Offlco 1!H Houth llaitlctt Htmot ;; llToitiplionoH! i)ny, DU 171; nlghj:; liroBldonco, Iloll 173, Home 170-1. i; CnllH niiHuerod nlKlit or day. ! A.MIU'hANCK HIJIIVKO I'rrhylrrliiii Clinic li. I'reiichliiK by tho paHtor at 11 111. am! ".80 p. in. Kiinday ndiool rl 1 : IB a. 111., C. IC. xooloty at 0,30 p. 111. All aro cordially Invited to bo with iih. Prayer nieotlnn every Tliumdiiy ovoiiIiik at 7:30 o'clock. I'IinI CI11111I1 or ChrUi, Kclenllnt. Hervlen Hiiiiday at II a. in. Sub ject of JoMHin.Koriiiwi, "Ih Tlm I'nl veme lucllidlliK Mail, Kvolved From Atomic Force?" Monday hcIiooI at 10. Wodtndfiy evonlnij uicellni; at 7;30. All are welcomo. Koadlni; room bourH. 2 to 5 dally, except Holiday, a I ho Huuday evening from 7:30 to 0. Church edifice, North Oakdale nvotnio. . 7 30 p. III., "nfww-l lllble Hook 1)1 vlno." Tliooi) ilrfl hi iMoim tbal liavu inado a proffltiiid tinpriMuilon wbor over limy havo town preached. Tlio Kront rovlvni will cl'iio Monday iilglit whoii many "will I'e imptlzed, a re coptlou will lio Riven io all now con vert ,'ind a fo.fu'wHI to Or. Palmer. Tlm ovmiKOllflt- Will deliver a Mormon on "Morn Than a MhIi ror tlio Hv II." k Jon liiltlieniu Clnilili, Hcrviec mTviiou Kv. Lntlicrnii eliurcli Will U3 tiyinliiil'-il in (ienniui at II n. m. Kiijli-li service at 7:.'I0 (i. in. KANES CREEK ITEMS. Italpli Ifoiiftcuolrior npenl Saturday in the hub city on liiiHiueHx. Vicrrn IlemlorHiin mxi JeHficfi l)ur keo of Jllaekuoll Hill wore amonii tlm mi' n v from that uliieo who attended the (Jail (.'reck (laiico nSliirdaV niuht. .Mary IlojKi "pent one day rceonl Iv h a ifiioni of .Mrs. Cook of lower Kane! Ciuok. Morrell and Jolin iUiCanovhlu xptnt Momliiv in Hold Hill . ILCn ThPAfr "temptation of a U-UU illuallu GREAT CITY" TIH'IIHDAV, FltlOAV AVI) HATUItDAV Dec. M, Irt niltl i Temptntlong nro man' and varied In thin Rroat Photo Play, ntld nro flhown In n way that mirpaiuioft nny production of Iho nno. U Ih n Ifflaon trim to lire, nnd ennnot help but attract ft gront dcnl of attention. Thin production Is shown In thrco thounaud foot ot film togcthor-wlth n whetting ong by Jack Thorn, nn lllugtrntod song by Carl HartwHl and n piccolo aolo by Tom Drown, and a blnckfnco monologue bv Van Haun. Adult l.-.c Clilldrrn 10o HlllJ0Clkv"i" '"niniii, "John the JliililiHl.tBjja'lflA' "'hool fKinhxIij n: nt 10 m &; ffln8 1 m. ('rent Day ItnptNl Clitirth, Tomorrow will bo Dr. Kny Palmor'H InHl Holiday at tho Daptliit rliurch. Ho will preach at II n. in. on "Duett Inert of tho lllblo Proved by LnwH of Nature." Subject .MetliodUt KJtl.opal Clmreli. ' "".Medford .Mctbodlut IJplKcopal . church, R. Ollh Kldrldgo paHtor KnrvlroH Huiidnyna follewa: Preach-, Ing 1 1 'n. "in., 7?(10 p m HubJeciH, morning, "Tho OrofcUi or the King-1 dom"; 'evonhiy, The WHbered Hand." Huuday kcIioo) U 15 a tu , 1 Kpwor.lh loaguo r:'!0 p in Prayer mooting Tlmmday i-vculng 7 30 o'clock. Excellent miinlc under the , direction or Prof. ( lildenter You aro cordlnlly Invited FOIt KAI.K -Aero ami rivo aero tractH adjoining Medford on long time, 1'iiny payuieutti, or might x chnngo. Hold Itny Itoalty Co., 101 .Electric bldg Mount Tamalpais Military Academy HANMtAFAKL, W1T K.VI, CAMP. An accrodltod High School, (rammar CIuhhch. Junior School separate. Only ! nt WoHtcrn Bchool having Cavalry and i Aiounioii Aruiiory. upon-air (iymna- I hIiiiii. Opcn-nlr Swimming Peel, j United Stutca Army Officer detailed j aH Kuperlntendent. Next term bu gino January 8th, 1912. j Aim am citosur, a. m., .. j Head Mauler. tral. 233 ' -V ' HHUHt MM TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOIt SAUK- Cheap, by owner, n fi room (urulHhod cnttngo fully mod ern. Pnvod Htroot, Add reus C. P., Mnll Tribune. 231 FOh 8AI.IC Property now paying 8 per cont 011 11200, will noil for f K00 mail If taken nt once. Call or wrlto ownor, T02 W. Jackson, Medford, Oro. 234 WANTHD PoHltlon on fruit rnnch by couple without children; refer enci'H given; man Iiiih good theor etical knowledge of orcharding nnd Home practlcnl experience, Woman good cook mid hoiiHckoopor, Ad droHH llox li), Trlbuiio, 230 WANTKIJ- TtTront fruit ranch by couple without children, beat or roreroucea, bond lr roqtilrod; good euro guaranteed. Might consider .Hinall Ylnauclal Intorent. AddroHH llox 17. Tribune. 230 FOIt ltMNT-7-Foiir room houeo. 7; alm 3 room house, 4. 322 S. Central. . 232 WANTUD Kanjern married man. local reforouceH, dealroiiH ofllre, or Hnloa work; nlao cnpnhlo mechan ical IIiioh. No objection outdoor work; part tlino nccoptublo. Houu phono 127-It. 230 FOIt HALK A rinoloi' of VhTto Orpington cockorolH, KollomtraBH Htraln. T. P. Smith, touto 1, box 11. AHhluud, Ore. 230 a , . . FOR HUNT Two modern Iioiihch cIoho In, Apply 511 S. Holly. 235 UyJNTMSMAN wIhIiob flmt ulasa roim and board lu piivuto family or Huluct boarding Iiouho. llox 31, 330 FOIt HUNT I.argo and munll ranch oh. Oold Itay Konlty Co, POIt L13AS10 Fully omilppod plncor nnd quart inlno. Oold ltuy Heal ty Co. " FOIt t SAhlC Cordwood, oak and hardwood, T poi cord In carload lots; Oold Hay Itoalty Co., 21R Wot ..Inln. Phono 1873. FOIt HXCIIANMJ City propofty, lota, cro tractH nnd ranchoa to exchange ror other proporty, Gold Hay Konlty Co,, 101 Kloctrlo bldg. FOIt HALWThroo nlmnat now Ax mlimtor niBB. Cull Puc 12R2. 231 MMMMlXMMlMMM1'ai ARE YOU ETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS : : ; i- C. H. REDFIELD IlHPItlK.VTING Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life I Both Phones 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg rilltHiifiiH; A Player Piano A Piano An Amberola Or a Victrola , , r-,.., . O (If V Wk 1 1 THIS KDISON (Playing both two and four minuto records) And Ono Dozen Records Only $31.20 Which Is Your Choice? Can you imagine anything more desirable for entertainment or educational value in the home than a fine piano or player-piano? If either one of these happens to he your choice, we are making it very easy for you to have the very best obtainable, at positive ly the lowest prices and most liberal terms. Have you thought seriously of a Victrola for your home entertainmeat this winter? u Think of having your singing and playing produced for you, at -your bidding, by the most celebrated artists in the world. We are compelled to give the Victrola credit for what it really is the king of entertainers the most remarkable instru ' ment in existence. WHETSEL MUSIC CO. 134 W. Main With Sherman, Clay & Co. HK:HH People Often Ask Us This Questien: "Why did you, erect sucli a large' building in a city the size of Me'dford ?" "You are five or ten years ahead of the times' they say. Suppose we are five years ahead what of it? ' ! r T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V y y y y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y I t only goes to show ohp faith in Medford, and at the end of five years we will NOT be five years behind the times. All of which goes to show that people acknowledge the M. F. & if. Co. store to be the most up-to-dato place in Southern Ore gon. We admit that fact also. JF that is true, would you not expect to find the largest and best stock of goods in Southern Ore gon here? l?ight again you would, and will. Especially at this time of year should you be interested in this immense stock, for Xmas is almost here. Don't wait until tho last moment to buy yoiir presents, and then get something that is not just what you would have selected, had you riot been so rushed. Look at a few of theso .suggestions. Bettor still, call at tlio store and look at the stock. Our hig shipment of Silesia china arrived yesterday and will he on display in our windows Monday This line in cludes everything that could he desired, and can bo pur chased in single pieces or complete sots. Something new in Medford. Hee it. V,'liLii it conies to furniture, wo pride ourselves that noth ing in Southern Oregon can compare with our line. Rock ing chairs, book cases, music cabinets, smoking stands, iVas, foot stools, and a thousand other appropriate gifts can he seen on our floors. Perhaps the family would appreciate a new rug, new carpet or sofa pillow nmch more than you jthink. Much money is spent on useless articles when the same amount will buy a good serv iceable one. "Why? Did you ever see the CUT GLASS room at the M. P. & H. store? If not, ask the salesman to show you the display it will be a surprise for you. Many people do not know that we carry a largo line of cut glass The little tots may not know the full meaning of Christinas, but thoy do know what a new go-cart, wagon or carriage means. If you don't believe this, bring them in and see what they reach for first. Don't' forget the boys. They are always in need of a pocket knife or some tools. Speaking of tools, we have complete sots of boys' carpentei tools that are paying propositions. Thoy not only teath the boy something use ful, but are hauly articles to have around tho house Poo.tball season is here. Wo have the footballs. A crowd of boys can get more real enjoyment out of a football than any other one thing that wo' can think of. A Christmas gift of a footbtill will not only please your own boy, but will give his boy friends a chance to have a lot of fun too. Wo believe in marking our gootls in plain figures so that you may see for yourself just what they aro worth. Do not hesitate to, ask about any articlo in our stock. "Wo like to toll about thorn.. Aluminum ware makes serviceable and useful presents. AVo carry a full lino of this. Would tho wifo like one of thoso olec tric stand lamps to sow or road by? Wo have them in many varieties, with sin gle, doublo and triplo globes. Tho jF, F, & 11. Co. storo will bo opon every evening this coming week. AYo give rebate books for refund of railroad fares to out-of-town purchasers. '., i, w' II r - .'.... Medford Furniture and Hardware Company LARGEST STORE IN SOUTHERN OREGON CORNER SIXTH AND CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON I t f y y y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y f y Jo I