fEDFORD MATTi TRIBUNK MIWFCVRT), OKttflOX. SA'ITRIUY, PKOMMHKR 10. 101 1 . PAOFi TEN T J TELLS.WHY HE IS A CHRISTIAN Dr. Palmer Sketches Dcllflhts of Paradise Man 70 Years of Age Is Won for Christ Many Who Have Been Christians. TIio nicotine Tliursdny at tlip Hap list rovlvnl wir one of tlio IipU Them word n number of win versions. awwmic Ulflm n mnn, iiorlmps 70 jwwrtfw Iti-Foro tlio snrnioii M$ FlorMirt HnMlrijar snH; with lunch impressive iiohs n splendid kosjwI l- Dr. liny I'Hlmpr" senium was bused on 1 IVtor .1:10: "Give h Rea son of the Hope Tlmt Is In Yon." Tlio speaker samI in Part: "I urn a Chrietinn Iiowmim I like my comimny. I look back tJuwwk lliu ajios and 1 find (1ml the good and grant of every n liavo keen Cliri litiiis tlio prophets, the apostles, the holy nmrtyrs. 1 lovo to keep com pany with Abraham mid l:ao and Jacob, with David, Isaiah and .Tera minh, with John the ISaptist, Peter ami Paul, with Martin Luther, John ('nlvin and John Knox, with Georjt Whitfield, John Wesley and Charles Spurguon, with Adoniram Judson, William Carey and John G. Patton, with Henry Ward Beceher, Joseph Parker and Phillips Brooks, with Charles Finney, 1). L. Moody and J. Wilbor Chapman; with IJ. A. Torrciv. Gypy Smith and William Sunday. "Vos, the nnny of martyrs, reform ers, proat'herw, missionaries, statos inen, yea, the annv of the best and purest men and women of earth lut been and arc Christians. I lore r company and feel supremely proud to bo numbered anion" them. "Oa the other hand 1 do not desire the companionship of those on the olhor side. I might live a good moral life, but see the company I should have, to keep, an army of drunkard liars, thieves, thug4, rubbers,, adult ers, fornicators, athie.sts, infidel, Ramblers, swearers and anarchist Let those who will chose that com pany, but "as for me and my boue Ave will serve the Lord.' Yes, as a Christian, I am greatly delighted with my company ! "Again I am a Christian because I know there is a hell awaiting the un godly and 1 do not dosire to go there tho fact of hell is written not only all though the Bible, but on the very face of earth, sea and sky. Je sus Christ declared that that 'those shall go away into everlnsting pun ishment but the righteous into life eternal.' The Savior makes ue of the Riimo Greek word in describing the duration of the punishment of the wicked and of tho joy of the right eous. Josns said: 'The wicked hlmll bo turned into hell with all nation that forgot god." "Ju tho Bible we rend 'the smoke of thoir tormont ascendeth up forewr and ever.' Christ himself describes in detail tho horrible suffering of divos in hell. I tell you my brother whatever boll is, I intend never to thorc, by the grace of God I am de termined to steer as far as possible away from the blaok shores of dam nation. "Again I am n Christian because I know thorc is n heaven and I desire, oh, I supremely desire to go there. I have had enough sorrow and trouble in this world. I have had many dark days and stonny nights, the voyage of Jifo has boon exceedingly rough. Again and again my heart has sunk in a sea of sadness. Oh I do detdn when I leave this world to make my home in heaven. Tho' prophots and the apostlos have told us about that country. The sages and the poets hnvo writton joyfully of that final homo of tho soul. Jesus tells us about it and says: 'Let not your hearts bo troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in mo, in my Father house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prcparo a place for you J will ciimo prepare- a placo for you I wil come again and reeoivo you into myself that whero I am thoro yo may bo also.' John on tho lonoly Isle of Patmos received from God a virion, of thai 'Holy City, the new Jerusalem' which ho saw coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for hor husbnnd. And 1 hoard n great voico out of heaven fraying behold tho tabornaelo is with men and IIo will dwell with them and thoy bIiiiII ho flis poople, and God himself shall bo thoir God, and God shall wipe away cvory tear from thoir eyes; and there shajl bo no more death, noithor shall thuro bo any jrforo pain, for tho former things nro passed away.' "And thoro shall bo no more cureo but tho tlioruo of God and tho lamb (hal ho in it und thoy shall soo his faco and his nnnio shall bo in their foreheads and thoro shall be no night thoro4, and they need no candle, nei ther light of tho sun for tho Lord God givolh them light and thoy shall reign forever and ever, Oh, with ajl my heart I want to go thoro, don't you? Many of my brethren and friends nro thoro with whom I hnvo labored in tho biassed work of my mnsUir, Many of mv loved ones are there on that gulden show waiting for me to conic. Mv precious mother, Miulhn Stanley Palmer, left in at thirty-two, and father, lili Unking Palmer, vim departed at ninety-two. arc both there. The amrel bride of mv youth, Celia Freeman Palmer, and mv Hwect alater Kllen DtiMiu. arc there. My tfarlin little children, Uwilwli and Lntatr Bnrkv, are in heaven; all am thew wwiliiut f' me to eomo. "Oh If. Koeifctih weh a HlUe way to . Aero? to thai strains country (he heyonti And yet ani o rtiinfe fyr it has rwn to U Th hrttna of thw of whom 1 am o fond. So near it tfen that when my night i eler It think T nN e Uh gtatmittfr strand t I know that thc who one were hero, Come near enough sometime to touch mv hand. I never stand bolide tho bier Am) e the seal of doath sat m ome loved face But what I think ono more to woJcomo mo When I shall leave this dear world for thai dearer country over there. One wore to make the stranger be yond seem fair. And o for mc thjjrc is no sting of death And so the grave has lost it tory. It is but crooner wilh bated breath and pnlo set face Tlio narrow strip of son To moot the loved ones waiting on the shore, More beautiful and more precious thnn before.'' LAWLER 10 GO TO WASHINGTON Will Confer With Taft and Wicker sham Rcflnrdhifl New Developments Which Came to Unlit Durlnn Grand Jury Probe. VIC- Long Flash Is Caught. 1LWACO. Wash.. Dec. 1C This morning the North Head naval wire less station communicated with the United States cniiser South Dakota, then 100(1 miles wct of Honolulu. The distance from North Ilcad was HSOG miles. The fleet has been in constant communication with the Pa cific coast since leaving the states through thin station. TUSCAN SPRINGS Having no equal on earth la variety of mineral waters and curing diseases that medicines will not reach. If you are in need of health, come now. We aro open all the year and can give the best of care and attention now as welt as In summer. Stage dally from Ited llluff to the springs. Further par ticulars address E. B. WALBRIDGE TUSCAN Sl'ItlN'GS, CAU Groceries, Candies, Fruits Cigars, Tobaccos, Snider's Fresh Milk, School Sup plies, etc., at De Voe's Little Combination Store Xcxt Door Ilotel Mcdford Pae. Phone 5G11 LOS ANOHLKS, Cal., Doc. 1C Oscar Ltiwler, former assistant at tor nay xonoml of the United States and now in charge of tho local tnvestlgn ttim Into the aliened imtton-wldo dynamite conspiracy, will go to WnehittKton when tho probo is ended haro, probably next Monday, to con fer with President Toft and Attorney General Wlckorslwni. From a soml-ofricinl sourco it was learned today that some startling de velopment, which has been brought to light, allies the California end to the tndinunpolis inquiry more closely than was thought possible a week ago. From Washington Lawler will go to Indianapolis, whero ho will aid In tho investigation now being di rected by the federnl authorities there toward some of tho highest of flcors of national labor union organ izations. Whilo no authoritatlvo information was obtainable, it was learned from a reliable source today that six In dictments will ultimately bo returned ngatnst California labor leaders. Ar rests amy not be made until the federal probo In Indianapolis Is closed, as it is boiieved that the department of justice nt Washington aims to strike nil those indicted nt ono time. Thero was no session of tlio grand Jury hero today. Qmm i8Kr;to pjs Our New Homes Gorner II Sixth and Fir Streets North Mull Trlhiifio UnlMIng We've Grown Big Enough To Need These Quarters because we did reliable abstracting. Wo'ro proud of tlio growth and protTd of tho fact that our Ihihuiohh has niado this liandsoinoly appoiutod ab.sh'act. office ijoj-oh-sai'v. Mvorv roador of (his aniiotmooiiioiit is to laUo it. as a coi'dial a porsonal invitation to viow oni' now Jind ponuaiitMil, homo. The abstract of titlo for ovory real 03tato transaction of any consoquonco in tho laat six years has boen inado by tho Jackson County Abstract Company. Our work has stood tho tost of tho most critical titlo oxaminors in many statos it has never been found wanting and in spito of tho fact that wo havo stood willing to mako good any financial loss that might ovor occur through an orror hi our abstract work -and were equipped with capital to mako go od such loss wo havo novor boon callod upon to do so. That's why wo load now and always havo lod in tho Abstract business and why ovory shrewd business man who-was making a roal ostato purchase lias always told tho sollor "Have the Company Jackson County Abstract Make Your Abstract." "Just Say" HO RUCK'S It Means Original and Senulna MALTED MILK The Fded-cJrlnk for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take do suktitute.Ajk for HO RUCK'S. I Others arc imitations, The keynote of our success has been RELIABILITY of the work we turn out. RESPONSIBILITY to the user of the Abstract. AVe havo a thoroughly oquippod plant wo'vo spent many thousands of dollars (.ho most oxaelingearo and years of offort in building it up to its present high stale of offi c'ionoy. A reliable nbstrnol is the buyer's assurance of tho (mo condition of his title. When your attorney examines an abstract prepared by ns, he knows that it. will show tho ex act facts relating to the property then when passes on it yon may know that your interests are secure or in event of an error that will cause yon loss, that we are will- and financially able to make that loss good. mg MSI 1 J-M A A A A A : : : : : : -w " " " "" " " " $ " W TREfeS JuBt a word to remind you that the Eden Valley xV (riris tirms vxitt Nursery In still doing business at tlio samo old ntniid and under tlio samo banner. QUALITY FIST Look up tlio history of this Nursery, also tho man behind It, You aro guaranteed stock that will ploaso you and tlio price will bo right. It will sgpn bo trco planting time. Mail ma a list of stock wanted and I will conio through with tho goods. N. S.. BENNETT IiQiiQ GonnfiQMqnii. ' Hoy 823 . BJedford, Ore. ! X X I X V T t r f T f t T T T T T T T T f t ? ? T T T T T ? T T T Y T T T T f f T T t T T t T T TT4 Of a General Electric Toaster, Toaster Stove, "Electric Iron, Chafing Dish, Hot Plate, and many other Electrical ap pliances for your cozy home, will make your 13 m . - : 11' ' iliL wife haoov. Cost of ZZf I A. operation? Well, hardly worth the mentioning -jwrllmH RogueRiverElectr ic Company Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y