City Hall ,..uiiw3i Medford Mail Tribune I SECOND WEATHER ! V iW' i EDITION I)nlly itlxili Yur. rorty.J'Irnt Yunr. t.-j .i EE Governor Johnson In Scnlhlnu Terms Denounces Action of Republican National Commlttco for Action In Turnlnu Down Primaries. "UNFAIR, UNJUST, AND PARTISAN EXTRA DODY" Contracts Recent Action In Califor nia With That of the Na tional Commlttco. OAPITOU KACRAMENTO. Oil., Duo, lfi. In u statement which re news in scathing terms tho rofiiNiil of tlio republican national roiniuit trtt (o allow a presidential primary ami which may result in lint oxoIiihIoii from tilts national eonveutiou of del egations, elected iy t lio people, Gov. oriior Illrnm W. .IoIiiihoii toilay de clared Unit tlio progressives of Cal ifornia will stand on tliu principle (hat "in the fiultM'tion of it president, UN ill all mutter lliu people should rule." ll (iioliI a prttvioiiM Hlali'innit to ilio effect that tlio roaotioiiaricK alon liinl m I It in tc material to Knin hy tlio ntlopllon oi a piwiilontlal primary law at thiH time, since tlio progros wives tiro in it ponition now to send ii solid I ,u Kollrttit ilnK'Kiitioii lo tlio tliu nominating . convention. TIioho fnots ho contrasted with the aelion of tliu national commttloo in Wiihh ington last TuoVnlnv. Commit ton Wan Conlrollcil. "'Tlio committee," (lovonior .Inhit Huiil, " Ih in control of reactionaries. It fonmila'Jeil n oal) for n national convention that in niiihiguniiN ami mi intelligible. Tlio design of this eall HeeniH to ho either lo iuiioro laws that nro in foreo In progressive tnto prouding for preHiilential primaries or to render the way easy for ignor ing (he law in the future. "Senator llorah asked tie nati null eoiimiilteo to ailopt a prrvWion that delegate might ho ohiiKeu hy tliict vole of republican electors, ami the reactionary national eomniittee, rep ronentiug Mr. Tuft, overwhelming!) iloofntoi! Mr, Itm all's motion. We find the progressives of California yielding every advantage while (ho reactionaries in the national oomniit teo refiiriu every ilonntml In Iho hope of future lomiKirary hiicoohs. Anion Without Hffoct. "The eall issued hy the nnlioiuil eouwnittee uppnreutly conl'liels with the lawH that have heeu ilnlv pnss"d in some of Iho slates of Iho union ami may ho at vatiaueo with the lirtv eontiimplaleil in Iho stale of Califor nia, hut that an unfair, unitwl ami purlinim 'extra jmlieial hotly m.ty rentier nugatory u duly onaeteil law of any slate, eannot for ouu instant ha eoueeileil or tolerated. "The gentleman who Hat in a room in Washington Tuesday litnt prepar ing a eall hy whieh they thoinsolvos ho)o to uomiunto a president, without without the jnlorveiiliou or iiNsibtuiii'o of (ho eleeloralo of the eouutry for got one fnutrollhig'fuclor- they for got the people. Petty Politics Day Pnt. "The tiiuo hah gono hy, certainly In California ami 1 believe in most of the states of the union, when petty polities can ilouy the groat iiiiihh of tlio electorate h voieo in government and hope for ultimalo hiicoohh, ami it isiiHl thing thing that makoH impos sihlo Mr. Taft tliu oamliilato of this Hytttoni. "In Ootohur Inst, wlillo I had un der eoiiHiilorallon iho tpicstiou of a presidential preference primary, 1 wrolo to Senator La Follotlo mlviHiiipr him that wo. woro foregoing a politieal eurtaiuty bconuso of principle. "I received from him u lot lor, which I quoin in part: I,a J'ollolto Writes. '"If you omit the. presidential pro foreneo law from the subjects to ho considered hy tlio legislature at lite extra session whleh you uvo ahout lo convene, you will prnolioally control tlio Holeoliou of iho dologntos to the national convention in lUl'J and (hoy will all ho progressives. " 'It would ho a u'rout tiling to have California loading the roll eall for tlio progressives in Iho next conven tion. If you pass a proHiilontial pref erence primary law Iho Hlandpnttors limy carry Rati FraueiKcn and hoiho adjoining lorrilory on Iho e-o-.l- N on ANSWERED AMERICAN ENSIGN KILLED BY FILIPINO OUTLAW. CAPTURED AND HIS HEAD BROUGHT BACK IN A BOX u , il mF P i H. lew i&iilK lv . I "4j'L 2Wrm B i i I' -HI ran -- "irrlB KhVJ t vaH I Head whom or Tim UUTbW DetmlNofa fireee enKiiKement hi'tween Americans and a hit ml- led hy Muuileux, an outlaw, have .pint been reeeivetl from the Philippine Inlanilrt. KtiHiKii ( Itarle !'. Ilovoy, V. S, K., with n eompHiiv of private, wiih went out to capture Mumlenr., who had heen rniiMmc the aulliorilicK eoiihiderahle tiouhle. PikIiUiiic at cIohc rnnjje fulloued hix iIUcimtv Iiv the AmericaiiH, mid Kmij(ii llovcy, who led the .attack, ta killed hv the outlaw, who oh eiiH'd. Tun tln Inter home friendly MoroH pursued Mundeur. am! killing; lilin, lirouitht lu head hack in a hox. EUGENE FORGER E. IS TAKEN NORTH Ormsuy Mechllnu, Insurance Agent, Leaves for Euncno Accompanlct) by Sheriff Forflcil Doctor's Name to a Note Given for Loan. Sheriff Harry Hrown of Lane county left for Kimono on Friday inoiuiuK'x loeal having in tuisttuly Oniihhy iMuuhliiiK, it former iiiHurnuoo iiKout of KiiKt'iie, arruNted in tlio. city for forgery. Meohliut; in churKi'd vtith fortcii k tcli name of Dr. Itehhau, of Spring fielil, to a note ivcn to Dr. D. A. l'ame, tin feeiiritv for a muiii of iiiuii ev loaned lo McchliiiK hy the doctor. Thi wan hoineliine auo. Tlio forory wiih not dihoovored until a few tlav auo, when this note, toethur with not oral others jjivun hy tlio man to Dr. Paine, heeaine due. When an offoit wiim made to collect tlio note it mih found that Dr. ltehhau'H name had heen forced and a warrant wan Hworu out for Moohliiic'n arrest. Mechlini; in a man with a family and lived at Kaono for sonic time prexious to oominc to Meilfonl. lie wiih iiK'cnt of the Mutual Iifo Insur ance eompauy while at Kiik'ciio and appeared to ho hoiiont and trust -woithy. Keeeutly ho Iiiih written kov oral letteix to Dr. Paine in roKard to the dehl ho owned him and promis-cd to jiay it at once, hut it never came. Only a few ilayn ni) ho wrote that the money was in the humlx of Judc Crowell, of this city, hut in answer to a telegraphic iuiuiry, the judge de clared that ho had no money of Meelilinu's. MooIiIuik'h wife was with him when tlio arrest was iniulo. An Editor With $400! SAN FHANCISCO, Dec. lfi. Po lieo hero hellovo Kditor CharleH 0. llalliday of1 tlio Ukiah Time.s hun met with foul piny. Thugs nro thought to havo lured him into a death trap, Ho had $101) In his possession. i i tion issue, and Home of the counties in Iho southern purl of the state on the lemon tariff, and Taft possihly will, without reason, havo their Hupport on hoth. issues. It will appeal that wo nro divided. II will couio at a time when it may turn tlio tide, " 'Hut, governor, hard as it would ho, there is just one thing that ought lo ho and would ho hurder and, in deed, more harmful for us, and that would ho to throw our principles to tlio dogH whenever an opportunity qf fers lo gain a temporary advantage hy soiloing, If it would enahlo us to control tlio next national convention and Iho nomination for tlio presi dency wo could not afford to do St and wo could not. afford to huvo you do il, even If. yon woro willing.' " RESTED MICDtfORD, , C -3 ' KvtnjMTd in pifKuiT or CSVO PACTS OBTAINED F S Wlckcrsham Informed That Grand Jury Has Sufficient Facts to War rant Indictment of,. Four Califor nia Labor Leaders. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dee. 15. Iufoniiatiou was obtained hero today that Attorney General Yickchntn hiiw heen informed from Los Angeles that sufficient facts havo heen ob tained there hy the grand jury invest igating the dynamite oasos to war rant the indictment and iiftmedinto ar roht of four California labor leaders. It is said taht Special Assistant At torney General Lawler who is eon duelinir tlio Iios Angeles probe, hns coimnuuieated tho whole facts to the attorney general and is now nwaiting instructions from him on the meth od of procoedure. It is now up to Attorney General Wiokorshum lo direct whether ler shall proceed and obtain orders for the arrests from l'Vdoral Judge Wellsborn in l,os Angeles or whether the entire matter will ho put up to the authorities in Indianapolis uud (he arroiU he ordered from there. AGED WOMAN IS VICTIMJF FIRE "Grandma" Williams of Murphy Meets With n Painful Accident Stand in Front of Fireplace anil Is Badly Burned. "Grandma" Williams of Murphy, aged grauilinothor of Al Mnttliows, mot with a Borlnus and painful acci dent recently. She was Btnndlng in front of tho flroplueu with lior back to tho flro when hor clothing hocamo Ignited, presumably by a spark, and was ipilckly lu fliunoa. She cried out and Mr. Johnson, who wna In tho kltohon, soUed, a pu'l of wator and ran to hor assistance, dashing tho wator ovor hor mid ex tinguishing tho flro. Mrs. WllllauiH' body wbb painfully burned from hor waist to hor knees. H1NATING LEADER "Kitty Gordon" Is 'Dead. NKW YOltK, Dee. 13. Mm, Oliver A, Hiinkin, wife of MoKco Hnnkin, and known to tho theatre going pub lid of n generation ago as Kitty Gor don, is dead hore today, tho, result of uu iittauk of norehral hemorrhage, whloh Boixed hor while alio wan in a null) nh, i OIMCION, XWIIXAY, DKCKMBBrt 15, 1911. CONFESSION IN TIMES CASE IS RUMOR TOOAY Prominent San Francisco Lahor Leader 1$ Said to Dc Holdlnu 0-t for Immunity and. If He Gets It, He Will Tell All? 3 OFFICIALS DECLINE TO DJICUSS REPORT y Attorneys Admit That Sensational bl Developments ArejApt to Break at AnyTlme. I.OS AKCIKLES. ftik, Dec. Iff.. Itimiors that a prominent Snn Fran cisco lahor leader to make a con fession of complicity in tho dymunit ing of the Los Angeles Times build ing nro current this afternoon about the federal building, where the fed eral grand jury is conducting nil in vestigation into tho so-called dyna mite conspiracy. While thcreMirl could not bo veri fied, it was said tiih't this man hold inc out for immunity in case he in volves still more pdominunt union la bor officials in tho local dynamiting. Neither Assistant United States At torney General Oscar Lawlor nor Dis trict Attorney Fredericks would dis cuss this phase of the matter, hut each admitted that sensational devel opments wero liable to break at any time. ' Detective McLarcn.'a Hams ocr ative, nud Lawler wore in conference agnin today for more- than two houra hut neither would uive an inkling of the matters discuss1 It W0R be lieved, however, that the conference had to do with the transfer of Ortiec MoManignl to Indianapolis, where he is to be a star witness before the fed oral probe to be conducted there into tho alleged dyunmito conspiracies. THINK SLAYER Leon Lochard, Confessed Robber, Must Face Charge of Murderinn Little Barbara Holzman in a Room ing House at Portland. l'OHTLAN'D, Ore., Dec 1G. Id ealise ho ntteinptod to Involvo Frank Jointings, his ex-omjloycr. In a lar ceny cnBo, Leon Lorhard, confessed robber, serving a sentonco at Kolly's Hutte, today faces a charge of hav ing murdered little Ilnrbara Holzman In a rooming houso lit Albitm last March. Lochard has been partially Identified by Mrs. llortha Nelson, a landlady. When Mrs. Nelson first saw Loch ard sho said sho was "pretty suro" hut reserved decision tinUl sho could seo tho accused man In tho hat and coat tho murderer had when ho en gaged tho room. Tho ovldcnco Includes alleged ad missions to other criminals that ho killed tho child. At tho tlnio of the Holumnn mur der Jennings was living In Portland mid Lochard was doing soliciting work for hint In tho vicinity of tho ploco whoro tho crlmo was commit ted. After tho murdor, ho said, Lochard quit his work and would not go soliciting lit tho Alblna district. NEW YEAR'S ISSUE. . - - Do you wain (ho growth "" and prosperity of Medford " n ml the Rogue vivor valloy to "" "" ho known broaeastt Do you want the world to know tho story of 11)11 and southern Oregon's iirogressY "" Then eo-oierato,vith us in "" making the New Year.' issue "" " tho biggest and mopt credit- "; "" ablo production ovor issued in ft Meilfonl. "" Wo will, do our hnro. Do "" yours. f-f-r t-fii-ft t-ff-f-f- OF CHILD FOUND LILLIAN GRAHAM, ON WITNESS STAND, TELLS OF STRUGGLE FOR LIFE WITH W. E. D. STOKES I Jfcri jj?f- HjjLJKID CVASTOO 20 on TmnsnGe' HB TCXD HB HOI TO JSHOUt' This picture of Aliss Lillian Gra New York.Vhnrged with shooting W. jirojirictor, was sketched in court as k testimoney revealed for the first time tnont. She told hov Ethel Conrad, w struggled to free herself from the clr intr the sen file a shot was fired hv S SHOOTING S LS FREED BY JiY "Most Remarkable Woman I Have Ever Seen," Says District Attorney, "If She Gets Away With This Case at 1 9, What Will She Do at-25?-' NKW VOItIC, Dec. 15. Lillian Grnhani anil Ktliel Conrad, tlio two Xew York show girls accused of nil attempt to murder Millionaire K. I). Stokes, after the Gniliain girl had leen entangled with him, wero ac ipiltleil of the charge by a Jury this afternoon. When tho Jury came In both girls were at ontii brought Into court from tho sheriffs office. When tho fore man of the Jury announced tho ver dict the Graham girl said nothing, but Ml is Conrad began to shriek at tho top of her voice. Ilnlllffs rushed to her and forced her Into a chair. Then Mio ls-camo so hysterical that lew water was thrown Into her face and Mio was finally carried from tho room nmld tho greatest confusion. NEW YORK, Dee. 1. Charges of an attempt to murdor W. E. D Stokes, the Now York millionaire, ,y Ethel Conrad and Lillian Graham, went to a jury this afternoon at 4:14 o'clock. Prosecutor IJuokner eon eluded an address in which ho bitter ly scored the girl's churaeter and the court began his eharge at 2:'J0 p. in. NEW YORK, Dee. 15. Character izing Ethel Conrad, who, with Lillian Graham, is on trial hore for the shoot ing Millionaire W. E. 1). Stokes, ns "a most astounding combination of kitten and wildoat." And "the most remarkable I havo ever seen," said Assistant District Attomoy Duekner today when ho began tho opening ad dress for tho prosecution. As Attomoy .Mooro closed the ar gument for tho defenso and Duekner nroso to address tho tho ivo de fendant showgirls became visibly ner vous, Duekuei nuuounqcd that ho would not sjmro either girl and then entered into a scathing arraignment of Miss Conrad, sheuting: "Tho master mind of this whole fearful mess came upon tho scene about May 1 Ethel Conrad, the twM rcntnvkablo woman I havo ovor scon, and, I hope I shall novor see another liko hor. Only 111 years old, gontle mon think of it 1 Tlio most astound ing combination of kitten and wild cat I have ovor seen. If sho gels uwny with this case nt ID, what will bho do at 2.-)!" Throughout the attack Miss Con rad hid her nervousness behind an attitude of dofinaueo. Miss Graham wept steadily during tho ordeal. You really know where to find tlio now homo after answering a lot of "possible" ads. iTllviR hB' Rp liiBPP fT 4ut?i.yMyjAPalil .Pvi v .'" jf 7K." KK 'V HOW Gl QUICKLY . i l SMCtTl'U. SCREAM AS IOUO AS I CAM ham, one of the shuw girls on trial in E. D. Stokes the millionaire hotel he told the story of the shooting. Mor details of the struggle in her apart ho al-o is accused of fchooting Sloke tehes of the millionaire, and how dur tokcv The bullet went wiln. E THE-ROGUE FROM MFIELOS Master Game Warden Finley Writes That He Is in Communication With Game Warden of Oklahoma Re- flardlnq Game Birds. - - - Word hns been received from Wil liaih L. Finley, master game warden, to the effect that ho is at present in communication with" the game warden of the state of Oklahoma in an on deavor to obtain a lare number of Dob White for southoni Oregon and that he believes he will bo successful. Ho found it impossible to secure the birds iu the northern states owing to a quail discaso which has nttuoked them. Sir. Finley is now taking steps to get certain large property owners m this county to sigu up agreements to havo their places used as a hint refuge. This will be arranged soon. Tho master warden statos that the commission is now proaprins to fur nish southern Oregon with birds and fish as rapidly as possible. D-b White and pheasants are to ho dis tributed. Next season 000,000 block spotted trout nro to be released in local streams. In regard to fish the wardon says: " lhavo just ordored n million east ern brook eggs from Rhode Island, nud in ndditiou to those we shall se cure through tho govormnont oastern brook trout eggs, block spotted eggs and rainbow eggs. Wo aro planning to take trout eggs during the coming sonson nt tho MoKouzie, Trask, Elk and Coos rivers, and of those your strenms will receive full quota." TO CLIP LID ON PORK BARREL Democratic Leaders in the House Are Prcparinn, to Carry Fiflht Intc Party Caucus, Fcarlnp. Effect on Party. WASHINGTON, D. C Dee. 10. Deinooratio leaders in tho houso are preparing todny to carry thoir fight into tho party caucus against the de cision of tho commiiteo on buildings to report a "pork barrol" bill. Tho leaders assort that suoh nu not would prove a hlnok oyo to tho party. Thoy ostimnto Ihat suoh a hill would carry nt least $30,000,000 and tins, with tho $70,000,000 pansioti hill nlrendy passed will make, an ox ponditujro of $100,000,000 annually before the regular appropriations are oven considered. IT 0 Iti I ii. Cold. Max. tin, Mln. no, Iti-I. Hum. in Per Cent. No. 229. Cabinet Refuses to Rcsiflii and Pea pie Arc In an Inflamed Statc'or, Mind in Spite of Russian Ultima tum Situation Grave. RUSSIANS FORCE THEIR . . , . WAY INTO HOMES! , Antf-Britfsh Boycott ' Is 4 Spreading 4 71, and White Cannot ObUjtn -, , - '.' T' l-OOQ. I SIIIKAZ, Persia, Dae. 15. Goad ed to fanatical h'rftrcd ngalrfat Rus sia and Great Urltdih by their chief, " Mullah, MIrza Ibraham, tho pcoplo here today aro shouting for a holy war. Tho cablnot refuses 'to resign and with tlio pooplo in an inflamed state of mind throughout Persia, In spito of the Russlan-'utfimatum star ing them in tho face, tho elluatlo'n is very grave. Tho Persian cabinet has agreed to the first two clausos. of tho .ultima tum, it Is rumored, but refuses to consider the third, to tho effect that all foreign appointments must ho ' with Anglo-Russian approval,, until tho Russian troops aro withdrawn from tho borders of Persia. T PERSIANS CRY EOR HOLY WAR AND VENGENCE TEHERAN, Dec. 15. In indignant--mass meeting tho Persian people aro today denouncing tho action of , tho Russian troops In invading Kaebtn ,. and ouating 4000 Persians front their homes. Several of tho evicted Per sians wero frozen to death In "tho. bitter -winter weather which prevalla' and tho suffering among tho "otlicra" Is Intense. Tho citizens aro expected to romaln loyal to W. Morgi Shuster, tho American treasurer general of'Por-i' sia, denouncing England and Russia. A deputation has asked parliament to Ignoro tho ultimatum of tho czar of Russia that Shustor bo dismissed. An nntl-Brltish boycott is spread ing, the Persian shopkeepers refus ing to supply tho British consular guards with food. UOWGED IN PLAY HOUSE Neflro Preacher Is Executed for Hav ing Incited a Race Riot in Which a Prominent Planter of the Local-' ity Was-Killed. JACKSON, Qcorsini Dec. 15. -Dunged in a theatre before an nudi cuco of his relatives and others, (he Rev. William Tuninr. n negro preach er, is dead hoor today. He was exo cutod for having incited a race rio,t in which Jesso Siuglcy, a piomimuit planter wns killed. Tho sheriff erected tho gallows on tho stage uiul the negro's confession was rem; from there while a mob out side clamond for a 1 aching. iWQii l ni'iiiii u " ' r 1' ALDRICH SOON TO QUIT PUBLIC LIFE Monetary Commission, of Which Al- ' ilrich Is Chairman, Will Flic Its Report to Conncss Early In tho, Comliifl Year, WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. V. Formor Senator Nolsou W. Aldrieji of Rhodo Island positvoly aunouneod to day his retirement from piddio life. Ho had an intorview with I'roaidcnt Taft vostordnv. durim? which (ho af fairs of the monotary commission, of which Alilnoh ta elutirnutii, ,wo dn (Upqd when IiP.tojdtlm jiic,Jtloiit. that tho cauuuisaipn will send Its re port to tmngrosH JJiulutiry 8, i