City Hall Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Cloudy. Mitt. 117, Mln. II l ltd. Hum. Hit Per Cent. ! N, SECOND EDITION Dnlly Hlxth Vimr. Kurly-Klrtit Yrnr, SIATE NOW ON TRAIL OF MAN IER OP" Assistant District Attorney Ford of Los Aniiclcs Says Man Directly Rosonslhlo (our Times Explosion Will Do Brouuht to Trial. SAYS M'NAMARA DID NOT KNOW PLOT AT FIRST Says They Were Innoranl Rcnardlnn the Times Until They Reached the Const. I.OH ANCIKI.MH, Cnl., Hoc. in. Tint Tlmon dynamiting cimo In not to Ulltl Ulttl tllll HOIltollcllIK to Rim Qiioutlii poultutttlury of Jimum J. mut .loll n J. MoNnmiirii, Thin tiiiich wtw mnilo plain hero ttiU afternoon when AMlntnut DIh trim Attorney l"rl owlllvIy an nounced Unit u prominent Inlior loader, who linn not boon lumnl from slur,, lit left Now York for tlio Pa ill do count, after tlio Atluiitn eonvon- tlou, would liu arretted nml vigor oitKty prowioulod for tho prut ho Ih aliened to liiivo played In tlio ilynri mltltiK of thH Tlmo building "TIiIh man," hhIiI Kuril, "In directly re upoimllil" for tliu Iohh of 21 lives In tli binding ui of tlio Tlmoa tjiilUl lug. "Altlmtixli this mini Ih mippoitod to havo ilUuppimrml wo Know whom ho In nml whim tlio proper tluui comes hn will liu nrnmtcd. Ho U being nhnil owed iiIkIiI hiiiI iluy nml cannot o Ml 111'. "John MrNnmnrn illit not know whim Jim wiim Hunt nut lioro Hint tint Tlntim liiilltlliu; wnn to ho doHtrovcd nml Jim illtl not know It either. "Tli In limn wiih In Uih Augolct nt tlio time df tlio oxplimlou, nml wo will roinlcl li I in when tho en ho cotui'a to trlii! " PERKINS HASLAN TRUST CONTROL SuiHicsts That Court or Commission De Created With Power to Send Individuals to Jail for Violation Sherman Law. WASHINGTON'. I). C, Dee. J!l. -SiijCKi'"tiiig tlio uppointiuunt of n court or (loiiuuisMlon lo control busi ness wliiuli should have tho power lo Hoiitonoo individuals to jnil for viola liou of lliu Sherman anti-trust law George W. PorkiiiH, former partner of J, Piorpnnt Morgan, iippimrod to ilny before tlio senate uommittoo on commerce. Perkins MiggoMod Hint llm jm pnsod iMiitrt should ho composed of experienced business iiiiui. Ho thought tho hoily should Iio empow ered to license corporations. lorimerTrobe .will ho soon Senator Dllllnnlinm Announces That All Concerned Had Aurocd to Drinn Matter to an Early End. WASHINGTON, I). C, Dee. IX Koniitor Dillingham of Vnnnoiit nn iiouiiiii'il today Hint nil parlies to tin long drawn out Investigation into the election of United States Senntor l.ormior of Illinois had ngrood to bring tlio probe- to an tmvly end. Lor imof nrohnhlv wilt testify in tlio mmr l'utiiro and llio o8olhurtiiflur will lit) rushed lo a vote. Tim two ways of finding work want advertising mid answering want nds givo yon a doublo-bnrrolcd qhawio of winning tlio kind of a joli yon want. M1LUONNAIRE SAYS SHOOTING SHOW GIRLS C ( -ai .were prepared to dispose of his body v.e:"5tokes: "l $AIdSf IT5 ONE CENT Ott DFATH, THEN GIVE ME DEATHV i E SIPHON TO BE CONST Roiiuo River Valley Canal Company Plans Extensive Development Work for This Winter-Central Point Office Is Opened. In ortlor to fciuo tlio Iosh of vli'ii lion in tlio oiiiiiiIk on tlio wuht unto of Hoar Crook tlio Kokiio Klvor Canal I'tiiiipuny plans to eoiiMruot a liueo Hypliou uuilot Hoar Crook to htipplaut the proHont fliiiao aorortrt Hour orivk at tint McAntliowK Foril. Tlio ttiphou will liu l-OU foot louu' ami will ho uou strnotoil of hlavo pipo thirty inolioa in diauiotor. Willi tlio jirvamiro whioli will ho upplit'il on tlio otutoru uml a Kod lioiut of wator omi ho nooiiioiI at a luuli oloMitioii on tlio wot nidu of tlio valloy. Tlio ooiiipntiy is planning nuioli ilo oloiuioiit work for tlio oouiiut; on MMi. The llopkniH oaual is to ho wid ouoil two foot in ordor to carry addi tional wator. Survoyors liavo ooin plotoil loontiii); now propurty Intend ami main lino t'oiinootioiiK whioli will pluou IIOIIO adilitionul noron under ir rigation no.t npriiiK'. An offioo Ikih hoou opened at Central Point ami oouiuiitleort of tlio I'ominoroial oluli of that city aro inducing property own otx to hiirn up for wator. When two thoiihiiml acres arc nixued up Mau nuor CiiniiuiiiKH Htatott Hint hi oom- pany will ROMihoml on the uouutruo tiou of the cuiiiiIh. This latohl tract of valloy laud to ho placed under water will atld Kioat lv to the iirodiiolivi'iietiti of l!iu valloy. Horn imitiy vennlulilos ami small Htuff oaii ho crown so that in time tlio val loy will ho uhlo to .ship Kl'ueu stall out and notimport. Perhaps ono of tlio loltors you oucjit to write during the next hour i a reply to hoiuo oao of tuday'h want adH. t H f NEW YEAR'S ISSUE. The only imhlioatioii sot tine; forth in detail tjio growth uml proKi'esH of Hto ltoKiio river valloy durim; tlio year 101 1 will ho llio Now Yoar'h issue tif tlio Mail Tribune. It will ho the only opportunity of lolliiiK' the nation what splend id progress wo have mado and what opportunities wo offer tlio lioniesoekor, The Now Year's issue will not bo confined to Medford. it will include all tlio towns of tlio valley, because the in terests of one is ho interest of all. Tlio publishers will do their share. Co-oporato with them and help them to make this issue the bluest and best ever put out in southern Oregon. f f f f- f f 6 RUGTED UNDER BEftR GREEK 444.44 4444444 MIODJTOIID, sp&L yrv ' v.xmrA. x-JLtS&b . mm ,&Mm m v CRD ES ST 'He is a Man Absolutely With Char acter," She Says Proves to Be an Adept Witness in the Case Grows Sarcastic. NKW YOHK. Hoc. 1!!. "W. K. 1). Slokon ruinoil me. Ho never paid ht deht. He never kept his prom ihOK. He was a man ahholutely with out ohurHutor." Dotiorihiiitr her connection with an aliened attempt to murder Millionaire Sloko,, foiMvhioh she and Lillian Gra ham aro on trial hero, Ktlici Conrad ttodny nuve the ahovo an tio Urahatu Kit I'm iluneritiou of the man the two are accimod of liming pliottcd to kill. The Conrad 'ul was an adopt wit iiohm. She possessed romarkahlo lo Kill kiiowloduo, oiuihlini; her to avoid niinworiui; when hIio did not dosirc. She often nsKed Judo Marcus if she wiih eompolled to answer certain ipioritioiiH ami the court invariably ruled in her favor. Mi Conrad testified Hint sho first worked on tlio stnuo for $U.r) a week later joiuiut; Mrs. Loslio Carter's oonipany. Wlion asked if sho was no) discharged from tlio oonipany hc i'iiiim' of the notoriety attendant upon an alleged (uking of nil overdoso of laudanum. Miss Conrad denied Hint she was diseharuod or that sho had ever attempted suicide. Sho explain ed that she had accidentally taken too much laudanum when a victim of iuMiinuia. ONE HUGE DEPOT PLAN FOR CHICAGO Business Men and Railroads Aro Dackln Movement to Construct Monster Dopot to Cost From $75, 000,000 to $150,000,000. CHICAGO, Ills., Dee. 1!!. Husi ness moil and railroad officials hero today united in a inn for the con struotion of a monster depot to cost from $75,000,000 to $100,000,000, in which practically all tho railroad ter minals in Chicago will bo merged ituo a iiiiiKiufieont structure on Twelfth street. The railroads to included in tlio station aro tho Grand Trunk Krio. Chesapeake. & Ohio, Lake Shore. Rook Tslantl, Wabash, Santa Fe, Ill inois Central, Nickel Vlato, tho West ern Indiana, Cbieafjo & Kastorn Illi nois, Chicago & Indiana and Southern;, DKESWHILE STUD OREGON, WJ3DNKSDAY, J)I50JUMBRR 13, 1911. 11,000 PEOPLE ENCITYSHGWN BY NEW CENSUS Count of School School Children Is Completed and a Total of 1818 Are Found Increase Over a Year Aqo Is 168, or 10 Per Cent. ATTENDANCE IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE Enumerators Havo Been at Work for Past oMntli and a Half Counting Children. Aooriliuir to tlio soliool census which has just becnfcompleU'd in the city Mediord now Jias a population of 11,000. The census enmcrnturs found 1818 childrciifof school nc in the district which an increase of ten per cent over one year at:o. Medford is shown to have a opu lalion of 11,000 by the census as it is customary for stathstioinus to multi ply the number of sjdiool children in order to determine the ixipulation of a city. This would give Medford 10, 1)08 people- practically 11,000. The attendance nt tho schools is renter than over before, aconling- to the school authorities. INDIANA LOST TO TAFT, SftYS LEE; BOSH! HIS NEW Republican Leaders Are at Swords , Points Today Following Statements' Issued In Regard to the Situation In Indiana. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 13. Chalrnmn Harry Now of Indiana of tho national convention arrange ments subcommittee and Edwin Leo, chnlrnitiu of. tho ropuollcan state committee of Indiana, aro at swords points today over Leo's declaration Hint President Taft could not carry Indiana In 1912 In tho presidential election. New charges that Leo's statement was Inspired. "I know tho Influences which nro responsible for Leo's chango of sen timent," declared Chalrnmn Now. "It was pnrt of a pre-arranged plan which brought Leo hero via Now York. Up to tho tlmo ho loft Inl diitnapolls Leo wns a candldnto for re-oloctlon as chalrnmn of tho stato commltteo, with full knowledgo that President Taft would bo tho repub lican nominee. Ills ,-hnngo of Bentl ment and opinion Is remarkable" "My conclusion v based on n thorough investigation of tho polit ical conditions In Indiana, and was arrived nt reluctantly,' retorted Leo when ho heard of New'a stntomont. "My friendship for President Taft still exists. Tho VmMon chango of heart was compelled by tho nppnront clmotlo conditions among tho repub licans of Indiana. "On November Jl, whllo In con foronco with Prosldoat Taft In tho whlto houso, I ndvlsod him that ho could not possibly carry Indiana. I advised his secretary. Mr. Hllles, sim ilarly. I am a republican. With mo It la not a question of nion, but of party." 1580 FEET TO DEATH PARIS, Hoe. 1.1 -Falling 1G00 foot In his monophino, Lloutonant Charles Lanthoaumo, a well known aviator, was klllod near Etamps to day whllo flying from Moluu to dlno wlh his slstors. Ho had wired tho ladlos (hat ho would bo over for din ner. Look for It among tho-want ails or tn Mourorti Mini y.U"u' JOHjY D. AllCIIBOLD, WHO HEADS NEWLY ' ORGANIZED STANDARD OIL COMPANY Al iiHB f i lEEGMtBKx flu OOMIM'D AKCMBOLD John I). Arehbolil hnf. been cliocn pre-ndrut ' the Staudnrd Oil com pany, hiiffccditiK Jidin I). Hockefeller, who h -. n-ijfi-eil. For nearly ton years Mr. oekefellcr bad been only nominally njuwciiiled with tho Stan dard Oil. although fro intbc time of bin retirement from active bufiness ho had insisted on retniuiutr the lendendiin of that one concern. SRYS HE'S MESSHH; I BULLETS FAIL TD MQTffirjO John Jesse James Jeffries Auqust Fred Tlmms, Who Claims to Be Messiah, Stops Bullet With His Shoulder Without Injury. Tho fact that three shots were fired at him from close raiiRC this moraine;, two of tho bullets passing through bis cott, ono being stopped by his shoulder without doinjj greater damage than to leave a black and blue sHit, loads some color to the claim of John Jc.-jse James Jeffrios August Fred Timm', who is repos ing in Hie city bastile, that he is the Messiah, and that ho is here for the whole puriHisc of saviiif tho entire world from Satan and his demons. All of which seems rathor vaguo and involved, needing an explanation. And on tho explanation hangs n tale. Chief of Police Hittsou wns called tin morning by tho ice plant nt tho southern end of the local Southern Pacific railroad yards and informed that a shooting affray had just oc curred in that neighborhood. "The mini who was shot is now on bis way up town," stated tho voieo over tho telephone. So tlio chief got busy and soon met John, etc. Timms coining down tho track. Though tho shoulder of his coat were bents whore bullets had torn their way, and Timms was carrying ono of tho louden pellets which had torn through his coat and stopped on his shoulder whoro ap peared a largo bruise. Timms said ho had been shot by ono of tho "gobbos" or "Imps of Saton." On being taken to tho city jail Timms begun a woird talo. He told tho chief coufidontnlly that bo wag tho Mossiah and that ho wns hero to route Satan and his demons. Hut ho insisted that hu hud been shot at three times hut is uualilo to describe his assailant. After a lengthy ex amination tho police aro inclined to heliovo bis story of being shot hut have no cluo ns to his assailant. Among1 other srntumvirts '4'uiuns made this morning was that ho, as tho Messiah, had charged James J. Jeff ries to carry on his work. "Hut two years ago," he said "Jeffries proved unfaithful to his trust." Timms states that ho was cruci fied 1011 years ago at I.ihhy prison. Ho will ho taken to Jacksonville this afternoon and probably committed to the stato asylum for tho insane. Lynch President. NHW YORK, Dee. 13. Hy a yoto of six to two magnates of tho Nation al League today re-elected Thomns J. Lynch ns its prosidont. Ktibets of Brooklyn nud Fogel of Philadelphia cast their votes for R. W. Brown of Louisville, FRENCH COSED S MANY FROM SEA Steamer Delhi, With Many Titled Passengers Aboard, Goes on the ocks Sea Ran So High It Was Impossible to Launch Life Boats GIBRALTAR, Dec. 12. The British btenmor Delhi, aboard of which were tho Duke and Duchess of Fife, Princess Alexandra and Princ ess Maud, went ashore near Cape Trafalgar in a fiorco gnlo early to day and is now boing pounded to piocos by heavy sens. All passen gers have been rescued, the French cruiser Briant bnviiig succeeded in reaching the ship after lifobonts had failed and hopo was almost aband oned. Tho government sought to land sol diers with lifosaving apparatus on tho coast near tho wreck, but the high seas prevented the men from getting nshoro. It was then that the captain of the French warship -look tho ono chauco loft nud managed to accomplish what seemed an impossi bilitv. Whilo a wild gnlo was raging this morning nud tlio const was hidden in heavy fog, tho Delhi ran aground. Sho wns bound for Kgypt and her passenger list included tho names of ninny Americans. Women and elul dron abonrd wore numerous. When sho ran nfehorc tho passengers were on tho vorgo of panic whon thoy wore bold in uhook by tho promiso Hint lifeboats could easily be launchud But when tliio wns uttompted it fail ed. Tho stoamer London and tho crui sers Duko of r-Minburgh and Wey mouth wore off Capo Spartoln at tho time. They iumiodintoly started for the scone, but the storm prevented them reaching tho Delhi in timo to be of nny nsi&tnnce. While tho crui sors were doiug their bout to roach tho Delhi sho was being pounded to pieces by tho mountains of water swooping her decks. And tlio pass engers wore becoming dosperate. The Duko of Fife assisted tho officers io quell their four and they were as surod that they would bo taken off. Roekots woro fired all night and it was this signalling that attracted the rescuers. When the Briant attempt ed to got near ouongh to tho Delhi to tako tho passengers off tho seas threatened to enwh the cruiser and stoamor together. By horoio moas uros tho cruisor was finally brought to and tho passengers transferred. The Delhi is ono of tho finest ships in tho Oriental sorvioo. Sho earned a number of tlio British nobility, who expecting to spend tho wmtor holt days m Kgypt. Let ono of today's want ads sqnd you on a "llttlo journny" if you're looking tor a turnisiied room. DARINGLY No. 227. FEDERAL PROBE BRIBERY FUND ROMISED Los Annclcs Inquiry Will Be Con cluded Within Ten Days and Then Lawlcr Will Go to Indianapolis to Assist Miller. FREDERICKS IS NOW AFTER OTHER DYNAMITERS John Doc Warrant Will Be Issued Within Next Few Days for Calif&rnian. , , LOS AKOHLES, Dec 1.1. With tlio resumption today of the federal in quiry into tho alleged dynamiting conspiracy it wnf lenmed that gov ernment ngent, Oscar Lawlcr, is to ' enlarge tlio scope of impiiry and is to probe itno the allegation that n fund for bribing MeNamnrn jurors amount ing to thousands ot dollars Was in the bands of persons connected with the onse for disposal. It was also learned Hint the Los Angeles impiiry is to be concluded within ten days nt the outside, and tho investigation transferred to IudinunpoIi9. With tho removal of the investigation from Los Angeles, Oscar Lnwler, who !s repcrscnting the government here, will go to Indianapolis to assist United .States Attomoy Miller, who will di rect the probe there. Contrary to nil expectations, Dis trict Attorney Fredericks lias active ly resumed work of bringing to jus tice other persons snid to havo been implicated in the dynamiting of tho ' Los Angeles Times building October 1, 1010. Thirteen witnesses woro examined during tho morning j4 afternoon sessions of the federal grand jury: ' While it wns rumored early that Ortio MoMauigal would again be brought before the imiuisitorinl board, this could not be verified. Before tho investigation wns re sumed today Mrs. Bello aLvin and Mrs. Lena lugersoll, both of San Francisco, with whom Jim McNu- mara is said to have been boarding while in tho northern city, was "Ios cted for some time with Government Agont Lnwler. Throughout tho morn ing there wns a stronm of witnesses appearing nt tho United tSatos dis trict attorney's offico and among ' them wewo many who nppoarpd nt tho original investigation of tho county grand jurv into tho Times disaster. STILL HOPE TO AVE MINERS Sam Miller, Oldest Miner Employed by Company, Leads Band of Men in Hide and Seek Game With Death. , BRICKVILLK. Tenn., Dec. 1U. Somowhoro in tho depths , of the wreckod Cross Mountain conl mine, threo mile beneath tho hurfaco, Sam Miller, tho oldest minor employed by tho company, and a crowd of bylpors aro playing hide and seek with dentil, while a rosouo party aro hazarding tboir lives, to suvo thorn. Fire ban added to tlio danger of the entombed ' and starving miners and is making mora difficult tho work of rosouo. Mnny galleries are alfumu, and smoku compels tho roscuors to work in short shifts. Chalk marks on tho walla arc the trail by which tho rosaiicM" aro following Miller and bis companions. "Going o No. ao," rends Hio last mobsngo on tho wall. Twenty-fivo members of tho gov ernment lifo&ining party, equipped with safety helmets, havo started for galleiy 30. To got thoro thoy will noy only have to ohop their way through wreckage but thoy must fight through a wall of fire, tho extent of which 5s problematical. Thoy fear tho firo may bo cutiug its way toward tho imprisoned minors, but thoy rely ou Miller's knowledgo of tho mine (f stavo off death until safety ruaohofl thorn. Miller knows ovary entrywny and room in tho mine and Ibis knowl edge is tho ono thing that Ub saved bun and hi- followers up to now, P i i