Hb- .. .l-r"V. -V . iru",p" 1XGE SIX rapFonrf ar ate TRrrrmm atEDTroTtt),t wrafltfflr. tuestoy, rraoTCMimR 12, ltorf. -" HUM 'SEVEN DAYS" AT THE MEDFORD THEATRE WEDNESDAY NIGHT tho uiost hoiIoiis crisis .vol oncouut vred In Tuft's flfjlil for ro-noiuluu-Uon. Uulh thu Kt)HolU and Taft uit'ii, howuver, Join In dlHrouitl lug RoomuvoII'h boom for uuotlioi' term. r uLuntiL iiium i TAKES A BRIDE ' A A A-A AA.AA.A.AA &AAAAAAA.A.AAA.A.A.A.A..A.A.A..A.A.A.A.AA.A.A.AA.A.A.A.A A. A. " " "' ''''''VV" I , ,j!,H DH yl Mm mail,., i i , , ..., , u I iJ J IK Youngest Son of W. H. Barnum of Jacksonville and Miss Hazel Ray poltz Arc Married Leave for San Francisco. A quiet lint lmppy wodillnR was atilouiulxod Sunday at 0 n. m. at the linnm of Mr. nnd Mrs. William I.lnd-: )ay of Modrord, whon George nnrnum alul Ml Haiol llnyphnltz, both of .IftakMttYtlte, vre join In the ho1 Itonfln of wedlock by Itv. Shields. TliO Kroom la the youngtMt son or Mr. mid Mrs. H. nnrnum, nml li ft 'filovor onjjlnoer and chauffeur a JI an n "all around jpod fel low." Tho bride Is the fourth' (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ha- pliolt and a beautiful and nccom-; plisbtHl young lady, and a graduate1 of tha Jncksonvlllo public .eliol. ( Mr. Itanium looked clinrminx in beautifully tallnml suit of brown with wlill inaniuiselle waist em broidered In Alice bluo and white beaver hat. The happy couplo took tho 10:35 train for San Francisco, where they will spend tholr honey ninoii. Thov worn accompanied to the train by a number of friends and rolatlvoe. who gave them all sorts of good wlfthes and a plentiful sprlnk IIiir of rice. To make the evont still fnnnior. Just as the groom was ready to antor the car ho was taken In charge by two burly pollcomon, who wanted to lmvo tholr share of the fun. (toorge looked' very much sur prised at first, but was soon released with hearty hand shakes and good wishes. J iStf iEjilfiUr a 2 Jtfc VLllnlllK'lllBvP 4rrrrHri t il9 4 a IE4 Jm 9 aScVJUKKls i igkt mJu ftt y iirLk iiflHi V4. !(LxtVv'tikVEmlCe' t t kImi IFjSJEjHK Sfi jffi I v K!8V HK BBKSwBPJy 'J? T jfcW'fTS'jS 5e &Sn HSR. r . T I m 1OT& , , ; :. ; -UK EAGLE POINT !S A LIVE ONE NW "Nixie" Writes of Hopes and Alms of Little City In the Foothills F. H. Stewart Head of Newly Organized Commercial Club. After a peaceful slumber for many years this town and neighbor hood has at last awakened to the fact that they must, as one of our schoql children was heard to remark recently, "get a eye'one wiggle on," In other words If wo want the rest of the world to know that this sec tion Is on the map of progressive Orogon, something must bo done. So a goodly number of our citizens mot In the hall over Brown Brothers' now storo for tho purpose of orgnn- Izlnc a commercial club. Tho meet ing was called to order by J. P. Brown, and J. T. McQuoId was chosen as temporary secretary. Tho selection of a pormanont chairman bolng first In order P. M. Stewart was nominated and received the unanimous vote of tho meeting, be ing declared olectod ho was escorted to the chair and at onco assumed tho duties of tho office. After a few approprlato remarks along progress ive lines from the chair J. T. Mc QuoId was by unanimous voto4 chosen as permanent secretary. Tho next In order was tho selecting by ballot of a board of nlno directors, the vote resulting In tho goloctlon of P. M. Stewart, P. h. Hoath, Henry Spraguo, Dr. W. P. Holt, S. B. HornoB, P. l'olouze, B. h. Warnatorff, J. P. Brown nnd Gus Nichols. Tho moot ing thon adjourned to moot again Docomber 15, at which tlmo the matter of adopting by-laws will como up for consideration. Tho sec rotary reported that 5C porsons had slguod up as mombers, up to the prebont time. "We expoct to number 100 or moro by tho first or the yoar. Attar adjournment or tho moating tho directors wero called togothor and Belectod P. L. Heath as tholr chairman and ox officio vlco presi dent of tho club. J. V. Mclntlro was olootod as troaBitrer of tho club and tho First State bank of Kaglo Point choson as tho depository of tho club funds. It having previously been decided to hlro a full pago In the Now Ycur's edition of tho Mall Trlb uno, in which to display cuts and wrlto-ups showing a few of tho many advantages offored tho home sookor or Investor In this section. J. P. Brown, Gus Nichols an P. Polouzo wero appointed as a com nilttco to superintend tho prepara tion of buoIi mattor. Tho .mooting adjourned amid great enthusiasm. NIXII3. "Seven Day," wouM moll into the wept jyon-lv in er liuinuii faliion. soinljIniH'e of h Iniigli I lie cold, xiern A Imtw of IWIouiniisf Ay mid let viatv of Splinix. It niiitlit d morv, it bo repealed for iiilitiis one ol It might plant tin ttmiociiMoineil xmile lltoso who viirvlt'.l was u college pro upM the countenance of a Hours feasor who had boon, by eonnnoii re Cabot Lodge. It lias done much. U port, u former roommaie of Kuripid lias dnuvii from the Kioom.v iiiUnir 0.0. of n eollete profe?or--th wrt who, f!o and soe Hie Sphinx Inueli, ni believe that all real literature ootne laimh with it. "Seven Days" i i-iiii. to 11 full stop shortly after Homer iiur here. The comedy- the lautiliiiii: Smote fe bloomin' Ivre a ronriiij;, ' of the ugv will be presented by heart v laueli. The full ..uttit of nice -"rs u aKeiinais tt KemjR.r nl the " , . ,... oo....... m.. .. -Mi'Uionl Wediiwday evcni.iK with the """" ', , ." ;"J , wiHro cast nu.l production tniiht please-and see thut tl.ev are frc-di. froiII ,u, ,,ny.s inl ywp n, (,a, Afj A ennvded liou" roared, and irurgleil. tor Ihuatro in Kew York. SPECIAL For Wednesday only 5 Per Cent Off On sill llaiul I'aiulotl ami lMm linporlotl China, Cut. Cilass ami (inlil DiM'oratcil liuluuiiian (llimM I Ovor niKM) arlich's suilablc lor Xinas gil'ls here Id I select from and the largest and most complete line tit' 65 HAVE SI6NED E! 01 KOURSION With Date of Leaving Three Weeks Distance Indications Are That Last Year's Excursion to California Will Be Exceeded in Number. To date sixty-five local people Jinvc ordored reservations for the South ern California, o.ourinioii which loaves Medford shortly after the hol idays. Indications are tltat Inst year's number, over 100, will be ex ceeded tliis year. Tlio classified wis would be the dullest possiblo "rendine; matter" for j person who miulit have no nim or purposo In mind. But to folks with tmrnoses, nuns, desires, quests llio.v LOCAL SHOPS TORN OUT FIRST MOGUL The Pacific & Eastern car shop-, have turned nut their firxt rebuilt engine, it being engine No. 1, or the "0110 spot," as tho reailrond bos re fer to it. The engine in the firt out put in u-e on llie I'ueifin & Kimtcni. about live your ago mid Iiiih do:. coiitinuous servico since Unit time. The engine wax taken out yeiterdav for its tiiul trip iiiice being rebuilt nml it eaint up to expectations in ev ery rospoct. This give (he com pany four enginort in sorvine, not in cluding General Muuager Clerig'a pri vate automobile engine mid cur. Perhaps one of the letters you ought to write during the next hour is n reply to some one of today'., want ads. BIG REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. (Continued From Page One) standpat organization. If any eno selected 40 men who would bo most likely to support" the administration theso would be tho 40. Of course they opposo I-a Follette. Uut the significant thing Is that they don't favor Taft. And moro significant still is tholr demand for primaries which Is our fight." With the Hlllea-Hltchcock fight over New on the adherents of Presi dent Taft today aro confronted with' Dolls, Toys, Games, Books, Toilet Cases, Brush Sets, Etc., Ever Shown in Medford '10,000 Xinas Post Cards, a regular fie. and 2 for quality anywhere else, here lc Each 1000 Hand-Colored Calendars 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c HUSSEY'S OUR WOOD AND DRAY Office Ih now located at No. NH South Kir In Wll & t'o.'it m-conil blind Mtorc. Special attention given to tho moving of IioiincIioIiI goiHli'Iitiil the delivery of freight, H. S. BRUMBLE & SONS Home, i-'itn-Ii Hell, 111(1! Do You Need Drain Tile? WU SI Xl TAtTt'ltK IT The ItcNt 'Hint Clin lie Miide. Itcfoni (lidding Sec In. Rogue River Pottery Co. Plant nl Tolo, llil Uimirtt. Corey llldg,, Mctlforil i BlThefetesiModell El IK" I wii mmt mm an RfllO ' T1IK ItlvST I'Ol'.NTAl.N PKN yEt; ON IIAUTII K We will take pleasure In showing you l)Rj how this style pen can be carried In 0 H ' pocket, purse or trunk in any position. K- cannot spilt and h always ready to M HP write. j Rl I A USEFUL PEN FOR LADIES HBdj I Tho iion that you want l&RaKf when you want it II 1 I I'Olt SALK ONI.V I1V U J U MEDFORD BOOK STORE I ---- DETECTIVES WERE PAID $132,697.55 Chance to Earn Holiday Money MAIL-TRIBUNE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S CONTEST $50 IN CASH PRIZES To be given to school children securing the most new subscribers before January 1, 1912 LOS AKGELKS. Doc. 12. To brin-i tho McNiuiinni brotliorrt to tho bnr ! justice cost tho tnxpnyoM of Lo Angelta county jj.'1:1'J,(MJ7..'j."j detectivu foos, nccordinir to n leport todiiy to tho bonrd of aupcrviMura. Tho 1'ink orton i Duteulivc Acncy, hitherlto mi nioiitioned ns Iinvinu IihiI a Imnd in trnilinjr tho dyiiHrniton, accordiim to the roport, rocoivod ipST.OSo.Ul fur servicer), tho Uiuiih nceiiey $lf,2QU.2i nnd the district tittorncy's dotcc-tiv i-.21,078.08. NEW SEWER ON FLORENCE AVENUE Tho Jiicobson-Uiido Cotnpnny lmvo couiinoncod uxunviilintr for a bowor lino on FloiiuciO iivunuo in Hunt Med ford, This sovur will ivo tlio now Sncrod lluiirt hoHpiial an oppoilim ily to coiuioot witji tho Kiist Main Htrcot trunk lino. Tho scwro ib to bo coinplutud by thu lifilh of llii. mouth to cniiblo tlio hoHpiial to con nect fur iU opcniiiL', which in Hchutl- First prize . ; Second prize ! Third prize . Fourth prize Fifth prize . $25.00 10.00 7.50 5,00 2.50 STATEMENT . . (CoiuluilNed) Of tho Condition of H The Jackson County Bank OF MKHFOIU), OHKC10N. At tho clone of hiiNiuorW UoooiiiI ur ft, 1(111, tho ilutn of tlm call by tho llonorablo Coiiiptrollcr of tlio Currciiuy at WnnliliiKton, I), C. MAIIIMTIE6. Capitnl $100,000.00 SurpiiiH ; o'j,roo.oo Undivided profllH Willi. 110 DcjkihUh ra i,ir:i.:ia f7nfi,'.'M.:iri KKSOUKCKfi. Can on liand nml wllli liuijkt). -'O.'l.fiO:!.!) t WarriiiitH ami IioikIh fi,l7:i.O I Hunk pnmiiHuH (.... 110,000.00 IoniiH nml disciinnlH 175,12(17.1)7 1 lf7tiri('2..afi 3888 Cnpilfil nt orffnnlxntinn !p 20,000.00 181)11 Capitnl inorouHcd from cnrnliiKH to ri0,00().0l) JilOri Cnpittil imircuried from miruiiiK'H t 100,000.00 3.011 Capitnl, Hiirphm and profilrt 180,000.00 III,' nnoiij,'i lo Hervo you but not too bij,' to appreciate you, W. I. Vauler, President 0. It. Lindley, Vino Promilcnt C. W. Monoiinld, CiiHhior -- - - 4 --- -- - ----- --- -t'f In addition, each child will receive 10 cents for each new subscriber turned in, wh'ether they receive a prize or not. i !&" Call at Mail-Tribune office after 3:30 p. m. and secure blanks We have a stock of ready-framed pic tures. Something classy THE ART STORE In tlio IIiinIiichh CoIIcko lllock 27 NOllTIl GHA1M3 trwitE jpxroeo&jiCuaad csTrasirace awim jr p i'ta'imiiriT:jy"ggEaaa'i".'.jT;.;r;iiirfIT. li BVI JH ii lii 1 Full Line of Peerless LamDsi JH All Lninrnntoocl. Now tlio iimo to got your liouso i wu-uu. uouci ngnc auus tp tno conitort of wintoi months. Southern Oregon Electric Co North Grape Street. IV nro the most mterostiiiK "reudiiiK" tPWUl 1 tiled for that date. irorww4w