I i E i i) SECOND EDITION Dully Hlxtli Vcnr Korly-I'lrwl Ynnr REBELS INSIST Threats of Assassination Against Pirmlrr Yuan Slit Knl Aro Hnard Half Million PcojiIij Aro Rrporlril Slarvliin. TINNED GOODS ONLY FOOD FOR FOREIGNERS Daniier of Allack How at Hankow liy Half Famished Natives Rebels May Split. HANKOW. Hit. 12. mi iliiilUl1eil . il ti Hlllllittf ulllllt of II Rebel lirn prop, uIm !' i' public mill tluut ol' HKmiiiH'.!im nirttiiiHi Pre mini' Vhiiii Shi Khi niv Iikiiik iiiihIi today Iiv lltw ri'vnliiliiuii-lt. Mm IIIHlH (tr llinCltllll'Ilt ItKIUII"! (IlllCtlll l.i. tli'i tube louder, who in nut rim ttiiliwt'il H lilir (timimli iiihii t ,"ii' duct iinxotiiilions avtiiiiMt I'iciiii'i Viihii ,im nlmi lu'iinl. (Icneriil I.i i nwpwlcil n ii mihlicr, Iml not n- n (Mililiciil louder. It' (Irncnil l.i nri'cciln to Premier Yiihii'm icqiieat that I In' rebel l down (heir iiiiiim hii iliuMM-pt a con stitutional itioimri'liv there i a io sibility of a plit in tin1 rebel rank" mill I'oiitlniii'il Inmtilitio Iiv Hint lac tion which (Ii'iiihuiU a republic. Kullv 61)0,000 pot-wins in Hankow mnl vicinity arc dewtllnle, with tlm I'itv Iniil in ruin hy fin', mnl facing Htaivatioii. Foreigner in I ho con- cessions nn hung on lliitii'il looii anil there in danger of nn attack hy tin' half fmiu-hcil natives. STARVE : TO DEATH Appalling Details of Great Famine Become Known Government Pre vents Operation of Relief Socie ties. HT. PKTKIlHIItUM. Doc 12. A- palllug details of tho printout famine In KiihhIii aro gradually becoming known, diwplto efforts of I ho guv iiriiimint to Hiipprnmi tho facts. At i "inly II In predicted that utilcim mloquiitn relief moiiHuroH aro under taken conditions will ho wurmi than In tho groat famine of 18!) I, whoa tho uiituhur of ihrntliH In tho Euro pean provinces of HuhhIii reached .SIM), 1)00 In uxi'ohh of tho normal, I'loin tho government of Ufa rmuim tho Information that tho chil dren havo for hovoiiiI months pnst liceu subsisting on ariiniH, and that tho Hiipply of Uioho Ih alniOHt ox luniHtcd. In tho Hniunra i;nvorn incut tho pnoplo aro oatlnt dodj;H and tho hark of trccH. In all, n Hcnro of tiovoruiiuint adinlnlatratloim aro affected hy tho uroji falluro, MdiiiiIIiiio tho Kveniineut Ih pur- miliiK tho moHl aHtonlhliliiK roui'HU, liavlnt; ahHoliitoly prohlhltod tho or Kaiilxatlnn and operation of prlvato rollof HOdotloH for fonr of political propaganda, In huiiio dltdrlctH tho chlofH of polh'o havo prohlhltod tho local prcHii from iiiIhIhk fiiiidH for tho Hiiffuroi'H, heflldoH forhhldliiK all nnoiitlon of tho faiiilno In tho uowh L'OllllllllH, ON SULZER BILL WASIIINOTON, I). ('., Dee. VJ. Tim hmiHo comiuilloo on foreign nf-l'aii-H loday uiiauiiilmiHly iireetl to n favorahlo report on a resolution hv ('niiKroKHiiinn Sulzor of Now York iceoiunmndiiiL' the nhiOKiiliou of tho li'iily of 18!I'J with HuhhIii, owIiik to tho rol'iiHiil of (hat country to rvmiK nizc piiHHportH proHciitoil by Aiuorl t'lili down, 1 R 1 Nl W P RUSSIA K T Medford BRIDE BY PROXY. Di L'LISAPlC POPPAS amd wire. ,TI'I lIUIll 1 III- Will', III wllOIII Ii.- was in. tin il hv prow while lie wn in Washington ami ho in t'ota Itirn. last September, ami later hv a cm. iiinlicc m thi .ounliv, Mi. ltclitino i'atioi, until recently tlm I'iiiihiiih lliinmlcr to till' milted "Into, left SV York for hi nntivi' land a few day hhi. There i a possibility that In will hotline h xtiotig picsidcnlial ciimlidittc nlii'ii hi niriM's in 1'iiint ma. COMMITTEE HITS PRIMARY WASHINdTON'. 1). ('., I)IV. J a. Hv mi ovorulitilminu' vote tho nation a rcpuhlieau commit tot' defeated the resolution favoriui; the preHideutinl primiiry, only neven iiiviiitii'n nip IMirtnit; Suinttor llorali, who forced the iWHue. Tho voto Hlooil 7 n.vc.1, (u dl nno-.. Tho I'ouimittno on call of tho con vention did not intuition presidential primarieM in it roimit. Senator llorali prcHeutud the minority repoit previdini: for a primary, nnil argued hi favor of hie point. "This in a livint: Uhiio," Horah hum" "It cannot ho unwise to leave the matter to the stovorHl Mnto coiiunit ti'co. It will romilt in vnntlv hetter I'cclintr in the rank and illo of the parly." John Hlodk'oll of Michigan, Clnv ton of ArkniiHiiH ami I, von of Toii oppoMed the Hellenic. Horah replied to (heir ohjeetioiiM and then ThnrM'ii of Smith Dakota seconded Horah' motion to adopt hi icport. The vote uiik then taken. ONLY 88 SIGN ROLL OF VOTERS Rerjlstratlon at City Hall Is Pro (jrcsslnn Slowly Only Elfjlit Days After This In Which to Rcrjlstcr for City Election. Only ciiglily-vij-lil vo'ors irRistoi nt the oily hall yoHtorday, not near ly tho number expected on tho firM day of rom'slraliou. This HCcniinjr lack of iulorosl is luulmibtedlv not a luck of iiiturc.il at till but may bo at tributed to tho fact that it ia a now procedure In tho city and not fully understood nor cxtuiiHtvoly advurtiH od. Hocordor Tel for in linviui; lamo pla- cardH miido trlliui; of tho reejstrnlive rcfiuireineuta mid will havo them post oil in various parts of tho city. 'I ho registration board will moot in tho council chamber of tho city It nil every iifloriioon except Sunday, and will lio in session from one until Hoveu o'clook, The registration bonks will bo clased on thu evoniui; of Docenibor 21, Arizona Golnn Democratic. IMIOIONIX, Ariz., Doc. IS. Tro mondoiiH Interest la being taken by tho votorH of Arizona, which Htato Ih olcctlni? Hh own Bvcrnor today nud nequlrliiK for tho fliHt tlmo two United States HOiiatoi'B and ono con KiOHHiunn, Mentor reports recolved horo up to noon Indleato tlmt 00 por coat of tho roRlHtored voto will bo east, tho Invest In tho hlHtory ot Arizona, That tho election Is r.o Inu henvlly democrntlo is Indicated. P Wil& mJ" - - UN MI3DJT0HD, N EF Vassalanc to Great Britain Is Once Atjaln Formally Proclaimed to the World Amid Scttlnns of Gllttcrlnn. Oriental Splcndcr. GEORGE FIRST ENGLISH MONARCH TO VISIT LAND Over 300,000,000 Subjects Arc Rep resented at Formal Coronation of Gcoriic as Emperor. DCI.III. India. I,.-.. . ,,,'. viihmiiImkc to (Ireat Hritaiu a utrnn foniuillv piiieliinni'd to tln world to dnv Hheii, in (he prcMcacH of lOll.Ollc pcrtuoiM, reprcMi'iilini- .,une 100.0(1(1. (10(1 nubjeeU, I ."ill iuilie ruler- knell in hmiiNuo to the hend of the aim limine of l!..oi-r nod Sxc-( ohtir- Ainiil mc u of ,i- oiic ixiiiip am imiKiiii(iei'iM", iiii,iiii.'u, in the hii tor of India, in the K"'iit iircna where (iiei-n Victoiia uiih proclaimed cmprertM by Viceroy Lord I.ttou in 1.S77, nud where Kin ICdwaid was proclaimed by Viceroy Lord Curon in HIO.'I, Kini: (leorjjc the Fifth the firi-t riUKiiiiiK I'hiiiliwh sovereign to viwit the Knr Bust- -announced his own succession to the imperial limine. The fact that every week more than 000(1 nntivoH are dyinir from plague that hundreds nf thoiiMiuds arc on the erKe of starvation, and Hint tin spirit of ficdition abroad in the hind impressed only bj' Kinrland's stronir dinplay of force, was appaieutly for KOtU'ii ftjr the moment. flrvnt Hplcmlor. The Orientnl settinu". the Rlitter of the royal crowni, the t-ornpous ndiei and jewels of the Indian princes, the thousands of brilliantly uniformed and superbly disciplined troop-;, and the varicliid host of people of hun dreds of races and eronds, combined to make it series of tableaux of sur passing k pernio r. The Duibar arena, situated about three miles from the royal camp, con sists of two soini-ciicular amphithe atres, nn inner one, scntiui; about f, 000, reserved for the kintr and the native princes and Hritisb officials, and the outer one built on the liigli ground between tho fort (the former Mofrul stronghold) and the ridue, xeeno of the despernte fiuhtintr which Iinallv assured the Hritisb conquest of India, in 1857. x lvlnj: Arrlvcc. Shortly before noon the bnomins of cannon announced the departure of the kimr and queen from their oninp, and when thov nrrlved at the arcun the one vacant space in tho color scheme was filled. Six horses weighted down by irold-spanirled har ness, drew the royal carriage, and their majesties were escorted by a body of princes, heirs to some of the proudest thrones in India, nnd sqund- rons ol cavalry, Hnlish nud native. Queen Mary wore the same crown flint did duty in Westminister nbbev last June. Hlar.iuu' iu the center of it was the famous Koh-i-noor diamond which one uraced the I'eneoek throne of Shnb.Tonan last of the "irrent Moguls." Kinjr floorno's was not the imperial crown, hut a new one espe cially mndo for the occasion. The utmost secrecy had been maintained over the details of its eonstruetion, nud it was publicly shown todnv for the first tune. As hnd been nntici putcd, it proved to bo n nutirnlfleput ereation, for iu their efforts to de sign soniethintr to impress the native rulers the royal jewelers had utilfcctl nenrlv overy pein of value possessed by tho Hritish royal family. , l'rlnecs lllse. The nssemhlv of pi luces rose to their feet as the kiinr and queen took tlioir seals on the thrones, nnd Vico rov Lord lfimlinjiP, Tndian Seeretnvy Lord Crowe, the Duke of Teck and the host of Hritish noblemen and court officials ,all in statu robes and tho peers wenriiij; their coronets, grouped theinselvos round tho steps of the dins. Holiind nnd on either hide of tho thrones the kill's body guard of blue-coated punncTS of the Royal Murine Artillery, stood stiffly at ntteutiou, while- the Soaforth Iliirh lunilers, in scarlet tunics nud kilts, and ureon coated Rifles, formed a irunrd nf honor round tho flni?atnff (Continued on pane JTT INDIA OW HOMGE LIRE n Mail Tribune CMMON, 'ITKSIMV, UWIOMBHR 12, 1911. KING AND DUEEN OP ENGLAND RECEIVED WITH Lord an, tauy HAKD"LrrdB. - ' "rfi - i - - - ------ I sir ..-. ...., Ti-i - - t BOILDINC "PfWIUON WHERE. KJNCS The aboxc plirt-,r.:p'i . Low t which took place Wx... AK pn e as hot and hostess to their .Map-tie 1912 TAX LEVY IN CITY iS FIXED BY ill -IT I JQ This Rate Will Raise $61,750 for City Purposes Is Slightly Higher Than Last Year Due to Workinrj of Ban croft Act. Fund General Interest Street' . Sewor . I'nrk .. Lovy .t) i u . . . . i.r 1.0 Sum S18J0O 131,000 9,750 li.oOO ) o 1.300 Library fi Jl.'ioO Hridj,'o 1.0 (i,f00 Sinking fi IVXO TotuI 0.,"i .$(U,7J0 The city council met Monday aft ernoon and tixed thu city tax levy for 101U ut !.." mills, which will ro- alire $lll,7")0 for city purposes dur ing the conunir year. The increase iu tho Jovy over that of last j ear is mndo iwcefcMiry to meet the first si niouths' intcn'ct on the imiirovument hmids issued. The Haucroft bond net requires that iu-semi-annually, whilo the propeity owner ai;aiiHt whoso property the bond is issued is only required to pay his nsscsMuenl and interest itnuuullv, thus tho net does not make provision for the payment of the first six inoiitsh interest hen it becomes due mid payable. However, this iuereiwe in the levy will onl bo necessary to uieot tho first si niouths' interest on the bonds ns issued, the property owners annual interest inootint; the requirements alter ono nnnnal inter est amount has In eu paid. ATTEND CONVENTION County .Tudfjo ,T, IL Neil, County Commissioner Juntos Owens nnd County KiiKinocr Hert Harmon left last uiuht for Portland to bo in at tendance ut convention of tho county judges and commissioners of tho stnte which is in session there, bcKiuuiiu; todny nud closing Thursduy. JuiIko Neil is scheduled for tin mi dress WeduosduY morniin; on "I'ro bnto Law and l'roceduro." There is proliahlv no tanothor county jud?e iu OreRon who has hnd n knitter exper ience iu this work than has Judye Noil and nouo better qualified intel ligently to address an assembly upon the subject assigned him, Thursday will he uivc-n up to n dis ouBblon of priiutiunl road building, 0 AND CUJEEN WU4. HOLD RECEPT1C3N lie prcp.ir.if ui s nvde .it Di'lti, li dm i t(d htrciMt are the l.itct portrait" s iltiri'i' t1,'1 Durbar coroi.ation festi E . MENSTILL ftUVE Tappings Convey News That All of the Entombed Miners In Tennes see Death Hole Are Not Dead- Frantic Efforts tc Save. I1RICEVILLE, Tonn., Dec. 12. With probably from 125 to 150 of tho 200-odd miners antombod horo mill alive, offorts for tholr rosouo to day are being pushed with ovory re source at tho command of tho gov ernment life savors and tho uiino of ficials. linnotui? was glvon to tho toll of tho rescuors when tappings wore hoard just beyond that portion ot tho gallorlos alrondy searched. Every man who con swing a pick Is being put to work to defeat doath and save tho llvos of tho Imprisoned men, Sovon more bodies wore fouud this morning under a cave-In, in ono, of the deopor gallorlos ot tho mlno. This brought tho total number of bodies recovorod to 30. Thero 13 now bullovod to bo little doubt that far back In the mine most of thoso caught by tho explosion havo ior ishod, although tho oroctlon ot brat tices may havo shut out tho noxious K.isos sufficiently to cut down the dentil list to smaller proportions than It was ftmrod it would roach. Thoso of tho miners so far brought up allvo havo beou ontombed more than GO hours. Tlioy had practically no food with thorn and woro com pelled to drink the putrid water which soaped through tho mlno sonms and lay In ovll smolllug pools on the floors of tho worklugs whoro they waltod In darkness for tho death that seemed sure to come. .Wound tho mouth of tho pit tho excitement today was intense when It was lenrnod that now liopo had como of saving many of tho en tomhod men. Womon and children, thu fnmlllos of those still unaccount ed for, wept with Joy and only with the greatest difficulty woro tho ongor crowds of minors hold back from de scending into tho shaft until tholr turns at shift arrlvod. Evory man who can bo employed in tho limited spaco in tho mlno Is being worked. Ono hour shifts aro being used and as fast as tho res cuers tiro of working nt high pros suro they aro brought to tho surface and new gangs take up tho battlo for life without nu iusntant's delay. Tho two ways of finding work want advertising and answering want nds giyo you n doublo-bnrroleil chance of winning the kind of n job you want. RUSHING WORK TO II Oregon HisiimcaJ buoiui City Hnll ..mwM ACCLAIM BY SUBJECTS OF "PWEFAR.ING. THE. DU52SACR. TJOUO Gt&OUND IN PEUil for the reception ot Ktv (J. yjf ,,i d Queen Mr .it the Great Durbar, of Lord and L.id H.irdiiij;i, the tc-ero ami Vict mat of India, who net vities. NEW YEAR'S ISSUE. The only publication setting forth iu detail the growth and progress of the Kqsuo river valley during the year 1Q11 will be the New Year's isue of'&iM4l' TibbHP --IUilfe4&i lie lll mill- nnniirliintlr rf "" telling the nation what splend id progress we have made nnd what opportunities we offer the homes0oker. The New Year's issue, will not bo confined to Medford. it will include nil tho towns of the valley, because the in torosts of one is he interest of all. The publishers will do their shnrc. Co-operate with them nnd help them to make this issue the biggest nnd best ever put out in southern Oregou. -r -f - f -r f 4- 4- 4- -t 4- 4- -6- 4- 4. 4- 4- MOTHER TO LIVE Mrs. McNamara Plans to Remove to California In Order to Be Near Where Her Sons Are Confined Is Heartbroken. CINCINNATI, Ohio, Doc. 12. Mrs. Mary J. MoNnumru today plans to lonvo Cincinnati in about two week to take up her rosidonua nenr San Quoutin, Cul., whoro she will bo able to visit her sons, J. 1). and J. J. Mo Natuara, tho confosscd dynamiters. When questioned rogurding n viiit sho received from II. S. lloekiit of Indianripolis, noting socrctary-treub-nrof of tho International Association of Bridge and Structural Ironwor ers, Mr. McNamnru would not de ny that ho called for tho purpose of paying her monoy for a trip to San Francisco. tIT l. , . . . . x iium) not neurit n wont irom mv li,.o oi... :i ix & '? . ?. ?. "l .,0!,ly t0. !V ,1U.fc- tion, "and hnvo no statement to make at this time." IS TO TAKE CHASE'S PLACE NEW YORK, Hoc 12. Harry Wolvorton is announood today as manager of tho Now York American League bascbnll to succeed Hal Chase. Provident K. N. Walter of the Oakland Const League club has releasod Wolvorton, who was under contract to manage the Oakland oluli for 1012, and will announce Wolvcr ton'a successor tonight. NEAR SAN QUENTiN WEATHER rtnlii. Mav. ltd, Mhi. nil; ltd. Hum. 01 1 iri', truce. Ni. 220. THEIR EASTERN EMPIRE Til National Committee Chooses Chicago as Convention City and Names June 18 as the Date on Which It Will Meet. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 12. It whs learned kcre todny flint tho republican national oxeutivo tioat iiiitteu nauied Harry S. New of Indi ana, the administration oKndidntc, ns chairman of tho siibstituteo commit tee which will havo charge of tho arrangements for tho national con vention in 1012. Tho porsouncl of the committee is ns follews: Harry S. New, Indiana, ohnirnmn; Mnlvnne, Kansas; Murphy, Now' Jer sey; Duncan, North Carolinn, Wil liams, Oregon; Kowwator, Nebraska, and Vorys, Ohio. Of these, Mulvniic, Murphy, Wil liams nud Vorys nro known to bo strong upporter of the Tuft admin istration. WASHINGTON, I). C.. Doc 12. The National Uepubllonn convontiQr will be hld at Chicago on Juno IS, 1912. Harry New or Indlanupolls is almost cortaln to be choon chairman of the poworful commlUo on nr rnugetneuti. which namea tho tempo rary officers of th oonvontlon. Tho national ropubllcan commltteo Is In iweslon hre today. Now's selvetlon, It It is made, will be due -to tu offorts of President laft and his secretary, Ohnrloa D. Utile. New was opposed by Secre tary Krauk II. Hltohooolc, socrotary of tho committee, and it Is said by ta Itoogevelt wing of tho rqpubllcnu party. Tho moat serious stir in tho early stayes of the committee mooting wan cauiod by the Ohio delegation insist- '" '"al l"v uoiusaiwj nc largo io mo ol convention bo selected. through a prosldont proforonco pri mary Instead of by tho stnto con vention. They deolaro that uuIcsb their demand Is granted thoy ".'III soleot nn antl-Taft delegation at large. Ohio alrondy has a law providing for tho soloctlon of 12 congressional district delogntos nt a ropuhllc&n primary. Severnl Ohioana doolaro that rrosldent Taft cannot got a dolegnte north of Columbus In such primaries. Colonol John Hannan, Senator I..i Folletto'3 Boorotnry, said of tho re publican outleok: "La Follotto did not oxped to mako a showing hoforo tho national committee, which Is pnrt of tho old iCuntiuuoil on Ige .) REPUBLGAN GGilM JUNE1B