MTCPFORD MA U, TRIBUNE, MTCDFOTID,. OMWON". "MONDAY. nWKMHKH 11, t!)ll. SPLENDID DAY AT BIG REVIVAL SCENE FROM "SEVEN DAYS" AT THE OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY NEW CHURCH BUILDING PLAN TAR PARTY VICTIM TO GET 125,000 ELK PRALL BUYS FINE "" IBS FOREST E Great Success Is Met by Dr. Palmer at Baptist Church Many Features Members ot Methodist Church, Smith Arc Arrniifllnn for New Edifice Aro Dctcrmlnlnn Cost of Diick Stone nntl Cement. Compromlso Is Dclnn Effected Do- Forano Would Not Do Lacklnn nud Forest Ranncrs Would Give Pro tectionWant Crater Lake Rejilon Stocked With tho Gamo Aumlals. PACWSTX FOR ASH N S RD 0 ER ME WW xtfflBk. is. .- Portland Qootl floatls Eiilliuslast Gnts Mosos Properly, Near Grants Puss Contains 114 Actus With Prlzo Wlnnlnii Hop-Yartl. (IIIANTH PAHS, ()ro Dec. II. twecn Attorneys for School Chil dren ami Wealthier Participants In the Case. Please Largo Conorcjjatlons Mu sical Features. n' tof ! ' i. ii Sunday wns truly a wonderful day at the Ilnptlst revival. Dr. Itay Palmar, tho Bouthorn (.vnllr-nlUI n'nii nt Me liot . Tlln Iwn " " '' I sermons nronched ly him wcro pro nounced by nil who hoard them among llio strongest thoy over hoard t At 11 a. in. tho evangelist's subject was, "Tlio Glory of God's House." Tho toxt wns choson from Psnlm :!7H, "Ono thing havo t desired of j tho Iord and that will I nook after," that I may dwell in tho house of tho Lord all the days of my life to he-, hold tho beauty of the Lord and to enquire In his temple." At tho close of tho Eormon two young women pub licly confessed Christ. Tho meeting was tho greatest held tip to that time, but the evening service was the glorious climax of tho day, when a largo number of souls wcro saved, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, came for ward and gavo themselves to God. Not less than ten persons were con verted at both services. At the eve ning servlco Mrs. A. A. Holmes sang two solos, one entitled "Not Tonight" and tho other "Not a Sparrow Fall eth." Doth songs were sung with much feeling and they had their ef fect in touching hearts. Miss Florence Hnzolrigg also sang at the evonlng servlco "1 Want to Go Thore, Don't You?" Miss Hatolrlgg has a full, round voice, with groat powor, and her Bong stirred all heart 8. When Dr. Itay Palmer aroso to preach he looked Into tho faces of an earnest, eagor congregation that crowded tho church. Tho subject of the doctor's sormon was: "The Unpardonablo Sin," Matt. 12:32. For nearly ono hour the speaker had the" people in rapt attention, as he brought forth arguments, theolog ical, historical, psychological, scien tific and practical, to provo that mil lions do commit tho unpardonable sin. A profound hush was over the audience at almost any timo during tho sermon ono could havo heard a pin drop. Men and women wore made to. feel that sin is a horrible thing and that many are In danger of sinning away their day of grace. At one point in tho sermon tho evan gelist gavo a surprising test to show that nearly alt Christians becamo such before 20 years of age. The preacher asked all who became Christians before twonty to stand. Nearly nil the Christians in tho house aroso. Thon tho preacher said: "All who were converted between twenty and twenty-five stand." Only a few people arose. Then between 25 and 30, a less number arose, and by the I to im faHCKStWXPlB) w..W. i lMll&ilKP JtBHI'f 3IHH -"HK -W ? flK K4 f '"TaV Bk 4 "t ."wm "' ' "Ip7. w ''vllHHI The mi'inhers of the locul Metlio list cliuivli, Kotttli, aro pliuiuiuK lo eri'ot a luuuliuc mw nlifU'o in the ulv to take the plnee of llieir iih. ent Iioimo of rlii on Went Mnin street. Tho eouiiuitluoH lminvr llu mtitlei iii eltnrge lire uVturuiiniiiK rjtt tf hriek, toiie and eeiuenl. The eliiuvli hiw niude a )ivit j;riwlh under the eare of Uov. V. T Uoulder. CLUSTER LIGHTS SHOW UP WELL HOUS E- WARMIN LIBERTY ORCHARD Burn Night and Day as No Swith ' Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hlnard Entertain Was Installed to Turn Them Off Light Poles on Main Street to Be Removed. Turned on Swltinluy ovwiiiij; the now flitter lights on Main street are huniing niht ami day, hI lie.nnse the eleetricinns did net itwttil a switch with which to turn them off This will bo oorrooled iu the near future. Work on romoviufr tho eloetrie liht poles is (o slnrt at once. tlmo tho preacher had reached 45 In his questions not a soul arose! Dr. Palmer has made this tost all ovor America and never 'has' made tho teat anywhore without tho same roaults. Dr. Palmer said according to these practical tests it had been shown that If one 's not converted before 25 he stands ono chance In ten thousand of e,vor coming to Christ; If one waits till 35 he has one chanco in fifty thousand of bolng saved, if one reaches 46 and Is not saved he has ono chance In two hundred thou sand of coming to God, 55 one in three hundred thousand, C5 ono In five hundred thousand, 75 one In seven hundred and fifty thousand. Thoro will bo a great service to- RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT STARTS, (Continued From Page One) II. Gore, G. It. Llndley, C. A. Meeker, II. II. Tuttle, A. A. Aken, Uonj, Garnett, C. II. Piorce, W. C. Rice, II. II. Offitt, L. E. Loomls, J. G. Gore, II. Harrison, II. A,. Canaday, Jas. Campbell, II. S. Stino, John Arnell, R. Schuler, J. H. Cochran, A. S. Dllton, It. H. Kirby, Frank Llndley, Chas. Sharp, Albert Blsaell. Tho duties of this committee will he to carry on tho movement in Mod ford, and they nre empowered to In crease their membership as thoy may deem advisable, to appoint sub-com-mfttoos for special work and to rans act any hiiBlnoss which may como up In tho Interests of tho movement. A meeting of this committoo will bo called within tho noxt two or threo duys. Following this report Attornoy H. A. Canaday addressed the meetlngn on ntho subject. "Young Men and Re ligion," and following this II. C. Qurnott Bpoko upon "Religion and business." W. H. Gore spoke on tho "linpiosslons Mrtda by Gipsy Smith." This was followed by an address by Rev. Ray Palmer, tho ovungollst. Hvory address delivered was filled with tho spirit of tho movement and all wore llstenod to with an absorb ing Intercut which told plainly that each of them had their finger on the pulse of public Bentlmnnt, and that this Buntlmont stood for hotter and more Ohrlst-llko living, and for tho rescue of fallen ami unsaved inon. A numbor of bountiful nud Inspiring boIoh wcro Bung by C. D. Hoy, At tho closo of tho meeting Mr. Mours stated thut ho had Intended to not tuUo n collection, but ho had lnt,er decided that It was n splondld opportunity for thoso who wanted to do so to give a II tt lo something for tho no.edy poor of tho city. A col lootlon was taken and more thnn $12 was turned over as a result to Ilov. Holmos, who has charge of charity work for tho churches. night, when Rev. A. A. Holmes will baptize many now converts. Dr.lbo,ir waB niuo enjoyed. Many Guests Six Course Dinner Is Served Covers Were Laid for Fourteen. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. It. Strong color to reports that serious friction exists between United Stnte District Attorney Miller of his city and special attorney general Oscar Lawler of Los Angeles over the pros ecution of the fedora! dynamiting probe was given today when It was learned that Miller has gone lo Wash ington to Interview Attorney General Wlckershaui. In Milter's absence, Assistant District Attorney Nlcnlls Is conducting tho dynamite proho hero. Nlcolls absolutely refuses to discuss tho actions of his chief. lilNCOhJf CKNTKH, Kmn., Dee II. Negotiation for a compromise between attorneys reneseuling Mwh .Mary I'liainlierlain, the victim of the Shady llond "Iw party" and ncveral of the welathicr artieimutH are irogrcs-4iuc today and it is lielioved tltat du will receive not lo.- than .f'Jfi.Otltl without taking tho matter into the cnurtH. K. 11. Clark, day l'ilwa(er and Watson Scliuiidtx, who itleaded guil ty, are worth over .fl 00,01)0 anil their IhViih lay them open for duiiinguM. DUAL SYSTEM BAD. JCnntlnuoil from P 1 KiT" crealiuj; thia eomiuixHion, it Iiuh not considered, an an alternative to lluM io!ihilitiet, the direct owner ship of railroads hy Hie government itself. In that case the government would issue its own securities and none of tlio iuc-tinus suluuittcd to this comuii'iMnu would then arise." Hasktni for llnalth. Sunday was a red letter day at Liberty orchard, whon Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Mlnnrd wore host and hostess at a magnificent house-wnrmtui:. About 1 o'clock the guests began to arrive and were usherod Into tho spacious rooms, redolent with com fort and cheer. t After n season of admiration nud congenial visiting, a sumptuous six courso dinttor wns served. The color schomo of red and white was tastefully portrayed on tho tablo by laurel and chrysanthomums wreathing tho centerpiece. Covers wero laid for 14. Mr. Young was toastmaster. Long did tho merry company linger nt tho bounteous board, yot wore unable to do full justice to the foast. After a walk In tho orchard tho afternoon was spent In quiet con versation, Interspersed with music, both sacred and patriotic. With the lights camo apples and popcorn boforo the groat fireplace. Kre tho guests were allowed to de part tho host made tea and n dainty lunch wag served, with Mr. Hlden as master of coromonles. A mirthful nil Palmer will prooch on "Tho Silent Sinnor at the Judgment." Hasklnn tor Health. DOUBLY PROVEN Medfurd Renders Can No Longer Doubt tlio Kvldence. This Medford citizen testified long ago. Told of quick rollef of lasting benofit. The facts aro now confirmed. Such testimony to complete tho evldonco conclusive. It forms convincing proof of morit. T. J. WHilarns, C17 Oakdale nve., Medford, Ore., says: "In 1007 nftor Dorii'h Kidney Pills hunoflted me so geratly I publicly recommendud thorn. At this time 1 am again pleased to spoak in tholr praise and give per mission for tho continued publca tlon or my testimonial. I suffered for years from kidney and bladder trouble, tho symptoms being slight at flrnt, but becoming moro pro nounced as tlmo passed. Tho pains In my hack became so acute that I could hardly ondure thorn, and as tho result of roBtlot.s nights I nrnso in the morning all worn out, Ofton I was so lame and stiff that I could not stoop and headaches and dizzy spells wero rommou. I tried so many remedies without bolng holpod that I becamo discouraged, but whon Doan'H Kldnoy Pills wore recommended to mo, I doclded to try thorn as a last rosort. 1 procurod a supply at Han kins' drug storo and after using two hoxos I could soo that a great Im provement had boon made. I grow better from that time on and was soon frog from kidney complaint. Dean's Kldnoy Pills eanuot he praised too highly," For sale by all doalerg. Price 50 conts. Fogtor-MIUmru Go., Buffalo, Now York, bolo agents for tho United States. Homomber tho namo Donn'B and tako no other. With slncoro love for the hospit able host and his admirable wife, the guests, though loth to go, wished thorn many a happy day and thing Ing thorn for so pleasant an ontoi talnment depurted to their various hnmee. ffiiestModW Watiijaatfs Ideal J SAFETY PEN THIS JIKST l'Ol'KTAIN PICN ON KAHTII "We will take pleasure In showing you how this style pen can be carried In pocket, purse or trunk In Arty position. It cannot spill and is always ready to write. A USEFUL PEN FOR LADIES Tlio pea that you want vlien you ivnnt it FOK SALK ONLY HY MEDFORD BOOK STORE ASHLAN'D.Ore., Dec. M.-CoiihIiI. crnhle intcrc-d h being taken here In the mutter of Mocking tlio Aidilnnd iiiitiiinul forcrtt with elk front tlio 1W ctdrt of Wyoming. It i utitled Unit Die Aliliuid iircMcno Iiiim auiilc pri). teetiou and ahiiuduiuie of feed to sup ply a large heid of (Iichc uioiiiu'cIim u IhV foict who arc periKhing by the hundred iu Wyoming cverv year. My fencing n portion of the Ashland for est, a sufficient iiuuiher id' elk could ho kept to stock Crater Lake and Klninntli reserves each year and so save to the "porting puldic it nice id' game animals that is sine to lie as cvtiuct as llto buffalo in a few ycui unless something is done. lUsklns tor llraltts - V. T. Prall, a pinmluont reslileut of Poithiitd nud president of tho (load Itnudri couiiuhmlon of Orcgiiu, Iiiih rc eently purohsHwil n bimuttful homo on the south side of lloguti river, about five miles below thin city fiom It. II. Momch. lite property contains 1 1 1 acrcN, has two ruiddnuecK on It, ft until on tlio main highway on the south side of tint river and faces lloguo river. Nearly tho entire tract Is rich lloguo river bottom laud, 10 acres of which Is hops. The I UK) crop of hops from HiIh hind wan adjudged the best gtowu In the world, In tho Liverpool market. Hasklni for Health. OUR WOOD AND DRAY Offlrti In now located at No. !IH South Fir In WINon .V Co.'s second linnet store. Kpcelnl attention glxen to the mining of tuiiinoliolil gotMliTniul'tluTtJellvcry of freight. H. S. BRUMBLE & SONS Home, 20X-T, Hell, tllfll 98c Sale of Millinery Loltio 31. Howard is now having her fifth Kcmi-niiiiual l)8o sale. Hats, SluipOH, Velvets, Kihhhou, Ktc. All Feathers and Novel tio. All Hats, one-half off. All Plumos, one-fourth off. 109 North Central Do You Need Drain Tile? vr: .mam iwrniti: it r t . j j . ... . The Next That Can He Made. Ilcfum Ordering Son Us. i'f:,Mlti Rogue River Pottery Co. Plant at Tolo. t!()t Oariiett-t'orcy Hlil,, Mcilfonl 4,'rrr-r A NOTEWORTHY ACHIEVEMENT 2513 People Bought Goods Here on Dollar Bargain Day Our auditing department has jut oompleted its report of the husiucHH done on Saturday, Doiioinhur Dili Uolliir HnrKiiiu Day and tito record shows thut 2,113 poo jilo bought goods here on that day. This, wo think is a wonderful showing a credit lo our enorgetic salow force, u compliment to the store, becausu it liespeuks for this store, the coufideniiu the public places with us and a compliment lor .Medford us the recog nized trading uuutur of this section. We ultimate thut full 5,000 PEOPLE visited this Htore on this day; wo liat.o this cnloitlaliou on the J'acL that in Irudinw inobt women bring witli (Item one to two friends to assist them iu selecting. Then de ducting from this number many who no doubt mudo more tliaii one purohusu mid add ing to tlio number tioso who simply enmo to look anil thoso who were iiuuhlu to find what thoy wore in search of and still others who could not bo waited on, wo feel that we have made a conservative ostiiiiatc. Our business was the largest mhj-Io day's business in the history of this store, which fact proves conclusively that hard times, Hitch us is 1'reipicnlly talked by cer tain people, is in no wise true and Hint this store is more mid more establishing itself iu the minds of the people of Medford nud Jackson County as the Stylo and Uargain Storo of this section. ufe. U El KENTNER'S y i 'i 311 vj l -M For H Christmas If it is a Watch or any, piece of JEWELRY.see Lawrence The Jeweler 126 E. MAIN STREET , -4 - -- -- I STATEMENT ( Condensed) Of the Condition of The Jackson County Bank OF MEDlXmi), OHKOON.' Al Hie closo of business December 5, KM I, the date of tho call by the Houorablu Comptroller of the Currency at Washington, ), 0. ;; MAHIMTIKS. Capital $1(10,000.00 Surplus ' myioo.oo Undivided profits 18,01)1.0(1 Deposits ; ri8i,ir.:i.:i:i $7(ir,!2U.3f HK80UHOK8. Cms on baud and willt banks , . .O.'liO.'I.Ol Warrants and (muds ri(l,l7.'l.() 1 Hunk premises ',.().,.. 30,(100,(10 LoatiH nud diHcoiints, , , , , '17.VJo7.07 . . $7oc,s-w.iic :: 3888 Capital nt organization ', $ 125,000.00, ;; 1800 'Capital increased front onriiingH lo fi0(000.00 ' 3()0(i-Capilal incrcitHcd from eitrnings lo 100,000,00 1 1011 Capita), surplus and profits 180,000,00 ; nig1 ouougii to servo you Init not too big lo appreulnlo you. W. T, Vuwlor, l'rcsidont 0, H. Lindloy, Vio I'roHident ' ' CW. McDonald, Ciifihior i: "tttttttttttt-ttt4ttttttt 1tt9i4 ftttMttftittttrtttttttf4tttt1r t " it'fct'- -w-A- W-y V - 9 '