MOE STX itit ""' n MEDFORD MATT TRTBDm, MEDFORD, ORTCflON, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 0, 1011. ht SCENE FROM THE VERY AMUSING FARCE "SEVEN DAYS," WHICH WILL APPEAR AT THE OPERA HOUSE NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT Messrs. Wncenlials & Kemper will present tholr New York Astor Thea ter company at the. Medford theater In tho comedy "Seven Days." by Mary Roberts llinehart anil Avery Hoft wood, which comes from a third 'year on Broadway. It Is well to have authoritative Indorsement of a play, and "Seven Days" has it In abun dance. It is offered by Its third jear In Now York, tho record for any piny in this country; it lies In Its six months in Chicago, its four months In Hoston and Philadelphia, in its unanimous prnlse by tho press, and 'above all, In the popular favor that jhas made it tho blgsost success in 'thts country. Saitl tnc ew York j Tribune of "Seven Days": "It 1 .screamingly funny. It is all fun. The world loves laughter. At 'Seven Days' It ca nlaugh ttll it is weary." Thoro It Is that's tho reuson for the enormous popularity of this comedy laughter, loud laughter, roars of lt every fraction of a second. And It Is laughter pf which nobody will be ashamed. "Seven Days" is as clean as it is amusing. It nrnken every body laugh every minute. One proof of Its superiority Is Us power to cu ! tertaln more thoroughly a second or a third time thnn tho first. It is an endless source of constant laughter. "Seven Days" Is an American com edy, by American authors. Its ac tion takes place In New York and its 'persons are representatives of the j smart set and that othorx that lives by smartness, and there are compli cations Innumerable In the week In which all are shut up in the same houhe by a cunrnitliio, There. Is fun all tho time, In love, divorce, misap prehension, pretense, starvation, vac cination and It goes from drawing "Seven Days" and lay In a stock of laughter that will lnt many times seven days. Wednesday, December 1.1. Seats now on sale at llasklns'. 1 ORSARRANG STUDYCOURSES Several Interesting, Practical and In structive Courses Are to Be Offer ed the Ladies of Medford by New Orqanization. The Junior Assnoiniion of the Greater Jretlford Club have arranged n number of courses uliich they are offering to the ladies of Medford nt $2 the course, excepting basket ball for which the foe is SI. Work is to start nJnunry 1. 1912. Those who tlosire to enroll should notify Miss Santeo nt 1102 West Tenth street jr plioue to her nt tho nigh school. Tho courses offered arc as fol fel fol eows: 1. Girl's gj'mnnsiics, Miss Itid dol, Monday evenings. 2. Bngkolry, Miss Monrs, Tne day evening. 3. Cookery, Miss Welsh, Wednes day evening. 1. Sewing, Jliss Reiley, Thursday evening. . Designing, Mrs. Janney, Friday evening. fi. Principals of npprcciation, art and literature, Mrs. Parsons, Tues day evenings. 7. 'Busfcot ball, Miss Mears. 8. Dramntios (no fee) Ed An drews. 0. Aesthetic dancing, Mrs. Mne-Clatchie. TAKELONGOPTION COLLEGE TEAM f'LOGAL COAL MINE MAY COME HERE Messrs. Pierce, Hanley and Wallace Yill Arrive Soon to Undertake De velopment Work on the Medford Coal Mines. CHRISTMAS PROCLAMATION TO THE PE0PLE OF OREGON The fight ngniiiht consumption hns lirnadonod. It includes nil Oregon TJio fund obtained from the sale of Hud Grose Seals will be spout tltiK year whore it is contributed. Tlioy may mean now life to some victim of the great white plague within your own acquaintance. Supposo some one you knew were trioken witli tuboroulosis and that one became no longer useful, but n menace. Would you bo willing to eontribtilo n fow cents to help the faiifforcr bnok to hoaltb? There are thousands of unhelped victim of tuberculosis in Oregon. Other thousands are exposed to in fection We must not only help the Kick but wo must protect tho well. Hod Cross Souls sold nt n cent each will provide n fund with which to fiimnjjg tlio campaign to keep llio grout while, pjnguo away from you out of your homo as well n to seek out tbps'o whom n little euro may M1VO liny Jted Gross Seals. 'Invoapait in n spondid fight. Kvery seal is a bullet, Fjro bullets ngaiust disenso. Buy Hod Cross seals jiow. Pasto one on tho bnpj of every loiter you mail. Knoh in n mossngo of hope. You will never Jmvo n larger, nobler, oppor tunity to do real good nt so little oos.t, P0HMO II3ATm COMMITTER, OrugpifBlntQ Federation of WomouV flubs, association for tho study v W"! iwvciilioi) of tuberculosis. The recent nrebnsers of the Cas cade Coal mine ea-t of Medford Messrs. Pierce, Mnnley and Wallace, of Seattle, are expected to arrive in Medford tomorrow and on Monday will commence exten.ive operations at the mine. These men have taken n ton year. purchase option on tho mine, the price named in the option boing $300,000. The option is to run ten years and n royalty of $-1000 is to be paid the first yonr and .?8000 pet yenr thereafter; this amount duo and payable whether the mine isopevateo or not. The first work to be undertaken will be the sinking of a 1000-1 ooi incline shaft, nnd for this and other work about tho mine I here will be installed a complete new outfit of modern machinery. There nio five and one-half feet af coal now show ing in the principal vein md it : tx poctod this will widen to twelve or fifteen feet as the vein is gone down on. The coal is said to be of an ex cellent qnulity, but the former own ers were unable to handle the mine n? it should have ben bandied to prop erly market the productits and make it an altogether apying proposition Tho new owners, however, are mu'cS to have plenty of money and ate ex perienced in coal mining nnd it is ex ported thoy will mnki of litis a splendid splendid revenue producing mine. Tho Pacific & Kn-toni rail road company will, in all probability build a spur track from the main lino to tho mine, a distance of Iwo miles thus giving the coal company easy and cheap transportation. PRETTY WEDDING TAKES PLACE AT TALENT Aruthur Geary Making Arrange ments for Football Gamo to Be Played Here With Local Aggrega tion Sometime Soon. Graduate aMnngor Geary of the Univcr&ity of Oregon and Manager Gray of the Medford Basket Ball team have nearly consummated a contract for their two basket ball teams to moot in Medford about a week hence. The University of Oregon manage ment is vorv anxious to give the team some practice games before tho reg ular serios of games with the confer ence colleges of the northwest eom-j meuce. The Medford tenm is made up of an all-star aggregation and would probably give the college lads a run for their money. The University of Oregon team is boooked as the probabla winner of the northweht intercollegiate championship as all but one. mem bor of their excellent team of la-t year is back in collego this winter. There is n possibility that Don Under, the star tosser of the Medford team playing with tho Oregon lads tin winter, as he is a freshman nt the university. A Imnnfifiil mill imnrnc&iiM M'fiil. ding was solemized on W-'duPMUv' evening, December fi, 101'", ul fi o'clock, wli-Jii M'm Helen B Quit' k eiibush and Mr. Wilbur X. Kimo were1 united in mm lingo at the home of the IfideV pi. unit. Mr. nnd Mrs. W J. Quuckonbiihh nenr Talent, Oregon R", A. K. Ilervcy, paslor of the Christian church officiating. The bridal prncoKsiou in to the accompaniment of the wedding'i played by Mrs. Ilariv Barnehi'ig I he bndo was daintily dressed in cream sorgo skirt with all-over lace waist. She carried n shower bou qt.ct of white carnations. .diss llnzcn Uilnukonhusit was bridesmaid and wore a gown of sil ver grey messeline and carried a love ly bouquet. Mr. Harvey Kimo was the boat man. The living rooms were artistically decorated in blue nnd whito with clusters of laurel. Immediately fol lowing tho ceremony nn elaborate dinner was sorved in tho dining room which was iilso decorated in blue and white. Many beautiful presents woro received. Tho gnosis, were: Mr. and Mrs Nick Kimo, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barneburg, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith nnd family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Beit Bell, Mr, nnd Mrs. John QuackenbiiHb and family, Mr. and Mm James Goulny, Mrs. and Marie Towiisond, Mm. Sad ie lugulls and family, Miss Mae Brinkler, Mr. Wnylund Smith, Mr, Ira Kimo nnd Mr, Harvey Kimo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kimo will bo at homo at Griffon Creek, Mt'dford, Oregon, to their friends after Decembor 12lh. IJiuklnB for Health. 98c Sale of Millinery LotUo M. Howard is now having her fifth semi-annual 08o sale. Hats, Shapes, Velvets, Hibbbon, Etc. All Feathers nnd Novel ties. All Huts, ouc-hulf off. All Plumes, oiic-foiuth off. 109 North Central MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13 Only comedy that cut rent lied n Third Year in New York ltccord of the Stnjje in this Country. One Week of Laughter Compressed Into Two Hours and Forty-five Minutes of "Merriment Unrestrained." Pearson's Magazine. DIHKCT FHOM TI1F ASTOK NFAV YOlflC. ENTIRE BROADWAY CAST AND PRODUCTION W.igenhnls & Kemper Present Bv Mary Roberts Rlnchart and Avery Hopwood. , i W GREATEST COMEDYl g J HIT IN 2Q YEARSj "New Yirlv ha-. nrcr had a coined in .11 y wnj compnr.ib'o with 'Sewn I).im.' " Vogue. "'Sown l)a' is Jaugh prook ing almost to exooh." Lite. "A riot of laughter." Amy I.oslio in the Chicago Dail News, t Seats on Sale. NOTK I'!ete bo seated when thecurtaiu rives as the action starts at once. "One long laugh." N. Y. Sun. "Laughing Wonder." N. Y. Tunc. "Gale of laughter." Chicago Journal. "Overwhelmingly funny." Boston American. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 50c. "------- ! STATEMENT (Condensed) Of tho Condition of ' The Jackson County Bank OF MKDFOBD, OHF.OON. At the ehwo of business Decombor fi, 1011, tho dato of tho call by " the Honorable Comptroller of the Currency at Washington, I). 0. ;; LIABILITIES. , Capital '....'. I frlOO.OOO.OO Sniping .v.'. . . .'f (i'J.fiOO.OO Undivitjcd piqfitft . ; is,ri)i.on Depouitg '............ fiB 1,1 rill. :t;i (7uri,uM.:is itKsogitoics. Cm on Iiaud mpl wi(lt banl.'S 20.1,50:1.01 WariuulH mid bonds ri,7'.l.i) Bank imviiiIhch ().... JIO.ODO.OO Loans nnd discountfl, .'. 17f37.l)7 tr - $70ri,2.M.!l5 3888 Canliii'. nt ni-fnnlziillon or. nnfi nn 38110 Capilal ilinroased from earnings to 00,000.00 300(1 -Capilal jiia,r'nscil from earnings to , 100,000.00 ' 3011--Capital; HiirjiliiH ami profit" 380,000.00 Big enough to sorvo you bill not loo big to apprcclalo you. W. I. Vawtor, Pnwidont 0. It, T.indley, Vice President O. W. McDonald, Cashier t "-- 4 f - V4- " OIR WOOD AND DRAY Officii Is now located at No. UN Hotttli I'lr In WHnoii .M Co.'h iierond liuml Ntore. Hpcclal attention given to the moving of hoiittoholi! UO(Klsiiiiil"ltuTilelUery of freight, H. S. BRUMBLE & SONS Home, Ulin-Ti Hell, til (II Do You Need Drain Tile? wi; mani I'Acrritij n i IV Tho IIcnI 'Hint Can lie Marie. Itcforo Oiileilug Hcc I'h. ( '' JJ. Rogue River Pottery Co. Plant at Tolo. UIMI (Jaiuctt. Corey lllilg., Medfonl RUSS MILL WHOLESALE nnd RETAIL, L. B. BROWN, Prop aula, ' is. 9flrr JL For Christmas If it is a Watch or any piece h( JEWELRY,sec awrence The Jeweler 126 E. MAIN STREET HOTEL MEDFORD M 10 N U .$1.00 Per Cover 5 to 9 V. M. Oroon Onions y Celery u Kino Olives .' Toko Point Cocktail - ij Cream of Tomato aux Crouton f 'i" Consomme J'rintanioro j- $ 1, Crab flakes a la Newberg J ' dtf' tTulicmio J'otalocH , jf,"j" , J7 Chicken Cutlets aux Petit Vo'm '''. $ Punch a la Medford -" "Rotist Young Duckling with Apple Sauna f Jirowned Sweet Potatoes jj Pried lOggPhtnt g'h Cclory and Apple Salad f'' Apple Pie Lemon iMeringuo Pio Martini Tee Cream Assorted Cake "Wine .Tolly Mixed Nuis Largo Raisins Swiss Cheese Demi Tasso All Bread find Pastry Arts Our Own Mako Por Mineral "Water, imported dinger Ale, See Our , "Wine List HOTEL MIODFORD SUNDAY Kau-Mohr Co., Props. Decombor 10, 1911 ARE YOU JETNA-IZED AGAINST ACCIDENTS C. H. REDFIELD ItttritlCHICNTIN'a Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life Both Phonos 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg. 1WM