PACU3 TfiN atEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MDFOttD. ORISON', lMMDA DUCIOMmOR 8. 15)11. u m 100 SHORT" SERMON'S TEXT Great Congregation nt Baptist . Clnircli Hears Dr. aPlmcr Talk on Men Who Believes His Good Moral Character Is Enough. "BILLY" PAPKE IS THROUGH WITH BOXING GAME fl The pront congrcpntion nt tbe Itnptist ehureli Tluirsdiij night whs i1ooily impi-ossed hy the sermon de livered hy Dr. Hay Pnlmcr on : "The bod loo short nnd the covering too narrow." Isn. SS:20. Prof. Forest Kdmemlcs smir an impressive polo. A number of people enino forward to confers Christ. The prencher said in part: The man who is trusting Jo his pood moral character, nlone, will find the "bed too short." All we know about the plan of salvation, wo gvl from tho Bible. I will give any man ton dollars who will show me where God in the Biblo ever promises to save nnjbody except through Jous Cl'risr. T tun n lodge man. Godhless my brethren of nil tho lodges but, oh 1 find so many men who hope to be saved because they are god lodgo men. Now, brother, the lodge is a grand thing for this world, but it can't give n man n pass jort to hea ven. In every lodge room of this country on tho central stand you will find the Holy Bible. All your work is based on thnt book of God. Lis ten, does that book anywhere tell you. you can bo saved without Christ! Listen, thnt book says: "Who so ever shall confess mo before men him will I nlso confess beforo my Father." It declares ngain "Mnrvel not that I said'unto thee, ye must be born again." Jesus said: "I am the way, the trutb and the life"! no man 'cometh unto tho oFthcr but by me." No, no, brother, n good moral life is an excellent thing but it will not save you, your good works cannot save you. "Well, Mr. Preacher," you nsk how then are you to be sned?" Well, mybrothc'r, I assure wou I have no hope of being saved by ray works and yet, with Paul I have somewhat to boast I became a Christian at six teen years' 'of age, entered tho minis try in two months thereafter, and I have- given my whole life to Jesus my Lord, and to tbe cause of human ity, and yet listen, I hnve no hopo of being saved 'because of anything I ever sacrificed or suffered for Christ, my Lord. Oh, I realize thnt I have been sof ar from being per fect in all these years yes, I know I am only a poor sinner snved by grace. My constant plea before the throno is: "The blood, the blood," is all my plea. "Hallelujah -' it clonnscth me." Oh, I full before tho cross and cry with tho immortal Whittier: "I bow my forehond in the rust. And veil mine eyes for shame, And plead in trembling self-distrm.t A prayer without n claim; No offering of mine own I hnve, Nor works to prove my faith, I can but give the gifts Ho gave, And plead his lovo for love. I dimly guess by blessings known, Still greater out of sight, And with the chastened psnlmist own Thy judgments too are right; And if my heart and flosh nrc weak To bear some untried pain, A bruised reed lie will not break, But comfort and sustain. I know not what the future hath, "of nmrvel or surprise, Assured nlono that life or death, His morcy underlies; And so beside tho silent sea, I ynjt tho muffled onr. No barm from Him cnu conic p me, On ocean or on shore. I know not where his islnnds Lifo their frondod palms in air, I only know I can not drift Beyond his lovo and care; And liroti 0 Lord to whom urc known Thy peoplo as they bo, Forgive mo if too close I lean My human head on thee." Again tho man who lies down on the bed of uulvorsnlUm will find the bed too short. Iluivo tried mv best to be a nni- "J9VVhBBBBKBbK3be ",fuiBBl3lv7Vf "Z2ftZs? i) Ji II BILLY PAPKE ef rfG"" "Billy" Pnpke, once one of the greate-t welterweight' in tho hUtory of the gninc, is now on bis way home, having decl.uvd himself through with boxing. The once terrible thunderbolt i disappointed with his re cent showing against a third niter, and sin-, that he will noer ngnui don the gloves. "Billy" further says ho is well- iixcil mid doesn't haxe to worry about where hi. meals will co mo from. WORK 0N"AMENT DAM CLOSED DOWN Work on the big Golden J)rjft dam near Grants Pass has been olos&l i1itt. 4Y flirt ..'iiilnr Tin ilntu ltti. been put in exeellont shape for high water, i vcrsalist but cannot. It is not taught in the Bible, it is, not taught in nature around. God has made provision for the salvation of nil, but fill will not comply with the condi tions. Did you ever think that there arc some things God fan not do? He, cnu not lie. lie can not make a thing round and square at the same time. 'He can not make a thing white and black at the same time. He can not make two bodies occuoy the same space at tho same time? Why? Be cause these things would be contra dictions of Himself and his inexora ble laws. Listen, God can not niuko a mnn holy against the man's will. It logically follows that God chii not make a innti happy so long as thnt is a rebel airainsf God. CONVICTS MAY WORK At a recent meeting of the Ashland commercial club President E. D Briggs reported that he had been as sured by the proner authorities that when spring opens f.iin twentv-tive to thirty convict will be :i-ynct' to work on the Klamath Falls road and .substantial improvement of tint highway is expected as n result of this phfh. Tho groat need of improvement on thn? road, which had u I ready been put in excellent shape o.v the Klam ath county side of the li;'i, has been urged for some time. Tho road is one whose improvement means much for both Klamath and Jackson counties and Mr. Briggs' reort was received with great satisfaction. If you want to find the best possi ble place to live rafter your contem plated removal study the "to lot" ads as though they wcro your creed and Koran. TTaiKlna for Health. UGO THEATRE Thursday - Friday - Saturday DKCKMItKK 7-H-O SPECIAL MATINEE 'SATURDAY PENDLETON ROUND-UP MOTION IMCTUItlW Kxact moving picture reproduction of tho 1511 "Round-Up" tig It wa glvon at Pendleton. Admitted b y tho public, press and all proMitt to bo tbo moot stupendous, spectacular, thrilling, daring and intonating show In tho world. 12 vary ovont from tho opening parade to tho grand flualB In tho bucking contest and wild horso race Ii shown clearly and llfo-llko. These ploturos show four rlbes of Indians and 2000 cowboys performing naturally In their daro deIl ganias, feats, contests and pnstlraoe. Tliww pictures aro owned by private parties and bound by con tract with tho Bound-Up Association not to oxlilblt thcao pictures fur loss than 25 cents for adults. Admission, Adults -i; Children lfJc h Our Dollar Bargain Offers , For Saturday, December 0th Only Any of the wash vests shown in our window, worth from $1.50 to $3.50, for the day only, your choice. $1.00 Any three 50c work shirts, in any size from 14 to 17, for the day, $1.00 Any three regular 75c caps, sizes 6 3-4 to 7 1-4, fpv the day, One Simolcon. Arry $1.25 golf shirt in the house except plain white plaited with one collar any style, for the day, One Buck. Any four pairs of regular fancy 50c lisle thread hose not plain colors for this day only, $1.00. ' "A Any Knox Hat in the house, $1.00 off the regular price. Any eight pairs of fancy 25c hose not plain colors One Buck. Any suit or overcoat in the house, $1.00 off the regular price. Any piece of jewelry generally found in furnishing goods stock, at regular price or in pieces equivalent to $1.25 to $1.75, regular for the day. $1.00. Any 50 and 75c ties in the house, one of each, only for the day, $1.00. One dollar off any suit-case or traveling bag in the hojisc, regular price $5.00 and up. Any work glove, regular price $1.25, for the day, $1.00. One dollar off of any smoking-jacket or bath-robe for the day. Any pair of khak'i pants in the house, $1.00. The best chance you ever had to make a week's wages with an ordinary pur chase. We are ready to show you and deliver the goods by 7,30 A. M Satur day December 9, 1911. Como early. MODEL CLOTHING CO. " The Best of everything for Boys and Men J. W. Jacobs, a Woodvtllo rocr- chant, was In Moil ford last ulght on' business. MRS7 LARAM0RE TELLS TROUBLES Lady In Goodwater Describes Her Distressing Experience and Tells How She Was Finally Relieved. Goodwater, Mo. "Ever since 1 was a little girl," says Mrs. Riley Laramore, "I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia. 1 suffered misery after eating, and had terrible heartburn. . f I thought I had to suffer this way as; long as 1 lived, but when I began to take ; Thedtord's Black-Draught, in small, doses, every night, the heartburn was all gone in a few days, and I could eat without distress. I took two small packages in all, and although that was some time ago, the dyspepsia has not returned. I speak a good word for Thedford'i Black-Draught whenever 1 have the op portunity." If eating causes distress, we urge you to try Thedford's Black-Draught. II cleanses the system, helps the stomach tc digest its food, regulates the bowels, and stimulates the liver. It acts gently and fs without bad after effects. Try it Price 25c. -- A CHRISTMAS GIFT When you make a present of Casserole or Hammered Brass, your gift will be highly appreciated because it is perman ently useful. -A'.i ) MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. ORDER YOUR SWEET CREAM -Coffee or Whipped BUTTER MILK BUTTERMILK Medford Cream and ? Butter Co. Two Freo Deliveries Dally NATATOIUUM BUILDING Phenes: 161-L Main 881 .. ------ ---- MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Mount Tamalpais Military Academy SAN KAFAKL, CALIFORNIA An accredited Ilifth School, .Grammar ClfiHHfg. Junior Hohool fcojmrato. Only W'oHtorn School having Cavalry and Mounted Arllllrrv Onon-alr Oynina- hIiiiii. Ojien air Swimming Peel. United SlntoH Army Officer dotnllod iih Kiiiuii'liitiiiiil.. ..' ' vivt form lin. glnfi January 3rd:JD12. AltTIII'lt ('I50HIV;,A. M., D.I). Q fa) o o it Report of the Condition of the Medford National Bank nt Medford In the State of Oregon, nt the clone of IiiihIikhh, Decuiiibur 5, ID 11 UKSOUUCK8. Limns nnd DlHCOiint $370.70a.97 OviirdrnftM, Bccurod nud unHccurotl .'. 3,002.20 U. 8. UoniU to Mecuro circulation 100,000.00 Premiums on U. S. llondH 2, 30U. 68 IlotidH, SecurltluH, etc. 32,52 K.fiO IliinkltiK houHo, Furniture, niil I'Uturtw Duo from Nntlonnl HnnkH (not ruNervn iiKuntH) Q00. 00 Due from State and I'rlvnto Huuka nuil Ilankorit. Trunt Com- pnnloH, nnd SnvlngH HnnkH 4,011.21 Duo from approved Heservo Ageiitn 73 005.17 Checks nnd other ChhIi Jtonm 1,020,12 KxehnngOH for Clmirlng lloimo i . (5,073.35 Notes of othor Nntlonnl llniikri 000.00 Kractlonnl 1'nper Currency, N'leknlii nuil CeutH 207.07 Lawful Money Itumirve In Dunk, viz: Spuclu 38,507.75 lleddiiiptloii fund with U. S. TnuiHiirur (5 pur cinil of clruulutlou) 5,000,00 Gold DiiHt .-. $.50 Total $087,150.20 LIABILITIK8. Cftpltnl Hloek paid In $100,000.00 SurpliiH rtind 20.000.0n Undivided Profits, Ickh KxponHun nnd Tuxes paid 10,742.73 National Hank Notim outHtaiiillng t 100,000.00 Duo to othor National Hanks ' 1,052.04 Individual depoHlts subject to check 3K5,022,83 Doiunud certificates or deposit 52,080,07 Time certificates or deposit 5,257.00 Certified checks outsiuidlug 305,00 Cashier's chocks outstanding 150,00 Postal Savings Deposits 3.750.0J) Total $087,450.20 Htnto of Oregon County of Jackson, bs: I, John T. Orlh, Cashier of tho nhovu-namod hnnk, do Heloinnly swear that tho nltovo statuuiout Is true to tho best or my knowledge and heller. JOHN B. OltTII, Cashier. SufiHorlhQd and sworn to hdroru mo this 7th day of Decomher, 1011, J. W. IJIOKHIAN, Notary Public. Correct Attest:' W. ILiGOUH, , i ,, ' . J. A. PHItltY, , . iy . V. 15. MHItlUCIC. ' 'Vwi VM&A V ' -actors. V k r ' ' f I r- V I t i o d With a Largo Incroaso of Now Dopositors and $75,000.00 - of New Doppsits Wo HavoPleasuro in Thanking Our Friends, Old and Now WE WON'T SPECULATE WM. H. GORE, President. JOHN & ORTH, Cashier I lieiKl .iidHier. M