PAGE TITRlSlfi WARNER'S HOME MEDFORD BEST HEN MILL SCHOOL ISCOIT IS FIRM 'EAGLE POINT HAS HOT LAKE, SANATORIUM IAX IS PROSPECT FRIENO TO CITY COMMERCIAL CLUB MEDKORD MATT, TRIBUNE, MI0DFOm OJWUON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1011. NEARLY BURNED Dofentlvn Flro Plnco Is Dlamcil (or Ohizu Which Starls Bcnoath House Slrotin Scout of Durnlitii Wood Led to Discovery. l. .V. U'Miiior. Ilvlm; ul HOD WiimI .Mliln hIihhI, Hicuntly ciiiiio tmtir Ion IliX lilri Imnm y rim tuiil In a pi'tiii liar imitiiii-r. Mr. ami Mim. Wurtmr MM Imitti away ilnrhiK Um xvniiliu: Mllll 1 1 1 M 1 1 lllllllllllIK lionm IihIwuoii St Mini III oVWirlt ilcli'cli'il Hid mini of InirnliiK wmid In tlm Ikiiiwi. An In VlWtlHlltldll wiih mii'lit It II L IHltlllllK eonlil Im rniiuil iMiiuliih Mill Hi" wiiolio nmh'II wan ury niiieli In cvl- iliuii'u anil to Im mum lliniout;li Mr. Wariii'r crtiwlml uiiili'rmmth tlm Immm ami clnoit to Urn Iiukd of a flinilaci. Id foinnl unwitiil flour JolHt on flu- ami Him fir wlnwly wnrkliiK IIh way Into Urn iiaitltloim nv'trlmuil. A minimi Iiohm mim lnoii;lit Into iittn anil I ho flro wiih noon put out. Hail Mr. anil Mix. Wimmr rtlrl at tliolr HiiiiiHtouiiMl Inmr anil In tlmlr no IMIUlollH'll lllll'l, on llu porrli, lHllO it illntiinio rioni tlio llvlni: room, t ho Immm would Hiirt'ly liavo Imrni'il, iih In all innlHililllly tlioy woulil not Inn i' liiimi hwhIumioiI In 1 1 tin to put out tho fliiv Tlm flro hail mikIiI frniii a ilufi-rl In tlm fln-pliui' Thin I IIih iMHHiihi fint ri'portcil IIiIh fall; from iliifiutlsii flroplaiim. M MEEIIN M SUNDAY Noxl MumlH) afternoon al .1 oVIock at tho I'rtMli) lorlMii rliurrli will Imi Imlil a iiihm immtliiK for limn. TIiIh nii'tlnK will Iim In tlm lutnrtwt of tho Mn anil Iti'llulon Korwanl Movo iimnl ami uvry ninti In tlm rlty who I In any way Intonmtml In Ihu inovniimnt In riiiuittial to Im pri-Munt at thU iiiiri'tliiK, which U for tho purpoNii of fonnliiK n imniiuiiniit or lyinlntlon. A prnlluiliiary .nmt'lliiK wim Imlil a xliort Hum ami ami K. W, MiMim wan oltu'toil (-lii'lrimui ami (,'. Clark hucnitary. Tlm nimitltu; Hunilay afloruoou will ho culloil to oritur by Mi. Mucin it ami among tho work will ho a prnKiaiii of iihihIu noil aililromioH hy local Hpimkorw, rlilof atnoiiK which will ho W. II. (loro, who httM recently ii'litrnoil from a vUlt In I'ortliiiiil ami will iniiko a talk on tho lino of Mm ImproHHloiiM of (iypity Smith, wlimui iiicoIIiikh ho attiMiiliil whl Ik In I'ortliiiiil. It In hopml that a larKo crowd of tho men, or Mmlforil will tako mlvaii ttiK" of thlri opportunity to Identify tlii'iiiHulvim with u creut work iih woll an to Imar of tho Kiuat (Iypny Hinltli mill IiIh work, SAYS SULLIVAN Nowhere Arc Conditions Moro Prom Isltifi TIkiii In Mcilford States An tomolillo Man on Return TliruuijcV out Northwest. "I Iiiimi Iiimiii nil OMir Hie iioiIiwim itml MeiU'oul i Hie l'nn-1 town of Ilium all, ('miililioiiM nie Imllor lime limn liu.vwlieii'" ulali'H .loliu T, Knlliviui. loeal nueiit ul' the K, M. I iiiilo, who Iiiih reliiiiicil lioiu no extended trip IIiioiikIi Oienn, 'mliiiiKlnii iiml Idn ho. "I wiih in Spoliiiim iluriiiK Hie up plo nIiow nml in I'oillnuil ami (lie oili er I'ilicn, hill nowhere were eomlitioiiM nmie iiimiiimiiu ( linn liulit lieie. Al tliotiKli I lime lived here Tor Iwo yen I'M, I never fully leiilli'd wliill we have in eompiirixiiii with the 011111 xeeliiinx. The nxue river nley linx tliem lieal in nil way. "If we ran only eouviiiee t lit peo ple of the Spokane hcoIIiiii Hint we are aeliiallv plneint; wuler upon our laud nml in f imi d to irrigate 011 11 Inrp Meule, wo enii cut many Heltlor, for nil iealie our Miipeiiotily in noil ami elimale, "I liavo eouie Imelc firmly, eon vilieed of Medl'iiidV iloMliny 11 Int er lioimler tliuii I ever ivhh ami cer tain that the Kiurue iier nlley lino a 1 in I future". 100 MUCH CORN JUICE AT DANCE Three Indictment; liavo l-un ro turned hy tlm xraml Jury now In "ifKlon an tho outcome of a rough hoiiMt tit 11 Woodvlllo diiuro on ItinnkHKlvtiiK HlBht. Ilorhort ICooh filled hliUHnlf to overflowlni; with illHtllled corn and prAreeded to on Hvon tho oreiiMlou In various whj-h and wlfon (leorici Jniiiit, tlm vIIIukv mamtinl, nltem-iiml to nmtoru pimuo, the roiiKhhoiiHo proceedltiH hoKiin and hntt (Iiiih far reunited In tho In diriment of Kmh for ntomiillliiK an officer, .tho Imlliitmeiit of Claud llurlihart for aiding Koch to encnpo when under nrnmt, and tho Indict iimut of Hldtiey Hmlth for rofunliiK to aid an offlcor In arrentlng a por- nun when called upon to do ho. A Hpeelal hcIiooI nmotltiK of tax pKnin In Medford hcIiooI dlHtrlct No. 'J In holiiB hold thin nftornoon In llm hlith school hulldlriu, l lie only uialiiir to roino hoforo tlm uiiiotliiK will ho tlio levylni: of laxeu for tho imilutetiatiea of tho m'IiooIm of tho dlHtrlct, paylnc Intor it hihI reih-HuiliiK warrmit. It In expected On, vy made will lie lo mllU. h NKiiliiHl a levy of 7 mliln undo IfiMl ear. Thin InereaHo Im uiMile neei-wHiry Iu-chumu of tlm In rreaio. In Urn hi Imol population and a 'orroNpoiidliiK lueroaMo In tho iiumhei of tcHchcm employed. Thero aro now five hcIiooI lnillilliii'.n whllo IiihI ar thi-ro were hut threo; hint yotir thoio were :n; tenclmrM ein plo)od; IIiIm yi-ar thero aro 'i. Ho hIiIom tho liieieioiii In total tencluTM' vnlnry ther U to he larlmled In tho illMtrlet oxpemllliireH the imilutinauco of tho two new hulldliiKH 11 tit the In lereHt on tho IioiuIm IhhiiciI for tic. roiiHtllit'tlou of them IiiiIIiIIiikk. Mnkluw for MomHIi That tho Ho 11 thorn Pacific Im to pay creator altontlon than over bo foro to tho udvartlHlnK nml dcvolop- itinnt of tho torrltory iiIoiik Kh 1 1 turn In Otuuou, In tho liiiireHNloii lift hy John M. Hcott, uniionil pniworiKer WK'int of tho rond, who ntnt n day In Medford recontly. Mr. Hcott MtatoH thu t whllo tho rod hao douo iiiuch In tho paHl In tho way of ad vorllHliii; tho valloy, In tho futuro thU work will ho (.'.really oxtemlcd In ordur to hulld up Km popiilutlou ami coiiMiKpioutly dovolop It. "Medford Is ouo of tlm most fit Iractlvo cltloH In Orur.ou or tho northwoMt to mo," Htatod Mr. Hcott whllo here. "Nowhere In tlm piihIi ((tul tho vliu with whlrti you do thliiKH hero mmilfcMt In a greater ili'Kree. Medford nevor fallH down mid iih Mho Im continually helping heiHelf It Im a pleafiuro to ho aide to nun Int In whatever way wo cnn. I liavo tho KrcnteHt dcreo of faith In Medford and tho Hogim river valloy. And IIiIh plaro will over flKiiro larKO l In our plans for development ad-verllMlni,'." NEW E IS COMPLETED The county eouit is ul (lolil Hill to lny for tlm purpoMo of iuHpeeliu nml umioptitiK the new hIccI linde iici'iims tlm Kokiio ut tlmt point which him linen completed nml icady for traf fin. The county court uIhd plaiiH to vIh it llpt llylici) liiido mill inspect it nt lilfs'li walnr. 11 iri reported that tin liridKo will need to Im replaced next year and it in planned to coiiHtiuet a lowor 01m. ' The county court met Wednesday mid tiuuHtictcil roiiliiio htiHiucsH, then adjourning until Hiiturilay. ' 11 in 1 DKI.lll, India Dee. 7. Amid tho roar of an artlliery Huluto and tho ntriilUH or tlm iirltlHli national an tlmiu KIiik (ioori;o and Queen Mary with tlmlr miniature court arrived to day at Dolhl, tlm cultuluattni; point of t holt- tour for tho coronation dur- har next .TucHday. Tlm llrltlHt inonnrehH wfuo ro- celved In utatn at tho HelluiKarli Iiiih linn railway Htatlon hy Viceroy Lord IlardliiKO mid I.ary lliudliiKo, tlm hll'h orrUdulH or tho llrltlHh Kovoruod provlucim and ahout I fit) raJahH, .inali rnJiiliH, HtiltmiH, nlziimr, mid othur 1111- tlvo IlllOlfl. Tin-: iiit!'iti::iATio.v uv a iioukk. A Iioiiho IikkIiih to depreciate tho inoinont It Im completed and coptln u en till rimipleto deHlriicllon, Land nlwa IncnmiMw In vnliio mid con (Iuiiom to do no Indeflnllely. Hoiihim nro necimmiry for wholtor ovon If thoy mo not an economical liivimt ment. Ileforo your Iioiiho dopro rlati'M too much you had hotter trndo It off to Oliver II. Ilrown, 1 127 k. Main Ht., for hoiiio of IiIh fine fruit. land. Ho iicciIm ouo to live In. lie wantH a modern huiiKalow on pnvud ul rent. iRMklmi for lloalth KltMCST J. HUH. Tho follow Ink from tho Chtuitnu Mini Journal, of Kutmaa: "ThurHilay ovenlnc tho necoiid niiinher of tho (.'lutiilaiiipia lorturo rnui-Hti wiih rendered hy lCrnoHt J. Slim, In IiIh lecturo "Tho Lout Chord." Wo do not hellevo tlioro wub a jior- 7 Rock Spring Goal ex kjlitd ai.1. rtca tims. Office mid Coal Vard, Twelfth Had Front fitroot. I'houo 7101, Burbidge tmmmm Every day we are putting out a new line of Toilet Cases Manicure Sets Comb and Brush Sets Military Brushes Handkerchief Boxes Collar and Cuff Boxes Work Boxes Shaving Sets Shaving Mugs Shaving Mirrors We are showing the finest line of the above goods ever seen in Southern Oregon,' from the cheapest up to the sterling silver goods. gfc'H IT tflf hou pioHont hut folt that ho was hot tor nhlo to faco llfo'H Imttlca on Fri day mnrnliiK Hum ho ovor wna boforo. Wo hoard ouo or our IhihIiiosh 111011 romnrlv thla morning, 'Hociuiho of that lecturo (IiIh will lin a hotter town In tlm futuro,' 'It wm worth tho prlco of tho whole courtm,' Bald limit her, It wiih full from henlnnlni; to ouil of JiiHt Hitch mlvlco to human ity, ir followed, iih would uinko thin world moro worth living In, if tho ronimlttoo will furnlHli uh h, Slan for our ii(t lucturo, tho Iioiiho will ho packed rain or bIiIiio, 'hootn or no hoota.' " ' Mr, Slna will deliver hl lecturo nt tho Nutatorluni, Medford, on Thuru- BOOKS Tomorrow we will put on sale Henty s Latest Books for Boys Alger s Latest Books for Boys Laura Jean Libby s Books for Girls Your choice, 25c each i The regular 5c each and two for 5c Christmas Post Cards, with over 500 subjects to select from, at lc each HUSSEY'S Corner Main Street and Moore Court Watch for Saturday's $1.00 Window :; Thirty of tho loading himlnotm men of KiikIo Point mot Wodnonday ove niiiK anil orKitnlzitil tho KiirIo Point ('omtnorclal club. Frank Hrown wan oloctod proBldijitt and J. W. Mclntyro Hocrotary and tronsuror. Initiation fooM wore paid on tho spot and mi p autlvo wimpalKn latinchod for Hcur-j lug 100 inttiiiborH. i Tho oliif intundM to IiokIii IImIiiK tho llttlo city at nw, and at I tho meotliiK Tuiwlay ovciiIiik, con- j tractod for n pa;e ndvortltoment of , tho city In tho Now Yonr'H edition of Tho Mall Tribune. j Later tho club platiM to Innuo an i luvitntlou to tho Medford Comnier-j rial club to coino and make merry with thorn. A apodal train -a ill no arranged and loon I boontorH will de xcoiid on Kalo Point In force. RHEUMATISM CURED NATURE'S WAY LIQUOR &. DRUG HABIT CURED Tlm treatment though offcctlvo Iff not hnrnh. Why bo a nlavo to tho habit when you can bo cured? Wilto today for booklet. You may liavo a lotcd ono which could bo roatored. Wo will bo pleased to aoml you (pedal UU rat uro. Tho treatment Is not expensive. iifT liAKi:, (litu. vAin:u m. vwuvu, jnivS. and MANAni:it s Tsifzo 3s!?Zj.yi evni23i . ? LOS ANCIKLKS, Dec. 7. Jaine M. MoNmnarn, ioiifwwl iiiurilen r will not bo recpiireil to tell In tor of hirt ilypamitiii,' ojieratioiis helore the feilernl rnnil jury which 11 Hemblert hero tomorrow to probe io IntiotiH of the law in trmu-jMirluiK ih nninite nboiit the country. Let one of todny'H wnnt nds acini yon on a "little joiirnay" if you're lookintr for n. funiinlicd room. , 5 Full Line of I I A B I L I T Y PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY ELEVATOR ACCIDENT HEALTH BOILER LIFE FIRE INSURANC E C. B. WALKER & CO. insurance 'of AH -Kinds 102 TV. Main St. 3 w a 03 Q Peerless Lamps I All guaranteed. Now is i, the time to get your hou?c wired. Good light adds to the comfort of winter monthst. Southern Oregon Electric Co. North Grape Street. 44r44t444f44f4444r4-4r4H(4(-4 ...First... National Bank of MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 United States and Postal Saviugs Depository Wc solic' your business, which will receive our care ful attention. F. K. Deuol, President Orris Crawford. M. L. Alford, Cashier Assistant Cashier A CHRISTMAS GIFT When you make a present of Casserole or Hammered Brass, your gift will be highly appreciated because it is perman ently useful. n MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. IRRIGATION WATER gives VALUE to LAND WATER is a Community Builder You have the LAND You NEED the WATER Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager Office Third Floor Medford National Bank Bldg. I Irrigated Orchard Tracts i i n l -iT-i n inn 2 lU-iYUlUii Xll :VCT 1 ACRE FOR YOUR HOUSE AND BUTLDrMlS ' ' 1 ACRE IN ALFALFA FOR YOUR STOCK 1 ACRE IN STRAWBERRIES 1 ACRE IN BERRIES AND GARDEN TRUCK (i ACRES TN ORCHARD AND YOU ARE INDEPENDENT ROGUELANDS, Inc. FRED N. (HTMMINCS, Manager nn ooax. m I tiny oveultiB, Docoinhor 7th, - - - - - - - - -- -------,,