3?AC11BTW0 MIQDFORD MAIL TRLBDNW, M1OTORD, QURION, THUKKDA V, IIKOKMIIKK 7, 11)11. i immmrmmm $44' Wriijl tO'llUhV easy money for at " AT A XTT ?ll,in87' 3 'Jan m,t ynwr closets 1 JL,JjlLu AJNL) i boH your old olotliltiK. hats ami T,., - . dM to Will II. Wilson. 10(5 N, J J-XVWJV-1 1-T.l- ;M you bet we ny ensh for cast-off -K clotbliiK. huts mut shoos. Will II. Atr. nml Mrs, Orvls Stephenson lott Thursday for a montli'H visit at. San Kninclseo, Mr. Stephenson rccontly uold li Irs Interest In tlto tfnsh harbor Iki) nml mny locate In tho ilny olty. 11. T. Vnn Do Car tho Jowolor was tliq victim of potty Jliltvoe Wednes day" nlfilit. They entered Ms shod, filnlo n lioo nml rnko nml mode wny with nil tho family lnundry haiiKinK on tho Alothoa lino. A Mutual I.lfo policy makes tho boat Gfirlstmaa prosont, Sco Hutch. 231 Tho I.oyal Temperance Legion will nloot nuixt Friday at I p. in. In tho M. 13. cliuroli. Order your home-inado broad, enhos nnd plos at tho Woman's Bx ohnngc, 1'hono 7211. 222 Miss Normlle, oxporlancod dross mnhor, by tho day or pioco. Tele phone 263 Jacksonville. 245 Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Lnldloy aro In Central Point today on buslnoss. 0. H. Author, of Watsonvlllo, Cal., arrlvod In Medford yesterday. Fluo chocolntos as woll as homo mado candy at tho Woman's Ex change, 32C N. Oakdale. 222 M"rs. John Potorson Is In Central Point today visiting relatives. H. Follows, who has been In south Wilson ft Co., 10(5 N. Front st. 222 Fnnoy late pears for Xmas ship mohts. U'AnJous, Hose ami Cornice, in whole or half boxes. Fancy pack. Producers' Irrnlt Co. Oscnr Swnckor, an aged pioneer of the Fool creek country, died at his horiio on December 6th. Funeral services aro being hold today. S. A. Newell, ladles' tailor, th floor M. F. ft H. Co. bldg. G. K. Harrington and II. Mack, of Salem, are registered at tho Nash. M. I. Krlekson. national forest su pervisor, loft this morning for n business trip to Klamath Falls. Carkln ft Taylor (John 11. Carkln, Glenn O. Tnylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. Mr. and Mrs. K. I,. Lytic left this morning for Happy Camp, Cal. Tho ladlos of First M. E. church will glvo a fair and chicken plo dln nor In the Doucl building next door to the Model Clothing store, 230 Bast Main streot. Wednesday, De cembor 6th. Dinner served 11:30 o'clock till 2 p. m. Lunch In ten evening served from 5:30 to 7 p. m. Committees urged to report nt the building early Wednesdny morning, as there is much to be dono and TEACHERS E XAMS DECEMBER 20 County School Superintendent Ar ranges for Examination of Appll cants for Teachers Certificates- Four Days of Quizzing. crn Oregon several days looking af- assistance will be needed. Dinner 50 tor matters appertaining to tho coal mines oast of Medford, returned to Portland a couple of days ago. Hand-pninlod china and water col ors at tho Woman's Exchange 222 W. . Messner returned on Xo. 14 last night to McMlnnvlllo, Ore. Mr. Messner Is tho gentleman who rccont ly traded Yamhill county farming land to tho value of $50,000 to Mr. Tnlont and others bore for Medford city property of equal value. Mr. Messner expects to return to Med ford after a while with his family. Dressmaking and alterations at home, or by tho day. 411 North, Oak dale Phono 77C1. 224 W. F. Willlnms of Bozoman, Mont., arrived in Medford yesterday and is registered at tho now Medford hotol. Dr. Henry Hart will leave tonight on No. 16 for Quincy, 111., whero he will spond the holidays wJth Mrs. Hart, who is now visiting there, and other relatives and friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hart will return to Medford early In January. Dally dollvorios milk, cream, but ter, buttermilk. Rogue Klvcr Cream ery. 13. V. Tllton of Woodvlllo was in Medford yostorday on buslnoss. TJios. Vestal of Eagle Point was In tho city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barr left yes torday for Borkoloy, Cal., where they will Bpond tho winter with their daughtor, Mrs. Mljls. Emily T. Standeford, examiner for tho Now England Conservatory of Music in Boston, piano, harmony, musical history. 42S West Fourth Btroat. Tolophono 7211. 231 Mrs. Hattlo Young returned yes terday to Oakland, Cal., aftor a two weeks' visit with Medford friends. H. 11. Howell and his mother, Mrs. P. H. Howell, of Fielding, Mont., ar rived in Medford yestorday and will riiako tholr homo here. Floldlug Is well up in tho mountain range and thoy toll that tho snow had fallon thore this yoar to a dopth of from four to flvo feet. Special Sunday dinner each week at tho Tavern hotel, Eagle Point, Ore. 50c. 225 Mr. and .Mrs. C. E. Nelson arrlvod in Medford Wednosdny from Pendle ton, Oro. Tho host baths In tho city, 25 cts. at Hotol Medford barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Mlllor, who ar rived Jn Medford rocontly from Iowa, took tho motor yesterday morning for n visit with tholr parents, Mr. nnd" Mrs. W. A. Elliott, on Foots Creole. See It. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burdgtt loft this morning on No. 20 for Drain, Ore., whero thoy will spend the holidays with relatives. $2 suitcases for 98 cts. 100 ,N. Front st. 222 conts. lunch 25 cents. F. D. Wagner, former publisher of tho Ashland Tidings, Is In Medford and Jacksonville today. Merchants' lunch 12 to 2 o'clock, 35 conts, at Hotel Medford. S. B. Wlllmnrth. of Gold Hill, was !n Medford today on business. Baths 25c at tho Hotol Medford barber shop every day. Sirs. W. D. Foster of Ashland was In Medford yesterday, tho guest of Mrs. W. G. Aldenhngen. Buy Christmas goods at McDow oll's. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McNeil left this moiming for Bedding, Cal. Whipping cream. Roguo. Itivcr Creamery. Will Jackson of tho Medford Na tional bank, was In Central Point today on business. Fresh ranch oggs at tho Fllsh Mar ket. 244 Fresh ranch butter at tho Fish Market 35c. 224 RobL McLean, D. D., of Grants Pass, was In Medford last night the guest of Ilov. W. F. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Goodalo re turned Inst night from a visit to friends In Orland, Cal. J. H. Cook of Lostlne, In north eastern Oregon, is 'n Medford being treated by Dr. Seely. F. W. Stono is In Central Point today on business. B. J. Porter of Seattlo arrived In Medford yesterday. Bonj. C. Sheldon left this morning for a buslnoss trip to Mlnneapol's and Chicago. Mrs. Frank Amy Is visiting her many Central Point friends today. Tho regular oxiiminulion of nppli emits fur teacher' oorti Rente will ho hold nt .Incksouville. Oregon, coni mcuciu Wednesday, December 'JOtli, 1011, s follews: Wednosdny Forenoon Writing, U. S. history, physiology. Wednesday Afternoon Physical geography, rending, composition, methods in rending, methods in ar ithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, civil iiovemmuni, history of educa tion, pliVMchology, method in geog raphy. Thursday Afternoon Ornmmer. geography, American literature, phy sics, methods in language, thesis for primary certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory practice of teaching, orthography. English literature. Friday Afternoon School law botany, nlgehra. Saturday Forenoon - Geometry, ge ology. Snturdav Aft moon -General his tory, bookkeeping. 3 . Hnsklns for Health CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Frank Cochran mul family left for California Wednesday morning, whore they will spend the winter. Frank llyrloy and wife lmvo va cated tho llousloy residence and will leave soon for California. While here Mr. and Mrs. llyrloy made many friends who aro exceedingly sorry to lose them us oltUoii. Mrs. George Wright and daughter llaxul. who have been vIsltliiR rela tives hove for the past month, will leave this week for their homo In Prospect. A. K. Lot'ontts returned from a northern California trip Wednesday morning and left Mr lloeoburg on Thursday morning. ' Howard Dunlnp, A. J. Ousley, II. C. Messonger, Goo. Nichols. Win. Mnrtlno, Mr. Stump Rr. and Jr., and Robert Holmes were among the Cen tral Point people who spent Wednes day In Medford. Mr. Perry of Ashland spent Wed nesday hero. The funeral of tho late Mrs. Mar- ON BILL NAM IV An amUKlng Incident occurred dur ing the presentation of the pictures sliovvlim the western governors' tilp through tho cast at Toledo, which was witnessed by the governor themselves. The Toledo audience was unable to reehgnlxo any of the uolublos shown on the motion picture until tho striking double of William .loutilng Bryan was seen to step down from tho observation platform. Then there was nn outburst of up plauso, and Just as spontaneously a voice from one of the governors' boxes broke the silence with "la dles and gentlemen, Colonel Bill llnnley. the William .lonnlimw Bryan of Oregon." The house was dark, but a flash from a spotlight directed upon the distinguished figure of the NcurnakHii'it counterpart In one of the lower Ihinm, brought forth loud cries of "There he Is." Colonel llanley's modesty gavo way Mr. and Mm. It. O. (Don) Htepluin. Him loft on No. in this morning tot Modesto, Cal., whero they expect t i cumin several .mouths. Mis. .lei'oino Ohm chill Hr of Violin, On).! rot ii rued to hr homo this monilnit nflor a Unit of n row itux In Mcdrnrd. 1 DON'T NEGLECT THAT COLD Chronic catarrh, often a most loathsome disease, In In llrt fliM Mtrtgo .uiciely u cold III tho head, When neglected this becomes worse mid worse until wlmt might easily hnui been cured bouoinoti u olli'oiilc iIUoiiho simply because It was lint checked la lime. It doesn't pay to neglect a cold. We huvo many good reiiieillun for colds and catarrh on our halvim bill the effect or Metilholyplus Is limluii tuiieous. Just llihnto tho ploHMiut vapor nnd uw a lllllo or th" sooth lug wilvo and lh cold dlinprn. No more siiffurliig ftOHi liifttuuml lis. sua, splitting homliuihwi, wiilory eyes mul nil tin othor (Hwigiiwihlo KrroiiipRiiliiioul of n hard cold, 'If you ii .Miiiilholyplu. Wo Me si. sine that Menthol) ptus will glv you Instant lollof tlmt If th first imek ..... v-.(r r.um.l ii remedy that age iln. not do oxnrlly M w mr u gave such Instant and positive relief will not eiwl you h eiit. h McntholyptUM. I I'Hier (Imp lino our store .! We have tried this ourselves and 'and find out about this wonderful our friends have tried It and the new remedy for colds and cgtsirh. .,Pi I iho uiiinn from evervbo.V ' Mi ''mil I'hanimry. M J'H in "' .,..- .- ...... t..k1.1 t... Vn dii nail ii v til II I'll ' " ' ', ,, , , ,. .I..,!.,!, to the humor of tho situation and ,nK :u ip.M;, c-"':::::c ww-A1 ,r i w...u .rem ,.( Wi.uo m,iu .. conducting the services ,'j. . JESSE SPALING IS NEW YALE CAPTAIN 2CKW IIAVKK. Conn., Drc. T. Jesse Spalding of Chicago, right half hack of the Yale varsity team, is an nounced todny as captain of the Yale football eleven for the 112 season Tim nniiiinmii'piiiMit eniilo UH a .stir- nrise to some, who predicted tho eee I Hie new heme atr answering ;,. ..f ill.,.r Cum, or llnmcisler ' "l.ossible" nils " still upon him. turned bis broad, goed-natured smile toward the sea of races with sparkling eyes riveted upon him. It was the Bryan smile, too, and there were many In the audience who Insisted that the "liny orator of the l'latle" was ptesent In person. You really know where to find a lot OUR WOOD AND DRAY Office Is now localc.l ni No. lH Soiilli I'lr In Wllm.ii .V Co.'k m'iuikI ' liniiil (.lore. Kmm'IiiI ullciitioii given to the inoliig of liitiiM'hotil giMHN and the delivery of freight. H. S. BRUMBLE & SONS tllllllC, -H."i.I, Hell, III It I t3W'WVWW figMMMMMMSlgX. : r r WeeRs & McGowan Co. ly Fltoae 71 Night I'hOHe IP. W. Weeks WJ71. A. K. Orr, 8MI. IiADI AHfllSrANT. s .MKDFOHI) WILL SB13 IlOUXW-Ul. "Almost as good as an actual visit to the ftound-Up at Pendleton was the motion picture story of Its enact ments told at tho Dungalow last eve ning for the first time In Portland. Stupendous and spectacular' 'are ad jectives that host describe tho thrill ing acts related so graphically by the moving film. Accurate to an amaz ing dogroe Is the reproduction and all the big events that jnale this gathering tho only one of its kind in the world have been faithfully pre served. Spectacular and historic in a markod degrco Is tho 'revival of tho Old West.' This showj tho Indian encampment, parades, races, tho ceromonlal dances nnd various fes tivities or the Indians, roping and rope handling, steer riding and fancy riding by mon and women." Port land Oregoninn. Those films will be shown at tho Ugo theater three nights and Satur day matlnoo, commencing tonight. Announcement Extraordinary Saturday, December 9th, will be Dollar D&rir&ifl In Medford. Wonderful buying chances possible in all lines of merchandise : : Notice Is hereby given that O. M. Selsby will make application to tho city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at Its regular mooting on Docombor 10th, 1911, for a license to sell spirituous liquors and malt liq uors In quantities less than a gallon nt No, 17 So. Front St., for a period of six months. O. M. SELSDY. . Dated Dec. 8th, 1011. - 4 TOO LATE Tb CLASSIFY - - - JOHN A. PERL Undertaker nnd Embalmer i Unr-ermsnr to thn undertaking do partment of Medford Furnlturo Co, ; Office 28 South JJartlett Street ;! Telephenes: day, Hell 471; night j ( rosluonco, uou im, iiomo iivu. .. ....... .. ... 1 1 uuiis answered hikiii or uujr 1 AMnULANCK SKItVIOB WANTED To ront 3, 4 or 5 room hoiiao, modern, closo In, Address Uox 3CC, Medford, Oro. 224 KOIt SALE One 3 h. in Idoal gaso line ongluo and pump, good as new; will soil ohonp for cash at 820 S. Control avo. KOH SALE Ono room houso 12x14, In good repair; cost $30 to build last year, will tako $10 cash. Wrlto to bqx 72. pijy. 222 KOH ItENT Modern 5-room bnnga" low nicely furnished; every con venience Inquire 517 S. Holly st 220 ' Saturday, December 9th, will be one of the greatest bargain days over held in this stato-all of tho loading morchnnts of Mod ford have planned to offor special bargains.on that day for $1, or different combinations of articles for $1, and whilo it im a won known fact that Medford is the best shopping center in Southern Oregon, and that a dollar goos much farther hero than omo where the merchants are going to go a step further and offer on that day bargains that will simply mako tho mattor moro ap parent than ever, and in fact make it possible for your dollar to practically do double duty. Wo say, therefore, como and share m the wonderful buying chances that will be here on that day. Reduced Railroad Fares from All Points Railroad Fare Refunded to out-of-town Customers The railroads aro offering special reduced rates for this day, but if your purchaso of goods in this city is within our schedulo you will have your railroad fare refunded. Here is tho plan: Simply show your railroad ticket to tho salosporson and ask for a rebate book and have the amount of your purchase entered in it. Do this at all stores at which you trade, and whon you are through trading you tako the book to the secretary of tho Association and ho returns your railroad fare. You can trade at most any store and get these rebate books. Look for cards in windows telling all about it. Hero is tho schedule of purchases necessary: 5 to 20 miles on a $20 cash purchase; 21 to 30 miles on a $30 cash purchase; 31 to 40 milos on a $40 cash purchaso; 41 to ou miles on a $50 cash purchase. We rebate full amount of railroad fare for the round trip. . , Bear this in mind that after December 9th you can got your railroad faro refunded by buying from most all momuois oi inis association. Below we give a list of tho merchants that will refund railroad faro as woll as thoso who only tako part in uuir LAR BARGAIN DAY." MANN'S DRY GOODS STORE GRAY & MOE'S STORE KENTNER'S DEPARTMENT STORE AHRENS' CLOAKS AND SUITS MEEKER'S DRY GOODS STORE WEEKS & McGOWAN FURNITURE MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARD- VAN DE CAR, JEWELER WARE CO. MODEL CLOTHING STORE BEHLING & SCHMIDT DANIELS' FOR DUDS KIDD-FOR SHOES TOGGERY BILL'S LAWRENCE, JEWELER GARNETT COREY HARDWARE CO. M. J. REDDY, JEWELER HUBBARD BROS., IMPLEMENTS KELLER, JEWELER GOLDEN RULE DEPARTMENT STORE G. W. DIAMOND, JEWELER These Firms will take part in "Dollar Bargain Days" only r r ' ' ' HUTCHISON & LUMSDEN OLMSTEAD & HIBBARD WARNER, WORTMAN & GCItE PACIFIC MOTOR SUPPLY CO. McBRIDE'S CANDY STORE MEDFORD CIGAR STORK NASH HOTEL MEDFORD HOTEL Special Attractions that will also occur on Dollar Day SPECIAL BAND CONCERT ALL DAY. BAND WILL ALSO MEET ALL TRAINS. GRAND IRR10? AND RALLY; SPEAKERS OF NATIONAL REPUTATION. SPECIAL BILLS AT ALL THEATERS AND MOVING PIC TURE SHOWS. GRAND BALL AT THE NATATORIUM; MUSIC BY COMPLETE ORCHESTRA : -; ' ; ; ; -: : Medford Merchants As; '' -; : ; -; -: i (X. EWVT' y1HMt 0 t4