irtxy., TWj T, li-, -Wr -.-i- ' Mara pout? MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNTC, MEDFORD, ORECK)NT. WTONrcSPAY, DKOMMHMR. (, 1011. r '- .- jMDFORD Mail Tribune AN INDKt'nNnttNT NKW8PAPKH lunMnm:r nvnuv aktkknoon KXCKPT SUNDAY, 11Y TUB MHDFOHl) l'llINTINO CO. The Democratic Times, Tho Mcdfortl Mall, TJic Meafnnl Tribune. Tlio South' em urcKi'nlftn, Tlio Aolilaml Triuune. Offlco Mnll Trllmno lhillalwr. J6-J7-S0 Norm ri r street; phone, aiain au.i; Home 75. OnOHQH PUTNAM, Kdltor and Manner Knteml n sceoiil-clnss matter rtt Mcdfonl. Orccon. under tho act of March 3, 1879. Official rnirtr 6t Iho City of McdfortL Official iaper of Jnckfon Count?. BfTBSCRXPTXOK BATES. Ona yesr. by mall ............... .15 CO One month, by mnll .......... .t . . .60 IVr month, rtllwrt by carrier In Medford. Jnclisomlllo and Cen- trnf l'otnt .SO Rnttirriay only, by mall, per year.. 3.00 WVekly. per yenr 10 SWORK CXRCTJ&AXXOZT. Dnlly average Tor eleen mouths end Inir November 30, 1911, 3731. rail XVesstd Win Unltad rrtis Bltpstcbat. Tho Mnll Tribune Is on sale at tho Kerry News Stand, 8n Krsticlsco. Tortlnnd Hotel Now Stand, rortland. llnwman Nous Co., Portland. Ore. w. o. AVhitncy, sseaiuc, osn. UESrOXO. OREQOlf. Metropolis of Southern Orcgtm nnd Northern Callfornln, and tho fusteot- Browlnp city In Orepon. Population -IT. a census 1910 SStO; entlmnted, 1911 10.000. Plvo hundred thousand dollar Gravity Water Hystem completed. Ktvtnt; finest supply pure mountain water, and 17.3 miles of streets paved, Postnffleo receipts for year ending November 30, 1911, show Increase of 19 per cent. Banner fruit city la Oreson Rocuo ltlver SpltxcnbcrK apples won sweep stakes prim nnd title of "Appto Ktar trf t&a WorW nt tho National Applo Show, Spokane, 1909 and, a. car of Newtowns oo Tlrst rrlis In 1910 at Canadian International Applo Show. Vancouver, B, C rtrst Frlxa la 1911 at Spoknno National Apple Show wou by carload of Nowtowns. Rogue. River pears brought ltlRhest firlees In all markots oC tho world dur nc tho past six years, write Commercial Club. Inclosing cents for postage for the finest commu nity pamphlet ever published. NAVAL MAN 18 VISITING GUY Attache af Recruiting Office Dclfvcr ing Illustrated Lectures en Life in United States Navy Covers Cruls3 of Battleship Fleet. P. A. Merrlam, chief electrician, United States navy, will begin a course of illustrated lectures this week at tho Isls theater. Theso lec tures cover the 40,000 mile cruise of the 1G battleships of the United 'States navy during 1907, 190S and 1909. Mr. Merrlam. who haa 14 years of honorable service in the United States navy, has been detailed by tho navy department to gire these illus trated lectures in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. He has already spent eight months ' in southern California and Oregon, coming to Medford from Portland, Oregon, where he met with great suc cess, speaking to 40,000 persons a week. Gives Opiori unity for Katal Service. Tho lectures are given under- the direction of tho recruiting depart ment, with the intention of bringing before the young men and their relatives tho opportunities for en listing la tho navy. Tho main re cruiting office, which Mr. Merrlam represents, is located in the Railway Exchange building Portland, Oregon, but within tho near future substa lions will also bo established in .Walla Walla, Spokane, Bolso and Butte. r .Tho pay varies from J17.G0 to $77 a mouth. Machinists aro preferred, tho pay ranging from $44 to $77 per month. Gut tho opportunities are open for men of all classes. Mr. Merrlam will bo at tho Hotel Med ford from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. each day until December 18th and desires that any who aro Interested In tho navy or wish information concerning tho navy call on him. i To those who desire to enlist bo .will explain tho good nnd the bad of the Hervlco and will allow nono to enter without knowing tho conditions mid requirements. -J Some Parents Skeptical. " Ho would llko to apeak with the parents who aro fekeptlcal with re gard to their sons entering tho navy and explain tlio benefits that may be derived from tho aorvico. Ho aBkB such to remember that thero Is a great incentive back of all this tho clmuco of tho ambitious young maji to, gain tho rank of warrant offlcqr within a fow yours with pay ranging from $1400 to $2400 a yoar. Mr. Merrlam is qualified to mako pre liminary examinations, and all men that ho finds physically qualified ho wljl send to Portland at government expense for further examination and enjlstmeut, BAN JUAN, P. II. Plunging 200 foot to the ground, Ted Shriver, tho Ainorlcun aviator, He? dod ut Ponco today us tho result of an attempted flight over tho city In ft Ilaldwlu monapluuc. Ho lost control of tho machine while waking a turn. OUR "BOUNDLESS RESOURCES." SOME interesting facts nrc brought out in tlio brioC just filed with (ho Interstate Commerce commission by the Medford Traffic bureau in the matter of the nppliea tion of the Southern Pacific to exempt this section from the provisions of the Fourth Section. Engineer Elliott, who made tho preliminary survey for the Oregon & California, must have been the original booster of southern Oregon and northern California, for ho is quoted as saying in his repert: "There is no railroad uor proposed railroad in the United States which offers such inducements to capital ists as the California & Oregon road. The boundless re sources of the country through which it will pass insures a profitable return on the capital invested, and the mon. opoly it will enjoy on account of the peculiar formation of the countrv will make the profits perpetual. It will occupy the only practicable route, and consequently it will be secure from competition." In connection with the construction of this line the report refers to the government land grant to the com pany of 12,800 acres for each mile of road, amounting in the aggregate to 8,1)20,000 acres, which was valued at $2.50 per acre, representing $32,000 per mile of road, as compared to the estimated cost ot construction of $4S.000. The portion of this grant still remaining is valued at from $50,000,000 to $75,000,000. Commenting on this feature of the proposition, the report says: "Some idea of the immensity of this great internal improvement may bo gained by reflecting that the area of the whole state of Massachusetts is oulv 4,G40,000 acres, that of Connecticut onlv 3.040,000, of New Jersey 4,384,C10, of Delaware 1,356,806, of Rhode Island 786,000.'' This grant is greater than the combined area of any two of the above mentioned states. Yet this vast region is. except for a narrow stretch along the main line of railroad, as undeveloped today as when the above was written. These "boundless resources" have not been utilized or developed. No branch roads have been constructed to secure development. Forests primeval still stand untouched by axe and the hills still hide their treasures of metals. The railroad lands are being "preserved" for future generations and settlers and mills and mines kept off thus indefinitely delaying "the great internal improve ment." Those resources in private lands cannot be de velopcd either. Thcv must remain untouched bv enter prise nntil railroad rates are their development. What's the use of our "boundless resources" except to make profits perpetual for HUNTING THE SALUTE!. GOLPERS' statement that even if he had been aware of the guilt of the McNaniaras, he would under no circumstances have advised them to plead guilty, followed by the assertion made b' Detective "V. J. Burns that Gompcrs from the first was aware of the fcNamaras' guilt, raises the suspicion that the great labor leader nia' be involved dynamite in the solution of labor troubles. .Records of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers arc said to show that for a long time J". J. McNainara, secretary of the organization, was paid $1000 a month to be used for purposes not speci fied According to Burns, it can be proved that this mon ey was paid to carry out a systematic campaign of dyna miting. There is no question but that many structures were dynamited in the months preceding the Los Angeles Times explosion and that this destruction was carried on along systematic lines. Always the explosion followed strikes or other labor troubles in which this particular union was involved. There seems to be little doubt but that the McNamaras and McManigal were the agents who executed the crimes. If further investigation shows that other labor lenders, that men higher up, were involved, had guilty knowledge, or approved the outrages, prosecu tion and punishment should follow. Organized labor will undoubtedly cooperate with the authorities to purge its ranks of murderous criminals. Unionism never advocated the bomb or the assassin. It does not stand for murder or arson. Hence the wave of union resentment against its iK'trayei-s, which will extend to the principals as well as the humbler tools. BANKERS HAVE A NARROW ESCAPE NEW YOIUC, Dee. fi.-A dispatch just recched in New York HnyH that tlio three United States Ktemiiern, on board of which ure COO members of the American Hunker' uHSociation and their fninilien, are nil safe and that tho lii)H lmvo weathered a liur rienno wliieli hwept the Gulf of Mex ico and the Caribbean bcu. TI105 were retuniinj,' from n tri) to I'nimnn when the htorin overtook them. Haskins for Health. There is Only One "Bromo Quinine "y Thmt Laxative Brome Quinine yD THE WOHLB ftVCH TO OWte.A B OLD IH ONE DAY. Always remember the full name, Look Jto flTf for this signature on every box, 26o, tfQ ffJZnrfrVlr revised so as to permit of the railroad? HIGHER - UPS. himself as an advocate of IS HEADED THIS WAY KUOKNK, Ore, Dec. C When a thief Biiatcbod tho purso of Mrs. 10. Frank, which contained $15 and a diamond ring, tho police rounded up thirty hoboes in tho hopo of recover ing nor valuables. A total of 15 conts was found on tho thirty mon, ono having 5 cents and another a plutocrat with a ill mo. Tho busted hunch was escorted to tho city llmlta nnd told to hasten toward California. NEW CLUES ARE FOUND IN EAST Government Sleuths Say They Have Fount! Many Records of Honey Order Transactions Through Post office. lXIHAN'APOhlS, Iml, Doc. 0. New elites, involving tho nets ot' John J. MoXrtinurU us secretary of the Intel-national AMioinliou of Undue nml Structural Inm Workers, tiro re ported today from tho inodi;ntioiis of the United Slides secret hen tee operatives who are endeavoring to connect the lloNtuiiuro brothers willt a lint) chain of dyitniiiitiih: through out tlio tinted Stale.-. The government sleuths report that they Imvo found records of mnii.x money order tmiiiiction through the Indinnnpolts jiostoffiee dot ween John J. MoXiummt, - tho iron worker' secretary, ami numerous er-oii-. It is reported also that John .1. McNV mnra did liu-iiie- through tho post office under the nnnie of C. J. San dusky, and that considerable limit was received and delivered by him throimh that fictitious twine. After a conference the heads of tho international unions uith head quarters here telegraphed i'rcMdcut Samuel Gomoers of the American Federation of tadmr iissurinir him of their continued confidence in him. tie Mlito the nttni'ks ulitili nri lii-im. made upon him. THIS OITOICTU.NITV Will not bo YOUIW ALWAYS. Fruit Innd 3 miles from KiikIo, Point on good rond nnd frei from, frost nt & its value on terms of $5 j per ncro cash and $1 per ncro per month 'till pnld without Interest or, taxes, nnd othor ndvantnges. Ollvoi B. Brown, 1427 K. Main St. IKIMRATIOX Mi:KTlN ItATICH For tho irrigation mectlrtK to ho held in Medford on December 3th, 1911, the Southern I'nclflc company will sell round trip tickets nt faro nnd one-third, gooi December Sth and 0th, good returning December 9th nnd 10th. To nccomuuidato all who desire to attend this meeting, steam servlco with cxtrn equipment will bo run, frit: tend of the motor car, ou December 0th. .323 TlAaklns for Health, Catarrh Doctor You Can d'et Hie Ih'M One in Hie World for 9 1. OO Go to Chas. Strang today. Say "1 want a HYO.MKI outfit," tako it homo with joti, open tho box and pour n fow drops of HYO.MKI (pro nounce It IllKh-o-me) Into tho little hard rtibbor Inhnler. Then bronthu pleasant, soothing, healing, germ killing HYO.MICI over the raw, inflamed, germ ridden mem- brano for a fow minutes nnd relief Is immediate. Stuffed up head will vanish. Keep up tho treatment four or flvo tlinim a day for a fow days and hnwklng, spitting nml forming of mucus in the noso and throat will coaHo. HYO.MKI I guaranteed to end ca tarrh, coughs, colds, croup, HSthiuu. catarrhal deafness, or money back. Complete outfit, 00, subsequent bottles If needed 50 cents nt Chas. Strang's and druggists everywhere. MEDFORD THEA TRE Thursday, JU DECEMBER M " The Itojtkxo U Hhello Production Checkers Tho groateat Amorlcan play over written. Hobart Cavauaugh nu Checkers Davo Hralium, n I'uiih Miller Florence Ilcston aa 1'ort. Tl'o great racing sceno Is n thrill. V- ' 1'rlces: First 10 towh, $1.00; xt 7, i; orchestra circle, 75c; balcony, first threorows, 11; iioxt 1. 75ej Rallory, 50c. Sonta now soiling. REPUBLICANS WIN 0LYMPIA ELECTION OIA'MIMA, Wash., Don. fl, Ke jecliug tho commission form of gov ernment, tho voters of Ol.vmpin lmc elected iho enliio republican munici pal ticket headed b.v l)i. Dr. L bridges, nmyorallv candidate. Ilnsktna tor llenlta. GARDUI WORKED LIKE A CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardul worKcd like a inarm. Joncsvllb, 0. C. "I mirrored with womnnly trouble," write Mrs. J. 8. Kctulrlck. In a letter from this plnco, "nnd nt times, I could not benr to utnnd on my feet. Tho doctor raid I would nover bo nay bottor, nnd tbnt I would lmvo to Imvo nn oporntlon, or I would haro a cancer. I went to tho hospital, nnd they open ntcd on me, but I got no bettor. Thor said medicines would do mo no good, nnd I thought I would to die. At lnKt I tried Cnrdul, nnd bei;nn to improve, bo I coutlnued uittnc It. Now, I nm well, and can do my own work. I don't fool nny pains. Cnrdul worked llko a charm." There must bo merit In thin purely Trcctnblc, tonic, remedy, for women Cardul for it baa been in Buccewrul uno for moro than CO yenrs, for tho treatment ot womanly wenknecs ftud dlsenno. l'laa try it, for your troubles. inrt MJlf Int Civ, C.hIUmK j. Tmn.. fei iSptttal Iruruimt. nJM-pjf Nn. Horn TrtlWwpi lor Weoa, Mat in puin riptrf. oo li, Draperies W crrr vrr complnta tin or drnportci, Inco curtnln. riiturei. to., nml i'o nil claiiar of uphotntnrlnK. A uprclal man to look after this work xelutlvrly nl wilt Klvo good rvlc na Is Dosatblo to sat la evtn the Urcnt elite. Weeks & McGowan Co -- ------ 4 ORDER YOUR SWEET CREAM Coffeu or Whipped BUTTER MILK BUTTERMILK I Medford Cream and Butter Co. Two Free Deliveries Dally NATATORIUM BUILDING i'henei: 161-L Main H81 ( - - -- -- Games Come in and let us show you Medford Book Store QRS $; .i FREE TlaoMoJi Ult Utjo lranli J ur"diitfl llwu-liaojr pltn tj hUimi ou Urro mill outMit. Ih ui (tltinii ihi hnfft Ihi Iijii mutty. wlir vty IJgncrpicci wwo vro tuattaut tMioiun i oi mooey Uck 1 3-cioaPnlDocii IJ.iVf, . ... $1.30 Cnjiwiii, laltiicr Doots ti.i J () .ml j IQ ClumnflntlrY riant Daui . . . 00 Otitmtn Uirluw Hut Doofi, kUiI . 2.7 J lnU WlnJowi irb.liiMUcl I01mi . .dO 'UtMWlaowi,Bi4ttd.fzt Piiuinnt. NtonUinii, Glut, i'tlnlt, DuiMing Hr. I liJwlc,l(oofiin, AH Ur 11 fn tmtx14 picrapi ViIpuidIi, Waxllur (J bod. &Ml oywhtto. LtttHMlurc ilcnj far Our Cop"'I J Your IHII CmlujueNi 41 TmmnmGm I ViWkMXtiiM PLUMBING BTliAM AND HOT WATKIl 1IHAT1NM All Work OuirBte4 1'rlcon HenitonnbU trt llimnnl lllock, KntrMrc on mti Htreot. Coffecn & Price rci(io ttottt limn Sltf Valley Second Hand Store Wo lluy nnd Soil All Klmln ot Second Hnnd Goods. M. J. 1'IUniKH, l'nip. l.t North i'Jr Home ant Hell :i07a Clark & Wright &AWTSHS WABHIKCJTOSr, S. a Tublla I.AI11I Mntlar: l'liml 1'roof. Opdart Iriimln. Caiitvntu Hiui Mining Cane. Hcrlp. Anoclt Work for Attorney. HiuKtni (or Heat in. SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE Koutli lllversld Now nnd Ui-to-lmto Modern in orrry particular, km cook- Inif, stiMtni heat, etc. Women nnd glrln uuwt brliK refer dices. W. M. HM1TI! Home l'liotio MK. OPEN- For Business UKKJINfl .tt MXI.IK'U Kc)iulHnnd Htoro at 3C Bouth tlrnpo Htreot. Glvo ua a call and wo will treat you fair. Highest cash prico for second band poods ot nil kinds WOOD! Tho Medford Wood Yard. All kinds and any length nf good dry wood. Corner Seventh and Newtown. Cumo to tho shed and sou the wood. Phono Doll, G041; Home, 330 X. A. B. Tut! & Grant Proprietors We Have Moved Tho J. T. Hroadloy flower store Is now In tho M. P. & H. storo, ncroBs tho street from formor location. Choice lots of cut flowers, bulbs, ferns, palms, etc., alr ways on hnnd. J. T. BR0ADLEY Medford Employment Agency women to cook on ranch. Girls for houaowork. FOIt 8ALW . 10 acres 2 in I luii out, 1500. 10 acres, 2 houses, 'A burns, 11000. ' 1G0 ncros, 7 head of horses, 2 cows, 20 hofiH, 100 chickens, 20 stuuds of hoes, (i number ot tur keys and nil farm ImploiiioutH. Call nnd soo mo about this. M1S0KMMNKOUB Wanted to rout a plauo. Wanted tn noil a mortgage; will Nhavo It 11000, Hoiiuou to rout In dlfforont parlH ot theo city, 10 acres to trado near KiikIo I'olnt for houuo and lot' In Mud ford. Furniture for salo, Women to cook ou ranch, E. P. A. BITTNER ROOM 7, PALM BLOOK Opposite Nash Hotel riiono dill; Home, 11. -i y -mrir m "v i Wlllittl! iuiuu ; TONIGHT ! WfWMWWWJw; SAVOY THEATRE Ulidtr Mnw Miumifemeul Tlrst Hun. I.lcoimoil Mollim IMoturai. I'loiiu Hhow, OnirttfiuiH TinAliiiaiit. Krmik II, Hull. 1'iop. 10O xntf OHMTS 100 ISIS THEATRE TWO 111(1 DOt'lllii: AtTH Till: NHHOri) TltlO licit Violet ami Unity Vjolet Moelel)'N I'ntettiiluei-s This belui: tho creatust net that bus out played Medford ill tect from Orpheuin at I'ortlaud, whom they lmvo boon tho hluKest kind of a drawluu card, as llaby Vloleto Is only lour years old and diilui; all kinds or entertaining- cniishiK nil I'ortlaud to talk of her as no child ever him this act nlouo In doulilo worth tho print of udmtxslou. Hut Htlll Hiik n Auollier m;v viii.i;i.i:u HIik kfacii Comedian All of you who Imvo forgotten how to l.t ii nil Just count down and pay Low a visit. If ho can't mako ou laiiKh thou I hem's no hopo for you. lie's the original asitan slu of sorrow. STAR THEATRE fOMIXHtTAIII.i: Till-: NMn.'UM.'ltN A thrilling story of siuukkIIuk ou the Paclflo Const. .M.UMSi: !' TIIK .MOI'.NTAI.NH A mountain romance or remark- able beauty. JACK'S t'.MIIHUIiliA All comedy. ,li HATH Hit Tim KliiKor. TIIK WOOMVOIITHK I'liOlnu music and effecta to suit tho pjrtures. U-GO THEATRE VAUDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES . i 10 and 15c Change of Propram Sundays and Thursdays Rock Spring Goal MAMD AI.I. VSCS SIJCIL Offlc nd Coal Vnnl, Twelfth m4 Front 8 tree U. JL'hoiia 7101. Burbidge VMM OOAr. KA Till Electric Rooms i!l West Main ' Under New AraniiKcmunt Newly furnmlit'd, nil modorii, sti'iun hunt,- IuiIIih, elo. Iilo I,', Itockui'll, I'rop, IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will build you a homo on monthly paymonts, MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY ' M. F. and H. Co. Building tSj?l y'-t $