Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WE AT HER llnln. Mnr, 51, ntln. f7, rol. liiuit. D.I, prvrlp. .05 Inch, "II. Unity Klxth Yrnr. Kurty-flmt Yniir. MJ3DV0RD, OltKOON, WKDMihDAY, DKCIOMJiliJIl (J, 1911. No. 221. SAY DEFEAT DUE TO CONFESSIONS MINNEAPOLIS MAN PAYS $250,000 FOR SUNCREST ORCHARD , 140 ACRES OF TRACT ARE IN FULL BEARING Purchaser Is Mr. Campbell, Younrj Capitalist of Minneapolis, Who Will Spend Part of His Time on the Tract Charmed Willi Valley. ORCHARD TRACT CONTAINS 401 ACRES OF FRUIT Deal Is Made by Huntley and Mac- Clalchle of This City Tract Is Splendid One. Tim real iwlalc firm of Huntley & MuoClatchio announced totliiy llm hiiIi' of tlit1 fninimn Siinetosl orchard owned by Dr. F. Page f hi city io Mr. ('nmphull, a capitalist of Mil waukee anil MlmioiipoliH, fur (Im sum f f'JftO.tlOO. Tim hiiIu in nut only the hugiwt investment in orchard lunil in llm valley, lint nUo represents thv hugost iniHviilual orchard proKisi linn. Tho ori'lianl linn been planlod with nvi.nw of HuhiliviHiuu Inter if desired. Mr. Campliull linn puri'lmsed llm nroDiiity art an investment, hat ox- pi'iitH to spend part of his time in the vnlloy. TIiij Pntlnrson ranches which fonn tint SmiiiruMt ori'lianl linvo been known for yearn an among tlm great est producers of iitritMilttirnl pi duct of any In tint valley ami an a fruit ranch in now nml will he in tlm filiate oim of the Brent show place that will eoiimiaiul tlm attention of tlm public. The properly contains II 1,000 tree covering 'till neri'H, of which 110 nolo in fall bearing i "aid he the moHt perfectly Brown block of tioes in tlm Paeifiij Northwest, hIho ,IOO nenm of yoniiB pear tree of which 100 auriw have pencil fillers. Tlm equipment of the property H iileal, haviiiB a largo ranch house, two burns, packiiiB house, etc., nlso teaniH mill a full lino of machinery neees Hitry for !(h cure. The fall work bus been earrieil on consistently anil the ranch now jh in perfect condition for thin season of tlm year. The location Ik one ami a half utile from Talent nml the HlopitiB hillsides gives it not only perfect noil ami air drniimgc hat overlooks the alley for miles. CANNERY IS TO BE ESTABLISHED A. W. Chlnn of Kiiiihiin City hna purchased tlm cannery romntly op eratnd liy L. V. Loilor, lias loused 80 auroa of Imut from HoKiiolands, Inc., anil pinna tlm establishment of a oannury nml pickling workH on tlm "ili'Hiirt" along tlm Pacific & East tun railway. Mr. Clilun linn aUo naked for an additional 100 ncroH of land from HnguobuulH, IIo plans to brim; n minibor of fntullluu from Nobranka to lornlii upon tbo land and grow vogo tabloH for tlio caanory and pickling plant. Mr. Oblnn Ih an experienced can imry man and Ih optimistic hh to tlio fut urn or tlio biiHlnemi In tlio valloy. Ho oxpoetH to liuvo tlm 80 ncios lm ban leased planted to ctiouinbors, cabbages and tonmtoea. Wbon IiIh Nebraska pooplo arrlvo bo will Ioiibo addltlonnl acroago, lloguolundH, Inc.. luui also mndo arrangements to jirow productH to bo dlHpoHod of at tlm cannery. Otber ranchers In that neighborhood lmvu almi contraetod with Mr. China. Tbo iliivulnpinnnt of thlH Industry lu to Im tnluui up In oarnout. Tlm two wnyH of fituliiiB work want lulvoiliHliiB mnl niiHWoihiB want mlH-rirlvo vou n (louhlo-harreh'il ehitnuo of wlnuliiB ho kind of u job! AFTER 7 YEARS BEEF PACKERS PUT ON TRIAL Carpenter's Court Is Jammed to the Doors When Rich Decf Barons Wcro at Last In Their Final Cor ner. PLEAS OF NOT GUILTY ARE FORMALLY ENTERED Eight Years Ago Attempt to Get the Packers Into Court Was First Started. CHICAGO. 111., Dee. C Brought to book after a bunt of moro than mtvuu yearn, J. Ogdon Armour and uliii) other Chicago packers were pliirod on trial hero today before United States District Judge. Carpen ter on charges which may land them behind tlio bars of a federal prlton for criminal conspiracy nml violation of the Rhermau antitrust law. Judgu Carpoutcr'it court wnn jnmnu'd to the doom when tbo rich pucker, who had ho Iouk ovndud tbo law, worn at Inil In their lniit corner. Thtiy pleaded not guilty, lloforo tbo court opened It was reported that tbo packers would plead nol' contendere, nnd throw themselves on the mercy of tbu court. Thin proved unfounded, nml when JiiiIko Cnrpeutur took tbo bench tbo final battle of tbo long- drawn-out struggle began. Nearly olght years of legal man euvering has boon occupied lu ac tually bringing tlm no-called "beef trtiMt" to trial. Almost unremitting ly hIiicu 11)03 tlm department of Jus tlco ban been cnratnpcd on Its trail, but the beiiHt baa evaded enpturo lu a Jungle of legal obstnclos, up until today. SAYS GAS COCKS WERE KNOCKED OFF Detective Burns Wants to Know Why McNamara Did Not Tell Whole Truth Regardlnrj Placing of Ex plosive. CLKVKLANI), Ohio, Dee. (I. "Why iloemi't Jim McKunmra tel' how Im knocked off tlm ipiK oocl. iiuil flooded the plnce with up where tlio Hiiit enso filled with dynii'i.ile was put?" nHked Doleetivo Wilh.uu J. ItiuiiB, diHoiiH.siiiB J U- MeN'n inaru'rt atatemeut of tho I.oi Angeles Timert dynniniting. "If ho told could Im convince any mm that ho did not intend tlm entire dcMi'.tctinn of tlm Times building and its occu pants.'!" TRIANGLE COMPANY NHW YOItlC. nop. (!. Mobbod by HOD fioiulod women crying "nuir durorfl," Isium Harris and Max niauclc, prnprlotora of tho Trlauglo Waist company, Indicted for man Hlaugbter In connection with tho flro and honor In tbo Asch building Inst March, had to bo protected by n foreo of roHorvo police called Into tho criminal courtH building. RAN mWNARDINO, Cnl., Dee. 0. Dr. A. W. MePnvitt, tlm local den tist oouvielt'd ,hero of koepiiiB Mi Jessio MeDouald in (inptivity at his npartiueuts for sevural months, wiTh today Keuleueed to ono year's iui-priuoinui'iit, Car of Prize Winning Rogue Newtowns at Spokane E REFLECT THOUGHT TO CULTURE Judges Express Opinlan Thot No Bet ter Example of What Scientific Care Will Do for Apples Was Shown Than Exhibit. SI'OKAN'K,, Dec. 0. In the opinion of the judge., of tho fourth national apple show, just ekmed at Spokane, expressed after they had completed tlteir work, no butter ex- umple of tho degree of perfection in apple culture that can ho attained witlr who and scrupulous cure could W found ut the show than that of tho Yellow Xewtowiih exhibited by Hous ton brothers of Talent, near .Med ford, Ore. Ordinal KhiIiiimi. Exhibition of this fine consignment of fruit was a matter of heeond thought on tho part of the grower.-, after tho entire carload had ht'tfii packed ready for shipment to Copen hagen, Deiitaark. It was an ordinary speeiuton of the fancy, well-eiiltured apple grown in th Koguto River valley of Oregon this season, having been sold through tho Northwestern Produce company at $2.10 per box f. o. h. Medford, the prevailing price for fancy apples m the Rogue River vulley this year. $:(()() Cash Prize CJIven. Nevertheless, this displuy carried away the cash prize of .fllOO for the best carload of Yellow New towns scoring an extremely high percent ngo for perfection under tho exact ing and elosely-drawn lines by which tho judges were compelled to de cide. This carload was in the com mon commercial pack, hence did not cuter the contest for tho sweepstakes prize judged almost exclusively upon fancy work. Houston hrothors brought this ex hibit from tho crop taken off of six acres, included in their thirty-five aero orchard devoted to apples and pears. This six acres has been in hearing for the last eighteen years. Tho ground is nou-irrigated. First on lto Display. Those same Oregon exhibitors cap tured first pries for the best five and tho best ten-box display of Yellow Nowtowus, and gel llm hilver cup awarded for tho best five-box exhib it of apples in any variety, having scored higher in points of perfection than any oohcr five-box exhibitors ut tho fair. Their score was 01) out of a possible 100 in tho fivo-hox display, and would havo been perfect had it not been for tho fact that they were in tho straight instead of tho broken paoy, which was ono of tho require ments. In tho ten-box- display of Yellow Newtowns, Houston brothers scored DDU-1 out of u possible 100 ROGU EWI01S G EN 15 DEPOSED US THE CHIKSyECEIT Revolutionary LejcreArc jtfell Pleased With Removal Baby Em peror Is to Be Raised as a Chinese, Not Tartar. IM:KIN. ncc. C Prince Chun was today deposed as regent to tho Man chit throne, upon tbu orders of Yuan Sbl Knl. 5 Chun probably will bo banished. Tho rebels hailed his romovnl as regent with warm approval. Shi Sal, a Manchti, and Han Shi Chung, a promlnont diplomat, wcro named as guardians of tho baby cm poror. SHANGHAI, Doc. C Tho edict doposlng Prlaco Chun as regont was signed by the empress dowager and grants tbo prince regont tho right to abdicate. It allows tho premier nnd bis cabinet to take up tho appoint ment of a substitute regont Inter. Tlio Infniit iiiiiporor will bo rnlsed ns a Chinese by Hsu Slit Chang nml Shi Snt. The prlaco' rogont will re tain his title and an annuity of CO. 000 taels. Tho revolutionary leaders In Shanghai declare that this does not satisfy them. AVIATOR FALLS 300 FEET TO HIS OEATH FILEY, England, Doc. C Aviator Hubert Oxloy and Robort Wols, a passenger, wore klllod today when Oxley's monoplane fell 300 feet dur ing a flight hero. TO DEMAND PRIMARY LAW IN WASHINGTON TACOMA, Wash., Dec. C. Twenty organizations represontod by ovor 150 delegates organized tho repub lican progressive lenguo of tho Btato hero Hits morning preparatory to u conference with Governor Hay this afternoon wbon tlioy will demand n special session for tho passago of a presldoutlal primary law. points, olio-fourth point having been deducted by tho judges because one of tho npplos in all tho display was a little too low. How Points Were Determined. In judging the Miinll exhibits of this kind, quality counted twenty points, color iwenty points, condition twenty points nnd pack twenty points. In judging tlio caiload lofs, tho judges multiplied this hv 100, having a basis of, 10,000 points from which to work PRINCE HOUSTON WELL PLEASED WITH RESULT AT SHOW 'Had Car Been Prepared for Show Purposes Instead of for Shipment o Denmark, It Would Have Been Entered With Best Results. "We are very well pleased with the showing our car of Newtowns made at the Spokane npplo show," states L. IT. Houston, one of tho brothers who own the Buckeye orehnrd", who returned Tuesday evening from So knnc, "and had we packed for show purpose, and entered the free-for-all we would have taken premier honors. However our five nnd ten box dis plays showed what we can do, nnd we were first all the way on New towns. Scores of peoplo daily ex claimed at the beaut' of our apples. As I said, I am more than glad wo entered tho lists." Fred llnlch, who superiutoded the packing and shipment of the Houston Hro. carload of Yellow Newtown ap ples for the Spokane National Apple Show and who accompanied tho enr to Spokane nnd placed it on exhibi tion, nlso returned to Medford yes terday. The carload of 080 boxes took the firt prize for Newtowns in tho enr load class-, the firM prize in the ten box class and in this tho scoro re ceived was fli).7." points out of n pos .sible 100; the fruit nlso took first prize in tho five box class nnd in this the score yns 00 points out of a pos sible 100. This scoro would have been perfect, or 100, had tho fruit been put p in a diagonal instead of a square pack, the rules of tho asso ciation requiring tho diagonal pnek. Tlio fruit, pnek nnd conditions wore perfect, nsido from the nrrangemont of the pack. Besides tho three prizes given the fruit a silver cup was also given. There were nine carload lots of ap ples exhibited, all these from Wash ington and Idaho, save tho one car load from the Rogue river valley in Oregon. There were exhibits of Yellow New towns in five and ten box lots from nenrlv every apple crowincr section of tho Northwest, and the Rogue rivor valley won first prie against all these competitors. This carload of splendid npplos sent out by Houston Bros., and through the Rogue River Fruit nnd Produco Association, was sold at Spokane to a representative, of the Danish royal family and it is now on istwny to Coponhagon, Deumnrk. The carload from horo did not enter for tho pack prizo as this would havo necessitated tho unwrapping of nil tho fruit, nnd ns it was to ho shipped after tho show, ovory npplo ALEXANDER IS VICTOR; LEAD mmm Every Socialist Candidate in Los An geles Is Defeated Prohibition Goes Down by 4 to I Vote Women Solid Against Socialist. McNAMARA BOMB IS SAID TO BE CAUSE Vote Largest in History of City Harriman's Connection With Labor Cause Hurt Him. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. C. With nine precincts missing Mayor George Alexander at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon had Increased his lead over Job Harrlman, tho socialist- union labor candidate, to 37,524 votes. The, count at that hour stoed: Alexander. 85.1S3; Harrlman, 47,059. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. C -Complete returns from 260 peclncta Increased George Alexander's lead for the mayoralty of this city over job Jiarrlman, tlio socialist-union labor candidate, to 35,726. Prohibi tion was snowed under by 36,603 votes majority. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. C Gcorge Alexander has been re-elect ed mayor of Los Angeles, being swept into office by n landslide, which gave him n plurality exceeding 35,000, and enrried with him ever other person on the ticket endorsed by the business interests of tho city, tho damaged I maemues ot both iolitical parties nnd tho so-culled good government forces. The socialist-labor union lenders ndmit their utter rout and positively insist that tho real, reason was tho eleventh-hour developments in the McNamnrn murder trials. Tho fact that Job Hnrrimnn was one of the labor men's attorneys eost him the votes of thousands of union men and women here who blamed him for not publicly repudiating the MuNnmnrio as soon as ho found they were guilty. Tho vote was the largest in the his tory of tho city. It was the first time in the history of California tint tho women wcro permitted to vote at n municipal election in n largo city, nnd they voted almost solidly ngniust Hnrrimnn and his nssoointos. The Alexander forces will hnvo uotnplete control of the city nf fairs for the noxt two years, having elected every councilman and member of tho erdu cntionnl boafd. Prohibition was snowed under, the suggestion that thecity go dry havinir been overwhelmingly defeated by a ratio of about four to one. FIVE PERSONS ARE KILLED IN WRECK PITTSBUHG, Pa., Doc. C. Flvo persons wero killed and sovoral In jured today when a Pennsylvania passongor train ran into a freight wreck at Manor, would needs bo re-wrapped and ro paeked for shipment. Mr, Bnlch says that this carload of fruit attracted moro attention and receivod more fuvornblo comment than did any other carload of apples exhibited. Evory inquiry made was for facts nnd figures regarding tlio country which produced tho fruit ex hibited. Nearly ovory fruit producing scc- iioii in uiu umifii o in i us was repre sented ut tho Spokauo npplo show, ns was also many sections, of British' Columbia, I" IS CRY NOW HE IN LOS ANGELE Los Angeles Is More Interested and Even More Ecited Today Tman at Any Time Since the Los Angeles Times Was Blown Up . INTEREST CENTERS NOW IN BRIBERY CHARGES Victors In Battle at Polls Admit That Confessions Had Something to Do With the Result. - -f -f 4--' -- "The developments ns to Iirih- " ery nnd attempted bribery wero the efficient enuse of the midden chnnge of pleas in the Mc.Nn- mara ca3e." Judge Walter "" Bordwell. "I have acted unselfishly nnd from devotion alone, and I havo always been ready nnd fairly " able to take upon myself nil of "" the responsibility for my no tions." Clarence Dnrrow. "The Franklin bribery enso will bo pushed next Monday. If 4- it develops tliht others nreTguil- "" Iv. ihev will bo vipornnalv nmnp. 4" -- cuted." District Attorney Fred- " cricks. " "I would rather go to tho pen- " itentinry with the McNaraaras ' II. fl I, Clin.A .n.ft. il.n .1 f tl i un m I nt " 1II lUU.V l.lfcjl IMC UiClkllUt III " torncy nnd Judgo Bordwell re- " sponsibility for yesterday's dis- "" graceful scenos in court." Lincoln Steffens, whose claim "" that ho settled tho McNamara " caso is disputed by Judge Bord- "" well. 4- 4- 4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4' LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec 0. De spite the fact that tho McNamara brothers are in cells in the county jail waiting transfer to Snn Quentin for their admitted crimes of dynamiting, Los Angeles is more interested nnd oven more excited than nt any time since the Times was blown up. The sweeping victory scored nt y6-terdny's municipal election by the united forces of tho old-lino politi cal machines, the liquor interests nml the so-called good government inter ests over the united socialist-labor candidates has accentuated tho feel ing that tho rosult was n bargain, pure nnd simple, tho McNnmaras be ing traded for an issue with which tho campaign was won. The socialist leaders all insist todny thnt this is the fact, and whilo the Aloxaudqr lendors will not discuss tho matter so far as the nlloged bargain is con corned, they freely admit thnt tho plens of guilty in tho MoNnmnra cases on tho eve of tho election wan alone responsible for tho landslide in their favor. Federal Probe Interests. Interest centered today in tho bribery charges nnd the federal probe. So far ns tho formqr nro concerned, District Attornoy Freder icks said there would bo nothing do ing until after noxt Monday, when tho caso against Bert Franklin comes up in open court, Thnt a fight will bo mado then is problematic. It is openly suggested horo that a part of tho bargain whioh brought tho Mo Namarn pleas was that tho bribery charges woro to bo dropped; thnt Franklin shall plead guilty only to 11 misdemeunor and pay n fino. Fredericks says "Nothing of tho sort," nnd that thoro will ho vigorous prosecution. Darrow refuses to fnlk nt nil, insisting thnt "It would ha im-, propei-" nt this time. Dtp thcro seems littlo doubt today that tho very men who traded tho MoNamnrns for the city oleceion cnu nnd will end all bribory proceedings if they think it host. Tho fcdornl probo into ho dyna miting outrages, which nro alleged by ' '"i (Continued on I'ajjo (.) BARGAIN R