-ti-i n" " " MEPFOUP IrATTi TKITTCWH MEDFOUT), OTCECION, MONDAY, PEPEfBER t, 1011, tTprrvvwi if n MEDFORD CLUB JUNIORS MEET PAGE StX CM OF GOLD tWiMWSr!ii Attractions at the Medford Theatre si C0LVI6 TAKES HISJEW JOB At His Desk In Exhibit Dulldlntj Drlrjht nnd Early TodayHas Sev eral Now Plans (or tho Club to Consider. . vS SEinrs TEXT Dr. Ray Palmer Delivers Another Telling Address to Congregation at tho First Baptist Church Revival. Sunday was n, crent tiny at tho Bnplfct revival. At 10 a. in. Dr. Hay Palmer envo nn ntklross to tho Sun day school on "Tho Guidon Morning of Life." Jinny young people wore converted, ritti;iuK ayje from 10 years to 17. At 11 a. in. Dr. Palmer preach.' 1 what was regarded as his rente-l sermon up to that time on the "Deu of Christ." Many men were presen' in tho splendid congregation. When tlio preacher reached the cIoko of this tellinw sermon nmnv were in tears. A numher of person- united with the church. At 7:30 p. in. the church w packed to tho doors when Dr. Palmer delivered his mnstennece on "Hie Immortality of tho Soul." Many camo forward when the call wns given. The evangelist will preach toniuht on "Tho JlcNniuaras and Their Crime." Tho church will doubtless he crowded. Come early and secure a sent. Rev. Ray Palmer, T). D., preached Friday night nt the Baptist revival to a splendid congregation. Theme of tho sermon, "Tho Crown of Gold"; text, Hew, 3:11: "Hold fast to that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. The speaker said in part: "God created man to be king of the world. Man took the crown from his brow and hurled it into the dust Jesus Christ came to restore man to his rightful throne, and in our text ITe called on man to accept and hold on to his immortal crown. The preacher showed that the text had primary refcrenco to tho Philadelphia church in Asia. They were called on to hold fast to tho little strength they had. It was said of them that they had 'kept God's word'; 'they had not denied tho nnmo of Christ,' and had 'kept the word of 'his patience.'" The speaker then addressed young men and snid : "Let no man take the crown of manhood from your brow When I refer to manhood I think not of phyMeal power. A man may b a Saudow or n Sampson in physic ll strength, and yet Sampson, like me, may be shorn of his moral strength by some tempting Delilnh. When 1 speak of manhood I think of young Hobson, who dared to sink the Mer rimno in the mouth of Santiago bay, in the interest of human liberty. I think of Captain Phillips, command ing in the Spanish-American war, of tho battleship Texas. When the last gun had ben silenced on Spanish (.hips, he said: 'Men, take off your hats and how your heads in gratitude to Almighty God for the victory He has given us this day.' "When I refer to manhood I think of Governor Joseph W. Folk, whose pastor I had tho honor of being for several years while pastor in Jeffer son City, Mo. Young Folk came from Brownsville, Tenn., to St. Louis, Mo., a few years ago. Very soon tho politicians saw in him good timber for office they elected him; ho had not been in office many days until ho began to laud criminals high and low behind tho burs. His fame spread far and wide. At last, when tho hour struck for tho election of a governor of thnt state, the people roso up en masse nnd made Joseph Wingato Folk governor of Missouri I believe, in many ways, Folk was the greatest governor Missouri ever had. Ho is a grand Christinn gentleman nnd good and great enough to he president of our country. "When I talk of manhood I think of William J. Bryan, who not only prenches, but tries to practice While ho will, perhaps, never be president, ho is one of the best Christian states men of our country nnd is recognized ns one of tho groatest orators in the world. "When at that great convention in Chicago, ho ulosed his eloquent speech vit!i tho words, 'Von shull not press down upon the brow of lu hor tho crown of therns: you shall not crucify mankind upon n cross of gold.' Bryan uttered burning words thnt aro being fulfilled in our da v. ns our government has set itself to tho Herculean task of breaking tin tho law-defying trusts and in com pelling them to recognize tho heaven born rights of others. "When I tell you of manhood, I must refer to Itoosovolt, whom I re gard ono of the greatest Christian statesmen of the world. God gave Jiiin tho honor of taking tho hand of Russia and tho hand of Japan and placing ono iiwido, tho other and causing them to clasp as brethren. "Young man," exclaimed tho preacher, "tho limo may have been when the political triokstor stood a bettor show of election than tho pa- ! T- mM$9m"t MEsKsW Pu .w iSR " p mMW riHiSv f w rslJSm.fe?5tK ymfrn MM Sl-S? SSwFfMBBp i&S?ri'' -mS I hj-jBMB?fl "5 l! lll)RR6Rl9jXm In tho company appearing In Frederic Thompson's ' Polly ot the Circus," with Miss Ida St. Leon In tho leading part, which appears at the Medford theater Wednesday, De comber C, are. In addition to a scoro or more of well-known actors, a number of circus people and circus acts which contribute not a little to the success of tho play. Tho big third act sawdust scene represents a three-ring circus in actual operation one of the most realistic stage pictures ever shown on tho stage. ot tho Circus" la a trained horso, ono ot .1 carload carried by this attrac tion. Tho animal Is called ningo and Is a thoroughbred Ho was brought to this country by Ikirnum & Halley's circus and afterward sold to tho Now York Hlppodromo when Frederic Thompson was tho manag ing director. During tho summer time Dingo ts ono of the features of that great amusement place, Luna Park, Coney Island, Now York city Mtss St. Leon and Dingo aro great frionds. Tho little actress says that her horso can do almost anything One of tho many features of "Polly but talk." DAVE BRAHAM IN HIS ORIGINAL ROLE OF "PUSH" MILLER AND CARRIE LAMONT AS CYNTHIA IN A SCENE FROM "CHECK ERS" AT THE OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY EVENING. 1 r M B -16-jff-B " - f-w?j&r fa' il 1? i7U-L H Plctlflctl Membership of 52 Miss Catherine Mcars Is Elected Presi dent Committees Named to Tako Up Work. The junior association of the Greater Medford dub recently or ganized with a pledged membership of fifty-two. Officers were fleeted and commit tees appointed, the election resulting as follews: Miss Cuiheiine Moars, president; Miss Keutucr, vice presi dent; Miss'Heilny, secretary; Miss Arm Harmon, treasurer. The committees appointed wer: Constitution Miss t'ov, ehaiiman; Miss Devore, Miss Carpenter. Rooms Miss Clark, chairman; Miss Conger, Miss Hmndtey. Decorations Miss Hoiluy. chair man; Miss Fielder, Miss Coffin, Mtss Knglish. 1'rogrnm Miss Snnlee, chairman: Miss Mears, Mi.ss Do Vore, Mrs. Phil brook. Investigation (for Cafeteria)--Miss McKay, chairman; Miss Pierce. Miss Hutler, Mis.s Hound. This club bus boon organized for the purpose of establishing a social and educational center for the young women of Medford, all of whom are invited to membership, nnd given the nNsurance of n conlinl welcome. The location of the club rooms will ho decided upon within a few dnys, and tho furnishing of tho living room, library and ten mom must fol low as soon ns possible. Those who enn contribute toward making theso room attractive and homelike are requested to communi cate with Miss Hwlny. ll'J.1 West Main street; Roll ohone 11.172. llright and early today Judge Wil liam M. Colvig was nt his new ded, in tho Kxhihit building as manager of tho Medford Commercial tiluli. and has started on nn uctlvo uaiupuign the advancement of Medford and the Rogue River valley. Mr. Colvig spent Saturday with tho retiring seeretniv. vieorge rc. hoos, lint tins morning represented his first active woik as manager of tho club. Mr. Colvig has several new lines of work outlined for the club which will he submitted to the members at a meeting in the near future. Tho two wnys of finding work want advertising mid nnswering wmit nds give you a double-barreled chnnco of winning the kind of a job you want. Unslclm for Health. ONE WAY OUT office Scott, up to Many Hear Lectures. Tho local Southern Pacific has been advised 'or John M. general passenger agent, that November 30th, 09.451 peoplo at tended lectures In tho lecturo roorriB of tho Harriman lines. Hundreds of peoplo had to bo turned away, and it is tho growing opinion that It Is not only tho most attractive but best business fcaturo o(tho show. If j'ou want to find the best possi ble plnco to He after your contem plated removal study tho "to let" ads as though they were your creed and Koran. Hnskins for Healta. A Ilcwlrirut of Medford Show the Way. Only ono way to euro a bad back. Liniment and plautorn .may relievo It; They won't euro It. Hnckaeho means nick kidnoys. Doun's Kidney Pills nro for bad kidnoys. Medford peoplo back them up. Head a cane of it: K. W. Gray. 1.07 Palm St.t. Mod- ford, Ore., says: "A few yearn ago my kidnoys begn n to bother mu mid tho trouble was aggravated by my occupation which requires mo to bo on my foot tho greator part of tho day. When I began work In tho morning I felt all right, but after I had bucn on my feet for a couple of hours, my back began to pain me and nt night I would scarcoly bo able to straighten. In somo way I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. They cured mo In a short tlmo and In return, I am pleased to recommend thorn." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. KoHter-Mllburu Co., Uuffalo, Now York, solo agento for tho United States. Homcmber tho name Doan's nnd tnko no other. 1 iea TOYS By Wednesday we will have finish unpacking and will have on display the largest stock of loys ever shown in Medford TOYS HUSvSEY'iSNi MWwawiyww''wwwww FAMILIES 10 GET DEFENSE FUND Washington Labor Union Suggests Disposal of Huge Fund Collected to Defend McNamaras Will Be Acted Upon Shirtly. WASHINGTON, I). pv Dec. 1. "Turn tho cuoimou. McNumuru de fense fund over tho tho fainilio of tho twenty-ouo victims of tho Times disaster." This suggestion by the Washington labor union will bo noted upon by the labor union within a short tiino. triot, but, thank God, that day has forever passed. Today our nation i culling for pure, .strong, Christian moil to lead our lots to sublimer heights. "Young mnn, enter politics. Tnko your God nnd your Christ with you and go forth to save and porpuiitntc our nation. Make it tho lighthouse of nil nations, that tho millions of earth, seeing our golden light from afar, may bo guidon through all darkness, up to God mid iminoilil life," MAKE VITRIFIED BRICK JJAILEY Rogue River Pottery Company Opens Plant at Gold Hill Tuesday With a Crew of Thirty Men Look for Success. Tho Roguo River 1'otlory qompnuy hat, completed nrrnngemeiits for oper ating tho Ray Buck plant at Tolo, re cently leuscd for n term of twenty years, and with a forco of thirty men will begin work Tuesday morning. 1 will first manufacture vitrified brick, which has novor before Jm'uii iimuii fuctured in tho valley, and tile. .1. II. MoNichols, mnnager of tho company, states that all mutters have boon watirifncitorily adjusted mid th.it ho contemplates success in tho ven ture. Tho classified nds would ho tho dullest possible "reading inalloi" for a person who might havo no aim or purpose in mind, Hut to folks with purposes, iiiniB, desires, quests they aro the most interesting- "rending" in town I Sacramento Valley Lands Tho Sacramento Vnllr Is tho valley of opportunity for tho homeiiffker and Investor. Tho olli of thn Hucranumto Valley will prottucx tho widest illvorntty of cropn crown in tho civilized world. Tho ollmato In mild nnd t'uunble. Tho ""tiro vnlloy has roll and water trnnnportutlon. hrlnKliiR tt In cloo touoh with all tho count markMn. and with tho oponlnir of tho I'annmn Canal frelclit rate to riiMtern polnti vlll bo cut In hulf. Millions of peoplo will pour In from thu ?.i..com! ..,. nnd w,tM U.10 1"t Incr'''""' I" Population, land will advance In IS!" n'Wy.,,lln'" 0V0I;. T." ,""., by '" NOW, whllo landn aro within re on, and reap your profit when the big advanco cornea. Hero aro aoino itood ene: n, J", o-crea of rich, level alfalfa laud, 2V4 mllm from Dixon. In Holano county uixon In on the main lino of tho .Southern 1'aclflc railroad from Haoritmonto to Han lTiinclHco, 2! mllea from Kncrnmetito and 66 rnllea from Han FrnnclHco. Thla la tho only InrKC lody of good alfalfa land within 75 mllea rndliiH of Han Kran cIhco. and !y thl reason nlono It Ih deatlnvd to hecomo tho leading eourco of "UPPly for milk and dairy producta for Kan I'runclaco and tho hay oltloa, whero n. million people are now living, unci where, with tho opening of tho Panama Canal, millions mora will faa there. Dixon whips a carload of certified milk tn nan rranclsco ertrv ilnv. Market mllU In lO.L.nllnn rnna l wnpiti IK ..., n centa nt Dixon, thin la not to tho farmer and meuns that tho ordinary dairy cow that givea Jjj gallona n day will pay 4& nnd 60 cents a day Income. You can rigure your Income by tho number of cowa you own, Two ncrea of alfalfa will aupport thr oowa. Tho noil la tho richest In tho state Tho winters aro mild and tho summors cool, Irrigation can bo had by pumping: over 100 pump. 1'iK PlnntH In successful operation demonstrate, that pump Irrigation la morn feasible and more economical than gravity Irrigation. Kvcry aero of this l0 acres will produce alfalfa In abundance, from 8 to 11 tons per ncra each aeason, fourteen acres now In alfalfa, ono of tho best atnndH In tho district. "Tho proof of tho pudding la In tho eating," nnd when you sea tho alfalfa you will not hosltate a minute. Tho prlco for tho wholo ISO acres la only I17.Q00, n little over 1100 per acre, and ronsonablo terms can be V.Sa. It you want a UAH UAIN, whero you can rnako a hantlsoma Incomo on cattle, hogs nnd ulfulfu, this Is your opportunity, , iO ncrea, 3 mllea from Dixon, all plowed and nown to barley this fall, All rich, level land, tvery aero perfect for alfalfa, with alfalfa growing on threo Hides und a county road on thtf fourth aide Adjoins a certified dairy. Tho price ''' onlX. "20 ,,fr scr'"' nni1 h lucky man gets tho crop, lleuaonublo (erms. ICO acres of rich, level, loam Innd near Chleo, in Ilutto county, whero tho U. R. government located Its Plant Introduction Onrdon. and whuro tho soil ex. ports of tho Agricultural Kxperlmaut Ktutlon stated that tho soil nnd climate wero tho best combination over known In the civilized world for successful plant growth. This land faces tho main county road lending Into town. It In a deep, rich noil, free from hardpan, alkali and grave), ami dotted with hnndsomn, largo oak trees. Alfalfa Is grown without Irrigation Juat across tho road, Thorn Is an clKlit-room modern house In fair repair, good barns, outbuildings, and tho prlco la only 131,000, on reasonable terms; just Huron $137.60 por aoro. 265 acres near Chleo, adjoining tho famous U. H. PJnnt Garden. All rich, sandy loam, sediment noil, with tho exception of 16 ncrea of high land for building purposes; about 60 ncrea In orchard. It Is tho KINKHT In tho land for vegetables, alfalfa, fruits or gruln. Hnndsomo oak trees scattered over tho truct. Has a GOOl.nch water rlitlit from an adjoining croek. nssurlnir nn nlmn. danco of water for Irrigation, It Is now ditched over n largo portion of the land. r 'i 'i ' i 'i '. 'i 'i 'i :: i '. ' 'i 'i 'i 'i !: ii I I. 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i 'i I 'i I I I I, 'i '. :: I i :: 'i ', '. i i : 'i 'I Now Then It's tlmo to ittnrt thtnklnR (Jtirlsltnnii. Wo want to nay HIIOP KAUI.Y Van De Gar's Tliero nro only in cjnyH loft for your selection of Xiiuui gltta. An Inopoc tlon of our complete stock Jcuclry, Cut Olnss, Hllvcnvnro and NoteltlcH will make your glfl-nlvlng easy. '1-jJw. I Van Dp Car's Jewelry Store aat) KAHT MAIN HTUIJICT Watch Our Windows W'fc i mu luuuiitu any variety oi ucciuiuun ur curun truun, nuuu un oranges, lemons, olives, peaches, prunes, nlmonds. apricots, peurs or cherries. All kinds of vogo tables grow to perfection. Alfalfa will maka 10 tons por acre, barley 36 and 40 bags Pur aero. Thn nrlea only 1100 nor acre, and rensunublo tarmii nn i maaiv m .dUWM 400 ncrcs In Tehama county, mlln from a main linn ntnllon on tho Houthcrn Paclflo railroad; 206 acres In alfalfa that produced 1600 tons of hay for tho season of 1910 and tho samo tor tho season of 1011, or 7V4 tons per acre, all WITHOUT IltHIOATION. Tho 200 acres of alfulfa land Is tho best land In the Hncramento Valley, bar none. It Is puro rlvor bottom sediment, 20 foet In depth, without a traco of alkali, hardpan or adobo. It Is all fenced nnd cross fenced Into flyo fields with hog.tlght wires. You can hoop 300 dairy cows on It tho year around. If you want to sell your hay, thoro Is an alfulfa meal mill one mile distant, which will tako all your hay nt $7 per ton, delivered looso at the mill; you can cut It, haul It and deliver It for $3 per ncro, lonvlng you a net price of $6 per aero or 7BO0 cash for tho season on this part of tho ranch alone Th mnlmlnr nt thn luml lu flnn urn In nr fruit Intwl It l ,1... finest peach, apricot or cherry land lu tho slato. It will produce from 10 to 13 bags of wheat tr ncro In summer follow, or 12 to 20 bags of bnrloy In sum mo.r. ruow This Is nil feneod and cross fenced Into flvo fields, making 10 Holds on tho whole land, Tliero nro two very largo now stock barns, n largo now hay burn, nil Itlndit of corrals for handling stock, electric motor and pump for supplying watir for domestic purposos and stock purposes, a fair residence, lelopliono und electric llrfhts, with power on tho ranch for pumping If you want to Irrlguto An abundanco of water can bo had at n depth of 100 feet that will rlso to within 12 or 16 feot of tho surface It Is equipped and ready to handle a largo amount or nay kind of stock, horses, mules, rattle, hogs or sheep. It la nn Income-p'iylng property, producing un Incomo of 10 per cent net on only ono.hulf of the ranch. Tho property Is only $45,000, on torms of $16,000 cash un four or flvo cmim annual paytnonts, to s hiiy in ino Hacramcnio vanoy n uro no other cqmi number of acres ut tho samo prlco that und tho balanco in ttiren. venienco. . ll is th IJKHT IJUY in UIO puro with this, your nnn. or Cnllfornla. There win begin to com- VllOIl you linu l.n,l In Iia Hi.rflini.ntn Vnlley vnu nA mnlilni. nn (nvAfltmant that Is absolutely sufo, and where you uro irolnir to reap an onornioun profit, Wo liundlo Kdcramento Valloy lands, nothing else Wo can fit you In unythliuf from a flvn-ncro farm to n B0.000.aoro farm. If nono of tho properties hero uppcnl to you or what you havo In mind, kindly glvo us your Ideas. Wo can KIT you, Alako ui yuur ininii io Ionic over this country -It Is worth your whllo. Any Information GEORGE X. FLEMING The Hc-Md'osted Man In California on Hacramonto Valley Lands, 1030 Jilahth Htreet, HACItAMKNTO, UAI " tr..f:rrr-r-. X NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE PICTURES FRAMED Aa HonrllM rtlrknmllnrirl ( tra hrnmpc &e ART STORE W n 1 aal X A W 11 . Ar memo X'uouo ivy , nomo x-nouo vo i 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET rf0 WE RUSS MILL WHOLESALE and RETAIL Iv. B. BROWN, Prop 1IS III J 3uat39Luttn7 ; 3IWlC ' ....... --ii , ' I ii i of i