Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 02, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Local Loili) Will Huld Mb Third Mo
niorlnl Service nl Opera House To
morrow Afternoon Public Invlt-
; oil to Attend.
Mcill'or.l loilMo No. I KM will IkiI(
!Ih lliinl ini'tiMuiiil Hci'vldit tomorrow
(Hiimliiy) nl tho Motlfonl uptim
IiiiIihi) at U oVlook i. in. Tim (ii)iii'
mitten in uliai'Ht! tut h woikeil hard l
tlm end t tin t tlm oliHiTvaiicn of (IiIh,
t lit iniiHt revered, ilny in Klkdoui, wilt
tin up (a Ilic Miiiiitard net liy llio local
liidptu In Itrt piiKt iibservnin'o of Hit'
day. Tlirotiuliout all o" tint loducn
of llm United Slates the first Hun
day in Deermboi' I net apart ax inn
iiiorint day, mid all till day memorial
Mervlee lire lii'ld in memory of I huso
Inolhi'iM who during tlm year liuvo
fallen in life' hImikkIi'. Tho local
herd In to hn coiiKiilttdalcil upon (he
fact Dial it Im upproachiiii; it third
ineiiiorlnl iwrili'o with it chain of
iiicinlMti'rtliip Mlill intact, for n neatly
iivury oilier mm of the 1 ,1100 lodxiMf
thioiifliotit the United Htatcs eulogy
will tomorrow ho pronounced oyer
the mime of a brother who hut a few
Hlinrt uioiitliH before wiin in life and
I'liblle Invited.
The general puhlio in cordially in
vltcil to attend these Hnrviees tomor
row and to nee thin fraternal ori;nu
ir.atton of iiiOii usually regarded by
the puhlic at larpi nn an orunninn
tton couipoxcd principally of "pioil
fellow," nt tint more serinim work
for which the lodite ically e.xistH, and
the OAoinptificntioii of those princi
ple whicji are the nniimi of the or
der' exigence.
The program to ho roudored will
lie an followHj
Kclcotloa Humes OrrhestrA
llltiinllstle niltlrcM. . .Kxultod Itulor
Main ipiarlol
helno, (Joro, Andrews, Andrew
Oiieiilinc oxcrrlHcx , ,
. .' Off kern of the 1.hIho
Solo , MIhk I'loreiiL'u HaxolrlitK
Holed riNiilluc (Thnhiitnprtlii) ....
IM A ml row
Holo OeorKo Andrews
AddresH Itolicrt J. Nixon
.Mixed ipinrlot
Mr. Wlicitmil. Mr. Potty, Mrs. Wold,
Miss lltmtlflKK.
(jliHihiK oxcrclffiiM
. , .Officer of tho Lodno
"Auld Ijiiik Hyuu" Kvorybody
Iinimdliitlon Uhnjiliiln
The offloutx of tlm local loilo are
the following!
0. I,. WmimcM, exalter ruler.
T. !;. Daniels and V. W. Klfort,
pant exulted rulers.
A. (,'. HiiryufM, esteemed loading
I?rl C. (laddin, oflloeinud loyul
Martin .F. Keddy, esteemed leotur
iiijj knight.
Waller Dudley. ojupiire,
O.W. J'uttnii, innor jmml.
.1. I O'llrlen, titer.
W. !'. Quitwiilierry, neerelary.
lohii ,1. WilkliiHOii, treasurer.
T. K. DauiclH, T. K. I'otteiiKor and
lloborl . Telfer, truslueH.
Mxoii tlm Omtor,
The nddrewf of the day tomorrow
will he mnilori'il liy Nohert ,1. Nixon,
mid there h no mcuihvr of the order
heller ipialificd to expound its priu
ciplcH or to pay a fitting trihute to
the memory of tlm ahseat hrolhorN,
The coiiimitlecH in eliiiiK ui'o tlm
(luimrnl ArrniiKitrnentn-r. L. Ja
ooIih, Martin J, Itcddy and W. V,
Hull and DceoratioiiH T. K. l'ol
tender, C. W. lluillironiiur and Kit
Van Dyke,
Miudo and Program A. C. lliir
fjWH, Krcd Colvikr and ,1. 1. O'Urion.
Tlm oem Iioiiho has been beauti
fully decorated and it in Imped th'it,
u huge majority of the cilizciiHhip
of Mcdford will talto advantage of
tlm invitation extended liy the KIIch
iiiul partuupatu with them in llumo
Judge Wiilllaiii Jf. Colvi Was
iinuiiiiimiiHly elected iih illiiKtrioiiH
poleiilulo for the eiiHuing year at the
iiiiiiiml elcotiou of Ilillali temple, An
cient Araliio Order of NoIiIch of llio
Myntiu Hliriue, whieli wiih held in
AHhlaiid Friday uighl. Quito u num
ber of tho local ShrinorH went to
Ashland mid pavtlnipuled in tho
biinin!HH of the meeting,
. Following tlm elcelion nntl instal
lation of offieerH, u Hpleudid liaiwpmt
wiih Hervcd, the prinoipat iittrnutiuu
on tho hill of fare heli)g n large rotiRt
ITuslluliH' for Ilondd.
Offers Only One ncmnrk, nml That
Is to the Effect That Ho Does
Not Believe Confessions Will Ef
fect Local Cainpnlti.
All effort to liiduco (Icorno II.
Millar, KoelnllHt laeialmr of tlm city
I'Otiuoll, and who Ik alno actlvo In
Km raiikH of orKiiuUod labor, nl
though Im demon nny connection
with thciij, to 1Ikciih the outcomo of
tlm McNiiiimrn rnmi today failed. Mr.
Millar Ktatod that he wiim not eloHoly
itiuiiiRh In fouclt with Urn cn n.
dlHeiiHH It or Ih effect. Tlm only re
iiiltVlc offarod wtm to tlm ftffoct that
tho courctntou of tho McNaiaaraii,
whom tho Hoclallnt party , ttirougli
their mouthpiece, tho "Appeal to
l(anoii," had derlnnM tho vlctlum of
a glgaudc coiiMplracy oa tlm part of
capital, would not effucl tlm local
HlluMloti nt the next city election.
Further than thin Mr. Millar de
clined to voice an opinion. He hik;
gented, however, that (ho Hoclnllnt
local or thin city might have a otatc
incut to malm following a meeting
Kuudiiy evening.
Much Intercut, wnn innnlfoHt In
.Mcdford regarding tlm MonHntlnnal
ending of tho Mo.Nitmilru trial and
lant evening It wnx a general topic
of dlHciiRrilou wherever men gathered
Heralded an "the tilnl of a century
great Intercut hmj been worked in,
an a fitting uettlng fur a semimtlnunl
It Is Now Expected That Mrs. Lil
lian Moore Will Bo Granted a Di
vorce From Her Millionaire Hus
hand. IIKDWOOD CITY, Vnl. Dec. -'.
Superior .IiitlfolJueV tddiiy linKtin-
dcr ailviKeiiH'iil Mm. Lillian ,
Moore'n divorce suit ngniust ,J. ,1
.Moore, her millionaire husband.
During the eloNing argiunent hv
Attorney K. II. JfeClaiialmn, reprc
M'ntiiig her hui-band, .frn. Sfoorc
woh wan (tilent, waa Harcaatieallv re
ferrml o an "a refined, cultured
woman." He declared she bore iii
inarkrt of violence. Then tie pointed
iniwsing tenth, tho near of n lute on
his arm and dthcr marks. Up tivd
.fr. Mnoro'x hontity against her .ill
through bin argiunent.
Hut H it expected that hh w be
granted tier divorce.
Labrador Short 8umrni
I low brief Is the nunimur on tho
hlgblnnds of Labrador! nnya llekcth
l'rlcbnrd In tho WIdo World. Snow
decs not mold till July, then with n
nub inldnummer comc.i. Grasses and
leaves grow almost visibly, tbo wild
cotton soon tUnga out Its Utllo white
ponnons, mlllloni of berries ripen on
tbo ground, tho foon cries, tho ptarmi
gan calls, and you mny oven sco.n
butterfly balancing In tho warm wind.
Hut then also wakens tlm coumIchh
army of hunchbacks, lean and grn.v
inoiqultoes, piping blithely for blood
Ho summer reigns. Then suddenly
one dny nt the entlof AugiiMt, after the
sun linn sunk behind tbo barren crag
through a Imlmy warmth of evening,
one may wake up to tlnd everything
trntiHOgurcd and tho tlrst snow of uu
other Hoanon already falling.
Found Out HI Man.
A Boutherner who wiih visiting St,
I.ouN wandered Into tho dining room
ot tho hotel mid, neolug a negro servant
who had nil tlje Importance of an army
olllcer standing near tho door, asked
him who the "bend nigger" wbh nronnd
there. The negro stretched himself to
hi1 full height and pompously replied
that "there ain't no nlggora In Ht.
Louis, sab. Wo la nil gotiMuon of col
or." ' v-
"WoW'snld tho souhornor, dMwhig
a $100 bill from IiIh pockot and finger
ing It, "I expect to bo at tbja hotel for"
iiomo (lino aiid'vrjiut to mafi'o sure tlmf
I Will be taken ciiro of." "
"Oil, sab." said tho negro", whoso eyes'
wero popping from his head, "did you
want to know who tho bend 'nigger
waiter1 W Tbati"nio."-Allemown
Where Dluobenrd Lived,
Moat of our readers have hoard of
Hluubenrd, tho outerprlalug gentleman
who made a hobby of maiTlago and
had n way of bis own for getting rid of
HiiperlliiotiH wives. Probably very few
people, howovor, know that the story
has any sort ot basts In fact. Vet, on
tbo banks ot tho world famous lloa
pnrua near Constantinople there Is
situated a plcturcsquo old mcdloval
fortress known us "Hluobenrd'n cas
tle" and which Is said to have bcim
tbo abode or a terrible old pasha,
whoso playful little wnyH gave rso to
tho utory, Wide World Miiguzluu.
t4-"- r
V vvv x
Novelized by
From the Play of tho
Same Name by
Copjrrldhl. 1910, by Wlnclicll Smith
M l.ouU Jniph Vtnc
(Coiilliuleil from WediiOHday.)
"Ob. don't nay Hint!" be pleaded. "Of
course you know tliero'-ab vanilla
ii nil vanilla, Ah, sorno vnullla I know
U dotentablu, but wbeu yuii get a renb
"Oil, DON'T HAT TIMTi" UK n.F.AUr"
ly flno vlntage-nti-lmiwrted vnnllla.
It's pilto Hiiotlicr inittter-ah partic
ularly at Ibis seiiMin of tlm year"
IJU confusion was becoming painful
"Ob. Is It r imkcd Joule helpfully. Her
eye dwell upvjii UU llli a rounding
cxprowioii which he Isier cbiiriuicr
Irnl ns u hub) ulure. iiud he un
promptly reducisl to twlilillin: ldlwy
"Indeed It Is: no doubt whatever
Mia Ucltwe-ol, KshvI mIt Jut now
'you Lnow-nh- aflcr the lurk unison-
"118 ohk op Titr ncr.m. ntrr i ntnN'T
ah 1 mean, when the wenther U U
In n wuy you might put It. raulll.i
"Hut I like chocolate lient." Angle
pouted. And he tinted tier cotlsiinuil
ly fur the moment.
"Very well." Jiwle io!il tilth sweetlj
"I'll have the vanllln "
He thanked her with inmeceiwnry
efTuslou am) turtiHl to luxpei't Hie
gbiKsware. There could be no mis
tnUo about tho right Jar. however,
there was uoililnc Ian miiiIIIm. and
seising II, he retained the metal cap
and pkiOHl It before the girl Willi
ten easp tie discovered a whisky ghih
and put It beside the bottle, with a
.cordis I wave of-the hand.
A pause ensued. Duncan was stall
Ing fatuously, wrene hi the belief that
he had solved the protileni-ilie way te
serve soda wni to make them bel
tliemselves. It was very simple, onlj
they dldn'L With a start lie lavaim
seiiHlble that they were eying lilie
"You-ab-wanted vanilla, did you
"Yen. thanks, vnnllla." Joslc agreed
"Well, that's It." he said Mruily, In
dlrat'liig the Jar and the glifsn.
Josle glgglwl. "ltut I don't want !
ilrlrift U clear. You put tile sirup In
tho glusH. you know, and then the so
dp." " ; k
"Oh, I seel You want to mako n
hlgbba-nh-ri long drink of It. Ah
yes" lie procured, u glass if (lie reg
ul'ijlon slo. "Now I understand" A
patisK "U you'll be koisI enough to
boiji yoursulf td the sirup."
"No. you do It," .losle pleaded.
"Certainly:" He lilted the whisky
glass and the Jar mid begun to pom
"If you'll Just say when "
"What? Uh. that's enough, thank
"If I ever get out of this lis I'll blow
the whole Hhoetlm: match," he prom
led himself, holding the glass beneath
the faucet and llililllng nervously with
the valves, cnr a moment lie fancied
tlm tank must be empty, for nothing
came of his etrorts. Then abruptly tin
tlxturo seemed to evplode ", ge.v
sert-" he cried, hllmh-d with the dash
of enrbonuteu water nml sliup In his
fnco, whllu 1m fufn)ll riirlomily with
tho valves.
As unexpectedly n it in( begun tho
no1 connnl. He put down tho glass,
found III hniidkerohlflf and mopped
hl dripping fnco. When nblo to sou
ngnlfi he discovered the young women
leaning against ono of tho showcases,
weak with Inughter, but nt a safe ro
movo. "Our odn' no slrons. you know," lie
apologised "Hut If you'll stay vwt
you are I'll try ognln"
Warned by experkncp, he worked at
"ws weite hoping too wo old joi tttb
tbo rancbtua gingerly, finally produc
ing n tbln. spluttering trlcklo. Beam
ing with triumph, be looked up. "I
think It's safo now," be suggested. "I
sit-in to hart? It under control."
Anglo and Jonfc returned, torn by
dlstmsL but unubto to resist tho fas
cination of tbo stranccr In our village.
And there's no detiylng the boy was
good looking and n gentleman by blrtb
and education.
He bad filled ono glass and was tinc
turing It with sirup when be caught
iikiiIii that confiding smile of Joslo's
full upon him un tbe bourns of a noon
day sun.
"Haven't wo seen you nt church, Mr.
Duncan?" sho Raid prettily.
"I think pcrhai you may have," bo
conccduL "I have seen you both."
The second glass (for he was deter
mined that Anglo should not escape)
took up nil bis attention for nn In
stant. "Do you have to go. tooT bo
Inquired out ot this deep preoccupa
tion. , ,,,
"I mean do you attend regularly?"
bo amended hastily.
"Oh, yes, of course," Joslo simpered,
accepting the glass bo offered her.
"You make it a rule to go overy Sun
day, don't you, Mr. Duncan?'
Ho permitted himself nn Indiscre
tion, secure In tbo belief It would pass
unchallenged: "It's .ono of tho rules,
but I didn't mnko lr.""
-Did you know tbcro was a mcancy
In tbe cholrr" Angle asked, taking up
her glass.
"Yes." Joslo cblmed In; "wo wero
hoping you'd Join. I want you to aw
fully." "Wo'ro both In tho choir," Anglo ex
plained. "And nil tbo girls want you to Join.
Don't they, Anglo?"
"Ob. yes. Indeed: tbey'ro all Just
dying to meet you."
"111 bnve to write and aRb." bo satfl
'HBLtSa'a'iHrtflX'vTvikviJlf !ff
aasasT ' av. yi BasasasB
fafafafaY i ., !.' 4x " t
. J. MLrf"M,u-a&AjaaaaaV
f mm ? av'T?4 Baaaaa
J(araraVfaT v fSr 'l.rsaaaaw
Ever Ready Keen Kutter Enders
i $i
"Why, what tin jori mean by that?"
Joule' question struck him dumb
with consternation. Ho made curious
flu m mm
Irn'Mmmm mmTmmmWItmmmmWjii
T'3mmmmf 'IflsBf'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVn
!& aaaaaU'aaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaBaVlBB
noises In his throat nnd fancied (as
was quite povslble) that they eyel
him lu a peculliir fashion "It's I
mean n tittle trouble with my throat.''
he managed to lie nt length "I must
ask my physician If I may first."
"Oh. I see." said Joslo.
"Hut." he hastened to change the
subject, "you're not drlnklnz. either of
you. I sincerely hope It's nut so very
Angle replaced her glass, barely last
ed. "Do you like It. JosleT'
To Josle's credit it must be admit
ted that she niade a brave attempt to
drink Hut tbe mixture was undoubt
edly flat stale nnd unprofitable. She
sighed, pat It bnck on tbe counter and
ros to tbe emergency.
"Mine's perfectly lovely" vltb n
ravishing smile "but It's not very
sweet. "
. "I mnde them dry for you thought
you'd like 'em tbnt way." be stam
mered. "Perhaps you'd tlko 'cm bet
ter If I put n collar on 'em?"
Tbo chorus negatived this suggestion
very promptly.
"Why don't yon try a glass, Mr.
Duncan?" Angle added with malice,
slyly nudging Josle.
"I'm on the wagon I mean. I don't
drink nt all." he said wretchedly, nnd
wa deeply grateful for the diversion
afforded by tbe entrance of a third
It was Tracey Tanner, ns usual
swollen with important tidings, ns
usual propelling himself through tbe
world at a heavy trot It has al
ways been a source of wonderment to
me bow Tracey manages to keep so
stout with nil tbe violent exercise be
"Say, Angle," be twanged nt sight of
her, "I've been lookln' for yon every
where. Did you hear that"
He stopped lntnntancously with open
mouth ns be saw Duncnn behind tbe
connfer. nnd open mouthed be remain
ed while the yonng man came round
and advanced toward him. with a
bland smirk, nccompanled by a profes
slonnl bow and rubbing of hnnds.
"May 1 hnve the pleasure of serv
ing you. Mr. Tanner?"
"Huh?" bleated Tracey. dumfound
ed. "Is there anything yon wish to pur
chase?" A violent emotion stirred In Tracey.
Sounds began to emanate from bis
heaving chest "N-n-no. ma'amP be
breathed explosively.
Duncan bowed ngaln. his face ex
pressionless "Then will yon be good
enough to excuse me?" He turned
precisely nnd made hl9 way back to
tbe counter.
As If released from some spell of
string enchantment by tbe movement
Tracey swung on bis heel and lunged
for the door.
Page Woven Wire Fence
All sizes of Page Steel Gates
Garden and Poultry Fences
Economy Lawn Fence
First class R. F. D. Mail Boxes
End and corner posts
Northern cedar fence posts
Call on or write us for
Everything in the fence line.
for Southern Oregon n ml Northern California.
"Whnt vi tut it you wanted (o nk
mo, Trnccy?" Angle called after him.
As tho boy disappeared a( a hard
gallop tils responso floated back, "2
"I'm afraid I must have frightened
him?" Duncan said Inquiringly.
"Ob, no; not nt all," Joslo reassured
him. "He's Just gonu to tell every
body you're here,"
"Come, Joslo; we've been hero ever
so long." Anglo moved slowly townrd
tbo door, but Josle Inclined to linger,
"Don't hurry, I beg of you," Duncan
Ink rposcd.
"Oh, wo haven't hurried," sho said,
with a gush of gratification that star-
tied tbe man. Tou'U remember what
1 said about the choir, won't you?"
Ho braced himself to tako advan
tage of tbo opening, "t shall nevef
forget It," bo said impressively.
H!ie gave him her hand. "Then good
by." "Not good by, I trust?" Oo retained
tbo band, despbtmg himself inexpressi
bly. "Oh, wo'll bo la again, won't we.
"Oh, yes, indeed H
"My bind. Anglo I What do yon
think? I'd almost forgotten to pay for
tbe sodar
"Please don't speak of It Miss Lock
wood. Tbe pleasure"
"Dut I must Mr. Duncan, now
much Is itr
Josle fingered tho contents of her
purso expectantly, but Duncan hung
in tbe wind. He bad no least notion
what might be the prlco of soda water.
"Two for a quarter," bo hazarded,
with bis disarming grin.
Angle choked with appreciation of
this exquisito sally. "Ain't you fun
ny., "I'm afraid you're right" ha cob-
ceded. "SUll", I'd rather you didn't
think so."
"It's JO cents. Isn't it Mr. Doncanr
Josle was offering him a dime. lie
accepted it without question.
"Thank you very much." said he.
"Good afternoon, ladles."
He was aware of Angle's fluttering
farewells on tbe sidewalk Josle was
lingering on the doorstep In an agony
of untrained coquetry. Ho lowered
bis tone for ber benefit, thereby add
ing new weight to bis bombardment
of her amateur defenses.
"Remember you promised to call
Her giggles tore ba eardrums.
"Th-tbank yon. I'm sure.'' she stam
mered and fled.
(To bo Continued.)
Perlinps one of tho letters you
ought to write during the next hour
is n. reply to sorao otto of today's
want nds.
Hasktna tor Health.
..V . .
PAG19 tfrvw
.rJH-Ji. .1111' Im "a1-
If Your Child
nt school shows nny tiymptoma of oyo
troublo hnvo tholr eyes iwnmlnedfby
a competent authority without rfalay.
t hnvo nroVoh u boforo tho Stato
Hoard and uso corrobnrntlvo testa;
you tako no chances hero.
Consultation freo. Prices
able. j
Dr. Rickert
Eyesight Specialist
Over Kentner's, Mcdford
Tho undersigned having just
completed a large now livery otnblo
In Eaglo Point, wo Invito tho travel
ing public to call and oxamlno our
rigs, teams; etc., nil bolng In first
class condition. Our motto Is to
LIvo and Let Live. Phono at stable
and residence. Call central.
S. If. JIAIlMSH & SON, Trops.
We are showing a
large line of this
beautiful pottery.
Make your selec
tions early.
Book Store
Coffee or Whipped
I Medford Cream and I
Butter Co.
Two Free Deliveries Dally
Phenes: 164-L Main 881
Insurance of All Kinds
102 W. Main St.
We carry very complete Una ot
draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, eta,
and do alt clusaea oC uphoUterlnir. A
special man to look alter tbls work
oxoustvoly and will give as good
service as Is possible to get In oven
tbo largest cltlus.
WeeRs & McGowan Co
' .
f ,v
VrwwW --"- '?i"' '