TVnSDFORD MATH TftTTKINrc, BEDFORD. OKKCJQN, SATURDAY, TXECIGMBER 2, 191 1 KSG13 THRT315 ' i ; UNCLE SAM WILL CONTINUEPROBE ill INDIANAPOLIS Uiillcil Stains Atlorniiy Miller Do clnrcs That Government's Investl (intlnti Covrrs Far Wider Ranf Tlmn Hie Los Alleles Case. MnMANIGAL MAY BE TAKEN EAST AS WITNESS Frtlrral Indlclinnils Aru Likely The Confessions of (lie McNnmnrns Protects Thrill. IXDIANAPOUS. tin!.. I"'. '-' A lioilfimtiM!!' lii'lwi'iJi Uiiitcil Slnli'H A( luiuny .Milli'i- mill other IVilenil of fli'liilu wiim hi'ld lieio toilny. Ili'loc- (ilM will) llllMI lll'llll ill lllllillllHKlii I'niiliiiiiiilly wiiirii iliu iiiichI t)( lli'i Mi'.S'iiiniiiit limllidi-H uvio I'litlfil into (ho Knvitiiinii'iil liiiililiiiK liy Hi" t loiiicyn. Tin" fiiiifi-nMiHiiM of Jiune 11, iiml lnllll .1. .Mi'N'lllMIH'll In III" I.ih An jjclnn ilyiimiiiliiij; will luive tut efftH Ml (lie ijtiveriiiui'iii iiiNoriliKiilinii into llm nfl'itim of 1 1 Sliiii'liinil Irmi WoiKiiim, ueeonliiijr In it Hlati'ini'iil iiiimIi' Inilnv liy I'l'ili-riil Alluring Mil lor. Tlio iiiMNliKtil!iiii nf I lie httuk-4 iiml rcciPiiU of tlic I inn Worker will lli lijk'iilly plttieult'il No l'i I'ii In I'mltt. "There will he HliMiltitolv iu let iii In tlio federal pittite," i1ii'lnri Mil ler. "Tlin Kiivt'riiiiii'iit'M iiixcMticntiiiii cover a iniii'li uiilcr iiiiiki' tlmn tin I.iih AiMfelt' onoim." It in lii'lii'vcil lluil federal iuilict iiiiiiiIh iui' likely. The coiifewwion n' tint two .MeN'Hinnrnx prt'eluilc the jMiimiliility of Mifir tmitiLT Irii'il for iiiiiny yearn to emue, hut it in hiioveil liy tlm I'liiti'il SIhIi'm ulloineyn run tlllflillK tilt illllil'V illHl llllll'l" MM' implicated by (ho iti'iikIm of tlm lion Wnrliem. Tin strand jury will reconvene here DiMM'iulinr I I. .McMmilnl Miiy lie Wltne. I.OS AXMKI.KS, Cnl.. I ). -A rfiWl tlmt Orlt.! Ii Me.MHittKiil will pli'nil kiiIH.v I" cxplodim? u Immiiji tut -lur tint l.lcw.'ll.vii iron work. '11111 lliat Hciilcneo will In Miii'tnli'il on liltn, aftur which In will, he taken In liiiliriniipiilin o Im'i'iiiiiii (Iw central Hsuro in lln federal piolto llicre, wiw wiili'lv circulated here today. At tin office of Dixtriel Attorney I'redcr. iek, no t'oiiflriiuitioii could In- nli fttiiii'it. It whm mIhIi'iI there tlmt. so fur nti MrAlmiiKHl i eoiicemetl Ii!h CHHC llt Hot ItH'll collwlllcictl. "III' llllM lll'l'll of Ktt'iit Hervicc to Ihtt lalc," wtiil Ciiitiiiu Frederick, "mill thnt fni'l will lie taken into con Hiilnnitioti in tliHitinvr of hi cumi. However, mi fur iim lla IntlinuntHtli troi'i'iiliii(H are concerned, I know nothing alioiit thi'iu. I have only luul a Kitiicrnl liiiu on IhiiiKM (here ami know uulldin iipeeifio alioiit what iw Kniinr on." Tin' 1 t'port Imri) wan thai a miinhcr of the lii lahor officiulu of liiilian upoliw, ini'liiiliiii; iiii'inliorn nf the o iMHilivc I'liiiiinittro of the Interim tional AMocialion of Stinctiiral Iron Wnrki'ii), arc to he iiiilii'tiiil, and that 11 n 00 tot I'liiifoKHion iiinik' liy MnMiiif i'kiiI hoiiic iiiontlm hko will xoon ho inmlii pulilio. SUGGEST MILES AS CANDIDATE FOI? VICE PRESIDENT. vsmem Helwi fHto YHoro xx Kitwcniu Lii'iili'iianl (lonoinl N'clxon A. ,lilo, I. S. A. (rclircil), Iihh hci'ii up pnuiolii'd with thi' MiiKKtioii that he pi'iinit (lie iihc of hir. 11111110 iih a cainli tin It for ioo pioHiilmit oil the ilciiiocrntii titkct. (Icncral Miles 1m tlihcnssoil iiirtit-ulnrlv in ooimcclimi with tlio pn-Hililo itoiiiiiiation liy tlio iliiiiiu-rats of Hptaki ('liiiinp ('lurk f Mixmoiiii lor tint pri'hiih'iicy. BURNSSAYSUNION 'FRISCO VIEWS MEN ARE MISLEAD Will Leave in Few Days for Paclllc Coast to See That All Concern?!! Arc Brought to Justice Says He Is Glad He Is Vindicated. BLOW IS DEALI ORGANIZED LABOR Lahor Leaders of Orcjjon State That McNamarns Havo Done Much Harm to Lahor anil tlio World hy Dccciv Inn Them. rillCAdO. Ill, Dor. S.--I)clnrliiK that lie winilil xlart for tint I'ltilflc t'oiiNt wltltin a fow (lit)H, alllitniKli li' not ilwldml tiK)n tlio oxat't tliiit. liioctlvit Wllllmn .1. IliiniH, who nrnimlil tlif .McNuinitni lirolliorM tn InnitlCi), iHntiyil tlio following Ntitlw iiii'iit Intro toilay. In which ho ilrn'Mre that "iilmi-tnutlia of tmt InUorlmc iiihii lit not hiiiihIIiIo with tin.' nimrcli Ntlc I'tmiKtiit, hut tint iuIhIihI: 'Although I havo not ilwlt, Jtut m I ttlutll Uhivo for tlm Parlflr c (but. It will ho within a fow ilny. I want to ni all roncornml In thU kmo hrouxht to Jimllotf, hut Jimt now I i!r not nre to 'iitir Into a letixthy iilxi 'itrhin of thtt iimttfr. I will my, howtvt'r, that all othunt remifrtit: .Mtlt llm itIiiih hIioiiIiI ho piinlithml i.inl wo know tholr liluntlty. "VnluliiK my Kootl reputation im much iih any onu ami muni than norm I am kIiuI to bo vlnillaatml In Iho ojwti of tlio public I havo boon tlio object of all ttortn of unwar- iitnloil attaekH, am) I havo had to 0 ttliiro uuomlliiK vilification. "Ah for tlio uiiIoiih, nlint-tuntliH of tho laboring iiicii tlo not Hympnthlzo with tlio annrchlMtlc oUnnuiit who ail- vifiito ilymunltluK. murder and tho ilontriictliin of properly, but thoy havo hooii mlalud. "11 would havo boon a good thing for uvorybody If tho ovldonoo In tho McNainara caHo had boon nnmontml to tho ranlc and fllo of tho uiiIoiih, ho thnt tlioy inlRht lmvo JudKud for tl'iiuHelviiB. I firmly hollovo that In rano I would linvo bad tholr hearty mippnrt liiHtond of tholr din- triiHt and even hatred iih a result of dlHtoiti'd factH pnimiiitetl to them by mlHreprt'Heutlui; loaderH. OF CONFESSION McCarthy Says He Would Have Taken His Oath That Brothers Were Innocent McNamarns Arc Kicked from Lahor Ranks. SAN' FRANCISCO, Dee. 'J. Muvor I'. II. Mi'Cattliy, John A. Kelly, pro,. iileiit of the labor eoiimtil; Andrew .1. (Iulljlier, mtfrotary of the eonueil; lolut 0. WuIhIi of tint Foumlrymon'ri union ami Itonjitmiu Sehonuff, prohi tliiit of the Typojcnipltioiil union, all yf rlitin. weio eoiiiiieetl of the Me NHiiinni' complete iuuoeeiioe, inHiiutl tho follcwiiijf Ntatemeiit tediiy: Mtiyor MeCailh -"I would have taken my oath that the MoN'iiiiiuri were innocent. 1 will not disomw the pniliiililo tietiou of labor in eonuee tmii with the outeomu of the case. It in Miiffieieut to know that labor Inu always ilonit rilit anil hits nothing to he mmIihiiiciI of." l'ri'tiiilcnt Kflly of the Labor Council- "W'tt labored for the McNumurit iimler the belief that they were inno cent. It is up to them alone to de fend their conduct now. Labor iloert not wnut Mich men within hor ranks. Idtlior iicoiIh no outrtiKM stnoli as they committed. Mut labor Miffor for their crimo?" .Secretary Oullanhor "Tho deed ooiifoiifcuil it MiinethiiiK no true lnbor ilc would havo evor contemplated. Thoy in tot suffer tho conseipieucos. 1 hoard no rumor oven of the men'.-, jfiiilt. l)urrov wired me that Ilnrri- uiaii was not called into constiltatiin hecnUKO or hix political notivities." .John 0. Walsh--"It is a shnmo laboring men wore called upon to con tribute to tho dofonso from thoir onniinps and Ihon iiml Iho money, which represents self-denial and even want, went to hank up n crime." lbinjuinin Schonoff "If the Mc Nainnras nro really nilly tho law should deal its sovorcst with Ihem. Labor I'liumit tolerate them now, la hor has nothing to do with Iho out-nijtos." MURDER WILL OUT IS EXEMPLIFIED. (Conlinurd from Page One.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. L'. Thai the McNamnniH have done oi'Kui.ed Nlabor iiiuoli harm liy deeeiviu tho woild iiml dcolariiif IhcniHelves per Hcoulcd victims of capital, was the proMiiliiiK Hcnliiiieiit unions lemlers (!' orpinicd lahor here today. "If the rcpoit is line," said W. A. MnrHliiill, cilitorof tho Pnrllaml lahor itroHH, Iho official lahor nruiiu here, "Iho MoNiuiuiras, hy their notion, have dealt orpiuixed lahor n severe blow. Lahor believed Ihem violinis of I'liiispinicy. No outside enemy conlil have dime Iho lahor movement .'renter harm." "Their confession is nluiosl iiicrcil ililo. The 111011I11I strain of tho trial limy have mihalaiiced Iheir mliiils," Hiiltl Presiilenl Dav f Iho Oregon Klnle 1'Vderalioii of T.ahor. "If tlmv lire Kidll.V they hIioiiIiI he pmiiHhed." knew it. Then the defense got an earnest of more (0 eoino. They were permitted to htarn in detail of Iho hotel rcRislcrs, uncovered before, siRiicd hy McNainara, ami also that n positive copy of Wis siRimturo was in the possession of the district ullorney with which they could he compared. The persons who had seen him stmt that Saturday with the suit case in which the hiimhs were concealed were ostensibly displayed, and the little incidents which showed what an iron-dad, bomb-proof case the statu had were permitted to come to tlio attention of Hut defense. Business Men Back Pica of Guilty. Then it was intimated that a pica of guilty would he lmckeil by the business interests ol Iho city ami would he accepted if it cauio at once, hut if it were delayed until the jury was secured, it was made plain, no mercy would he shown, hut J. II. JleNaninrn would he hoiU to tho gallows ami every effort be mntlo In send his brother to a similar fac. Then came Hie alleged bribery episode, ami for the first time District Attorney l'rcd crlckH smiled, lie Iiml won the riiiiio, and he knew it. And tho defense was crushed. On Thanksgiving evening, while church services were in progress and the two McNmnara brothers were presiding al a feast arranged for Ihem and oilier noted prisoners In the jail, counsel for the defense sought the prosecutor, lie was asked what could ho done, mid within n very short time the delails of yoslurday's'drninnlie episode were being arranged. When the counsel left the prosecutor, it was known that a plea of guilty would he accepted for tho Times disuslcr, with a promise that J. II. MoNamnra's lite would probably be spared, while ,1, ,1, McNainara could plead to tho lesser crime, tho Llewellyn iron works job, where htuuaii life was not in volved. Would Not Tolcrato Delay In Entciinu Plea. One condition was that Ihe plea must bo immediately mudo. There hum to he in delay nnlil ufier nhiclioy. Whatever was to he done mmt he done iiiiiiiedinlitlj, nin ,ow upwdy Were the wheels of jinllce in nliowii hy the two men In their coll today) av.-ailing Tuesday, when they nrc lo know Iheir i'liUi. What is to ho done about iho bribery charge i not known.' Conliiwl for Deri Franklin, former Onvenior (Inge aMerlt that h will clour hi (lien). If the cau i yi,mS into, jut whore the $4,001) now ill Frederick mifc came from, hy liom it wan given to Franklin, if the stat' nllegii lioiiH are Irue, ami who hum proton! al Lo Angela mid Third treel whn llm ariontK wore mmlo, ),t wj, UMM t nrriwted, mimt ooirw to lilil. Whether It will all be known or not cannot be loanied until the o iV Midori in Jiittiee Yoiiriir'H court Monday morning. Letters Were Found in Indianapolis. When J. .1. MeNminini' offices in Iiiriiiumpolfa were raided, eerlnin hilteiH were seized wliidi dealt din-ctly with J. H. McNmmirii' viit to tin coast which ouhiiinnloil m the destruction of the Time. He enmc directly to Kan FranciMco, iimi n in now admittod, iih "J. I J. Hryco," in company nitli Cnphiit and and with thuin, arraitK'ri all of hiw plntii for ojieralioiiH here in !- AugelcH. Me wan to dynamite the bi iron work here, the Times and it auxiliary plant, an'ri, if poKulblc, the home of flen oral Otis and memherK of the MerrhantM' and ManufacturerM' nHsicin(ion Tho entire conspiracy whh plumietl in Kan Franeineo, and it m openly ns Hertcri here that then- Hill be deielopinentn there within the next fow das. Darrow has repeatedly assured his friends (hat this wh his lawt ciiho lie is worn and ill today ami declared he had nothing to mid to In- Htat" as a rcttiilt of his experience in the present eno he would retire tnun law practice mid that hi" example would he followed hy Darrow WE HAVE MOVED The Mui'iiicllo Shop lias moved to rooms 'lOS-lOO'-IOT (Jurnott-Corcy building, wlioro wo will be glad lo rocoivo all Old friends . and new. CORAE. UTLEY Chiropodist Afassago llair Dressing HOTEL MEDFORD $1.00 Per Qovcr otfO to 8:''0 P. M. Celei'y en Branch lipe Olives Green Onions Cream of Cauliflower Boiled Halibut, Sauce Mousselinc Ponnnes llollandaise Stuffed Lamb Chops a la Maintenon String Beans Roman Punch Stuffed Young Chicken, Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes 'New Spinach Macedion Salad Annie Pie Cocoanut Pie Tndian Feal Doughnut Pudding rn..w: iri....:K r,,., n....... 1 111 1 i-i' 1 ill 1 1 ii;i; ji u.liii Assorted Cake . Swiss Cheese Demi Tasse Alixod Nuts Lavcr Raisins All Bread and Pastries Are Our Own Make For Mineral "Waters, Imported, Ginger Ale See Our Wine List RUSS MILL WHOLESALE n d RETAIL 1" L. B. BROWN, Prop SVutinitMuwj MU1U10 9fS r t uurnrts. CALIFORNIA IS FAMOUS TIIK AVOItri!) OVKK V(ill ITS HI'IjKXDII) HOSTKIi UIKS, ITS VAKIKI) ATTItAC- iTIOXS, ITS FINK IIMCIMX, HOT Sl'ItlXOS AND rhtiAS UUK ItI-5- SOHTS HKACIIKI) WITH IWSK Y TIIK SOUTHERN PACIFIC nOUTK OF SHASTA LIMITED "HOAD OP A THOUSAND WONDEItS" vfff 'GZsss&t 'y 1.. 'Vft' . "V A V SUNSET 0GDEN a SHASTA V ROUTES yrvar ct z ss XCIF Kxcumlou Tickets OwthtK $55 I'ortlniiil to Tiw AwkcIca Special Music 1IOTISL 1 WtoORD SUNDAY Bau-Mohr Co., Props. December 3, 1911 AND RETURN On 8alo dally, good six months with- stopovers going or returning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon points. Call on our agents for Handsomely Illustrated Literatim dosoriblng San Francisco', Oakland, Mt. Tamalpais, Dcrkuloy. Stanford University, San Joae, Ldck Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte. Paao Uobloa Hot Springs, Santa Ilarbara, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Long Beach, Venice, Itlver Blde, Itodlands, San Diego, tho Old Spanish Missions, Ycsemlto Na tional Park and Hlg Trees, and many other places of Interest In tho Golden Stato; or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, Goueral Passonger Agent, PORTLAND, OREGON. rssjvssrtr X NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE PICTURES FRAMED We Handle Colonialand Oval Frames Sfte ART STORE Pacific Phone 1094 Home Phono 95 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET STte. - . Iw? . i Til .Baa ' - i ii i i i, ,f I tela. -WOTJ -f I I On Christmas Morning as on any other winter day, you can make your home more comfortable and cheery by using a Perfection Smoke less Heater. Rctio ? " n m. u m m T w 1 1 ji7 , If ljaae . SML"VBKJr . 5il J III I Cdl Hi) 41m wMr ?JM 1 Hi r9KftdKj9fiiKlHflli3lHHIHHHHiHHHHIiMK Gil HAPPY is the -woman who is never unprepared who can always lay a nice appotiB Ing meal or light luncheon befpro any guest unexpected or not. Her friends praise her for hor housowlfely qual ities and buo fools that dollehtful satisfaction which can only como from hospitality perfectly done. Id Rcru'al warmth is quickly at your service, ready for use in any emergency. You will need it as a supplementary heater when thoso extra cold spells come. Later you will find it just the thing for the changeable weather of early spring. The Perfection Heater is light and easily carried. It is safe in the hands of o child tlio safest and most reliable healer made. Drums finished either in blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings an ornament to any room. i Ai '''n' u,onvll5e dvico mskei imokinu rimpouible. All rurtt ewily cleaned. Cllon lout j bums oiao hows. Cool Kindle dtroptr top. D"" ,,,flr,nf I or wrii. for dcKripliT eirculr la or gcocy el lU Standard Oil Company UticorporattJI )aj.4 phe secret lies in having a well chosen selection of canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look over our stock tho host of the kind in thq town and make a selection today. Thou put your fear in tho cupboard for you will he prepared for any company como when it may. ALLEN GROCERY CO 80-40 S. CENTRAL AVH. Hauklna for Hoaltn, c. " .'