' And there Was WWWM . yk Vr THAU'S OM. "t 7 -S Sytf?fyA B?mPSy Sl - v .mai yi " I . TEmMZ T m.. -""MCimK rrxLMUm ak m' W 4$ WtfV- r-OOTtSAUl. a- T? t,rjiRfUL. - T liN'T THCRjc- ?' Ji-Si TIIIH (UM'OU'nJMTV Will lioL bo , VOlt ItH AIAVAVK. IVult lnntl .1 iiillvit from Iviir.lo l(int on Kixtil roMil and fro (rout frrol nt44ma vnlonon,lcrni'or C per ncr rnuli nmt por'noru i'or month till iall without IntoroHt or tttxiit, mill other ailvanttiKCR, Ollvci II. Urown, Wit K. Mnln St. notici:. Notleo In horohy rivoii that K. fl. llrown will initho niillrnllon to tho nlty rouunll of. (ho city of Motlfortl, OinKoit, nt Ittt roRiiltir mutitiiK on Uo t'Qinltor, Bill, 1011, for n IIcoiiko to pull HplrUiioiM lliiuort, nnd tunlt I Ji norH, In quitutltloH luna tlinu n pnl Ion. itl No. - North Front Mtreut, for n iiorlod of mIx montliH. l(i IC. (I. KUOWN. Dntiitl Nov. l!r, 1911.. Ilnnklim for Houlth, von KXCIIANOU KXCIIANdK -120 nrrrn Kootl land el duo to Kaclo l'olut on county road, nloiio tb hp'kiI. tllvo i;ood tradu for Cnllfrnln proparty or soil chimii. A lo Wlldo, 1)23 Millard n'vQ., Pnnndoii, IJal, ' 220 KOIt KXCIIANCIK-8 room now kIoho In Iiouho In Medford will oxoIuiuko (or Clevoliind, 0 city property or wll taku cIoho In iiorouKo horo. Ad tlniHH I.. V., Mull Trlhuno. 210 l-OIt KXCMIANOK a 10 ucron Nor man count)', Mtuu., nil uudur cul tivation; artOHluu wo)l. fenced and tiromi fenced; uond hutldliiKn; no rpul(H, HtumpHOr Hwamp laud; 1V& iuIIoh to town of NOf) peoplo. $50 per nrro, Kqulty of $12.r00. Will luho ranch In Kokiio river vnlloy or hnrdwaro Htpck. (i.A- MeArthur, room n V. O, hlqch.. 1'aclflo 3081; llomu 27U. KOIt HUNT HOAUI) AND llOOMfl ROOM AND HOARD nt Mrs. Fay's, No. 10 N. Grapo st., hack of Far nileru and Fruitgrowers hldir. KOI, RENT -FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED rooms by tiny or week. It South Grapo. . 118 FOR RENT At tho Cotlago, com fortable, heated renins, wth hot and cold running wntor nnd tolo phono in each room, Baths freo, Also hoard If desired. 001 W. 10th Htrcot, two blocks -spilth of Mod fqid hotoh 230 FOR RENT 3 nlcoly furnished HUmpIng rooms, $8 nnd $10 per month. 222 Souh 'Holly street. Home phono 20U-IC. I-'Oll RENT -HOUSES FOU RENT Now 0 room furntHhod Iiouho. P. O. Box 09. Phono Pa cific 7201. 21S FOR SALETwo room fuvnlHllod Iiouho with scrooned porch; will soil cheap? Inquire 511 South Grapo lit, 221 FOR' llWNT-rTwo room furnished house, HOjoon porch, Iuqulro 511 South ninpo st. 210 IWIMlENTTvoo. 1, elBht- room Iiouho, 1017 Wt Mnln. 318 No Doubt in JefFs Mind" Either jtfrr, wti co; hcwj vo CrOK.ibSB ro mia th 7M.cr-uJNU) .wt. N0WMTWR.TtVM Qlfi 5NV1 YMG COU.QCCj tsoNfc utuvm csr uurpv i fSNtt oGT wsvjn, r UrUUifMsir TO Wivi i DIPLOMACY ftMO K.GtiP Ofvj YrAtfc Caoft &iOta OP TUtM J 'W v ou roit hi:nt norsics KOIl ItKNT Strictly moilorn r. room hiitiKnlow nlcoly furnUhml. ovry ronvi'iilenci'. flrcpluco, wuml room, U f.17 S. Molly. 21 T von hi:.nt OI-TICICS FOIt ItKNT Ovor thb postofflc.-, with huat nnd IIkIiU Sou A. A. Unvlfl. KOIt KKNT .misci:i.IiA.j:ous KOIt IIICNT ))tnk room In btHt lo ui toil off leo In town, AddrchH V. O. hox SJ3. '2 IS IX)H KAIilv ACltKAOi: KOIt RAI.K 1 1-2 nnroa with now it room Iiouro; an Ideal chlckun rnnoh; $r.r.O If tukoii within .ten ilny. AtldroflB II. 13. 11., caro Mnll Trlhuno, or mil Home pu.2SG.Ii. KOIt BAM5 Twenty acres, partly Im proved; no Iiouro; 4 mllo out; nil No. 1 fruit land; no Htonrt; price $ J .750. AdilroKB II, enro Mall Trlh uno. KOIt 8AI.K- Six ncren; Hinnll Iiouho; nearly all In fruit; nil cleared; prluo $1,000; terms. AddrcuH Ownor, caro Mall Trlhuno. KOIl HAMS--10 arroa 1 mllo from Mod fonl on mnt'tulamlzod road, 1 ft, hlnck free soil. Clay Hiihholl; no hardpiiu or lied rock, 5 nenm alfalfa; 5 acrea 4 yr. apples. This , Is u Hperlal hnn:nln and $1000 un der tho market. Price $1500, part terms, V. A. MeArthur, room II, P. O. hlnck. l?OH HAI,P.r HOUSKS KOIl SAM3i--A hnrKiilu for , some, hetly: Four-room frnmo houso it) flno nolKhhorhtiod; shed; chicken heuse: Kimleu: lot 50x112 fenced; only $050. Will sell furnished It doHlred. 737 West 14th st.. ho twocn Nowtown nnd KIhr, 7 hlks. noutu or wivsiiiiiKttm school, 230 FOR SALE Fvo room bungalow on W. Knight nt. Less than cost to build; must ho Hold nt once, Bath room complete, soparato toilet, built-in buffet In dining room. screen porch, fruit cupboards. For utiiib run iwuuon & rrico, naso- meut .m, if, & h. block. Phones; Home 249; Paclflo 3031. 217 FOR SALE 5 room modern bunga low built for a , homo; H block p paving; beautiful lot und nharto. Prlco $2750, $2B0 ciiah, balance easy. 0. A. MeArthur. room 3., P, (). block, Pacific 3081; Home 279. FOR H.VL10 -LAND FOR (AL1S Ji'prty icre bind? stlo)y. nil or part, very, very cheap, or will .iv.itiii ii in. f.t. ill. .,.... A .1 uii'iin a i, i;iuu,iniii i rillllllU. ill FOR HALE A fow small trncts of ulfalfa land, part of, which rallied tour crops mo pasi season, it, in terested, address E. ll, Sponcer. Cottngo Grove) 'Oregon. 817 FOR SALE- -Homestead vellnqulsh incut, host buy In tho stnto. Good hiilldlugH, plenty of water and Umbers $350. Goo. 0. Cornltlus, 210 W. Main. M. 0031. FOR 'SALE Relinquishment 100 iieros, nil good land, on county roads will HOll- cheap. P, O, hox C22, 22Q y AwK a4U lAA' L JWflF MISPFOftD MAIL TRTBUNTC, Nouj Vou MUVT lUaifllitAfctlR Ot9fU06fc IS. v rUv.rojtv.tU) toucm bo ajhm tQrc. You t4l . cot-LG Qo l-erKJ3 wfu uf- ANt &0tf ' VlQU.,OUDPAVN, AteTTUV.l. Trwrc.'S's njtecsv. roorOM.uTeo, jDj ; auvr bum. 'few tie Bfe ) WHftT 1)11 inmiyS?-r &$$ ronsALiv-iin KOIt HAI.i: An onHt front lot, with it dandy 2-room Iioubc, $25 down, $10 per mo. Goo. C. Cornltlus, 213 V. Mnln. M. C031. 22! IOK HAIiIv MI.SOKMiANKOUS KOIt SAM-: Rolchntoln soils wood nt tho big voodnhod, 417 S. Oakdnlc. Hits. 405. Home phono 144-1,; lloll 1010. 22G KOIt 8ALK- I'otnto cuIIb. K. W. Carlton, I'ppor Tnhlo Hock. Tolo phono "114 Knrnioru" Central I'olnt. KOIl SAIiK Voncorod fir countor. 10 feet low;, 26 Inches wide. 2ft Inches IiIkIi, nearly now, Mnll Trluuno of flee. KOIl SAMS Duroc "Jersey hoar, reg istered; took first prlzo at district fair Octohor 3 to 1. 1011. A. II. Coffin, Mcdford. Phono Doll 3H11. 119 I'OU SAM Unrii nnd lot on Front st for alo or. rent. T. L. Taylor. Phono SC-H-I. 217 FOIt SAMS I have sonto very dry onk antl fir wood, by tho cord oi tier, for kitchen uso or In IiIr chunks for flro place. 1 OsmhrucKo, 401 Hlversldo nvo South. Pac, phono 1941. 23G FOR SAMS Gootl team of horses 5 years old. weight 1500 lbs. each, harness. Inquire 227 S. Ivy. 220 FOR SALE Full bin"otlod coilto pupploH cheap; most suitable for Christmas priwenta. Wrlto Robert PolouJto, Englo Point, Oro. 22G FOR SAMS A well oqiilpped h draulle placer miuo of 180 acres. mostly coarse gold; $250 cash; hnliuico yearly payments. How- land, 211 South Sixth Bt Grants rnsH, uregon. FOR SAMS OH RENT FOR SALV3, OR RENT Moilorn 8 rooin bungalow, gjtrago and largo lot. 4 IS So. Oakdnlo. Inquire next door, 220 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Orchard and Improved land for Medford city property. Box J. C. A., caro Mall Trlhuno. FOR JSXOHANGIS Medford city property nnd orchnrdB for alfalfa or whent land. Vorn Marshall, 1115 8. Oakdnlo, Medford. 218 WANTED REAL ICST.Vns"! WANTED, REAL ESTATE I Imvo i buyor for a flvo room modern buugnlqw In thp nolghhorhood of W. Main st. Party wishes to trade In good lot on paved streot as part payment. Nothing over $2750 con sidered, Seo mo at onco. Goo. c, Cornltlus, 219 W. Mnln. M. 0031. 317 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTEDf-QIrl for ggnornl liouso work; wngoR $1, a tiny; 3 In fam ily, Inquire corner or Laurel and loth. Mrs. Wllllnii Budgo. WANTED Steady rellahlo woman for cooking and gonoral houso work on ranch near Control Point, i family of threo; good wages. Ad dress Box "A." Trlhuno. 917 WaFTihoD- (Ut'l for cooklngand laundry worki wages $35 per month, Mrs, j. j. o-iWy, 220 iu (vnv- id u MTCPTTOftP, QttKflON-. IHtMRAY. DIIORMHWR 1, f 01 f. T MS omc - ( one x HUM' WAXTi:i MALB WANTED Minor to runnel In sldo hill for water. Boudlnot Conner. WANTED Salesrac,n to aid us sup - ply the ' brisk: -rdtsmnnd for our goods; sdmO vacant territory yet in every Btato west of tho Missis sippi; ensh woolfly. Capital City Nursery Co.; Salem. Oregon. 231 WANTED Salesmen for oxelnntvn territory; Ma opportunities; no ex- purlonco necessary: comnloto Unci Yakima Vnlloy grown fruit, shade nnd ornamental stock; cash week ly; outfit freo. Toppcnish Nursory Co.. Topponlsh, Wash. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Plain sewing nt homo or by tho day. Call Home phone 333-11. 10G2 West 9th st. 219 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED You can't holn but make money selling our guarantecd-to-glve-satlsractlon stock; froo outfit; cash weekly; cxcluslvo territory. nklma Vnlloy Nursery Co., Top- peuiau, wnsniugion. WANTED Loan of $1,750 at 10 per com mr ono year on security or $4,000 value Address B. C, caro ,iaw Triuuno. WANTED To hlro slnglo buggy for inur monins. rnono 591, party 11 4. tf ANY ONE wanting nutomobilo re pairing or repainting dono at homo call at 1052 West 9th st. Home phono 333-R. 219 WANTED Boarders and roomers In prlvnto family. 705 North Cen tral avo. 219 WANTED 2 dor of BInck .Minorca piillotn Bell Tel. 3801. 220 WANTED Plastering dono In ex uhntigo. -for carpenter work. 902 IS. 9th st. 219 WANTED To rent 2 or 3 unfur nished rooms, reasonablo. central ly lucntod. ddro8s P. O, box 19, 119 lll'SlXICSS DIRECTORY Architects. JOHNS & TURNER Architects and . Builders. Offlco 7-8, 32G Main; phono Main 3471; rcsldouco phono 744. Assnyer mill Auntyst SOUTHERN OREGON MINING BU REAU Assays ma.uo for gold, sil ver, lend, coppor and othor min erals. Mines nnd mining prospects surveyed, nssayej and .mining maps nnd reports made thereon by com petent mining nssayors (and engi neers nt reasonablo torms. Capital secured for developing mlnos nnd mining prospects. All mlno own ors are oarnestly requested to sond samples of their oro for exhibi tion purposes, and send full de scription of their mining property. Southern Oregon Mining Bureau, utn niui rir si , .Mourord, Oro, ASSAY ER AND CHEMIST Earl V. Ingles, B. Sc, Genoral assay ana analytical work. Coniont und as phalt testing. Host oqulpped assay offlco nud testing Inhorntory in Ore gon. All work Binirnnteoil, Grants Pn88, Orogoii, I ff (yal?; ... - !. Ohla STCsMblrU- o TKI CflttNttR. - Co UP TONKA AMD G-lvjJi HINV TH.OS &UU '&&$. J I1USINESS DIItECTOKY Attorneys COLVIO fc IlEAMES W. M. Colvlg, C. L. Iteamcs, Lawyers. Offlco Med ford National Bank bide, sec ond floor. POUTER J. NEFF. WJI. P. MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Nos. 1 and 2 Postoftlco bldg. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, Garnctt- Corey bldg. IMUIiKBY & CHERRY (R. J? MUL- KEY. GEO. W. CHERRY) Rooms 11 and 12 Jackson County Bank bldg. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ABSTRACT CO., INC. Medford offlco, phones Main 2511, Home 356. Jackson ville phones, Pacific, Main 11, Home 2006. Accountants SPECIAL attention given to audit ing. Preparing balanco sheets, cost sheets, profit nnd loss stnto juontfi. Also statements prepared for receivership and the courts. William L. Noell, Room 101 Elec tric bldg. Phono 1S73 Main. D. R. WOOD Genoral accountant. Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Offlco Medford Mnll Trlh uno bldg; phono G611; residence phono 1601. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall bldg. A nlco, cool place to Bpond tho hot afternoons. ".ill POhters VERNE T. CANON Bill postor nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29 Jackson County Bank bldg, Medford, Oregon. Chiropractors DR.- R. J. LOCKWOOD Chiroprac tic, Nervo Specialist, 212 Fruit growers Bank bldg. Offlco hours, 2 to 4. Phono Home 269-K. Res idence 119 Roosovelt; hours, 10 to 12 mid 6:30 to 7:30. Phono 108-K. Special hours by appointment. Sci entific massage given. Advlco in diotlcs. Medical gymnastic hydro, theropy. Civil Engineer LOUIS W. WHITING Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor. Water filings and Irrigation work a specialty; sur veys, subdividing, building grades, city engineering drafting, sewor design, conoreto work, pump and canal systems. Rooms 1-3 Adklus blk., Medford, Oregon. Cigars and Tolmcco IRELAND & ANTLE Smokoho'use. DoalorB In tobacco, cigars nud smokers' supplies. Excluslvo ngont of Lowls Slnglo Bluder, El Merlto nnd El Paloticia. 212 W. Main st. Ohliieso Medicines CHOW' YOUNGTS"Chtneso modlclnes will euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, golturo, throat and lung troublo, deafness, paralysis, private diseases and nil kinds of chroulo and norvous allmonts, Stomach trouble, constipation, Indigestion, womb and bladdor troubles, Seo me at 211 S. Front st., Medford, Oro to 4. 0:30 to 7:30. Realdonce phono Mnlu 4'J, w OP T this OMC 'i - I &ds' r .. n i IS V5&&?- i ri -fc.: liUi A. "S -L T3. K? TTlMfNfr.Y0UR. CHILfcRLfctf? JOiTice IHOKTCMe j ATION w, TK5 DfSWfreR.'i OP MOT WlTHVTsHQtNi6- THE 0(.V "THT efttK eR-TH JTOMWLe FLATTCNS Uft(L&e QUMCKeS OJ CKJCDpJN, statistics SKOuJ THPT 64IM5TY MIN Peft. CetVT OP Tne T5eTH5 CM eVC OCCUR. IM QD. FONO PAR.e-aX OOESTKlS NOT SU(JeT' SONXTtMNG-TO-YO'-' 9 DOES THIS (V0T SOUJ THC GRJ5WT OK6R. Op fcLEePlNG- cm 3eos ? fAOTKeR-'S IT S "You DUTY To STYArcJT CvtOiyTO TeCH YOUR. Opr4pR.(H6. Td SL.C6P BT6ts;blCHO VJP.. , .. ' KoR.Yese HUSINESS DIRECTORY Furnituro II. E. WILSON & CO. Dealers in new and second-hand furnituro and hardware. Agents for Household stoves and ranges. 38 S. Fir st Phone Main 3161, Home 2G5-L. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mission furnituro mndo to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. ' MORDOttf' & WOLFF Cookatovcs and Ranges. Now and second-hand furniture. Kails' old stand, 18 Fir st. S. Phono 91, 'Home 2S3-K,, Mcdford. f Gnrhngo MEDFORD GARBAGE CO. GAR BAGE HAULED. Leavo orders at 29 S. Bartlett, or phono Rodnoy Taylor, Pacific 3432, Home 107-X. CITY GARBAGE WAGONS Phone 4293 Main. Garbage hauled by tho month and garden manure and gar den soil for sale. Gnuilto Works MEDFORD BRICK CO. Geo. W. Priddy, X). D. Natflo, Geo. T. O'Brien Cantractors and manufac turers of brick; 'dealers in pressed brick and lime Offlco at their brick yard, West Jackson street. Phono No. 3461. Massaging und Hair Dressing. JUST ARRIVED Notrce: Mndamo nnd Prof. Harris, tho colored mas sagcra and hair drossors, euro dan druff, tottor, blackheads, romovo wrlnkloa nud brown, splashes of tho face. Prof. Harris tho chir opodist treats corns, bunions, In growing too nnlls. Wo nro profes- ' slonnl face and scaln massneors. Ton treatments $5, flvo for tho faco and flvo for tho scalp. Phono 131-X, Home phono. Tho Spot rooming house, room 1. GIvo us a cnll. 232 Medical Pile Completely Cured From 3 to 0 Days for $1.00 TO ALL who nro suffering from this dreaded and dan'gorous dlseaso with pain or tantalizing Itching, will Its sufforlug torturo, excruciating patn or tantalizing itching, will hall with Joy this simple Inexpen sive and hramless remedy whlcn can bo used in jtho privacy of your own homo und without luterfor- enco with hlislnpss n r limmnhnlri duties. No surgical operation; It quickly roduces all awollliig audi congestion, neais all ulcors, sores and irritated parts. This Is a sim ple household remedy discovered by accident and a $1 box will euro any enso of protruding, Itching or bleeding pllos. Curo guaranteed or money rotuntled. Wrlto to or call on Edw. W. Eagnn, 1112 Nlantto st., Medford. Oro. 222 Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUE-r-Cut flowers, potted plants, shrnhbory, bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our treoa ( nro budded, not graftod. Our stocK Is not Irrigated. Wo guarantoo ovorythlng put out. Wo nro not In tho trust. II. B. Patterson. Offlco romoved to offlco Hotel Nash, in sldo ontrancojiextto barber shop. R0a"UHRlVER VALLEY NURSERY CO., Inc. Growers of high-grndo nursory stock, Offlco 101 S. Fir. Both phonos, PACT! SWljlN - my .- .. IWMJ! Jl By "BiicT Fisher THAT". V (lftnT IftpN 1 rAUTr'S -tTViuli-uS'N'S N0JS?O - iv. vwMJP To guy vnd 5 "wJeuu (nrVU ronTRftLL TSKfA lrl APTEf?.fU - HAR.VA(UJ MOTT'i S 6fAtCr ' FC-"-v' UV.Mfr 1 vzcw&s'er' CQmisl ! , v JOToTMe,, )o you reaux -me iNNPOB-TNCe Op ?fc0PG.0f to your FUTCR.G Cee.- ICtASOi THtKTYoOTCftOt niuuuN TO Q(TTCG With TKiwfiftirs. HUSINESS DIRECTORY Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary Pub lic Bring your work to mo at tho sign of The Mall Tribune Physicians and Surgeons DR. M. C. BARBER Physician and Surgeon. ' Rooms 403-4 Mcdford Furnituro and Hardware bldg. Rcs idonco 1303 W. Main st. Offlco hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 101. DRS, CONROY & CLANCY Physl olans and surgeons, Taylor and Philips bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offlco phono 501, residenco phono 612. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 8 p. m. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to rooms 416 and 417 Gar-nctt-Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. DR. ARTEMUS W. DEANE DentisL Offlco In RlaRo bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for extraction of tooth. Telophono Main 681. Night phono 4432. DR. STEARNS Physician and sur geon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg., rooms 211-212, phone 5501; resi denco 113 Laurel st., phono 2092. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. Practice limited to diseases of wom en. Offices over llasklns drug store. Phones, Pacific 1001, Home 28. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR. C. C. VAN SCOYOO DontistB Garnott-Coroy bldg., sulto 318, Med ford, Oregon. Both Phones. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and Surgeon, Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied. Office 210 E. Main St., over Med ford Hardware company. Hours, 8:30 a. m. to S p. in. Both phones. DRS. SAUNDERS & GREEN Prac tlco limited to oyo, ear, noco and throat. Offlco, sulto 318 Garuett Corey bldg. Both phones. J. M. KEENE, D. D. S.; A. J. IIINI KER, D. D. S. Dontlstfl, 228 to. Main. Phono Main 3191, Home 124-K. MR. CHARLES TURNER Doctor in rheumatism, stomach troubles, sprains; guaranteed it will curo. Manufactured nt Medford, Ore, by Mr. Crarloa. Turner. No ono han dles this modlclno only Charles Turner, geuoral manager, 530 N. Fir st., Medford, Orogou. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. hna tho host equipped Job offlco in southern Orogou; book binding, looso leaf Bystoms, cut paper, otc, ote Port land prices. 27 N. Fir st. Stenographers ELLA Al. QUANYAW -Palm b'ldclc, dono quickly Stenographic work and won. MISS LTT iflNGST&S" Public Ston-, ographor, Medford, Oro. Phenes: Offlco, Pacific 0571; resldonco, Pa-! clflo 5083, Room 218 aarnott Coroy bldg. Transfer EADS BROS. Dray andaruTfeT, urrico Davis wnrououso. Phono Bell 3153; Home 350-K. Price's right. Sorvlco KUiuuuteed. 0 5