MEDFORD MAIL TRTttUNK MKUTTOttD, ORKCiON. Finn AY. T)WQ1mWK- t. 101 1 PXGID FOUR Medford Mail tribune AN INDMI'HNTjKNT NKNV81JAPBII tCXCHlT HUNPAV. V T1IK MtilU-'OUD MINTING CO. The Democratic Times. Thy Mcilfortl Mull, Tho Medford Tribune, The South ern nirjtonlnn. Tho Aahlaml Tribune. Office Mall Trlbuno Ihilldtnc. S5-J7-S9 North Fir Home 76. street J plionw. Main, S0J1. OKOIiaiJ PUTNAM, Kdltor ami Manager Knlerea Of upcona-cinns mnurr m f; foril. OrKor under tho net of March J, - . . ..---ft ll.l 17. Official Paprr of tlin City of MeilrorO Offlclul Paper of Jackon County. . . SrjBSORJTTXOH UA.TE. One year, by mall "" One month, by mall ,:; ,6 .ts.oo Per month, neiivereu vy wiirei " Mcdfonl. JnokKomllle and Cen tral Point Saturday only, by mall, per year.. tVwllv ner year .SO 8.00 1.R0 IE IS NEARLYGOMPLETE New Structure at Gold Hill Will Be Open for Traffic at First of the Week Rests' on Two Concrete Piers. ., ,.,A..i Tho now stool bridge ncross ltognc rivor near Gohl llill will bo completed this week and ready for Irnffio. II is of tho trass typo, a"d rests on two oouorote piers, tho goty of Hogue rivor beinj: so narrow at tho point selected for tho bridge that but two wore neeossary. Engineers state that tho bridge will bo strong enough for tho lino of the proposed electric railway through the valley. SHIP'S FAIE IS STIUJHYSTERY Steamer Tees, Which Sent Out Dis tress Signals Wednesday Morning .Not Yet Reached by Rescuing Ves sels. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 1. Thq fate of tho Canadian Pacific steamoc iees, wnion was siranaeu on mo coast of Tahcouver Island early on Wednesday morning. Is still a mys tery. Following distress signals sev eral boats tried to reach her, but were compelled to abandon tho at tempt Tho following wireless mos 6a go lias just been received horo from tho, steamship Northwestern: "Thick fog and heavy southoast gale on tho coast have prevented any oporatiohs so far in aiding the steamer Toas, In distress in Kykquot sound." The Toos had a crew of 30 and an unknown passenger list. COMMUNICATIONS. YitEICA, Cal., Nov. 27, 1911. Editor Mair Tribune, Medford, Ore., Dear Sir: I noted tho contents of a communication from tho Capital City Nursory company, to you, dated tho 25th Inst. It has grossly misstated tho facts in rogurd to tho rejection of nursery stock shipped to tho various points in Siskiyou county by tho Capital City Nursory company of Saloni, Ore. I have troatod the ghlpmontu of this nursory wtock the same as tho ship ouents from other nurseries. The communication states that tho re was $2S8 worth of nursery Block bhipped to Yroka. $100 worth of this nur sery stock was Inspected and deliv ered to A. 8, Calkins and not con demned, besides, shrubbery which their agent at Yreku vnluod at about $100. This would loavo tho valuo of tho romnlnlng fruit trees at Yreka at 3g, only a part of which havo boon rejected and condemned. When tho president of thn Capital City Nursory company, Mr. Donnett, was at Yroka ho bad an attorney opiplojod to roprosont and protect Ills lutnrosts. My, Hon not t and I proceeded to all tho dlfforent sta tions togothor where tho nursery Btock was. Ho porsonally examined nil rojectod troes. If those trcos wero not diseased ho hud his attor ney and his romody In court. Why did ho not uso thorn? Tho con demned trees woro burned whon Mr, Donnott was horo. Tho lnws of Cali fornia do not allow tho dost ruction of property. Whon an officer goos beyond his duties ho becomes por Bonully liable. Tjioso trees wore not dostroyod, but held for ovldonco until Mr. Hon nott nrrlyod horo, in oukc Mr. lion nott 8nw fit to go to court. Yours very, truly, JOS. P. WETZEL, Horticultural Commlsslonor and Ktuto Qimrnntluo auardltin for Sis- lUyou''c6unty, Gal. NEW RID! ANNUAL NEW NACCOKDANCK with animahMialomTluMMailTribuno I will this venr, as usual, voted to the progress and development of the Rogue Rivor valley and its various communities. The issue will he replete wiith illustrations ami cover in a comprehensive manner tho growth and prosperity of this section To make 'tho .Now' Year's number the best possible advertisement for every section of the valley, oro.hardisls, farmers and. gardeners are requested to mail to The Mail Tribune any records thoy have made during the past year, either as to size of product, total output, price re ceived, etc. It is ospociall to show what can be done in the line of truck and nmrketgardoning. berry growing, poult rv raising, etc., in order to stimulate these lines of industry. " ' ' I! t The issue will sell at the usual price of f cents apiece and orders should be booked in advance, the edition being limited to the demand indicated bv advance orders. NEGLECTING nO'MT1, iMo-hfv nc iiinofv em's nf nninfrtos worn shinned i i Vi i ,; ,, ,l. ,, 'lu W-7 info the Koyiip Rivor vnllev last vear. 'be ouantitv . . , .. this vear will be nearly as great. V few years ago the valley was exporting potatoes. There is no reason under thc.tfuu why its farmers should not he exporting them today. There is no valid excuse for sending tens of thousands of dollars out of here annually for a product that we can easily supply ourselves. Hardly a place that will not, with intelligent care, produce with irrigation an abundant crop of needed staples. Here is an instance of what potatoes will do here: Fred Pulil, an energetic farmer near 'desert ' land idle. He bought water tor it, and m one year paid, for his water and made a handsome profit be-, sides, ne planted one acre of potatoes, which yielded lo0 sacks, which he sold for $1.50 per sack or $225 for the acre. There are thousands of acres of this land awaiting cultivation. Another instance of the mono potatoes yield: Scott Davis and A. S. Eosenbaum nlanted twelve acres of Rogue river irrigated bottom land in the Table Rock dis trict to potatoes. They secured 1800 sacks of marketable spuds, and are feeding forty hogs with the undersized potatoes. These potatoes they have sold in the vicinity of $1.50 a sack. "Whyi not produce what we consume, in at least one line? Every farmer can do it with water. Turn back the pages of time a few years and the Rogue River valley is seen a large exporter of poultry. Today it is an importer. "Why? George L. Davis, now county commissioner, stales that for years he bought from $10,000 to $20,000 worth of poultry, mostly turkeys, every fall, and shipped to San Prancisco. In those days turkeys only brought 8 and 10 cents a pound. Every farmer's wife reared them and they furnished the valley's Christmas money. Now they are worth from 20 to 25 cents a pound and scarcely anyone real's turkeys, not enough raised to make a shipment. These are but two everyday products among the many overlooked by Rogue River valley producers which al most anyone can supply. The country will not be upon a sound basis until it is an exporter in other lines than fancy fruit. AVe must first feed our own population then feed tho world with our surplus. It is an absurd and humiliating confession that we do not produce the necessary a b c's of farm life, that with ideal climate, soil and natural advantages we have passed up the very foundation of a successful community, but as confession is good, let us see to it that our ways arc mended ere another season is upon us. Let us reform and plant something to supplement our orchards. Instead of breaking the orchard planting record with 15,000 acres of fruit trees, let us vary it with 15,000 acres of potatoes and other produce that the markets of the world are clamor ing for. FOOTBALL SCORES. Carlisle 12, Brown 0. Michigan Agricultural 17, Wabash G. Ohio State 11, Cincinnati 0. Wo torn Reserve 5, Cuse 0. Pennsylvania 21, Cornell !). Georgetown 28, Lehigh 3. Vandorbilt 31, Sowuueo 0. Virginia 21, North Carolina 0. Kentucky 12, Tennessee 0. Uminus 3, Ihioknoll '3, I'onnsylvnnin Stale 3, PitUburg ii. Mnrquotto 0, Notre Dumo 0. Virginia Polytechnic 3, N. C. A. and M 0. Peoria Sooials !, Kckorsall All Stars 3. Cant nil University of Kentucky 10, TrniiBylvnniii 0. Kenyon 0, Cnrnagie Toehniqnl 0. Washington mid 'Lee 5, Tulanu 5. Arknnsns 10, Louisville 0. Oklahoma 0, Toxna 3. Multnomah 17, Oregon 0. Washington M, Pullman 0. Albany High 24, Mount Angel 0. Utah 13, Idaho 0. Colorado 11, Colorado School of Mines 0. Colorado Agricultural 7, Wyoming 0. Tho classified nds would ho tho dullest possible "reading matter" for ft person who might havo no nim or purposo in mind. Hut to folks with purposos, aims, dosiros, quests thoy nro tho most interesting "reading" in town I YEAR'S ISSUE. issue n Now Year's edit ion do- ESSENTIALS. -. . . -t fc the city, had some so-called FOR SALE Herring-Hall-Marvin Fire-Proof Safe, Size 23x35 by 22 Deep $50.00 . ' Our Team, Harness, Wagon and Top. Price Reasonable CUTHBERTS WILL' ADVANCE ROAD BOND ISSUE Attorneys Return From Salem Willi Assurance That Local Bend Issue Case Will Co Given an Early Hear Inn liy Court. After apoudlnft noxeral tiny t Sa loin In tho stale lw library, when thoy tiintrolioil through the Inw book for Mil potwlhlo light hr-Ai'ln on tho road houd cmi. Attorney Uennuia ami Neff for Kd M. Andrews mid Attorney A. IS. Utktnn for the eouu ty hHVn returned tp Medford with tho MHidirnneo from the Huproun court that the cne will ho advanced on (ho calendar and kIvdii an early henrlim! Tho plaintiff 1ih tiled lil nppw! fmin tho rocout, deilalon or Circuit JudRv V. St. OnlKttiH who upheld the HHUl lKH(l Imiio of $1,500,000 voted by tho pooplo of the county Suptoin bor 30. AcconlliiK to the attorney uw ..... ...m i.,.i.k. i..-.- h... lU'conllntr to tho attorney tho nuit cuiv "ui t, i in w "'! t - qtiiw within tho ikv- ' dyn mid will hi nil prolmtiflttt Hnd down u decision by tho flrt of tho yonr. This aiumns that If tt I'outl liwtio U upheld, matters cun t' w adjusted that work on tho r mU of the count) will start ns onrl.v m Un aprlii as weather uindltloiis will penult MEETING SOON Commercial Club Committee Reports That They Think It Advisable !o Hold Big Mcetini) to Discuss 'Water. Irrigation whs discuswHl by the Mediord ConiniorAul dub Wednes day evening In dUII, and It was unanimously decided to act upon tho report of tho cosmiltteo on Irriga tion to tho effect that thoy thought It advisable to co-oprate with tho Merchants' HMOcUtlon on Docembur 9, when thoy are to hold their Dol lar Httrgnln dsy, by giving an Irri gation mooting hi tho opora house or Nutatorium. Thro addresses will lM' mado at that timer. Fred X. Cutmiilngs of tho Iloguu River Canal company axplniuud tho coniimity's p!n for placing CO, 000 neros of laud under water. The amount of water that could be ob tained, tho cent To tho iisor, protec tion that the uwr would hnvii In oaso the upplyJTllud, tho laws of tho state in rejjnVd to water right nud all similar phases wero dis cussed In aniiwrr to ciuestlons pro pounded l ni'mbers of tho club. OPEN- For Business ItlGGINS A LICSIjIK'S Serond.Ilnud Store at 3G South Grapo Street. Give us a call and wo will treat you fair. Highest cash prlco for second hand goods of all kinds. 1) v E GAIN Special Items F Th rom c Mid-Season Clearance Sale TAILORED SUITS $:'..D Tailored Hullu at th In al $ll)..",t J.1.00 Tullonnl Sulfa nt tfila oalo. . ..,'... . $110.00 Tailored Sulta ' at this imlo; ,,,.,,... t $1 1.7.1 VS.7.1 TRIMMED HATS Trimmed IIhU, excepting l'luiiutgH Hull, nt oxnctly IIAI.K I'UICK HAND BAGS Hand Ilaga, tho gntlro Hue nt 20 por rent radmilloii. MKS.SAM.VK AM) TAI'I'KTA PICTTirOATH AT THIS SAMS IMiooiilx MuffloiH, tho C0u natal ity :ii)o Tho 7Cc quality n,1c AHREN PLUMBING HTI'AM AM) HOI" WATKK 1IKATINO All Work auitrautoad PrU'oti IlenHOnabU S.1 llovtiird Illm'W, Kntrnur on lllh Mtreot. Coffccn & Price cmifio mm Home SM Valley Second Hand Store Wo lluy and Bull All Klndu of Heumid llniid OoodA. M. .1. ril.CIIKIt, Prop, in Noilli Fir Hume ;i.1l Hell ilOV'J Clark & Wright WAnuiNnrow, . o. I'utMlo Lniiit .MattArK Pluul Proof P.Mrt ItiiiU. PiilitM niul Mining (.'nnri rtorlp. AmnH'lal Work fur Attnnifya. HiviKliirt for Health. " SMITH'S APARTMENT HOUSE ' ' Houtli Itlverrtlile New nud I h(i-)nt4 Moslem In eery parlh'tilnr, gnu cook- luff, t.teain beat, etc. Women niul glil must lirlng refer- eiice. W. SI. SMITH Hmiio I'lx.iie HIK. Medford Parcel Delivery Pretl ('rocker, Prop. Piircfla, 10c, K.C. 8Bo. Trunk l!8c miywliorn In tho fit)' Offlee: Vnlloy Second Hand tro. 1R N. Kir Kt. Pbenea: Slain 3CH:: Ilomt 3M. llesldeuro I' Home 115 X. Prompt Servlco WOOD! The Medford Wood Yard. Alt UIihIh nud any leiiKth of good dry wood Corner Seventh nud Nowlown. f'oiue to 11 aliixl nud ! lht;umid. Phone Doll, (1011; Home, S3 X. A. B. Tull & Grant Proprlt'toiH We Have Moved Tho .1. T. llroadley flowor atnro i now In thn M. V. & II. Htore, neroaa the alreot (rom former location. Cbolco lota of cut flowern. bulba, ferna, palmi, etc., al ways on bniid. J. T. BROADLEY Medford Employment Agency women to cook on rnnnb, (Hrln for houBQVvork. KOIt UfiLU T ncroH 'i iiiIIoh tint,'? I BOO. 10 ncrea, 2 home, .'I barim, $1000, 100 nori. 7 head of hornoa, '1 cowa, 20 Ikk. 100 ublckoiiM, 20 HtamU of booH, u jiiimbor of tiir koya nud 'nil fni'in ImploinoulH. Call nud huo mo about IIiIm, MIHOICMiANKOUH Wimted to rout a piano. Wanted to noil a nioittfngu; will vbavo It l 000, HoimoH to j out In dlfftiiont pmlH of Unto cilty. 10 ncroH to Inulo uoor lOutslo Point for Iioiino mid lot In Mod ford. I'linilliiro for huIo, Woinon to cook on laiioh, E. F. A. BITTNER ROOM 7, PALM BLOCK Opposite Nash Hotel Phono till; Home, 11. WHERK TO GO TONIGHT r r r SAVOY THEATRE Uiulor How Mmmtremonl 1'lrnt Itini l.loinnul .Motion I'lulnri'i) t'ltmii Hlmw, t'oiiiti'iiim Tiiiiliiiunt I Kinlt II Hull, Prop 10o TJ1M OUNVn lOt T II 1C A T R K TWO IIKJ IMH'm.K ACTS I.IPM.W AMI UKI.I.V I'niueily Slnulnx niul TnllJnu HeliiK one of the IiIk ftmlure aita on tli l'miluM(a oil cult for the piikt iniiiith I hey t'oino wit U the Kienteal Kind or u inputHtloii iim fun iimker. botli Kirfwlna exlrnniillumy xmid vtilrw, lln) me mire to Ue n IiIk iIihwIiik 'iud for tlin next few iiIkIiIm. NOW (O.MliS TIIK sritntisi V me koIiik to foaluro tho lifitKeat kind of n aurprUo one Mint will ileaa tery one nud nut Hint Mill hold the crowd for III" leliiAlmler of (be week TIiIh art ,it ue will eaiimt I lie whole town III Hit up mid take iitilleo. THEATRE VAUDIi VILLI-: AND - MOVING IMCTURKS 10 and 15c ChaiiKO of Program Sundays and Thursdays STAR THEATRE ('OMI'OIITXHM' A Show I'u 1 1 of lnughter. The ItotiliiiKP oT Hie Heseil A Western lliiiuuier. The I'ihiIInIhh's of .lealou)' HlKbly uuiimlnir. Iloiv They Stopped tho Itiin on llio Hunk Ulilquo CouiKily. All SATHKIt in New Soiikh, Mimic mid KffectK (o Suit tho Pictured Rock Spring Coal OX KARD AI.I. VXC ?XXI. Office anil Coal Vnnl, Twelfth and front HtmMn, Pliouo 7101. Burbidge ran flOAT. maw Electric Rooms Under New Miiiiiiki'iiioiU Newly fiiiiiMiftl, nil uiodorii, hIciiim IkiiI, IiuIIh, old. 210 East Main IF YOU OWN A LOT . Wo will liulltl you a homo on monthly payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. nml H, Co. uiillttlnu u GO V