PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR KCION, TODAY, T)lgQIOinEU 1. 1H11 RUSSIA SENDING TROOPS 10 FORCE PERSIA 10 YIELD t t W. Morgan Sinister Must Go, Say SUCCESS SMILE EXHIBIT TRAIN u Powers Will Not Tolerate Amcri- can fit Financial Ticasurcr for the Shah. BELIEVE RUSSIA AND, t J .. I ENGLAND WILL SEIZE-LAND Sinister May Not Quit Country, But ' Remain in an Advisory Po- sltlon. I' t ' - J jST.iUJTEK$BUHG, Dee. 1. IIu sin todny ordered an Ktlvnnee of troops to tho Persian frontier, iudi cnting Unit it iiitoiidp to force w Persia an immcillnto noonptnnoc of its iijtinmtiim involving' the cVpulMon of nr r " ni i- t ? ... M v. juorynu onager, -nu,nran unnii cinl treasurer of tho sdinh's monarchy TEHEKNA, PerSin, Hoc. 1. Op posed in his sohemes for tho tvor- gnnuntion of Persia lv both Kne lntui and ttussinn mrent. W. Morsii Sinister, American treasurer Renornl of Persin, today presented his rc-is-nntion. Sinister laid down his thnnklo task following a refusal by llie Per sian parliament to cxwi him from the country on the united demands of Great Britain and Russia. He be lieves that England and Russia have determined upon the partition of Per sia, and that he could not reorganise the finances of the country effective ly against such powerful opposition. It is not yet stated whether Shuster will quit the country or whether he will rcmhin in an advisory capacity tolthe Persinn cabinet. Sinister Talks. Shuster, -when Interviewed by the United Press today, said? '.Russia's demand for my dismissal ast treasurer general of Persia is ac tuated by myefusal to officially recognize Russia's sphore of influ ence in nohtrern Persia. If I had acceded to the czar's demand I would have betrayed the Persian people. The unexpected repulse "of the old shah in attempting to regain hi throne and the Solidarity of the con stitutional "government have further embittered the Russian bureaucracy. j"If the Persians vUh to submit to Russian dictation they must get a now treasurer general. Rtu-sia for vcars has been intimidating Porsian officials, and Russia is wild now be cause Persia has secured an Ameri can ivho won't submit. The czar of Russia never intended to pormit real finnncinl reform in Porsiu, but he wi forced to show his hand sooner tliwi lie expected. "England has sanctioned tho at tack upon me, but I challenge both England and Russia to show any net of miuo opposing legitimate foreis! interests. I offer no njwlogy lor my conduct." JURY. U8I DRAWN III Sam Richardson Writes That Govcr dr Wesl'YMir Be a "BFji Spoke in Tliis Wheel" -Hartley Is Also on tho Job. Tremendous interval is lieiiitr di played in the governor' .jeeinl trnin now touring the euMern -.tnte show ing exhibits- of nn)duet of the west- era state. ' U is believed Hurt the trnin will arou'o initncii'-o inturo-tt in the tnte of Oregon nnd that tho bene fieiiil result-, will be renlixed ver, matorially no.t "prituj. Tom RiohnnNou writes n follow -from St. Paul roirntxlinjr the uovcr nors special which L- now touring the east: "Arrived on time, and the gover nors' special seems, to loom nboo and beyond all else, and Governor YVost feels I should stay with it to the Qjid, nnd he expects to do tint very thing himelt. "Dig newspaper men are booked for tin? entire trip, the cities the each to outdo the other, and it may be bet for me to stay with the train nnd let some one eNe do the lunor-s on Ore gon at Chicago and the irrigation congress. "The Epvomor. WiPinm Ilnnley and I held n conference this mliAiins and wo will be on the job from now on "A committee of prominent man met us nt the depot this morning nfti-' we had ridden through 1.000 miles of snow. The warmth of the reception melted the chill in the nir to retnilar Oregon climatJ nnd we filt nt home "You can hear, see and feel Pa cific northwest everywhere, but Ore gon is the bell wether. Seems us though tho land hunger must bring results. I will try to keep you ad vised, but you can i nsily understand I will be occupied most of the tinis. "Governor West :s going to be a big spoke in this wheel," MAY INVITE ELK fell TAIN E Local Members of B. P. D. E. Much MAY DEMAND LAW TO THANKSGIVING PAY 0USTI.W.W.8PEAKERS POHTl.AXl), Oio, Dee, l. Al though nuinerouT complaints ngauit Exiltcri ' '' ' l,0Mker "" ''" down town Thank-uiMng dav was uppropri alelj oh-trned In Mcdl'oul ,vesUilu, the litiidM-s "cetion of the cits being d. A Inruo iimnooi' ol' . . . , . ' .".. tt inicrcstcii in visit oi txaucui - ;v'"';" . . ... V .fV,V uenontllv ohmed. A Inrbc .Aulcr, Who Will Be In Portland ... and Ow men, whb nYo .- "t J'.SffJir.. K. K! Minimum In Iilivr iinalAil Tiinu "wl ,"", ' v ,.' Next Week. ip.iiHuiiii it..ttk.ii.tki itti!iim niiv oiditwueos today mdtotl Hint 'the mitliorilicx ani' without tcjtnl light to FORESTRY OFFICIAL WEDS SCHOOL TEACHER T Jury list for December term or tho circuit court bus boon drawii as fol fel fol eows: A. Jennings. Gold Hill, merchant; Fred S. Knglo, Ashland, clorlc; G. A. Drlner, Talunt, tanner; Ira J. Dodge, Meclford. farmor; William Hillls, Woodvllle, (armor; Tom Pankoy, Sams Valloy, farmor; ir. E. Conger, Jacksonville, farmor; J. H. French, Kagio Point, farmer; S B. Holnios, Knglo Point, miller; A. h. Ifnrvoy, Gold Hill, merchant; Ed Jacobs, Tal ent, farmor; F. Y. Alloa, Trail, far mer; Uobort Payuo, Ashland, farmor; C. O. Purcoll, Huncom, farmor; Theo. Glasa, Antlocli, farmor; It. J. Ed wards, Ashland, farmer; W. L. Hailpy, Jledford, retired; G. E. Oboiichaln, Central Point, faimor; Chaa. V.s Grubb, Ashland, farmor; F. A. Hawk, . Contral Point, black smith; Hany Von dor Hellen, Eagle Point, farmer; W. B. Holdrldge, Talent, farmer; Miles Cantral, Iluch, farmer; C. L. Dusonborry, Gold Hill, fai'tnur; Thomas Dungoy, Gold Hill, fanner; Frod A. Copplo, Buticom, farmor; Petor S. Stonstroup, Mod ford, morchnut; William Howard, Medford, farmor; A. E. Collluga, WntkliiB, farmer; W. D. Davis, Beagle, fanner; h. A. Cuslolc, Mod ford, real estate. rilos Cured la 0 to 14 Dbjti Vo.ur ilrucKlet win,, rcfuiul money If 1'AUO OINTMENT falls to euro any caao of ItcIilnK. niliut, ltleedlnic or rrotrudlnsr l'ilea'ln 4 to 14 dnyti. COo, i tj- ' ' ' naaklns for Healtn. rf John E. Cribble nnd Miss Ifrtrion Foster were married Wednepdnv, Xo vember 29, at tho home of the bride'h brother and sister, Mr. nnd Mrs. liar old D. Foster, of this eitv. the Kev. Courad Wilker officiating. The Epis copal service was used, nnd only tho immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present. Master Ilarojd D. Foster, Jr., acted as ring bearer. Both of tho young people are well known in Medford, where they hne a great many friends. Mr. Gribblc has beon connected with the foroot service for many years and has been attached to the local office since its establishment four years ago. His work has brought him closely in touch with many of the residents of all the cities of this valley, and ho is also well known in Portland and eastern Oregon, where he has been detailed 'ii upcoinl imestigntioii't for the government. Mrs. Oribble, who is n grndunje of .Mount llolyoko college, is a voting womnn of rare qualities. Coming 'o Medford after bcxtoml years' experi ence in teaching in the best high schools of New PInglnnd, and after extensive travels nnd studies ,iiyEu rope, "slio has built tin tie department in tho Medford Iliali school to an excellence it bail not pre viously attained. She reigned lujr position last Juno after two years of succoRHfuI educational achievement, with the -warmest friendship of her fcllow-cdiicatorK nnd pupils nliko. Mr. and Mrs. Qribble will travel in southern California, and will bo at a home to their friends after Jaint ary 1, at 139 Kenwood ncuuc. , Hasklns for Healtn. ' What Ails You? MI-O-NA 'Stomach Tablet? nro guaranteed by Chas. Strang to end Indigestion or any stomach distress, or monoy back They rellovo upset stomach In flvo minutes. , MI-O-NA for belching of gas. MI-O-NA for distress after eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for biliousness, ' ' MI-O-NA to wako up tho liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn, MI-O-NA for sick headachos MI-O-NA for nervous dyspopsla. MI-O-NA for night sweats, MI-O-NA for Blepplesunesa. MI-O-NA for bad droains. MI-O-NA for sea slcknriis, t MI-O-NA after a banquet. MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg nancy. Makeu rich, pure blood puts gln gor, vigor, vim, vitality Into the wholo body. Fifty cents, n .largo box at Qhaa, Strnng's nnd druggists ovorywboro, , Locnluculbers of the U. P. 0. Iilk nro taking much iuteivM in the pro posed visit of Oraml K.ulUd Killer Sullivan at Portland next wojtk iittt miry endeavor to hae him ifft MH ford before returning east John P. Sullivan his middle unuie w Patrick is tho biggot mini in .ill it Klkdom, nnd thqjdol of -100.000 of his fellow lodgemen. ' Sullixnii is big in more ways than one. lie is the chief tnin of one of tho most powerful orders in the world; ho tips tho brain nt 28o pounds, and n friend of hi- has described him as "big through the head, big through the neck and big through the chest, especially in the region of tho heart." And ho Mauds six feet three in his stocking, lie stands just as big in tho affairs of his home city as he does in his home lodge, New Orleans No. :i0. nnd hw fellow townsmen knew when he start ed out to become craud exulted ruler of the Elks that ho wns big enough for the job nnd that he would win. John Patrick also has the honor of being tho youngest man who ever won the position ho now- holds in tho big order, for he is but 30 vcars old. having been bom March 5, ISifi. His! family came from Kerry county, which menus 'there is Irish blood in his veins. MULTNOMAH BEATS OREGON 17 TO 6 prohibit street funking oil huv thor oughfare ni ImufTlH it doen not block- Inud the TlfnukxijjLvhik- someon nt ill" Methodint llpiiJcQpitl chinch In tli iniiriiing an dthn football game In the uftorunou. The day was idem in point nt wwthfr. rlrp.rlM. f jj j t 4 ' ' .. . . LL 2 trA Bb M t wft W HI h tn 1 GEKERALLY OBSERVtD f ' J I 1 V U L I " .J Z - i " I kT ndo tmffto, Am 11 1'ar.ull it is iniilinlilc that downi town nu.re4i.uits will utmost tho eit pilannUig t I.Ik nu-tnbeiMhlp euuipfttvsn fiiimeil t., .-iinrt a ,.uli-iiiuce wmfin-.hore thix winter among the bundii-ds iujr tvM KiwaklW 10 de tt'iHt i of iin'in), nnl tiouble is pivdict pwMlto bulioviuU Uiu I. W, W.'rt niv d. PORTIixVND; Ore., Dee. 1. Thor oughly chastened by the Multnomah club men, who bent them by a score of 17 to G here yesterday, the Uni versity of Oregon team left for Eu gene todny. S-Mf An ISSffl y. ytAtf-7- olfi x w 1 St I, i'MiXlk mm ffi Appetizer l? slioulcl be tempting in appearance, Ta ' PzLt . i ..i. i. il... C I .wl ,4 v4fe w Give Keen zest u um uuu a v ft diifcstion. Tl..... "C BlueRibbon $ The Bcr of Quality 5f is all tills anu mure, i uc Bcitntu hvi'p, u-uy rZ malt and Pabst exclusive proccs ivca 4JV, .v iL.i. .ii:.,i..f..i :...,. i : i: t tanif anil ric! mclloNv flavor Ji? f7 tnat distinjfuialics it $t$f'; H'tfljl from all other Leer. Afcr ' fa. ji k -4scst '-rHf y ' $2m?Bgr : VISZZZ.J-l-: JRV " Jmw Mwci. AL. . - 1 M.HmA I. m t... f vw.m imp m Mrvf v MO1 'L tion:tn For Sale, Bottled or Draught, Nash Bar WAKE UP PIANO BUYERS and Get Next to a Good TKing HjiIo's Piano Iloiise is going lo sll all Urn goods iv have in slouk bo ioib Mr. Iale gous east to buy noxt year's sfook, fugardlcss ol tho price. . r Now is your chance to get a fine m'ano for loss than the factory cost. Just 25'days more of this opportunity sttiring-j'011 n tlie face, to g;t a fine piano at almost your own price, $10 down and $8 per month, and we will deliver tho piano to you. We give you $2 for every $1 you pay np to $50. Never 1ms such an offer been made on good goods a't factor prices. Remember the place, corner lo'llt aiiol Oakdale, just threo blocks south of the Washington school. We at all times sell pianos of samcipiality for $100 less than other deal ers, as we have no expbhse to coulomb, with. Our celebrated lines, V. M. Knabe, A. M. MePhail, Sterling, Lal'iai'gue, Jliintington', .Mendelssohn, aTTd many others. We tune pianosfor less than others and guarantcothe work. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BIG- LINE OP ikEN'S AND BOYS' HEAVY WORK GLOVES AND DRIVING GrLOVES, THE BIlST WEARING LIE OF GLOVES ON THE ilARKET, AND ALL POPULAR PRICED lion's llortvy Wnrjc (Moves, pair W Men's Heavy Haunt lot 1 1 loves, pair 7."0 t Men's Driving (Ihivcs, lit'tny, sof'l, pliable ht(her (launllel and pl-iin writ t, ,-alr :Mj $t.a5, $1.50 JWys' Goatskin daunt let ( Moves, all sine, pair 50 Ladies' Kid Hauntlct (Moves, pair ...75 and Jjl J with tight wi'ial, iO pair . ZT$ iMen's Canvas (MoVes pairs Tor Christmas Post Cards We will put tin sale here tomorrow the fin est line ol' Christ man Post Cards ever shown in the city ol' iMedl'ord, all at the popular jirit'o of 1c Each Hand" Colored Calendars We are showing (ho finest line of Artistic Calendars over shown in Medford, all hand colored. Kadi in sepa rate box,, ready to mail. Sale nri'ces 10SJ5S 25 aminos Each i ! HAND PAINTED CHINA, FINE IMPORTED t CHINA, BOHEMIAN GLASS, CUT GLASS, FAN- ft CV POTTERY. OOT.ONIAL ftT.ASS. F.TC1 . A T.TNtt TO SUIT MOST EVERY PURSE AND TASTE. WE ARE ALSO SHOWING NEARLY 100 STYLES IN STRICTLY HIGH GRADE HAND MIRRORS AT PRICES FROM 25c TO $3.00 EACH HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDERWEAR, ETC. Comploto lines popular priced. I HUSSEY'SI tf... . .. OiUR-WOOD AND DRAY Ortldi In now iouiluil nt So. MH Smith l'lr In WIIm.ii & Oi.'n Minimi liuiiil Hlnnr. Si('i'liil nttontloii i;h'ii to tho iiiiivln of linuettliolil PmmN mill llit) ilclltory of fit)lf;lit. 11. S. BRUMBIE & SONS iioinc, 'Jiin-r licit, :tt(ii NEW LINE to TILLAMOOK $W$h SUNSET 0GDEN &5HASTA ROUTES m& j Pacific Railway & Navigation Co. Trnlim will 1'iin ilally, oxrppt Sun day, on tlio followliiK Huhoilnle: hv. Portlunil . . . ,v . . 7:20 a. in. Lv. IIIIlHhnio ...... a. in. Ar, llnncli I'olutu. ... 1:20 p. in. Ar. liny Cltyv 2:1)1 p. in. Ar, TIHIuinoolf N2;2r p, in. IvV. 'J'llliiinnoh ..... 7 : fi fi n, m, IiV, liny City. , , , . . fi;15 u. in. Lv. Iloach VoIiiIh. , . ,0:90 11, in. Ar, lIlllHlimn 1:25 p, 111. Ar, Portland 4:10 p. 111. Tlirdfiuh tlokitttt on nulo nt city tlulcol nfUcor.TliIrd and Vunlilntoh atrootH, on Kdiiitli ami Yuiulilll, to all points on tho '. H, & N, Fintlior jiartloulnrH from tho oltytlultut agdiit or iikuhI Fourth and Ynmlilll Htrciota. John M. Scott, , Oi'iicinl I'liHKOiiRPr Acnt I'lirtlaud, Oii'Kon J. F. BARRY EXPERT , AUTOMOBILE N PAINTER .now wrrn Crater Lake Garage Conic 11 ml Git l'rlem We Hnndlo Watches" MEhW 11 .ma v-rww VL that rannot ho nurpaHRod for porfoot Inmiity nnd ncouinto thno-lcuopliiK quulltlyH. Tlicy aro In Hold and Ml vor for LadlcH and (lontlununi, Our piuaont Htoclc of hlh nulo Jowglry oiulirauoH Watt'hou, Cluilnu, Oharuiu, JlrubolotH, lirooclioH, Wuddlni;, Kn Knuoiuuiit, Moiirulii); and Hliumt UluiiH, L'ar-dropH, HroaiU-pliisH, and a variety drotjior lindNtunu frlnltotp that Avtll mako hauilfioiuu proauutu for oithtir iiux. , KELLER Til 13 .7KW0MCIt iOil V. Mnlli Mt.