.aftfrvwv-uu WPPBtWM) ;5ftw. cm fr t 'r ii'v, 1 ! zt PAGJD WO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MrcPFORP, QWEUOK. WI-IONESIUY. NOVIOMUWIi 2!), '1!)11 t ? j.4.-M-.-- LOCAL and! f PERSONAL rTTT,,T,rtri',.,'J"efv'lTVV' W, (?. AlHonlinRon Is la Grants P(iK8 todny n buiduoss for tlici Uokuo JUvor Weclrlo coinjmny. Mr nnd Mt. K. J. Hcnnctt re turned thlt morning to tholr homo In Santa Gross, Cal. i- . t I3mly -T. Standoford, oxanitnor for ho Now Knglnnd Conservatory of MubIc In Hostoii, piano, harmony, musical history. 42S West Fourth stroott Tolontiono 7211. 231 Mas Aladdin will glvo soino .light on good things to ent at the llnraar this evening. 230 i:. .Main. SIC Mrs, Hmory Purdln of Talent citing to Mod ford this morning to upend Thanksgiving with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hall. Tho Nnsh Grill will stro an elnb oralo Thanksgiving dinnor tomorrow nt 7C cants tno niato. Tames are biting reserved. Tho dlnnor will ho BoryPd from 12 o'olork npon until 8 , o'clock1 In tho evening. Mr. Harthol, tluj'now proprietor of iho plnco, cor tnlniy knows how to prepare a feast that will do Justice to tho annual holiday. Miss May Tumor loft this morn ing to spend Thanksgiving with hor parents at Hilt, Cal. ,Mrs. Hoso Forrnndlno returned yesterday to Spokane after a visit In Medford with her former college chum, Mrs. Chas. Delta. Special Sunday dinner each week at tho Tavern hotel, Eaglo Point, Ore. COc 225 Miss Cecil Clark loft Medford this morning for Sacramonto. Mrs. . S. Itosenbaum left this morning to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Hosmer, on Foots creek. Mrs. Rosenbaum wac accom panied by Miss Francom. The best baths In the city, 25 cts. nt Hotel Medford barber shop. W. K. Whlsenant and family left this morning for Shattuck, Okla., where they expect to reside. Mr. Whlsenant has traded Ills barber shop In Medford for property In Shattuck. He sold his residence, on West Main street, to Mr. Whipple. Mrs. Anna Smith of Medford will spend Thanksgiving with Central Point friends. See It. A. Holmes, The Insurance Mau, over Jackson County bank. E. G. Moonchcster, of Prlncvjlle, Ore., arrived in Medford a couple of days ago. He Is doing public sten ographlng for tho Medford hofel. Mrs. M. X. Johnston returned last night to her home in Morgan Hill, Cal. Merchants' lunch 12 to 2 o'clock, 35 cents, at Hotel Medford. A flro alarm was turned in at 11:30 last night from Johnson's English chop house, at 21 South Front street." Twenty-three flro boys responded promptly but their serv ices wore not needed as the fire was only the burning out of grease and soot In the funnel shaped smoke stack over tho kitchen range, and this soon burned itself out without Igniting any part of tho building. Baths 25c at the Hotel Medford barber shop every day. Died, In Medford, Merle Loren Webber. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.l H. E. Webber, aged two months and eleven days. Funeral services wllf bo held at tho residence, end of West Main street. Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Aladdin lamps glvo a beautiful llgbj. At 15 N. Fir. 216 Ionian Thanksgiving services will bo hold at tho Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock. Roy. Holmes of tho Baptist church wllj preach tho sornion. J. W, Johnson roturncd this morn ing from tho Spokano Apple show. Ho states that at no time during the show did ho fool himself called upon to ajiolojjlzo for tho Rogue RIvar valley. Th.e carload of Yellow New town apples on exhibition from hero wero tho source of all kluda of laud atory and admiring comments. Try R, & S. Roup Romedy, a cure In the worst cases, 3 doses sufficient. 50 cts. per dozen capsules. 320 Apple St., Medford, Orpgon. 221 Weeks & McGowan Co. . UNDERTAKERS Iay Phone M71 Night 1-hour P. W. Weeks JW71. A. K. Orr, MM. JiADX ASSISTANT. fWff JOHN A. PERL l Undertaker And, Embalmcr Z Successor to the" undertaking de i partuipnt of Medford Furniture Co. QfflMi UH South Bnrtlett Street ) Tolophones; day, Bell 471; night residence, Bell 473. Home 170-L. z Calls aaspeml, -tight or day AMBCLANCK HHItyiOS A pupils' piano recital will bo given Friday nflornoon, December 1, by pupils of Miss Flora Gray, In tho liarlors of St. Marks hall nt 3M10. TnvltatJonn luivqlWn extended to'lho pnrpnfji of tho pupils and other frlendi' to the capacity of tho hall. Miss Gray 'will demonstrate her method with n class of five oung pupils and tho older pupils will piny nn lutorusllng program of solo num bers, i Raincoats, all styjes, .about co.""t. Yo Nifty. " ' 217 A. 1.. rnntrong loft this morning for Rod Bluff, Cal. Mr. u lid Mrs. J. D. Single, of Cor nllls. Ore. nnd Mrs. 1. G. Ktchnrd- son of Amity, Oro., arrived in Med ford jostonlay. Thoy aro here look Ing tho city ovor with a possible view of locating. Mil) Christmas goods nt McDow ell's. Thu momboj-s of Medford fire company aro anticipating a largo at tendance at tholr dance tomorrow night. Already n groat number or tickets have been sold and n com mittee is out today asking alt Lho citizens, especially the business men, to buy n ticket, whether they dnnco or not. Tho object Is n commendable una even If there are sono who do not approve of dancing. You don't have to dance if you don't want to, neither do you have to buy a ticket, but ybu really ought. Just to provo to tho boys that jou appreciate their efforts. dandy plum puddings and pump kin pies nt McDowell's. S. C Ogsbury, of Spokane, Is reg istered at the new Medford hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sowers of Medford will spend Thanksgiving with Ashland friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elfers, of Phoe nix, wero In Medford yesterday on business. Carkln &. Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over JacksonCounty Bank building, Medford. H. S. Everts of Spokano arrived In Medford yesterday. i R. C. Pierce of Eugene Is In Med ford on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Boyd returned thW morning to their home in Cot tage Grove, Ore., after a visit with Griffin Creek friends. For sale, a well-bred male calf, Jersey and Holsteln. Address "Fair- view," Jacksonville. Cranberry sherbet at McDowell's. H. D. Kennedy of La Grande, Ore., arrived in Medford yesterday and ex pects to spend tho winter here. Mr. Kennedy is a mining man of many years experience and It Is not im probable that he .will invest In min ing property here. He Is not unlike many another experienced mlnpr In his opinion as to the mining wealth of southern Oregon, excent that he 13. perhaps, a little more enthusias tic. Should ho Invest hero he will expend a considerable amount or money in development work on whatever proposition ha takes up. Presto convertible collar overcoats. Yo N'ifty. 217 L. J. Neuner, Southern Pacific baggage master, Is visiting relatives In Roseburg for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bates re turned a couple of days ago from a visit to Spokano and Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. George, of San Francisco, nro registered at tho new Medford hotej. Hot tamales at McDowell's. Win. McGaw, of Berkeley, Cal.,j arrived in Medford a couple of days ngo and wllf undoubtedly spend tho winter here, with his son-in-law and daughter, Judge and Mrs. Glenn O. Taylor. Mr. McGaw has but recent ly returned from an extended visit In Canada. H. Slover and family left last night for Gro8ham, Ore. Mrs. Ollvo Day loft yesterday for Richinond, Cal., to visit with rela tives. Mrs. Day lives in Jackson ville. Miss Flora Gray has removed her piano studio from roqm 3 to room 5, St. Marks bill ding. Phqno Main 3432. Mrs. J. F. DIetrlct and her niece, Miss Frances Glenn Smith, of Gpld Hill, were Medford visitors yester day. Mrs. R. R. Largont left on No 1C last night for Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to visit friends I. C. Bateman, manager of tho Medford Butior and Cream company, loft this morning for a business visit to Sail Francfbco. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Eaton re turned; to ABl-land yesterdny after a fow days' visit with Medford rela tives, Mrs. Ella Cook of Jacksonville left last night for a visit to friends In Berkeley, Cal. Take off that old gray bonnqt. Choice pf any hat In tho bouso for $1.98. S,ome nco ones for 08c. Home MJUlnory, 1021 W. 9th st. 11Q Al Tate, who wa,s arrested yester day charged with bigamy, and who was to have had a hearing before Judge Glenn Q. Taylor at 4 o'clock yosterday afternoon, gavo a $500 jiqnd for his. apnearnnco at any tlmp Prosecuting Attori-oy Mujkoy de manded t. Tho caso may bo called LEONARD C CRUSHED TO DEATH Youiifl Boy Cauolit In Frc(lit Elcva tor nt Hotel Medford nnd Kilted Coroner Is Hotdinn an ln-iicst This Afternoon. ' Coroner ICulIoi-j- in tjiu aftciuooit holding an iit(uat-t ovor the ituuiiln. of Leonard CliiltK lf, who wns killed Tuesday ueni2 t lho Until irodl'ord wliun ho wnt. tmuidit li n fruijrlit eloMitur. The hmient ia lu- in- hold nt tliu undortukiiu mJor oC, Weeks & k'(lowiii, whure tin body was taken iiuiuadialuly nftur the boy'-j ilealh. YoM)- CliHd.s wns atibtliuc .Jninc Fnbrick, Y2. in pitlierinir tlit luun dry of lho llott-1 Medrmil when llir trnjeuy occurred The hoys were ii he tinsomont tuul juniped onto Hie treiKht eIealor nnd started the lift. Suddenly thoy discovered thitl tli? iron dour? above wort' elo.ed. l-'nli- nek leaped lo snfoty. hut Child, for some unknown re-win, failed lo ni clear. It is believed that n benni caught him. U skull was? crushed nnd his leu broken. loniifj Fabriek endeavored lo atop the hioving lift, but failed, floorge Titus, nn employe of the holel, wax in nn ndjoiuiu-; room nnd. huiiriujr the cries, Tubbed lo lho seono tuul threw off the power, hut too lulo. Dr. Til. S. lturt-i'i-s was .ummoueil n once, hut it was too late, as Cliild-i was dead. Leonard Cltilds wns n non of Afo. iL Jf. Childs, n widow. She is pmt. tratcd by lho awful sudilcnness of the tragedy. She has n son, Harry, nnd daughter, Mrs. Childers, in tlii- citv, and a son, Lessor, in Klamnlli Falls. Coroner Kcllogp is holding nn in quest this nflornoon in order to ar rive nt a definite knowledge of how the boy lost his life. This mnv iioiit fbe known, as the onlv eve wilnens was younj Fabriek. who is, siifferiu-r gronlly fnnu the shock. JUDGE WHO WILL ACT IN STEEL TRUST SUIT. as Mk, Sex. a rMJ?-' .MBMiru, t.MMCi.lBHiHi jj i -JltdiJti ufftijjtoa .ludse .loieph IbiMiijinn of th- I'niUd States eiieuil t-oml ut 1h. hur is one of the juds who will decide llie lule ol (he steel tiol in lho t'oini suit of the jni inuntit to divsolxc that i'orH)ratioii. GAGE TO DEFEND. (Coiitluu.nl From Page Ono) uounced that hu would aume ehargo of tho caso. Davis, It was explained, will bo too hnsy with the McNamara defonto to dttvatu nn tlmo to tho allogntluuii nwulnst Franklin mid the Utter will tburafoi-tt 1k- defended by ox-Governor Gare. The ltttter's a- soclittlon with tho rao was a dis tinct Miirurlii bQOHU it had been rumored irllr In the dity tlmt Karl llogers. formerly IdmiIIiik (oiiiikoI for the Merchant) and .Mnuufncturortt' atu-ocintion, would be retained. HONOR MEN WORKING WELL. (Couttnufil from Vk l. KliAltOUATH THANKSGIVING I) INN Hit AT Till: NASH SAX FRANCISCO, CnI.-Confe:-sions secured from two meHwiiner luiys by the police today developed the fact that messenger boys all over the city have beep engaged in tho opium traffic. Detecliu--. have se cured from the vntiths a long- lint of places from which they procured the drug. Ansgan Syverson, n druggist, was -.enteneed to 1(10 days m jail to day for selling tho drutr. VANCOUVKIf, II. C.A oeording to latest ro-iortK at tho Canadian Pacific railway officos bore, tho steamer Tees is ot badly damaged and is beinj: towed soulh bv tho steamer Northwestern. Her wirelesr. wns not in good order when the vessal left V'ftoria on her northward vn ngc, and this probablv explains the absence of mossages after the fii-at cnll for assiatauee. Tho Nauh Grill -m III hirvo a very olaboratu ThanksgMng illmmr to morrow at 75 cunts the plato. Tabic? ar being resorvud. Mr Ltnrthel, tho now proprietor, certain!., knows how to prepare a menu that will do jus tice to tho annual feast. Tho dlniiei will be served from 12 o'clock noon until S In tho ovonlti-. VANCOUVKFt, H, C Shortly ho- fpre noon today a lone robber en tered tho branch of tho Itoyal bank on Park drive and. holding a rool or to tho 'mnnaxur's bond, compelled hint to glvo up all tho money In nlf-lit. About Jl'OOO was taktn, nc cordlnp; to the bank nuthoritlei. Five minute after tho jobbery the wliolp detoctivo force was in pursuit of tint bandit, but up to tho present timo ho lias nut bH!ii locfttoil. Just a year ago the HHtne bank was robbed nt night and about 10000 tttkon. men tlmt hu had employed and that all were "delhorlnic tho goods." ('oiiipnrlnoii with the road crew om doed furtlmr down thu jinido by Contractor Xatwlel; Is all in faor of tho honor num. ConimlsHloner Oweim found tho utin- Itary conditions of the camp o.xcellent. fak )l are holng fattened for fu ture use, John (lrlevoj himb, now grown Into n full fledaed nhnp, U the niH-icot or tho rami), while a lit tle white kitten and u do are uni versal peU. PrniMtratloiiH nro under way for a bin Thanksglvliuc dinner TluiMday, lucludliij: turkey uud eran Iwrry wiuco. The camp boast wimo of tho host etiokH to bo found anywhere, as all visitors can atttwt. It nlyo Iiiik ox- pertM In many Hues, blackHinltliM, powder men. printers,, bookkeeper, etc. Nn qunrrHU have dlaturbeil the lwoco of Wontvllle and xood order In prtworved. .Most of tho lltno tho men have worked upon tho now nmdo. though ovr a week's work was uecotwary to remove slldus upon tho irndo con structed iHstsumuior, Tho healtli,of the camp Is Kood, one man IioIiik 111 from luiubntjo and one from ludl-o- tlon. Tho trip wan made by iiulo, nnd th ronda aro kooiI for thla Himson. except In a few spots where tho mini waa deep. Missionary Society to Moot. Tim Woman' Kmelgu iMImloimry society of tlio Mulliudisl Kpl(eoiul elunoli wilt meut nl llio piirsoiuigi' 1'iiilny nflornoon ut i'J::i() o'ejoolt Tliu following piogium linn lition pic jmredt Dovotioim- Jolni, hl'll-Jll. HiiHlueHH. lliiuluiMiu -Clmptor I. hondor, Mrs, FiiMolmaii. Ilulhuiain- .Mr. MtiS'ury. Tlio Cutlo S,vatflili--.Mw. Wooil. KffiMif on Wotimu - Mrs. Iwltm. ClmWieler of II (lod- Mi Fow or. Conlriit-ls iiiid'l-nuil of Conlnul Willi CliriMlliiuity --To be nuuiiiumI up bv lender. Ho'idinjH- - "A .Molliom .Met-1 In." Mr-. Honey; "The llible Womtm; Her Mill." Mis to-n lldihri "Tie Cimi. xetloil lliulimiu" (poiin), .Mi Wlpon. A full iitleiidunoe is deaiied. tl mini i . .A, TACO.MA. Wrish. Aim.ued ho eaiiNo 1). I.utona, a aulooii pioprletor of tha pity, would not ratum inonoy nlrattdy paid op amount of tho pur-olui-i of lunch counter lights In tho formor'ii ootublUhment, (Iuh (loodstin, a (loruiaii cook, today walked Into tho saloon and, up-proaehln-; ltitorwi, fired upon hllil with 33 eallbor ilrio. Latorsn Krnbbpd for hlri aHsallant, tho. bullet narrowly inlying his body and plurc Uk his coat. (lOodNtln was plamul under nrrost. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, 'i.iihi(iiitiM. . .1 1 mill ii (ifi ii I h ii i il i) r ,f " ,l ' "A ' .V 1.1 IIH. 'lt iflJ'H I III! (ijiliU I II 91 II IUIH. ill H II IMTlf r'"i". 11 Don't 9"t hii'l '"""'SL'Jll r. i'''"""?,' u RillkuUIIKMIv. A. i Ulml-ii-i miivr n.n rtitMmk IF YOU OWN A LOT Wo will Imllil you a liomo on iiiunllily payments. MEDFORD REALTY AND IM PROVEMENT COMPANY M. F. nnd H. Co. Dtilltllnii EBectric Rooms I'ndii Si w .MnniiKi'moiil Newly fiiiniHlii'd, nil modem, Nteniii In ut, batliK, ele, 218 Cast Mrtln SAN I'MtASClKCO, Cal. -Vlimou . WiilHh .MeLetUl, "(ho f 1 00, 1)00. 000 boy," In coming west to ulioot. inar bliM with William Andrews Clark III, tho "million dollar baby." He'll live noU door to tho Clark kid lit Pasadena, The olHMsifiod ada would be llie dulleal HiMible "reiidina ntntler" lor n peixoii u might Iiuno no mm or pin pose in mind. Hut lo folks with puiposos, iiiniN, deHires, iiiimIh lliev two the moNt iuteioHlriig "teiidiif--" in town I Stop Drinking l!erj want ad offer Unit you "look up" may not wholly appeal to you but tbe experience in invorttL-iitins- w offers will never ho rogrelloil Plloi Cartd in 0 to M Says ViHir ilruKKlat will rufuail nony If VA7.0 01N-T.MI8.VT falls to euro any eno of I tchlna. IIIImiI, I1lliiic or 1'ratruilltiK l'ili-H In r, to 1( iUj-h. toa Let oua of odn.'s want iiili aeud you on u "little journa"- if -.ou're IookiiiL' for n I'iiiiiihIukI room. "GET-RICH-QUICK WALLING FORD" GOT HITCHED QUICK CAN'T CURE CATARRH -O. GEORGE RANDOLPH CHESTEE AND WIS H&M wppi George Randolph Clusler, tho ivrittr, creator of "Oit-Riol.Qiiick Wnl lingford," is a iniii'li-wirriert nnd jxjiplexed young man. Mr., Chester got 'hitched" too quickly, uud tlieiehv hangs a tale; v arriycd'in New York from JSuropo n few ilnys ago with a new bnde. His firrft wife obtained an interlocutory decree of divorce fiom her IiiikIjiiiic hi Kmv York on Octo ber 11 Inst, nnd Mr. Clientor lind no right to leinurry, ut I'"t jt yot. Mr. Chester snya lie is willing to stand tlio roiincrpioncpf- foP hiH overMiuht. Jhero is Onfy Onm ,. "Bromo Quinine"? Laxativ& Bromo Quinine uteo me world oveh to oupe a cold in one day. A.lways remember tho full name! Look j& f7f ff for this Blgnatuto on eveiy box. 26o, wft iMjjhnrraf? Stomni Ii Dosing, Kpniya and Dotirljrs lliive All I'alleil. There la only one way lo euro ca tarrh. lUmo)r the' raw, tender, Inflamed, iiioinlirnnu that la Infettluil with ca tarrh gonna, and doatroy tho Korma. You can't ranch tha nooka and crovleoa with lhjiild proparatlona thoro In only ono wny breatho tho antlHOptlc Kortn klllliij; nlr of HVO MI5T (piouotincu IIIkIi-o-jiio) dl roctly over the In fouled pnila. IIVO.MRI rontaliiH no opium, co. calno or other harmful driiBH, It lu made of AiiHtrallatt uucalyptiiR, thy mol and other LlBtorlan aiitluoptlcH. It Im Kunrantood to end tho nilaory or catarrh, asthma, croup and bron chltlB, or inonoy .back. AhIc Chan. .Straus about tho I1YO MKI outfit toiay. Ho hoIIu It for only $1,00 and RiiarauteoH It. We Handle Watches llil Wo f aold Omtl.J. tho HtNiid anl remedy for Un liquor htililt, for a iiumher of yearn. You will he lu teroatod In knowing that thouaamU of men him' been restored to m or Kohrlety and InduHtry by tho aid of thlH morltorloiiH nrtlcli Orrlna Im n Hltuple homo troatiilont that requires no low of tlmo from work while you are tnkliiK It. Rttirt today and you will bo HiirprUed at tho quick reaulta. If after a trial, on fall to Kil any benefit from Ita line, your money will bo rorundiid. Orrlue la priqwreil In two forum. Secret and Voluntary TroMtmuuta foata but ? 1.00 a box- loan than a man would upend In a day for drink. Couifi In and K"t a free booklet. We'll Kindly tell ou of thu kooiI work OltUINi: Ik iIoIiik. Uou W HaakliiH. !H K. Main. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for HORUCKS Yii 9 Original and Qenulno MALTED MILK The Foad-drlnk for All Ages. At restaurant, hotel, and fountain!. Delicious, urvlgoratin-- and tuitatnm-'. Kc-p it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. A quick lunch prepared In a minute. Tnkc no imitation. Just ay "llORLICXT' Not in Any Milk Trust Ui Q S LIABILITY PLATE GLASS AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY ELEVATOR ACCIDENT HEALTH BOILER LIFE FIRE INSURANCE C. B. WALKER & CO. liiKimmi'c ol' All Kinrig 102 r. Alnin ,Sl. Q W J. F. BARRY EXPERT AUTOMOBILE PAINTER NOW WITH Crater Lake Garage Come and Got i'rlcon Draperies V carry a very complete Una of rlrapnrlctf. luro curfnliiu, rlxturn. ota . urul Oo Hit eluHfim of unliolnturfii-f A Npclal nun to look alter till work cxcludvcly and will iclvo as kooiI iiervlci--aa la iioaalbla to get In ovon tint lanreat otlua. Weeks & McGowan Co Rookwood We are showing a large line of this beautiful pottery. Make your selec tions early. Medford Book Store Free $1000 Acririenf Policy in lho Inr tfeni imd hIi-oiikmiL Acoidont ('ompany in iho world lo lho Free that cannot bo HiirnnHscd for porfect beauty and accurato tliuo-kcopliiK qtiulltloH. Thoy aro lu Clold nnd Hll vor for LndlcH and aoiitloinou. Our proflont fltoolc of hl-jh urnilo .lowolry onibruHoa Wntohou, ChaliiH, OhnrniH, Hracolots, Iljoochofl, Woddlng, Kn Kugoiuout, Mourning and Hlf-not JIIuks, liJar-dropH, HroaHt-jiIiiBH. and a vailoty of othor handHoino trlnlcotH that will ninko hnndaomo proHontn for olthor box. I KELLER WW JHWl-lMOH 10!) W. Main nt, i'ii'Hl man brinin iih n solution of Ilia following line: SDNIK LLA FO EGNARUSNI C B? WALKER & Co. 102 W. iMain SI. RUSS MILL VVIIOI,ESALE and RETAIL L. B. BROWN, Prop L, m.mi.f 1 H I & Rksi 4tmt0fift pf this afternoon.