MGE TWO MIDDFORD MATIj TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR1MON, TUKSDAYOVMIU Kl 28, 1!)l 1 POT PLATFORM '" IS DRAWN UP Socialists Outlino Their Plans for Mwlfwtl, If They Succeed In Gain ing Control Have . Full List of , Candidates In the.Fieldv Attractions at the Medford Theatre DAVE LEWIS IN HIS GIRLIE FAR CE, "DONT LIE TO YOUR WIFE," TUESDAY, N OVEMDER 2B. i)cmnudii)g municipal ownership, nholitum oT contract labor, a freo em ploincffl ttKt'Ucy to lie conducted by Oielply, 'Abolition of vorking prihoii or.s oil (be streets establishment of a freu public market, nn eight hour d.i, mid n'o;gVnnt of n franchise without n voto of the' people, the loenl socialist party hn& put its pint form forward mid Ift preparing to take up the city enmpftign in earnest. Tiio socialist JinVc'linltiiifnlcd n candidate x"or each municipal offiee and announce that they intend to make a bard fight to weep the city. Their pint form a-, wldptcd ia ris follows; ' "Wc, the socialist party of Mod ford,' Ore., lie ra assembled nt n regu larly called convention, do hereby reaffirm our previous pint forms nnd those of the tttnte and nation. "We, the working class as a c!nss contend (hat we are entitled to pro portional representation in the ad ministration of the city, as we are directly nffectcd tbcreby, and place in nomination our candidates, nnd ask nil thoso believing in our principles to support us. Oar ennddates arc nomnnted nnd controlled by the party membcrshp, who sign their resigna tion blank before election, nnd will bef promptly recalled for breach of trust. Ve shall not aim to define our policy in detail, bnt meet all is sues as they arise, then dispose of them the greatest good to the great est number. "We strictly adhere to one of our fundamental -principles, which is i.o fusion, no compromise and 116 "politi cal trading. "We nro freo from any business in terests, therefore claim to easier re fuse nny purtinlity to heretofore fa vored interests. "Section 1. We demand munici pal ownership of all public utilities. "Sec. 2. We demand the abolition of all contract labor; the city to di rectly operate nil public works, such as street improvements and repairs. thereby creating a saving of all prof its now paid to the contractor. "Sec. 3. Wc demand a free employ ment bureau io be established and maintained by the city of Medford. "Sec. 4. We demand better sanitary condition of the city prison and the abolishment of the practice of work ing the prisoners on the streets with out pay. "Sec. 5. Wc demand the immediate establishment of a freo public mar ket whero farmors and others can on certain dnjs sell their produce direct ly to the consumer. "Sec. 0. We demand strict en forcement of the eight-hour day on nil municipal work, whether done by con tract or otherwise. "Sec. 7. We declare against the granting of franchise to private in dividuals or corporations for the op eration of a street railway over the streets of Medford, and demand that all applications for franchises be re ferred to the citizens of Medford by referendum. "Also, that any franchise granted for the operation for a street railway over the streets of Medford guarantee substantial permanent improvement hi the way of steel ties, posts, etc., and that at the end of twenty years said street railway revert in fee simple to the city of Medford as a public utility." II? "iL' Ly'lP" 4 9HH9HVr -m41AsrjBL 3HMfnBfiSriMHK. idlH LADIES 10 FORM A CLUB Social Settlement 1 Club Will Do Or ganized This Evcnlnn Under 1ho Auspices of the Greater Medford ClubTo cB Educational. Pave Lewis, one of the best knov.t Shelby Stock company, which has a and brightest comedians on the national reputation. Others who con Ameriean stage, who will appear In tribute their share toward the suc the farce "Don't Li to Ypi.t Wife,".' cess of this piece art? Kdne Koland at the Mcdfonl opeiM houe tonight Gladys Wilcox, Lillian Stanley, Vir will be supports by an uiri-'uully ghiin Stewart, Kstelle Vernon, Sam capable company. Maxima Shelby, Rokc, Jlolworth Stark, Harry Kills; the leading lady, h iwll known, hn- Benton Garvin, Mart Franklin and iug been connected with her own Edward Spencer. READY TO CHOOSE SITE FORHARKET Council Committee Meets and Elects J. E. Watt Secretary, Who Will Seek Information From Other Cit ies Regarding Market Place. STATE GROCERS E HER JAMRY The special committee of the city council to consider ways and means General Committee of Merchants' As sociation Names Special Commit tees to Prepare for Session of Gro cers to Be Held This Winter. A Social Kctllcmunt club is to bo organised tlu , v( Tuesday) ovuninvr, under the niHpiuug, of the Greater Medford club, tinll all interested are asked to attend the meeting at St Mark's hall at 8 o'clock. One meeting has been held, when thiiiy-sevcn members were pledge 1. Classes in different lines of work will be formed as soon as club rooms can be scoured, so that it may bit eduo.i tiouul as well ns souinl. It is to lm so arranged that it will be Hidf sup porting. It will also give the yonuK women a place to meet, and to thoso whose homes are out of town it willJ be of great benefit. Kcv. A. A. Holmes made n short ad dress, tolling of the work of organ ired charity which is being done ami asking the support of the club. An unusually interesting meeting wos held by the Greater Medford clnli Monday afternoon. After the .regu lar business was transacted Mrs. Mt' Cord, formerly of Princeton, X. ,1., but now living in Woodille, gave a most interesting talk on club work and tho Work winch they may ncoom- pnsu. jurs. .iciiorit nns been a very a- ctivc worker in club life 111 the east nnd will provo a most valuable one in Medford. .Church Concert a Success. The concert given by the clUluniy class of tiu M. K, church of Talent, Xovcmhor 1M, to a full uu.l npproci ntlvo audience, was a sucous.s lit every way. Kncoro was onthusinntio and much credit is due limit trnchnr, Mr. Fuller, who hud the work In charge. Over .fl!(J aviih realized for church purposes. Perhaps one of the Kilter vou ought to write during (lm is a reply to hoiiio ui want ads. ho ftot hour u of tndny' Rooted Too Hard; Dead. ANNAPOLIS. M.I., Nov. SJS.-An-tono llarilla, ini'iubui of the naval nundoiuy baud, is dciid loduy an n n. suit uC ovcr-enthnHlivam at the iiviny niivy footbnll gnini). Uurllln w.i solrod with heart 1'uiluro whilo lhouting in frmnsy nl ('nplaiu'l)til Ioii'h kicking of goal, which won 'lie giiuii' for the middle, lie died stunt ly afterward Lei olio of today's want nU nend ylni on a "little jouriiuy" if yun'ro looking for a 1'uniinlu'd loom. Governors Assemhlo. ' ST. PAUL, iMIim., Nv. U8.- fluvornoi"j of all of tlm wiiilui'ii nIiiIjh ii i'o imicmbletl linr'ti tiTiluy pvepiii'atoi'y to hoarding the gnvin' lunx' ttpeniiil, which pulls out of HI, Paul tonight for tho governor Ibur of tlm oiihI, 'flic Mptclal imrrliw ton t'ovtiiiiini. Tho lint iunltiduti tiiiloC osecullvcM from Iditho, .Mnnlnmi, Wimliiiijjton, Oregon, ('lilil'oniltirufd Colorado or lliutr loiueiHiiinttlviiar llHuklim (or Ilontth. STAR THEATRE V -COMrORTAULE X usaroiUD ma&kxtb. Sttl Prict.- At a meeting Monday evening of the general committee appointed by for the establishment of a public the ArnridiniilK' ns.nnmlmn ili f..i. t j v 1 it 1 i & - I murKet in iticuiflra iiem 11s iirsi se YOUNBSTERS ARE TRAINING HARD Fast Workouts Are Seen at the Nata torium Gymnasium' for the Boxing Contests to Bo Given Soon at the Club's Smoker. sion Monday afternoon, .and at that time perfected organization by elect-. nifj J. E. Watt secretary. Mayor Canon is the presiding member of the committee, Couucilmen Watt, Emer ick mid Miller being the other mem bers. Tho searot.nry is now rendy to re ceive offers Of sites from proorty owners in the city. Mr. Watt will also write oyicr cit ies in regard to public ranrkot rant ters, gathering all of the data possi ble relating to the subject, in order that tho market, when established, will avoid mistakes other cities mny liave made. 4 DINNER FOR SIX TO COST ABOUT 46 ON THANKSGIVING DAY "" Here in. niiiirnviiiinfolv- wlint the Thanksgiving dinner this "" "" year will cost for a family of "" " six mombers: " Ten or 32-pound turkey $2.50 io $.1.00 " Oystors, 1 it... .75 to 1.00 "" Cranberrios, 2 quarts 25 "" Vegetables 50 "" Tuinjikiu pic 25 to "" Fruits 50 to Nnts, 2 lbs 30 " 3Iisccllaneous .. .50 to -- t; Total $5.fio to $7.10 " J If wine is indludod the cost "" " of the dinner will of course be "" malerinlly inorensed. f ..10 ' .75 f 1.00 -f Without n doubt tho best and mos1. evenly matched series of bojxing con contests are slated for next Friday night's smoker at tho Natatorium Athletic club rooms, Tho club has enforced a strong rulo whore all tho boys who are contest ants for a boxing exhibition must enter into a course of training for two weeks, go as to bo in proper con dition for such n contost. In the main ovent Joe Uiff boxo "Gunboat" Smith of Woodvillo. In the semi-final Jimmy Smith meets Eddie Oonloy. Tho fpeoial event between Young Wolgast and Jim T)ri.scoll will be 01m of tho best bouts of tho evening. Tlipro will bo two preliminaries be-1 twoen WlHo Muck and Eddio Clark nnd .tolpmy ltocho versus Freddie Lowh. mukiiig twenty rounds of box ing iu nil. Every want ad offer that you "look up" may not wholly nppeal to you but the experience in investigating such offers will never ly regretted lowing specinl committees wore named to prepare for the meeting of the state association to bo held here in January: On banquet, John son, Ileilbrouncr ami Hus:-ey; 011 re ception, Putnam, TIu.fchison arm: Maim; on bull, Flynn, Ireland nnd Kentnor; on decorations, Khun, An drews nnd McAlpiu; on finance, Gur- nett, Warner and llnhbard. These committees will report at the nb'uoei n,tion meeting next Monday. RPKOIAIj SCHOOIi MHKTI.VO. Notice is hereby given that there will bo a special school meeting of District Xo. 49, Jackson county, Ore gon, held at the high school build ing. In said district, on the 7th day of December, 1011, at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of making a special levy of taxos, to bo usod for the maintenance of school, paying Intorest and redeeming war rants, and to transact nny othor busi ness coming boforo said Hpoclal moot ing of District No. 49, Jackson coun ty, Oregon. By ordor of tho board of directors this 25th day of November, 1911. 213 OUIS GKAWFORD, Clerk. Vegetable. Potatoes Sl.75 per cwt.; Cabbage 2 c Parsnips 2c. , Lettuce 5c taoad Carrots, 1 1-sc. Beota 1 l-2c. Onions 1 l-2c. Celery 50c31 doi. Cauliflower 10 16c head. Tu'rnlpa 1 l-2c. Radishes Cc-bunch. j OnlonB Green, 6c bunch. !c lb. Frarfl Cocoanuts l'Oc each. Prunes Dried, 10c lb. Lemons 25c dozen. Bananas 15 to 2Cc per dozen. Oranges 2G45c doz. Grape fruit 75c Q1 doz. Granbcrrieh l.'ic t., 2 for 25c. Butter Kggn and Poultry Butter Fresh ranch, per roll, Cue; creamery, 80c. Eggs Fresh ranch, COc, - Poultry liens, dressed, 15c; llvo, 12c; .springs, dressed, 12 to 15c Turkoys 22 to25c, ,dressed. Meats, AVboIcsnlo Beef Cows, 4 l-2c; steers, Gc. 82Gc. Pork Gc. Veal Dressed, 7 l-2c. Mutton 33 l-2c, llvo; Iambs, 7 l-2c. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday November 28, 29 and 30 The Colleen Bawn IN THREE REELS The Greatest Feature of the Year Aii Irish Classic Drama written by the celebrated playwright Dion Boucicauli as presented in New York, March 27, 1860. POSITIVELY SURPASSING ANY PREVIOUS PRODUCTION OF PHOTO -PLAYS MATCHLESS IN SCENERY AND COSTUMES ABSO LUTELY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Matinees Every Day Admission 10c trrrrrrrJrrr.rr (. 9 I5UY8 FIXE FIAXO. George King has purchased a flno Knabe piano from tho Halo Piano House. This Instrument Is one of the best ovor turned out by tho big Knabe firm and Is one of tho best pianos evor shipped to Medford. Mr. Hale Is doing a thriving piano busi ness on tho strength of the high- (grado lines ho represents. i , , liny nnd Feed. Hay Timothy, W, alfalfa, 14; grass, $12; grain hay, ?14. Grain Wheat, 95c busbol; $35 ton; barley, $35 ton. oats, NOTICE. Medford business houses will caluo all day Thanksgiving, oxcopt tho groceries, which will remain open until noon. Pleuso bear this In mind and shop ear)y. Masquerade on Skates Wednesday, November 29, at NAT RINK FIVE PRIZES ' ' $6.50 Skates for Best Dressed Lady $6.50 Skates for Best Dressed Gent - $6.00 Cash for the Best- Skating Couple $5.00 Skates for the Most Comical Man ' $5.00 Skates for the Most Comical Lady ALL SKATERS MUST MASK ' ADMISSION 10c a s x lx lf -f4 f. Tlsnklns for Hoaltn. The two ways of finding work want advertising and answering wnnt ads give you a donhle-harreled chance of -winning the kind of a joh you wnnt. Haakltifl for Honltb NEW REMEDY FOR COLDS AND CATARRH Don't lot that cold grow worse', and possibly develop Into a case of chron ic catarrh. Check It now It is so easy, with tho now djscovory, Men tholyptus. It Is now known that to euro colds nnd catarrh the nasal tract miiBt bo thoroughly dlslnfectod. Tho Infoct lng bacilli must bo destroyed, with out, howovor, Irritating or Injuring tho delicate membranous tissues. How this can bo douo is a question which has puzzled tho physicians for years. But we can answer this ques tion for wo haVo tried this now rem edy. Mohtholyptus, for ourselves. tho Infected tissue. When this Is followed by tho soothing and healing Mentholyptus salvo, tho treatment is tho most effective ovor 'known for colds and catarrh. Although wo have on our sholves many good remodles for colds,- wb can especially recommend Mentholyp tus, for wo know what it can do" Wo uro so Biiro of its morlts, thatjf ho first package falls to reach your case It will not cost you a cent. Don't fall to investigate this rom ody for colds and catarrh. Anyway, call at our storo and lot us show you tho outfit. You can then seo foi Turkey Shoot Interest I holng takon In tho tur key shoots now being hold at tho Nat shooting gallery ovory afternoon and evening. Tho vapor from Mentholyptus, yourself how simple this Montholyp Teaches uud cleanses ovory part of If us troatmcut Is, Medford Phurmucy.j ORDER YOUR THANKSGIVING SWEET CREAM -Coffee or Whipped" BUTTER MILK ' BUTTERMILK Medford Cream and Butter Co. ' Two Free Deliveries Dally NATATORIUM BUILDING Phenes: 164-L Main 881 - - 4 '-- y SAFETY RAZORS Ever Ready Keen Kutter Enders $1 $1 $1 Gillette Auto-Strop $5 MEDFORD PHARMACY WKAIt POST OKI-'IOH. PIIONIJ NIOIl'r OH DAYMAIN 101. I Everything in Silver an$ Rich Cut Glass to beautify the Thanksgiving Tajble. r THE JEWELER MARTIN J. REDDY : x a v.. w i sr ' i ' NEAR P. O. B