jrrnon HItoc.i .g City Hall ' l'v Medford Mail Tribune M SUBSCRIBERS ll)lnir to tft (inpr Trill hftv one ddllvertd by phoning of fln by O i, m, WEATHER Clear. Mux., ,10)$ lulu., 'J. ltd. limn. 71 Per CVnt. Dully- Hlxllt Y.mr, l-irty-l'lrnt Year. MKDtfOttD, OMMON, MONDAY, NOVKUJitftt 27, 1011 No. 214 FALL OF NANKING IS HOURLY EXPECTED RALPH MULFORD IN LOZIER WINS VANDERBILT CUP RACE 1 n VERY STREET F CiirnnD rieporlctl (o Dc Fearful City Crumbles Before Sturm of Shot ;iml Shell From Rebel Batter ies on Two Sides. VICEROY AND TARTAR GENERAL HAVE FLED Not Less Than 3,000 Imperialists and 500 Rebels Arc Salt! to Have Been Slain. SHANGHAI, Nov. 27.- Iliillei.il willi a Htoriu of mIioI it ml shell from rebel bnlliuioK on two hMoh, Mviit Iiv it xlnuit or ilonlli from llio rebel wir -wIi!ms on' Hi wall, with n grout pint of it hi on In ruliiri mill tlui rebel al ready entrenched in one of ilw cm rptt lit tared quartern, tho full or Nanking, Hih hi-i nir.HiKln.lil or Hi.. ;M..Hii. .lyiiMMiy m.hiIi of the Vu..B I Mil IvIMIIL. 1.1 lllllllH' IIMIIInlli.l. (V.nviurr.l tluit llieir ciiuno i loot,1 tint viconty iiii.l llio Tnrtnr gcticinl it .'.IIIIIIHIIll llf (lll Mlllll'llllH IUC III-I Willi M A ready Hud inul taken refuge on ' . .liiHtiufiit hntlhodiip. On Tiger hill! . , inul in Hit greater part of II... city Hid I hA.NTA MOMGAUnl., Nov. 27.--itipurinl(Ht nro bill) fighting willi lh ''i ivliiuli refuse to ho conquered courage of dcpttrntiini, certain tli it, today hut swept here the natiinil .. ...:n i... ii...t ... i .1..'. .. . . . miiMoerw will ho their fate when the dily fnlk. Carnage Fearful. Throughout nil Nanking (ho enr niiHi) i fearful. ('orMOM of (he .Mil i ohm. litter every sheet anil hourly their fire in ulnekouing hefore tho hail of alio! inul hI iliell iHtiirini; in from llio! illerieM nml from 1KJ 1'lJllll llill.1 lift limit, who., oniioii, ill hint .H,wtHiw. were tmiiiuil on the principal gulo of ' the eitv. miiiPinoiitiiiK llio effort f J ilio IhihI IwllvrieR of the revolution- ill lo iloncc tho iianerinl trim ...... ulaeiiil there ami on Tier hill Ai1o(IihIh entintiitert of the lieatliH i ntlie confliet are no fur ilifficult to ohtuin. Lovalint refngeeM on n Iiel Via trtiin, nhicli was fireil upmi. have eeaieil the r.one of hnltte ami report that not Iohh thiin !l,000 iai poriiiliHlM nml r.00 rohcln nlren.ly have piiriklmil hi (he nii'K'e. (.'ini'iiil Woiik Kllliil. tleiiernl Wong i ileelare.l to hae heen killeil while iittemptiiiK to lead a foreo onlniile the wiiIIm in mi effort to reenptiiio IonI gniiH. lie was hc oml in eomiiiiiinl. I'lre from llio iuipi'naint hnlterv on Lion hill Iiiih oeiiHe.l Onliroly. The nii)(iii(w there mo ileelnreil lo have heen wreehuil by hIioI from tho rob els' oannoii. cb.il lontiPH were licnviflMt In he vi einily of tli n ilifferenl gnleH, where repeated ohiirgoH were made in di tei mined (ifforta to enter the eitv. They were repnlHcil again nml airnin, Iml each reliremenl meanl only a leiaporary fiothnul; and miolher a.l vaneo followed. The rebels' object h lo throw n uoliil fighting foreo innido lo aid (he lrooH nlroinly there. Once rein forcenionls reach tho rehelH iilrcailv in the city, (he cannonading from the , hillu probably will cease anil a hand lO'hnnil fight lake place. City Destroyed. Tho iiavttr of tho city nlreatly Inken in in complete ruin. Corpses Utter the hIvcoIh, mid the wonnded Maiielnitf, niinblo lo cHcapo willi the retreating iniperialil forces, were IioIioiiiUmI, Thin is llio rebolh' first hlroke i nlhclr vevengo for the Chi miflo niiiBfmorc. To vohelH nro inaldnt; Hie fii;hl des porato with it view to immediate ad vance on fNlcn nftcr Nnnbing n. fallen. Would Protect Women. OAPITOIj, BACIKAMIONTO, Onl., Nov, '27. If IiIIIh nmomlliiK proHont cliKitloa Iiiwh, to bo prcRonteil In tho iiRflombly, aro adopted, women will not bo compelled to tol ther ngen upon registering la Cnllfornlu, Noted I'" " ' -- ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ""-Ti-rrr-" 'i -m tfym?J3e " " v RALPH OE PALM A WHO WILL IN THE SAVANNAH CIIALLCNGf TROPHY Wit GREAT DAMAGE IS WRBUBHT BY FIRE NEAR LOS ANGELES , , . , vcr 600 Fire Fighters Endeavor to check Progress of Flames, But Arc I Unsiicccssful Natural Sheared of Bca.ity. Parks lieiuily of two of southern Cuhfor- niu'rt immt iieliuuMUi) nhow HpoU 'J'oiaucal anil To)aiif,') emiyoiiM, in the baitta Mninca inoimtniiiH After hhenriiiK llnie two iinluml pnrkH of overy livinj; thing, the brnnh linw which ,-ltuvo niee.l eontiniiallv ,for lll"ro ,,,",J ,l wook t,M,,,y aro sl,,w" b' lii.c their wi.y to 'lopuiiKo tu-.- """t ' VM r!mmm "",y "ill hi ull l''hnhiliy bo ouiiniuiumI. " l",1" ""! . actual prop, '," v '"n"K v'!ry " 0l,mf oortn,M ,m" lno " w' ,"l ?J,UU(),tl()0. Denpito the efforu of (lilt) llm fighters, practically no headway hi chunking tho fhnnoei has been inaile. In Calauar canyon thn heniitifnl ranch of Joseph Anchor has been razed. Anchor nml several member of his family are reported missing hut thin rumor has not been verified. Just where the fire will fttop, union Hk ravages are checked by rain, is a mailer of conjecture. Hig gangH f fire fighlei-H, recruited from Los An- . geles, Santa Monica, Sawtelle mid eniee, are working heroically, bit the flamed will not bo denied. Tin inideihrtiHh in (ho firo area is too heavy mid frequently the volunteer fire fighter have to drop their ap paratus and fleo for their lives, A heavy pall of Miioke hangs over all tho beach towns, including Long lleaeh, Ocean Park, Venice and San la Monica. HU FINE FOR HARVESTER CO. Stato Supremo Court Flics Modified Decision, Placlnu Fluo at $25,000 Two Juilfjcs Dissent From the Opinion. .IKl'TKItSON' CITY, Mo., Nov. 27. Tho luternulionnl Harvester com pany, which was ousted from the stale of Missouri recently by a de cision which caustically condemned it us a (rust and fined tho corpora tion .friO.flno, was given u $2o,000 re duction in the fine today in a modi fied decision by tho state supreme court. Judges Graves and Woodson dis sented lo (he reduction, i ' ! i You really know who.ro to find Hie new homo after answering a lot of "possible" nds, Automobile Drivers RALPH MULfORD UKIVt A MCRltR CAR OLD BtTSY M0RROGC0 Wi LEADJOWAR YET Sir Edward Grey Makes Important Spcccli In House of Commons Says Rcltaions of Powers Still Delicate. LONDON1, Nov. 27. Sir lMward Grey, making his loug-boraldod speech in tho houte of cnuun.iitb re garding Morocco, this evening admit ted that the relations between Prance, German yand England nro still 'Seri ous and delicate." His address was soiiMitioual. lie practically charged Germany with acting in bad faith in the entire Af rican imbroglio. It is conceded that bin speech will reopen tho broach be tween England and Germany. ROOSEVELT MAY S His Near Declaration That Ho Will Not Again Bo a Candidate Means . Dl Fl(ht in Convention Between Radicals and Conservatives. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 27.--Government offioinls hero today re gard an inspired statement in (he Philadelphia North American that former President Uoosovelt definite ly and finally .refiiHos to run again in 11)12 us milking certain n big fight, without the possibility of compromise, botwoou eousorvatives and radicals in the next republican national con vention. Tho North American did not quote ltoosovolt directly, but snys that last week ho wrote its editorial dopiut mout indicating Inspection. This near-deolaration today is causing great elation in tho camp of the prog ressives. . AIIKRDBBN, Wash., Nov. 27. Ha foated ia their fight by tho oitir.ons of Aberdeen, a commit tea of Indus trial Workers of tho Wolld ealred upon a mass mooting of ultlr.ons yos lorday and agreed to abide by tho si root speaking ordinances of Aberdeen. Vs -"' - --- A I' 'I." AIDPR06RESSIVE Who Were Seen Today in the Races at Savanah x!51 CW& t2svcam in 5m ' & ' ssmSam. Z "Z CUPKACE. zrz --- JL-fL i nui BENZ" WITH EDV.'ARD A.HEARNE JOHN- -ROBIS IS IG in "Third Degree" Methods Cause Him to Lose Flippancy Nervousness and Sullen Refusals to Answer Questions Replace Former Attitude. SAN FKANVlSrO. Nov. 17.--AIJ of the flipiwHey which uiarkid John Kogers' first fow days in jail has vanished. I'lderguing the "third degree" on siisjiieiim of having killj.l Henjamiu Goodman and of thou hav ing robbed the young jewelry sales man of $.'.,1)00 worth of diamonds the prima r c.uitf outoi the ordeal a uhmigd man. Nervousness and sul len Tofusal-i to answer aliy jnoro questions iiao replaced his former attitude. NEXT POPE 10 BE ANJTALIAN Sacred College Consists of 31 For eigners and 33 Italians, Making Practically Certain Selection of an Italian When Pope Pius Dies. HOME, Nov. 27. Pope Pius today, just prior to tho meeting of a seerot consistory to ouufinu tbt recent se lection of eighteen uardiuals, caused (be aunounecnicut to be made that a nineteenth pr'nee of tho church hud boon selected, whoso nnnio for the present will be kept .secret. Of tho eighteen prelates originally selected for llteh'-'d hat, tweivo are foreigners and 4,iUuliaus. This will givo tho sau'tl eollego thlrly-ono foreigners and tliirty-throe Italians, making practical certain the selec tion yf tin lliihiimiorio to s.ueceed tb. proHUit poulilf. Marry ln!Barber Shop. SEATTM3, WpK Nov. 27 Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Fjeaeb calm thoy aro tho first couplftjovor married la a harbor shop. .Fwich Is a barber and so was Miss Florence Tnrbot. Thoy -loobled lo, marry anil yostor day thoy stood belilml Mlsa Torbofa chair and Itev. ? K. Dunlop road tho service OMYH 5 WAGNER vHO WILL GRAND AT WHEtu NAVAL BATTLE S! Italian Fleet Reported Only a Mile and a Half From the Dardanelles Ministers of War and Marine on Their Way. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 27. The ministers of war and marine arc on their way to tho Dardanelles to day, following a re-wrt received here by General Chcfket Pasha that an Italian fleet had been sighted in the Sea of Marmora only a mile aud a half from tho Dardanelles. A bloekode will bo established there immediately. It is believed that an engagement between the Turkish mid Kalian fleets is imminent. L Special Session of the Legislature Opens Presidential Preference Primary Is of Greatest Importance Johnson in Absolute Control. SACRAMENTO, Cnl., Nov. 27.- Wlth theopeuing of tho special legis lative session this morning Califor uia lawmakers began removing the final obstructions along the highwnv of popular government, for which they had blazed tho trail during tlu last regular session. From the standpoint of tho pooplo it promises to be tho most important extra session ever hold in California. Of sweeping importance is tho presi dential preferoneo primary. So strong is Governor Johnson's control that the primary measure will be practically unopposed, GHOSTS SCARE CONFESSION OUT OF AN ITALIAN KENOSHA. Wis., Nov. 27. Terri fied by a procession of headlosa Khots Pasqual Mnrchosl Is In a celt hero today after having confessed to a Catholic priest that bo chopped the heads of his wlfo and 1,1s nepbow. IIo found tliom In a compromising po sition and killed them with an axe. MiNEN POPLAR m OR CALIFORNIA HEAD FlAT TfiAM N PkiZE. RACE WITNESSES TELL OF PATTERSON ABUSING WIFE Mrs. Patterson Has a Determined Prosecutor In Her Mothcr-in-Law Who Assists Prosecutor by Advis ing Him in the Court Room. DENVEK, Col.t Nov. 27. In 3Iy Uertriide Uiuson i'u t(eioirg trial on the charge of murdering her husband one of the most determined prosecut ors is her mother-in-law. Tho aged woman, relentless and grim, sits back of the state prosecutor's chair assisting and advising him. And her appearance and attitude have had a burrowing effect upon the defendant. Mrs. Patterson is pale and worn today. Tho strain she tinderwont Saturday night and Suudny is obvi ous. There is mnrked contrast be tween her, on trial for hor life, and tho eldor woman, who is making every effort to avenge her son's (loath. Knorki'd Ills W'lto Down. Several witnesses called to the stand testified that they hod sem Patterson knock his wife down dur ing a street quarrel. Robert Farnbnm of Chicago, a brother-in-law of the defendant, tes tified that he saw Iattcrson buy a revolver in 1909. Farnbnm admitted that before be camo to Denver he had discussed tho tostimony be was to give with Dotcotivo Hoppor, who i. employed by Emit Strouss. Just beforo the noon recoss Attor ney Hilton played his trump card when he produced threo letters writ ten by Patterson. They admittid charges of perversions and cruelties he inflicted upon his wife. irrs. Gertrudo Patterson, on trial horo for the murder of her hu&bnnd, was i na state of complete physical collapse all day yesterday and Satur day night, and it wns neeossnry to call physicians' to attend her. MEXICAN STATE T Ultimatum Sent to President Ma tlero Giving Government Forty eight Hours to Withdraw Interfer ence With Provisional Government. MEXICO CITY, Nov. 27. Cover nor Ilonito Juarez of Oaxaca today sent tin ultimatum to Prosideut M.i dero giving tho government fortv oigtli hours to withdraw its intorfor enoo with tho provisional govern ment and threatening that otherwise tho stato will secede. Modem re fused to niako any comment on the situation. Youll' neor need to find an unnd vortised boarding house in this town for tho host ones, when they have vacancies, do odeiliu w DE N III MILES ARE COVERED AT 75 MILES HUG De Palma Is Second, Wishart Third Race Course at Savannah Fast er Than the One Heretofore Used on Long Island. HUGHES IN MERCER CAR WINS SAVANNAH TROPHY Firs Three Cars to Finish In Toll man Trophy Race Were "E. F.'s Great Crowds. SAVANNAH, Go., Nov. 27. Rnlpli Mtilford, driving a Lozior car, won the Vnuderbilt cup race, finishing the 299-mile drive in three hours mid fifty-six minutes, nfter establishing a new world's speed record for 200 miles. Ralph De Palnin, driving a Mercedes, wns a close second, com pleting the race in three hours fifty eight minutes and cloven seconds. Mulford averaged 73.2 milos par hour over tho course, shattering all records. Wisdiart, in a Mercedes car. bent out Grant's Loicr for third place. With porfect weather and thefacw oibd course in splendid condition -tbe-Inrgest orowd-everBnthercd tho event witnessed the seventh an nual Vnuderbilt automobile cup race. Course Ts Fnsf. This was the first time the race has been here, the six previous contents having been hold on Long Island. Tho sevontccn-milo course had been specially prepared for the event ami wns fully ten miles nn hour faster than lust year. The Vandorbilt cup race, the big ovont of today, started at 11:15 o'clock when Grant, in a Lozior, wan sont nwsy. The other twolvo entriiw got off in short ordor. After leading for five laps, Do Pal ma's Mercedes ran out of oil aud ho wns forced lo stop, Mulford takii. 1 the load in his Lozior. Cube, driving a Jackson ear, was forced to with draw from the race on account of cu gino trouble. iteconl Hroken. When tho race wn half over Mul ford led witli a total of 115 iijilog xo his credit at the rate of seventy-six inilojf par hour. At the end of tho eighth lap a leak ing radiator forced Matson, driving a Fiat, to quit, making tho fourth unr withdrawn. Mulford broke a world's record for speed, made at Santa Monica, Cnl. last mouth, which was 7-1.0 miles tier hour for 200 miles. Mulford covered 222 miles nt an average speed of, 74.9 milos per hour. Within three laps of tho finish Mul ford still led, with De Pahna his u on root competitor, three minutes be hind. Grant bold third place. Mulford maintained his lead to tho end. Mercer Car "Wins. Driver Hughes in a Mercer car won tho Savannah trophy race how todav in which seven cars started at 7; 15 o'clock this morning, which waR oao of tho features of tho automobile, rqc-o meeting horo today and will bo again on Thanksgiving day. Tho Savannah raea wag thirteen laps ovor tho oilod roadway, each 17.4 milos long, ntotol distance jf 222 miles. Tho rueo for the trophy and $1,000 cash, with second and third prizes of $250 and $125, re spectively. Heinomnn, in a Mormon, was sec ond in tho Savannah challenge wan, and Mikront, nlo in a Marmon, third, Ilughos' timo wus three hours, fiftoo.ii minutes and thirty-govon seogndtf, an average speed of sojxty-oiuht and one-half iniloso an hour. , "E. M. P," Wlnt, Wit, in nn "E. M. P.," won tho Tiodmnn trophy, Witt's time in tho Tiudmnu race wns fifty-nino miles nn hour. I-lvnus, in nn E. M. IV wnw nccnml in lids event, mid Tower, in tho riihio moijel of car, third. vftte' . ' " ir S'