Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1911, SECOND SECTION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 8

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Social Legislation in New Jersey
, jK
Tho GrOntcr rciirord Hub will
hold ilB rcp;ulnr monthly meeting
Hominy nftornnon, Novotnhor J7, nt
:i o'clock nt SI. Jfnrk's hull. After
t)io reports from tho various commil
tbeft Imvfl liPdn rontl, sovonil tulks
will he. mndo on subjects of iiitorot
to tho club. Kov. A. A. HoIiiioh will
fijwiik ou the OrKnnircd Clinrities w-
olcly, whieh hns just been formml.
Mrs. McConl, former president of
tho Civin Improvement club of Priuco-
fftn, N. J., will give n talk nlonji the
lines of , civic improvements. Mr
Gc(rgn Putiinm will iiImi .-pouk on
Civic improvements.
A very nrcttv nartv wns civon iu
Central Point Inst Kridny week, with
Mioses Ettn Will'mms, Florenn
StefiroB mid Pcnrl Ros ns hostesses.
The scheme of ilci'orutimi was rod
riiid fcreon, mndrone berries and ferns
liciinr need. Vfi1st was played, and
Jtr. ClAlders won tho gentleman's
prize, a deck of cards; Miss Mary
Wilson tho lady's prUe, a linnil
pnintcd plate, nad Miss ,7osctto .liot
tonino the consolation. The invited
guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Childets.
Mr. rind Mrs. Stripes DeVore, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Bcehe, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmc
C6rnctt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Steam':, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Checvrr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ene
lhnd: Mies May Davidson. Mildrd
Riilchor, Mnr3 Peniper, Ellison. -Bes
Rie Gnrrett, Mnrv Olson, Xottie
Lewis, Anie Lewis, Itose DeFord and
Josctte Jiottoninc; Messrs. Brvdnm
. aunderson, Fred Fnrra, Floyd Ross
Dunlap, Karl Lewis, Den Little
Wayne Leever, Merle Kendnll, Smith,
Clnrcnce Pankev. Adolph Swinofort.
McNnb and Will Hathaway.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
First M. E. churoh met in the base
ment Wednesday aftornoon with
thirty in attendance. Much import
ant business was transacted and con
siderable work done. Several new
faces were present, and nil strangers
were c,ordinlly welcomed and invited
to meet with the ladies and in that
way become acquainted. Prepara
tions for the coming fair to be held
December G are under headway, and
everything points to n most success
ful event. The president requests
n full nnd prompt report of all the
committees next Wednesday nfter
rioo,n, as there will be only one moot
ing" more intervening. The devotion
al exercises wore led by Mrs. Hines
all business being lnid aside for the
time in order that all might receive
benefit from the spiritual lesson.
;Mrs. J. L. Helms entertninod at
irve-liunureu weunosday evening n
a return to her frionds who gave her
a, wedding shower. The decorations
were chrysanthemums. After tho
game a. two-course luncheon was-
served. Mrs. Childs was winner ol
the first prizo and 3frK. Manning th
consolation. The gue&ts were; Mes-
dames Frank Isaacs, Yolney Dixon
II. S. Piatt, Earl Gaddis, DeLin, A
ifuhbnrd, Wallace Wood of Ashland
Enynrt, Venie Van Dyke, L. G. Por
ter, Childs, Cnrtwright, Kinsman of
Aghmnu, Mary 1'aine; Alisses Maua
Nichols, Turner, Snedicor, Iluskitm.
D,ahl, Manning, Lilly nnd Jtosc Put-
torson of Ashland.
Tho FJvo Hundred club of Jack
sohvlllo, which was recently reorgan
Ised, mot at tho home of Mrs. M. M.
Taylor last Wednesday ovenlng
Cards and music took up tho greater
part of tho evening, after which re
freshments were served. Those prcs
cnt were: Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Col
lins, Mr. and Mrs. II. Luy, Dr. and
Mrs. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dun-
nlngton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Dunford,
Mrs. II. Cruch, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis
ulrlch. Misses Isabollo and Nelllo
CpUliiH, and Clydo Shaw.
Mrs. Caroy entertained Saturday
nfternoon with a sewing party for
Mndamo Harmon nnd Mis. Lnclairo
Masses of chrysanthemums were used
ill, decoration. A very elaborate
liinuheon wus served during tho
nfternoon. Thoso present behidei.
the honor guests were Mesdamos
Bhdgo, Hnnnon, Woodford, Riddoll,
GlhiKO, VorkinsV Rau, Root, English,
Daniels nnd Purdin.
Mrs. Creswell entertained Thurs
day nfternoon at her home on East
Sherman street for Mrs. Hurry Fos
ter, Mrs. John Barneburg, Mrs. Dick
McDowell, Mrs. Earl Gaddis, Mrs
Howard nnd Mrs. Plntt. Tho after
noon was spent iu sewing nnd dainty
ro'freshments wore sorved.
'Tito Knights of Columbus will hold
an initiation hero December 17, nt
wliidlP'thho tho Indies of- tho Altftr
socioty of tho Cntholio church will Gkiizc.
f give a banquet to them nt St. Mark's
hall. Tho commit too on arrange
ments for the banquet arc Mcsdames
Gnrrult, Pnttun, Ready and Miss
Mr. Fred Hopkins entertained at
luncheon Wednesday at tho Medford
hotel. His guests were: General
Superintendent Campbell, General
Passenger Agent Scott, General
Freight Agent Loun-bury, Superin
tendent Field, Engineer S. L. Burk
haltor of the Southern Pacific com
pany and G. Putnam.
The ladies' Aid of the Christian
church -met with Mrs. E. It. Seeley
this week, when plans and prepara
tions wore made for the bazaar
which will be hold Kovombor 27 nnd
Mr. IT. C. .Morse of Pen Van, N
V., who has been visiting Dr. Henry
Hart, loft for his homo Wednesday
He expects to return later and make
his home here.
Mrs. Frank Applegate nnd chil
dren returned Monday to thoir home
in Klamath Falls, after visiting Mrs
Applegatc's parents, Mr. and Mrs
1. J. Williams.
Mrs. D. G. florae of New York
who has boon the guet of Mr. ami
Mrs. Kirkpatrick. loft last week for
southern California.
Mrs,. Charlos, who hns been visit
ing her brother, F. W. Hutchison,
and her sister, Mrs. M. E. Lumsden
returned Thursday to her home in
Los Angeles.
The Women of Woodcraft held a
special meeting Tuesday evening for
initiation. Those initiated were Mr
nnd Mrs. Beckett, Miss Storm and Mr
Mr. R. C. F. Ashbury, who has been
nbroad for the past six months
sailed for New York on November
15 and will return some time next
The Wednesdny Bridge club was
entertained by Mrs. Scott Davis this
week. Mrs. Morrisou was the win
ner of the prize, a handsome olive
Mrs. II. II. Hicks and son have re
turned from Olympia, Wash., whore
Mrs. Hicks .was called by the death
of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Conro Fiero en
tertnined at dinner Wednesday even
ing for Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Hnmil
and Mr. and Mrs. McConnick.
The Folger family, except Mrs
Dodge, are going nbroad next week
to Paris. Miss Mary Johnson
probably will accompany them.
" V
Mrs. E. E. Hanley entertain Tllnrs.
day aftornoon for Mrs. Rau, Mrs,
Fioro nnd Mrs. Hnfer. Auction
bridge was played.
Mrs. M. J. Hosmor of Foots Crook
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. A. S. Rosonbaum, .left for her
home Wednosday.
Mrs. W. S. Swinton nnd children
of Carrington, N. D., arrived in Med
ford this week and will pend the
winter here. i
Mrs. Q. W. II. Davis of Tncotnn,
who hns been visiting friends in Med
ford, left Wednesday for Los An
Dr. J. J. Moigs, who has boon vis
itiug Dr. F. C.Pnge and family, Ijii
returned to his home iu Stockton,
Mrs. Paul Janney entertained, nt
cards, Tuesdny afternoon for" Mrs,
Glaize, Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Wood
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Chnmbosc left
for Los Angeles Wednesday, where
thoy will remain for the winter.
Abo Altar society of tho Catholic
church held a card jiarty m the
church hall Friday evening.
Miss Helen Von Vnlkcnburgh of
Berkeley, Cab, is tho guest of her sis
ter Mrs. A. B. Sinister.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Grieve have
returned from a visit 'to nn Fran
cisco. ,
Mrs. Albert Worloy nnd children 1
of-Aberdeoii,.Wush,, are visiting Mrs '-
Miss Helen Dnhl entertained at a
bridge party Saturday afternoon at
the pleasant homo of her parents
Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Stewart, of 708
West Tenth street. Thiwo invitede
were: M'twilnmes Howard Hill. J.
U. Wilson ! Alises unxoi liavis. iie-s
and Ida Lee Kentuer, Caroline Smith.
Jeunease Butler. Bertha Knglish, Ger
trude Treiebler, Mabel Senntlou,
Jeauette Osgood, Phoebe llauee and
Dot Berry. A dolicious three-courM
luncheon was served. Tho homo was
beautifully decorated iu pink auH
white carnations nnd ferns. Pink
and white color sehemo was carried
out in the floral decorations nnd
Mrs. K. E. Hntiley entertained in
formally at Bridge Friday afternoon.
Her guests were Mesdmues Sony
Smith, Madden, llafer. Perkins, La
elaire, Stokes and Miss Hubbard.
Mrs. L. 1). Minear left Thursday
for Los Angeles. Accompanying her
were her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fran
cis Pike, of Maxwell, Iowa, who have
been her guests.
Miss Rau entertained with mi
nfternoon bridge this week for Mes
dntnes Perkins, Iielairc, Hnfer, Ilar-
mou nnd Mndame Harmon.
Mr. and Mrs. McPlieron and MUs
Bertha left Thursday for Los An-
goles, where they will spend the win
ter. Mrs. II. L. Hatfield of Central
Point is visiting .Mrs. C. M. English
and Miss Bertha Freidelcr.
Mrs. T. B. Kinsman of Ashland re
turned to her home Thursday After
visiting friends in Medford.
The Misses Lillian and Rose Pat
terson of Ashland were the guests of
Mrs J. L. Helms this week.
Mrs. Chnrles Near, who has been
visiting in Medford, returned Friday
to her home in Seattle.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Hneni left Friday
for Los Angeles, where they will re
main for the winter.
Miss Alice McKay has returned to
her homo iu Portland, after visiting
lnonds in Medford.
Mrs. 0. Wilsoy has returned from
Portland, whore she has been visit
ing her daughter.
Mr. John Amell loft Thursday for
Chicago, ami expects to return about
Mrs. A. Z. Soars has returned from
an extended visit in Portland and
Mrs. Kclihor and Miss Kolihor hnve
returned from a visit iu San Fran
Miss Alice Ayer of Portland is th
gnost of Mr. nnd .Mrs. B. F. Van De
Mr. and Mrs. M. W.' Skool . left
Thursday for Portland on n hhort
Tho Thursday Bridge club mot
with Miss Bertha English this week.
Mrs, P. J. O'Gwra returned this
week from a visit iu Central Point.
Mrs. Woodford is again living at
her homo on West Tenth street.
Hon. John A. Wosterlund returned
Friday from n trip to Portland.
Mrs. W. T. Vnwtcr returned Thurs
day from a trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hutchins of I lilt,
Cab, urc visiting iu Medford.
'Mrs. M, E. Went is vibiting at the
homo of her son, T. L. West.
Miss Loraino Bliton will entertain
tho Question clib next week.
Mrs, N. S. Bennett is spending a
fow days iu Omuls Pass.
To Friday Bridge was enterluined
by Mrs. Nye this week.
Dr. C. R. Ray left tfnturdny for
a short trip to Portland.
Capt. J. T. Cr Nash arrived in Mod
ford for a short visit.
Col. .Krank It Ry Jeft Friday. for
Snu Francisco,
Social workers In the etato (jt New
Jersey have realized very notnhlo vo
warda for their labors. Through
thoir offgrts both iiqmhlleuttR and
democrats hnvo co-operated In put
ting through many; needed reforms
by way of legislative enuttmont, Now
Jersey has quite demonstrated that
It Is possible- to Incorporate within
n state organization tho most en
lightened Idean and syflteiUB, now
without lotting such matters llo
waiting attention until certain bo
clnl evils cry vainly tor remedial
treatment. Following are some of
their accemplishments:
' A reorganization of the education
al system' of the state, whereby n
commissioner of education Is ap
pointed nt a salary of J 10,000 a
year, to bo selected "without regard
to whether his place of rosldonco la
within or without the state," under
whoso reglmo tho commonwealth Is
to standardizethe teaching force of
tho schools, the buildings, and the
sanitary nnd hygienic arrangements
for the pupils. There Is nn employ
er's liability law which puts Now
Jersey In the fore ground so far as
tho statute law Is concerned.
There nro amendments to the
child labor law which prohibit the
employment of children during
school hours In mercantile establish
ments and limit the number of hours
children under tfi may bo employed
to IS a week. Firms employing chil
dren are compolled to keep a regis
ter, giving Uio iiniaes, age Hiul time
of employment of such employes, and
this record Is open at all times for
the Inspection of tho stato commis
sioner of labor, who hns charge of
thn enforcement -of tho InWj Another
measure (Medford soclnt workers
take note!) Is one which forbids
tho attondnnco'of chlhlrun under 10
yonrs or ago ai ainiitemem juncwi
unless ncconinnnlod by nnrout or
adult friend. I
There has boon the enactment of
a statuto codifying tho poor laws,'
which transforms the archaic and lll-l
assorted laws Into a consistent work- (
able oode, In which the most nd-i
vanccd anil humane Ideas aro Incor
porated. Public sentiment aroused by the
Xowark flro made possible the
enactment of a thorough-going flro
law for the state, winking flro drills
compulsory, providing moro ade-,
quatcly for flro escapes,' and;
strengthening tho department of
labor, which la rpsponslblo fpr the
enforcement of the law. I'ndor the
thorough machinery thus provided
Incipient conflagrations that occur
with Htnrtllng regularity In the
basements of certain schools, thereby
endangering tho lives of many chil
dren, would bo made practically Im
possible. Tho above nro only a few
of many excellent enactments, which
will not He about unenforced, but
tor which this progressive state litis
provided enlightened officials, well
paid, who will strlft'.ly enforce the
Under an enlightened governor,
who Is proving his fearlessness
tho practical demonstration of Ills
Ideals, Oregon and Oregon social
workers should recognize both their
opportunity nnd obligation In the
matter of social legislation.
Vi m teftt VJ
Plants For Sale.
C. Caroy Is now busy building sov
oral hundred feet of hotbeds and us
much space In cold frames, llo will
raise several hundred thousand vege
table plants of nil kinds, also flower
lug plants. These plants will be out
door grown, transplanted, ami of a
variety best adapted to Rogue rlvor
climate. We will hoplc orders for
any amount of any kind wanted.
ttasktns tor Health.
We are showing a
large line of this
beautiful pottery.
Make your selec
tions early.
Book Store
IPXSJW- M It Never Flickers
The long winter even
ings give a woman a splen
did chance for sewing or
embroidery; but her eyes
suffer from the strain unless
she has a good light.
The Rayo is the best
lamp made.
It give a strong, diffused light that is remarkably easy to the eyes.
There is no glare to it ; no flicker. It lights up a whole room.
The Rayo is an economical lamp, too.
You get I lie moil patalcAe ligtit.rdue (or the oil burned ; and llie Ryo it it I ( It a
low-priced lamp. Yrt it li a haadiome Lmpan ornament to any loom in the liouie.
T)ui Rayo Lamp ti eauly lighted without removing ihaile or chimney: eaiy In
clean and rewick. MaJe c( tolid Lrau, niclel.ptaled ; alo in numeroui other ttylet
and finiihct.
Ak your detlcr to ttiow you hi lint ot Rtyo lamf of vrike fw ilrtltta citcuUr
to tar attixjr f lh
Standard Oil Company
wavzttft v t.
mm irl i3.
F( ia
h ( Get a Perfection Smokeless Oil i
m ii
Essentia! to Comfert:
Warmth is essc"lir.I to com
fort. As you grow older, it is
hardly less essential to health.
Get a Perfection Smokeless Oil
Heater, and you keep warm and com
fortable in your home, no matter what the weather without.
Tiie Perfection gives a strong, widespread her.t, and frives it
quickly. It is always ready for use and burns nine hours on a single
filling no more trouble than a lamp. It can be carried anywhere;
no pipes, no wires, no flues; no smoke, odor or dirt,
The heater that give complete latitfaction.
Ilii year's Perfection i firu'tliccl in cither blue enamel or plain steel l nickel
tn'mmingi ; light and ornamental, yet ttrong and durable oi can be made. Ail parts
ciiily cleaned. AWonuliclocking (Uma ipreader prevents smoking.
Dtakricvcrywherai cr writs to aojragcocy cilia
Standard Oil Company
m aa taiiMHMaMMiMMw)
orrti-o Im now louiti'il til No. US Month fir In WIInoii .V: Co.V mtoiiiI
IiiiikI .l i no. Spoi'lut attention Ucn to tho nioliit of lioiixitholil
Kooils anil tho tlitlUcry of fmluht.
Home, LVin.n
iitii, :ii (it
We have a full line
on hand
, 8, 1C, .12 O. 1' enrhor, Limp; 2R, 40, CO, 100. ir.0, 2R0
watt TtiUKton lamps. Tu hiwl lumpn mid tho liont lirh'on. All
Imnpa mmrantoml.
Southern Oregon Electric Co.
Phoneii: Pacific IC01; Konm 124.
m-'-0-. m0Jhmw -mm
Aetna Accident Northwestern Mutual Life
Both Phones 210 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldy.
WS . -Ji&lf$
0 4!
HAPPY is the woman who is never
ujiproparod who can always lay a nicu appoLia-
liiK monl or llKlit lunolioon lioforo any jjmwt iiiiuxpuotOil
or not. Hor frhmtlH prnUo lior for hor hoiiHOwlfoly qunl
Itloa nml Mho fooln tlutt ilolluhtful mitlHfnr.tlon which can
only coino from hoflpltnllty piirfurlly ilono.
Phe secret lies in having a
well chosen selection of canned
goods and table dainties always'at hand.
Look over oiii'Rloolc tho best of llio kind in ll io town
and make a soled ion today. 'I'lion )iit your fear in tho
cupboard for you will bo prepared for any company
como when it may.
II O - 1 O H . OKN T It A Tj A V W
,'.v. - '.