It ' , b p 1.J "-!-it - PXGE FOUW MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORTC0OK SATURDAY, NOVKMHHU 25, mil. Muti Should Have Takeh Jeff and V . - P . I I PI .1 WIH - . - - . ... i i i i i I . . " N. (L... .... - inR 1 i -i iJ- i - r- - i n.ot. ... ...-..., ... . - i tuu nrviu 10 o - -v r . 3 GOT-RN .., OUT VNQ WW ) THC tMMNQR. OVlQfcTlWU?, XVO Cor , f J ... S3G nwr Ctv.fAe. T Sr,e THCS(SNe So 1 THOUGHT 1 I (MIOOTTKNT- OWN bUCKtlT lW I ts-SLjO W-t x NGQW. novM X t fAl6HT C-R.H VWATCR. f Ot. J N. I (LNlRN VNtNCr J rttC ' ' ' twdGTlN . OH t UHt? rUNtC--, IP- ' & " v J Football : , (corns chsn " v Vjf? ViSflfe 1P V rninvtlwNj rfc, cr-1 ho x cot n J . r vPE Xb 1 TMT& OOT 01 fAV ClNlS Tou'tU HfVM TO ciics th uctcsd cocw YlWVT l!aUou OMW.TM05l VULUNfi. Q M& riWQ(STHl ni Or-'1 1 ir' i m s . y :.'.:C(S? Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. J EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. .1. G. Pendleton ot Tablo Rock, was In our city Thursday afternoon. Mrs. llolso of Tolo was a recent Central Point shopper. W. L. Welch of Prospect made a business trip to Central Point tho lat ter part of tho week. Frank Wheeler left for CorntnB.j Cal., Thursday afternoon, where ho perhaps may locate. ' Councilman A. M. Ford of Butte Falls enjoyed a visit with his br . ther hero Thursday. ( 1). C. Dunlay and Mr. Pugh were enjoying a visit at Hay Gold tho last of the week. f Rev. Crane, tho now pastor of the Christian church here has moved his family Into tho resldenco of Mrs. Slmpklns on East Pine street. General Superintendent Campbell. Superintendent "L. R. FieldB, District Engineer S. L. Burkhalter, General Passenger Agent John M. Scott, Gen eral Freight Agent 11. E. Lounsberrjy of tho Southern Pacific Co. were here Wednesday evening and were In con ference with Mayor l.eever. Agent Cornelius and members of tho council and other business men over meas ures for tho good of our city and It Is today rumored hero that the depot will soon be removed to tho south eldo of Oak street. KANES CREEK ITEMS. ' Dr. Smith of GoGld IHU made a professional trip to Kanes Creek Tuesday. Geo. NIcholB of Central Point was a business visitor hero on Tcusday. ' Mesdames Olson and Stineburg of of Gold Hill spent Thursday aB tho guest of Mrs. Mardon. Mr. and Mrs. Householder were re cent Hub city visitors. ThpsoVeported on tho sick list this week are, Mrs. Al. Rhoten,' Little Johnie Mardon and Mr. Byrley. Wo (By A. C. Ilowlott) T. J. Lnwson, who has a liomc stcml near Durby, linn been hauling liny to the depot to hhip to the Dur by station, on account of the condi tion of the road across Sticky, al though now the road litis improved. Mr. Cole, one of the P. & E. engi neers, lias moved into n part of-flie old building formerly occupied iy George Brown & Sous as n store building. The Sunny Side Ims been making some substantial improvements in the lino of fencing, having put n neat wire fence around tiic barn lot in place of the old board fence. We are showing the largest and finest line of dolls ever shown in Eagle Point; ajso a fine line of hand painted chinawn're. The Model Va riety Store. Adv. I met Ed Iligcnbothnm the other day and he told mc that he was at work opening the road to the new Tiridge across Rogue river the Dodge-French bridge nnd that the hope to soon hear of their entire re covery. James Taylor made a hurried busi ness trip to Gold Hill Friday morn ing. Mrs. Avery and family have moved on to the Beno farm, which -was but recently vacated by Mr. Tom Norris. Mrs. Kate McDougall of Blackwell, spent Thursday as the guest of Mrs. Straube of Willow Springs. Fred Brown, who has been work ing for Champlin of Foots creek, is home for the winter owing to the sinking of the dredge. Hunters should uso onoro precau tion when out hunting on Kanes creek. They seem to have no re gards for other people's rights, as they often return with a mixed variety of chicken and quail, which no doubt would mako a flno mixture. i mmli nil tin nnrfliwiwt k!i1i nf llu river were going to begin work on that side in a short time. When Hint road is opened it is expected that the mail route From hero to Trail will be emingcu so mat utc man earner pan orotvs the river at any time .n stead of having to depend on the uncertainty of the ferry. Mr. Wamttciff, one of our new comers, was in the Eagle Point hard ware store this week getting mate rial to finish his house. Vonder Hellen Pros, have taken a new member into the firm, Mr. P. II. Welibe, he being a regular pharmacist and having charge of the drug de partment. They arc now prepared to supply the public with almost any thing in the hardware and drug line from a four-penny nail to complete fixtures for house building; nlio school books and stationery for the children. And if any of the commu nity gets sick, Mr. Webbe i? on ha ml to fiH prescriptions and furnish the medicine. Adv. Mr. Bolt, one of the officials of tho P. & E. Hailroad company, is building a neat bungalow in our thriving town, and plans are on foot to build u new blacksmith shop near the depot. Mr. A. Corbin, the owner of the old Bradshaw orchard, is at this writing loading another car of ap ples to ship east, this being the sec ond car in the past week. I see tiite n large quantity ot wood has been unloaded at the depit by the railroad company, nnd Heath & Diemont have been getting a large lot of stovewood, so guess that there is no danger of our freezing this win ter. They are also building a large shed in front of their store so that tho fanners who come in with teams can put their rigs and teams in the dry. Miss Gcncll Jackson, one of our most promising young Indies, is now attending the Medford Business col lege, and I understand that the rail road company is going to ive special rates to persons who wish to take advantage of tho opportunity to at tend the higher schools in Medford Mr. and Mrs. Sullivnn, recent ar rivals of Medford, came out Thurs day with Benton Bowers and went out to look over some of hi laiul. They seemed to be very favorably impressed with the plueu, ami espe cially with this surrounding count r.. 1). Day of Kugene, Ore., spent tho night here Tue-dny on liN way bis homestead near Lake creek. Ic James Biuger is engaged papering the rooms in the old Brown stoic preparing them for another family, cx'iveets jiis wife to meet him here in a few days. Miss Cam Jones of Central Point luis been visiting Mi-JS Da tie llar nish the past week. Thursday night Mosduiues M. II. Postal or San Francisco and J. W. laisby of Pnnpect came in on the Prospect stage and spent the night with us, and Friday morning toot the car for .Medford. Five dollars reward- Lost, in Eagle Point on Monday, Novunibr -0, one dog, half shepherd tml half collie; color white ami yellow; bob tailed; one white eye; last seen near Antelope bridge. Kohirn to Artie Nichols, Kaglo Point, and receive re ward. Hubert A. Xeill. JACKSONVILLE Medford a few 'ilnys since. She linn been visiting relatives living on Poor inniiB creek. Win. Cnnicron anil Ralph Jennings traded with our merchants Saturday. Kmll llrltt siih a Medford visitor Thursday. Dr. J. W. ltohliiHOii and his family will lenvo for San Frnnelaro In a few days, to Hpeiid tho winter. Ml km norland will continue her art studies while there, Me.ur8. lluluhur, Saddler and Mc Cabo, traveling socialist lecturers, hold a meeting at the town hall on Friday ovonlng. W. O. Vaughn, who has been visit ing relatives living In Washington, returned to Jacksonville tho fore part of the week. County Assessor and Mrs. W. T. Grieve havo returned from a trip to Snn Francisco. Jacksonville hits another photo, graphic studio, making three In out town at present. KM. SnltiuarHh spent a few days In Jacksonville during tho week, lie Is located on Sqpaw lake. Sid. Nichols has reconsidered his determination to roniove from Jack snnvlllo and wll continue merchand ising here. Mr. Gordon Is driving one ot the II. It. V. Co's automobiles. Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Dun ford mo tored to Medford Thursday afternoon. Mr. Klhor has arrived from South Dakota to take clinrgo of tho hirg orchard In tho wuntorn part of town lately managed by Frank Klsor. A number of tho residents of Ap plogato mo stopping In Jacksonville temporarily engaged In graveling Uio hill road south of town, J. J. Mourn, who attempted to con struct tho Jacksonville waterworks wnh In town during tho woolc. Ho Is threatening to sue tho city govern moot for 27.000 for breach of con tract, which ho will find a thahlcloiw Job. A. T. Ijiimlgron returned WimIiioh day from tho Siskiyou copper belt, whero ho bin been looking after his mining IntorcHtH. rrf Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Only a few more ibiy and if id huukrtipi slock will be no more. I want a few muall ludicn' feet to fit, and moiiio lurx" iiu'ii'h feet to fit. A few mote KuhhorK lofl-TIIUV Ml'ST ItK SOLD. Come, come, cotno ami get them while they hint lit tin! Bankrupt Shoe Sale Three doors went of the Kcw Medford Hotel. , Frank Kisor has gono to Los An geles and may not return. Miles Richardson has rositmed his place as chauffeur for V. A. Gorst. Mr. Murkhani has" been filling tho po sition. II. S. Hudson of Portland, supremo master of tho United Order of Arti sans, lectured at Odd Fellows hnll Friday evening to a good sized nu dlencc. Refreshments wcro served uucrwnrii. .lacKsonviuc nas one or i l ni-i i r ..!- tho largest and most flourishing as- mvi nB m,K'9' ano nu,n" cuiiiuiica ui nit; wruur. Miss Grace Nejspn of Sterling has temporarily become a resident of Jacksonville. MAI TCH Mil U Tha Food-drM for All Ags. Fcr!,!nvalJdj,andGrowingchiIdrcn. rurcNutntion, up building the wholebody. " I Ami 1L AJImmI MMal flMllLil bi ins uniy-ai aiu vvnuiti HORLIGK'S Geo. E. Ilowland of Grants Pass ' has been in Jacksonville several tlmos Intely. Mrs. Fornly, a druggist from Port land, will bo In clinrgo of tho City Invigoratathcnurungmothcrandthcngcd. drug store during tho absenco ot Rich mule, malted grain, m powder form. Dr. Robinson, I a nn;,-L- lmL ,. :. . :ni. mm uv mmv nwo4wu m ct ouuvkb TskeBesiibftitete. AsklorHORUCK'S. Mrs. L. C. Ilrown made a short visit In Medford Wednesday. Miss Grace Poarco was over from Not in Any Milk Trust 'NtS-s We Want Painters and Paperhang'ers TO (IKT MATKItfAliS AT S"e ART STORE Pacific Phono 1091 Home Phono 95 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET e.r0.; RUSS MILL WHOLESALE and RETAIL L,. B. BROWN, Prop. -!) " jJI 3VufnMi!w"'t :-"i,n"f &00&llU0m&l0miWt f : : : : : : : : : : : A HANDSOME HARDWOOD DOOR '" if 0;'"'r:'':'i i'"-"'" kf. .... n 1 1 a, p -,. Don't think. you haVetohave it made Ay " . M a .-.'. . ?1 u' n will add f if ty.per cent tojthe. appearance of your house. to order. We carry them in every wood, every size and in many designs. Sell you the door frame too if you need it. In fact there are few parts of a house that cannot be better, more handsomely and cheaply'built with the aid of our mill work. r 1- 'u MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY ; : ; ; ' : -: ; : : - : : -: : -: -: : : : : -: - : fTY.yyyYYr.