i MKDKOM) MALfiTRJIHTN!'"!, Mf'TOKOm); PKKfJOS, KKIDAV, NOVKMIJIOIt 2-1, Mil. PAG:ii) THRJglB EXPECT BITTER SPEECH FIGHT City Fillers Swonr In DOU Citizens ns Speclnl (Whirrs Socialist EYES DF AUTOMILISTS TURNED TOWARD SAVANNAH, Wit NOTED DRIVERS WILL COMPETE 'l Leaders Do Not Sanation Action of I. W. W. m ,,M... tm w i i.i I IB WMWiHiWliinll rHimwil " 'ilTlIHIiiBt THANKSGIVING CARDS, INDIAN BASKETS, LEATHER GIODS v MUDRERER AIII3KMSISN, Wiwli., N..v. 'J I. llnlililiK Unit tlio oily nriliuiuu whieh limit hIiiM'I NiMtkiiir to n-r-tain thninUMhfniu I u "iiii-ii.h" i.i I'n'u Hfpi,H tin' Inilit-triiil Wi'iln nf i do Win Id twlny are iijMirntr i Iiiiiiii'Ii ii Iri'M.xiiwcli i'itni'iiiii in Ahoiilmili. Tho city ol final like winn urn nmliiiiK ready In ilHi'ml the law and run tin IniliiMlriul Work--mii( id town tit' jail 1 1 ii'iii tthi'iifti'i iH'ciiMiiiii warriiiilx mii-h nrlioii. A hitter HkIiI Ik Inokeil fur, Tin flrt wriou 1'lanli iici'iirii'd lut iiIkIiI wIimi i'iu'iat'ii wore cnlh'il nut to iinll unnlhor lint id' hdii tririliMlM. who wore innivlilni mi lie idly jail tn lelenw wevornl id' lln-tr louricr, wlin won nrrowteil ill tir tin. )iad mkon liiHiih' Ilic ii'fliicti'd Inn !m mid liad tlefieil llir Mlii tn iirrl them. Tin' prni'itMHioii vih bioUrn up and the lndiiHtiialUtH f ml In fliit'il In' a ciild nl renin frmii fin1 litfi-. Ili'lieviiitf Hint tlni IukI Iiu niilv lii'Kini, Urn cily Author Have avmhii in .'illll citim-n an HM'i'inl ntT'ieii and nioio will Im nihloil In tln fom today. Kvurv (rein will bo met and nm IliilnnlriiiliwlM mi'mI from other eitie IV tin' nrriiiiiitlmi In aid in tin uuim1ku will In promptly onrnllnl nr Inld In tome tiiwii. Tlit eoeiulinl lutuler Ifitlttv lneil a Ktatcini'iM ilnrliiHnir tlml limy did imt Miiiii'timi t li at-liitu nf tin (idii' tinili-ln. Tin M'flitli-U me wnle. fieil Hint Hit' hii'iiKiiik hunt an in ni'innl mtli 1 1 n tin niiiN BRAVE 10 BITTER END C'niltiiiiii'd from l'utfe One. liolcil lind ilUupponii'tl in lie loll Hie (tenth ("'II. i Story of tlio Ci'nn. Four inmillw ngn, mi a iImiIc .Inly nijllit, Henry Clay I tut tit returnee I'mm a jwy lido mi the lmiily Alidlo tliiiui turnpike with tin bliMiil-nteini.I hotly nl' liix wife held eloee t hi hide in hi unto. Mill mi limn before Hit couple luid lri (In limiu nf the jtirl'M Hindu, vriimaiiM Owen. There Iim tmdy of the ilenil women w Inkoii, and theio I tea I tin told a Ury nf a liimrdi'd hiiihwuyinitii wlm Inld iii lii. machine in Iim mml, nfti-r tin rtiitn lind nearly 11111 liiin down. Mcuttii Hiiiil thai when In etui toil lii auto to run away fiom the lu'iirdcd Mini nicer, who win Hi'inml with m HlinlKiiii, Hid in rt ii fired tit tin inn chine, kitlini; Mix. Hoaltii.1. Wliilo tin lainilv of the drml ixirl iiiniinii'd lnr diuith at linun, ltcntti'. with polico offiidalH mid iri it ! do ti'i'livt, Huoiirml tin iii'IkIiIhiiIiihhI for trni'Cn of Hid liHitrdcd hi:liHiiy inmi. ('nil In round. .hint ii dawn lnoko mi July ID, l.u thor h, Slitiror, riltMiaiualiii A Ohio railroad ddloctivu, Ih'oiikIiI into Hie uuhi) hy tlni fill's family, imiidird tin Hi'din of tlio miiiu with u mve of lilondlimuidri. Tin liloodlmuuiN fir dlod widn alimil tin phtdo thronnh tin wooiIh anil fii'ldn, hut, lutyini? lnudly, tliuy iuvannhly ri'luiui'd to "t)io HjMit wlicru llnatlii) di'idiuvd lii auln Hloml when hi wil'o ix hIidI A nIioiL liuid hi tor a iidjji'n ''iiiiiiiuny" found a HliiKlo-liarrdldd xliolituu, ninntifiod hy Hon I tin ns Hid a with wlili-h IiIh wifo wiih killfid, nt a rail road rOHHIII','. Meattid in Iiim HloridH nt (hu killing of hix wifo told wlddly iliffuriuj; Inlow. Kor tliido day ilotin'livoH worhml with all tluir iimu'Ky witjioul ilufiniti 1'dnult, hut (,'allu'iinj: u iiiiihh of ilr (iuiiiHtuici'H thai wiKiiiu'd In point to Mdutlii. Tlio hlnlory of tlio youii' koii of tlio wealthy mcntlinut, tin n liothario of Kmilh Kichiuoud, and hiK rdlatimiH with Hu hdiiuliful 17-yiiar-old Haulali Miiifnrd, woro di I'ovorod. Tlio ilut (Kit iviM iiiuiin)linl tlio Hlory of llonry Clay MotilHo Trout, tlio child horn to Mdiilah Mill ion! mid Horny Clay Uoiitllo in IIH10 On tlio Friday followm-,', Coroni'i; 1-oviuK Iii'kiui tlio iiu-iiOHt into (he doalh of Miv. lloultid, On tlio hIiiuiI Ui'altld, uiiilor iiiHtriiolimis from hU lawyor, Harry M. Smith, ,Ir do ili'dliiidd to uiiHWor any iitonlion ro lnliiiu: to 1i!h iiitinuidy with Moulah Mluford, Mitt (lurinc tlio luonihiK 1'hhI Mdiittio, ironry'H doiiHin, had coufuHHdd tn (ho Itiohiuoud jinliou that on tlio Hjituriliiy prior to tlio k'illiim ho had hmiuhi u h'uikIo.Iiiu' mloit NliutKiiii for hi oniiHiu mid hail liirncd it ovor to him, with Ihroo (iiirlridKOH. l'mil tutor iitoiiliriutt Hip b'tui i'umut on tlio Midhilhiiui tum- IAI! CfllFS NOW ,JM) -&MRtmz! '?.. Giflii& 3ibvr flMvw .ri - . cnraiHirb,' uaa.TKjaii3- t i v t.rw ( un.mi -v-. tmmmr-z. : v.- m 'is, wr J.'.-- -, --'" -. . .. .. m r- WINNtU C r- Iwl" ,w4iLJ----s- im i i i i i in mil fi . i .. -- !, .!. iim i ii Mini mil il. i-jr uamifohh .1 , ... ,. n re u m iy n cup :cc:z Ull I llllllfl HUI IV ... . . OUR WOOD AND . .i (Wlro Ih now loented nt K'o. :W Smitli I'lr In Wilson & Cob ncronrt linnd fitoro. 8HM:lal nllenllou kIvpii to flm moving of hoiiNvliol'l KhxIs nml tlio dollvnrj' c frolnlit. H. S. BRUMBLE & SONS Home, ITOWIi Hell, JJlfil Pouches Will Carry Onllnary Mall Only and Will tic Closed From Portland South No Way Mali. I'oNliiuiNlor WmMlfont ha jul I)ppii iuforuiPil thai mnil will hwdiil tr In cui'i'ifd mi .vprmi trnin Ko 1'., which arrive in iUdford nt Ml::il a. in. '1'liiM wrnt into offncl for Hip rirt time Wddtiendny, m the firt mail to iirrivu km uudfr tlio new nr iitiicctnput wiih .vrittprdnv. Thin n nt oiicd ditHlmlPd in the Iioxch it'id tin carridii iiipudid it tn their nftcr noon dcliM'ry. Tin iMHitdhw will carry ordiimry mail i.iiiy Hint will lie eloi'd frma I'oillniid, wSiich iiiphm Hint iv i mnil will In cnrriml from ixiintn noiith of tlml city. It will lio nit ortHtil run eiiii'i)ct (n Hip huMim-HH men in brinxiuK tlioM Uioir I'diilBinPnnd Ofldtitrn iHirrpniwiulmifp mor nronint- ly, PotiHiMt wil InUa 1h cnrriml for Grunt PnmiNnd Ahlaiiil. 1 U TWO VA.MOf Rtiu? CUP ,14'CLb The 'Vi of the mitouioliilij world am now turned Ui Kuvunnah, whr mi Knviiidier 27 mid NiiY(iitipr 30 thero will ha ran the Viuidorhllt imp race, the grninl prie rnre, tlio Tlcdo iiihii trophy ruce and the Hnvnunnh chnlli'iiicr trhy rape. With the op MrtiiititipM for cml nffered hy the recent inirieinilj ol' the Hnn mili eourH ami with Hie conihinntioii of i he eluKnie Vamlerhilt cup nice and the J'hiiioiih uraiiil prixe nice, the meet i exHeted to o down in hi tmy n one of the iiioMt remnrkiilde e,er held. , THIHD VICTORY THI5VCAR in a. uozievi CAR. . fh. A jiiiclcrliilt oup race i to !, run on ftoiilhevn eft" fr I he iir-t til in. Might yeurT'iigo thix eeni had H inceplion tjitf Wrth of Amer imfn nutoiimbllK racing and ix gL-tmt truggten . fOi the prixe Iihc heen held on t.ong I- 'f le Vhii ilerliilt cup nice UrIe nin on No vwuher 27. lliwr- Clnint, wlWlw" joined the lousier racing lemn ftnd lvo will drhe one of' tlieed (Mtrw in hulh the Vnnderinlt cup andgl'Hiiil prie rnc), ir. nr(iculHily iiuxiouH to win the Vnuderhilt cup ovnt. smith mi m mm pass Three Candidates in Field for Mayor and All Named Smith R. G Smith, J. C. Smith and E. V Smith Are in the Race. - trrrm-4-rrr-rnr NEW! NEW! Te ART STORE has a new line of Pain ts.and Wall Paper Pacific Phone 1094 Home Phone 95 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET -4-r--sK-i-h Our Correspondents S''S--P- JACKSONVILLE EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. (WANTS PASS, ' Ore, Nov. 24. The unuHiml sitimtion oxit here no n result of a mas convention last night nt whieh thro mon iinui-ii I SmitJi were nominated ns candidate ! for the nwyornlty nt the city eloe ' lion Deeemher 4. f hoy arc I. 0 Smith, atUiVncy; J. C. Smith, phyxi eian, mid K. V. Smith, morclmut and -.ciiilint. It i now a free-for-all nice miient: the Sinilhs. pike m thn gnn 1m gave hlx eoimin. . The ooi-oner'H jijry, fter m Ini-'f coiiMMleniUon, held Beetll for the netion of thn grand jury, whldi -t timed an indictment agnJimt Mcwtlie for murder in the firnt degree. T.irotiKhou( (lie IrkuVPniii iWltie the rttur witiu'hM for thn pnmeeutto i mid little 1 7-yenr-ulit lleitlnh Hin- li'iil. hweethenrt of the pritiuner, were cuupte wont out in h boat, which kept looked in Henrico county jml.'caNfhved, ami one of them loet a fluo Paul win mi the wtnnd for two ilnyn. jgun. Iml tin 17-yenr-tild girl wmm geer Couutr SchOiil Superintendent Hiul Inken to Chnilurrifllil court hoiiee ioMrii. J. Percy Well nro oconpyliig Kltiorl Colemmi. eetind eon of Couuty Clerk and Mm. W. It. Col luaiT. Ii aluwljr rmv4rtng from an operation for an obetructloii nf the bowela uerforMieri by Or. Oolduu of Jarkeottvllle and Dm. Uargrave and Morrlaou or "iteilfonl. Chae. W'olgHuiiHt was over from Meilfonl Katnritay. V. C. Itlgbatii of the Mwlford Soda Wnrka waa a recent bualneaa caller hi JatksuttvUle. Heveral of our nlmrmla have been pa Hague river and other ulreaiua In! aeareli of the elualve water fowl, but no baga of any alae are reported. A tell her Htnry. In her utead her loolher, n hig, mifldle-nged woman, told the hIiii'v f her itnughter'n re laliiniH with Henry lleiiltiet hit love for tlio ur irl ami hin renewal of their ; mj . . muiiiaey aner dim iDMrnnge. Alter three week of luliintr lenlhiMiny and nrgumeiit tliu twelvo Chesterfield county runner retired one evening to the jury room, knell down mid prayed for dirluo guidance, ilin cii.hdd (ho eviduuee, knelt nml prayed again, mid then filial into the court room wiih u verdict of guilty. Judge W'ulrtoii iimiiddiHtely pituiounceil the death wenteiipp, fixing Noveinher 'J I, loduy, dm thn ditto of the execution. An appeal to tlio hiulier nourte fuiled, mid Hunt lio fised hU hope on mi application for pardon, reprice or I'ommululioii of sentence (o Gov ernor Mann. Aflor"u whorl consid eration, however, Governor .Munn, in u Mculhiug Htateuumt, diulinod to grunt the pardon, and oxproMHfd the opinion (Iml lteullio wan attempting to a'Mpnpo the penally of his prime of whieh lie knew ho wan guilty. Father Shoots San. SPOIvANK, WiihIi., iNnv. l. Ptmding full invpHtigittimi into tin killing of David Odell h.v hm fnthor, William Odell, tho gray-haired wid ower jh hong hold njal at Vost Knls, lilnhn. The Hhnnlug neeurreO u the Odell hmno ut Poul FnllH. With n companion iiumed Hon Stell, Davis Wiiiio from Spokuuo to vinit his fath-iir. l'ljinfH Fop Halo. C, Onroy Ih uow buay liulldlng bov orul hiindrod foot nf liotlioila and au muoh tipaeo In cold friimoa. lio will rnlHo sovoral hundrod thoiitiund voro tulilo plants of all kliuls, uIho flowur lug phuito. TIiobo jiluntH will ho out door grown, truiiBplnulQil, nml of n varloly bout adapted to IUhjuq tivor ollnmto. Wo will hook orilorn for any amount of any kind wanted. Uuuklna for Health. the liouae on Fifth wtroel' ownwl by Mri, Mvllaaa Tojlor. They were given a reception nt the rcttlilenoci of ailaa Iiiale McCully when tliuy ar rived from CHllforula. Henry Wendl, who hna the eon trart for carrying tho iiihII liatween Jaekiuuvllle ami Aiiplngnte noat office, haa aublet It to .In mon ltook. 31 tea Kate'Chapmau, who haa boon vlultlug lu Joecphlno county, luiHre opeuml hor millinery Htore. Borvlrea have been bold nt tho Catholic church by tho prloeta nt:i tlmied at Med ford, who will oomo to Jacksonville regulurly horeaftor. .1. T. (laguon or tho Trail humbor (Hiiupauy was In .TckHouvltlo a few day ago. fiooi'Ho Ii'lolco, who arrlvud from Siskiyou county, Qui,, not long since, l engaged lu protipoutlng south ' of Jiu'kKonvlllo. A. Tlirockmorton hnn u force of mon with tenniH enHOged In graveling the road to Applegate, a dlHtniico of n nillo from tho nouthoni bouudavy lino of our town. Deputy Sheriff Don waa nt KukIo Point recently on otflolnl IiuhIuobs. Mrs. A. Uohc, tho droHsinakor, Ih at Medford nuioh' or tho tlmo. DuuulUKtou & Klolijliammur of tho city market nro aluuglitorJug qulto n uuinluir of fat porkers and inanu fnotiirlng hum, bacon and hud for tho local tnulo, Mr, and Mm. A. (Hlnon, Y. TI. Al loa, Mr, CluiHo, V. A. Sprlngford, S. M. Carpontor and othor roahlonts of Storllnu preolnbt wero In JaokBon vlllo during tho wook. Santa Olaits hoouih to liuvo aslab llnliod hoadquartora at T. h, Do voio'b. " , Oncnr LowIh Iiiih vgturnod fom Medford' and Ih at ' tho Uoooptlon ngnlii, Hiiccoudlng Harry Luo, who him tiouo to Medford, , ' , W. W. Klfort and O. Pntton of Mod(ord Hpout a fuw Iioiiih lu .luck souvlllo lately. UnukliiB for Uemtii. (Hy A. C. Howl&U.) let Saturday eveidf.Mr. Of let a 1dy living netir 'ip'.pw.'t, came out on the L,oeet '-'nc and cnt the, night with lie, tk:u: the ,-m for Medftird Sunday nfU'ruoo.i. S'ie was on her way to C.iWomim on Iiiim new, She originaHv Mine (Ami "lii-iila. ini itudretii aim wtlu or l""'' jjj FaJle oaine out from Uedfortl Snliir-iM aaf evening on in la. tj. awl smui Sunday with ns, going ou Uie I'. ic II to ilutle Falls Miduy ltmniiiK While in Mcdforrf Mt Hililreth pur choMed n fine l"t of lljrkeys from one of hie near neighhoii Mrs. Qipptrl that she had shipped lot to .Medtonl and aliipped them Slek to Matte Knll for Thankgiinl. Mr. and Mi-n. l)i(sir(h oame out from their home nen I'ayiou Tues day evening end wen iim t in Medfotd Weduesday momiinJ where Mr Diteworth was to nuij hor daughter who arrived then ajfew dny- h,t from Colomdo. I ilr. Heed of l)iary who h.i heen working out in p jillcy ae.ir Medford, came nut lat Snturdny to anoint Snuduy with hi wifo, who lu Ifeen hourdiug with for. Hie pnM six wielui. and went 0 up to Unite lullii Mondny to nrnuigo to tnke hi wll'e up in that m'cIjbii, as ho ha taken a eoulniet to cut a hit of wood for the I & K, Hnilnid coiupuny mi what is known ns thtf'Jhildwin (met that thoy reeeiitly iSrolutBcd fnun Mr. Itjildwin. I umlibtaiid that the ioinwiy iutouds to est nil tlio tim her off for wood. tjJTuosdnv Mr-, lfeed took the enr fof Ipio wood camp whoro iier liushand 1ms secured u linuko ftiv. them to livft in. Mr. Fred Medaie. put; or our old hoarders, and a IrieiiJ of us hy the niiinu of Walter Dotf,' i'rnjn Town eumo out Monday nigjit op busiuofs returning Tuesday morning, Mr Dee is on his wa tg T0S Angeles on huBinoss. He aidJiat ho oxpoet ed to rulurii to this vlloy and settle ninmig us in tho ftilare- 0. X. Nelson of Jacksonville, who is iit tho lifo and firo insurimeo lmsi iioaMspout the niiht with us Tues day. Ho speaks in tliQ highest terms of Qqutrul Point and Kaglo Point on aeopunt of their pre"rivcnoss, hut seems to think that Jnuksouvillo is eonsidoratdy niitiipiiUfd- Ho snvs that thoy lmvo too itii.Vl mobslmeks tlmro to make a progisivo town. Our city dads luivft ennsod to be posted an ordiuaneo authorizing an uleotion nml insert iiitho omevgoney eliuiee o as to legalize an election on tho fjtli of Deeeinher filr ' 'full lionvd 'of (iffieors iustoad ofcflJily four eou mittooirton, as staled S' fornior lot tor , Tho oouneil h'arSd that it Jmd to aliiel tlio full bimrdTet fiffioora to Qoinply with tho hw, " Piles Cnrtd In n tn 1 Tl-tva t Vour UruKKlat will refund money If I'AZO OtNTMKNT fiilln to euro nny case of Itching, lllind, nwdtnu or Protruding I'llo In S to 14 days. COc. Uaitkln for Tlwilth i We have a full line of PEERLESS LAMPS on hand 4, 8, 1C, 32 C. P. carbofi lamps; 25, 40, 60, 100, 1C0, 2G0 watt Tungsten lamps. Tho best lanrfcs and tho best prices. Ati lamps guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phenes: Pacific 4C01; Home 124. m9'0oo.,i4j00jfrSim , t (Barvers Yes we have them in all styles an prices from .50 up to $30. Step in and let us show you. rd Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. RIGATION IRRIGATION is the scienco of giving ft plaut just (is much moisturo as it needs, and just exactly when it needs it. IRRIGATION has added more, wealth to the country in tho last ten years than any three of tho largest resources combined. Thousands of acres of worthless land have been reclaimed aud somo of this land has sold for the highest prices p er paid for horticultural or agricultural land. IRRIGATION will reclaim "tho desert," G500 acres will be, developed into a vast orchard district. "The desert" when irrigated will provo to bo tho best orchard laud in tho Roguo River Valley. IRRIGATION will make tho Roguo Rivor Valley famous for its berries. Tho largest yields in tho next few years will como from "the desert." IRRIGATION will add thousands of acres to the producing area of tho Roguo River Valley, and in theso new districts there will bo no crop failure, for irriga tion is a guanmteo of bountif id yields, and is real crop insurance for tho grower. IRRIGATION in tho "Willainotto Valley has increased production from sixty to three hundred per cent. It will do tho samo in tho Roguo Rivor Valley. IRRIGATION will double the population of Medford and tho Roguo Rivor Valley in tho noxt fow years. New homes will bo established. Orchards will be planted on lands that havo novor been productive "Tho desert" will bo redeemed and a thousand families will bo added through this development. Rogue River Valley Canal Company FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manage Medford National Bank Bldg., Medford. Ore. t 'i : ,;: 'I I 1 1 ;: l 'I 'I 'I 'I '. '. I I 1