PAG TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORt), OR 1110 ON. FRIDAY, NOVUM HIOU. H 11)11. SHOWS ! WATER WILL J Affidavit Made by William Kelley SNws Groat Productiveness of So Calle? "Desert" When Water Is Intelligently Applied. jrho 'Central 1'ojnt Hornhl contain o following statements' from 'iwo tho "desorC1 farmers who used wntcr, showing what irrigation plus indus try accemplishes: "Ti SVhoni It Mny Cencern: I make tlio following statement, which I mil willing to swear to, tlint this is a correct statement of the products grown and hnrvested by mo from 40 acres of tho so-called desert land, the samo being Irrigated from the ditches of tho Rogue- Ulvor Valley Cnnal company, nnd I am well nwarc by experience- that this class of land Will not produco any kind of crops except winter wheat or barley with out Irrigatien: "Eljpven acres Btigar cano made 13B2 gallons, nt S5 cents., $1148.20; ono acre potatoes brought $101; ono aero cantaloupes and watermel ons supplied four families and sold for SG1.70 (left half tho crop in field); six acres corn, 3100 pounds, nt 1 cent, $01; one aero cabbage sold nnd on hand, $G6; 1H acres ontons, ?2C; two ncrcs carrots and beets, Btlll In field, value $110; small garden truck, $15; 4000 pounds cano seed, $20; one-half aero squash, $10; chickens sold, $45; 125 hens on hand, worth $125; 225 turkeys, at $2.50, $5C2.50; to tal, $2481,40. Total expenso of making and harvesting crop besides labor of myself and wife, $S60. Xet returns for us, I1C21.40. "Tho above I certify to be correct. "WJi. KELLEY." "CENTRAL POINT, Ore., Nov. 2, 1911. I have been asked by a num ber of pebplo as to what the desert would grow, and I tako this method of answering all such inquiries. I had in cultivation this year about seven acres. Three acres in corn made about 100 bushels of good corn. Two acres in oats made a HtUo oyer two tons of hay, and about one-half aero of potatoes sold $75 worth, and used out of them all summer and have ten sacks for seed. 1 had two-flftbB of an acre of onions from seed. I sold $77.35 of green onlous and $48.37 worth of dry onions, and have eight sacks left. "I had. ten rows of sweet corn ten rods' long. Sold $16.80 worth of corn. "Sold lettuce, $2.30. I have one fourth acre of parsnips. I hao not dug any yet, but I think I am safe in saying they will bring me $30. I sold adishes $11; early turnips. $25.75,, and hova some late ones (I think $25 worth). I had one-half acre of carrpts, which sold for $28 85, and fed four hogs all sum mer, and I feel saro In saying I will have $40 worth in the field. "I planted one pound beet seed and sold $17.25, Have about ten sacks left In the field. I had a small patch of peas and sold $22. I had thrpej rows of ground cherries, sold $3.00. I sowed one 5-cont package of early cabbage and sold $8.15. I had ten short rows of green beans, sold f?.05. Three rows of huckle berries sold $2.45, and have not sold one-halt yet, "I had thrco rows of tomatoes, 10 yards long; sold $27.GQ. I had a sipall patch or melons; sold $32.30. I had eight short rows of Hubbard squash, bold $8.30, and have 200 loft, i sold $18 worth of chickons and sold $3C,75 worth of oggs froim 24 lions. Sold $150 worth of tur keys, fr,oin seven hen turkeys. "fi.Wi I have- fed a fnmlly of eight put of this, that has not been cqunled In those figures, so you will bop that I have- mado about $100 per aero and I have almost ouo acre of berles that wcro not Jn bearing this season, If any doubts this In tl(q least I will maka an affidavit to tljo same. Very truly, "E. KELLEY." ; Socialist Lecture. "TJio Failure of Capitalism, Pov erty und Unemployment" will bo tho subject to bo discussed by Kuto Sad ler and ftnmuel Sudlcr of Seattle Wnfilu, under tlio auspices of the mi oiuliat party, in Smith's bull, on North Grapo btrcet, on Saturday evouiug at 8 oolook. Admis&ion free, and all are invited to attend. These people will have something to nay which will interest everybody. Lodge to Visit Jacksonville. Members of Medford lodge No. 83, J. 0, O. P., have accepted nn invita tion fra,m Jacksonville lodge No. 10 to visit them Saturday night, No vember 05. und put on first nnd soe oiul degree, work. The Medford jnombora hnvo ne- trp railroad fPK8JfijQii, rHip irnto Vll lonve Medford at 7:3 OVclock. conned tho Invitation and wijl go ovor lira body" jinylpg chartered a spe cial train 0 tho Hogim llivor Valley Attractions at the SCtNE FROM "THE THIRD DEG SATURDAY Charles Klein, author of "Tin Third Degree" nnd other Micoe-cf, makes no secret of the manner in which bo endows bin characters with virility and life. Ho admits frnnkl.v that bo takes thorn from real life. Ho graciously acknowledges that 4Mr. Browster," Mho impressive cngout constitutional lawyer in his Intpst play, "The Third Degree," is uoue other than Joseph H. Choate, the well-known New York lawyer and late United States minister to Kw land. DAVE LEWIS IN HIS GIRLIE WIFE," TUESUA Dave Lewis has been seen as star in "The J-je r h ," li . f , Lewis bns been -cm a-, n star v "The Koyol Chit." Dase L-wi, w been seeu us 11 star u other play,, bpt none has suited bhu iu suceotM fully as hi character of Mr. Dou bloday in "Don't Lie to Your Wife," tho sou farco written bv Campbell B. Casad, tho New York npwxpiiper- NASH GRILL TO BE RE-OPENED Purchased by A. Barthel, Who Has Just Sold Bismarck Cafe to John Terrell, Who Formerly Operated "The Spot."- A. Barthel has purchased tho Nn&h giill, whicih was olofcod a fow day ago, and will conduct tho buhinoes in tho i'uturo. Mr- Barthel for 'some tune managed tho Biwmarek uitfo nu West Main street and has just sold this to John Torroll, avIio formerly operated the Spot oufe. THIS Ol'J'OTtTCMTV Will not bo YOUKS ALWAYS. Fruit land 3 milofi from Hajslo Polntj qn good roud ana (reo frpin frost at M' its value on terms of $5 nor cash rind ?l per agro pqr mpiitb till paid without iutoreet or r - I iiiiwvcctimiiw iiin w.rr.rmJ!i.HMirmnrrfT ititttil'ww i. imiimiiimmiiiiwm ?VL;;p ,,,0,,:h I-afllcfflivOiftiul that elMorilio. th TirhrownH27 R. Main fet. ,,, v01, win,,(1 ,iko (o own Medford Theatre REE," AT THE OPERA HOUSE EVENING. The character in "The Third !) greo stand out as human beintr for tho simple reason that thej are one and all transplanted to the dramatic stngo of human existence. It would indeed be difficult to coneeie a mon1 charming, convincing nnd nnturil heroine for any play than Aitnii' heroine than Annie Jeffries, the splendid specimen of young Amor jean womanhood in Mr. Klein justly cole brated masterpiece, "The Third De gree," which comes to Medford thea ter on Saturday, November 2.I. FARCE, "D0NT LIE TO YOUR Y, NOVEMBER 28 i)mni. Kov.lnnd and Clifford are su pTii 1 j (hi Lti tur, and this C'lterrmsi'ii; firm has given this pla an added bnllimirv ener that which featured tho suce-es-ful run at (he Whitney opera housu in Chicago Dave Lewis and his i'uu-niiiltorti conu to the Medford opera'houso on No vember 28. Seats go on Hale Monday morning NEW DEPOT FOR CENTRAL POINT General Manager Campbell Assures Mayor Lecvcr That Compaiiy Will Proceed .With the New Building at Once. Mayor iLcovcr of Central Point has received ho ashiiranco from General Manager D. r. Campbell of the Southoru I'aoiiiu Hint tho com pany will prooeud with tho erection of n new depot at Central Point at 1111 early date, says tho Herald. Com jdicatious mining partly from the striko and partly from tho reorgan ization of tho conipairy'b official family dobiyod the work tin some ex tent. Mr, Cninpbull nnd other of fiuinls of tho company wpout a short tiujij in the eiity Wednesday evening ONLY 7 PES CENT OF TAtS UNPAID Sheriff's Return to the County Court Shows Splendid Results Out of Half Million Cltarflcd Only $36,000 Is Delinquent. According to tho bburiff'rt return of tho tux rolls if Jnkson county for the year 1010, which bun just boon nmde to the county oummlseionow lo.s than 7 per oout of the total taxes have not been paid. Tho slier iffs return shews: Total amount charged.? 517,.l 1.-1(1 Penalty and interest... a,U21.l( Sheriff's assessments. . li'JLM Total $8,J,:i,UlS.,lO Amount collected .S,-t70, lOS.'Jtl Uebnte allowed 1U,:I1!).'J6 Errors, double assess ment :,i)2r.:vr Delinquent und uupnuj. 1)11,012.7(1 ShcrilTb assessments . I,."22.d8 Total .S,52.,218.:10 Tho following i.s statement of .ll of said amount as shown by said tu rolls for the year 1001): Total amount charged.. $ 3Mi,!i:i()...' Penalties and iutcioat.. 1,(170.07 Sheriffs assessments.. 8,4:i2.S0 Total .; Amount collected 011 regular asscs&inetitf.'? ebate allowed Krrors, double ussess nient.s and snorn off. Amount delinquent ntul unpaid after Oetubur 3, 1910 Sheriff's as.sus6niwils collected lOO.CII.ll aic-istfiis 8,125.71 2,0(i7.b(i 21,1:10.31 S,l2a.S!) loo.iai.n Total f t V DOLLAR DAY 9 Medford Merchants Plan Big Time Early in . December, When They Will Offer Some Great Baroains for One Dollar. Saturday, December 9, Is to bo n big day on Med ford's mercantile calendar, for on that dato the mer chants will strive to outdo each other In offering the greatest bargnliiB for f 1. Tho "Dollar Bnrgaln Day" plan has been received enthusiastically by tho representative merchants of tho cPy nnd plans hnvo been agreed upon which will mean tho attraction of buyers from all parts of the valley. Dy holding tho day in connection with tho Irrigation meeting to bo held by tho Commercial club, a rate of ono nnd one-third faro will be gl,-cn on tho rallroadt), Arrange ments hnvo been mndo to refund the railroad fare in many stores to thouo who purchaso a stated amount. This will mean cheap faro or no fnro ut all to out-of-town buyers. Other features of tho dny will bo that a band will meet all visitors and tho moving plcturo shows will remain opon all day. Store decora tions will carry nut tho Idea of offer lug big bargains for a slnglo dollar or a combination of bargains for a dollar. Tho plan lias bcon tried out suc cessfully in other cities and should prove a big event horo. It will de cidedly make it wortli whbo for vis itors to coino to Medford nnd for ovory person la Medford to tako a trip down town. Tho following loading firms nro supporting tho plan: Mann, Ahrens, Keuitnor's, Hutchison & Lumsden, Meokor's, Golden. Itulo, dray & Moo, Weeks & McGowan, Medford Furnl turo & Hardware conipany, Holding & Schmidt, Kldd, Lawrontz, Kollor, Hoddy, Model Clothing company, Daniels, Toggory, Oarnott-Coroy, Hubbard Brothers, Medford Hard ware company, Warner, Wortman & Gore, Olmstcad & Hibbard. Look nt tho nds that offor em ployment mid you'll, find tho right 0110. L. N. J U D D BKAL K8TATH AGHNT TAM5.YT, .TAOKHON COUNTY, ORR. Midway between Medford and Ash land, in tho fruit bolt of Southorn Oregon. Healthful nnd mild climate, Puro water. Alfalfa fruit and tlm bor land, from ID acres to 800 acros. Also lots on tho InBtftllmoat plan In nowly Incorporated town of Talent, Qrogon, Wrlto (qneloMng stamps). jor come to boo mo nt Tatont, Oregon. DECEMBER gfcrt fflljMWi Jftfrrtfl fr'i lrtftPlPftlWllfttifllftlft 111) J li lf V - before Xmas. 1.. - deal 9 I ft pstt'yS Ml Closing Out BEGINS TOMORROW MORNING .Every article in this beg stock has to be sold Our sale in October was a big cut. See the prices now. Cut a good more. IT'S YOUR OP PORTUNITY. You will probbably never get this chance again. $25,000 worth of stock sacrificed regardless of of price. COME EARLY t REMEMBER nq junk, no fake, fire or removal sale. We are going to quit business Cuthberfs The House That Sells for Less ; ; : : : : : : : : ; ' : ; i ; , ; : : : : ; : : : ; I ; : ; : : : ; -; -; -: : ; : : : ; -: ; k ; ; : ' ; ; : ; : : ; ; : ; ' : : ; ; ; : ; : ' ; ; ; : ; : ; : ; I I