Oltv Hull h Medford Mail Tribune SUBSCRIBERS I'nllliii; to gut pipr will bkvt una rttllver(1 by plionlutf of fice by a p, m. WEATHER Clear niid cold. Mnt. lllit Mln., 7; ltl. Jliitu, HI. I Ily Hlxth Year, foily Plrnt Your. MlODtfORD, OkUOON, TJH'RSDAY, NOVIOMKKK 23, 1911. No. 211. l CHAMBERLAN ASSAULT CASE GOES TO JURY No Verdict Is Probable Before Night In Kansas Case Where Young Woman Was Tnrrril and Feathered by a Molt of Younn Men. ATTORNEY BITTERLY DENOUNCES OUTRAGE Says It Will Blot the Fair Star of Kansas From the Flan, Lcav- liifl Only the Stripe. LINCOLN CKSTKK. Kim., Nov. !M ICoMi Ih I'nim Iho jury mom in tin' Chuuihoihiiii Inning case at 3:30 this m riiiriHMiu wcit' tlmt no veidiet wan piohahlo hufnro night. Tint diviMinii of tint jury itK Id ( lit guilt or iimo eenuu of lint three iiit'tt who are charged with tarring and feathering MImm .Mary Chiiiiihurhiiu i uiikimu n -f LINCOLN CKNTKIt, ICiui., No. 23. Tim tonliniony ami cloning nrgo incut woro concluded today in the trial tif Sherrill Clerk, N. S. Sim Hint .I11I111 Scmidt fur tint tarring mnl feuthctiug nf Minn Mary Chamber ImIii, nml tint tuo went to tint jnty at 1 1 o'clock. Only u small crowd wax in lint court room for the end of lint trial. Tln teacher ami her pnrcnU wctc tint fiint to arrive, Mi ('liNiuhorliiiii nml her mother being elml in liluck ami Inmvilv veiled. A npecdy verdict it expected. Ilolli defendant and pronecutinu are con fiditnl of a fnvoriddc result. DindiiniiK Unit tliu ense "threatens linnATTrrfflirTKi 8litr-Hpnugled bnii mtr (In fair star of KatmaM and leave only lint stripe lieliind a fit emblem of her dotcnidiition," Attorney Me ('iiuuilcu made an iinpiisinncd np tal lo the jury. Motive Shown, Tim tnolivn lieliind tint InrriiiK and feathering of Mim Clininlierlain, f.f developed in testimony nddneed y lerday, appear lo lie the young wom an' i elation with two vomit; 111111 whom niiitu were not brought out and the wtnloinenl hv 0110 witucx Unit mIio had heeii nook at night com inC from a tout occupied by a gnng of workmen. Tim churgn in also tnade tlmt (he school lonelier circulated rcoitx re flecting uimu the moral ehnraeler of certain mu tried women of Slunls Bend. Vitriolic Denunciation. " Tim prosecuting attorney unhesi tatingly denol'lieed the tat and feath er parly, declaring thai even it dog deserves belter treatment than that neeordnd the girl 'Where, in the namo of (1ml and all reason," ho de'iitnded, "did those men who, on Unit awful night ho doc- c 111 led all hivH, oihIoiiih and ethics et tliu s Hit to judge Ibis gill without trial; lo take hor ruthlessly and for cibly out of tho eonveynnce she win, riding, and thus chasten her?" BELIEVE THEY HAVE MURDERER SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. UII. IMh bloody nverallH found in the luiHcmcut in which Benjamin Gondii miiiul, a diamond huIchiiiiiii, in alleged to lmvo been murdured, and vefutn tion of bin alibi by bin mother have tinlny (inuviueed the police, here that in John Rogers they have u man who kuowH tuore about tho robbery and killing thiiii ho oiiren to confuoH, Hogorfi, who in employed by a product) company in the luiHcineut of whoHe building the crime in declared to have heon eonuuilied, said the overallH were bloody been use be had been working with guuie. Thin bin omployoi-H deny. Kogern' mollier and bihIop, nol knowln what Rugem had told Iho do tenliveH, deelured tlmt he hint been in Oakland, where the family liven, only between 7:!HI and 8:!1() o'eloek Snlur dny night, and I hoy wild he wiih not nt homo Suudny at all, The dolee IIvoh deelat'o Rogers Haid bo wiih liomo Batnrtltiy and Sunday, WM. ROCKEFELLER BETTER. MR WILLIAM tfOCXlirCUiR, The uho(t imp-hot of William llockefcller, mcc phcHident of the Standard Oil compiin.N, wax taken when tint well-kuowh financier 11 r tived in New York from a trip to I'lngluud for his health. Mr. Rocke feller appeared to he in the best of health ami npirit, TOWNS Sill IIP ILL IT Harry J. Nccly Sends Word That Car of Rope River Apples Attracts Much Attention on Opening Day of Great Show Look Like Winners That the local our of yellow New (owiih entered at (he Spokane Nu lional Apih) show Iihk been well placed Hint look" like a prire winner ami that the apple are attracting much atteution, ih tint word received hi Medford today from Harry .1. Neely, iee president of (ho uliow, to whoKo of fot Ih in due the fact that (he implex arc 011 exhibition. In a brief telegram Mr. Neely nlnte: "Car of NewtowiiK in good pm-uliou. Look like pri-je winnerx. Are nltraeling iiiueh attention. The Rogue River valley forever." The cur of apple reprecnling Ihe Rogue River valley were grown oil the Miiekeye' orebardrt near Talent on ued by lloiwlon UroH. They are eeeplioniilly fine, WOMEN FICHT TO HEAR TRIAL Scores of Women Riot to Gain En trance Into Court Room Where Mrs. Patterson Is on Trial for Her Life. OKNVKK, Col., Nov. 2.1, Womcr. rioted madly at tliu doom ot tho criminal court hero today whoa tlio courtroom wmi ononoil for continu ance of Gertrude Gllmon I'littaraon'n trial for her llfo 011 tho charge of having murdered her umtunnd. A moh of women gathored outnldo and rualied forward, lii8auoly eager to hear tho morbid dotalls or tho trial. They fought wildly. Thoy JoHtlod, piiahed, pulled hair, IcaocKod each other down, trampled upon tho downralleu and acted llko nmnlnca. One wnmaii'a hair waa nearly torn out and another waa ao badly In jured that alio had to go to tho filieiiff'a offlco for ropalra. JIi-h, Patterson Calm. Mrs, Patterson, tho defendant, wltucaaod thin struggle. As uauul alio wiib calm and lndlfferont, and mado no oxproaalnn, Police Sitrgooa Mudd, first wlt noaa for tho Btato callod today, gavo testimony that helped tho dofoiiHO. Ho aald that after tho trngedy ho took Mia, Pattoraon to tho police sta tion, While on tho way there aho aald that her dying hualmud atruelc her and luinded her tho revolver with whtoh alio had ahot him, say lug: "Now, damn you, kill yoursolfl" Ho aald Unit hoi cheolc lioio tho murk of tho blow. Mrs. Pattoraon ahoved tho rovolvor undor hor lnia bund'a proatrato body after alio flroiT tho second time, ra M S RAGINC TODAY Firino Is Deadlier Than nt Any Time Since Hostilities Began and Cas ualties Are Exceptionally Heavy Fluhtlnu From House to House. FOREIGNERS FLEEING FROM CITY TO NANKING Provisions Arc Low and Rebels Arc Bcyinnlnii to Slowly Starve Imperialists Out. SHANGHAI, Nov. 23. Furious fighting in in progrcHK today at Han kow, according to tcporlw just re ceived here. The firing is dendliur than at any time hince. hoKlilitiuri be tween the MauuhtiH and revolution idIh began, an dthe oiiMinlliuH arc cx eeptionally heavy. MuHhages from Hankow ay the rebeln opened tliu attack on the shat tered city Streaming uerosM the river from their i'ortroH at W11 Chang, the main attack wiih delivered 011 tho Hankow water front, while two flunking fore en, coining up mid down the river oil the Hankow wide, supplemented the iniiin iiKiiult. The impurinlibtri are haid to have been driven into the inner portion of the city, ami lighting is raging from housu to house in the outlying see- tiollH. I'orelgiu'in Wet. NAN'K'INO, No. a.1. Foreigners aro llueing from Nanking today, 1,100 imperial troops are awaiting a rebel attack by laud ami sea, and clmo reigiiH within the walls. Foreign re idents are having difficulty in get ting out of the bombardment zone, tho railroad for four miles south of Nanking having been destroyed. Advices of warning to flee from the city came from the different consular representative at Shanghai, where W 11 Ting rung, the. rebel foreign min ister, isxucd the caution. ImperinliHt troop hero aro well armed nml have sufficient amuiuui lion for a prolonged fight, hut pro visions are low, and it is said that all soureos of supply have been cut off. General Cluing today refused for the Inst time to surrender the city, declaring that be would hold out even if his whole army faced annihilation. Premier's Life Attempted, PFK'IN, Nov. 2:k Premier Ynnn Shi ICni's life hns been attempted and he is being gnnrded from assassina tion b van armed escort. Ho 'is de clared to ltnvo narrowly escaped death Monday last. Today is tho first time that Yuan Shi Kai has not presented himself- to (ho throne for tho daily nudienee. An edict issued yesterday relieved him, and gave him carte hlaucho to at tempt to pull tho tottering founda tions of tho throne together as best he can. "Watch the Gernmns," was tho an swer Yuan Shi Kai gavo the presi dent of tho Shan Tung assembly in reply to advice that the omporor a!i dicato the throuo. FIGHTERS IN GREAT SHAPE FOR BATTLE T.OS ANGFLKS, Cal Nov. 23. llefore dawn today and whilo the frost was still nestling on oxposed spots, Champion Ad Wolgast, who is to inout Freddio Welsh lioro on Thanksgiving day, took the road for a six-niilo run boforo breakfast. Tom Jonos, nearly bursting with prido, annouuoed that his obampion wir ready to fight. Tliero is no doubt tlmt Wolgast is fit. To all appearances ho is hard as nails, whilo his wind apparently is perfoet. Freddio Welsh, tho "prido of Pon typridd," will also enter tho ring in tho pink of condition. His speed is wonderful, nml tho littlo ohalleugor 's training harder for this fight than any other in his enreer. Look for the ad that calls for you among tho help wanted ads, FUROU HANKOW THREE BEEF TRUST MAGNATES WHO HAVE SUCCEEDED IN DELAYING TRIAL. f ' ".mill "" ' "' 11 1 111 on lT7rrrj i-m'jijn "-- . ,. , WUW V JWtJ1' "JISTTHMEUIE IS E OF RUNAWAY GIRL Mrs. Alice Wilson of Portland Lo cates Her Daughter at Ashland Had Been Saving "Pin Money," and Declares She Only 'Went for Trip." "Just traveling" is the explanation of Kdna Wilson, ngeduT, who disap peared from hor hoare at Portland two weeks ago, and who was found by her mother ot Ajlilwid Wednes day, after a wook's search. She said she wiib willing to rtiurn home; tlmt she had been alone, and that she hud bad a moxt delight fiif time. All was forgiven by the mother in the joy of finding her dnughterfalive, well and uninjured. A second pot card mailed to her mother from Ashland furnished the clmtimh led to th finding of the gir. The card wttp received h'y the hither at Portland, who immediately wired Mrn. Wilson in this city to proceed to Ashland. Mrs. Wilson visited Aulnnd Wed uoMlay morning, and at noon met her daughter face to face on the street. In mi instant tbur were in each oth ers' arms and alhwts forgiven. "1 was only traveling," stated the girl (his morning, "and I have had a delightful lime, lad I did not believe mother would he s worried. I saved my Hpeudiiii' money until 1 bad over .10(), and I kiief papa and mama wouldn't let me ge. So 1 went mv self, "I left the hoitjc about 10 o'eloek and took the midrht train south. 1 came m far n Ittoebtirg ntul then on to Grants Pass, Medford and Ash land. I meant to return home from Ashland, as about half of my money was gone. "I have liecii ntne all tho time and nobody took any nottoo of me. Hut I won't try it iijin without letting mother know." Tho first clue vihiolt Mrs. Wilson had of her daughter's disappearance came from Medtonl in tho shape of h post ourd. She arrived here Moudav. but couldd find no trace of the girl until sho received a telegram from hor husband nt Portland tbnt Kdua had written from Ashland. This took tho mother to Afklnud, where she found tho girl. Medford Experiences Great Influx of Weary Willies, But Police Keep Them on Their Way Box Ca-s Loaded. Scores of hoboes aro on their way south, according to word received by local uullioiitics from several points in Oregon, and many have al ready reached Ibis "Ny to bo given tho "on your way" high sign by the police Sovoral bo,x oars filled with tho knights of tho road lmvo pnssed through tho city, Iho men traveling in such numbers tlmt tho trainmen let tboiu rido without molestation, Ono oar filled with these men was sot out in this city, whereupon tho officials uomphiini'tl to tho rnjlrond so that it will not occur ngain. Med ford is remarkably f roo of tho 'boos. IUTII s lies RE HEADED SOUTH nnsariw- ,'.1,Ti"i'm1.V '.'i ''.' 'L'l!!!!? -- J11 IT I ' mza.rks mamsmmm P ' -T- JL- - ' I ! ! Ijl j "" " I I I I I ! . -Ill I II I J ii.JJJ.Jl cx oi,xs.vr Spurned to Action by Continucl Slaughter of Cattle, Local Stock men Get Together and Offer Addi tional Reward for Scalps. Spurred 10 action by the ermtintfed slaughter of their stock by timber wolves, Jackson county stnekmou have gotten together and made up a purse, offering .fiO additional bounty to the .'J.oO paid by the state for wolves to every man who can pro duce scalps taken from a wolf in a sjiccified territory of Jackson coun ty, an dthnt territory is all that country in the Cascade forest reserve between the headwaters of Big Unite creek and the headwaters of Little Hut to crook. There are twenty prominont Jack son county stockmou who range their cattle 111 this torritory on permits se cured from tho government, and every year their loss in Stock ktllod bv wolves is no small item, whioh foot justifies them in offering tho addi tional bounty. Alvin Uioberstedt, a stockman who lives near Butto Falls, and who is one of the men who will make up the guarantee, was in Medford yester day. Ho tells that he hns lost six bond of cattle this season, and that otbor stockmen lmvo boen quito as unfortunnto as he has boon. Mr. llioberstodt says tho wolves usually go in bands of six or eight, nud that it is not uncommon for them to tackle and kill a full-grown cow. Kspecially are they more liable to do this if the cow hns a calf by her side Mr. niebcrstedt stated also that he this season found the bones of six deer which had been killed by wolves. GIRL HOLDS HER Miss Jessie McDonald Conies Through Pitiless Cross-Examlna-tlon With Her Story of Mistreat ment Unshaken. SAN nEKNAKDINO, Cal Nov, 23. Holding hor own undor a pitiless cross-oxmulmition nt tho hands ot formor Superior Judgo John Camp bell, regarded as ono of tho best criminal lawyers In tho stato, Miss Jesslo McDonald, high school girl, today stopped from tho wltnoss stand with tho story of hor alleged mis troatniont by Dr. A. W. McDavItt, former prominent dentist, unshaken. McDavItt will probably glvo his ver sion of tho affair this afternoon. All during hor cross-examination Miss McDonald Uopt hor oyoa rlvotod on thoso of hor mothor, not onco look ing In tho direction ot tho accuser man, STOCKMEN OFFER m ADDITIONAL BOUNTY WOLVES OWN W WY .s.'R.MocnP- E E CHECKED 8Y TECHNICALITY Chairman Stanley Will Demand That Rockefeller and His Financial Ad viser, Gates, Be Called Will Ask Documents to Back Him Up. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 23. Itcprosoiitative A. 0. Stanley of Ken tucky, chairman of the bouse com mittee which is investigating the steel trust, nnuounced today that he will demand on the floor of tho house that tho democrats back the steel probe when congross reassembles. Stanley is convinced tlmt John D Koekofellor and his chief philan thropic agent and finnncinl manipu lator, IJcv. F. T. Gntos, should be oalled personally bofore the investi gating committee to explain tho storv told by Leonidns .Meiritt, the .fiz zled old bnckwoedsina: and mi'tor of how the oil king mulcted him out of millius in mining property. Tho work of tho Stanley commit tee may be nullified by a technical ity in tho resolution which oreated tho committee, nccordding to attor neys for tho steol trust, who argue tbnt tho United Statos dissolution suit against tho trust foibids furthei inquiry by the committee. Stanley may bo compelled to sus pend the hearings until congress meets. LEASE RAY BKPLANT Eastern Capitalists Take Over Local Plant and After Enlarging It Will Operate on a Large Scale Cap italized at $50,000. Eastern capitalists rcpresontod horo by J. H. McNlckol of Portland lmvo loasod tho Rny brick plant at Tolo for a porlod of 20 years and lmvo organlzod tho Hoguo River Pottery company to operate tho samo. Tho company Is capitalized at S50.000. It Is tho Intontlon of tho now company to Increase tho capacity of tho plant and mniiufncturo vltrlflod, prossad, common, fnco, mottled and flro brick as well ns tiling, sower pipe, glazod pottery, chlmiioy flues and terra cotta. 0RVIE OVERALL MUST PLAY WITH THE CUBS I.OS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 23. That thoro Is littlo likelihood of Or vlo Ovornll. formerly of tho Chicago Cubs, appearing next sonson In a Sau Francisco uniform, Is Indicated la a statomout by Munngor Frank Chance horo today, H MA r Krrniii' B r viH I JiUWPiED TLLDEJIT. ANOTHER DELAY IS SECURED IN PACKERS' lit Attorneys Who Appealed to Chief Justice White of the Supreme Court Are Practically Successful Matter Presented to That Court. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 23. Another delay was secured this after noon by the Chicago packora when an appeal mado to Chiof Justice Whito was partly succehgfttl. Justice White rofused to enter a stay of the proceedings in Chicago, but consented that tho entire mat ter should be presented to the su preme court when it convenes a week from next Monday. Attorneys for the packers, Mayer and Miller, declared they wore con fident that the lower court would recognize Chief Justice White's ac tion and coutimio tho case. Speculation is rifo in financial circles as to whether or not iheChi cago beef packers under indictment for conspiracy to restrain tho free trade in fresh meat will bo success ful in permanently staving off proo cittion by tho government. Tho trial of ten millionaire pnekorrs was set for Wednesday, hut by n clever move on the part of their attorneys their trial has been delayed. 11 SEATS IN JURY mjffiFiia Both Sides in the McNamara Murder Trial Are Working Hard to Qual ify an Additional Juror, When Wceding-out Process Will Start. HALL OF RECORDS, Los Angeles. Cal., Nov. U3. With eleven soats it? the box filled, fivo pormanontly, nnd six men subject to porennitory chal lenge, both bidos in tho MoNnmara murder trial wore working hard Una afternoon to qualify an ndditionnl juror. It was considered oortuiu that this desired individual would bo so cured boforo final adjournment to night, and then woul.1 corao tho weed ing out. Tho result of Iho morning session was tho scouring of one man who will remain 011 tho permanent jury. Ho is K, S. Binboo, a rancher, and his an swors to both sides socraed convinc ing. Ho said emphatically that ho had no opinions in the case and could act squarely and impartially if sworn as a juror. It is conceded that tho defenso will challongo Marshall, Stovons, MoBiir uoy and possibly Oleott and Brodie, but tho stato may decide to stand pat and rcsorvo all of its challenges. At present tho defense lias cloven nnd tho stato fivo peromptorios. When tho luncheon reooss was ordered Dar row was interrogating J. H. Cokot n Downey ranohor who said ho had no real opinion 011 the merits of tho case, Seek Australian Trade, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23, Closer trade relations between Aus tralia and tho United States may vo suit from tho visit of Niels Nielsen, M, P of Now South Wales, who a in San Frnnoisco, Niolgon, wljo bunds tho delegation of trade com missioners to the United States, da olnros (but New South Wahw is after tho timbor and other products of Ijio Pacific oout In oxohnngo for hard wood, wool and other products. HEMS iu.iJiJL.-jm tin vmmmrmf.m 1 . wwiL - ) h