Mrcmrour) mail TRinwrc, MrcoFORD, oiiiwox, Wednesday, Novrcarnrcn 22, ion. PAGTC TORRE ten PLACER IS 10 BE DEVELOPED L. II. Willnlt Tolls of Plans of Kan sas Clly Mr.11 Who ncceiilly Pur chased lliti Barr Holtllnns on Brings Creek. nilA.N'IU 1AM, Nov. 2a. 1. II. Wlllult, of Modfonl, iiituiiiKor or tlio CoiiKdr L'iiiikoIIiIiiKmI MIiiom, wllti lllHlltlllllUl'H III (Sullen, wiih In (Irn)ilN I'nhn HrttiinlHy on IiiimIii'wh for IiIn compiiny. TIiIm In u ennipiiuy of KiuiwiN (Jlly until who loeontly pur t'tiriMOil I ho Hurt' placer on lit Ikk crook, mill llio Hiiporlnlontlont for Uih now owiiuiH Ik Nod llcntb, of Unblflobl, Nov. Tbo IioIiIIiikm com Ut of 1(1 placer elnliiiM. mid In nit tliroiiulioul tlio lougUi of tint Con wilblnlod cIiiIiuh liy MrlKKH crook, wblob fiirnlKlH'ti iiniplo wulcr for miic-i-wmriil mining. WI1II0 only n Hinall 11100 Of lllO HCII'lldO WIIH Opened by llio fonntir owner, yot tlio isrtiiiml Iiiih yielded ninny flno iiukkoIh and iiiiiiiIi i'oiiihii koIiI. Monro lirotlmrH operated It under learnt hiHt winter, 11111I llilrt mmihoii KotiKlit 11 renewal of tint ImtHii, but tlui imln prevented. Tlio now iiwiiorn tiro iirrntiKliiK to oiiulp Hid propitrty with mi electric lUlit iilnnt, mill how mill, now flinno toHtmii. ktIki im. mul enmddoinbln now IB liii'h plp. Day mul nlM HlilftM will lio llio proKram. Mummer Wllloit Muted Hint inn elilnory of tlio Iwtiwt dittlKM In plmr itilnlut; will do luitullod. hoiiicIIiIiii; ontlicly now In plnror work . W. W. MAY SOON DESCEND ON SALEM SAI.I'.M. Or-., Knv. 22. SiiIi-iii will lti llio iiovl Miiut of nllnck liy III. 1 IiiiIiihIi'IhI VVniLnr.! of till) W'nl-lil if tin) lliwtlM of 14. !lrk, mii liiilinliinlUt iiitilHlm', 1110 I'onlfil into offi'ol. Aftor ('lurk linil boon oinielei ui' diiliillibltf lliH lilll'll-llir llltM'tiUlf ol llio SiiIhUihi Atiiiy uot'lluux lino mul MvuloiHHitl lo lHwiity-nv tly in ji , ,1 '&ffn rtui tin ilmiltiroil that 101 -i. . ..." , " .-- - linliintrlnllnln Wlllllll OOlllll III S11I0111 mul iiinl;ii llio "uffioorw roxrot In Hr- nl'' llllfoH III) WIIH lolellMOll. J ll hint nut lioon liliornttil. Miller Is Not Candidate. KAl.KM, On-., N.iv. 'J'-'. "I .1111 iiiiMi(iolv not it onniliiliilii for hoito- inry of mIhIo, tmr will I becomo one in tlio ontiiiwHiMi next vour," Hiiiil PrBiik .1. Miller, member of llio tuto rullr.iuil iniiiiiniuiiiiii. Iiiihiv. "Thin I flllltl Willi llllt. I llU0 llt'OII olll't"ll im n iiiomtior of llio uluto riiilroiul oiuiiiiiitfMiim mul iiitoml to eiunplote my lor iiiiim Midi, uml I tin mil lie lioM) it correct orpropor for llio lmbl or of mi elective offioo to look for other offiootf iluriiiK tlio tniilillo of Inn lolriu." CoiiiiiiiMiuner Miller bun boon up proaulitul from many (piiulci of llic hIiiId o Iiocoiiio n cnmlitlulo to hue oooil .Soorolitry Olrnlt. Scats on Sale (or Flflht. I.OS AN'(IKIJ:S. Cnl.. N'ov. '2'2. Willi llio prioiw rmi(;inK from $.Fi to .fill, Hid hoiiIm tlio WoIkhkMVoImIi i'ilit on TlimikMivIni ilny woro )i)ii(nul on milo lioro loiluy. Tlio ml vnniio niilo imliciitoM Unit n ii'odiiI liroiikin urowil will lin proxonl wlioii "Krlmm .look" WoIhIi sdiiiIk Hid two lilllo Konippoih 011 (lioir Iwonly-roiintl joimioy. N'o liitllinjr linn yol lioon roporlcil. I111I it Hfcnirt likoly loiluy tluii Wol fliiHl will Viitor llio riiiK 11 lon-lo-nix I'll vol ilo. Proven Grafter. RIWTTI.K, WiihIi., Nov. '2'2. Dp timlivii Violor 1 1. ATiirtou, oIiui'koiI wiih urnflinj,', wiih fouiul piilti liy jury in llio Hiiporior courl lulo yim lonliiy. .Million wiih clnuprd with offoriuu to Kooiiro iliHiiiiwual of tlio ('UNO imaillHt ,1, W. DlllloU, oIlllljL'Oll with iilidiH'liou. Ilo offoiTil lo lirii'n iiilliioiico will' llio ilixtrinl iiKoinoyV officii. tSonloni'i) luirt not yol lii'uii il'lipOHl'll. Financier Dead. DHNVKIt, Col.. Nov. '2'2. - rimilim II. KtMiul v., inoiiilior of tlio I'uiuoiih fiunily oont rolling national ,ihiIh in Dunvor, Omalia ami Now Yuik, anil 0110 of llio lit'lu'Hl nu'ii in tlio whmI, Hml ul liiH I101110 liom th'u inorniu iih' llio rimiilt of mi iilluolc of piiou inonia. KoiiiiIk fouuiloil tlio Colo rado National Imnk in IHIII. Divorce Case Postponed. I'AUIS, Nov. aa. llonrliiB of llio iIIvoitu Hiilt mouj;lit liy I.lnn Cava- Itiii, tlio opora hIiikoi", luutliiRt lior liiiHliiiuil, aiiorlff "lloli" (Jlumlor of JJUldlioHH county, Now York, which wiih to luivo Iiokhii today, Iiiih lionn l-oHtpouoil until Thuruilay. NEW LICENSE 18 REFUSED Youtifi mul Hall Turncil Down hy City Council on Ground That Euoiiuh Saloons to Supply Mcilford Arc Now In Operation. Tlio idly council hy n iiuaiiiuioim voto Tuondiiy cvcnliiu mlopU'd u ro pott of llio liquor liccimo coinuiilloo lllod hy Mayor Canon mid S .1. Km oiiok. which wiih iiiil'nviiralilo lo Ihc Kninliiiif of h fmnily liipior licciiMc lo Yoiiiik & Hull. Mavor Canon for the coimnillcc (xtdaiiicd Hint llio imiiiniiltoo hcliovcd enough llciuinw wcin in oflccl now to Miipply AIi'-l-foid't iiccdn. A liipior licciino wan granted Ihc Kokiio llivor Vnlloy Unioitily nluli. A licciiNo hum alH(i itninlcd Ihc Knii-Motir conipany for Ihcir Kir Htrcot Hiihiou, Ciiiiucihiiau W'orluimi voting no, owini; to llio fad Dial a ro(uuruu wiih no longer in npcri tlou in couuoclioii with the place. Train Service Blocked. llKI.UN(IIIA.r. WiihIi.. Nov. 22. Thin rily mul iioiUiuomI WiiHliinylon urn m t ill without train norvicc mul thmo in lilllo pronpool of rcuiupl!on hocforo oniht at llio cailioNt, ovviutr to the lilllo uiiuihcr of wnhoutH ami Hliih'K from SiiihIux'h food. STREET SPEAKERS MUSTGO.THEYSAY Portland Merchants Arc Gcttlnn Tired of Nlnhtly Haraniiucs Golnp on on Sixth and Seventh Streets and May Take, Action. CITY 1250 FOR CHARITY On Motion of Councilman Worlmnn $250 Is Appropriated for the Use of the City Relief Society Lodijcs and Churches to Act. On million of Councilman Wort uinii tlio clly council Ttnmilny uv nluis' approprlnioil ar0 for tlio mho of Mid clly rollof Mocloty wlilcli wiih oikiiiiIxoiI TuoHilny iiioiiiIiii; liy Mayor Chiioii for tlit clly, ltv. A. A. HoIiihm for tlio churclii ami W. V. Klfort for tlio IoiIkom. 'I'Iio money will lio lurneil over to Kov. HoIiiich uh trnuHiiroi hiiiI unci) mm Hid Hocluty ho fit, to relievo llNtrot! In tlio clly. It in oxjioctoil tlmt tlio IoiIkom will Klvo iim much more uh will tlio clillll'llOH. No Relief Now for Packers. WAHIUNCSTON. I). C. Kfiv. 28. Tlio hoof ptibkoiH' liiwyorH failed to apponr liuforu tlio United Htaton hii pi oiiio court today In Dm expected at tompL to avoid koIiik to trial In CM caKo. Ah courl adjourned thlH after noon for two wookM, tins pnckorM have now no opportunity lo olitulu relief at thin Jiiucturo of tlio en ho. Ho tlio trial, now before tlio United States illHlrlcl court lu CIiIciiko, will pro- ci oil. AVIATOR 1 CROPS ON TURKS 1'OKTI.AKII. lro.. Nov. 212. Do eluriiiK that llu-ir luiMiuoHH in jurcil liy the lai'Ko erowil that con KiOKiito nrouiiil tlio HoeinliHls ami In liiHtiiul Workorn of the World ntrcol Hponkorw nightly on Sixth and Sov oulh hIidoIh, nierclianlK who clinnic lori.e (ho iiilulorH uh "auarcliinK" loduy miiiouuccd thai Ihcy will in augurate n wliolosnln nouipaii.M upiiiiHt Htrcot xpoukiiiK in iho Inni n ohm thoroiihfurcH ituuiodiutoly. ICooidy roHiuitiiitf the npithctH applied lo them and their follower, loader of holh orniiuialioiiH Htiitcd loduy lliut thev will inmlo n determined fiKht ami will tent the right of their orgimicrM to iiiako Mlrcot uddioHhiw in Iho coiiiIh, if nocn.Hary.' The incrchmilH, who nay they will einnliiiie to force unituloiH off the Turks Arc Repulsed on Thrco At tacksArmored Crulsrrs Make Attack on Fort of Hennl, Near Tripoli. TUII'Ol.l. Nov. aa. ItnimlHiM of Turliri In tliruo attarltn on oulpoHtij of tliU city woro reported liy return- liiK Hulliui moIiIIoih. TIiu iiuuilmr killed In given iim 20. Klvo ovIatorH ytuto thnl there Ik no chaiiKo In llio Ttirllnh poKltlou Thoy HUfcitnloil lu dropping Itoinhs lulo tlm TurklHh camp, tlontroylii- It. Other reports nro that tho Italian armored e.rulHor Carlo Alberto bom bnrdixl tlio village of AmriiR, and tlio fort of llomil, near Trlpol', nnd that tho TurkH attacked iimlor cover of foe at Dorna, hut woro ropulKoil. MrootH, will utloiiipt to ntop them by hnviiiK them duclurcil "iiuiHiinevn." ItiiBklnn for lloalth. Our Correspondents TABLE ROCK ITEMS. I., I), llyruut has kouu to Applo i ito for Iho wlntor, Mr. KcrottKH him loft tlio Connor ranch and has loanod tho old I'mikoy ranch lu Kuiiih valley, It. M. Morgan takliiK hlH place at Mr. Connor'H. W. T. DoKoril Iiiih movml onto tlio Ituy pluco fonnorly ocouplod hy S. (!. Collins. Tho Noalon boys lmvu purchusotl a now grain Hoodor. Wo honr thnl Mm. DiiKKan of Htima valloy, who Iiiih boon vary III, In Im proving. Mr. Merrill or fiohl Hill wnH throiiKli tho valloy Tuojulny In tho Intortml of Hold Hill proioMltloiiH. Ho In a niHtler mul tlio kind of man wo llko to moot. MIhu llazol Ilyrum la nttoudluK HChool nt Attato, H Ih only a.iiucHtlon of a nliort tlino wbou Table Hock Hidiool will roqulro two toaohorn and lu fact an additional teacher Ih minded now. Floyd Morgan, Hon of It. M. Mor gan, Iiiih boon very 111 with typlio pneitiuoiilii, but Ih much Improved at proHout. Mm. Irod Hooho and daiiKbtor Dorothy luivo roturnod to MomphlH, roiiii., after a month'ii visit to tho family of W. H. Hooho. .1. Kinkier of Dixon, HI., Ih tho Kiiimt of IiIh couhIu, Mih. W. S, Itetmo. Mian Hva Hall, who Ih tcauhlnt; at DohliiKor (lap, Hponl Saturday ami Sunday with hoc paroutH at Table Hock. MIhii Ruth Hall Ih uttomlhii; huIiooI al ('mitral I'olnt. 10, W. Cartou had n bli; flobl of com that wont 70 biiHholH por aero, Hnttlo I'olnt pleaHO tako uottco, Wo hoar that liuntoiB luivo boon iilmothiK tnuio (luckH on u Tablo Hock ranch and now liuutorH aio not tol oratoil on ualil ranch, CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. M, It. KiiRland hnH moved bla ilniR Htoro from tho Whltosldo bulIdlnK to tho Cowley building. Mr. Mlllor of Trail Crook whr boro tho first of tho woolc vIiHIiik with frlemlH, Harry Caton Iiiih moved bis fnm Hy Into tho Crochran plaoo. Mr. Crochrnn oxpoctH to loavo for Cnll fnruln In a short time. Court I'urkoypllo rotumod to his homo lu Ashland Tuosdny uftorunon. Mr. Tlffnncy of (Sold Hill Bpont Tuesday with Mr. and Mrt. J, H. Cay. Dr. 10. H. Kniorson nccompnnloil by Will Scott rotumod to bis homo at lljitto Fulls Tuocday. Tho oiikIho of extra frolKbt train No. ari:i went dead hero ThohiIhv at noon, It wnH out of wntor nnd wiih tonklnr; badly. Maoblnlsta ar rived on No. ia to ropalr tho en- jtluo and, nflor taking city water for Iho holler tboy dopnrtod for Ash land Tuesday uvoiiIiik. Tho ladloH of tho Presbyterian ohurcb will bold their annua! thauk-orferln:: tea at tho homo of Mrn. Hubert Kylo on Friday, No voinbor a I. Supper will bo sorved from r.:30 to 10 . m. A vorv In- terostliiB program Is behu: prepared. All aro cordially Invited to attend. Tho dhoruH work botuR conducted by Hov. Aldrlcb, who undorHtandB Hiich work thoroiiKhly, boliiK a mu sician or Kiwi ability, la milking groat progress. John (Irlevca of Westvlllo camp No. 1 was transilctlng biiHlnesH boro Tuesday, riloi Cured In 0 to 14 Dy Vour dniKKlHl will rofuad iiioiiov If I'A'.O O1NTM10NT f.illH tn mi .. .... of lluldmr. I Html, nioodhiK or l'lotrudlm; i-neH in u id n imyn, duo. Hacking ror Hoaltu. COUNCIL NAMES BOARD OF THREE Rcijlstratlon Board Chosen-Will Sit Ten Days Next Month In Order lo RcIslcr Voters for City Election in January. MowiiH. Cady,- Jthilor mnt Collrell worn oleclod by Uih city council Tuosdny uvonlitg hh it noun! of rete ll utlon, iih provldijirby tho city cJmr (er. Thin board Will nil for 10 ilwyii lu Decembor mul hkmIh on iilctlou day, but on the llt tmincd day It will looillro thrco ftiHiolifni to roKlHtor a votor. All votorH In Uio clly ro required lo register In orilor to vot at tho city election. Draperies Wo rurrr vnry comnloto line of rtrorlf. lei ciirlAlni, rixturp. etc.. nni) c'o nil cliifof of urilinlotrlnK A upTlnl tn.iii (a look after thin work rxPliiRlvily and will Rive a koo1 ntvIco tin In poftftIMn to Kit In avun iht Inri.'fut olilfg, Weeks & McGowan Co EVERY LITTLE MOVEMENT HAD A COIN OF ITS OWN CHICO, Cnl., Nov. -22. The llnp tint church in ooMiHilprablv cnriclicil today iih u iyhiiII of Hi'' modem xpint iliHplnyi'd hy the church ehoir in ren iluring .Miidnino Kli,rry,H fuuions waltz iiicctf, "Bvory Initio Moretnciii IIiihii MeaiiiiiK All Itn Almic," Ihc collection pinto w mihwi. The rwtull wiih tho InrfrcHt eollcetion u yearn, nnd tho iiitroduclion of new M'oulnr mtiHii' into Cliieo ehurelie biiln fnir to become ot.tahlWicd. Hnxklm for Health. Colds Vanish Quirk, KciihIIiIo Method That Dim-mi'I t'psrt (bo Ktum.irh Ilavo you board of tlio overnight cold cure that Ik puttliiK whin lu the bond nnd chest out of bimlueM be tween minuet and daybreak? Hero It Ih. Cut It out tun! mvo It If you don't need It now. If you have a cold, cough,' throat orenoM or acute catarrh, bo Buro and try It to night Just before going to bed. Pour a scant tonspoonful of HYOMKI (pro nounce It Hlgh-o-mo) Into a bowl of boiling wntor, cover head and bowl with n towel and breathe for povoral mlniitoH tlio vapor that arises, then go to hIw'P nnd awake with a clear bend froo from niuciit. IIYOMHf Ih guurarff?0il fo'r catarrh coldR, coughs, erotip, asthma, sore thront and bronchitis, or money back. Hot tie of Hyomol SO cents at Chns. Strang's nnd ilruKRUtH ovorywkore. Rookwood We are showing a large line of this beautiful pottery. Make your selec tions early. Medford Book Store L. N. J U D D KHAIi KHTATU AMH.NT TAIiK.VT, JACKKO.V COUNTY, OHM. Midway bolwoen Medford and Aah uuiil. In thy fruit belt of Southern Oregon. Healthful and mild cllmato I'ure water. Alfalfa, fruit and tlni- Iwr land, from 1G sen's to 800 acre. Also lots on the IfiHtsllrnent plan In icwly lnrorioratfil Iokii of Tdlent, (Jre;on Wrltn (enclosing stamps) ' or coino lo seo mo at Talent. Oregon. EAGLE POINT LIVERY STABLE Tho undersigned having Just compleled a large now livery stable In KhkIo Point, wo Invito the travel ing public to call and examine our rigs, tiaitis, etc., nil being In first class condition. Our motto Is to Mw and Let Live. Phono at stable and residence. Call central. S. II. MAItMSH & SON. Props. THANKSGIVING CARDS, INDIAN BASKETS, LEATHER G60DS mtZtm -fLLU ti .!.. . UJil jKjX.wfw t . A. ! I .A rirr0r0HH' We have a full line of PEERLESS LAMPS 7 4, 8, 1(5, 32 C. P. carbofi lamps; 2R, 40, CO, 100, 1G0, 2H0 Z watt TungHton I am pa. Tho best lamps nnd tho beat prices. All lampa guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phenes: Pacific 4001; Home 124. 0 TREES Just n word to i unhid you that the Eden Valley Nursery la Htlll doing business ut tho saino old htiiud and under tho Ranin bannor. QUALITY FIR.ST Look up tho history of tbla Nursery, nlso the man behind It. You aro gmiruutcod atock that will ploano you and tbo- prlco will bo right. It will soon bo Iroo planting tlino. Mntl mo a IlHt of utook wanted nnd l will conio throiiBli with tbo goods. N. S. BENNETT Phono Connections, Hov ti'M Meilfoiil, Oro. OGDEM a SHASTA) I V ROUTES California IS FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER FOR ITS SPLENDID H0STLERIES, ITS VARIED ATTRACTIONS, ITS FINE BEACHES, HOT SPRINGS AND PLEASURE RESORTS REACHED WITH EASE BY THE Southern Pacific HOITK OF SHASTA LIMITED "KOAD OP A THOUSAND WO'XDERS" Excursion Tickets Costing $55 Portland to Los Angeles AND RETURN . On salo daily, good six months with stopovers going or returning. Correspond ing low Tares from other Oregon points. Call on our Agents for Handsomely Illustrated Literature ilMcribmr San Sun Francisco. Onklnml, Mt. Tmnnlpnis, Berkeley, Stanfonl University, Sun Jom Lick Observatory, Santa Grub, Del Monte, I'iiho Uoblcs Hot Spring, Santn Burbnrn, Los Angola, I'asailoun, Long Bunch, Venice, Iliversiile, ltutltnml.s, Snn Diego, the Qbl Spuuixh Mim-iou, YoHouiitti Kntioiiul Park ami Dig Treoo, and tunny olbor plnceu oC interest in Che Oolileu Stale; or write to JOIIN M. SCOTS Gen'l Pas.-,'r Agent, PORTLAND, ORKGON We carry a very complete stock of ELECTRIC IRONS We have the American in two styles, the Beauty at $5.oo and the Superior at $4.oo Step in and let us show them to you. Medford Hardware Comp'ny 218 EAST MAIN ST. IRRIGATION IRRIGATION is the science of giving a plant just as much moisture as it needs, and just exactly when it needs it. IRRIGATION litis added moro wealth to the country in tho last ten years than any three of the largest resources combined. Thousands of acres of worthless laud have been reclaimed and some of this land has sold for the highest prices ever paid for horticultural or agricultural land. IRRIGATION will reclaim "tho desort," G500 acres will bo developed into a vast orchard district. "Tho desert" when irrigated will prove to bo tho best orchard land in tho "Roguo River Valloy. IRRIGATION will make tho Rogue Rivor Valley famous for its berries. Tho largest yields in tho next few years will como from "tho desert." IRRIGATION will add thousands of acres to the producing area of tho Roguo River Valley, and in theso new districts thoro will bo no croj) failure, for irriga tion is a guarantee of bountiful yiolds, and is real crop insuranco for tho grower. IRRIGATION in tho Willamette Valloy has increased production from sixty to threo hundred por cent. It will do the samo in the Roguo Rivor Valloy. IRRIGATION will double the population of Medford and tho Roguo River Valley in tho next few years. New homes will bo established. Orchards will be planted on lands that havo nover been productive "Tho desert" will bo redeemed and a thousand families will bo added through this development. Rogue River Valley Canal Company IfRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager Medford National Bank Bldg., Medfor d. Oro. rra D e ,r n? i f