- j MEDFORD MATL TRTBUNE, MEDFORD. OKI'ICION. "MONDAY. NOVNMRIOR 20, 'IMf. i "wr ""' eOYS ARE HERE FROM ANTIPODES COLD "THE COMMUTERS," AT THE OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT. PORTLAND GOT LION'S SHARE Nearly 30,000 Humcscckcrs Took Ad vnntnnc of Colonist Rntos This Fall Oregon Received More Tlinn California. NOTION. Notice In horoby given thnt tho Itoguo lUvor Valley University club will inaUo application to tho city council or tho oily or Medford, Ore gon, at Its regular mooting on Novem ber 21, 101 1, for n Hcoiiho to mill HplrltumiH tltpinrn, and mult Ihiuorn, In unutlt!cH Icsh than a gallon, nt tin elub room In tho Mall Tribune building on Fir ntruut, for u period ot AN OPPOHTUNITV. 10 acreit of deep black ntlelty pear and applo laud intbtrrlgiitod, threo mllen from town, Price no per rout lonit than any othur land In valley equally n good, on tormn of ti per item cash and ?1 per nc.ro per auoiitli till paid, no Intercut, with other ad vantages not mentioned hero. Oliver 1). Ill-own, 1 127 13. Mala, Mod ford. E i Youngsters of Australia Will Give an Entertainment at the Natatorium This Evening Arc Guests of High School Pupils. Several Washington Towns Were En dangered When the Puyallup River Slopped Over Its Banks and Did Much Damage. six months. Itoguo Itlvor Valley University Club, 111 Ilnnktns for Health. WOE 8TCC UPATUEP HLriiiiLii litwiflyiltiliiiyfllK'lJMHiitill I'M Win NDS BIG STORM1 IBtirBBWftl :Hii I : 1 ! i n .. i Fho Australian boys' band arrived In MoiHonl Sunday evening and were met nt the depot by ft largo crowd of Medford high school students. There are 42 mom bora of the band ranging In ago from 10 to IS years. Thuy will g"ve an entertainment at the Xntntorlum tonight, and the ad mission price wilt bo 50 centst. Kvory mctabor of the company from the youngest to the oldest, Is an ath lete, singer and a musician, nndj uvory school child In the city has en Joyed to tho fullest tho concerts the boys have given on tho streets to day, nml nre expecting n treat at the Nntatorlum tonight. a JJ i$ LAID AI REST The funeral services over the rc innins of Edgar A. Kin?, who died in Medford Fridny morning, were held nt tho Ferl undertaking; parlors Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, Rev. W. V. Shields officiating, TACOMA, Wnrii.. Nov. 20.-CoM we'ntlior brought relief today from what llirenteued to ho tho worst flool for years. Tlie Puynllup river. whieti slopped over its banks and did grout dnmnpo Inst night, i voiug down and nil st renins centering here ne receding". McMillan, n village on the I'uynl lup, wns tlirenlened with dostrm'th-:i by tho river clumping its course yes terday, and n mnss meeting scoured powder to blow up n log jam and flood fnnns below if the danger iil not decrease. Tncoina wns dark fifteen minu'es last night with the transmission lino washed out. Sewers were wnshe I out and the lolands inundated, hit, the water is going down. All traiw from the east are coming by way ot Vancouver today, land and snow slides in the mountains blocking the Northern Pacific, Great Northern and Miuwnukee. The railways report they will hnv clear tracks by morning. Aid Society Meets. The Ladles' Aid society of tho First M. E. church met In the base- There wns n large attendance of ment of the church Wednesday after- In prcenting .lames Forbes' new est play. The Commuters," which b to be seen at the Medford theater November 110, Henry H. Harris is convinced he has u worthy successor to "The Chorus Udy" and "The Tmvoling Salonum," bith of which nre from the pen of the, author of "Tho Commuters." It is n comedv in four nets in which arc incorporat ed many of the laughable iiiicdeuts that huinKMi in the iluilv life nt' ilm man of business who works in the city and endeavors to find sucrcase from toil amidst the calm and quiet atmosphere of the suburbs. The title itself suggests the great powihihli s ot a luugh creation, and it is need less to say that Mr. Forbes has taken eery advantage of tlu splendid op. portunities of tho subject to create another imrlh-provoking theatrical cutcrtninutcut that "will perpetuate his uaiue along with the greatest hu morists this country has ever known. "The Commuters" comes to this city with tho New York and Uostou cast, and includes 1 furry Davenport, Flor ence Malone, Amy Lesser, John Uoi ertson, Lillian Thurgnte, Pauline DutTield, K. V. llnckus, Frederic Ma cohn, Kerra Ivenw.vn, Maude Sin clair and others. friends and relatives. Tho floral of ferings were plentiful and very beau tiful. Ono floral piece was especially beautiful, it being n floral blanket which entirely covered tho enskct. Mmyo vyxs furnished by Miss Gladys .Tardinc, .Miss Laura McQueen. Messrs. A. S. Mack, Ernest Price nnd Walter Gore. Tho pallbearers were Harry Helms, E. W. Hrous, Mark Finney, 0. N. Burnett, Clyde Shaw, Oscar Lewis, T. G. Jackson nnd M Ada.ws. Interment was made iti Odd Fellows' cemetery. rxss xjlctd. Another allottmcnt. of very choice val ley fruit land Is now ready for distri bution. Write Immediately to tho Jantlia Plantation Co., Block 1056. Pittsburg. Pa., for application blanks. T,ho only re quirement Is that flvo acres be planted In fruit trees within five years. Au thorized improvement companies will plant the trees at reasonable prices, and market tho fruit for the owners on shares. noon. Devotional exercises led by Mrs. Bennett. Thoro were present 25, and at each meeting from ono to threo arc received. While tho ladles have been quiet, they havo not been Idle, but aro busy making extensive preparations for their an nual fair to bo given December G. In connection with tho fair will bo a chicken pie dinner with tho usual ac companiments of salad, pickles, pic, coffee, etc. In the evening a hot lunch will be served. Tho society kindly solicits .the assistance ot nil ladies of the church whether mem bers of tho society or not. Dona tions of fancy articles, ono from fully accepted, and It is hoped that every lady who will help In any way will be present at the next meeting in tho basenrcnt of the church on next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. MARRIED. Michael M. Herman and Miss Myrtlo Clara MclCeo were married Sunday at t:30 o'clock at tho homo ot .Mr. and Mrs. Fort Hubbard, -HO South IUvorsldo nvenuo, Medford, Rev. E. Olin Kldrldge, pastor ot tho M. E. church, officiating. A splendid dinner was served after the wedding by Mrs. Hubbard to the many relatives and friends in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Herman left from Central Point Sunday eve ning for a short honeymoon visit to Portland. By taking tho train nt Central Point Instead of at Phoenix, as had previously been planned, tho young couplo escaped several rico showers which wero In waiting for them as the passenger train passed through Mediord. tho city of Medford, Oregon, nt Its next reculnr meotltw on Nov. Slat, 1911, for a Itrenso to sell splritou. vinous nnd malt liquors In quantities leax than a Rnllnn, nt their pluco of bualnesii on South Kir street, located at lots 10, H nnd 12. block 45. of tho original town ltc, In said city, for a period of six uontlis. ItAU-MOIlR CO. Date of first publication November S. 1911. HALT LAKK CITY, Utah, Nov. 20. llotuc.icokot-H to tho number of 29.SI8 wero carried to tho Pacific const over tho Ilarrlmuu linen from September 15 to October Hi, accord ing to rcportH JitHt compiled hero. Flflcon thousand three hundred and twenty passed Ogilcn, UflUO truv olPd via Kl Paso, 3701 via Portland nnd SG8 via Los Angeles. Medford. Ore, Nov. 7, 1011. Tliln Is to certify that about November my dauith ter was taken with a. mvro attack of rhvuiiuitliim which rendered her left arm useless, in fact It wns no near parulyxed thnt she was not nblo to movn her fin cers, hut knowing of somo of Dr. Chow Vouiik'h marvelous cures of lonit stand. Iiik cases of rheumatism, wo decided to consult htm. In which I am pleased tn say made no mistake, ns his remedies acted ns he claimed they would and af ter the third treatment the rheumatic patn entirely left her and she has not had any symptoms of rheumatism since; besides her Kcnornl health Is much Im proved nnd I do not hesitate In saying I bellevo those afflicted with rheuma tism or paralysis will do well io consult Or Chow Young, whoso house Is corner of Tenth and l'rout streets, Medford, Oregon. A. 1 WRIHK 311 Why Accident Insurance is Necessary Tea pur cent of all deains are duo to accidents. 11,000,000 people aro killed and Injured yearly In tho United States (10 per minute). There aro five (linos more people killed and Injured yearly than die from natural catiHes. More people aro killed and Injured In tho United Htntott yearly than have been killed or In jured during any war of tho last two hundred years, You inn more liable to die from an accidental Injury than front any dis ease but one. Nature will guard ngatusl IIIiicsh, but never against an accidental Injury. More people havo received Indemnity front tho Travelers for accidental Injuries than wore killed or wounded In tho Union Army during tho Civil War. C. B. WALKER & CO. Insurance of All Kinds 10'J W. MAIN HT. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. At the opening of today's stock market heavy selling of lenders caused un settled conditions. United States Steel was down n point, ns wns also Union Pacific and American Cotton Oil. Wabash preferred lost 3-4 and the common 1-8. Grant Northern preferred lost 1 1-2. Later Union Pacific made tip its loss, and Heading and Lehigh Valley were slightly above Saturday's close. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho under signed will apply to the city council of What Ails You? .Ml-u-NA stomach Tablets nroj guaranteed by Cbns. Strang to end indigestion or any stomach distress, or money back. They relievo upBct atomach In flvo minutes. MI-O-N'A for belching of gaB. MI-O-NA for distress uftcr eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for biliousness. MI-O-NA to wako up tho liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick hendacho. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. MI-O-NA for night sweats. MI-O-N'A for sleeplessness. MI-O-NA for bad dreams. MI-O-NA for sea sickness. MI-O-NA after a banquet. MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg nancy. Makes rich, pure blood puts gin ger, vigor, vim, Vitality Into tho wholo body. Fifty cents a largo box nt Chns. Strang's and druggists ovcrywhoro. PiriTii & n 1 1 1 1 1 ii THE ftibsrbJJJJJKs.ajKJvjJjiji.Jj.Jj..n Hill ikJV Laundry I'AMIIiY WANIIINO A HI'KCIAI.TV. AIiIj WOIIIC GUAUANTKKII Ordorn called for and delivered. First class work dono by hand. Indies' nnd men's nulls clennod and pressed. Tel. Mala 7831; Home, 37. Corner Klghth and 8o. Central Ave. ''4'';s'Nr f At the men you most esteem. Do they not all have spotless linen? Have you ever met a successful man ynt who was careless about bis collar and cuffs, to say noth ing about tho rest of his linen? Tho wlso man sends his linen where he knows without n doubt it Is going to bo returned whole, nnd with a snow white finish. That's here. Phono for our wagon. THE STAR Steam Laundry Mcdfonl, Oregon Oyster Shell Ground Bone Meat Scraps All kinds of Chicken Feed RUSSMILL THANKSGIVING CARDS, INDIAN BASKETS, LEATHER GIODS J5L& vT"y 'BsblSSL (Slit IQfrYiA JRwn jfrns&S' y.B7rrx f gMftaflriftflflfrftftaPfrtftrtflPfrjftflr : : : -: -: -: -: : : -: : : -: -: ! - : - ; : : : : : : : -: : : ' : : : : : : : : ) : : : : WHY PAY RENT? t 14 "BUILT ON HONOR HOMES" will be constructed on Jackson St., near Jackson School, between Summit and Columbus avenue. Paved streets, cemont walks, in front and around oach house, electricity, gas, water, sewer; every lot graded with finished lawn, concrete retaining wall; shed, garage. No two houses alike. Built by day labor. Evory houso DAMP-PROOF SAVE ONE-THIRD FUEL BILL Box sheathed and lined with heavy tarred paper. Workmanship and material guaranteed for ONE YEAR by Two Million Dollar Bonding Company. A FEW OF THE REAL COMFORTS Living Roem: Hardwood floors, bookcases, fireplace. Dining Roem: Hardwood floors, buffet, china closet, panel walls. Kitchen: Drninboni'd (ono-pioco sugar pino, no glued joints or bull pine), flour and sugar bins, kitchen cabinets with china closets, tiled walls. Bath Koem: Porcelain tub, 4 -inch roll rim lavatory, toilei, medicine cab inet, soiled clothes cabinet, English inlaid linoleum on floor, tiled walls. Miscellaneeus: Hardwood borders on Ijedroom floors; electric fixtures; highest quality paints only; plumbing is sanitary, all lead waste pipes, linen closets. , OUR BEST AD. IS THE HOUSES WE HAVE BUILT YOU CAN PICK YOUR OWN PLANS ; : : : ; ; : : ; : : ; ' ; : ; . ; : : ' : : : ; : , - : : - : -: : TO YOUR OWN IDEAS IF YOU DO IT NOW $200 TO $400 CASH-When House Is Completed $25 TO $40 MONTHLY PAYMENTS ' r & MEDFORD REALTY 6 IMPROVEMENT COMPANY : : ; : ; : ; M. F. & H, Co Bldg. Phones.: Pac, M. 3444; Home, 292-L lHiMMMMMMMMMMMVMHVMMMMMMVMMMMMMMMi MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMyMM r I