arEirFORD mail tribunk medfoto, okegon, ft?tday, novembek 17, ion. WELSH CHOIR Vht&M!fP&!P THE SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES f Sunrise Laundry! " f II JUST ARRIVED m The Mcdford National Bank CAPITAL. STOCK - IJIiOO.OOO.OO SURPLUS nd PROFITS $35 OOO.OO to to ! i A Now hi no of Men's .High (1nt Shoes Fine mid J loavy Work Shoes SPECIAL Children's School Shoos .13olow Cost to m to to to to to to m to to to ; FAMILY WASHING A SPECIALTY. ALL WOKK til'AKAXTHKI) A Orders called tor and delivered. First class work dono by band. Ladles' nnd men's suits cleanud and pressed. Tel. Main 7S31; 2 Home, 37. Corner Eighth and So. Centrnl Ave. 4 5 Larue Audience Greets Royal Welsh I ( Lndls' Choir Have No Superiors on the Concert Stage of Today Attcnadncc Highly Pleased. TW Q TJTTkTiXT UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY HAW mCl'OSIT 1IOXICH FOU ItKNT. e'.'''; j South Central Look for tho Rod Boot i to- THANKSGIVING CARDS, INDIAN BASKETS, LEATHER GOODS w. x. a our, rrtiMtnt. J. A. rxit&T, Tlo rrl. JOHN . OUTK, 0lilr. X. S. MEKHIOK, Vto , W. H. JAOKMON, Altt. CjMhUr, to- MGE BIX M PLEAS NG TI10 lntliafi of the flrcntod Mcdfonl Club tlosorvo our tlitink for Inst night's oxoollont musicnl onlerinin Jiinnl. The Itoynl Wtish Lmlii's' rtlirtir is n company of onsoinblc sine ors who lmvo no superiors nntl in fntil one might any cqunl on the con cert KtiiRo of today. While their solo voioofi were good, in fnet nbovo the nvornjyc, yot it is not the single effort of the boIo gingers which place this orgninaztion in the forefront of con curt companies hut rather this con certed singing. While Wales hns by no means been the homo of opera, yet it is well known thnt tho Welsh choral socie ties have excelled in Ontario. It is in Wales thnt wo hear tho marks of Handel niul ITydcn given in a man ner that has no equal in any other country in the world. Chorus sing ing is n part of Welsh life; even the coal miners eotne from under the ground grim with the dust and grease of the mine and tako hold of a re hearsal of the Mesiali of Creation as though it were a part of their duties as? a colllier. They sink their indi viduality and mark for a conceited effort as no other musical people have ever done. Madame Hughes Thomas is a di rectress possessing the temperament and fine conception essential to a finished musical performance she makes her singers think and hrenthc and fraso like one great organism. Their orosendoos and inimindvors is like the coining and going of the mind among the pines. If you wish to hear perfect chorus work here the Koyal Welsh singers. The Mcdford lndios succeeded in getting out n uargc audience of mu- 5 sic lovers. The Natatorium hall was well filled.- kT-r ..:: ;: "n co. v!ir aurrmttw ginnvr nr NEW! NEW! 9 1 j S?e ART STORE I has a new line of Paints and Wall Paper Pacific Phono 109i llonio Phono 93 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET OUR WOOD AND DRAY Office In now lociilcd at No. !W South Kir III WUnou ,M Co.'h upcoikI hand sloiv. SmhIii1 attention jjlvcn to llm moving of ItoiiNcliold HkmIs timl tho delivery of freight. H. S. RRUMBLE & SONS Home, 1HI5-L Hell, it Hit tol '($ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ---4- ATLANTA, Ga. Israel Zelt, sec ond vice-president of the Ladies' Garment Workers of America, tn dny teleRrnphcd tho American Fed eration of Labor convention here ur'iu that all unionists refuse to liny clothing made in rierclnnd. MEDFORD T H E A T RE MONDAY, NOV. 20 Henry B. Harris Presents a New Farcical Comedy THE COMMUTERS By James Forbes, Author of "The Chorus Lady" and "The Traveling Salesman." "Funnier Than Either." Six Months at the Criterion Theatre, New York 16 Weeks at the Park Theatre, Boston The New York & Boston Co'y " ' ' mmtmmmmm m, I. I. IMp. !! I ! Prices 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seats at Haskins'. :t2 MOHK SIIOPIU.NG days THEN CHRISTMAS IK) YOl'Il XMAS SlIOPriXG KAIILY As an Kxtra Iiulucemcnt for You to SHOP EARLY ..THE .. WONDER STORE WILTi GIVH rUKH OXK AKTICIiH OK SAMU I'HICK WITH KVKItY SIX PL'HCHASKi) (Kxample lluy ti palra hono and Kot ono p.ijr FUKIC). Or will givo a slrnlnht discount of 10 1'Klt C'KXT on every article In Htock fr tho NEXT 10 DAYS Our Stoi'k'of Xiiuih Gm1s l.s Very Complete nnd You Will SAVE MONEY HY SHOPPING lIKIti: leepy Hollow Farm ROCK POINT, JACKSON COUNTY, ORE. WILL FURNISH DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER THE PRODUCTS OF THE FARM Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Calves, Beef, Alfalfa Hay 300 Cockerels WtKlitn about 2 l.. poumt fni'li. cliolco lifoilcrH, iVil on uhi'ut mid tmrii niul iiuc uiouiitniii wnlitr, poultry will l iliosHCil nntl uYlivcrfil lit Mrilfonl on Tito ilnys niul FriiluyH. 10 Calves In priuio foiulitiou. raltuui on rci'i'ii ulfulfu; will lio ilruMHoil una Hold In (piurUtrn uiliiu ultout Ui lli. 150 Tons Alfalfa Hay cimioimt kiiuI, no urn or wwAh, . well euri'tl. 200 Eggs Dally All Wliilo tlmm, fn.m wlicut ami orn mill puio luouiitiilti wilt or. The Sleepy Hollow Farm Is run on up-to-claie scientific lines. The poultry and stock are kept under perfect sanitary conditions. Tho public Is cordially Invited to visit tho farm. It is only n 40-mlnute journey on the S. P. motor. All Prices Will Be Reasonable It licinn the policy of the farm management to reap In a mensuro the middleman's profit, while quite wllllnn to (jlvo a larnc share of it to the consumer. SLEEPY HOLLOW FARM Home Phone. Rock Point, Jackson County, Orcijon. MANN'S LIVE WIRE SALE MANN'S central ave. near post office OPENS SATURDAY, NOV. 18, CLOSES SATURDAY, DEC. 1 central ave. near post office Live Wires in Glove? Dept. "Women's One Clasp Street Gloves, $1.25 values, "Live Wire" fc 98c Women's Cashmere Gloves in black cham ois and crav. "Live "Wire" price a pair 25c Medford's Greatest Sale Opens Tomorrow Morning when we place on sale the balance of our Fall and winter stock of merchandise at RADICAL REDUCTIONS IN PRICE. Every bargain a "Live Wire." BE SURE you get in touch with them. Live Wires in Corset Dept. Women's Coutil Cor sets, fitted with two pairs hose supporters 7J3r. quality. Alg "Live Wire" t Women's Coutil Cor sets, fitted with three pairs hose supporters "Live Wire" C(Jp sale price, pr ....vti LIVE WIRE OFFERINGS IN GARMENT DEPT. ft 0 &h $15Suits$11.98 The balance of our $15 Suits, all this sea son's styles. Price.. $11.9 $12, 50 Coats $6.98 Women's "Now" Broadcloth Coat s, splendid values at $12.50. "Live Wire" 16.98 $25 SUITS $18.98 All of our "New" $25 Suits in plain and fancies. "Live Wire"... 118.98 $15 COATS 59.98 Women's New Win ter Coats, made of fancy Scotch Mix tures. $25.00 values. SL.:$9.98 '$35 SUITS $22.98 ' Beautiful "New" vel vet Suits, sold all sea son at $35.00. "Live Wire" price only $22.98 LIVE WIRE BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS NEW PLAIDS $20 COATS $13.98 W o m e n s Winter Coats in plain and fancy mixtures, $20 S.J13.98 "Live Wires" in Warm Furs Black Coney Muffs, large size, worth $5. "Live Wire" $0 Qfi price ...vamUO FOX SETS $35.00 "LIVE WIRES" 50 Women's Tailored Waists made of fine nercale, $1.00 value. ''Live Wire" fiQp TMMfin vtv Black Taffeta Waists nil si,es, worth $1.00. ;;h:.ii::::..$2.48 Black Coney Sets, muff and scarf. Cheap at $10. Live QO AQ Wire price $UeFO Jap Mink Sets $25.00 IN WAISTS 100 Women's Fancy emhroidered and fau cv waists worth $1.50. "Live Wire" M 1Q price $1.13 Messaline Waists in blue k and colors. Worth $5. Q AO "LiveViro"..Vt.liO Two "Live" Ones in Petticoats 50 "New" Messaline Petticoats, all colors and black, reg. $u val ues. "Live Wire n $2.98 50 Black Sateen Pet ticoats, all si'es, real $2 ones. "Live Wire" fi. $1.19 NECKWEAR "LIVE WIRES" New "Dutch" Lace Collars, worth 35c. "Live Wire" IC;0 price aeJL New Side .Tabots fine quality, worth up to 50c. "Live OQf Wire" price uvlj New '.'Stock" Collars with Jabots attached, worth 50c. "Live Wire" price 29c eacn. New embroidered Col lars, 25c values. "Live Wire" price each,. 19c Beautiful Plaids for children's dresses, w o r t h 40c. "Live wire" price, yard 23-inch All Silk Messaline in all colors, 0 $1 cloth. "Live Wire" price, a yard Q MVJ WOOL SERGE Our best GOc All Wool Serge in black and colors. "Live Wire" prico yard 49c CLOAKiNGS 58 inch Jleversible Cloakings worth $2.50 "Livp Wire" price. 11.98 SHEPHERD CHECK New black and white Checks, worth 25c. "Live wire" price, 17c 18-inch Messaline and 24-inch Faille IJftf Silk, 75c values, Live Wire price, yard... "7 LOOK AT CALICO Best quality, fast col ors. Live Wire Cp price, a yard ' Double Fold Percale, good quality. "Live Wire" price 0 a yard "i Colored Oilcloth, best quality. "Live Wire" 1)1,1(30 , 1 Ql a yard xv THESE "LIVE APRON GINGHAM. Good quality, fast col ors. Why pay 8c? "Live Wiro" g price, a yard " Outing Flannel, good heavy quality, worth 10c. "Live Op Wire" price, yd.... WIRES" IN DOMESTICS SHEETS 72x90 bleached sheets good grade worth 00c. "Live Wire" "MC prico TiO 42 and 45 in. bleached Pillow Slips, 18c grade. "Livo -tOl 'Wiro" prico It MUSLIN 0 o o d heavy un bleached Muslin, reg. 8o grado, Livo Op Wire prico, yd wL i Stitched batfs enough for comforter. "Live Whj'-prlc. ,g9c UNDERWEAR "LIVE WIRE" BARGAINS AVomen's heavy rib'd fleeced lined vests and pants. "Livo OQ Wire" price qi..Muv Women's heavy plush back Vests and Pants "Livo Wiro" price, each 49c 25c Children's gray fleece Vests and Pants, Livo Wire prico each Boys' heavy fleeced Shirts and Drawers. "Livo Wire" OQr prico, each ,J BEDDING "LIVE WIRE" BARGAINS Heavy Comforters, good si'o $1.25 values. "Livo Wiro" OQr prico, each Ooh Fine Silkalino Com fortors, big size worth Wire" prico.... Oft $2.25. ''Livo fl.OJ Cray Cotton Blankels good weight. "Live Wire" prico CQ a pair vJly Extra largo Gray Cot ton Blankets. "Livo Wiro" prico QO a pair vOl c