Sty Hftll &W-W $ i Medford Mail Tribune SUBSCRIBERS rnlllnir to Btt pnpr wiU have on (lollvortfl by phoning of' floo lijr 0 p, n, WEATHER ltiifn. Max. 47, Mln. IHi Hoi. Hum., H( Per CchL ma !)nlly Itlxth Year. Forty-Kit nt Yt'itr. MEDFORD, OWiiaON, FHIDAY, N0VMA1I3KK 37, 39.11. No. 200. H , STATE ISSUE OF HWAYBOiS E TO CARRY Such Is Opinion of C. T. Prnll, Presi dent of State Guud Roads Associa tion, Who Has Carefully Tested Sentiment In State. NOW PREPARING DILLS TO SUBMIT TO PEOPLE Jackson County Has Set the Pace, Ho Says, In (ho Matter of Building Hluhwnys. Tim public) Hontliiiciit throughout tint Ntatu In overwhelmingly In favor tif constructing bettor hlghwaya ami that tint proponed Mtato bond Issue of I20.0QO.QQO for that purpose will carry overwhelmingly, whon sub mitted through tint lultlatlvit to tlio vole of tint people Is tlio belief of C. T. I'nill of Portland, tlio prosl limit of tlio Htato good romls nsiioclit tlou. Mr. Prnll Ih vlitlllng .Medford nu private IhihIiiomh Hi la tliint, hut ho In alHO taking oerimlon to fool tint public pulno In regard to tlio pro poHti bond issue. ".fncknon county, of rounut, haa nl ntaily demonstrated to the state what hIio thinks of bond Ihxiioh with which to roiiHlrurt hlKhwayri. It would ho regretted very iiiiipIi by good rontls atlvooatcx throughout tho Htato Hhotilil tint court determine that your rM!tul election hero wan un rnuMltutlounl, for If JnrkHou county Ih allowed to no ahoad an hIio ban Kturtcd I hi' entire Htato will fall In lino and follow hor load. "Tho vtato good roads niuioclartlou Ih now cngnKCd In preparing- Inttf.v tlvo ltllU to submit to tho people at tho ne.xt'rMnto election which will provldo n bond tiwuo of $20,000,000 for tho purpono of constructing hut tor road.. I believe that It will most cortnlnly pas, an Hunllmimt In rap idly gt owing In favor of nucli a pro. roduro In Iho matter of Improving tho highway! of tho Htato. "California In spending 10. 000, 000 on a trunk lluo through tho Htato and wo of Oregon should run- tluuo this crmit highway from tho California lluo to tho Columbia whoro It will connect with tho Wash ington highway now under construe tlou. In 11)15, whon tho great oxpo nltlou at Kau Francisco attrartn thou sands of tourlHtH to tho count, wo iniiHt not ho found behind our sister Hliittm In any particular." COUNTESS ALLOWED TO PROCEED WITH INFANT SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. '7. Countess Mnrguerilto Do Rouge moiit, a wealthy Frenchwoman, who wort duniucd on tlio liner Muriposu hero liecaiiHu hIio liad witli tier an in fant wIiohii pniTiitiiKo could not ho iduuhficd, ih axlioro today, prcpaniiK lo coiitiuuo hor jourmiy to Switzur- land. Tim countcHH claiiiieil that the oliild'n parcntri were in Pari and n Hut law forhidrt alieiiH of louder ycaiM luudiiij; witliout t loii paientH' coun toHn mid liahy wore kept aliimnl the liner. Today tho official liavc decided o allow tho two mouths' old infant ami !Ih prolcctoriiHH to continue. PINCH0T PREPARES TO ATTACK SEC. FISHER WASHINGTON, 1). C Nov. 17.-- Clifford I'incliot, former chief fores ter of the United SutCH and Secre tary of tint Interior Walter h. Fisher, are liotli in WiiHliiiiftoii today. Pin chot expootrt o open the fiejit ugaiuHt FJHhur'H miiiKoi'viitloii polioioH, in Hpito of h endorricment of Fislier wlien the latter was named Hoerotnry of tlio interior, Tlio former eliieof J'oreHter is preparing inii(-iixlua nrli oIoh uttiiokiii)- FiHher'H policlen, par tioularly Hioho roKpoctiiij AliiHkn. CoiiHorvution may tliiin liecomo omv of the londinj,' rhiioh t tlio ooinine; hos hIoii (f coiiki-ohh. Secretary FiHlior Ih nlfio confronted with tho poswihilily that ho may he hhkciI to coiiduot President Tuft's onmpa'Ku for ree-olootiou. Look for tho loBor of tho'nrlloloa yriu lmvo found for i prompt ml may bhvo 1dm n. lot of worry. HTTTt t H AMERICAN TROOPS MAY BE MOBILIZED ON MEXICAN LINE AUSTIN, 'JVx., Nov. 17. -Mobilization of American I roups nu ho Mexican bonier, il jm reported hern loilny, will hooii bo ordered, Tlio report followed tlio publication of (loveruor ColipiiU'n order (lint lint entire force of Texas Ranger lie distributed louior iimirow, in order to nid tlio United KIiiIcm government in enforcing neutrality. It in ex pected Unit lint iniiiKuiviM'rt will ho Mliailar o thou hint spring. HHHHIIH TEH CARLOADS OF APPLES ENTERED S Mcdford's Car Which Was Shipped North Last Evening Will Have Nine Other Cars to Meet in Free- for-AII Competition. SI'Olv'ANK. Wn Nov. 17.-Ti enlrieM have been received in the enr load clasrioH at the fourth National Apple Show here, November TA to .'10. 1'iiir.oK of $.'100 to find and $100 to Nceoud will he uwarded in each chu.K in addition to which the offcrx a special pri-.e of $.r)00 for the IicmI packed carload entered in com petition. The International Apple Shippers iiMooiation trophy will he uwarded for the lumt commercially packed and graded carload and the iuniiiif,M-mcii pf the nIiow will present n purxu of $200 in K'd to tiie ex hibitor of the iiiohI artistically do: orated carload. ThjeulrioH follew: K. P.' WriK1it, Ciielan, Wn., Home lleauty; exhibitor at every apple show and winner of numerous prixn. II. S. Simmons Wounlohcc, mixed carlead: exhibitor at I00t bIiow and Inrtfo pri.e winner. Ocoi;e S. ICnapp, Moscow, Idaiio, Wiijjenen,; first carload ever ciiterrl I nun I.atnh eoiiuly, Idaiio. Tho Mos cow commercial club is nsMstninj,' the exhibitor. Houston Hrollicrs, jredford, Ore., Yellow Newtown. The Kojjuo river volley won championship prire at the HUH show. Aledforil commercial club and llomiu Hiver Omwers' asso ciation are nssiHtiii).' the exhibitor. Spokane Valley Irripited it'iiiimii.v ,iiii.cii carioau euiered lor exhibition puiMses; this company won the first prize on Winners n't the 11110 show. (leorpt M. Slow, Coour d'Aleue. Idaho, Wunonor. Firs't carload ex liiliit ever entered by ICootenai coun ty. Tint exhibitor is assisted by the Kootenai Fruit Ornwors' Association. Ko-enlinupt & Sons, Spokane, mi-;-ed carload; first exhibit entered !iv tliisfirin. ' Keystone Fruit company, Ciiela-i. Wash., three ears of Oano, Spitxen liejx' and Wiucsnp; first year that this company Iiuh exliibited. If EDDIE" KING Kdwnrd King, nn omployo at tho Hotel Nash, died at tho Sacred Heart hospital this morning nt 7 o'clock of heart trouble, after an Ill ness of only a fow days. Deceased was n nntlvo of Lisbon, Michigan, and had lived In Medford several yours. Ho was n momhor of tho Hodmon, Eagles nnd Maccauoos. llo loavoti four sisters nnd four brothers to mourn his early domlso. Tho Hlstora nro Miss Dollu King, of Medford; Kdlth King, of Portland; Mrs. 10. 11. Thurston, of Lisbon, Mich, and Mrs. F. M. Farrier, of Ontario, Oro. Tito brothorH ifro Geo. King, of Grand Hnplds, Mich.; Chan. O. King, of Portland; Ilermun G. nnd It, J. King or Medford. Funora! sorvlcoa will bo hold from tho Perl undertaking parlors Sun day aftornoou. Intormout In Odd Follows' comotory, Miss Hamilton Weds. Mr. and Mrs. I. h. Hamilton of Sail Franoisco nnnoiiuco the niar-riago-of their daughter, Knid KHkii heth, to Klwiii JmuoH Creoly, on No vember 11. AT SPOKANE HOW DIES SUDDENLY 3 LEAVES 11 -BAY BRIBE WIDOW Oregon City Girl Married In Los An geles Accidentally Kills Husband Shotgun Discharged Owing to Be lief It Was Not Loaded. YOUNG WOMAN IS PROSTRATED WITH GRIEF Police Hold Her Pending Further In vestigation Into tho Manner in Which Husband Met Death. LOS ANOICLIiH, fill., Nov. 17. I'nablo lo Klvit an nccurato account of tho IraKudy becuuso of hor emo tion, Mm. JcmrIo Saracono, n hrldo of but 1 1 days, Ih held by tho police hero, pondliiK n full investlKntlon Into tho death of her htiHUurid, Nlch- olan Sarncono. a former grocer of Hpokane, Wanh., who was Bhot and killed In their homo at 10:4C o'clock this .mornlni,', Sarncono and bin wife, who for merly was MIhb JciibIo UuckleHS of OreKon City, Oro., were married In Lou AiiKoles N'ovemher C. Thoy rented a home In tho fuHhlonnblo Weutlako district and wcro moving their furniture there today. A double burreled shotgun was the weapon with which Snraceno was killed. Mrs. Karurciio's Statement. In dlHConnected sentences Mrs. Knraccno told tho police tho follow ing stery: "Nick and I wcro so happy and were running around tho houso like children when this horrible thing occurred. My husband was untuck ing a trunk that ho had brought down with him from Spokane and took out an old shotgun and tossed It behind tho trunk. I picked It up and asked If It was loaded and ho answered no. My fingers touched the trigger nnd It was discharged. Oh! It was awful. My husband dropped In his tracks nnd died with out a word. At this stngo of her rocltal Mrs. Saracono became .hysterical nnd was placed In charge of tho inntron. HERD IS HELD AS SUSPECT San Francisco Police Probe Career of Wearer of Victoria Cross Think Ho Is Wanted for Murder In South Africa. SAN FHANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. 17. John It. Swann, decoratod with a Victoria cross for bravory in tho lloor war, suspected fobolng n mur derer for whom tho Scotland Yard has prosecuted n ten year search, son of a Presbyterian minister, former lieutenant In tho British army nnd holdor of horo watch from Seattle cltlzons, is undergoing tho "third degreo". In pollco hoadqunrtora horo Detectives booked him for oxtrn dltlon to Dloomfontoln, Ornngo Itlvor Colony, South Africa, as n murdoror on whoso bond Is placed ft roward of S5000. Dut Swnun, whoso aliases In cludo tho namea of Skanson nnd Jnck Itaymond, Is sllout and dotlnnt. Tho design of n full rigged ship tattooed on Swumi's nrm Is doclnrod by tho police to ho tho ninrk that positively Idontlflos him nB tho Trans. vanl murdoror, Swanu wiib arrested upon tho In stigation of Mrs. Viola Page, wlfo of nn Onklnnd plasterer, who told tho pollco that sho suspoctod Swnun of being responsible for robberies nt Lono Mountain nnd Prnyo,r Uook Cross, Tho offlcora woro Investigat ing Swann on n charge of cruolty to his threo mothorlcss chlldivn. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 17. "United wo crow, divided we're crow less," This p;ot-togotlior spirit tnuHt ho tho BloRan of all Los Anglos roosters ns tho result of nn ordinance which makes it unlawful for tho (looks, to erow earlier than 7 n. , J I'ueifio const time, UNLOADED 1 f GOVERNMENT TO f -f APPEAL TO HIGHER COURT IN RATE CASE 4 f -f WASHINGTON, I). ( .. Nov. 17. It wiik announced at (ho department of justice today that tlio government -w. ill next week iippeul to the Mipreme court from tlio Th-eMon of the commerce court in tho .Spo kane rate cases. An immedi ate review of the decision will he asked. f 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 44-4-4 44 4 4444 4 4 T OF RECISTU on larjEsitr Three Men to Be Named by City Council to Care for City Registra tion Will Sit for Ten Days Bc tjlnninfl December II. In necordnnco with a new pra vision, the city council on next Tues day evening will nnpqitit n reistra tion board consisting of three mem ners, iH'torc winch nil of the voters Hi the city must appear and reirister in iirocr in ensi iueir4unno!8 at tiie eouiini; city election. This hoard will sit for 10 Onys, commencing' December 11, from i o'clock until 7 ouch dny. They will he in session again on election day hut at thnt tinfo it will require the siKuatures of three freeholders to register. Tlio city reoordqr is at present on gaped in preparing the necessary registration hooks for the city. WAR TO BFHVA6ED ON LIGHT PDIES Citizens to Petition City Council for Removal of Poles as Soon as the Cluster Lights Are Completed May Attack, Signs Also. War Is to bo waged by citizens of tho city on tho electric light poles on Mnln street nnd petitions will bo cir culated asking the city council to cause them to bo removed ns soon ns tho cluster lights aro Instnlled nna lighted. In all probability tho coun cil will bo nsked to tnko nctlon also regarding nil overhanging signs on Main street, causing tholr removal or replacement. The electric light polos nlono re main on Mnln street. In tho past thoy woro necessary owing to tho suspension of nrc lights but with tho completion of tho cluster light sys tem they will bo dispensed with. RATE HEARING TO END TONIGHT SALEM, Oro., Nov. 17. Tho rail road rate heating before tho Orogou railroad commlwlou probnbly will ond toulght. With tho closo of tho presont hear ings data will bo coverli tho entire state. Tho ruling to bo anado lator will bo one of tho most comprohou slvo In tho stnto's railroad history, according to officials. Testimony nt tho foronoon session wns from charts niul statistics com pllod by experts, covering cost of maintenance, etc. It was shown today that tho ma jority of tho stock of tho Corvallls & Kastorn rallrond la cnrrlod ou tho books of tho Southern Pacific. Murderer Escapes. COLFAX, Wash., Nov. 17. Tho police admitted today that they had no oluo us to tho identity of tlio mur derer of James Campbell, a well known and wealthy shoopmnn whoso body wns found in tho river horo. No motive for the orimo has boon found. Look nt the mla tlmt offor em ploymont and you'll find tho right ono APPOIN BOARD MISSIONARIES HI SZE CH Imperial Commander Declares That Nankinrj Will Only Be Taken When the Last Manchu Trooper Is Dead Prepares for Great Battle. SECRET ENVOY IS SENT BY CHINA TO WASHINGTON Secrecy Surrounds His Movements Manchus Are Incensed at Be ing Left Out of Cabinet. SHANGHAI, Nov. 17. Two for elgn missionaries arc reported mur dered at Sze Chuan. One was killed at tho American Methodist mission, the other at tho Canadian mission. It Is feared that other foreigners may hnve met death there. Foreign at taches are Investigating. Itoports from Nanking say that General Chang, commanding the Im perial troops, Ih preparing for the advance of tho rebels. He has ad vanced his troops about the city and declare-y -that Nanking will only bo taken when the last Manchu trooper is dead. Among tho rebol officers who will conduct the advance for tho rebels aro two graduates of tho United States military academy at West Point. Ting Chla and Yen Tslng, class '09. Secret Envoy Arrives. SAN FKANC1SCO, Cal., Nov. 17. Believed To bo a secret envoy to Washington from tho court of tho Chinese emperor, Chan Kny Yua, Im perial magistrate of Nam Hung, China, arrived horo on tho Pacific Mall steamer Persia today under pro tection of a heavy rettnuo. Ho left China during tho height of tho tur bulent situation there. His assassi nation here at tho hands of revolu--tlonary agents Is feared nnd ho will bo closely guarded until ho loaves tho city for Washington. Nobles Incensed. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Nov. 17. Shanghai cables to tho Chinese Free Press hero today say that, Incensed at tho exclusion of Manchu nobles from tho cabinet formed by Yuan Shi Kal, many members of tho Man chu nobility nro trying to foinont nc tlvo opposition to nil efforts toward conciliating tho revolutionaries. Prlnco Chlng Is reported to bo cn- doavoring to pacify tho nobles. MRS MOORE Her Illness Brings to a Close Morn ing Session of Divorco Case Hubby Shoved Her Head Tlirugr Glass Door. REDWOOD CITY, Cnl., Nov. 17. Comploto breakdown of Mrs. Lil lian Moore, who Is suing boro for divorco from hor husband, Million aire J. J. Morso of San Francisco, brought to n closo yestorday's session of a caso which Is Ukoly to dovolop as startling fenturos ns any caso ovor hoard In California courts. Mrs. Mooro was describing an en counter with her husband when sho suld ho shovod hor head through n china closet whon sho suddenly cov lapsed and Judge Buck ordored tho sosslon of tho court adjourned, Kmotionnl Naturo Shown, During his wlfo's cross examina tion Mr, Mooro dlsplnyod tho first Indications of tho "emotional na ture" his wlfo credited him with Thon Mooro becamo visibly ngl- tatod. Tears rushod to his oyos and his wholo framo tromblod. Ho drow n hnudkorchlof from his pocket nnd dnbbod It savagely to his eyes. Whon BREAK WN rolatlng hor story Mrs. Mooro was td this point composod, As sho saw hor husband's emotion sho also broko down and becamo ngttatod, t CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY "IH BAD" FOR DEMONSTRATION JIKKMN, Nov. 17. Kaiser Wilhutm today ordered the frown Prince Krodrieh Wil-lu-lm into HO claya detention in military quarter 'at 'Dan zig ns m puiiilimcut frir hi recent jingo demonstration in the Reichstag durring (Jhsjpvv ceiior on Iictlimnnn-Ilnll-wegV speech on the Moroc can agreement. During the' fpeoch the prince sat 'in a corifcpiriioim poition, violently goticulntitig his ditmppr.yval of the linucciior. ! STEAMER LINES,1 IF I. I President Investigates Charges That Conspiracy Exists to Prevent Steamer Lines From Being Organ ized to Compete With Railroads. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 17. Chnres thnt a consiracy of trans continental railroads exists to pre vent the establishment of independent steamer lines to ply vin the Pnnnmu cnnnl nro hein considered todaj by PreMdent Tnft nnd Secretary of Wnr Stimhon. The president lias delayed the completion of his message to con gress to investignte to nffair, and, in cape tiie allegations seem true, he probably will incorporate a denuueh tion of the railroads into the expected nttnek on the trusts, which is, it in snid, to be the main fcatnro of his address to congress. The charges of conspiracy by the railroads nre brouirht bv Bernard Ilndley of Baltimore, who declares that pressure is being brought to bear upon ship builders and capitalists who assisted in tho organization of the Atlantic and Pacific Transporta tion compnny. As a result, Baker clams the ship builders hnvo devlined to construct vessels for the company nnd a number of other persons hnve withdraws their subscriptions for the company's stock. SENDS CALL FOR HELP Rosencrans Arrives at Saan Francis do With Derilect Tail Shaft Breaks Shortly After Leaving Cape Mendocino. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 17. Tho dorollct stoamor M. F. Plant wns tnkon In tow off Point Arena by tho steamor Rosecraus at 7 o'clock yesterday and it Is ex pected to nrrlvo In port bore at mid night tonight. AH on board aro well. "S. O. S." signal from tho ves sel's wlreloss notified tho city of tlio plight of tho Plant. Tho message stated that tho steamer was bound from Scnttlo and Tncoma to San Francisco with 49 passengers nbonrd. Tho operator sending tho message was clinging desporatoly to his berth with ono hand, sending tho messngo with tho other. Ho said that tho sea was unusually rough and whllo not fearing any sorlous dangor, tho Plant was absolutely poworless In tho grip of tho waves. Tho tall shaft had broken shortly after leaving Capo Mondoclno. Car Hits Auto. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. 17. Hurled 100 feet in an uutomobUo which knocked down a lamp post nnd crashed through tho sido of a build ing, four men aro today in u sorious condition nt tho Central Kmergenoy hospital horo. They nro Clmuffous George W. Wood, Charles Lobrmit, Henry Helms and W. K. Bnttorfiold Tho maeliino was crossing McAllister streot when a streetcar, speeding down grade so fast thnt, it did not stop for linlf a block after the crash, struck 'tlio automobile. IHPEMEN AHEWAR UPON STEAMER E CHALLENGES EMPTIES BOX With Five Permanent Sworn Jurors In jhc Box Who Have Survived Peremptory Challenges, McNamara Case I Halted for New Vcnlro. BITTER DISAPPOINTMENT IS EXPERIENCED TODAY Little Progress Has Been Made Dur ing the Past Two Weeks. t HALL O FRKCORDS. LOS AN OELKS, Cnl., Nov. 17. With five permnnent sworn jurors in tho box who have survived tho peremptory challenges on both sides nnd ono ten tative juror accepted for cnitso by both defense nnd prosecution, tho McNnmnrn murder case enmo to n sudden halt today while tho sheriff and his deputies scoured tho city nnd county for 40 veniremen drawn today as the eighth panel in tho enso. The exeroising of peremptorios at the opening of court today proved a bitter disappointment to many who lmd been coufldent rcnl progress had been made in the case during' the last two weeks. Both sides eliminated men who had "stood up" wonder fully well under tho searching exam ination of both sides and who wero apparently brond minded, intelligent jurors, nbsointcly without opinion of tiie innm facta of tho case. However, both ides ncted on tho reports-ftf , nnmaanl I.--. ..,.1 t Y .f. their secret investigators nnd Mother PR M deigned to. explain tlio whysVrQid wherefores of 'Jhcir nations. Tho T statcis Removal of CInrk McLnln, Pasadefta banter, and tIIodef cnWs ch'minatioh off3rnjor Brewster C." Kcnyon, Long Bench oil mngnnte, wns the cbiof cnuso of finfavorablo comment beennso both seemed to bo of tho unusually highly intelligent T typo of Americans that would natur ally be selected to pass upon tho complex problems suro to nriso in tho prosent case. After the poremptories were util ized both sides quickly passed for cause William Nicholson, a local grocer, who snid lie had no opinion in the case and lmd rend only a littlo about it. COOPER WANTS GIRL TO VOTE Proud in tho possession of a bnby whji which ins wite prosontod him recently, Colouol H. W. Cooper of Sam's Valley today went beforo n notary public and affixed his seal to nn instrument in which ho and Ufa wife ngreo to lenve Oregon unless tiio state has granted woman suffrage by tho tiuio their bnby daughter haa renched her majority. Tho document further declares Cooper is a socialist nnd his wife nn enthusiastic suffrngetto and that thoy will seok their homo in a state in which equnl suffrngo obtnius. REVOLUTIONISTS OF BAD CHARACTER SEIZE T0RRE0H KL PASO, Texas, Nov, .-Revolutionists of tho most desporato typo, lucludlng n number of tho bandits who participated In tho Chlneso mas sacro In Torreon, In tho stnto of Coa nulla, near tho border of Durango, on May 2G Inst, nro In possession ot Torroon today according to codo mes sages sent to baukors horo by tho American resldonts of Torroon. Tho messages state that tho gnor rlla rovolutlouUts drovo tho Movlcan federalists out of tho city last night and nro now throatenlug all foreign ers within Its limits. Thoro nro 300 Americana In Tor roon, nnd tho situation thoro Is con sidered critical, Judging from the tonor of tho mossages recolvod, Tho nrmy offlcora along tho Rio Orando hnvo been notified nnd dispatches havo also boon sont to Washington tolling of tho situation. i ""tMie-r vxSF j3?.I A I v v ..,!