Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1911, Image 1

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    -. --i vTm m& jv. u v- v---,
rMllnw to (ft jAiir will liy
(in (Wllvoroil by pliotilng1 of.
flo tijr 0 v, m.
Dully- Mlxtli Vrnr.
rortl'lriil Ymir.
Cr.r of Apples Will Leave Tonifjtit for
Spokane- Whcro Tlioy Will Qc
Plncnl on Exhibition al National
Apple Show.
Packed nml Prepared (or Shipment
hy Roiio River Fruit & Produce
Tho carload of exhibition apples
from thu Itnguo ilver vnlloy whlrh Ih
In Im pliiimil In tmupntltliiii with tin
itntlm United MIiiIcm ut tint Nittliiniir
Ailn iihow at HmiI(iiiii, In loaded nml
ready for Hhlpiiioul anil will gq out
IIiIh iifturiitxiii.
Tint cur oniitiiliiH J::0 lioxni of
Nuwtuwii 'liilu apple mill nil of
llio fruit In from tho Iluckoyo or
chard, owned by lloiiNtoii llroM,, nonr
'J'nliuit, It Iiiih been parked nml
loaded liy thu Hoguo Ulvor Fruit uml
I'roilmtii niMHM'liitlon. uml under tlio
permiaul tmpcrvlHlou of Fred lltilcli,
Hit employe of tlio tnwoelntloti. Mr.
Ilululi will arwiinpnny tlio car nml
will Hut It up for exhibit nl Hpnkuiic
1(1 tlio Hmro allotted for thin llt
ttlot, which will luivo mi oxlillilt en
iwielty of fiOl Iioxiih.
AmIiIu from tlio carload oxlillilt
thoro will ho u Hupnmto oxlillilt of
ton lioxu, ono of five linxi'H, nml ono
of oiiii liox. All I huso nro in tint
mrlimil nml will ho plticoil on uxhllil
Hun hy Mr. lialrli.
Aftor tlio mIiow nt Hpnknuo tlio
npplo wilt bo reloaded nml Hhlppod
omit nml will undoubtedly flml n for
olgn inurliot liuforn thoy nro sold.
Tlio apples comprising tho rnrloml
nro very fluo jipurlmoiin nml local
fruit uxportH Htnto Hint thoy nro In
deed win thy of representing tlio val
ley nl tlio Hpoknno show, wlioro two
yearn ago n rnr of local npploa enr
i IihI nvvny tlio uvvocp8take prlxo.
Men Who Tarred anil Feathered Kan
sas Girl Plead Guilty to Charuc of
AssaultWill Do Sentenced Later
hy Court.
K1.--K. (I. Clark, .Iuiiicm Filxvwuilur
uml .lolui Scriiulou, three proitiinont
young mull of. tlilrt place, pleaded
Utility io iiiihiiult hero today when
nriiigncil on tho charge of having
liirnil uml feathered Mihrt Mary
Chiiiilborhiiii, it Hi'liool teacher.
Thu iitlornnyH lr tint defense
puiiiliul out tin) fnot Hint in Kiuiiik.ih
I hurt) Iri no law covering tuning ami
feathering mid limy considered tl
nii for to plead guilty to assault than
to hIiiiiiI trial.
Sentence wiih withhold until Hid
nml of tliu prosunt term of court.
Ah hooii iih tlio cuho "f tliu three
nlogcd ring It'adorri wcro disponed of
tint court, proocded with tlio trial of
Khorill Clark, A. N. Khun, John
Stiluniilt ami othoru of tlio fifteen
young iiu'ii charged with npplyin tho
tar and font hum to tho kcIi"oI tench
r. A jury wiih quickly Hclceed and
thruo womon wltni'SHim toHtifitnl an
to MiHH Chauiliorlalu'ri t'oiulitlun mi
tho iiioruiiiK i'ollowiiiK tho opiKoilc
Following tho Klatcmuiit Hindu hy
Clark yimlorday that ho would Hpcud
Ida iiutlro i'orluno rathor than plmtd
Kuilty, IiIh nduiiHHin of Ktiilt today
oniuo iih n Kroat mirpriHo.
Just Vlsltlnii.
TACOMA, ' Nov. lfl. MlHS
Hannah JoIiiihou and her uouiiln O.
If." Johiiuon, who myHtorlntiBly dln
aiipimrod Hnturdny mid woro tho
thomo (if an hoi'Ih of nuloltlo and
olopoinout btorloH, r.n mo liaelc lant
ulKlit aftor n iiloiiHutit llttlo vlult
wltlirloiuiH In Souttlo.
Thoy Jimt wont vjultliiit nml iiok
luutod to Inform anybody.
By Wlnnlnu Out on Lctjal Point Now
Belnn Arfiurit Government Hopes
to Forestall an Appeal to the Su
premo Court.
Rules That lie Can Review the De
cision r a Circuit Judy is in
His Own District.
rillCAdO, III., Nov. HI. In llm
liDiiriui; of .1. Ojjdrii Armour uml uliii'
"thi'r "lii'i'f Iuiiiiiim" Inior today liofon'
.linlun KnliNant in tho t'niti'il StntiM
I'iri'uil t'liiiil will Ihi thuwliiril out tho
Iiim li'idiuioiility niiniMl hy tint paok-cr-i
to Kiiin tiino in order to tuoro of
fiii(uiilh' HkIiI impi'iidiiiK joil hiiii
(iiiion for iulntioii of tho Shuriiian
Antit rttHt law.
JihIko KohlHiiat him tilroady ruled
that In1 ma review tho ilcciniim of u'
HUH lie mil review urn ihtikhiii hi
diNlriel JiiiIko in hirt "wn eireuit wliieh
(.HliihlWitw a new preoideiit. ' '"' 1V
Im will rule on the ooiiHlitiitiouality
of tho penal proiitui of the SIot-'
nian law. I
The paekcru, in their jietition, nl
lejfo that tlio penal Mention or the at
iri ilefeetive nud niieoiiHtitiitionul. in-1
nimieh iih it iIovm n"t net u htnndanl '
hy whieh n violation of the law ennui
Im inenMiircd-thnt it in too iudefi-
.ill.. lit. .. ...nt.... juil ItdTikf.. .Tll.lir.t '
lll.. I . lining .- in'ii'iv ..i.x
KohlMiint, the (overmueiit Iiom to
fori'Mtnll nu nppenl ly tho piu'kers
t" the United Stntoa supreme court.
I'nited Slnlort Huuntor William S.
Keiiyon of lown, tlio form or "trust
luiHtwr," today nnHUtod Speeinl At
torney (lonoral .Inmo If. Wilkenmn
in prexcntini: the iveriiiiient's i'umi.
When the court opeuud Special
Pronoeluor Shecan moved thnt Judge
K"hlHiiat ipiiiMli tho writ of lialieaK
corptiN ohtuiiiod hy the pnokort on
the Krotiml that the defoudmitH had
not Mirnuidcrod in open oourt li'it
had Hiirremlered to the United States
iunrhal in the latter' k office.
In mldumKiiit; the court Attorney
WillcrMn Kiiid: "Thin writ wiih Is
mil iiuprovideiitly mid in h;iiorniico
"f the ohxontinl fnctx hearing on tlif
propriety of unlortnininf, the said io
titiou." Ho alloKi'd that tho packers hand
dt'iuaudcil tho writ merely in order
to delay thoir trials, and concluded
hv declaring that the coiiHtitutioual
ily of the penal oIiihko of the Sher
man law had already boon twice
passed upon in the prennt case.
Tho dufciiHo thou sought more time
mid demanded a continuance in "rdcr
to prepare affidavits. .Indue. Kohl
Hint refused and ordered that arii
meutH bou'ni imiuodiately.
Attornev Sheean )ruiij a sensa
tion hy contending Unit the defend
nuts hud never heeii nrrniKueiL
Congressman Hcncry Completes His
Bill for tho Elimination of Clause
Which Gavo Trouble In Antl-Slicr-inan
Trust Law.
WASHINGTON, 1). 0., Nov. 1(1. -C'onreHsniau
Henry of Texas com
pleted today IiIh hill for tho elimina
tion of tho "rule of rennon," inter
pretation of tho Sherman no1', trust
laaw. It outline definitely what lrf
and what is not a trust. It will he
Introduced early in tho comiutf ho.s
Hiou of coiireHH.
lViHOiiHuiii,' IiIh hill Henry snid to te
day: "It iu nppanrent that Kpiuetliing
ntuH he done to tutrh tho wido disoro
tiuii of tho United States Ktipreino
oourt, I am certain my hill will pass
tho house without trouble."
Ono of tho principal features of
tho Henry hill Is n provision for pris
on sentences of trust officials. It
mahos ho formation or uiaintaiiiiuieo
of u trust u felony jmnisluililo hy im
prisonment for from two to tun years.
: . " " , " ' ' '
All; '-TT'-r" " ' : T ' 7"" '- .-?$?'&?
catun uppera locks,
nnfflll OUT Pfl II
U U V A HI II L 1 1 U
Q ll I Hll UUI lUII
Commoner Declares That Underwood
Is Sapplnu Strcnoth From Harmon
but That Former's Denomination
Would Be a Grave Mistake.
LINCOLN, Noli., Nov. 1C- Com
liiK out for Governor Kiikoiio N. Kohs
of MnMHacliiiBOtts na a presidential
poBBlblllty nml declnriiiK that tlio
political liiicKliiK of Oovornor JikIhoii
lllnrmon of Ohio In shifting to Con-
KroDfltunn Oscar Umlorwooil of Aln
Immn, whoso nomination na demo
cratic candidate would lio unfortu
nate for tlio south, William J. ftrynti
iirKUH- today In tlio Commoner tho
endorsement o Fobs hy tlio demo
cratic imrty a its standard bonror.
"Tlio reelection of Kohb ns rov
crnor of MnKHiicluitioltB on n radical
platform ailvnncos Ills Htock In tlio
proHldontlal markot," doclaroa Hryan
In hi editorial. "If you nro n pro
Kieaslvo democrat, road tlio Massa
eltUHettB platform ami tho election ro
tuniH ami then nk younielf: 'What's
tho matter with Foss?'v
"Tho Conuuonor tnkos plonsuro In
cnllliiK attention to tho fnct Hint Foss
Ih no only ono of tho mon to bo con
sidered but tlio furtlior fact that IiIh
clalniH upon tlio' party liavo boon
HtroiiKtlienod by tho omloraomont
Klvou him by tho voters of Mussa
ehuHotta." After BtatltiB that Harmon's
HtroiiKtli Ih ilrlflliiK to Underwood,
tho Commoiior adds:
"I'mlerwood'H noniluntlon would
ho unfortuiiato for tho south, for IiIh
defeat would bo wrongfully churned
to bin locution, Instead of IioIiib at
tributed, as It should bo, to tho fact
that ho Ih not In hnrmony with tho
prom'UBDlvo spirit of tho day."
Mnry Ross, a widow, 8 1, is tho olilout
woman on tho register of San Fran
cisco. Sho dochired her intention to
vote, a ropulilicnu president.
Knox's Denial Contradicted.
KOMK. Nov. 10. Despite tho de
nial of Secretary Knox in Washing
ton that there nro any negotiations
ending for tho intercession of tho
United States ns mediator in tho
Tripolitan situation, tho Seoulo, n
newspaper of Milan, declares today
that tho United States, through
President Tuaft, is favorably con
sidering Italy's intimation that pnoi
J'io mediation will bo nocuptablo to
tho Quiriiial.
According to tho Sooulo tho Amor
lean government bus officially noti
fied Ambassador Thomas J. O'Hrieu
that it is considering the mutter mid
might not dofinitely soon,
lookinq noctii, shctino progress of construction op
Plan Adopted Whereby Teachers Will
Be Brought More Closely in Touch
With Parents 't$ the Children
Placed In Their Charsc.
The parent who have children in
tho HooHovolt K'hool nml tlio tonoli
or who touch In that school mot nt
the school building a fow days ngo
nml offveted nu organization to bo
known ms tho 'Tiiront-Twiclior Clr-
cle." Tho offtcoi-8 olocted wore:
I'reldMt, Mm. 0. F. Klug; vice
president, 1Im Julia Klolder; secre
tary, Mrs. K. J. lCRttman; tronsuror,
Mrs. M. I. Kershaw; librarian, Miss
Moyors; proKram committee, Mrs.
Ixjounrd; memhorshlp' commlttoo,
Mrs. ISlMonlinrt; reception commlttoo,
Mrs. Chas. Strung; music commlttoc,
Mrs. Ceo. Ulrlch.
A similar organisation was of
foctcftl .In the WHHSilngton school last
wuok and the following officers woro
elected: President. Mrs. F. W.
Mears; vice president, Mrs. Anil rows;
secretary, Mrs. Fusselmnn; treasur
er, Mrs. Usher.
On Friday afternoon of this wook
at 2; 30 o'clock, tlicro will bo a moot
ing of both tho Washington nno
lloosevolt circles. This gathering Is
to ho iibocIh! event and for tho ox-j
ehnngo of Idons homing upon school
Tho objoct of theso organizations
Is to bring the home nud school Into
closer relations nud sympathy.
Serious Trouble Breaks Out in Dif
ferent Sections of Mexico Troops
Aro Dispatched to Quell Rioting
Throughout the Country.
Ml'XICO CITY. Nov.(lfl. General
strikes throughout all Mexico are
threatened today as thu result of
nlrooitius of the euemios of tho Mn
doro govornuient, and surintts troublo
bus already begun at Puublo, Tor
reou nml San LuU l'otosi.
Troops have boon ordered to Tor
reon, report tiduittlng that tho con
ditions there aro iU)orato. Tho em
ployes of Krnohto Mttadoro's light,
riihhur and smelting plants tburo have
struck, deuuinding higher wages and
shorter hours. Their walkout gavo
rise to reports that bnnutlitH nt Tor
reon has re-eaptiuvd Iho oity from
thu Mudcristus,
Chamberlain Calls on Forestry Serv
ice for Data Regarding Crater Lake
In Accordance With Recent Reso
lution of Medford Commercial Club
The forost servlco, at Sonator Cham
berlain's roquost, has asked the dis
trict forester at Portland for Infor
mation In connection with the reso
lution of tho Medford Comniorciul
club nml other bodlos roquostlng a
congressional appropriation for tho
construction of roads In and adjoin
ing the Crater National park.
The launching of tho movement to
secure an appropriation of $500,000
for roads nml trails within the
Crater National park has been suc
cessfully accomplished, according to
tho foregoing dispatch from Wash
ington. The Oregon delegation was
asked to "get busy" nml evldontly
Senator Chamberlain lius lost no tinio
In regard to the matter.
Will G. Stool Is now on his way
to Washington to spend several
months working for tho appropria
Two Fatally Injured When Business
Disrlct of City Is Threatened
Commercial Club Has Narrow Es
cape. OGDKN, Utah, Nov. 10. Two per
sons were fatally injurod, tho ontlro
buBluoea district of tho city was
threatened nml damago aggregating
$1100,000 was incurred In a firq that
gutted tho Kcolo building hero to
day. Ono hundred inombors of tho Wob
or Commercial club, in session In
their offices at tho Unto tho nfhrm
spread, narrowly oscnpod death. They
woro takon from tho building
through windows.
Noted Author Shot
WARSAW, Nov. 10.-Henry Sien
kiowiez, nuhor of "Quo Vadis" mid
other novels, is in a, hospital hero to
day a suffering from a shot wound
inflicted by tho neoideutnl dishurge
of a shotgun in tho hands of a fel
low huntor, whilo sRootiiu, pbnus
nnla. Some o tho shot lodged in
Ida forehead near tho left eye,
upper guard
mm TIE
Night Sessions All a Possibility If
Both Sides Do Not Show a Desire
to Aid the Court in Expediting
Thore Is to be no further procrasti
nation permitted In tho McNahiarn
murder trjal. Lengthy argument be
tveen couuscl or on points of law is
to be eliminated and only tho latitude
permitted by tho code will bo grant
Ad tho attorneys In their examina
tion of veniremen, in addition, night
sessions are a possibility if both
sides do not show a desire to aid
Judgo Bordwoll in expediting mat
ters. .
This was the Interpretation placed
on tho attitude assumed by tho court
today. Tho severo criticism of per
sons who have absolutely no knowl
edge of what is going on insldo tho
comtroom or I tho prbloms which
have constantly arisen to interfero
v'th the selection of tho jury may or
may not have liad au effect on tho
urcsiiling judge, but it is certain that
ho drew the lines closer today than
ever before sluco tho trial opened.
"Whon court opened today there
was still ono tontativo juror to st
euro beforo tho exercising of per
emptory challenges could begin.
There was also the ovor present dan
ger that Juror Sexton would doruand
his right to bo excused. His halt
brother, Charles Soxton, for many
jenrs a court roporter, hero, Is ut
the point of death and that fact has
Clstrnctod tho Juror. His request to
he excused, however, has so far bcou
Rebating Is Charged by Federal
Graantl Jury In New York Balti
more & Ohio, and Lehigh Valley
Roads Figure in Suit.
NEW YOItK, Nov. 1C Indlct
mouts woro roturned this afternoon
ngnlust offlolals of tho Unltlmoro &
Ohio and tho Lohlgh Vnlloy railroads
by tho federal grand jury horo on
charges of robatlng,
Among thoso indicted aro It. II.
Ways, freight ngont of tho Baltimore
& Ohio, T. N. Jnrvls, vice president
of tho Lohigh Valley; August Box
bon, proildent of tho International
Forwarding company, and tho heads
of tho shipping firm of Qnllnghan,
Aschor und Boruard Koscho.
Historical Uooisflt
Hall 1
Hliowerrf. Mn. .TJ MIh, l,T
ltd. Hum. 8(1 lVr CVnr.
JSTo, 205.
Now Marching on Nanking Swcarlnrj
to Massacre Every Mancliti Tliero
in Revenge for Recent Butcheries
of Helpless Women and Children.
Murdered Their Officers ant! Took
the. Field as Soonas'Ncws of
Butcheries Reached Them.
PEKIN, Nov. 30. Moro than 3P,-
000 troops nt Hung Chow have ie
voltod and dofoated tliofjinperialists
in n pitched battle. They nro now
marching on Nnnking swonring to
mnsnero every Mnncliu here in ro
vongo for tho recent Manohu bnlclt
ories. Koports f tho revolt reaching hero
from Hung Chow any that the .slaugh
ter of the Mnnohu soldiers foiowing
the rcbolion or tho 30,000 wns ter
rific. Aro Well Armed.
Tho new naccesion to the ranks
of tho rebels nro well armed nml
well drilled and' their descent upon
tho already hnrassed imjHjrialiots at
Nanking is expected t result in one
o fthe most bloody encounters in the
history of Chinna.
No details nnrc given hero ns to
the proeiso cause of tho revolt, but
it is believed that tho trop. most
of whom nro of the Chinese or Han
race, murdered their officers and
took the field aa soon a3 the ngvvs of
Hw massacres at Nanking- reached,
their cantonment at Hung Chow.
May Jlo President.
PEKrX, Nov. 10. Yuan Shi Kai's
acceptance f the premiership ivill
not prevent a mooting of representa
tive men of tho government called to
aarrango ponco terms. The new
premier expects the gathering to sup
port reforms that bo will innaugur
ate and in tho event tba ho decides
to brenk with tho emperor '
clare himself president of the pro
claimed ropublic, tho meeting will
probably back him.
Wants Itepublio Noticed.
SHANGHAI. Nov. 10. The reb
els nro delighted with Wu Tin, Fajnji
plea t the powers that tho proclaim
ed republic bo recognized, nud it'is
bolieved that the international repu
tation of tho former minister to iho
United States will influence the na
tions in their unswer. Ho has prom
ised that no monnroby shnull follow
the fall of the Manohu dynasty, ad
ding: "We nk recognitin for tho repub
lic because the republic is u fact."
Testimony Is Still Being Taken in
Contest Instituted to Withhold Ti
tlo of Homestead From Being
Granted to William Lindsay.
When tho noon toccbs wn.s taken
tduy testimony was still being taken
in Commissioner Cnnon'n court in
tho homestenl cotnest enso of Win.
Lindsay. This caso was beforo tho
court all day yesterday and tho tes
timony of a great ntimbor of wit
nesses was taken.
Among tho witnesses here from tho
vicinity f tho land in question mid
in Ashland aro A. C. Spencer, Q. W.
Owen, 0. H. lllnke; C. W, Khun, h,
A. Neil, Charles Lindsnay and It. t
Tho next case to bo tnkeon up will
bo that of Ira G. Johnson, who inado
homosload proof about four years
ago on tho southwest quarter of fico-
tin 10 in township 38, south, of
rnngo ,i onst. Tho charge Ih non
compliunco with thu hoincHtead laws,