r fr MEDFORD MAITJ TRTBTJNJ3, MEDFQRTJ, ftRKCON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER '13, 19tf. apxaiB'inRTSH rt ,v ' 0 is I PLEASING PLAY llnuso Nut Up to Stamfords Demand imI by tlio Show Which Was Really Clovrr Bclnsno Has Several Pleaslnn Situations. II In to In1 n-Kft'lli'il Hint oim of tlio Ki'i'iilitxt triMlii(tintin of Hid huh flnnxlioiild Imvti playitil lo umply hohIh lint MiKili wiih tint fiito of "Tlio (Hrl of lllll (llllllt'll W'ltflt" 111 till) OpUIII Iiimiro Inwl iiIkIiI. iMi'iIfonl proptit inn Htippimi'il to In up to (Into ami well cincd in ilrniimlio iihwh unit JiimI why limy nllow mm of HiiIiikW Ki't'iiliwt plnyH lo piiMH llii'in unno ticed !h HoiiMliiii of ii inyi-lfiy It in Hid piny t hut IIihtImI, Hi" iimltl living wiilcr of opiiniM, Iiiim Iioiii iin u lypiuul Auii'ilt'iiii plot for hi Inli'at woil;. Ah tlio niiiiiK would MUMP! tlii piny iIimiIm with wcntirn II IV, llu' Hi'i'iut in lniil in 4'ulil'oiiiiu in III" t'lirlv fitticK mid Hi" t'liiiini'li'iH mo luld'ti fl'OIII tllllt l'Oll0lll0l'llt' llUlltllll IIIIIHM lliul ciilhi'ti'd lvK"tliir from tint four co 1 1 in in of Hie cinlli. It in rim Hint Hi"k wcxlcrii pluyM ill nnwt enm-x luiV" lictm lurid iiii'lo-ilruiiiun, tlio cliiiniclccn liciiiK tulti'ii from Hi" ''! Imv-liiicl.cil novel i-titlicr llinii fill life In fne llu riml liternliire of Hie vet hio .set o In) written, Hret lllirte lieiliK I'iniclictill.V Hie oillv IIIUII of ueuiiiM wIiomii pen wiih iunpirud ny Hie nnnrpiei) of llie "I'm ty-nlin'i." 'I'lni lrl wlnme oliurunter I'ortiiM Hie (eueriil limine in Hie pluy im "up 1'imcil n Iiiivk lieen lioin mill linmulil up in n dunce hull mid xuuililiiij; IniiiHe of Hi" mining I'ltmp, her fntlier heiiiK it Kiiiiihlcr mitl her mother ,i I'm n deuler. Her piireuU however were lioiniil together hy n true mid devoted love. Thin truth mid hii ceiily the dmiKhter inherit). The minim: men were her friundM mid felt iHlhcr llicii uudeixtooii the pur ity or lhi Kill. t)ne diiy, however, xhe meelH "llur icint," a young mini who hud Iummi highly ndiicHtcil Imi HinU out ut liin fiither'x deiith Hint lii iiiherilmiee win a niueli and it liniid of nil -HiroulK, hit father 'haviut; been a highwayman. The mm, (Vi'liiiK Hint (he iiauiii lie horn wiih hlai'keued hy rimi, ho taken lo Iii.H father'M pro fnwtiou. Hi" pulUh and refinement nppealK to "Tim dirl," and a love h horn tlutl ilominntt Hie lives and denliuv of thee two. He in hi'iiig liuuled hy m Hiito who truck him lo Hie holme of "The dirl" where hn In wouiidtul in an tttlempt to enciipc. He inula hi way hack into Hie limine, liin Mweellieart hiili' him in a lot'l of Hi" enhin. He in eloinily fol lowed hy Hid hheril'f who lintc "Heriniutz," liiiowint; him (o ho it ri val in Hie affection of "Tim Dirl." At thin point IIcIuhco producon a hit of Mlupi realihin Hint in truly woudorful, Tim km I having eon. vinccd Hie Hhcriff Hint the road uncut did not enter Hie house the officer !h on Hie Hiiut of leaving, npologir. iiiK for liin uuNtake, when blood drop from Iho loft on Mm liniid. He looks al it for mi mutant tliinkiiiK it Hie reMiill of a scratch. II lake out his hmidkerehief lo wipe bin hand when drop, drop, coiiicm (he red blood iihiii IiIm while handkerchief. He then comprehend the wittiutiou mid lirinnn Hid rohhor down at the point of bin Kim. Tim roud agent, weak from liirt liltioiling wound drop into it chair. At thin point wn tire hliovvu llui intcmdly of a woman' love, in it Hinge picture, Hint leave mi im preMHiou upon one' mind, TIiIh wom an' love i of a kind Hint lleruard Shaw eall Hie force of the universe. Shu plead for the life of her lover, hut lining iinnbbi to appeal lo Hie Hbciil'l' Hyiupntliy, him proposuH (o deal Iliren IiuiuIh of poker and on the ri'ult the iet two in three in lo de cide whether nln iteeeplH the Hheriff for her hiiHhaud or he Hid Hheriff to leave Hm handil In "-The (Hrl." Of enurnc hIiu w'uih and we draw u loiitf hrealh lo ease our HiispeiiHO. So niueli for the play iih for the iintorH (hoy were all spU'ndiil in Hieir rimpeelivo purtn, each one deorviiiK Hiceiul muutioii. Tlio chief rcHpniiKihilily of Hm uet iui rohlH upon 'three oliuraeter. MiH YiiiikIiiiii, "Tho dirl," Iturlnuii hylell, who played Ihu part of tlio road iiKcut, and Will H. Wallini,', who wiih Urn Hheriff. Minn ViiiikIihu in an mitroHH of uuiiKiinl ability, lieiiiK cup able of nhowiiitf a HiirireHHed emotion Hint divert her work a finish that i iiiohI HaliKfyiii. to npilo of her rounh Hpeeelt you could always de left the trim ami noble ipialitioH wliicb formed the foundation of her (ilmriuiter. Herlriiiu Lynlell wiK it woHlorn hero who did not hwukkci' or overdo hi part. lie hIiowciI iih a now typo of Hm had man who iiIho poH hchhoiI latent vlrlim that wiih brought out in hold reliuf by tho purity of love. Will Walling tnado a Hploudid Hheriff. llo h an artist, Wo liopo Mr. Ituhuuu) will not hu entirely din- 01 REVENUES I ARE 9 0 Not Oporatlnn Receipts Arc Given as $2,035,290 on 1913 Miles Track Total Cost of Construction Is Said to Be $111,797,707. ' KAI.KM, Ore., Nov. in. The Ore. Koii-WiiNhinnlon Railway & Xi'ivIku Hon eompmiy'H delayed lent I rencli cil Hm i ail way oommiwHinu toduy. OneratiiiK Tevenue for 7,!oH,(i;i:i ope ruling expciiNC of .fri,:i','J,7(KI and net operalfiiK reveiiiii) of .iJ,li;i.VJ'HI !h hIiowii. The company V income from fieik'ht uumuiited to :!,fl,';i,7'i!i mid ft "in piiKHciiK'cr MciNice $l,l).'7. ITi I, Tim runded debt of iucurpoiu Hon !h .ili:i.lll:..lll)ll. on Hmk uc.ticmI Inlerent uiuouiilcl to . 1,1 1(1,11111. To lal mileiiKo of ItlKI i icimiiIciI. Tin- total cont of noiiHlruclinu of nil loudM built wiih $11 1,71)7,71)7. KUH',ed ut bin IiihI night' rreeptiou but will hciiiI iih hi excellent Muck company anin. ' HI) AKIUtKWH. IlnflkliiR for llnnlth. ' QUALITY OR QUANTITY Which Do Von Vntt'v'.' Newliro' llerplclile ICcircciilt luallly DPI you over liavo a tlonler offer you a liiii;n lioitlo of nemntlilm: ami tell you II wan a holler roiimily for llio linlr t Ii it it NVwliro'u llerplclilo mnl cheaper lieeauxo In a lurKr hot tie? What? (,'ertalnly wo knew you hail. Many other people have, too. What would you nay to that Hniuo iloaler woru ho lo tell you a silver ilollar wiih worth moro than a five ilollur koIiI (ileeo Iiuchiiho It Ik lar ger. Hucli an atleuipt heliif; a reflection iiioii your i;ooil kciiho you would liroluihly nay muao rather pointed tliliiK to til in. You would ho JiihII fled. Your tmlf-rimpoot would de mand It. Well, there are Jnnt nn many cood reiiNomt for the difference In hIzu he- tween tlioMu botllo iih there are for tho difference la hIzo between the qllver dollar and the five dollar gold piece. The truth Ib Hint tho Inrgu hottlo Imii'I half largo enoush. Thoro Ih moro virtue In a hnlf pint of Nowhro'H llerplclilo than In a gal Inn of lioiuo of the Ho-called lialr lireparattoiiH. There Ih ft dullnr'H worth of roHtiltH In tho bottle of llorplrldo, hut do )ou know what Ik In tho other? No? Thou why liny It? Your Judgment, Intelllgonco and tho expe rience of your friends, If not your own, cry out agalntit It. You know when you go Into that Htoro that Herplcldo Ib what you need and want. You KNOW Hint Ilorplnldo In the original ncalp prophylactic, You KNOW that llurplcldu IiIIIh tho dandruff germ. You KNOW that llerplclilo ntopn falling hair. ' You KNOW that Ilerpleldo mnkoH tho hulr light, fluffy, and beautiful. You know them) thltigH In tho Kiimo way you know that tho five dollar gidd piece, notwlthutaudlag IIh hUc, Ih moro valuahlo than tho nllvcr dollar. Thou IiihIhI on having genulno Her pteldo, Ouo dollar bIzo bottles aro mild mid guaranteed hy nil druggist. Applications obtained at tho bosv burlier hhopa mid hulr drutudng par- lorn. Hond lOo In poHtago or tillvor for Kiimplo and hnoklot to Tho Ilerpleldo Co., Dept. It., Detroit, Mich. Medford I'harinaey, , All latest Fiction an d at Publishers1 Prices Come in and look them over Medford Book Store Iimiiranco promliinm may bcoiii wiiHtnd, hut tlrny mean freedom from pniBHiit nnxlnty and futnro worry. C. B. WALKER & CO. IiiMininco of All KIiiiIh JOiJ W. .MAIN 8T. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM RHEUMATISM CURED NATURE'S WAY LIQUOR & DRUG HABIT CURED The treatment though tiffed I ro Ih not handi. Why ho a xlavc lo the hahlt when you can he cured? Wrlli today for booklet. You may have a loved om which could ho rcHtorcd. Wo will ho planned to Kcnd you Hpcrlal literature, The treatment Ih not oxpoiiHlvo. nor ikk, oin:. w.in:it si. imkiick, i-kiw. and siavaokk OUR WOOD AND DRAY Offhe Ih now located al Vo. '.M Koolli Kir In WIImui i Co.'m hccoud IiiioiI sloie. SN'clal attention given lo llir uioviiig of hoiiMdndd giMMN and llio delltery of fivlght. H. S. BRIMBLE & SONS Home, l!(ir.-Ii iteii, tutu Oyster Shell Ground Bone Meat Scraps All kinds of Chicken Feed RUSS MILL PT1 my i-eara? uncpionM tnrnM tii" fir . .l.,Zintl.rnW .l G U HAPPY is the woman who is never unprupnrud who onu always lay a nicu appotis- Ing meal or light luncheon before nny guest tmoxpoctcd or not. Her friends prnlso hor for hor housewifely qunl Itloa and sho feola that dellKlitful Batlsfactloa which' can only conio from hospltnllty perfectly done. Jhe secret lies in having a well chosen selection of .canned goods and table dainties always at hand. Look ovor our stock tho. best of tho kind in tho town and make a selection today. Then put your fear in tho cupboard for you will be prepared for any company conio when it may. . ' Draperies Wo curry very complto line of drnpnrl. Inc curtain, fixture, lc and Co all clanHi of unholnlnrlnif A upcclnl rnnn to look aftnr tnl work exr.Uinvrty tn1 wilt gtvn an xood R'irvlcn nil In pofffllbln lo set In ovnn thn loritMt cltlne. Weeks & McGowan Co We Have Moved Tho J. T. Uroadloy flower Btoro Is now la tho SI. F. & II. ntore, acronfl tho Btrcot from fortnor location. Cholco lotH of cut flower, bulbs, forim, palms, etc, al way on hand. J. T. BR0ADLEY rwwfwwKwwf- We have a full line Of PEERLESS LAMPS on hand 4, 8, 1C, 32 0. P. carjion lamps; 25", 40, CO, 100, 150, 2R0 wntt Tungnteu lamps. Tho bent lamps and tho beat prlccfl. All lamps guaranteed. Southern Oregon Electric Co. Phenes: Pacific 4G01; Home 124. Medford Parcel Deliveryi KitiI Crochrr, I'rop. ParculB, 10c, 5c, 2Kc. TriinkB 25c nnywhoro In tho city. Office: Valloy Second Ilarul Storo, 15 N. Tlr St. PhericH: Mnln 3072; Home 3fil. Ileslilimco Phene: Home 11C X. I'rnmpt Service SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES JUST ARRIVED A New Line of Men's High Cut Shoes l'Mnc and Heavy Work Shoes SPECIAL Children's School Shoes Below Cost M. S. BIDEN South Central Look for the Red Boot ALLEN GROCERY CO. 8 (1 - 4 0 S . OKNTltAIi A V 10 . & 90 00 - 218 EAST MAIN ST. IRRIGATION HmA IRRIG-ATION is the science of giving a plant just as much moisture as it needs, and just exactly when it needs it. IRRIGATION has added more wealth to the country in the last ten years than any three of the largest resources combined. Thousands of acres of worthless land have been reclaimed and some of this land has sold for the highest prices ever paid for horticultural or agricultural land. IRRIGATION will reclaim "the desert," G500 acres will be developed into a vast orchard district. "The desert" when irrigated will prove to be tho best orchard land in the Rogue River Valley. IRRIGATION will make the Roguo River Valley famous for its berries. The largest yields in the next few veal's will come from "the desert." IRRIGATION will add thousands of acres to the producing area of the Roguo River Valley, and in these new districts there will be no crop failure, for irriga tion is a guarantee of bountiful yields, and is real crop insurance for the grower. IRRIGATION in tho "Willamette Valley has increased production from sixty to three hundred per cent. It will do the same in the Rogue River Valley. IRRIGATION will double the population of Medford and the Rogue River Vallev in the next few years. Now homes will bo established. Orchards will be planted on lands that have never been productive. "The desert" will be redeemed and a thousand families will be added through this development. Rogue River Valley Canal Company FRED N". CUMMINGS, Manager Medford National Bank Bldg., Medford. Ore. . We carry a very complete stock of ELECTRIC IRONS We have the American in two styles, the Beauty at $5.oo and the Superior at $4 .00 Step in and let us show them to you. Medford Hardware Comp'ny FLOUR Just to keep ihe ball rolling, we are offering for cash a car of Tdiilip'ITnrd ,;, Wheat Patent Flour at $1.30 per sack Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. . Wo are still selling Olympic Flour at $1.50 ,,4.r Wo are still soiling Miller's Bluo Stem Flour at $1.50. , , ' . Wo havo made no advances in Coffee. Hills Bros.' Staple Roast is still sell ing at 25 cents per pound. . . Goods delivered to any part of tho city. Davidson & Butterf ield At Tho WEST 11th Street Grocery Phone Pacific 21G1; Home 180 J Z :: '. ii :: 'i u i: i: 'p I.4- C3