Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 14, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Mrcnroup matij rrm minis, isnoDKortn, ommoN, tuiosimv, no view mm m, inn.
Roiiowny's Dcnth May Never Uc
Avniicil Jury Finds Ho Came to
His Death at Hands of Unknown
"Tin) i'iiiiiiii'i'm Jury, itl'lei' due m
itiHllioii, HikIh IIih ho. ly lo lie llnil
ol' tViilliiui iiiiwiiy, ii unlive ul'
KlIMiu, ncil iilmiit '2)1 yenr, ami
(lllll III) IJIIIIII1 III IliM lllllllll till III'
iilioiil tint 'Jlllli day of Mny, lllll,
110)11 It CIIIIhIiuI WIMIIIll illllll'll'll l
a pnily ur purlieu unknown In llii
jury." Sueli wiih ilio verdiel ii'IiiiihmI l
Hid noioiuir'H jury widen for u eouple
uf wi'dIjm Iiiim ln'i'ii ntteiuptiiiK In
11 iiiim In lite iiiiiiiut'i- in wliieli Null), in
Knguwiiy, Ik Allmny hide linycr, ui"l
hip deutli. It In pruetienlly ecrluin
(lllll till' llllll.V WIIM (llliOII III KlllUH-
liury in mi iiiiliiniiiliilit from Medford,
Iml liiiyiiml Unit iidtliiiiK ilt'l'inilr
t'Olllll lll IIMI'lU'lllilll'll.
Tim iinpieM wiirt i-iiiiiiid Friday
ufleriinon. Aiihiiik tlin wilnewmM
wiih I.oimh I. Wlii'i'lt'i-, AmIiIiiimI
eliniil'feur, wlin, it IiiiiI lici'ii hu'k'OmI-
I'll, Iilioiil KlKMV XtlllM'lllillK III' (ltd llllto
wliieli Iimi); tlic IkhIv limn .Mt'ilforil
Wheeler, lioweser, nueeei'ded in elenr
UK liiiiihulr fimn nil fiiiiiiui'linii will
tlin mutter.
Wlii't'tur wan ipienteiiued ul Icutli
ii In liirt wliereiilinulH nt llu linn' 1 1
ItopiwuyV ilihiiipimniiit'ii on M.i
'Jll. Tin only reason why hi te:i
inony wiim ilwircii wiih l'nr Hid lea-
mui iiiiii lit earned many piiani'iiKer"
lietwetMi AmIiIiiiiiI unit Medfmd nut)
hold liirt ear mill left (ho eilv noon
uflur llin lime of Uojcowny' myter
ioun ilirtiiiieiininee.
Hi leftifietl llnil hiH car wiih nut
of I'liiiiniiwNitMi on May iill, Iihihk Iniil
up in one of the local repair diop
where noiiiu work wiim huitiK done tin
tln iiiHKiielii. li iiImi kiivu a pi id
iteenuiit uf Ii!m wherenhoutH anil ite
med positively liaviui; lino" anytliinx
to tin with tiringing Kogowny h bodv
from Mi'dford.
Two other nli(ht elura have linen
olilaineil. TIii'mo tend lo erify the
theory that the htiily wiim eurrii'd mil
(o the hpriiiK in an auto ami tlirnee
draped into tint lininli. It in xiijd
llial 0. V, .lone, Ilio roiul Niipcrvii
or, Npmit (lie siilit of .Mny J( in tl
linrii ul tho forku of (lie mini jnt h
other fitln of Kiupd'iir.v Spring. He
ami hix orew wen working on (hut
heetinn of Ihe riiail. About 11 o'clock
ueordiiii; lo (lie nreoutit uiven, done.
neurit an uulouiolijlo piimm tlin fnrkh.
liiruiiiK to (he left up Ilio WiiKiier
Sjiriupt roiul. Thih roiul panne
within aliiiiil a ipinrter of a mile l
the po( where the Imtly wiim foiinil
.lone' nurionily wiih iiroimcil hecime
of tho iiiiiiHiial circiiuiNlniicc. Ih
heard tlm muehiue .return at 1 o'clock
in tlin uioruiiip I tin curioMily win
ki ill iiiriuer urouxrd and (lie nevl
ilay he in Maid to have followed tin
auto IraekH. Thoy led ahntit three
(iiarleiM of a mile past the forks ami
then turned nut of the road ilircells
toward tho HHit where KopiwnyV
hmly wiim Inter found. There i paM
Hajjiiway for a iiiaehiiio hero to no
neveral hiimlreil yardM toward the
hnibh. It !h Haiti Ihut .louori veril'ietl
Ilio dato an May 10 from tho fact
Ihat ho kept a record of the work
donn on (hat hccliou of tho mail.
Another tdiuht cliui wiim offerod in
u rumor which pi i nod clroulaliiui to
tho effect that on tho nielli of the
IniHody a telephone call was received
at tho local hospital miyin Hint a
man had heen mIio! am unking if he
wouiti no received ami cared for at
tho lioHpilal. Thai was the Inst hoard
of the. patient at tho hospital. A lit
tle (oMliinony was taken on Huh miiIi
jco IiihI Kalurday, hut nolhlne; Uoii
clusivo wiih ohlaiiicd coiinocliu it
willi tho Itnmiwav murder.
n ii TifinimniMH mil iiiibim in
Our Correspondents
WAHIIINUTON, I). (, Nov. 11.
Unltod HtatcH Somitor Hiuoot of
Utah, who Ih Kmionilly roKiinloil iu
voIoIiik tho attitude or tho "roKtihuH"
In tho Homito, In a Htatomoiit iloclaiim
that no aatl-tniHl, AIiihIoiii or cur
rency IokIhIiiIIoii may lai expected at
tho coiiiIiik Hf'HHlon of commorco,
Aftor a conforoiico with I'loalilont
Taft yoHtorilny Senator Smool do
(tlurod that any triiHt loKlHlatloa
acted miou by tho Humito niuut ho
almoliitoly comploto uolutlou uf tho
truut irnl)oui,
"Tho (llHpoHltlon of tho tariff lew
iHlatlon will occupy noarly all of tlio
tlmo ilurliiK tho coiiiIiik homhIoii," ho
Willi, "If any tlmo Ih loft froo aftor
tho routlno, tho niiproprhitloii moim
hi'ob miiHt ho put out of tho way, wo
wall hardly ho aldo to roiioh curronoy
loKlHliitkm, That, and tho AlnHknn
lOKlHllltloil, Will KO IlltO tllO HONt ROH-
.Mitt. Win. ('Hlilpliell or AmIiIiiiiiI
visited Iter aunt ami nude, Mr. Mint
.Iim. .Ihiiiom Allen, ol North 'I'wleat,
.Mr. ami V.m. C. Caroy or North
I'wleat wiih In Modforil Katunlny on
IiiikIihumi'. .Mm. Caroy litut taken
Milto a numliur o HitlHiorltitlomi ror
Tin .Mall Trlbiiuo tho punt weok.
Mr. ami Mrn. I.ouln Colvor if
I'lioonlx wore trmlliiK In Mudiord on
'at unlay.
Mm. Arthur llono and lier Mlntor,
MIm Alice HocliorHiitlt'i, were In
Mcdfnrd from I'lioonlx Kitturdny.
Mm. S. 8. Htophoiui ir Nortli Tnl
put wiih a IniilueitH vlnltor In Mud
onl Hat ti id ay.
Mih. I.. A. ItoaniCH wiih trailing In
i'lioonlx I'rldny.
MIm ('lira Allot) of North Tnlont
vbs la Med 'onl Saturday.
.1. IC. Maul or I'linuulx wan la
Meiirord Siitiirduy.
A. S. Furry ami Mm. J. Mom wore
n Jackfioulllo Krlday. Mrs. Ihwo re
unluliiK with Jim. W. It. Coloiimn.
JauicH llmwn ami William IiiiiIi
r Tfltoiit wore In Meilford Saturday.
W. K. Audei.ioa and wKo ami
olin (Jrnffo or Norlh I'lioonlx woro
ratllni; with Meilford lncirliHiit Sot-
h. K. Iliir.lioti or Kom vnlloy took
i load or corn to AMhlauil Saturday.
Mm. K. O. Itoimoor Aahlaml vlnltod
'rr parontM. Mr. tuul Mm. C. Croy.
r North Tnlont. Thurrdiiy.
Mr. au I Mm. .lanui.n Morton or
I'lioonlx woro trndltiu In Mvdfvnl
Tho many frlontla of Mr. anil Mm.
MiikIi Calhoun will ho glnil to know
Iwtt their llttlo hoy Ik netting woll
'ml that without an operation, an
vim thoiiKht would ho uocewwry,
(icoiko UohortM returned Saturday
from Myrtlo Crwlc, whoro ho has
litnm vIkIIIiik hie son, Dr. Kraal;
ItohorlH, rormorly or Meilfonl.
Mr. ami Mm. French vlultod old-
Imo rrlendH In W.iKiior crook, Mr.
mid Mm. I). K. Saumlom and family.
.1. 10. UoliertH and Hoy Cofnian
if North Tnlont vIhIIoiI nt tho homo
r Mr. and Mm. lmiuo Wolr of Motl-
ord Huiiilay.
Shorlfr .Icmi'H nnd wlfo cauio up
'rum "tho county mint Thurmlay, Mr.
Ioiick miliu; to Auhhind while Mm.
oiioh iipont tlii day with hnr ulster,
Mm. .loo lltidor.
Mm. M. V. Wheeler of AhIiIiiiuI
ivun miliums IIIIIIIIU Willi OIU-llUH
'rlondn la MoiUord Saturday. Mr,
ml Mm, Wheeler woro linco ronl
lentil or North I'lioonlx.
Mr. and Mm. K. O. Coloinnn of
I'lioonlx woro callod to .lackHonvlllo
Krlilny hy tolophono on .account of tho
Horloiiii IUiiobh of W. It. Coloman and
wlfo'n llttlo son, lOlhort. Foam nro
outortaluoil ror tho llfo of tlin llttlo
man, Strangulation of tho IiowoIh,
for which ho was oporutod upon, Ik
lila allmont,
Tho moiuhora or tho CIuiHtlan
church at Tnlont kiivo a luiHkot dln
woro biiiniuottod. Two koi1 Hor
inoiiH woro Ihitouod to with lntoroHt.
A kooiI tlmo vlcltlux ami KottliiK ao
iiiiilutod wiih Imliilcod In until Into
In tho afternoon.
Mr. rad .V.. A. K. I.a I'onlo and
rtaujr'iitr nt Monday .u Ornnta
Mr. Wolvcr loft Monday mr.ruluK
fur s tour or otithorn Ocllfornla.
()K'r DmHoii, who lino been iiIkIh
e'ork nt I'll- llotul Dtintnp ulnco las'.
At.irch, left .Monday inoruliu; for
ArkRiiNiH to riieiiil tho winter.
Attorney T. J. Nowmnu mdo a
hiiMluoai trip 1 pre Monday inornlac,
Mr. Ushor of the Home Tolophono
coiu:ny or Mod ford jont Monday
Thu city coiiui'll will muot tonight
(TucMn!a.) r.l 7:S0 o'oloak.
C. C. 1'erkluH boiiKht tho root
lonco projMirty or M. M. Clark at the
'ornor or Soventh and Maplo Btroots,
Monday; conaldarntlou not clvoti out,
Coiiiici:i:ian II. W. I.lmlwiy loft
Uouday ovoiiIiik on u thrcn wcckn
valt with rolMtivoH In Kauuns City,
Mo., sml other omttoru jiolntH.
Goods Shipped to Slsson From This
Stale Arc Found Infected liy Offi
cer Comes to This City to Con
sult Professor O'Gcra.
Jom-ph Wolzoll, ntnln horticultural
touiinlsHloiiur and fjuirnntliij officer,
of Vnkn, wuh In Medford Htiturday
to commit IrorHnor O'Oara about
200 youriK fruit troon which ho Imx
JiiHt ronflacntod at Slnuti. Thoy hnd
been received at tho pontoffko there,
cqiihIkiiciI to W. II. Hunt. nt;oiit for
the Capital City nurwry, or Balom,
Ore. Tho troeH woro uold to peojdo
In that vicinity. The cniniiilHNlonor
had dlncovored that tho trow were
Infected with dbtonHCH known iik root
knot and crown gall, hence, tho raid
and conflHcntlon of the comdKnmcnt,
which In to bo destroyed at once.
Quito a number of xlilpuicuu were
made to different part of SlHklyou
county by the Saloni firm, all cotn
ItiK within tho pant few iJnyu. IJe-
hIiIch tho Hhlpmeut that Iiuh been
taken, tho rommlHRloiier linn confis
cated .'100 trees Hhlppod to Montague.
.'100 at Yrokn, 75 at HilKewood and
100 at aazelle, all Infected with the
muuo dlKonHcs.
A peculiar foaturo or the shipment
or troeH from tho Salem numory Ih
tho tact that thoy v.oro all labeled
art having piiHBod tho Inspection or
It. Schneider, u doputy horticultural
cnmmlRfllouor In tho first district or
O recon.
Wb crrr a vnrr complnts lln of
rirnnnrlnii. fnen nurtnlnn, rlztorta, nto..
nail '( nil cImub'ik nt iitiholnlorlnr A
lclnl mnn to look nflrr thin work
cxclunlvrijy nral will kIvo an koo1
"Tvlcr nn Ih pnniilbla to cat In evoii
Ilio InrK'Kt clile.
Weeks & McGowan Co
re-rr rtf rr re e re ee re t- rrr r rrrr 1 1 frvrrffpffrrf f rff if retrtttttta tjj
Mcdford Parcel Delivery
I-'reil Crocker, I'rop.
Parcels, 10c, 15c, 2r,c.
Trunkfl 2Tic nnywhoro In tho city.
Office: Valley .Second Hand Htoro,
15 N. Fir St.
I'hone: Main 3072; Home 354.
Residence Phone: Home 115 X.
Prompt Service
Rock Spring
ex xaitd axx. raui rnra.
(irrirt ami Con I Vnrtl, Twelfth mt6
Front Hlreui.
I'hono 71 Ul.
ran coax. kla
"Girl of the Golden West" Tonight at
Opera House Is Not the Pirate
Production Which Showed a Few
Weeks Aflo.
Thcatro patrons bhould not allow
tho Miiiilnrity of names between the
iittraetiou at the oiwra house tonight
jind the nirnte prnduetiou which
showed a few weeks hro, confuse
hem. "The Oirl of the Golden West"
which appears tonight is the Helaseo
iitoduetiou played hy the Alcazar
htoek voiiipiiny of .San r'rancico,
nnd i spoken of niol highly hy critics.
Clark & Wright
WARKiaOTOir, . o.
Public l.nrid Mnttrrn: Kliml Proof.
Desert Lands. Contrtn ami Mlnlns
Cases. Hcrlp.
Associate Work for Attorneya.
HiisKln for llnalth
Mm. Swlm'cu mid Km, IIIkIii
.othuiii Mpeul Siituiday In Medford,
roluriiltiK homo Sunday morning.
Hoy (Inle. of Wildervlllo, Ih spend
'n a Tew days with mother, Mm.
J. Ithotoii, and other rolntlvcM.
MfciM. llyrley and lllslnliothani
Ucndetl tho Odd Fellows- lodgo In
Hold lllll Snturdsy night.
Lawrence lllKlubotham of Kucenw
h at pnwenl tho KUOHt of rolallvos
mil friends hero.
Wlllltim Uussoll roturuud home
'nun Ashland Saturday at which
daco ho spent tovoml days with his
ion anil fa in II;.
Mr. I.owls H oiiKiiKo'd iIIkkIhk ft
well on his rancli ror Irrigation pur-IOS4-S,
which will ho a great bonotlt
to his placo.
.Mary HokIs of tho llradou spout
Sunday on Kiinos crook with' rrlouds.
Illloy llaiiiomloy, muuo wardon,
passed throiiKh horo ono day recent
ly on cfflelal huslnoss,
Krotl Straubo mado a bustiioss trip
o Cold IIIH Saturday.
NIOW 11AVKN', Conn. Captain
Hrltt and throo inombora of tho mow
or tho Htoainor Wltoh Hazol woro
drowned lust iilnht uoar horo.
Iluuklna for Ilonltli.
Tripoli dispatches recolvod at tho
Italian embassy horo state Hint a
Turkish army Is massed before that
city and that u decisive battlo Is im
minent. Tho dispatch adds:
"Two platoons of Kronndlom re
pulsed u force of Arabs HiistalnliiK a
loss or only sovon woutulod. A bat
talion or Turkish forces, 700 stroiiR,
has arrived at Azlmnra. Tho birth
day of tio kliiK of Italy was solemnly
celebrated hero yesterday."
Many Failures
hut I 'a lis In 1 1 Sap- Overcame Miss
Krtijers llnlr Trouhh's
PARISIAN SAUK Is not guaran
teed to grow hnlr on bald heads, bin
It Is guaranteed by tho woll known
dniKKlst Clias. Stranc to stop falling
hair, eradlcato diiudruff and stop
itchliiK scalp, or uionoy back. Sold
In ovory town In America by leading
drucKlsts for GO rente a, bottle. Head
Miss Kramer's letter,
"PARISIAN &A0K Is tho best hair
prowor and beautlller nnd dandruff
cure. I lost all my hnlr through ty
phoid fever; 1 was almost baldhead
od and my scalp was iib soro as could
bo. I .tried everything, but In vain.
Finally I trlod PARISIAN SAGK. and
after using ono bottle my hair started
to grow, and has grown thrco or four
Inches Inside of two months. I ad
vise ovory woman who wnntH beauti
ful hair to uso PARISIAN SACK."
Miss Mela M. Kruger, Drowntown,
Unsklns for Health.
We Slave Moved
Tho J, T, Drondloy flowor
store Is now In tho M. F, & II.
aloro, across tho stroot from
formor location.
Cholco lots ot out flowers,
bulbs, forns, palms, etc., al
ways on hand,
"I wnn nHlmniPit of ?yJMt:" writes
MInm l'lokanl of North Carolina. "It
wuh all full of nlmjiloH nnd senrs, but
nftor uslni; t). l. P. Prescription for
Ucxema I can say that now tluro Is
no slim of Hint Ketoain. ami that wns
throo years iiko."
This la but ono of thousands of ensns
In which J. H. J). h simply wushed
away thu skin trouble. D. 1). IX.
cloansos tho skin of tho germs of Eo
(iiinn, I'sorlnsls nml other serious skin
rilsensoHi Htoim tlio itch. ItiNtaiHly, ana
when used with V, I. . Bonn the cures
seom to h otrnuinent. Nothlnff hko
1). P. t). for the complexion.
Trial liottlo ?5 cents, onouch to
provo tho merit of tins wonderful rem
edy, 'o can nlso kIv you full ulro
bottle for $t.00 on our absolute Kar
nntce that If this vers tlrst bottle falls
to kIvo you relief It will cost you noth
InB. .Meilford Phnrnmry, IMertford, Ore.
We have a full line
on hand
4, 8, 10, 32 C. P. carbon lamps; 25, 40, CO, 100, 150, 250
watt Tungsten lamps. Tlio best lamps nnd tho best prices. All
lamps guaranteed.
Southern Oregon Electric Co.
Phenes: Pacific 4001; Home 124.
&$A $ $ $ $ $.$ $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ s $gg
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL STOCK - 9100,000.00
W. H. aORE, Prealdast.
J. A. rxRRT, Tie Prt. JOKS U. ORTH, Cghlr.
T. E. MERRICK, Vtc Pre. W. B. JAOZSOH, list. OilUK,
$ $$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $.$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $jg 1
I No. 1 j No. 2 i j
No. 5 No. 3 Dally STATIONS Dally No. 4 No. 0.
Sun. Only Dally Ex. Sun. " Ex. Sun. Dally Sun. Only '
1:00 p. m. Lv. Butto F'lla Ar. 11:30 a.m.
3:50 p. m. 7:4S o. in. 2:50 p. m. Lv. Eaglo Pt. Ar. 9:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m.
4:35 p. m. 8:30 a. in. 3:35 p. m. At. Medford LvT 9:00 a. m. 4:45 p. m. 9:00 a. m.
Diamonds, Watches
Everything in the Jewelry Line
If .You Want Quality, I have it
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing Diamond Setting and Engraving
Ever Ready Keen Kutter
$1 $1
7ust lo keep (he ball rolling, we are offering for
Wheat Patent Mom-
cash a ear of Idaho JJTartl
at $1.30 per sack
Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction or monoy refunded.
"We nro still soiling Olympic Flour at $1.50 "
Wo arc still selling Miller's Bluo Stom Flour at $1.50.
Wo have mado no advances in Coffee. Hills Bros.' Staple tuasi is still soil
ing at 25 cents per pound.
Goods delivered to any part of tho city. ' ,f
Davidson & Butterf ield
At The WEST 11th Street Grocery Phone Pacific 2161; Home 180