PAGE TWO MISDFOKD MATb TRTRITNR. MRDirORD. OKIWON. TUKSPAY, NOVUM UIOR II, 18)11. LOCAL AND PERSONAL J -A L2 JL-1 2 I iJ; ' ' '. ! - Jncob Kttniml Ih over nt Ms mlno ht Jonephlno county Tor a few duH. Cftll ) Hutto PnlU Lumber com pany for wood. Phono Tnc. 2991. 207 Mru. Walter Frnzcr Hrown enter tained nt luncheon Saturday at hor country homo. Her guests wore the MIbsou Emily Do Voro, Florence! Car penter, Miss Penrce, nnil Miss Lan- bIiir. Try K. & S. Roup Remedy, n cure fn tho worst cases, 3 iloncs Bufticlent CO cts. per dozen cnpsnles. 320 Apple 8t Medford, Oregon. . 221 Merchants' lunch 12 to 2 o'clock. 3B conts, nt Hotel Medford. O. II. Stiof field, of Cleveland, Ohio, who tins been In Medford several days looking tho city over with a vfow to locating horo, la favorably Im pressed with tho city and vnlloy and will return Baths 2Gc at tho Hotel Medford barber shop overy day. Ildrnco Pellon, Of Gold HIU, Is In tho city; Dlno at tho new Josephtno hotel whoa In Grants Paso. Service a la carte. 211 Mac Adams and E. J. Adams left this morning for Klamath Falls, See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, otct Jackson County bank. whero they will hunt geese for a week or ton days. All kinds of hot drinks at McDow ell's. Harry Lindsay, cashier of tho Cen tral Point bank, left this morning for a visit to bis old home in Kansas Clty Mo. Cnrkln & Taylor (John H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), attornoys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank building, Medford. D. W. Hall and family left for San Francisco this morning on No. I 15 for a visit-with relatives. Mr. Hall has been engaged In tho mer cantile business In WoodviJle. bnt I recently Bold out The best baths in the city, 25 cts. nt Hotel Medford barber shop. Mrs. J. K. Darnell and son Chas. Hlglnbotham are at Uhoenlx today on business. All kinds of fruit-Diana, at Mc Dowell's. Mrs. Lannes Kllppel and son, of Summer Lake, Ore., are in Medford and will spend the winter hero with Mrs. Elizabeth Kllppel, at 228 North Holly. Special Sunday dinner each week at tho Tavern hotel, Eagle Point, Ore. COc. 225 H. P. Wilson left this morning for Los Angeles. McDowell's candles are fresh. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson and children left this morning for Sac ramento. Boys may bo bad and sometimes girls. The older ones at ordinary wages and others to be schooled and cared foe in return for slight services rendered. For particulars address Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Ore. 205 Mrs. Mary C. Wilson, who has been in Medford during the past Bummer, left this morning for Cot tage Grove. Miss Jessie W. Black, teacher of piano and organ. Terms reasonable. C07 West Jackson st. SOT Miss Agnes Craft left this morning for a visit with Portland friends. It. Sherwood, who recently sold his residence on Fourteenth Btreet, has commenced the foundation for a seven room bungalow, to bo built on South Newtown street. Mr. and Mrs, II. B. Nye, of Gold Hill, are In tho city today. Fred Pettlgrow and stop-daughter, Miss Ethel Ewen, left this morning for Los Angoles. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Painter left yesterday for Benton county, Kan. Mrs. E. Waltor3 and Mrs. C. Stad man, of Phoenix, wero In Medford yesterday visiting friends. F. D. Sprnguo, of tho Sprague Lumber company. Eagle Point, left this morning for Roselnirg, whero he expects to purchase u lumber yard. His brother will handle the business of the Eaglo Point yard and F. D. will look after the Roseburg yard. Attorney J. H, Cnrkln nnd family hnvo mood to tho rlty Trom their much, north of Medford, nnd nro residing on South Oakdale avenuo. Ladles skate free on Wednesday night, November 15, 205 11. L. Dodge, who has boon In Med ford slnco In September of this year, left n couple or days ago Tor his homo In Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Dodge and daughter, who nlso visited in Medford this rail, loft for Akron n couple of weeks ago. Ladles sknto froo on Wednesday night, November 15, 205 C. L. Denton, .loo Hlbbnrd nnd Code Hall nro nt Gold Uay today duck shooting. Ladles sknto froo on Wednesdny night, Novombor 15. 205 D. It. Slend. of Rock Point, spent Sunday In Medford with his family, . J. F. Mundy returned this morn ing from n business trip to Seattle. F. N. Whitman returned this morning from n few weeks' visit to his old homo In Minneapolis, Minn. Ho was nlso In several clttes of North and South Dakota. His stories of the storms and cold weather ho on countered nro very Interesting to Oregonlnns, whether native or adopt ed, who lime been Just a little dis satisfied with the "unusual" weather which has been experienced In Ore gon for tho past week. Look! Look' Look! The Fish Market has always something new. This week Columbia sansagc made of joiuiK pork, Jones' dairy farm sau sage, little pig pork; fish, shipment of fish overy dny. Everything in our store will bo reduced In prlco to get some money. Orders for Thanks giving turkeys, geeso and ducks should be placed early to get the best selections. J. H. Messier. Mrs. Hugh Elliott returned Sunday from a four months' visit with rela tives In Portland. Sho was accom panied home by her daughter, Mrs. F. L. Buck, who will visit here for several weeks. "GIRL, MAN AND GAME" HERE WEDNESDAY EVE. p I i.mmntmadLeu , a rB wrM mi TALENT ELECTION DECEMBER 4 Town Will Voto on Now Charter nnd Will Also Cliooso Three Council- men Many Improvements Aro to Bo Made. Whistler Bafora Whlttter. Mortimer Menpes told the following story of Whistler, who was to deliver an address one day to the Society of British Artists: "The master at length entered, faultlessly dressed, walking with a swinging. Jaunty step, evident ly quite delighted with himself and the -world la gencraL He passed down tho gallery. Ignoring the assembled members, and -walked up to his own picture. And there ho stayed for quite fifteen minutes, regarding It with a satisfied expression, stepping now backward, now forward, canting bis bend and dusting the surface of the glass with a silk pocket handkerchief. We watched him open mouthed. Sud denly ho turned round, beamed upon us. and uttered bat two words Bravo. Jlmmyf then took my arm and hurried mc out of tho gallery, talking volubly the while." King's Queer Prent For Quean. In all probability the king of Daho mey's present of pipes and loin cloths never reached Buckingham palace. On ono occasion, however. Queen Victoria had publicly to accept a gift of qulto as embarrassing a nature. This was In 1850, when the king of Slam sent a mission to England. On being present ed to the queen, who received them seated on her throno and wearing her crown, the envoys crawled from the doors to her majesty's feet on their hands and knees nnd then each drew a present from tbo folds of his robes. The first object placed In tho queen's hands was a silver spittoon. London Chronicle. Stagecoach of the TwentUt. Brooks Bowman commenced running an hourly stagecoach between Boston and Roxbury on March 1, 1820. He left tho town houso on Roxbury bill every day In tho week except the Sab bath at 8, 10. 12. 2, 4 and 0 o'clock and, returning, started from tho Old South church at 0. 11. 3, 6 and 7 o'clock. Tho faro was 12& cents each way. At tho Medford theatre Novombor 15 French vivacity, sparkling farcical situations, clever songs and tho pres ence of that clover exponent of light comedy, Billy "Slnglo" Clifford, his excellent supporting company and charming glrllo beauty chorus, to say nothing of his famous hat and mono logue, are all combined in making tho unqualified success of the mu sical comedy, "The Girl, tho Man.nnd tho Game?" which will be tho offer ing at tho Medford theatre for one night, November 15. As In "Uaby Mlno" which kept New York nnd Chicago audiences laughing overtime the past season, tho plot of the "Girl, tho Man and the Game?" hinges upon the laugh able situations which Inevitably fol low when n muii borrows" a family. Talent will hold i gonerul election nu Monday, Deoumhur I. At this tlmo tho ehivrtor, whlcih linn been pre pared, will ho Hilbmltted to tho oo. pie. Talent turn renohud tho stage whom It Is nocowtury to olo bonds for tho count motion of u water mh tent nnd to nmko other nncewmry iiiunlulpal luipiovemeiitH, ho Unit u hni tor Is needed In order to give the mayor mid council thin power. Tho torniH of tlueo rouuellmon ex pire nt this time. Thoy mo Dr. 1). A. Forbes, J, II. Iiicoy and T. J. lloll. THANKSGIVING GARDS, INDIAN BASKETS, LEATHER G80DS i , " "Ttr iT --n i i $50,000 PAID FOR 160 ACRE B. F. Graham of Chicago Buys Hold ers' Tract Northeast of This City Sule Is Made by John D. Olweil of This City. Paying 50,000, B. V. Graham of Chicago ltns purchased n HiO-uncre tract of In ml lying 'A 1-2 miles north east of Medford from R. V. Holders. John D. Olwelf made the Hale. The tract is a splendid one ami is prnctioully planted to young trees. W00DR0W WILSON STRONG FAVORITE SAYS GORE APPLES SELL AI $1.15 F.B.B. Producers Fruit Company Advised of Sale of Ncwtowns at New York Apples Are for Export Trade. WASHINGTON. 1). C, Nov. 14.- Although the Houtheiii I'nelflo rail road ban never approached tho bor ders of Kentucky that flute tuny tux tho company's ocean HtoameiH, itc itordlng to a decision of the United States supremo court handed down yesterday. Tho state contended that, nit tho Southern Pacific was orgauUed un der the Keuturky laws nnd tho cor poration's main office Is nominally located In Kentucky It had the right to tax nil .Southern Pacific Hhlptf, no matter whero they ply. Tho United Stntes hiipriMiie court affirmed u decision of tho Kentucky court of appeals. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 14. Gov ernor Woodrow Wilson Is n strong fnvorlto with the domocrats In a large majority of 27 states recently -visit- ed, and tho renomluntlon of President Taft by the republicans Is almost a foregone conclusion In tho opinion of Senator Gore of Oklahoma. "I think Governor Harmon Is prob ably the favorite among tho demo crats of Maryland nnd West Vlrglnln, and Harmon Is strong In Idaho," said tho fccnator, shortly before his departure for Salem, where ho speaks tonight. "Oklahoma may be in clined toward Champ Clark. In nil tho other states I hnvo visited Wilson Is the favorite. I am for Wilson, and believe ho will be tho strongest candidate. "I think the ronomlnatlon of Taft Is almost a cortalnty." The Proriiicuro' Fruit company of tliis city received wire information this morning from New York City .tatimr that carload of choice Ne town applet shipped by them bold by them yesterday for .f 1.75 per box for four tier, anil $1,110 per liox for five; those prieus f. o. b. .shipping oint. appluh nro for export. notici:. Notlco Is hereby given that tho Roguo River Valloy University club will inako application to tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, at Its rogular meeting on Novem ber 21, ID 11, for a llcenso to sell spirituous liquors, and mnlt liquors, In quantities less than a gallon, at Its club room In tho Mnll Trlbtino building on Fir street, for a period of six months. Rogue River Valley University Club. 10 Hy Stanton Qrlffls, Secretary. Soft Molasacs Cookies (Klp by Mtt. Mary J. Llmcoin) The children and the growii-upt, too will enjoy theje cookie). Try some next baking day. Hcnltl ono cup molnnctt, pour It over one-foiirtti cup Cnuoli'iu", mlil ono-tiAtf iup HiiRnr, ont'-lnilf Ifwl tMHuu nail, nml ono rril Ublonpoon Kliuter. or n mixture of otln-r lJ"!i if pirfrnd. Dinmtlto onc-linlf Ictrt traapoon mxln In ono-fourtti cup cold water, mlil to the cooled tuolnnnefl. then Mir In from three to four iuin llntir, making n mrt iloiiRh to drop nnd aprrctd In n pun. or a Miff doiiKli to bn rolled nnd cuL llnke In moderate oven. The use of Ccttolene as a shortening insures cooking that is both palatable and easy to digest All latest Fiction and at Publishers' Prices Come in and look them over Medford Book Store Weeks & McGowan Co. TTNDERTATOSRB y lmoae M71 Night PhoMM V. W. Weefca M71. A. M. Orr, M4ML LADY ASSISTANT. Her Good Advice. They lind been courting for only four years when Silas spoke as follews: "I think: you onghter glvo me Jest ona kiss, Sary, you know; It's far bet ter to glvo tbaa receive." "You don't any?" said Sary coyly. "Then It seems to mo some folk ougbtcr practlco what they preach!" Descriptive. Ono little girl was telling her moth er bow another little girl was dressed at u party. "And would you believe It, mamma," sbo concluded, "her slip pers were so tight I conld eeo all tho knuckles pn her toes." Chicago News. JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Embalmer nw-r m ! ; Successor to the undertaking do- ; prtment of Medford Furniture Co, : ': ;: Office 96 South Dartlett Street ; ; Telephenes: day, Bell 471; night ; residence, Bell 473. Hoiojb 179-L. : Calls . Mwwered night or day He Was Playing. First Actress You sny you nr hard up. Isn't your husband playing this season, then 7 Second Actreesu Yes. ho Is. That's just tho trouble. First A. Why, vrbafa bo playing Ilamlet? Second A. No; cards I The Other Extreme. Parke Poor Pllterl His wife Is a spendthrift. Is tlieie anything woree. I wonder, than n wife that's too ex travagant? Tame Oh. yes; ono that's too economical. Brooklyn Life. AMBULANCE SERVICE Thin hi a Rail. "Is ho us thin ns 1 have benrd?' "Fle's thinner. 8ny. wIumi he. tried nu u double l))euH(t'l coat oin; row ol bmtoiw was up hln hwk "-Kwnaugij HaaklUB for Health. LIVBRMORE, Cal. The authori ties here aro Investigating today the death of Antone Frank, 70, alleged to have been shot by Mrs. May Uan koskl. Sho claims Frank fired her property sevoral times in rovengo for having been discharged from her employ. EVERETT, Wn. Because hor mother learned of hor plight, Lethn Lamara", 1C years old, girl wlfo of Louis La in a rn, leaned forward on ropo in tho county jail 'hero until she was dead. Lamara Is being held on a charge of living off tho earnings of tho girl. L. N. JUDD REAL ESTATE AGENT TALFNT, JACKSON COt'NTV, OKI.'. Midway between Medford nnd Ashland, In tho fruit bolt or Houthern Orogon. Healthy and mild climate. I'uro water. Alfalfa, fruit and timber land, from 15 ucros to X0O acres. Also lots on tho Installment plan In newly incorporated town of Talent, Orogon. Wrlto (oncloslng stnmps) or como to boo mo at Talent, Oregon. WWMfWWWWWfWJWWWWKW Ilaskins for Ilea its -'' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4- 4 t 4.. 4-t - FOR EXCHANGE -lfiO acres finest Willamette valley land, mllo to town and R. It., 2 good houses nnd barn, all bottom soil, 9000. Clark Realty Co., 20C Phlpps bldg. Ph. 2331. 204 FOR SALE Auto, 30 h. p., fully equipped, run 1100 miles; Htand- ard mako. Had best of caro nnd would pass for now. Terms, part cosh, baluneo by March lot. Ad dress box. 088. FURS Wfr wish to announce to the ladies of Medford that we have concluded to continue this sale until the last of our samples are sold at prices never before known in the fur business. WE WILL THROW OUR EN TIRE LINE OF FURS AT THE MERCY OF THE PEOPLE OF MEDFORD. COME AND GET YOUR CHOICE i :: :: 1 1 :: 'i NASH HOTEL BLDG. Adjoining First National Bank Building NEW! NEW! ee ART STORE has a new line of Paints and Wall Paper i Pacific I?hono .1091 J.lomo Photiu ?)D 27 NORTH GRAPE STREET ...First... National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $58,000.00 United Stales and Postal Savings Depository Wcsolitnl your luisinoss, which will musivo on r t-a re fill alttMition. F. K. Deuel, Presidont M. L: Aiford, Cashior Orris Crawford, Assistant Cashier ROYAL WELSH CHOIR NATATORIUM THURSDAY KVEN'G, NOV. 16 Under Auspices of the Greater Medford Chib TICKETS AT HA SKINS', $1.00 MeiJford Theatre, Wed., Nov. 15 Willi Everything New Mxccpt the Title BILLY (single) CLIFFORD in "The Girl, the Man and the Game" Tho Merry "Riot of Mirth and Melody 16 Tuneful, Catchy Song Hits 16 Tt Was Good Last Year- It's l'nr Bettor This 35 CLEVER PEOPLE-80 PER CENT GIRLS Keats at; Tfaskiiis', $1.50, 1.00, f)0e. (let yoiii-s early Medford Theatre, One Night, Nov. 14 liYederic Helaneo Presents EVELEYN VALIGHAN-BERTRAM LYTELL and the Alea'ar Theatre Company rneluding Will It. Walling in "The Girl oi the Golden West" David Belaseo's Masterpiece Depicting actual scenes of California life in the days of M9. riginal scenic producliori. This is the only authorized company presenting this celebrated play in dramatic form. Seat sale now on. riaskins Drug Store. Prices $l.fG, $1.00, 7.00, 50e. JXX J JlK t4 M4